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Archival description
GB 0096 MS 519 · [1450-1500]

Book of Hours of Roman use, written and illuminated for female use at or near Péronne, France, with calendar, hours of the Cross, of the Holy Ghost, hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven penitential psalms, litany of the saints, litany of St.Peter of Luxemburg (d 1387), memorials of saints, office of the dead, and numerous prayers, some written for use by men and some for use by women. The rubrics throughout are in French, as are some prayers. There are additions in late 15th century and 16th century hands. On the last leaf, folio 227v, there are two notes of ownership: (i) 'Ces heures somt et appartiennent a marie Le long, feme a nicolas Le Machon procureur dem[eurant] a Perone' and (ii) 'Ces heures somt et appartiennent a marie matron feme de nicolas cordier merchier demeurant a Peronne... 1538'. As well as illumination throughout the volume, there are four full-page miniatures depicting the Crucifixion, the Descent of the Holy Ghost, the Annunciation and David praying.

Book of Hours (Use of Rome)
GB 0096 MS 509 · [1450-1500]

Book of Hours of Roman use, written in north-east France or Flanders, with calendar, hours of the Holy Cross, of the Holy Ghost, mass and hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, seven penitential psalms, litany of the saints and the office of the dead. Though the manuscript is illuminated throughout, there are two full-page miniatures: folio 67v shows the crucified Christ in majesty at the last judgment, and folio 80v the performance of the office of the dead by three priests and five black-robed religious around a catafalque. The manuscript can be dated to the second half of the 15th century.

Book of Hours (Use of Paris)
GB 0096 MS 601 · 15th century

Incomplete Book of Hours, of Paris use, written in [north-east] France in the 15th century. The manuscript has had the full-page miniatures removed, and so, apart from a full calendar, contains only imperfectly the sequentiae of the gospels, the Hours of the Cross, the Hours of the Holy Spirit, the Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the seven penitential psalms, the office of the dead, the fifteen joys of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the seven requests.
There are notes at the beginning and end of the volume, in French in a seventeenth-century hand, relating to births, marriages and deaths in the family of Champregnault between 1561 and 1689. The hand is all one until 1617, and probably that of Quentin Champregnault, whose death is recorded at 1626.

Book of Hours (Paris)
GB 0096 MS 906 · Early 15th century

Book of Hours written in the early 15th century in northern France, possibly Paris, and including a Calendar with additions in a late 15th century hand of Saints Nectan, Urith and a translation of Richard of Chichester, as well as 'dedicacio ecclesie de Towstock' (ff.1-6v); fifteen Hours, beginning abruptly 'memoriam harum ante crucem tuam passionem' (ff.7-9v, 15r-v, 10r-v); Commemoracio Georgi martyris (ff.11-11v); Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Use of Sarum), with the beginning of each Hour lost (ff.12-40v); Penitential psalms, beginning abruptly in Psalm 31, v. 5 'meam a domino et tu remisisti impietatem peccati mei' (ff.41-46v); the fifteen Gradual Psalms (ff.46v-48v); Litany, ending abruptly (f.48v); prayers, beginning abruptly 'pretende super famulos tuos et super cunctas congregaciones' (ff.49-49v); the Office of the Dead, beginning abruptly in Vespers, Psalm 137 v. 2 'misericordia tua et ueritate' (ff.51-69v); commendatio animae, beginning abruptly in Psalm 118, v. 20 ' justificaciones tuas in omni tempore' (ff.70-80v); and psalms of the Passion, beginning abruptly in Psalm 21, v. 17 ' et pedes meos' (ff.81-84v). There are also medical recipes (ff.50, 50v, 84) and prayers (ff.37v, 84v) all in English added by several hands of the late 15th and 16th century.

Book of Hours (incomplete)
GB 0096 MS 597 · 15th century

Two consecutive vellum leaves from a Book of Hours of the Blessed Virgin Mary, of Roman use, containing part of the office of Lauds. Perhaps written in France in the 15th century.
