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Sidney Webb College
GB 1753 SWC · Arquivo · 1960-1986

Records, 1960-1986, of Sidney Webb College and its successor, including minutes and related papers, comprising Advisory Committee and Governing Body minutes, 1960-1970; Governing Body agendas, minutes and papers, 1971-1975, including published HMSO and ILEA reports on education and teacher training, 1972-1973; Staff and Academic Board minutes, 1961-1967; Staff Meeting agendas, minutes and papers, 1967-1968; Academic Board agendas, minutes and papers, 1968-1975; Library Committee minutes and other papers, 1961-1977; Staff Appointments and Promotions Committee agendas, minutes and papers, 1969-1975; Appeals Committee papers, 1973. Other administrative papers comprise papers relating to the early years of the College, including premises, 1961-1970; letters from students, 1964; papers on non-academic staffing matters, including issues relating to the merger with the Polytechnic of Central London, 1969-1977; papers on staffing and re-structuring with relation to amalgamation with the Polytechnic of Central London, 1971-1975; papers of the Joint Working Party on the Future Role of the College, 1972-1973; papers, including minutes of meetings, on the future of the College, including proposed transfer of departments to Battersea College, 1973-1974; Principal's papers, including correspondence, reports and minutes, on the merger with the Polytechnic of Central London, 1973-1976; financial estimates, 1974-1975; Bachelor of Education degree submission to the CNAA, 1975-1976; papers relating to valedictory meeting at final closure, 1980. Various student records, 1961-1980, include exam results. Publications comprise prospectuses, 1961-1975; College magazines, 1965-1968 and undated; Students' Union constitution and standing orders, undated; LCC publications on training colleges, 1964; ILEA publication on colleges of education, 1973; article on the College, 1978. Papers of the Central School comprise memorandum and new articles of association, 1947; papers, including correspondence and notes of meetings, 1970-1976; notes of an ILEA meeting on a link between Sidney Webb College and the Central School, 1971; exam results, 1974-1980; and other papers, 1983-1986.

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GB 2108 KUAS186 · Arquivo · [1940-2006]

Photographs and other albums relating to Kingston Polytechnic and Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College. Includes two albums of staff portraits from Kingston Polytechnic 1970- early 1980s, group photographs from 1969/ 1970, and correspondence from former students of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College sending in Newsletters and other items.

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DE LISSA, Lilian (1885-1967): Painting by Stanley Gilbert
GB 2108 KUAS190 · Arquivo · 1953

Portrait of Lilian de Lissa, first principal of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College, by artist Gilbert Spencer. The painting was commissioned by the college as a present for Miss de Lissa and presented to her in a ceremony in October 1953. The portrait has been held by Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College prior to passing to Kingston Polytechnic and Kingston University.

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