Papers of John Thomas Quekett, [1840-1854], relating to his work as Conservator of the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, comprising diaries, 1840-1848, which include references to prominent microscopists of the time, such as Carpenter, West, Ross, Sowerby, and Smith of Smith and Beck; notebook, containing some sketches and including notes on experiments on frogs, 1841; ?draft catalogues of the Histological Series in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England, and catalogue of Pathology, [c1840-1860]; catalogue of Hewson's Preparations, [c1840-1860]; unpublished part of Quekett's catalogue of histological series; Lectures on Histology delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons 1852-1854 with annotations by Quekett; notes for lectures on histology delivered in the session 1853-1853, on the structure on the skeleton of vertebrate animals, with original drawings.
Sin títuloRecords created or held by Dennis Berry while he was the Head of the Architecture department at Kingston School of Art/ Kingston College of Art/ Kingston Polytechnic (now Kingston University). Includes photographs, scrap books, notes on town plan exhibitions and projects, notes on curriculum and examinations, meeting minutes, diaries, leaflets and publications from the Architecture department, and posters for an Architecture talk 1959.
Sin títuloPapers of Sir Richard Owen, [1831-1873], comprising papers relating to his scientific research and as Curator of the Hunterian Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
Papers largely relating to Owens' research and publications, including work on specimens of the Hunterian Museum and other institutions, namely original illustrations for plates published in his works and proof sheets; notes of dissections performed at the Zoological Society; report of preparations in comparative anatomy from animals which have died at the Zoological Gardens, 1831; report on the dugong received by the Zoological Society, 1831; paper on metamorphosis of insects; notes and sketch on python and boa; papers relating to a variety of subjects, including temporal mastoid-mammals; viscera and muscles of the myrmecophaga jubata (anteater); distinction of an animal from a vegetable; animal kingdom; order ophidia; serpents from British Fossil Reptiles, [c1850s]; list of 'Mr Cumming's Mollusca'; notes on birds closest in structure to mammalia; classified list of D Bennet esq's specimens of natural history, [1836]; notes on the hyoid, with sketches on the salamander; illustrations of cetacea; notes on the fore-foot, megatherium (giant sloth); loose notes on generation; notes on homologies; plates and notes on histology of animals; description of a malformed foetal heart; notes on composition of vertebral segments; notes on the dermo-skeleton, operculum and of a lecture on digestion; notes on belemites; memoranda on various subjects, including harpa ventricosa and Ehrenberg's classification with letters from naturalists; description of the skeleton of an extinct gigantic sloth, [c1842], and megatherium; report of preparations in comparative anatomy from animals which have died at the Zoological Gardens; report on the dugong received by the Zoological Society, 1831; notes on the giraffe, 1837; notes and sketches on a dugong, 1838; notes on the incubation and development of the chick; notes and plates on odontography, 1844; printed papers on Dinornis maximus (moa), with annotations by Owen, 1848-1851; memoir of William Clift, [c1850]; report on the dissection of the chimpanzee, 1844; notes taken at the Garden of Plants, Paris, 1847;
papers largely relating to the administration of the museum collection, namely lists of specimens, additions to the collection from other collections and reports to the Board of Curators of the Museum, including list of Hunterian documents handed by Owen to the Museum Committee; list of duplicate specimens in the College; selection from the collection of M Verraux; report to the Board of Curators, 1833; report on the present state of the museum, 1833; list of second selection of specimens from Mr Langstaff's collection, 1835; list of preparations in spirit presented by F D Bennett, 1836; donations from the Army Medical Departments; donations since July [1843]; report on duties of officers and servants of the Museum, 1852; plans for additional museum space, 1831; report to the Board of Curators on the Museum of Comparative Anatomy in the Garden of Plants, Paris, 1831; observations on the state of the College Museum, 1833; general account of specimens of comparative anatomy and natural history presented to the Museum by George Bennett, 1834; list of specimens proposed to be transferred to the British Museum and specimens of osteology proposed in place of the transfers, 1833-1834; report to the Committee on the chimpanzee, and copies of related correspondence, 1840; report on the physiological catalogue, 1840; list of duplicate preparations from the museum of Sir Astley Cooper not desirable for the College Museum, 1843; list of specimens selected for the College from Dr Buckland's series of bones of dinornis, 1844; report on additional space required for the collection, 1845; list of osteological specimens purchased at Steven's Auction Room, 1847; list of donations from Sir Thomas W Wilson, 1852;
