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GB 2108 KUAS191 · Fondo · [1820-1999]

Items belonging to Iris Murdoch presented by Audi Bayley. These items were from Iris Murdoch's former home in Charlbury Road and include letters written by Iris Murdoch to Borys and Audi Villers [later Audi Bayley], a planning notebook for Jackson's Dilemma, and a range of objects. Includes:

1) Large bust of Iris Murdoch mounted on marble

2) Iris Murdoch's teddy bear 'Jimbo'

3) Painting by Iris Murdoch 1941

4) Tapestry by Iris Murdoch of fish with the initials IM and JB

5) Gold edged bowl

6) 5 stones and 9 Asian religious figurines / icons from Murdoch's writing desk

7) Letters from Iris Murdoch to Audi Bayley and her first husband Boris Villiers

8) Green box containing brooch- appears to be enamelled George IV shilling from 1820s

9) 4 replica medieval icons mounted on wood

10) Framed photographs from Iris Murdoch's study of Murdoch as a child and Murdoch's parents

11) 3 Canadian stone figurines depicting an owl, a penguin and a seal

12) 2 stone figurines of a cow and a lion, with painted and gilded details

13) 11 dress necklaces worn by Murdoch and kept in her study

14) A notebook with planning notes by Murdoch for the novel 'Jackson's Dilemma'

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GB 0096 AL183 · Fondo · 1868

Letter from William Ewart Gladstone of Hawarden, North Wales to Sir Joshua Walmsley, 29 Oct 1868. Replying to his request for a portrait of Gladstone. 'I am haunted by the belief that I am under a prior engagement'.

Autograph, with signature.

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Spencer, Sir Stanley: letter (1924)
GB 0096 AL257 · Fondo · 1924

Letter from Sir Stanley Spencer of 3 Vale Hotel Studios, Hampstead, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, 26 Apr 1926. 'Here at last is the monograph of my works ... The much wanted or unwanted explanation of my pictures will be found in the book of words, so there will be no more trouble now, all is clear at last ... I am doing a big picture of the resurrection ... (18ft x 9ft) and it is going to take years to paint and I love painting it so I am enjoying myself ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

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Masefield, John Edward
GB 0096 MS951-953 and 966 · Fondo · 1907-1971

Papers of John Masefield, 1907-1971. Manuscripts 951 and 952 contain photographs of Masefield, Mrs Ethel Stockdale Ross, theatre productions and HMS Conway (?). B/W and colour photographs and negatives. Manuscript 953 contains watercolours and one ink drawing by Masefield. Manuscript 966 contains a watercolour, 'The Dalgoner', 1920s.

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Mackenzie, Peter: letter
GB 0096 AL511 · Fondo · 1834

Letter from Peter Mackenzie of Glasgow to Joseph Hume, 8 Jan 1834. Returning the 'Major's portrait'. Sends Hume volumes [2 and 3] of the Reformers' Gazette.

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GB 0070 TGA 721 · Fondo · 1895-1966

Alfred Wolmark was a painter whose range included figurative, landscape and graphic art. The papers and sketches in this collection reflect the various areas and influences in his life and work. The collection includes sketches, transcripts of his lectures, a diary, examples of posters and programmes designed by him, lists of his works, and correspondence with friends, associates and possible sitters.

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GB-70-tga-200413 · Fondo · c 1919-1924

A sketchbook by Stanley Spencer, c 1919-1924 with one loose sketch of Gilbert Spencer by Stanley Spencer, c 1906-1908.

The Sketchbook contains 37 pages with sketches on front and back of pages, 4 loose sheets and 2 torn pages. Most sketches are made in pencil. However, 12 sketches are finished in pencil and wash, and 1 sketch in pencil and oil.

The sketchbook spans Spencer's time spent with the Slessers in Bourne End from late 1919-1920, with Muirhead Bone and his wife at Petersfield in 1921 and his stay with Henry Lamb in Poole, Dorset in April 1923 where he produced designs for what would later become the Sandham Memorial Chapel at Burghclere. The sketchbook is significant in that it includes initial ideas for a number of post-First World War religious works, including some Tate-owned paintings, notably 'Christ Carrying the Cross', 1920, 'The Robing of Christ and the Disrobing of Christ', 1922, and 'The Resurrection, Cookham', 1924-26. It also includes a number of designs (many in pencil and wash) for Sandham Memorial Chapel at Burghclare which are amongst some of the earliest sketches that Spencer created for this commission.

The loose sketch of Spencer's brother, Gilbert Spencer, is a pre-Slade School sketch of c 1906-1908 of his magnum opus.

