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Archival description
GB 0096 MS309 · Fonds · c1600-1700

Letters and Parliamentary speeches, [1600-1700]; Containing the following items: ff 1-100. A Collection of Divers Arguments and speeches delivered to Kinge James, and propounded to the House of Parliament. Touching the necessitie of calling of parliaments with divers Consideracions of his Majesties Estate, and his Majesties propositions thereof to the Lords of his Councell with the Councells Annswere thereunto, by Robert Cicill late Earle of Salisburie, and Lord Treasurer of England. [The pages containing the King's Propositions and the Council's Answer were evidently lost shortly after the MS. was written: for there are two indexes, the later of which (on f.2 before the original index), in a hand almost contemporary with the original MS., contains only those items which are still present.] ff 103-132. The Fore Runner of Revenge Uppon the Duke of Buckingham For the poysoning of the most potent King James ... And the Lord Marquis Hamilton and others of the Nobilitie. Discovered by Master George Eglisham one of King Jameses Phisitians ... Franckford 1626. [Evidently copied from the first edition of the English translation of "Prodromus Vindictae", which bears this imprint.] ff 134-159. The King's Propositions and the Council's Answer, missing from section (1). ff 161-175. An unhappie view of the whole behaviour of the Lord Duke of Buckingham at the Ile of Ree. [The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comander in that untoward service. ff 177-181. Of Robert Devereux Earl of Essex and George Villiers Duke of Buckingham Some Observations By way of Parallell in the time of there estates and fortunes and measure of favours [By Sir Henry Wotton]. ff 182-203. The Disparitie Between the Earle of Essex and the Duke of Buckingham. [By Edward Hyde, 1st Earl of Clarendon. This version lacks the last thousand words of so of that printed in the "Reliquiae Wottonianae" 1685] ff 206-237. To Mr. Anthony Bacon. An Apologie of the Earle of Essex against those which falsly jeaslously and maliciously takes tax him to be the only hindrance of the peace and quiet of his Country compiled penned by himselfe Anno Domini 1599 1598. imprinted at lo[ndon] 1603. [The readings between ** are interlinear additions, in a different hand, which continue throughout the text. They correspond with the readings of the 1603 edition. There are occasional marginalia in a third hand, but they have been heavily cropped by the binder.] ff 240-271. A Speech delivered by Robert [Cecil] Earle of Salisburye Lord Treasurer of England by the appoyntment of the Kings Majestie unto the Lords Knights and Burgesses of both houses of Parliament ... [14th February] 1609 [n.s. 1610] Anno regni Regis Jacobi etc Septimo [Some marginalia in a different hand]. ff 272-285. An Apologie upon the death of Sir Robert Cecell knight late Lord Threr [Treasurer] of England written against his libellers and presented to Kinge James. ff 286-301. A Discourse written by Sir John Suckling Knight to the Earle of Dorsett. ["An Account of Religion by Reason". Preceded by an introductory letter. There are considerable annotations at the beginning and end of the text in a different hand; some of the matter is lost by cropping.] ff 302-348. A Collection of divers letters, written at sundry tymes, and upon severall occasions, to many of the Nobilitie and gentrie of this Kingdome, by that famous Councellor at lawe Sir Francis Bacon knight late Lord Chancellor of England. ff 351-390. An answere to Tom-Tell-Troth the Practise of Princes and the Lamentacions of the church. [By George Calvert, Baron Baltimore]. ff 393-403. A True relacion of the Treaty and ratificacion of the mariage concluded ... betweene ... Charles kinge of greate Brittaine ... and the Lady Henrietta Maria Sister to the French Kinge. [Dated 8 May 1625]. ff 407-438. A discoverie of the Hollanders fishing or Trades and their circumventing us therein and the meanes how to make proffit by the fishing with the profit honnour and security that will redound to his Majestie and all sorts of Subiects within his three Kingdomes by it.

GB 0096 AL334 · Fonds · [1844]-1869

3 letters addressed to Lady Charlotte [full name unidentified], 1844-1869. (1) From Henry Pelham, Earl of Chichester, 23 Mar 1867. Relating to lectures on prophecy and the apocalypse. (2) From George Villiers, Earl of Clarendon, 25 Jan 1869. Relating to consular posts in China. (3) From Queen Adelaide (widow of William IV), [1844]. Congratulating Lady Charlotte on her daughter's wedding to a Mr Turner.

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

- , Lady , Charlotte , fl 1844-1867 , attendant to Queen Adelaide
GB 0099 KCLMA Dodson · Fonds · 1935-1986

Papers of Sir Derek Dodson, 1935-1986, relating to his service in Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Greece and Italy, comprising papers including message books, notes, reports and correspondence related to service in the Allied Military Mission to Greece, Sep 1943-Mar 1945; messages, notes, and diary relating to service with partisans in Italy, Apr-May 1945; photographs of Dodson; maps of Greece, Italy and France; report by the Salonika Bureau, 'The Macedonian Autonomy Movement in North West Greece: its setting and recent histor', Oct 1945.

