Papers collected by Robert Barltrop relating to the Socialist Party of Great Britain, including: 62 photographs of Socialist Party of Great Britain Committee meetings, conferences, rallies, weekend schools, outings and individuals including V.Phillips, J.Fitzgerald, R.F.Offord, Gilles McClatchie, Tom King, Michael La Touche, E.Hardy, Bob Lees, William Kerr, Harry Young and others, c1920 - 1959; 11 ink and pencil sketches by Barltrop of SPGB members, including W.Atkinson, J.D'Arcy, J.Flowers, George Gloss, C.Groves, E.Lake, I Rabinowitz, G.Steed, William Travers, J.Trotman and H.Young, 1953-1957; SPGB ephemera, including handbills and posters for lectures, short policy pamphlets and agendas for 21st and 22nd Annual Conferences, 1908-1973; internal policy documents, including reports, statements and conference papers, 1904-1991; SPGB published material, including the first manifesto of the SPGB and pamphlets by Moses Baritz, Jack Fitzgerald, H.Quelch, Harold Walsby and others, 1905-1980; papers of Wallace Herbert Barltrop concerning his service as a dispatch rider in the Royal Flying Corps, 1917-1919; scrapbook of articles by R.W.Housley for the Socialist Standard, 1915-1933; bound volume of copies of the periodical Left Forum, 1939-1950.