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Archival description
GB 1556 WL 962 · Collection · 1939

Papers of Zentralvereinigung österreichische Emigranten, 1939, comprise two newsletters. The first, newsletter 3, describes the position of Austrian emigrants in war time; the internment of men aged 17-65; the reporting of women to the police to be finger-printed and the situation regarding re-joining the French forces. The second, newsletter 4, appeals for help to Austrians from neutral countries; reports on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees on internees; reports on the position of emigrants in other countries and appeals to all Austrians to register with the Zentralvereinigung.

Zentralvereinigung österreichische Emigranten
GB 1556 WL 1091 · Collection · 1944

Papers of Youth Aliyah workers, comprise typescript reports on the experiences of children who managed to escape Nazi occupied Europe and arrived in Palestine, 1944. The names of the children are represented as initials.

GB 1556 WL 1061 · Collection · 20th century

Papers of Marianne Wood, comprise a copy of an autobiographical account of how a German Jewish woman spent her teenage and early adult years in Amsterdam, concealing her Jewish identity.

Wood , Marianne , fl 1940-1945
GB 1556 WL 974 · Collection · 1942

A postcard and transcription from Hans Woltär to Moritz Kupfer, 1942, regarding the provision of supplies and queries about the health and well being of family and friends.

Woltär , Hans , b 1915
GB 1556 WL 894 · Collection · 1904-1913

Papers of Hans Werner Wollenberg, 1904-1913, comprise a volume of family correspondence of Dr Hans Werner Wollenberg.

Wollenberg , Hans Werner , fl 1904-1913 , doctor
GB 1556 WL 1594 · Collection · 1948-1992

Papers of Valerie and Andrea Wolffenstein, 1948-1992, comprise correspondence from their friends and acquaintances and notably include congratulatory birthday letters from Bundespraesident von Weizsaecker and the Bayerische Ministerpraesident, 1991-1992; letter from Eberhard Frowein, film director, 1948 and correspondence and papers concerning Libertas Schulze-boysen, a German opponent of the Nazis and Die Rote Kapelle, two resistance rings, partially with Communist backgrounds, in Nazi-occupied Europe during World War Two.

Ostberg , Kurt , fl 1948-2001
Wittig, Karl (fl 1939-1950)
GB 1556 WL 856 · Collection · 1938-1947

Copies of papers documenting the time spent by Karl Wittig in concentration camps during the Nazi era, 1938-1947, including letters to his wife and sworn statements, including by Martin Niemöller that he knew Karl Wittig as a political prisoner in Sachsenhausen concentration camp.

Wittig , Karl , fl 1939-1950
GB 1556 WL 513 · Collection · 1938-1942

This collection comprises 2 deposits: correspondence between a commercial counsellor at the British Embassy, Berlin, and the secretary of the North of England local industrial development organisation; and the papers of Josephine Winter and her husband, Austrian Jewish immigrants to Great Britain including an inventory of possessions, instructions on how aliens should behave in Great Britain; guidelines on how to prepare children prior to despatch on 'Kindertransport'.

Loebl , H , fl 1938-1942 Winter , Josephine , fl 1938-1942
GB 1556 WL 694 · Collection · early 20th century

The papers of Siegfried Weiner, early 20th century, comprise a biographical account, written by his daughter; she describes life in Regensburg, Bavaria, the family's the difficulties following their emigration to Palestine, the war of independence and then their return to Regensburg.

Weiner, Joyce (fl 1933-1980)
GB 1556 WL 734 · Collection · 1933-1934

Papers of Joyce Weiner, 1933-1934, comprising copies of correspondence from Arnold Zweig to Weiner on the subject of his literary problems, 6 Sep 1933-30 Dec 1934; copy of a letter from Lola Sernau to Weiner, 3 Aug 1933 and a short biographical account of Weiner, 8 Apr 1934.

