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GB 1551 PROTHERO · 1886-1922

Papers of George Prothero comprising:

personal correspondence 1886-1922 (15 bundles);

subject files, 1866-1921, arranged chronologically - including papers relating to his early academic career and publications, his memoir of Henry Bradshaw, the RL Nettleship memorial 1892-4, Lord Acton, and the Quarterly Review, 1866-1899 (16 bundles); papers relating to the British Academy, the death of Bishop Creighton, and Prothero's Presidency of the Royal Historical Society, 1900-1901 (8 bundles); correspondence and papers relating to bibliography and the teaching of modern history, 1902-1904 (5 bundles); Creighton and Harvard Lectures, `Colonial administration', 1905-1910 (12 bundles); Monypenny's Life of Disraeli, AJ Butler, Sir H Lyall, 1911-1912, (8 bundles); Quarterly Review, British Academy, Lady Ritchie Fund, pamphlet on the War (and related correspondence), etc; papers 1914-1920 (7 bundles); letter from CH Firth about foreign archives and a related paper, a collection of autograph letters, 1921 (4 bundles);

correspondence relating to the World War One 1914-1922 with British, European and American correspondents (6 bundles);

papers relating to historical studies c1871-1914, including undergraduate and other notebooks, papers on 16th and 17th century historical documents (Statutes, Court of High Commission, etc), notes for his Creighton Lectures on Napoleon III, manuscripts on contemporary international relations (5 bundles);

papers relating to the Bibliography of Modern British History including correspondence, notes on British and foreign libraries and archives, and other working papers 1904-1914 (5 bundles and a drawer of index cards (V/5));

and printed papers including newspaper cuttings, scrapbook, articles (for the Quarterly Review, etc) and papers relating to societies and associations (6 bundles).

Prothero , Sir , George Walter , 1858-1922 , Knight , Historian