Records of the National Commission on Education, 1991-1995, including minutes of the Commission, Research Committee, Working and Steering Groups, written and oral evidence, including audio-tapes, and press cuttings.
National Commission on Education
GB 0366 NCE
GB 0366 KIT
Papers of the Board of Education Inspectors' Association (later the Association of Her Majesty's Inspectors of Schools), 1871-1992, including annual reports, minutes and papers of the Executive Committee and Divisional Committees, reports and memoranda, 1920-1992; lists of Divisions, Districts and staff, issued by the Education Department, 1871-1946; collected personal papers of individual HMIs; material gathered for a post-war history of the Inspectorate.
Jack Kitching HMI Archive
Adult Education VHS videos: "Teaching English as a second language in the Post School Sector", 1985 and "Teaching adult literacy Unit A: A mixed ability class", 1980s.
ILEA , Inner London Education Authority x Inner London Education Authority