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GB 0070 TGA 724 · Fondo · 1902-1957

Alfred Yockney was an art writer and curator primarily associated with West End galleries and art publishers. This collection consists mainly of his correspondence with artists and members of the art world as part of his work as the editor of Art Journal and as secretary to the British War Memorials Committee. It also contains numerous sets of notes about artists as preparation for articles. The collection includes printed leaflets and extracts from exhibition catalogues and newspapers.

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The Story of Unity Theatre'
GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/20 · Fondo · [2008]

DVD, 'The story of Unity Theatre: the theatre of the labour and trade union movement', produced by the Unity Theatre Trust, c 2008.

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GB 2108 KUAS207 · Fondo · 1899-2016

Records collected from within Kingston School of Art at Kingston University and from external donors relating to the history of Kingston School of Art / Kingston College of Art (later part of Kingston Polytechnic and Kingston University). Records collected include photographs, events and exhibition programmes and invitations, prospectuses, leaflets, and correspondence. Originally collected as part of the Archive KSA Project.

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Records of the parish of Dagenham
BD75 · Fondo · 1838-1926

This collection comprises the following records relating to the parish of Dagenham:

Minute books of Dagenham Parish Council, 1894-1926 (BD75/A/1-3)

Attendance book of Dagenham Parish Council, 1894-1925 (BD75/A/4)

Letter book of Dagenham Parish Council, 1923-1924 (BD75/A/5)

Minute books of Dagenham School Board, 1874-1903 (BD75/B/1)

Ledger of Dagenham School Board, 1894-1900 (BD75/B/2)

Poor rate books for Dagenham, 1839-1879 (BD75/C/1)

Church rate books for Dagenham, 1849-1865 (BD75/C/2)

Sanitary rate books for Dagenham, 1887-1892 (BD75/C/3)

Lighting rate books for Dagenham, 1900-1925 (BD75/C/4)

Highways rate books for Dagenham, 1874-1880 (BD75/C/5)

Poor and sanitary rate books for Dagenham, 1893-1913 (BD75/C/6)

Poor and special expenses rate books for Dagenham, 1914-1922 (BD75/C/7)

Valuation lists for Dagenham, 1893 (BD75/D)

Collection and deposit books for Dagenham, 1907-1928 (BD75/E)

Collectors' statements and books for Dagenham, 1894-1927 (BD75/F)

Receipt and payment books for Dagenham, 1838-1926 (BD75/G)

Allotment ledgers, 1920-1928 (BD75/H)

Dagenham tithe register, 1841 (BD75/J)

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St Bartholomew the Less parish
SBHSBL · Fondo · 1547-2006

Comprises: Bequests, Wills and Probate; Church Fabric; Constable and Scavenger; Certificates; Churchwardens; Finance; Images and Press Cuttings; Militia; Parish Appointments; Parish Boundaries; Poor Law; Printed Material; Plans of the Church; Parish Property; Parish Registers; Parish Maintenance; Loose Rate Assessment Papers; Registers of Services and Preachers; Tithes; Vicar and Hospitaller; Vestry.

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St Nicholas Shambles parish
SBHSNC · Fondo · 1253-1526

Records of St Nicholas Shambles parish, 1253-1526, comprising churchwardens' account book, 1452-1526; indulgence from Walter [Cantilupe], Bishop of Worcester, to the parishioners of St Nicholas Shambles, 22 Jan 1253; indulgence from Nicholas, Bishop of Kildare, to all who say the Lord's Prayer and Ave Maria for the soul of Simon de Finchinfield, buried in the church of St Nicholas, 8 Sep 1280.

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Shaw, E: letter (1888)
GB 0096 AL421 · Fondo · 1888

Letter from E Shaw of the Derwentwater Hotel, Portincasle, Keswick, [Cumberland] to 'Tom', 25 Sep 1888. Shaw's party had dined at the hotel and were obliged to stay there for a week as they could find no suitable lodgings. They had taken up the Hampsons on the way.

Autograph, with signature. On headed paper, bearing an engraved view of the hotel.

