Affichage de 1 résultats

Description archivistique
GB 1538 M · 1942-2000

Records listed include minutes, correspondence, papers and published reports, 1942-1996. Not all working parties and special committees will be found in this series; where special working parties etc were set up under the auspices of particular committees of the College or as joint ventures with other bodies they were as a rule allocated separate series numbers (see below under related material). For details refer to individual series descriptions, which are arranged as follows:
M1: Macafee ad hoc committee on training for the specialty and matters related thereto, 1962-1967.
M2: Working party on intimate examinations, 1996-1997.
M3: 'Early discharge' survey, 1962-1963.
M4: Working party to consider the Platt Report, 'A Reform of Nursing Education', 1965.
M5: Caesarean section survey, 1967-1968.
M6: Working group in reproductive health/community gynaecology, 1991-1993.
M7: Working party on unplanned pregnancy, 1969-1971.
M8: Sub-committee considering the College's future attitude to contraception, 1977-1978.
M9: Working party to consider effective representation within the College, 1995-1996.
M10: Working party on screening for neural tube defects, 1977-1979.
M11: Working party on overseas affairs, 1994-1995.
M12: Working party on further specialisation within obstetrics and gynaecology, 1980-1982.
M13: Working party on termination of pregnancy for fetal abnormality, 1995-1996.
M15: Working party on evidence to the Royal Commission on the National Health Service, 1976-1977.
M16: Working party on stillbirth and neonatal death, 1978-1986.
M17: Sub-specialisation advisory group, 1980-1984.
M19: Working party on minimum standards of care in labour, 1993-1994.
M21: Working party on gynaecological laparoscopy and confidential enquiry into laparoscopy, 1977-1982.
M24: Maternity services and obstetric services committee, 1951-1957.
M25: Maternity unit planning committee, 1959-1960. M26: Sub-committee to consider 'A Hospital Plan for England and Wales', 1962.
M27: General practitioner maternity unit committee, 1961-1962.
M28: Maternity hospital planning sub-committee, 1969-1971.
M29: Ad hoc committee on staffing structure of departments of obstetrics and gynaecology, 1971-1973.
M30: Working party on medical gynaecology, 1982-1984.
M31: Working party on manpower redistribution in training grades, 1978-1980.
M32: Manpower advisory sub-committee, 1980-1983.
M33: Working party on antenatal and intrapartum care, 1979-1983.
M34: Working party on the role of women doctors in obstetrics and gynaecology, 1984-1987.
M35: Committee on human fertility and questionnaire sub-committee, 1944-1949.
M36: Sub-committee on the gynaecological aspects of the health of women war workers, 1942.
M37: Nutrition committee 1944-1947.
M38: Response to the report of the Ministry of Health and Scottish Home and Health Department working party on ambulance training and equipment, 1966-1967.
M39: RCOG and Simon Trust report on the sterilisation of women, 1967-1969.
M40: Working party on unplanned pregnancy, 1989-1991.
M41: Hospital visiting working party, 1993.
M42: Working party on continuing medical education (formerly working party on continuing specialist education), 1988-1992.
M43: LOGIC working party (formerly PROLOGIC working party), 1984-1988.
M44: Obstetric flying squads survey, 1980-1987.
M45: Working party on guidelines for private practice in obstetrics and Gynaecology in the UK, 1986-1990.
M46: Response to the House of Commons Health Committee enquiry into maternity services, 1991-1992.
M47: Submission to the London Implementation Group, following the Tomlinson Report, 1992-1993.
M48: Independent committee of inquiry into the circumstances surrounding the publication of two articles in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in August, 1994-1995.
M49: Medical curriculum sub-committee, 1954-1955.
M50: Futures working party, 1898-1992; M51: MRCOG working party, 1991.
M52: Working party on structured training, 1993.
M53: Working party to audit structured training, 1999-2000.
M54: DRCOG working party, 1993.
M55: Working party on ultrasound screening for fetal abnormalities, 1995-2000.

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