Dodson , Sir , Derek Sherborne Lindsell , 1920-2003 , Knight , diplomat , Major
GB 0099 KCLMA Dobrski · Fonds · 1939-1945, 1949-1950, 1953

Papers principally relating to operations of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Italy, Greece, the Aegean and the Balkans, 1941-1945, including: SOE training manuals, and various SOE memoranda relating to the 'Rhine mine', poisons, inland waterways, and the 'New Zionists', 1941-1944; memoranda and directives on SOE infiltration of Italy and the recruitment of Italian agents, the production of propaganda for use in Italy, transcripts of subversive propaganda broadcasts to the Italian people via Radio Jerusalem, letters from Stefano Terra, regarding the activities of the anti-fascist group Giustizia e Libertà, 1940-1943; diary of Capt R Guy Turrall during his SOE sabotage mission to Crete, 1941-1942; papers concerning SOE Operations BASILIC and ERRATIC (infiltration of Scarpanto and Rhodes), 1943; papers concerning propaganda operations in conjunction with the Political Warfare Executive, particularly Operations KREIPE and KRIMSCHILD, May 1944, to demoralize German troops on Crete; reports, 1943-1945, relating to SOE activities on Crete, including reports on the kidnapping by SOE of German Maj Gen Heinrich Kreipe; appreciations of SOE activities in Greece, Hungary, Bulgaria, Rumania, 1943; correspondence of Headquarters Force 133 (SOE Cairo, Egypt) in regard to promotion, welfare, training, transfers and postings of personnel, including confidential reports on individual staff, 1944-1945; diary of Maj John Mulgan, British Liaison Officer in Greece, 1944; correspondence relating to the winding up of SOE organisation in Greece, 1944-1945; various other papers, comprising correspondence with Anne René Pleven, 1939-1941, on the German bombing of London and the reaction of the French people to German occupation and the Vichy government; report on René Pleven, French Minister of Defence, concerning Pleven's attitude to the French political situation, policy towards Indo-China and the French High Command, 1949; papers relating to the reorganisation of Lyons Silks Ltd, French Silhouettes and Arnold Securities, 1949-1950; newspaper article on German penetration of the SOE network in the Netherlands, 1942-1944, dated 1953.

Dobrski , Julian A , fl 1939-1953 , Lt Col , Count , Special Operations Executive Officer , alias Lt Col Julian Antony Dolbey
GB 0096 AL37 · Fonds · 1860-1869

Letter from Richard Cobden of the Board of Trade, Whitehall, London [from embossed stamp on paper] to M Jules le Chevalier St Andre, 29 May 1860. Headed: 'Private'. Referring to an article by M Mornand, drawn to his attention by Le Chevalier St Andre: 'The word "impuissance" is very insulting and very dangerous when applied to my country'. He warns France against 'the idea of England being less powerful in compassion with France than in former time,' and continues: 'New and henceforth supremacy at sea must depend entirely on steam power. " Our tonnage in sailing vessels as compared with France is at least 5 to 1 But the horse power of our steam mercantile marine as compared with yours is about 30 to 1.' He concludes: 'You know how I hate this topic. But depend on it England was never so much to be dreaded in a maritime war as at present.'

Autograph, with signature. The letter paper is inverted.

With the original envelope, on which the following later note has been added: 'Mille compliments à Monsieur E. Dentu. Ceci est l'autograph de Mr Cobden que je lui ai promise mais comme elle traite d'un sujet politique du moment, je désire qu'elle reste sous ce pli et ne soit communiquée à personne du vivant de Mr. Cobden.' On the dorse, above the broken seal: 'Décacheté: - le dimanche 30 avril 1869. E.D.'

Cobden , Richard , 1804-1865 , statesman and businessman
Chalmers, George
GB 0096 MS30 · Fonds · 1641-1808

A manuscript volume containing a collection of papers made by George Chalmers chiefly relating to Ireland including notes and transcripts relating to royal activity in Ireland from the time of King Henry II, tables of imports and exports for Ireland made in the late seventeenth or eighteenth century, a letter by Sir Peter Pett dated Dec 1678, and letters to Chalmers from General Charles Vallancey, Apr 1791, and Francis Douce, [1808]. On one paper, giving the exports of Ireland for 1641, 1665 and 1669, Chalmers has written 'This paper is worth more than its weight in gold'.

Chalmers , George , 1742-1825 , antiquary and public servant
Bedford, Nathaniel (b 1757)
GB 0114 MS0002 · Fonds · 1781-1783

This collection contains a single manuscript volume, the 'Naval Surgeons Casebook'. The volume begins with details of cases, symptoms and cures of Nathaniel Bedford's patients at St George's hospital during 1781. The rest of the volume contains descriptions of cases, sickness, and treatments during his travels whilst a ship's surgeon in the West Indies during 1781-1783.

Bedford, Nathaniel, fl 1781-1783, naval surgeon
Barnard, P M: letter
GB 0096 AL465 · Fonds · 1911

Letter from Percy Mordaunt Barnard of 10 Dudley Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent to [Herbert Somerton] Foxwell, 15 May 1911. Covering note to the 'treaty of Oct. 7 1413', a diplomatic agreement between England and Flanders, and giving details of its provenance. Autograph, unsigned.

Barnard , Percy Mordaunt , 1868-1941 , antiquarian bookseller and clergyman
ARNOTT, Lewis (1898-1971)
GB 0099 KCLMA Arnott, Lewis · Fonds · 1915-1919

91 copies of photographs relating to Lewis Arnott's service with Royal Garrison Artillery (RGA), North West Frontier, India, 1917-1919, including: captioned images of the Afghan delegation to peace talks with Britain, 1919; British forces in camp and on marches (including one dated 3 Nov 1915); views of Peshawar; fortifications; ammunition; artillery; motor cars; pack animals; gardens; daily life for soldiers and local people. Also 69 copies of informal snapshot photographs relating to the service of John Henry Cooper Arnott (brother) with Royal Engineers, Plymouth, World War One, including groups of unidentified soldiers and views of coastline.

Arnott , Lewis , 1898-1971 , soldier
RLHAD · Fonds · 1916-1979

Administrative records, patient records, nursing records.

Albert Dock Seamen's Hospital