Records of the Middlesex County Teachers' Association, including minutes of the Council; minutes and papers of the Middlesex Teachers' Association; minutes of the Executive Committee, Special Schools Sectional Committee, Secondary Sectional Committee, Primary Sectional Committee and Young Teachers' Sectional Committee; and administrative files and reports on subjects including salaries, school meals, sick pay, the reorganisation of London government, technical education, domestic science, remedial teachers, clerical assistance in schools, and the National Union of Teachers; correspondence files; and publications of the Association.
Sans titreThe collection is mostly made up of prospectuses, calendars and syllabuses for courses available at Battersea Polytechnic Institute. There are also some financial records relating to the accounts of Battersea Polytechnic as well as annual reports for the Institute. Additionally there are several volumes listing the names of students enrolled on courses and some examination lists. There are also Battersea Polytechnic Institute magazines as well as numerous programmes and tickets for concerts and events held at the Institute. Additionally there is a series of material relating to Battersea Polytechnic Hostel.
Sans titreThis collection consists of various papers on business organisation and management from a diverse selection of companies.
Sans titrePapers and lectures by Reverend Henry Solly in his investigation into the social and religious condition of the working class.
Sans titre