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Three volumes of handwritten notebooks entitled, The London and Surburban Coffee-Houses, Taverns and Inns of the Eighteenth Century by J.Paul de Castro, listing the names of coffee-houses, taverns and inns with the book or newspaper in which they were referenced (n.d.); typescript list, Inns mentioned in the Journal of Martin Bere, from an article by Martin A.S.Hume in the Gentleman's Magazine, November 1891 (1p) (n.d.); typescript list, List of Taverns held by Members of the Company of Vintners, 1641 to Ambrose Head from C.W.F.Goss (10pp) (31 October 1932); letter from G.A.Tomlin regarding a letter in The Times about the signs for inns and shops (2pp) (28 August 1936).

GB 0096 AL389 · Fonds · 1801

Letter from Mordaunt Martin of 'Burnham' to Dr [John Coakley] Lettsom, Sambrook House, London, 8 Mar 1801. Stating that he has despatched to Lettsom a parcel of mangelwurzel seeds. Explaining that he was prevented from answering Lettsom's letter of 3 Jan by an attack of gallstones, since relieved by pills of soap and rhubarb. Discussing the 'Brown Bread Act' [probably 41 Geo.3.c.16] to which, he says, Lettsom was in some degree accessory; quoting Lettsom and Horne Tooke on the Act; Martin prefers brown bread for his breakfast, using his own wheat 'sifted in the coarsest hair sieve', but deprecates the 'indiscriminate use of it'. Attacking at length the Potato Premium Bill, which had just been rejected, according to 'the paper of this night'; claiming that such a bill would force by premiums an unnatural produce on land which the occupiers could use for more profitable crops. Adding that his and Lettsom's 'hearts will beat in unison' on reading pages 109-110 of the 2nd edition of [Robert] Fellowes's Christian Philosophy [1799].

Autograph, with signature.

Martin , Mordaunt , fl 1801 , correspondent of John Coakley Lettsom
GB 0096 AL116 · Fonds · 1791

Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 18 Nov 1791. Describing the condition and people of Bavaria. Speaking of the Elector's troops: '... I know of no Troops that are so well and so comfortably clothed as ours, both for Summer and Winter ...'. Giving details of the crops, minerals and commerce of Bavaria. 'It would be difficult,'he writes, 'to convey to your Lordship an adequate idea of the Ignorance, Superstition and corruption which pervade and darken every part of this neglected Country.' Says that the clergy and nobility hold a monopoly of the beer in Bavaria: '... which is the great source of their riches, and on that account Drunkenness must be encouraged.'

Autograph, with signature.

Thompson , Sir , Benjamin , 1753-1814 , Knight , Count von Rumford , scientist, natural philosopher, soldier and administrator