Affichage de 26 résultats

Description archivistique
Women and Communism' by Lenin
GB 0106 7VIL · Fonds · 1950s

This small collection remains enigmatic. Somebody (c 1950) went to the trouble of typing out larger parts of Lenin's published work on Women and Communism (held in the main book sequence, though a slightly different edition). Typescript copied from 'Women and Communism' and newspaper delivery note.

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DERRICK, Paul (1916-1996)
GB 0372 DERRICK · Fonds · 1947-1987

Papers of co-operator and Christian socialist Paul Derrick, 1947-1987, including pamphlets and publications by Derrick concerning socialism, co-operation, economics, Christian socialism and other subjects, 1947-1987; papers and correspondence concerning common ownership, 1968-1975; typescripts drafts by and correspondence with R.H.Glover, 1969-1974; correspondence and papers concerning the Robert Owen Bicentenary Association, 1970-1974; papers, correspondence and minutes of the Christian Socialist Movement, 1962-1981; miscellaneous correspondence regarding political, co-operative and general issues with politicians, colleagues and others, 1952-1974; typescript and handwritten drafts of published and unpublished articles, c1950-1975; personal papers and correspondence, 1967-1971.

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Red Pepper magazine
GB 0372 RED PEPPER · Fonds · 1992-2001

Photographs and artwork from Red Pepper magazine, 1992-2001.

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SEDGWICK, Peter Harold (1934-1983)
GB 0372 SEDGWICK · Fonds · 1953-1984

Papers of Peter Sedgwick (1934-1983), including: correspondence with contemporaries and friends including Raphael Samuel, Jean McCrindle, Anna Davin, Luke Hodgkin, Stanley and Hannah Mitchell, Steven Lukes and others, 1953-1983; photocopies of Sedgwick's handwritten diaries, 1980-1983; family, biographical and personal papers, 1934-1952; published articles, reviews and papers regarding politics, psychology and Victor Serge, 1963-1984.

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GB 0096 AL527 · Fonds · 1938

(1) Letter from Randall Carline Swingler of the Left Review, 2 Parton Street, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Asking him to contribute an article to the Left Review. Sturge Moore's draft reply appears on the reverse.

(2) Letter from Randall CarlineSwingler of the Left Review to Thomas Sturge Moore, c1938. Enclosing the final proof [missing] of Sturge Moore's article Fashions in art and literature.The article appeared in the April 1938 issue.

(3)Letter from John Edgell Rickword of the Communist Party of Great Britain, Hampstead Branch, 47 South Hill Park to Thomas Sturge Moore, 15 Feb 1938. Asking him to chair a lecture.

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Marx, Karl: letter, 10 Apr 1869
GB 0096 AL84 · Fonds · 1869

Letter from Karl Heinrich Marx of 7 Modena Villas, Maitland Park, Haverstock Hill, London to J M Ludlow, Esq, 10 Apr 1869. Controverting Ludlow's article in the Fortnightly Review: 'You say first that Lassalle propogated my principles in Germany and say then that I am propagating "Lassallian principles" in England. ... Lassalle has taken from my writings almost literally all his general theoretical developments ... I have nothing whatever to do with his practical applications.'

Autograph, with signature.

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See Red' Women's Workshop
GB 106 5SRW · Fonds · 1974-1984

The archive consists of papers relating to the activities and members of See Red Women's Workshop, 1974-1984. It includes correspondence; notebooks containing minutes; press cuttings; poster catalogues and photographs showing members at work in the screen-print workshop.

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PRENDERGAST, Mollie: Memoirs
GB 106 7MOP · Fonds · 2000

The archive consists of an illustrated typescript autobiography of Mollie Prendergast spanning the greater part of the twentieth century. Includes accounts of her family history and background; her rural childhood and her time in service; the education and working lives of herself and of other family members; her life in London, including during the Blitz; her work as a civil servant; holidays and trips abroad; and her involvement with left wing political and social action.

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CAVENDISH-BENTINCK, Ruth (1867-1953)
GB 106 7RCB · Fonds · 1894-[1959]

The archive consists of letters and articles written by Ruth Cavendish-Bentinck, press cuttings and articles relating to the suffrage movement, press cuttings and manuscript notes on women's employment, a drawing of and letter from George Bernard Shaw.

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GASTER, Jacob (Jack) (1907-2007)
GB 0372 GASTER · Fonds · 1946-2007

Papers of Jack Gaster (1907-2007), including: quarter-inch tape reels featuring music recordings by Rufus John and speeches by George Lansbury, Ramsay MacDonald, Willie Gallacher, James Maxton, etc., n.d.; papers, press cuttings and notes relating to social issues in London and Gaster's service on the London County Council, 1946-1961; press cuttings and miscellaneous notes regarding China, Poland, Guiana, Communism and international affairs, 1953-1982; selection of Communist and peace badges, n.d.; metal paper stamp of the British Soviet Friendly Houses Limited, n.d.; festschrift for Jack Gaster on his 95th birthday and order for memorial service, 2002-2007.

