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Bible (Latin, New Testament)
GB 0103 MS LAT 22 · 14th century

Manuscript volume, 14th century: Novum Testamentum Latinum (Latin New Testament).

Confession Book
GB 0103 MS GERM 8 · 15th century

Fifteenth-century Beichtbüch (Liber Confessionis), a manual for the penitent about to attend confession, in the form of a treatise or essay (comprising 313 chapters) rather than a dialogue between master and pupil (the usual form of Beichtbücher).

GB 0103 MS LAT 4 · 14th century-15th century

Manuscript volume with contents dating from the 14th and 15th centuries, comprising a collection of 20 miscellaneous treatises, including 'Dyalethyca', with a commentary and exercise on the Summulae logicorum of Petrus Hispanus and other lectures and exercises in logic of Petrus Zech, alias De Pulka, of the University of Vienna, written by Johannes Sintram at Ulm and dated 1405; other treatises on liturgical and astrological subjects, including works by Johannes De Sacro Bosco; calendars; questions on canon law; verses. The pastedowns are from a 14th-century service book.

GB 0103 MS GERM 9 · Late 15th century

Manuscript volume, late 15th century, containing an exempla: Tales of the Blessed Virgin Mary and of the Saints. Incomplete. Written in Guelderland or Overysel, probably in the neighbourhood of Deventer.

GB 0103 MS GERM 10 · 1456

Manuscript volume, dated 1456, comprising miscellaneous texts:
Von Den Vier Letzen Dingen, or Quatuor Novissima (on the Four Last Things);
poem on death, in Latin and German;
Lehre Aristoteles An Konig Alexander (lesson by Aristotle to King Alexander);
untitled, beginning: Up eynre anderre stat van/ der gewaire oitmodichgeit ... ;
Klage Des Crucifixus (lament of the Crucifix), verse in German and Latin;
Tafel Des Christlichen Glaubens (table of Christian beliefs);
Gedicht Auf Die Ritterschaft Jesu (poem on the knighthood of Jesus);
three short rhymes in German and Latin;
Messiasbuch (Messiah book).

GB 0103 MS GERM 6 · 17th century

Anthology of religious poems, 17th century, including penitential prayers and verse meditations on the joys of the next world. Following an introduction (ff 1r-6v), the text from folio 7r is in verse. With marginal references to passages in the Bible, written in the authoress' own hand, throughout the text. Her identity is not revealed, except that her Christian name was Doroteha, and, given references in the introduction to her grandchildren and other relations, she probably wrote the book in later life. With the name Jacobs Himmelsleiter inside the front cover.

The vellum in which the volume is bound bears on the outside front cover traces of 13th-century text, with the heading ET VIGILIA.

GB 0103 MS LAT 1 · 12th century

Lectionarium Pro Sanctis Diebus Et Festis (lectionary for holy days and feasts). Apparently incomplete. On the modern binding is: Sermones de sanctis. saec. XII (12th century sermons on saints).

Malogranatum Manuscript
GB 0103 MS LAT 21 · 15th century

Manuscript volume, 15th century, containing 'De Confessione, liber primus': book one (of three) of the Malogranatum ascribed to Gallus, abbot of the Cistercian abbey of Königssaal, Bohemia.

The binding incorporates part of a 12th-century treatise on music. The leaf on each front board contained an alphabetical list of 36 antiphons.

GB 0103 MS GERM 18 · 14th century, 1488

Manuscript volume, dated 1488: Mystische Traktate (mystical treatises). Possibly two originally independent manuscripts bound together. Book-guards consist of strips of parchment bearing text in a 14th century script.

GB 0103 MS ADD 68 · 18th century

Ordo Diei et Semita Vitae: Christian devotional manuscript. Written in one hand, a small neat italic with initials in red. Some annotations. There is a calendar at the end with dates from 1673 to 1722.

Passion of Christ Manuscript
GB 0103 MS GERM 20 · Late 15th century

Manuscript volume, late 15th century: Passio Christi (the Passion of Christ), including a detailed description of the Crucifixion.

Prayer Book (Dutch, c1521)
GB 0103 MS GERM 25 · c1521

Gebetbuch (Book of Prayers), c1521, including prayers to the Virgin (one in verse) and to St Catherine. Preceded by a calendar, including tables for the Golden Number and a table of signs of the zodiac.

GB 0103 MS GERM 23 · 1534-1663

Gebetbuch (Book of Prayers), dated 1534, 1538 and 1539, with later additions, some dated 1656 and 1663.

GB 0103 MS GERM 4 · 15th century-16th century, 1676

Gebetbuch (Book of Prayers), 15th century-16th century. There are sketches at the base of some of the folios representing views of a landscape, probably in Germany, and two sketches of the Madonna, one of them dated 1676.

GB 0103 MS GERM 14 · Early 15th century

Manuscript volume, early 15th century, 'Das Büchlein vom schauenden und vom wirkenden Leben', bearing on the inside front cover 'Homiliensammlung, 14 Jh', but the contents comprise not merely a collection of homilies, but a complete text discussing the active and contemplative life, as exemplified by Martha and Mary, and include quotations from the New Testament and other religious texts. The original manuscript of the treatise, of which this is apparently a later and hastily written copy, was apparently written in Paris (f 2v), possibly by a disciple of Meister Eckhart, since it includes a number of quotations from him. A parchment book-guard in the centre of quires 1 and 2 bears Latin text in a 13th-century hand.

GB 0103 MS MOCATTA 3 · 1555-1688

Manuscript Mahzor containing Jewish festival prayers for the whole year according to the Italian rite, with some additional prayers and ceremonies. On the last two leaves there are signatures of censors: Jacob Geraldino, 1555; Caesar Bellicosus, undated; Camillo Jaghel, 1619; Antonio Franc Enrique, 1688.

GB 0103 MS MOCATTA 23 · [1887]

Manucript Jewish service book [1887]: Siddur, rite of Sana (Yemen). Apparently copied from an original with superlinear vowel-points.
