Affichage de 1599 résultats

Description archivistique
Holland, Sir Henry: letter ([1870)]
GB 0096 AL469 · Fonds · [1870]

Letter from Sir Henry Holland of 72 Brook Street, [London] to George Grote, Jan [1870]. Covering note accompanying a reprint of Holland's Recollections of past life, '... with very considerable additions ... [which] were suggested to me by yourself and several other friends'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
DuPonceau, P S: letter
GB 0096 AL47 · Fonds · 1831

Letter from Peter Stephen DuPonceau of Phildelphia, [Pennsylvania] to J Vaughan, Esq, 19 Nov 1831. Asking him 'to send the enclosed [a copy of An Historical Review of the ... Silk Culture, Manufacture and Trade, etc (1831)] to your excellent nephew'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL472 · Fonds · [1820-1864]

(1) Letter from John Ramsay McCulloch to William Rathbone, Hope Street, [Liverpool], [c1820-1864]. Asking permission to bring a Mr Henderson to Rathbone's house (dated 'Tuesday').

(2) Letter from John Ramsay McCulloch of the Stationery Office, [London] to William Watson, 18 Dec 1840. Concerning 'Mrs Couney's memorial'.

Both items are autograph, with signatures.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL48 · Fonds · 1800

Letter from William Eden of Farm, [Beckenham, Kent] to the Marquess of Buckingham, 22 Sep 1800. Discussing the possibility of a penny post.: 'I cannot pospone my thanks for your letter of the 14th. With respect to that part of it which relates to the Post Office I hope to obtain good information ... on the practicability of establishing a "sort of penny-post from all the great Towns to the Villages, etc" - We already have a regular penny post at Bath, Liverpool, Manchester, and, I believe, at Birmingham, for those palces and for their suburbs. And it is every year more productive to the Revenue, which is the surest proof of its being an accomodation to the Public. I am well satisfied ... that such a system would be useful; and even that it might be expedient to give a very general extension to it.' Much of the remainder of the letter concerns crops.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Libri, Guglielmo: letter (1857)
GB 0096 AL482 · Fonds · 1857

Letter from Count Guglielmo Bruto Icilio Timoleone Libri-Carrucci dalla Sommaia of London to [Augustus De Morgan], 26 May 1857. Promising to send him catalogues [of his sales of books and manuscripts] once they are corrected. Reporting the death of [Augustin Louis] Cauchy.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Longson, William: letter (1825)
GB 0096 AL483 · Fonds · 1825

Letter from William Longson of 2 Garnet Street, Hillgate, Stockport to [Joseph Hume], 9 Nov 1825. Congratulating him 'for not receiving the presents offered to you in Scotland', which will 'repress the ... enthusiastic impetuosity of several Bodies of Workmen'. Agreeing with the views of [John Ramsay] McCulloch on the influence of the use of machinery on workmen's wages and the price of the commodities produced. Proposing to publish supporting this view.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro: letter (1908)
GB 0096 AL48a · Fonds · 1908

Letter from Francis Ysidro Edgeworth of 5 Mount Vernon, Hampstead, [London] to the Goldsmith's Librarian, University of London [R A Rye] 1 Oct 1908. Asking for permission to use the Goldsmith's Library.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Rawson, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL490 · Fonds · [1845]

Letter from Robert Rawson of 84 Great Ducie Street, Manchester to Augustus De Morgan, [1845]. Covering note accompanying copies of a pamphlet On the summation of series ..., read before the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester on 12 Nov 1844. Describing his experiences working as a child coal miner. Proposes 'a new ... chymical theory'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL497 · Fonds · 1851-1975

(1) Letter from Francis William Newman of Weston-Super-Mare, [Somerset] to Mrs Thomas Mozley [Mozley's 2nd wife Elizabeth], 19 Oct 1887. Enclosing 3 photographs of himself, 1851, 1862, and [1850-1900]. Autograph, with signature.

(2) Letter from Miss Winifred Mozley of 2 La Providence, Rochester, [Kent] to [the Director of University of London Library], 1975. Sending the letter and photographs, which she had found among the papers of her brother, James Frederick Mozley. Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Faraday, Michael: letter, 9 Jun 1843
GB 0096 AL49a · Fonds · 1843

Letter from Michael Faraday of the Royal Institution, [London] to R W Rothman [Registrar of the University of London], 9 Jun 1843. Relating to Unversity of London examinations in Chemistry.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Starkie, Walter Fitzwilliam: letter
GB 0096 AL500 · Fonds · 1950

Letter from Walter Fitzwilliam Starkie of Consejo Británico, El Representante en España, Almagro, 5 Madrid to Miss [D] Proctor, 2 Jun 1950.

