Original and mimeographed documents relating to Jewish organisations in Germany in the 1930s, including correspondence of the lawyer, Willy Katzenstein, leader of the Bielefeld Jewish community, including correspondence referring to the formation of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland in 1933, and to the dispute between the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin and the Reichsvertretung, Jun 1937; reports, minutes and curriculum details of the Israelitische Gartenbauschule, Ahlem; minutes, memoranda and circulars of the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin; papers on other Jewish communal organisations including the community of Görlitz, the Preussicher Landesverband and the Verband Bayerischer Israelitischer Gemeinden; letter from the Weltverband Für Sabbathschutz to Alfred Wiener, 27 Feb 1933, enclosing a 10 day report of the organisation's activities, 8 Jan 1933; papers on Jewish schooling, 1933-1938 and circulars distributed by Nationaler Verlag (Joseph Garibaldi Huch), Berlin concerning the pamphlet 'Gerechtigkeit', 1932-1933.
GB 1556 WL 603
GB 1556 WL 918
Papers concerning German Jews in Austria, 1933-1934, notably reports of the Österreichischen Hilfskomitee für deutsche Juden, outlining the plight of German Jews in Austria, 1933-1934; correspondence between Lord Melchett and Leo Bakstansky; letter from the Hilfskomitee to the Haut Commissariat pour les réfugiés Provenant d'Allemagne, saying that they cannot continue to give financial support to the refugees from Germany and copy of a letter to the Israelitische Allianz zu Wien saying that the allocations committee of the British Fund for German Jewry cannot make a grant to them, 1934.