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Owen, Robert: letter, 24 Oct 1814
GB 0096 AL506 · Fondo · 1814

Letter from Robert Owen of Braxfield, [Lanarkshire] to 'the London Partners in the firm of Robert Owen and Co', 24 Oct 1814. Sending monthly accounts [missing]. Attributing poor trading in cotton to political instability in Europe; explains that unprofitable sales in Russia must continue until the market improves so that the mills [at New Lanark] can be kept working.

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GB 0096 MS1149 · Fondo · c 1760-1901

Underdown ecclesiastical architecture and design collection, c 1760-1901, (bought from H. W. Underdown) includes: reproduction of print of Witham Friary (1760); print of drawing by Catton of Cromer, 1798; plate of engravings of arms and seals of Prior and Convent of St Saviour, Bermondsey, 1821; drawing of brass monument in North Mimms church (1823); photolithographs of monumental brasses in Norfolk and Westminster Abbey (1890s). Collection also includes prints of J. M. W. Turner watercolours painted at Farnley Hall.

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Madrid: Nuestra Senora de Atocha
GB 0096 MS334 · Fondo · 1517-1541

Three Archiepiscopal letters making appointments to the Chaplainship of Nuestra Senora de Atocha de Madrid.

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Monasterio de Santa Catalina de Sena
GB 0096 MS369 · Fondo · [1700-1800]

Findings in a suit brought by the monastry of Santa Catalina de Sena (in Madrid) against the Conde de Camarata.

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Includes a handwritten draft of an article, A Tradition of the King's Head Tavern in the Poultry by unknown author, possibly 'Thomson' (27pp) (n.d.); three printed proofs of the article with annotations (March 1852); two handwritten drafts of the article, The London Tavern: Past and Present (17pp and 34pp) (October 1851); two printed proofs of the article, The London Tavern: Past and Present, annotated (2 copies) (1852); edition of Household Words featuring the article, The London Tavern: Past and Present (14pp) (18 October 1851); letter from Charles Dickens regarding the article A Tradition of the King's Head Tavern in the Poultry (2pp) (n.d.)

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Spitalfields Inventory
GB 0372 SPITALFIELDS INVENTORY · Fondo · 1990-1991

Files compiled by researchers on the Spitalfields Inventory including forms detailing the architectural features and structure of a building or small group of buildings in the Spitalfields area with one or more colour transparencies 1990-1991; five boxes of slides of buildings reviewed by the Spitalfields Inventory, 1990-1991.

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GB 0096 MS349 · Fondo · 1626-1756

Libro de acuerdos de los senores. Testamentarios de la Magestad Cesarea la senora Emperatriz dona Maria, tocantes a la fundacion y detacion que mando hazer en el Monasterio Real de las Descalcas de esta villa de Madrid, que fundo la senora Pincesa dona Iuana Ano de 1626.

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Max Lock Archive
GB 1753 MLA · Fondo · 1936-1988

Papers of Max Lock, 1936-1988, produced and collected by Max Lock and the Max Lock Group, relate to Lock's career as a planner and architect and to wider issues in planning, particularly after World War Two, and comprise working papers (including survey papers) and finished material.

They include correspondence; notes and card indexes; photographs (some aerial), slides, drawings, maps and plans; Bills, Acts, white papers and other official publications; books, articles, reports and other publications (some annotated); typescripts; press cuttings; and conference papers. The bulk of the material dates from the 1940s to the early 1970s. Material relating to Lock's career and projects within the UK includes papers on his time as a Watford councillor and his architectural practice in the 1930s, including a timber house he designed at Stanmore, Middlesex; Hull, 1939-1957, including conflicts between Lock and his superiors; Scalby, 1940-1941; Middlesborough, 1943-1970; Hartlepool, 1946-1970; Portsmouth, 1948-1973; Salisbury, 1949-1969; Sutton Coldfield, 1950-1967; Bedford, 1950-1971; Sevenoaks, 1954-1965; Aberdare, 1957-1959; Stratford (West Ham), 1957-1962; Hackney and Shoreditch, 1960-1971; Woodley, 1962-1969; Oldham, 1962-1971; Covent Garden, 1963-1971; Battle, 1964; Brentford and Chiswick, 1964-1970; Torbay, 1968-1969; Dunstable, 1968-1972; Greater London Development Plan Inquiry, 1969-1971, and other material on GLC planning and transport; Beverley, 1969-1972. Material on projects and visits overseas includes papers on Scandinavia, 1937-1939, 1946-1949; India, Pakistan and Ceylon, 1946-1955; the Netherlands, including the Town Planning Institute Tour (1946), 1946-1957; the Americas, including Brazil, the West Indies and the USA, 1952-1969; Italy, 1952-1970; the Middle East, including Iraq and Jordan, 1954-1958; Australia, 1959-1960; Aden, 1960-1961; Kuwait, 1961; Nigeria, including Kaduna and Maiduguri, 1962-1975.