Sans titre
Lowe, Elias Avery: letters (1959)
GB 0096 AL517 · Fonds · 1959

Postcard and letter from Elias Avery Lowe of Casa Marina Hotel, Key West, Florida to [Thomas Julian] Brown, Department of Manuscripts, British Museum. (1) Postcard, 21 Feb 1959. (2) Letter, 13 Mar 1959. Congratulating Brown on his marriage.

The address on item (1) has been struck through and replaced with that of Institute of Advanced Study, Princeton, New Jersey; the card is postmarked Key West, however.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL518 · Fonds · 1921

Letter from Reginald Baliol Brett of Roman Camp, Callander, [Perthshire] to Queen Mary, 21 Nov 1921. Concerning various books, including In Whig Society, 1775-1818 (1921), edited by Mabell [Ogilvy], Countess of Airlie.

Sans titre
Masefield, John Edward: letter [1941]
GB 0096 AL520 · Fonds · [1941]

Letter from John Edward Masefield of Burcote Brook, Abingdon to [Rudolf Santer], [c1941]. Thanking him for sending his new address.

Sans titre
Lee, Laurie: letter (c 1944)
GB 0096 AL522 · Fonds · [c1944]

Letter from Laurie Lee of 614 Russell Square House, London to Roger [Senhouse], [c 1944]. Thanking him for a copy of The Rescue.

Sans titre
Gellert, Leon: letters
GB 0096 AL523 · Fonds · [1917]

2 letters from Leon Maxwell Gellert of Art in Australia Ltd, 24 Bond Street, Sydney to Mrs Cowdroy [possibly wife of Victor Cowdroy], [1917]. (1) Comprising purely the greeting, etc, and the word 'Brutus!'. (2) Reminding her about illustrations.

Sans titre
Lahr, Oonagh: letters
GB 0096 AL524 · Fonds · 1971

2 letters from Oonagh Lahr of 9 Wilton Road, Muswell Hill, London to Mr Lewin. (1) Concerning the death of her father, Charles Lahr, 25 Aug 1971. (2) Discussing the book trade and arranging to meet Mairin Mitchell, 2 Sep 1971.

Sans titre
Heath, John Benjamin: letter (1845)
GB 0096 AL57 · Fonds · 1845

Letter from John Benjamin Heath of the Bank of England to J R McCulloch, Esq, 9 Dec 1845. Covering letter enclosing 'information you want respecting our Notes, Securities, etc'. Enclosure missing.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Hey, William Henry: letter
GB 0096 AL59 · Fonds · 1887

Letter from William Henry Hay of the Iron Founders' Society, New Kent Road, London to Professor H S Foxwell, 27 May 1887. Referring to Hey's statistical work in the Iron Founders' Annual Report.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL60 · Fonds · 1789-1802

9 letters to Sir Joseph Banks. Mainly on agriculture, sheep farming and politics. Autographs, with signatures, 1789-1802.

Sans titre
Joplin, Thomas: letter, 7 Jan 1831
GB 0096 AL65 · Fonds · 1831

Letter from Thomas Joplin of 29 St Swithin's Lane, London to Sir Edward Knatchbull, Baronet and MP, 7 Jan 1831. Originally accompanying a copy of one of Joplin's pamphlets [missing].

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Blanc, Louis: letter, 17 Aug 1850
GB 0096 AL7 · Fonds · 1850

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of 87 Piccadilly, London, 17 Aug 1850. 'Vous me parlez de la necessite de rattacher le socialisme a  la tradition chretienne. Oui, a condition que le Christianisme ne sera pas compris a  la mania re de ceux qui, au lieu d y voir la proclamation de l'egalite et della fraternite, n y ont cherche que la consecration de la double tyrannie exprimee dan l'histoire par le mot pratre et par le mot roi.' Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL78 · Fonds · -15115

Letter from Thomas Babington Macaulay of Holly Lodge, Kensington to Augustus De Morgan, 12 Aug 1858. Inviting him to discuss the meaning of the initials 'P M A C F' [apparently: 'Père Mansuete, A Cordelier (or Capuchin) Friar', Confessor to the Duke of York (afterwards King James II) and author of a broadside account of the death of King Charles II].