Weiner , Joyce , fl 1933-1980
GB 1556 WL 534 · Collection · 1947

Verdict and judgement in an appeal in a Nazi war crimes euthanasia trial against Eugen Schmidt and Helen Schürg, OLG Frankfurt am Main, Ss 92/47, 1947. This copy trial document shows the verdict, sentence and trial judgement in a 'Euthanasia Case' appeal against Dr Walter Eugen Schmidt and Helen Schürg, OLG Frankfurt am Main 12.8.1947 Ss 92/47. They were originally found guilty of multiple murder and accessories to multiple murder respectively at the Eichberg nursing home, Hessen, between 1941 and 1945, along with several other defendants at a trial at the LG Frankfurt am Main, 21 Dec 1946-, No. 4 Kls 15/46. The appeal court upheld the verdicts and in the case of Schmidt raised the sentence from life imprisonment to death.

Oberlandgericht Frankfurt am main
GB 1556 WL 646 · Collection · [1939]-1980s

Papers gathered during the course of research for a Thames Television documentary on Kurt Waldheim's role during the Second World War, comprising photocopies of documents with their translations recording Waldheim's activities in connection with the following war crimes which occurred in the Balkans and Greece between 1942 and 1944: the murder and deportation of civilians in Bosnia to Jasenovac, Spring and Summer, 1942; the murder of Greek civilians and the deportation of Italian POWs to slave labour camps after the Italian capitulation, Summer 1943; the deportation of Jews to Auschwitz from Crete, Corfu and Rhodes, Summer 1944; the torture and murder of captured allied commandos, Summer 1944 and other war crimes committed by the Nazis in the Balkans and Greece.

Thames Television
GB 1556 WL 793 · Collection · 1940-1945

Copies of transcriptions of speeches made by Baldur von Schirach, dealing mainly with youth in Nazi Germany, 19 Apr 1940-20 Dec 1944. Each speech was subsequently checked and edited by Mia Thiel Hansen in the employ of the BBC, 19 Nov 1945. An original certificate of authentication signed by Mia Thiel Hansen is enclosed with each speech. Speeches include speech on behalf of the Hitler Youth congratulating Hitler, 19 Apr 1940; speech in which Schirach replies to President Franklin D Roosevelt and attacks him, particularly on youth employment, education and health, 4 Sep 1942; speech in which Schirach replies to Roosevelt, claiming to be partly of American descent, including a strong personal attack on Roosevelt and eulogies on Hitler, 5 Sep 1942; speech attacking Roosevelt for the Visits Foundation of European Youth League in Vienna, hosted by Italy and Germany, 14 Sep 1942; address to volunteers of the Tank Grenade Division in which he exhorts 'the traitors shall fall and the nation shall conquer' (after the July 1944 plot to assassinate Hitler), 7 Aug 1944 and broadcasts on the evacuation of children, 20 Dec 1944.

Schirach , Baldur Benedikt , von , 1907-1974 , Nazi
GB 1556 WL 543a · Collection · 1937

Correspondence and papers relates to the Bern trial of the distributors of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion', 1937; notably correspondence and papers relating to witnesses and testimony; account of the trial proceedings and the origins of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' by one of the appellants' lawyers; draft summation of the case for the appellants at the appeal court, Bern, with detailed contents and bibliography.

Law firm: Roth, Ruef & Joss, Bern, Switzerland
GB 1556 WL 835 · Collection · 1939

Copy of a letter from Hitler's deputy, Martin Bormann, reporting Hitler's decision to continue employing Hans von Dohnanyi as Reichsgerichtsrat despite being a 2nd class Mischling, 17 Jan 1939. However, Dohnanyi was not allowed to join the Nazi party.