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GB 0096 AL15e · Fondo · 1923

Letter from Sir Edward Henry Busk of Heath End, Checkendon, Oxfordshire to R A Rye. Asking for the name and address of a photographer to reproduce his portrait painted by [John Singer] Sargent, 'as many friends are asking me for a reproduction'.

Autograph, with signature.

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Telford, Thomas: letter
GB 0096 AL478 · Fondo · 1811-[1834]

Letter from Thomas Telford of Inverness to Rev John Warren, Dean of Bangor, [Caernarfonshire], 23 Sep 1811. Concerning a possible road to pass through Bangor, and giving instructions for the surveyor.

Autograph, with signature.

The following items are filed with the letter: (a) an engraving of Thomas Telford (1832); (b) engravings of Menai Bridge, the Vale of Llangollen and Conway, by W Radclyffe (undated); (c) a list of Telford's achievements, set out as if for a memorial plaque [produced after Telford's death in 1834].

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GB 0070 TGA 733 · Fondo · 1910-1964

This collection largely consists of correspondence to and from Stanley Spencer and his writings on himself, his paintings, religion and his relationships. The correspondence dates from the late 1930s, with the majority coming from the 1940s and 1950s. Important correspondents include: the British Broadcasting Corporation, Mary and Louis Behrend (patrons and founders of Sandham Memorial Chapel, Burghclere), Spencer's sister Florence Image, his first wife Hilda, his children Unity and Shirin, John and Elizabeth Rothenstein and the Tate, and Arthur Tooth and Sons (his agents). The collection also contains Spencer's writings, notebooks and diaries. Spencer was a prolific writer who appeared to use his writings as an opportunity to expand or refine his ideas for paintings, and his personal thoughts. Along with his letters, the continuous writings, notebooks and diaries often contain detailed descriptions of his paintings, compositions and schemes; his opinions on art, life, philosophy, religion and sex; and his autobiography and preparation for a proposed book. The collection is completed by a number of sketches and drawings by Spencer, the majority of which relate to larger, painted works; and some printed ephemera including press cuttings, photographs, postcards, private view cards and exhibition catalogues.

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GB 2108 KUAS190 · Fondo · 1953

Portrait of Lilian de Lissa, first principal of Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College, by artist Gilbert Spencer. The painting was commissioned by the college as a present for Miss de Lissa and presented to her in a ceremony in October 1953. The portrait has been held by Gipsy Hill Teacher Training College prior to passing to Kingston Polytechnic and Kingston University.

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BURRELL, Louie (1873-1971)
GB 106 7LBU · Fondo · 1990s

The archive consists of biographical publications on Louie Burrell and postcard reproductions of her work:

  • 13 postcard reproductions of the following paintings by Louie Burrell: Life Class (1900-1903); Girl at Writing Box (c 1895); A Model (1900-1903); Old Sales - a model (1900-1903); Making Marmalade (1890-1900); Philippa (1917); A Model (1900-1903); The Forge (1890-1900); Julia (1889); A Child Seated (1904); Mrs Stanley Baldwin (1924); Nurse and Philippa (1908); Philip Burrell (1904-1907)

  • 1 postcard reproduction of a painting by Ada (Margetts) Luker (mother of Louie Burrell): Still Life (c 1857)

  • 'The Saratoga Trunk and The Last Door' (Jul 1997), Philippa Burrell. Booklet memoir relating to her own and her mother's artistic life.

  • 'Louie Burrell - A Woman Painter', (The University of Hull Art Collection, c 1990). A short biography compiled from the letters and writings of Philippa Burrell and Jim Murrell.

  • 'Louie Burrell Woman and Artist 1873-1971' (c 1990). Leaflet by Philippa Burrell.

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Holyoake, George Jacob: postcards
GB 0096 AL326 · Fondo · [1897]-1901

2 postcards from George Jacob Holyoake of Eastern Lodge, Brighton to Edwin Ashworth, Todmorden Hall, Yorkshire, West Riding. (1) On the subject of portraits, 1 Feb [1897]. (2) 'Thank you for your pleasant birthday note. I have pleasant memories of Todmorden', 16 Apr 1901.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

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GB 0096 MS 1007 · Fondo · 1813-1857

The Grieve collection comprises: 655 original scene designs (and 3 folders of slides), including panoramas and perspective 'cut-outs' in watercolours and wash by members of the Grieve family, covering performances of various revival productions of Shakespeare plays, along with works by Isaac Pocock, M.R.Lacy, Thomas Otway, Michael Costa, Samuel Beazley, Douglas Jerrold, G.Meyerbeer, Charles A.Somerset, Edward Fitzball, Rossini and others, staged at the Theatre Royal (Drury Lane), the Theatre Royal (Covent Garden) and Her Majesty's Theatre, 1813-1857.

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