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Marx, Karl: letter, 18 Mar 1872
GB 0096 AL85 · Fonds · 1872

Letter from Karl Heinrich Marx of London to Maurice Lachâtre, 18 Mar 1872. Approving of the 'idée de publier la traduction de das Kapital en livraisons périodiques', but thinks that 'le public français, toujours impatient de conclure' will not continue to buy the parts because of the difficulties encountered in the introductory chapters. The letter ends: 'Il n'y a pas de route royale pour la science et ceux là seuls ont chance d'arriver à ses sommets lumineux qui ne craignent pas de se fatiguer à gravir ses sentiers escarpés.'

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Maspero, Sir Gaston: letter (1907)
GB 0096 AL87a · Fonds · 1907

Letter from Sir Gaston Camille Charles Maspero of Milon la Chapelle to the Goldsmiths' Librarian, University of London [R A Rye], 30 Sep 1907. Relating to an application by the Unviersity to the Comité d'Égyptologie for a gift of books.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Mill, John Stuart: letter, [1860]
GB 0096 AL90 · Fonds · [1860]

Letter from John Stuart Mill of Blackheath, [Kent] to an unidentified recipient, [1860]. Referring to a proposed article on the Anglo-French Treaty [of Commerce (1860)]. 'I never write well unless I feel moved to write on the particular subject, which on this subject I do not'.

Autograph, with signature. Written on black-edged paper.

Sans titre
Peel, Sir Robert: letter, 8 Jan [1846]
GB 0096 AL95 · Fonds · [1846]

Letter from Sir Robert Peel to Sir Edward Knatchbull, 8 Jan [1846]. Making an appointment to discuss the Corn Laws.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Forest Gate Hospital
RLHFG · Fonds · 1913-1986

Administrative records, Chaplaincy records, financial records and patient records.

Sans titre
RLHLH · Fonds · 1713-2011

Administrative records; records of the Cardiac Department; records of Chaplain's Department; records of the Neurophysiology Department [a.k.a. E.E.G. Department]; title deeds, leases, trusts etc; records of the Dermatology Department; financial records; records of the Department of General Medicine; records of the London Linden Hall Association; patient records; records of the Department of Medical Photography; Medical Unit records; nursing records; records of the Nutrition and Dietetics department; nursing education records; records of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry; records of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department; records of Orthopaedics Department; Occupational Therapy Department; photographs; records of the Pharmacy Department; records of the Public Relations Department; records of the London Hospital Photographic Society; records of the Radiotherapy Department; records of the Radiology Department; surveyors and estate records; records of the Social Society; records of the Works Department; records from unofficial sources, and persons and subject files.

Sans titre
London Jewish Hospital
RLHLJ · Fonds · 1926-1985

Administrative records, deeds, financial records, patient records, nursing records and photographs.

Sans titre
Mile End Hospital
RLHME · Fonds · 1858-1990

Administrative records, Chaplain's records, patient records, nursing records, photographs and miscellaneous records.

Sans titre
Plaistow Maternity Hospital
RLHPM · Fonds · 1890-1971

Administrative records, financial records, patient records, nursing and midwifery training records.

Sans titre
Tower Hamlets Community Health Council
RLHTC · Fonds · 1974-1993

Minute books, annual reports, plans and reports (taken from LT Chief Executives files).

Sans titre
German Hospital
SBHG · Fonds · 1843-1971

Comprises: Engineering Department; Administrative records; Financial records; Estate and property records; Postcards; Photographs; Internal publications; Medical Committee; Nursing records; Medical Photography/Illustration Department; Medical records; Pathology records; League of Friends; Nurses League; Staff records; Operating theatre registers; External Publications.

Sans titre
Hackney Hospital
SBHH · Fonds · 1788-1983

Comprises: Administrative records; Estate and property records; Matron's office and nursing; Medical records; School of Nursing records.

Sans titre
St Audoen alias St Ewin parish
SBHSAU · Fonds · [1495]-1533

Comprises: memorandum relating to churchwardens' account book and parish ordinances, [1495]; memorandum of expenses for an obit mass 'for the good benefactors and all Christian souls', 1507; ratification regarding the observance of the feast day of St Audoen alias St Ewin, 1533.