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Clinton, Alan Michael
GB 0096 MS 1114 · Fonds · circa 1918-1990

The collection comprises correspondence, research notes, publications and drafts compiled by Alan Clinton during research for his book Printed Ephemera: Collection, Organisation, Access published by Clive Bingley in 1981 (1976-1980); Correspondence, organisational documents, ephemera, handwritten notes and other material regarding Clinton's involvement with the Oxford University Labour Club and other groupings, including the Socialist Labour League, his time serving on Islington Council, various publications and articles (1964-1990), Trotskyist and other left-wing pamphlets and journals, 1960s-1980s, including Workers Press and Newsline.

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MORRIS, May (1862-1938)
GB 106 7MMO · Fonds · 1960s-1980s

The collection compromises background material for a book on May Morris written by Elizabeth Masterman, titled May Morris: some notes for book collectors, published in 1984 by Book Collector, London. The archive consists of notes, filed alphabetically, covering personalities and subjects referred to in the book, correspondence, a copy of an illustrated catalogue of embroidery designs, a copy of William Morris material in the collection of H Buxton Forman, in possession of the Hammersmith Public Library, a hand list of documents and manuscripts of William Morris and papers and a manuscript text of a lecture about May Morris given by E Masterman at Royal College of Arlon in 1883. Includes details of the Arts and Crafts movement.

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ROWBOTHAM, Sheila (b 1943)
GB 106 7SHR · Fonds · 1969-1988

The archive consists of correspondence and draft for books, resource material, including Women's Liberation Movement papers, socialist periodicals and campaigning papers.

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Freedom Press Archive
GB 0372 FREEDOM PRESS · Fonds · 1910-1989

Miscellaneous handbills, newsletters, typescripts and other ephermera, concerning international movements, personalities and campaigns connected with anarchism, socialism, the peace movement and the history of anarchism, collected by bookshop and publishers Freedom Press (1910 - 1989).

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HUNOT, Peter (1914-1989)
GB 0372 HUNOT · Fonds · 1912-1981

Papers of social scientist and progressive activist, Peter Hunot, 1939-1971, including: minutes, agendas, administrative correspondence and reports of the Central Board of Conscientious Objection, 1942-1945; pamphlets, leaflets and broadsheets published by the Central Board of Conscientious Objection, and general pamphlets relating to conscientious objection, 1940-1971; photographs of ARP (Air Raid Precaution) and NFS (National Fire Service) staff, committee meetings, bomb damage and the ARP at work, 1939-1945; papers, reports, statements, minutes and correspondence from Hunot's involvement with the National ARP Co-ordinating Committee and the ARP and NFS Review, 1940-1944; pamphlets, periodicals and publications regarding civil defence and ARP duty in Britain and America, 1942-1945.

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Fancy, Will (c 1933-2009)
GB 0096 MS1171 · Fonds · [1948-2001]

Subject files include NALGO Action Group, 1968-1982; Victory for Socialism, c1960; International Socialists / Socialist Workers Party Internal Bulletins, 1967-1982, and papers, circulars, 1963-1982; Chile Committee for Human Rights, 1973-1983; liberation struggles in the developing world, 1966-1986; National Union of Teachers rank and file movements, c 1971-1988; Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) local groups, Youth CND groups, Committee of 100, 1958-1971; Exeter University student activism, 1948-1958; Student Labour Federation, 1950-1959; National Association of Labour Student Organisations, 1950-1956; Socialist Labour League bulletins, circulars, 1959-1960. Periodicals include Socialist Fight, 1960-1963; Workers Fight, 1969-1975; The Newsletter, 1958-1968; Young Guard, 1961-1966; Socialist Challenge, c1978-1981; Socialist Review, 1952-1959

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Women and Socialism Conferences
GB 106 5WSC · Fonds · 1973

Printed papers relating to The Women and Socialism Conference 1973, and the Leeds Conference on The Family 1973, from a left-wing Women's Liberation Movement perspective. Includes papers from International Feminist Collective and Gay Liberation. Collator unknown.

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DESPARD, Charlotte (1844-1939)
GB 106 7CFD · Fonds · 1920-1931

The archive consists of letters from Charlotte Despard to Charles Wilson (1920-1932) ; photograph of Mrs Wilson (c. 1920); and a diary of a trip to the USSR (1930).

The letters cover the periods 1920-1922 and 1930-1932, and were written to Mr Charles Wilson of Willington, County Durham, Mr Wilson was a political activist who worked with the Durham miners, and Mrs Despard lectured to his students in 1921 and 1930. In the letters Mrs Despard refers to Mr Wilson's poetry; she also sent him a poem that she had written. She refers to her own political activities, in Ireland, lecturing for the Labour Party against British Policy in India. She also mentions several of the illnesses that were beginning to restrict severely such activities.

