Affichage de 19 résultats

Description archivistique
GB 2108 KUAS184 · Fonds · [1978-1992]

18 letters from Iris Murdoch to Ray Byram, an academic at the University of California Santa Barbara. He meet Iris Murdoch and John Bayley during their visit to the University, and later visited them at their house in Oxford. Also contains a photograph of Iris Murdoch with Margaret Mallory.

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GB 2108 KUAS185 · Fonds · 1975-1986

Documents relating to Exhibitions and Displays at Kingston Polytechnic from 1975-1986. Includes display programmes, leaflets, photographs and press cuttings. Also with a photograph of the staff of the Business School in 1982, and a Kingston Polytechnic Diary newsletter dated 05 May 1986.

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GB 2108 KUAS191 · Fonds · [1820-1999]

Items belonging to Iris Murdoch presented by Audi Bayley. These items were from Iris Murdoch's former home in Charlbury Road and include letters written by Iris Murdoch to Borys and Audi Villers [later Audi Bayley], a planning notebook for Jackson's Dilemma, and a range of objects. Includes:

1) Large bust of Iris Murdoch mounted on marble

2) Iris Murdoch's teddy bear 'Jimbo'

3) Painting by Iris Murdoch 1941

4) Tapestry by Iris Murdoch of fish with the initials IM and JB

5) Gold edged bowl

6) 5 stones and 9 Asian religious figurines / icons from Murdoch's writing desk

7) Letters from Iris Murdoch to Audi Bayley and her first husband Boris Villiers

8) Green box containing brooch- appears to be enamelled George IV shilling from 1820s

9) 4 replica medieval icons mounted on wood

10) Framed photographs from Iris Murdoch's study of Murdoch as a child and Murdoch's parents

11) 3 Canadian stone figurines depicting an owl, a penguin and a seal

12) 2 stone figurines of a cow and a lion, with painted and gilded details

13) 11 dress necklaces worn by Murdoch and kept in her study

14) A notebook with planning notes by Murdoch for the novel 'Jackson's Dilemma'

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GB 2108 KUAS192 · Fonds · [1960-2015]

Tony Arnell is a casting director, who worked for well known television companies including LWT. Prior to this he worked at Spotlight, alongside talent spotter Cary Ellison, to encourage actors and actresses to sign up to be included in the publication. Throughout his career, Mr Arnell visited theatre productions to spot actors to either encourage to join Spotlight, or that he might want to cast in the shows he was working on. The Tony Arnell Theatre Programme Collection consists of programmes for theatrical productions seen by Tony Arnell from 1960s- 1980s, with his notes inside detailing his thoughts on the cast, production and play. The programmes are predominantly for shows in the South-East of England, and also include annotated programmes for performances by Drama School and as part of the London Fringe Festival. The collection also includes some from programmes from the 1990s and 2000s, although these are not annotated.

Also included in the collection are items related to the '12' group- founded in 1958 by Cary Ellison as a gathering of casting directors, theatrical agents and other leading figures in the theatre industry. Tony Arnell took over as president in 1988 and continued to run the group until its closure in 2004. Items in the collection include a history of the group, and albums of photographs of 12 members taken at their annual garden parties from 1988 onwards.

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GB 2108 KUAS207 · Fonds · 1899-2016

Records collected from within Kingston School of Art at Kingston University and from external donors relating to the history of Kingston School of Art / Kingston College of Art (later part of Kingston Polytechnic and Kingston University). Records collected include photographs, events and exhibition programmes and invitations, prospectuses, leaflets, and correspondence. Originally collected as part of the Archive KSA Project.

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GB 2108 KUAS211 · Fonds · 1939-1995

Items relating to Iris Murdoch from 1939 to 1995. Includes:

1) Uncorrected Proof Copy of Iris Murdoch's 'The Book and the Brotherhood'

2) Booklet: Theology in Scotland Occasional Paper No 1 Apr 1995- 'Iris Murdoch's Giffords' A Study of the 1982 Gifford Lectures Edited by RA Gillies

3) Original copy of 'The Cherwell' magazine Vol LVI No 6 dated Week Ending 03 Jun 1939, including Iris Murdoch's piece 'The Irish- Are they Human?'

4) 6 original letters from Iris Murdoch to a bookseller regarding seeing first editions from the 1980s, with a letter from The Paris Review to Iris Murdoch regarding an interview dated 14 Mar 1977 and a photograph of a book shop.