papers relating to catalogues of the Hunterian Museum, including sketches and notes for an osteological catalogue, [?1840s]; notes and classifications referring to specimens in the Museum, [1827-1856]; Catalogue of Hunterian Osteological specimens, [?1853]; notes made whilst producing the catalogue of comparative anatomy, ?1831; printed histological catalogue of the Museum, with annotations, 1850; papers prepared for publication of descriptive catalogue of the fossil organic remains of invertebrata in the museum, 1856;
papers relating to the Hunterian lectures delivered by Owen at the College, including museum lectures on the animal kingdom, (Owen's first course of Museum lectures) c1837; notes for lectures delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons, 1830s-1850s; memorandum concerning Museum lectures, 1823-1833; lecture on the comparative anatomy and physiology of the vertebrate animals, 1844; notes, plates and drawings relating to mammalia and Owen's lecture, 1844;
notes taken by William W Cooper on lectures on comparative anatomy delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1838-1839, revised and corrected by Owen; notes on lectures on comparative anatomy delivered at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1837, in Clift's hand; notes taken by T E Bryant on Owen's lectures on comparative anatomy, 1839; notes taken by Frederick Hoare Colt on lectures on physiology and morbid anatomy by Owen, 1845; Lady Owen's common-place book, [c1835-1873].
Sin títuloPapers of Sir Augustus Wall Callcott, 1786-1837, comprising travel journals and papers largely from Callcott's honeymoon in Europe in 1827-1828, notably including lists, descriptions and sketches of pictures from various art collections visited in Italy, Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia.
Sin títuloThe collection is divided into four main groups: The first group contains papers relating to William Clift's work as conservator of the Hunterian Museum. This is the largest of the four groups and contains a number of sub divisions such as explanation and display of specimens, expanding the collections, administration of the museum, and correspondence. This group also contains the transcripts made by Clift and others of the Hunterian manuscripts. The second group contains work carried out by William Clift as an illustrator for publications. The third group contains a small amount of personal material that is in the collection. The fourth group contains transcripts and copies of manuscript material by William Clift that is held in other repositories such as the Natural History Museum.
Sin títuloPapers of Anthony Blunt, 1700-1983, comprising papers relating to Nicolas Poussin, notably files relating to his paintings, drawings and engravings, arranged by subject categories and containing notes, correspondence, articles, sales catalogues and illustrations (photographs, colour transparencies, slides, photocopies, prints, lithographs, engravings) of the named picture, details of the picture, variant versions (usually copies after), and in many cases, plates printed for the Poussin catalogue raisonné, 1824-[1983]; notes and illustrations relating to comparative material relevant to Poussin, including sculpture, 1700-1972; works by the circle of Poussin, [1938-1983]; drawings by the Poussin 'school', [1966-1977]; copies of letters by Poussin, and related notes, including photographs of letters from the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, [1964-1967]; notes, transcripts and letters relating to sales of works; correspondence with colleagues relating to Poussin's paintings and drawings, [1940-1982], notably Denis Mahon, 1960-1962, Walter Friedlander, 1944-1966, Erwin Panofsky, 1960-1961; notebooks, [1962-1965] and loose notes relating to Poussin; correspondence with Elizabeth Mackenzie (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford), 1962-1982; offprints of various authors relating to Poussin; miscellaneous material relating to Poussin, [1940-1982], including a photocopy of his will;
papers relating to French art, notably notes, photographs and articles relating to French paintings, sculpture and architecture of the 16th-19th centuries, [1938-1977]; typescripts, note and correspondence relating to Chantelou's diary, [1980-1983]; papers, articles and illustrations relating to a publication by Ronald Cohen concerning the Le Nain Brothers, [1982]; articles relating to the Louvre, [1978];
papers relating to Italian art, notably notes, illustrations and articles relating to Italian Baroque architecture and sculpture, [1953-1982]; Borromini, [1956-1980]; Pietro da Cortona, [1966-1982]; notes, plans, photographs and papers relating to buildings and sculpture in Naples [1954-1981]; notes relating to Palermo, [1967]; typescripts, photographs, notes, correspondence and reviews relating to Blunt's A Guide to Baroque Rome;
articles by Blunt concerning the Royal Collection, 1972, and colonial architecture; plans, photographs, notes and review relating to a catalogue of Waddesdon Manor, [1974-1982]; correspondence, 1970-1983, largely concerning paintings and publications; articles by various authors, 1975-1982; offprints by Blunt, [1932-1982]; newspaper cuttings, 1929-1983; correspondence with publishers, 1972-1983; photographs, correspondence and articles relating to Blunt's personal collection, [1960-1982]; personal papers, [1932-1978], including appointment diaries, 1972-1978; papers from Blunt's school and university days, 1919-1930, including notes, articles, school and university magazines; papers relating to a trip to Russia, comprising notes on paintings, drawings and architecture,1935, two guidebooks, 1931, 1934.