Bormann , Martin , 1900-[1945] , private secretary to Adolf Hitler
GB 1556 WL 742 · Collection · 1954-1956

Copies of court judgements of the Verwaltungsgerichtshof, Vienna, 1954-1956, including judgement in which the appeal of David Lustig (former inmate of a camp in Italy) against an earlier court decision denying his claim of nazi-victim status is upheld, 16 Sep 1954 and judgement in which the appeal of Dr Jacques Karl Wechsler against an earlier court decision denying his claim of nazi-victim status is upheld on account of his detention in camps in Italy and loss of earnings and pension which resulted therefrom, 21 Jun 1956.

Verwaltungsgerichtshof, Vienna
Unzer Styme: Notes
GB 1556 WL 1566 · Collection · 2000

Papers of Unzer Styme, 2000 consists of notes and summaries of articles from the Jewish periodical Unzer Styme.

Brunstein , Esther , c 1925
Unknown Holocaust survivor
GB 1556 WL 889 · Collection · 1951

Typescript letter from [Lotte] to Isa, 4 Nov 1951, describing her life since 1940, including failed attempts to flee Europe for San Domingo and later USA, 1940; transportation to Theresienstadt concentration camp, Nov 1941, where she remained until Aug 1945, working as a nurse; return to Prague after the war and emigration to Canada, 1947.

GB 1556 WL 929 · Collection · 1939

Papers of Tythrop Institute, 1939, comprise a letter, copy of an appeal and an account of the activities of the Langham Committee and Tythrop House, written by Joyce Weiner.

GB 1556 WL 1600 · Collection · 1997

Papers of Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp, 1997, comprise copies of press cuttings regarding Traunstein Displaced Persons Camp with covering letter.

Traunstein Stadtarchiv
GB 1556 WL 543 · Collection · 1934-1938

Boris Tödtli papers: a large part of this collection consists of correspondence described as the 'Russian Letters', containing copies of the originals and French and German translations. The letters are thought to prove a link between the different Russian military organisations of conservative character and of Fascist tendencies with the Pan-Aryan centre in Erfurt, Germany, directed by Colonel Ulrich Fleischhauer, editor of the World Service (Weltdienst), the notorious anti-Semitic publication.

Also reports and correspondence on the subjects of Boris Tödtli's trial; the Bern trial of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion'; the Russian Union of Fascists.

Tödtli , Boris , b 1901 , leader of the Russian National Socialists in Switzerland; Wiener Library
Theresienstadt: reports
GB 1556 WL 1073 · Collection · 1940s

Papers concerning Theresienstadt, 1940s, comprise copies of a report by Dr Muneles on the Hebrew book cataloguing project at Theresienstadt, 1945; typescript report regarding Theresienstadt, an inventory of the land and property, 1945; history of Theresienstadt during the Nazi era and typescript report on the situation there, providing statistical information relating to the inmates and transcriptions of documents produced during the camp's existence by both the Nazi camp authorities and the Jewish self-governing body.

Theresienstadt: poems
GB 1556 WL 958 · Collection · 1940s

Theresienstadt poems collection, 1938, comprise typescript poems written by inmates of Theresienstadt, including Leo Strauss, Myra Strauss Gruhenberg, Mara, Otto Pam, Koppel and Fritz Pollak.

GB 1556 WL 1179 · Collection · 1945

Minutes of a meeting held between Ing. Georg Vogel and Major Kusmin, 1945, concerning the repatriation of some Czech nationals which Kusmin authorised on receipt of medical certificates and a statement that they are free of lice. The remaining minutes deal with applications for food and clothing and the need for more disinfectors following the removal of the Russian ones.

Theresienstadt post-war camp management
GB 1556 WL 504c · Collection · 1942

Typescript report detailing every aspect of the activities of the Theresienstadt Concentration camp under the following sub-headings: Abteilung für innere Verwaltung; Arbeitszentrale; Wirtschaftsabteilung; Spedition; Landwirtschaft; Produktion; Finanzabteilung; Technische Abteilung; Abteilung fuer Gesundheitswesen.