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GB 2108 KUAS225 · Fonds · 1944-[1999]

Notebooks and other items belonging to Iris Murdoch from her home at Charlbury Road, Oxford. Includes:

1) File containing typed draft of paper 'Evil is to Love, what Mystery is to Intelligence' by Martin Andic dated 26 Feb 1995, plus typed text draft of the opening pages of John Bayley's 'Iris: A Memoir of Iris Murdoch'

2) Bundle containing handwritten notes by Iris Murdoch on Martin Heidegger, plus typed notes on philosophy with handwritten annotations by Murdoch c. early 1990s

3) 16 notebooks containing notes on the Greek language 1960s- 1980s

4) 4 notebooks with planning notes for the novel 'The Good Apprentice'

5) Notebook with notes on 'The Message to the Planet'

6) Notebook with notes on 'The Book and the Brotherhood'

7) 8 notebooks with notes on philosophy, including notes on the Gifford Lectures and 'Metaphysics as a Guide to Morals'

8) 2 notebooks from Iris Murdoch's trip to China 1979

9) Notebook from trip to India/ Australia 1967

10) Appointment diaries 1978 and 1980

11) 2 notebooks on unknown subjects (possibly philosophy)

12) Notebook on Hebrew 1979

13) Indexed notebook with topics noted in top right hand corner, possibly for Greek words. However pages are empty.

14) Notebook dated 26 Jan 1954- first few pages have been removed, otherwise the notebook is empty

15) Notebook dated 1955- 1958. One page of notes on ethics in the back, and several pages have been ripped out from the front. Otherwise empty. Possibly originally used as a journal?

16) Notebook noted as belonging to Iris Murdoch at HM Treasury dated 12 Mar 1944. Several pages have been ripped out from the front. Otherwise empty. Possibly originally used as a journal?

17) Blank nature notebook

18) 2 photographs of Iris Murdoch's desk, labelled on reverse by John Bayley 'Iris Murdoch's table'

19) Piece of blotting paper used by Iris Murdoch when writing letters

20) 23 empty envelopes either addressed to Iris Murdoch and / or John Bayley, or addressed by Iris Murdoch to other people

21) 3 pieces of Berkeley Department of English Headed Paper, one with beginnings of a letter written by Iris Murdoch to unknown recipient

22) 5 blank postcards from St Catherine's College, and 3 blank pieces of notepaper. Murdoch has written the Cedar Lodge address on the back of one of the postcards.

23) 2 blank postcards

24) Blank postcards with Reynold Stone's name and address at the top

24) Blank notepaper with La Valencia Hotel printed at the top

25) Two blank pre-printed invitation cards

26) 5 blank pieces of notepaper printed with the Conservation Society logo

27) Blank postcard from New College Oxford

28) Postcard advertising opening of an exhibition by Lesley Foxcroft at the Riverside Studios

29) Invitation to Iris Murdoch and John Bayley to attend an event at Parker and Son Ltd 14 Nov 1984

30) Invitation to cocktails at Timothy Dwight College 28 Feb 1983

31) Blank black notebook

32) Blank Basildon Bond notepad

33) 3 blank WH Smith notebooks

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GB 2108 KUAS25 · Fonds · 1954-1993

First editions of some of Iris Murdoch's novels, and other rare texts- 13 volumes in total. Consists of:

KUAS25/1 Limited edition playscript for The One Alone (Colophon Press, 1995)

KUAS25/2 Copy of A Year of Birds poems by Iris Murdoch, engravings by Reynolds Stone (Compton Press, 1978)

KUAS25/3 Unrevised proof copy of The Time of the Angels (Viking Press, 1966)

KUAS25/4 Copies of Sartre; Romantic Rationalist by Iris Murdoch (Bowes and Borwes, 1953)

KUAS25/5 Playscript of The Italian Girl: A Play,/i> by Iris Murdoch and James Saunders (Samuel French, 1968)

KUAS25/6 Unrevised proof copy of The Italin Girl the novel (Viking Press, 1964)

KUAS25/7 Reprint of Existentialists and Mystics by Iris Murdoch (Delos Press, 1993)

KUAS25/8 Programme for the play The Black Prince adapted by Iris Murdoch's from her novel The Black Prince (1973)

KUAS25/9 First edition of Iris Murdoch's first novel, Under the Net (London, Chatto and Windus 1954). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/10 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Sandcastle (London, Chatto and Windus 1957). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/11 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Good Apprentice (London, Chatto and Windus - The Hogarth Press 1985). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/12 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Book and the Brotherhood, (London, Chatto and Windus 1987). With original dust jacket.

KUAS25/13 First edition of Iris Murdoch's novel, The Message to the Planet, (London, Chatto and Windus 1989). With original dust jacket.

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GB 2108 KUAS202 · Fonds · [1939-1997]

Material created and held by author and philosopher Iris Murdoch, including 14 volumes of personal journals / diaries, notebooks of poetry (much of which is previously unpublished), planning notebooks for philosophy writing and the novel 'Jackson's Dilemma', and loose papers including items relating to the Gifford Lectures and material held by Murdoch in a wooden chest. Also includes artworks and objects from Iris Murdoch's study in her former home in Charlbury Road, Oxford.