Sans titre
GB 0814 A · Fonds · 1826-[2013]

Includes: Minutes of Council; Minutes of the General Meetings (the Fellows' AGMs); Minutes of the Gardens Committee (i.e. London Zoo); Minutes of the Whipsnade Committee; Daily Occurrences of London Zoo and Whipsnade (these list the arrivals and departures, births and deaths of animals at London Zoo and Whipsnade); Staff cards; post-mortem books; press-cuttings albums; charters; maps and plans; 19th Century Letter Collection (mainly from Fellows to the Secretary of ZSL. There are no replies. Authors include: Darwin, Abraham Bartlett, the Duke of Bedford, Wallace, and Barnum etc.); Ephemera, e.g. London and Whipsnade Zoo guides, posters and leaflets, Music Hall songsheets, medals, tickets, a keeper's uniform, menus.

Sans titre
GB 106 10/07 · Fonds · 1914-1920

Two scrapbooks of presscuttings and printed ephemera documenting Miss Nettlefold's legal career and the campaigns relating to women's entry into the legal profession. It also includes legal documents relating to Bebb v. The Law Society, a ms paper [by Miss Nettlefold] entitled, 'Women and the Legal Profession'; and a ts paper entitled, 'History of the efforts to open the legal profession to women in England and Scotland', Mar 1920. Also included are articles on women lawyers in Britain and abroad and cuttings relating to the barrister Helena Normanton.

Sans titre
Achilles Heel
GB 0372 ACHILLES HEEL · Fonds · 1974-1983

Papers of Achilles Heel magazine, including: minutes, editorial papers, draft articles, correspondence, publications and other material, 1974-1983; Achilles Heel banner, n.d.; papers and correspondence of the Friend Collective, 1979-1980.

Sans titre
BARLTROP, Robert (b 1922)
GB 0372 BARLTROP · Fonds · 1904-1991

Papers collected by Robert Barltrop relating to the Socialist Party of Great Britain, including: 62 photographs of Socialist Party of Great Britain Committee meetings, conferences, rallies, weekend schools, outings and individuals including V.Phillips, J.Fitzgerald, R.F.Offord, Gilles McClatchie, Tom King, Michael La Touche, E.Hardy, Bob Lees, William Kerr, Harry Young and others, c1920 - 1959; 11 ink and pencil sketches by Barltrop of SPGB members, including W.Atkinson, J.D'Arcy, J.Flowers, George Gloss, C.Groves, E.Lake, I Rabinowitz, G.Steed, William Travers, J.Trotman and H.Young, 1953-1957; SPGB ephemera, including handbills and posters for lectures, short policy pamphlets and agendas for 21st and 22nd Annual Conferences, 1908-1973; internal policy documents, including reports, statements and conference papers, 1904-1991; SPGB published material, including the first manifesto of the SPGB and pamphlets by Moses Baritz, Jack Fitzgerald, H.Quelch, Harold Walsby and others, 1905-1980; papers of Wallace Herbert Barltrop concerning his service as a dispatch rider in the Royal Flying Corps, 1917-1919; scrapbook of articles by R.W.Housley for the Socialist Standard, 1915-1933; bound volume of copies of the periodical Left Forum, 1939-1950.

Sans titre
BEDFORD, James (1845-1904)
GB 0372 BEDFORD · Fonds · 1891-1897

Three scrapbooks containing press cuttings, correspondence, manuscripts and printed material, 1891-1897, regarding Bedford's experiences as Labour candidate for Norwich in the 1892 General Election, his presidency of the General Railway Workers Union, work on the Bethnal Green Board of Guardians and accusations of corruption levelled at him by labour colleagues and trade unionists (1891-1897).

Sans titre
GRANT, Bernie (1944-2000)
GB 0372 BG · Fonds · [1950]- 2002 (predominant 1980-2000)

Original papers and publications relating to Bernie Grant's personal life and his public role as a Member of Parliament including the papers of organisations with which he was involved such as the African Reparations Movement, [1963-2000]. The collection comprises correspondence notably relating to the Gulf War, 1990-1991, black businesses, ministerial and general correspondence; personal papers, including tributes and condolences, biographical files and legal papers; speeches; files on a range of subjects including on international affairs such as colonialism, racial incident dossiers, Haringey Council business, trade union papers, press files, on campaigns such as the Broadwater Farm riots, the 'Tottenham Three' and the case of Joy Gardner, Parliamentary and Labour Party affairs and constituency case files; published reference material; ephemera, notably campaign fliers and invitations; artefacts and clothing including African robes such as the ones worn to the State Opening of Parliament, campaign placards, posters and awards/plaques; photographs; audio and video recordings of interviews and speeches, television and radio appearances.

