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Descripción archivística
GB 1697 A.RLEA · 1845-2000

The Records of Legal Education Archives, 1845-2000, consist of:-
A.ACLEC: Lord Chancellor's Advisory Committee on Legal Education and Conduct: press cuttings, 1991-1999.
A.ALT: Association of Law Teachers Archive, 1965-1997.
A.BARR: Barrow Inquiry Papers (papers of Ruth Deech, Principal, St Anne's College Oxford and a member of the Inquiry team, relating to the Committee of Inquiry into Equal Opportunities at the Inns of Court School of Law, chaired by Dame Jocelyn Barrow, 1989-1994).
A.CHULS: Committee of Heads of University Law Schools Archive, 1974-2000.
A.CLE: Council of Legal Education Archive, 1845-1997.
A.CLEA: Commonwealth Legal Education Association Archive, 1971-1995.
A.CLRP: Commonwealth Legal Records Project Archive, 1984-1993.
A.LSRG: Legal Skills Research Group, 1987-1994.
A.MARSH: Dr Stan Marsh, law teacher, papers 1968-1995.
A.READ: Professor James S Read, law teacher, papers 1972-1983.
A.RLEP: Records of the Legal Education Project Archive, 1993-1998.
A.SALS: Society for Advanced Legal Studies papers, 1997-1999.
A.SCLE: Standing Conference on Legal Education Minutes, 1991-1994.
A.SLSA: Socio-Legal Studies Association, 1989-1996.
A.SPTL: Society of Public Teachers of Law Archive: 1908-1998.
A.TWIN: Professor William L Twining, law teacher, papers 1965-1994.
A.UKNCCL: United Kingdom National Committee of Comparative Law Archive, 1960-1989.

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