A short history of the poor house Hospicio de San Fernando in Madrid and an account of its present (1747) constitution and administration; copies of documents (1734-1738) relating to the administration of the poor house unders its previous Governor, Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo; a letter of 24 October 1748 to Cardinal Infante, Luis Antonio, asking for financial help to meet increased food prices.
UnknownLibro de acuerdos de los senores. Testamentarios de la Magestad Cesarea la senora Emperatriz dona Maria, tocantes a la fundacion y detacion que mando hazer en el Monasterio Real de las Descalcas de esta villa de Madrid, que fundo la senora Pincesa dona Iuana Ano de 1626.
UnknownThree Archiepiscopal letters making appointments to the Chaplainship of Nuestra Senora de Atocha de Madrid.
UnknownDocuments, including terriers and notarial instruments, relating to the church of Nuestra Senora de Atocha of Madrid.
UnknownLibro de las vissitas desta Iglesia parrochial d' S. Miguel d'los Octoes desde el Ano de 1524 Asta el d'1576. A record of the inspections of the church, its possessions and finances, made every two years by the 'visitator'.
UnknownFindings in a suit brought by the monastry of Santa Catalina de Sena (in Madrid) against the Conde de Camarata.