The collection includes a large volume of accumulated material, 1944-1987, largely printed material by other authors, including other planners, planning bodies and architects, some from architectural and planning journals and from the national and regional press, on planning and related issues both in the UK and overseas, such as planning law and procedures; central and local government and administration; public inquiries; housing; historic buildings; urban development; industry and retail; transport infrastructure, including roads and ports; traffic, noise, and the environment; social and economic issues including employment, labour, and social class; population levels and density; public amenities and utilities; land use and open space; and statistical data. Some papers relate to the affairs, including legal and financial matters, of the Max Lock Group; the architectural work of Max Lock and Partners; premises in Victoria Square, London; and the Max Lock Group Nigeria. Papers of or concerning Lock himself include his notebooks and other papers reflecting the development of his ideas; papers relating to publications and broadcasts; papers relating to professional bodies, including the TPI, RIBA, TCPA and UDAG; personal correspondence; photographs of him and his friends; papers on music and architecture, including lecture notes; articles about Lock, and his obituary in the Independent, 3 May 1988.

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Cross, J: letter (1794)
GB 0096 AL327 · Fondo · 1794

Letter from J Cross of London to [Mr Oriel], 14 Apr 1794. 'I laid your proposal respecting the mill at Quemerford [near Calne, Wiltshire] before my Lord Lansdown [i.e. the Marquess of Lansdowne], in answer to which he had directed me to give you, in his own words, his opinion of the use of machinery in the cloathing manufacture - vizt "Nothing can be more mistaken than the prejudice conceived against machinery, nor could be more unfortunate for the country if suffer'd to prevail - for the consequence must be, the transfer of the manufacture either to the North of England, where the prejudice has been got the better of, and where they experience the advantage, or else to foreign countrys - or part to one and part to the other. Calne is calculated to be the seat of it, much better than either Chippenham or Devizes, or any town which I can immediately recollect, and independent of the great increase of trade, it would create a number of mechanists, and promote in consequence every sort of ingenuity, which would make up abundantly the loss sustain'd by the spinners; besides the navigations which are proposed [i.e. the Wilts and Berks Canal] will furnish a great deal of work; but rather than attempt any thing so arbitrary & absurd as to stop the progress of the machinery, I am very clear it would be better to come to a general rise of wage, especially if every person was compell'd at the same time to belong to some amicable society ...".'

Autograph, with signature.

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GB 0096 AL48 · Fondo · 1800

Letter from William Eden of Farm, [Beckenham, Kent] to the Marquess of Buckingham, 22 Sep 1800. Discussing the possibility of a penny post.: 'I cannot pospone my thanks for your letter of the 14th. With respect to that part of it which relates to the Post Office I hope to obtain good information ... on the practicability of establishing a "sort of penny-post from all the great Towns to the Villages, etc" - We already have a regular penny post at Bath, Liverpool, Manchester, and, I believe, at Birmingham, for those palces and for their suburbs. And it is every year more productive to the Revenue, which is the surest proof of its being an accomodation to the Public. I am well satisfied ... that such a system would be useful; and even that it might be expedient to give a very general extension to it.' Much of the remainder of the letter concerns crops.

Autograph, with signature.

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Mile End Hospital
RLHME · Fondo · 1858-1990

Administrative records, Chaplain's records, patient records, nursing records, photographs and miscellaneous records.

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St Audoen alias St Ewin parish
SBHSAU · Fondo · [1495]-1533

Comprises: memorandum relating to churchwardens' account book and parish ordinances, [1495]; memorandum of expenses for an obit mass 'for the good benefactors and all Christian souls', 1507; ratification regarding the observance of the feast day of St Audoen alias St Ewin, 1533.