Papers of Johannes Wilde, 1916-1995, comprising files of working papers including notes, (manuscript and typescript), sketches, correspondence, photographs, lectures and slidelists, 1916-1965. Wilde meticulously wrote out the text of his lectures each time he gave them, making it possible to trace the evolution of ideas from the earlier to the later versions of the same piece.
Working papers relating to Michelangelo, 1922-1965, (the largest section of material in the collection) including general life and work, specific works including the Sistine Chapel, the Pieta, Cartonetti, 'Christ before Pilate'; his relationship with other artists, including Leonardo, Vasari, Raphael, Sebastiano; his drawings, including notes for a short survey of drawings, lectures, and a summary catalogue; his work in Florence, notably the façade of the Church of San Lorenzo, including correspondence with James S Ackerman concerning his book, The Architecture of Michelangelo (A Zwemmer, London, 1961), the Medici chapel and tombs, including lecture of Michelangelo's designs for the tombs, the Sagrestia Nuova, including draft chapter of its history, various works in the Palazzo Vecchio, the Hall of the Great Council, the Sala del Consiglio Grande, 'the Battle of Cascina', 'Victory', 'Leda', including correspondence concerning the publication of an essay, 1957; the Papal Tombs in Rome, the Marcus Aurelius statue in the Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, the Sistine Chapel, Rome, the 'Battle of Angiare'; note and transcripts of Michelangelo's letters [now at the British Museum and Oxford]; notes on Michelangelo's drawing methods and early drawings;
list and notes of Wilde's new students [1948], catalogue entries for the catalogue of drawings at Windsor Castle, 1953;
notes relating to other artists, 1949-1962, notably Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Vasari, Masaccio, Pierino da Vinci, Raphael, Giovanni Bellini, Mantegna, Corregio, Parmagianino, Daniele da Volterra, Sebastiano del Piombo, Marcello Venusti, Giorgione, Antonello, Jacopo de' Barbari, Giovanni de Busi Cariani, Domenico Fetti, Jacometto, Domenico Mancini, Jacopo Palma Vecchio, Tiepolo, Tintoretto, Titian, Dutch/ Flemish painting, including Wilde's MA thesis on Rembrandt, 1916; notes on the collection of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm known as the Theatrum Pictorium, teaching notes, miscellaneous articles and notes including Henry VIII monument, landscape painting, Vasari, Fontanellato;
travel journals, 1921-1957, including notes relating to Modena, Uffizi, Rome, and exhibitions;
correspondence, 1937-1970, including letters to Wilde thanking him for the gift of his British Museum catalogue; correspondence with Paola Barocchi, 1962-1963; Kenneth Clark, 1959-1964; James A Crabtree, 1964, relating to a Michelangelo drawing; Brigadier Roy Frank Johnson, 1954, relating to portraits owned by him and Count Antoine Seilern; Arthur Ewart Popham, 1941-1949, covering production of of the catalogue of Italian Drawings at Windsor castle; private matters, and including some of the travel permits Wilde required during the war; Count Seilern, 1964, 1970; Hugh Squire, 1960, relating to a drawing in his collection;
miscellaneous items including photographs of Wilde and colleagues, [1920s-1930s]; Johannes and Julia Wilde, [1960s]; one of Wilde's parties, undated; copies of speeches given by Wilde on his 60th, 65th and 70th birthdays and by Anthony Blunt at a party, 1961; copy of Peter Kidson's lecture 'The Recent Transformation of Art History', 1995; copies of the editorial and obituary of Wilde, from The Burlington Magazine.