The Befriending Project contains the patient records of those participating in the randomised control trial, 1991-1995; most comprise two files per respondent; one baseline and one following-up a year later.
These files comprise the majority of the collection (14 boxes), most containing rating schedule crisis support reports, self assessment questionnaires and forms filled in by interviewers. These files may include assessment forms concerning parental care in childhood, physical/sexual abuse in childhood, institutional stay in childhood, coping records, fixed demographic information, difficulty schedules, life events schedules, work, past experience of former husband/cohabitee, checklist of present state examination symptoms, change point record for psychiatric disorder and a follow up evaluations summarising the patient's experiences.
The remainder of the collection (1 box), comprises information about the questions posed to participants and how these questions should be phrased; the corresponding rating schedules completed for each participant, potential for befriending and data for the relationship between the befriended woman and her matched volunteer.
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