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Mason/Rowlatt Family Papers
GB 0372 LONDON COLLECTION MANUSCRIPTS/27 · Fondo · 1834-1919

Family papers of Charles Frederic Mason and his wife, Mary Rowlatt, 1834-1919, including last will and testament of Charles Frederic Mason (1p), 1 November 1864; marriage certificate of Charles Frederic Mason and Mary Rowlatt, 8 May 1853; manuscript notebook containg handwritten tributes such as poems and songs, written by daughter Isabel Marie Helena Mason and others (c100pp), c1860-1919; bankruptcy proceedings certificate against Richard Rowlatt (Mary's father), 14 April 1836; 'In Memorium' cards for Richard Rowlatt (Mary's father), Eliza Mary Rowlatt, John Ingram Bywater, Eleanor Rowlatt (Mary's mother) and Frances Wignell, 1864-1879; notebook containing handwritten notes and sketches on architecture by Isabel Mason (c100pp), c1905; engagement diary for unidentified person with short entries on the days activities and weather,1878; small handwritten account book for Mary Rowlatt (Mrs Mason), 1876-1879; two receipts for the coffin and funeral arrangement of Patrick Collins (Isabel's husband), 11 January 1912; marriage certificate for William Roberts and Lavinia Rowlatte, 17 December 1859; marriage certificate for Patrick Collins and Isabel Marie Helena Mason, 14 October 1905; statement by Charles Frederic Mason affirming his marriage to Mary Rowlett, 22 March 1867; handwritten accounts of William Jackson Stokes, 1864-1868; handwritten costs of probate for Richard Rowlatt, 1865-1866; five miscellaneous handwritten receipts for Mr Rowlett, 1871-1875; small handwritten payment book for washing services, 1875; City of London certificate for Richard Rowlatt, 1834.

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Sandys Row Synagogue
GB 0372 SRS · Fondo · 1897-2004

Records of Sandys Row Synagogue (1903-2004), including: President's correspondence and papers, including the minutes and correspondence of the Stepney Street Traders' Association, 1953-1973; financial records, including invoices, receipts, bank savings books and accounts, 1904-2004; contributions registers and membership records, 1930-1997; rules and administrative papers, 1933-1987; reports and balance sheets of the Synagogue, 1924-1973; legal documents regarding insurance and building leases, 1920-1950; report and balance sheets of the Sister and Brotherhood Society and the Society for Kindness and Truth, 1897-1936; programmes for dinners and social events, 1963-1979; annual reports for the Jewish Blind Society, the Home for Aged Jews and the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1956-1973.

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Madrid: San Miguel de los Octoes
GB 0096 MS344 · Fondo · 1524-1576

Libro de las vissitas desta Iglesia parrochial d' S. Miguel d'los Octoes desde el Ano de 1524 Asta el d'1576. A record of the inspections of the church, its possessions and finances, made every two years by the 'visitator'.

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Madrid: Hospicio de San Fernando
GB 0096 MS345 · Fondo · 1734-1748

A short history of the poor house Hospicio de San Fernando in Madrid and an account of its present (1747) constitution and administration; copies of documents (1734-1738) relating to the administration of the poor house unders its previous Governor, Gaspar de Molina y Oviedo; a letter of 24 October 1748 to Cardinal Infante, Luis Antonio, asking for financial help to meet increased food prices.

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Plans of the Ministry of Justice
GB 0096 MS379 · Fondo · 1873

Plans of the Ministry of Justice, Jan 1873, signed by the architects, Joachim Maria Vega and Juan Jose Sanchez-Passador.

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GB 0096 MS1183 · Fondo · 1854 - 1866

Manuscript minutes of the committees of the Society. Includes monthly meetings, and the Parliamentary Committee. Also includes printed minutes of annual general meetings, financial statements, reports of select committees into the licensing system, correspondence with Sir George Gray, Home Secretary, letters from inn-keepers requesting help with magistrates' cases, details of campaigns to resist the temperance movement.

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Madrid: Nuestra Senora de Atocha
GB 0096 MS333 · Fondo · 1509-1750

Documents, including terriers and notarial instruments, relating to the church of Nuestra Senora de Atocha of Madrid.

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