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GB 2108 KUAS183 · Fonds · 1988-2010

Records relating to the School of Music at Kingston University dating 1998-2010. Includes posters, programmes and leaflets for Kingston University Music Concerts; school of music staff and student handbooks from early 2000s; programmes for graduation ceremonies; and other general documents relating to the history of Kingston University.

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GB 2108 KUAS195 · Fonds · [1990-2010]

Items relating to Iris Murdoch presented to the archives by Anne Rowe. Includes:

1) Papers on a proposed Festschrift on Iris Murdoch collated by Peter Conradi

2) Copies of the newsletter for the Iris Murdoch Society of Japan

3) Press articles on Iris Murdoch

4) Letters written to Anne Rowe and Peter Conradi regarding Iris Murdoch

5) Original text copies of the Iris Murdoch Society Newsletters Nos 1-19

6) Unpublished essay by Rachel Cusk on Iris Murdoch

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GB 2108 KUAS214 · Fonds · [1970-1989]

Three files of material relating to the work of musical theatre composer David Heneker, presented by Stewart Nicholls. Includes:

1) Publicity material for 'The Biograph Girl' including press articles and reviews, posters and programmes

2) File of original and copies of David Heneker’s handwritten music for songs from ‘The Biograph Girl’

3) File of original and copies of David Heneker’s handwritten music for songs from ‘Peg’, with some published music and typed lyrics.

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GB 2108 KUAS215 · Fonds · 1969-2017

Handwritten document by Iris Murdoch giving her thoughts on the definition of Love, written on request for artist George Pappas. With an accompanying letter written by Iris Murdoch dated 15 Jul 1969 agreeing to write a piece for him, plus a postcard, brief biography of and review of an exhibition by George Pappas.

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GB 2108 KUAS227 · Fonds · [1950- 2016]

Items related to musical theatre collected by scholar and musician Alan Poulton. Includes programmes, books, research and other items relating to the work of Stephen Sondheim, and other items relating more widely to the world of musical theatre including journals, books and recordings.

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GB 2108 KUAS228 · Fonds · 1994

Archival material relating to Iris Murdoch's play 'Joanna, Joanna'. Includes:

1) Typed script for the play by Fraser and Dunlop [script at this time entitled 'Joanna, Joanna, Joanna']

2) Advanced reading copy of the published version on the play dated 30 Aug 1994, produced by Colophon Press.

3) Proof of published version of the play dated 24 Jul 1994, with handwritten note on the front by unknown individual. NB the play at this point was called 'Joanna'.

4) Folder containing:

- Handwritten note of contact details and sums by unknown individual

- Covering note from Gordon Dickenson at Peters, Fraser and Dunlop to David [full name unknown] dated 08 Jun 1994 forwarding on copy of the play

- Draft of published version of the play grouped into 7 small booklets

- 3 copies of leaflet for the published version of the play

- 5 copies of draft headers for the play

- Draft of invitation to the launch of the play

- 7 letters between Gordon Dickenson at Peters, Fraser and Dunlop and David Rees dated Jun Aug 1994 regarding publication play, including a letter regarding Iris Murdoch mislaying the proofs for the text but being pleased with proofs sent and approving publication

- 2 drafts of play title page

- 7 drafts of title label for the book

- 3 drafts of inside title page and draft of characters list

- Copy of a letter from Iris Murdoch regarding changing title of the play to 'Joanna' c. Jul 1994

- Proof of first page from the play dated Aug 1994

- 2 Loose-leaf Proofs of play dated 24 Jul 1994

- Handwritten notes on edits to be made to the play by unknown individual

- Loose-leaf proof of the play dated 27 Aug 1994

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GB 2108 KUAS229 · Fonds · 1962-[1989]

20 letters from Iris Murdoch to writer and economist Devaki Jain, largely regarding arrangements to meet but also regarding thoughts on religion, clothes, travelling and family. Dated mostly from the 1960s with one possible from 1980. With copies of 2 letters from Devaki Jain to Iris Murdoch, and 8 copies of title pages from Iris Murdoch novels with handwritten dedications from Iris Murdoch to Devaki Jain.

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GB 2108 KUAS186 · Fonds · [1940-2006]

Photographs and other albums relating to Kingston Polytechnic and Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College. Includes two albums of staff portraits from Kingston Polytechnic 1970- early 1980s, group photographs from 1969/ 1970, and correspondence from former students of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College sending in Newsletters and other items.

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GB 2108 KUAS190 · Fonds · 1953

Portrait of Lilian de Lissa, first principal of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College, by artist Gilbert Spencer. The painting was commissioned by the college as a present for Miss de Lissa and presented to her in a ceremony in October 1953. The portrait has been held by Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College prior to passing to Kingston Polytechnic and Kingston University.

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