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GB 0347 D11 · Colección · c1939-1941

Messers J. Denman and Co were leather sellers of 7 Furzedown Market, Amen Corner, Tooting. The firm are described as leather sellers in local trade directories; the receipts include goods appropriate to a shoe repairer, also shoelaces and socks. Suppliers include some local and London businesses. An index to suppliers is available. Approx. 1200 items arranged in bundles.

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Justice of the Peace, Wandsworth
GB 0347 JPW · Colección · 1786-1869

Minutes of the Justice of the Peace, Wandsworth Petty Sessional Division, in the half hundred of Brixton, Surrey. Includes minutes of Special Sessions, which were responsible for licensing and cover Battersea, Wandsworth, Putney, Mortlake, Roehampton, Clapham, Barnes, Tooting, Wimbledon and Merton.

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