Alphabeta litterae, caracteres et habitus variorum populorum, besides the alphabets, there are numerous traced copies of illustrations-a few in colour-from travel books, etc of the 16th to the early 19th centuries, depicting costumes, ceremonies, occupations, etc. The fourth volume, uniformly bound, is lettered on the spine: 'Salutatio angelica. Symbolum Apostolorum Nicenum S. Athanasii. Decalogus. Praecepta Ecclesiae. Te Deum laudamus. Signum S. Crucis. Orationis Dominicae. Fragmenta polyglotta'. Probably compiled in France: the latest entry is dated 1840.
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GB 0120 MSS.929-932
c 1845
GB 0120 WMS/Amer.3, 51, 62, 64 and 96-97
The papers in this collection comprise official documentation issued by the authorities in New Spain (specifically, in Mexico). They include the appointment of José Gracida y Bernal (1760?-1815) as one of the Protomedicatos who were in charge of medical matters in New Spain (WMS/Amer.96); three certificates issued by Protomedicatos giving individuals licence to practice medicine (WMS/Amer.51, 64 and 97); a copy of a notice suspending quarantine procedures in the city of Mexico during the fever epidemic of 1813 (WMS/Amer.3); and a order authorising payment to F.X. de Balmis (1753-1819) for work on indigenous plants in the treatment of syphilis (WMS/Amer.62).
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