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Achilles Heel
GB 0372 ACHILLES HEEL · Fonds · 1974-1983

Papers of Achilles Heel magazine, including: minutes, editorial papers, draft articles, correspondence, publications and other material, 1974-1983; Achilles Heel banner, n.d.; papers and correspondence of the Friend Collective, 1979-1980.

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BARLTROP, Robert (b 1922)
GB 0372 BARLTROP · Fonds · 1904-1991

Papers collected by Robert Barltrop relating to the Socialist Party of Great Britain, including: 62 photographs of Socialist Party of Great Britain Committee meetings, conferences, rallies, weekend schools, outings and individuals including V.Phillips, J.Fitzgerald, R.F.Offord, Gilles McClatchie, Tom King, Michael La Touche, E.Hardy, Bob Lees, William Kerr, Harry Young and others, c1920 - 1959; 11 ink and pencil sketches by Barltrop of SPGB members, including W.Atkinson, J.D'Arcy, J.Flowers, George Gloss, C.Groves, E.Lake, I Rabinowitz, G.Steed, William Travers, J.Trotman and H.Young, 1953-1957; SPGB ephemera, including handbills and posters for lectures, short policy pamphlets and agendas for 21st and 22nd Annual Conferences, 1908-1973; internal policy documents, including reports, statements and conference papers, 1904-1991; SPGB published material, including the first manifesto of the SPGB and pamphlets by Moses Baritz, Jack Fitzgerald, H.Quelch, Harold Walsby and others, 1905-1980; papers of Wallace Herbert Barltrop concerning his service as a dispatch rider in the Royal Flying Corps, 1917-1919; scrapbook of articles by R.W.Housley for the Socialist Standard, 1915-1933; bound volume of copies of the periodical Left Forum, 1939-1950.

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CHALLINOR, Raymond (1929-2011)
GB 0372 CHALLINOR · Fonds · 1806-2000

Papers of historian Raymond Challinor (1929-2011), including: correspondence, internal memoranda, minutes and papers regarding International Socialists, 1960s - 1970s; press cuttings of reviews, articles and letters to the press by Challinor, 1960-1981; research materials, pamphlets and papers on Tom Mann, early trade unionism, Chartism, labour history in the North East of England, socialism and the Neptune Yard Strike (shipyard lying-on time dispute) on the Tyne, 1806-2000.

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Photograph album containing 94 photographs of the International Union of Socialist Youth camp held at Skarpnack Aerodrome, Stockholm, Sweden in 1950, belonging to Richard Wallace Jones, including photographs of their arrival in Flushing, a German autobahn, the ferry at Nyborg, the British tents at the camp, various members of the Union of Socialist Youth, the Co-operative Head Office in Stockholm, various views of Stockholm, various views of Helsinborg, bomb damged Hamburg, various views of Amsterdam, and unidentitied photographs, with a letter to Wally, from Reg, regarding ordering additonal copies of some of the photographs in the album (27 August 1950).

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Ephemera, badges, flag and magazine collected at March for the Alternative, London 26th March 2011, including material from UNISON, Unite, Public and Commercial Services Union, Palestine Solidarity Campaign, Trades Union Congress, Count Me Out, Green Party, Venezuela Solidarity Campaign, UK Uncut, Marxism Festival, National Shop Stewards Network, Socialist Workers Party, Respect Party, Socialist Equality Party, Socialist Resistance, Socialist Party, NASUWT and the National Union of Teachers.

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BARKER, Ambrose (1859-1953)

Typescript paper, 'Ambrose Barker (1859-1953): "Revolutionary Socialist"' by unknown author (68pp) (c 1985).

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Crawford, Ted
GB 0096 MS1136 · Fonds · [1966-1978]

Papers of Ted Crawford, [1966-1978] comprise periodicals including Workers News, c 1975; Israc, 1969 May-1971 March (incomplete), 1970 March; Socialist Appeal, 1978 March-April; The Spark, 1971 September, November; The Bulletin [United States edition], 1970 July -August; The Bulletin [British edition], 1974; Marxist Bulletin, 1975-1976; pamphlets, especially about Israel, including "Les Democarties Populaires - sont elles des etats socialistes", Paris, 1966.

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Playne, Caroline Elizabeth
GB 0096 MS 1112 · Fonds · 1907-1924

Notes, press cuttings, pamphlets and journals compiled and collected by Caroline Elizabeth Playne for her research and publications, including material regarding the war effort in the First World War in Britain, France, Germany and other countries, pacifism, censorship and propaganda and the internment of aliens in Britain, along with publications of pacifist groups, such as the National Peace Council, the No-Conscription Fellowship and the Union of Democratic Control, socialist pamphlets and official publications, 1907-1924.

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