Siegfried Seidl, Commandant of Theresienstadt
GB 1556 WL 1370 · Collection · 1992

Copy and transcript correspondence of a German Jewish family, 1941, chiefly comprising letters from Messrs Isaak David and Martha Teich-Birken, resident in Berlin prior to their deportation to the East, to their children, most of whom had managed to emigrate to the United States except for Martin, the depositor, who came to Great Britain. The correspondence affords an insight into the frustrating and increasingly desperate plight of a Jewish family unable to flee Nazi Germany.

Teich-Birken family
GB 1556 WL 936 · Collection · 1936-1937

Papers of Franz Szell, 1936-1937, comprise an open letter to Alfred Rosenberg, editor of the Völkische Beobachter, 1936; copies of letters to Goering, Göbbels, von Neurath, amongst others regarding Alfred Rosenberg's family history, 1936, and a letter to the Justice Minister, Trygre Lie, Oslo, 1937.

Szell , Franz , fl 1936-1937 , journalist
Sudetenland Jews: Reports
GB 1556 WL 752 · Collection · [1939]

Reports on the situation of Jews in Sudetenland, [1939], including report on conditions for Jews in various Sudetenland towns and cities, 6 Mar 1939; report reviewing conditions for Jews throughout the whole of Sudetenland under the headings of 'welfare', 'old people's homes', 'children's schooling' and 'emigration', 9 Mar 1939 and report reviewing the social, economic and legal situation of the Jews in Sudetenland and recommending action to address problems arising from the report.

[Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland]
GB 1556 WL 765 · Collection · 1976-1981

Papers of Hillel (Gilel) Storch including copies of correspondence and enclosures between Storch and Gerald Fleming relating to relief and rescue of European Jewry towards the end of the Nazi era, 1976-1981; copies of correspondence and enclosures between Storch and Monty Penkower relate to Penkower's research for his book The Jews were Expendable, University of Illinois Press, 1983, on the diplomatic efforts to rescue and provide relief for Europe's Jews during the Holocaust, 26 Sep 1978-13 Jul 1979, the enclosures include the correspondence and other papers of, amongst others, Felix Kersten, Himmler's masseur; Count Folke Bernadotte, vice president of the Swedish Red Cross; Gerhart M. Riegner, World Jewish Congress, Sweden and Walter Schellenberg, Swedish diplomat. Copy of an article in Judisk Krönika, No. 1, 1981 on Storch's humanitarian achievements during the Nazi era.

Storch , Gilel (Hillel) , fl 1940-1982 , Latvian businessman
GB 1556 WL 554a · Collection · 1938

Statistics produced by the State Commissar for Private Enterprise comprising statistics relating to the investments owned by Jews, Aryans related to Jews, and Jews related to Aryans in Austria c 1938.

State Commissar for Private Enterprise, Austria
GB 1556 WL 546 · Collection · 1942-1944

Papers relating to the camps Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf and Teschen Camp, 1942-1944, including statistics on inmates; deaths/discharges; executions; health statistics; organisational changes. Also other documents including weapons handling procedure; reports on escapes; arrest warrants; POW statements and correspondence with the Swiss legation in Germany.

Stalag VIII B Lamsdorf and Teschen authorities
GB 1556 WL 521 · Collection · 1850s-1939

This collection consists of two parts: Käthe Spiegel's personal and family papers, including obituaries of her father; and an essay entitled 'Studieen zum Werke des Agathokles', a cover title for a critique of Mein Kampf.

Spiegel , Käthe , fl 1939 , historian
GB 1556 WL 610 · Collection · 1936-1992

Papers of David Spector, 1936-1992, including leaflets, periodicals and pamphlets of British right wing organisations and anti-Semitic propaganda.
Correspondence on topics including anti-Semitism; right wing organisations; Lord Beaverbrook's alleged association with Hitler; the organisation of 'Moral Re-armament'; expropriated Jewish property; A K Chesterton's involvement in the National Front and Count Nicholas Tolstoy's views on the Cossacks' role during World War Two.