Sans titre
Bishopsgate Ward Club
GB 0372 BISHOPSGATE WARD CLUB · Fonds · 1943-2005

Records of the Bishopsgate Ward Club (1965-2005), including minute book, 1965-1986; cash book, 1976-1987; heraldic shields, n.d.; correspondence, financial statements, bank statements, subscriptions, receipts and minutes, 1999-2005; general papers, correspondence and information regarding visits and events, 1998-2003; committee attendance register, 1943-1988; dinner programmes and rulebooks, 1954-2010; photograph of the Bishopsgate Ward Club Committee, 1962.

Sans titre
BRADLAUGH, Charles (1833-1891)
GB 0372 BRADLAUGH · Fonds · 1702-1969

Personal and political correspondence to and from Bradlaugh, 1853-1891; drafts and articles by Bradlaugh, 1850-1891; press cutting relating to Bradlaugh, his life and activities, 1860-1969; printed material, including handbills, circulars and other material relating to Bradlaugh and organisations with which Bradlaugh was involved, 1854-1891; family and personal material, including papers, note and photographs concerning family members and his early life, 1824-1891; photographs of Bradlaugh, 1851-1891; papers relating to Prince Jerome Napoleon, 1871; miscellaneous papers on republicanism, 1702-1873; papers on vaccination, 1853-1871; addresses to Bradlaugh on his visit to the Indian National Congress, 1889; artefacts and personal items belonging to Bradlaugh, n.d.; papers concerning Bradlaugh's death and legacy, including correspondence with Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner, press cuttings, reminiscences, memorials and publications, 1889-1900; paper and correspondence relating to the work and activities of Hypatia Bradlaugh Bonner and later family members, 1878-1969; papers relating to Alice Bradlaugh, 1856-1888.

Sans titre
CHALLINOR, Raymond (1929-2011)
GB 0372 CHALLINOR · Fonds · 1806-2000

Papers of historian Raymond Challinor (1929-2011), including: correspondence, internal memoranda, minutes and papers regarding International Socialists, 1960s - 1970s; press cuttings of reviews, articles and letters to the press by Challinor, 1960-1981; research materials, pamphlets and papers on Tom Mann, early trade unionism, Chartism, labour history in the North East of England, socialism and the Neptune Yard Strike (shipyard lying-on time dispute) on the Tyne, 1806-2000.

Sans titre
City Music Society
GB 0372 CITY MUSIC SOCIETY · Fonds · 1939-2005

Papers of the City Music Society (1939-2005), including: typescript minutes of the City Music Society, 1944-1994; administrative correspondence between the City Music Society and various organisations and individuals concerning various matters including membership, concert arrangements, musicians, concert pieces and other general matters, 1945-1999; programmes for City Music Society concerts, predominantly at the Bishopsgate Institute and Goldsmith's Hall, 1943-2002; annual reports of the City Music Society, 1943-2002; promotional leaflets and lists of City Music Society concerts, c1949-2005; two scrapbooks of press cuttings and typescript transcriptions of reviews of City Music Society concerts and advertisements, 1949-1981; cash account book of the City Music Society, 1943-1948; duplicate loose copies of `Westerham Press' City Music Society programmes, c1950-1969; invitations for City Music Society concerts, 1948-1999; early Society invoices and accounts, 1947-1962; rules and accompanying correspondence between and regarding founder members, 1949-1988; papers and correspondence regarding the 21st and 50th anniversaries of the City Music Society, 1964-1993; photographs of the City Music Society 50th anniversary concert at Goldsmith's Hall, 1993; papers, press cuttings and other material regarding Ivan Sutton's death and memorial service, 1996; non-City Music Society concert programmes, 1939-1963; members circulars, newsletters and publicity material, 1944-2005; handwritten alphabetical list of musicians who appeared at City Music Society concerts, n.d; annual general meeting, membership and subscription papers, 1949-2000; correspondence regarding works commissioned by the City Music Society with various composers, including correspondence files with Peter-Paul Nash, John McCabe and Geoffrey Burgon, 1970-1988; musical scores commissioned by and performed at City Music Society concerts, c1950-c1999; miscellaneous papers, including artist photographs, invitations and programmes, 1948-2001.

Sans titre