Press cuttings and typescript article on right wing groups in Britain during World War Two including descriptions of the following groups: '18B Detainees'; British Aid Fund; People's Common Law Parliament; Social Credit; British National Party; Peace Pledge Union; Society of Individualists; National League of Freedom and 'Black Hundred' and copies of documents on the activities, interrogation and internment of Oliver Gilbert, prominent British Fascist of the 1930s and 1940s.

Spector , David , fl 1930-1997 , anti-fascist campaigner
Spanish Civil War: a memoir
GB 1556 WL 686 · Collection · 1937

A typescript autobiographical account of an unidentified Austrian Jew's experience of imprisonment during the Spanish Civil War in 1936.

GB 1556 WL 951 · Collection · 1937

Papers concerning South America as a haven for refugees from Nazi Germany, 1937, comprise a series of reports regarding emigration possibilities to Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay for German Jews, by Bruno Weil.

Weil , Bruno , fl 1937 , lawyer and politician
GB 1556 WL 624 · Collection · 1948-1978

Copies of the papers of Lisbeth Sokal-Wieselberg, 1948-1978, documenting the fate of her parents, Viennese Jews, who perished in the Holocaust, and her attempts to claim compensation, including declarations of death of Max and Nanette Schein from the district court in Vienna, Feb 1948 and letter from the regional government with enclosures of the courts' decisions on compensation, 1960-1978.

Wieselberg , Lisbeth , Sokal- , fl 1948-1978
GB 1556 WL 1269 · Collection · 1943-1945

Papers of G A Soedicke-Bayens, 1943-1945, comprise a memoir of events within Holland from 30 September 1943 to 5 May 1945.

Soedicke-Bayens , G A , fl 1943-1945
GB 1556 WL 1051 · Collection · c 1934

Papers concerning the situation of non-Aryan lawyers in Germany, c 1934, comprises a report describing their situation, which helps explain the background to the level of discrimination against them.

GB 1556 WL 511 · Collection · 1937-1944

Microfilm file of documents on Wolfram Sievers concerning his SS membership, including Lebenslauf, SS muster roll extract; personnel questionnaire; service career; examination certificates, 1937-1944.

SS (Schutzstaffel)
GB 1556 WL 1412 · Collection · 1944

Papers of Joseph Sheldon, 1944, comprise an account by Joseph Sheldon, formerly Jozef Szwarcman, a medical officer holding the rank of Lieutenant in the 1st Polish Armoured Division, of his experiences shortly after the liberation of Esterwege concentration camp, Lower Saxony,and a page torn from a volume which listed details of inmates of that camp.

Sheldon , Joseph , fl 1944-2001 , medical officer x Josef Szwarcman
Sekretariat Warburg
GB 1556 WL 880 · Collection · 1975

Typescript copy of a report, 1975, on the Sekretariat Warburg, by Robert Solnitz, former head of the organisation, including mention of Dr. Josef Carlebach, the Chief Rabbi of Hamburg, who gave his life in order to stay with his congregation; Claus Göttschethe, Gestapo head of the Jewish department, Hamburg, in relation to assistance to Hamburg's Jews and Max Plaut, the leader of Hamburg's Jewish community.

Solnitz , Robert , fl 1938-1975 , head of Sekretariat Warburg
GB 1556 WL 895 · Collection · 1987-1995

Papers of Lilli Segal, 1987-1995, comprise correspondence including letters to Professor Müller Hill regarding Nazi medical experiments (895/1-4); letter regarding numbers of Holocaust victims from Hans Mommsen (895/28); correspondence with the Nationale Mahn und Gedenkstätte Buchenwald regarding the memorialisation of the Holocaust (895/13-16) and copies of relevant newspaper cuttings, book extracts and photographs.

Segal , Lilli , b 1913 , doctor