Share records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited comprising register of members and share ledger.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation LtdShares records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited (reconstituted) comprising registers of members and transfers, transfer ledger, share certificate books and dividend mandates, and registers of directors' shareholdings.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation LtdCorporate records of the reconstituted British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited including certificates of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association, insurance agreements, board of directors' and shareholders' meeting agendas and minutes including annual general meetings, directors' attendance book, annual reports and accounts and related correspondence, registers of directors and secretaries, and seal books.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation LtdBusiness records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited specimen policy and proposal form; contingency policy with premium receipts; board of trade exemption order; agency application; Agency in Belgium and France: government deposit certificate, accounts, cheque books, agreements and papers; Agency in Australia: agreements and papers.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation LtdCorporate records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited, including board of directors' meeting minutes and agendas, shareholders' meeting and annual general meeting minutes, copy minutes and agreements relating to the sale to Eagle, Star and British Dominions.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation LtdBusiness records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited comprising policies and branch standing orders.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation LtdPapers, mainly accounts, concerning the British Antarctic expedition (1910-1913).
UnknownCommonplace Book of Theology of Robert Boyle.
Boyle , Robert , 1627-1691 , natural philosopher and chemistTwo articles by Frank Philip Bowden entitled: 'A study of the physical and chemical phenomena associated with the rubbing and with the impact of solids' and 'A plan for the study of solids'. Both with various manuscript notes and appendicies, and both documents marked 'confidential' . Undated, but post 1944.
Bowden , Frank Philip , 1903-1968 , physicist and physical chemistPapers of Alfred Gibbs Bourne including research notes, drawings and water-colour sketches of earthworms.
Bourne , Sir , Alfred Gibbs , 1859-1940 , biologistReports to the Medical Research Council by W R Boon and W B Hawes on two processes:
Methods of separation of blood fractions as developed at Harvard Medical School by Dr Cohn
High-vacuum - infra-red drying methods as developed at Samuel Deutsch Serum Center, Chicago, by Dr Sidney O Levinson.
Hawes , W B
Letter from Sir Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks concerning papers published needing correction, 31 August 1790.
Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physicianPapers relating to Charles Blagden and the Blagden family, comprising assorted letters, including letters from Louis Odier, a series of more than a dozen letters from Daniel de la Roche (a fellow student of medicine at Edinburgh and subsequently editor of the Chirurgie section of the 'Encyclopedie Methodique') letters from Thomas Curtis, including descriptions of visits to the surgeon and antiquary William Barrett, and a note from Joseph Banks.
One section of Blagden's diary is also present here comprising of 45 leaves (90 pages) of loose sheets for 1792-1794. There are brief daily notes on visits paid and people he has seen including Joseph Banks, Mr Boswell, Mr Gibbon, Dr Herschel, the Duchess of Devonshire, Mrs Garrick, and many others.
The letters and papers of John Blagden Hale include notes on Matthew Hale; books and manuscripts in his possession as well as correspondence.
Papers of Harry Bateman including three notebooks, two (numbered six and seven) containing notes from the lectures of E T Whittaker at Trinity College Cambridge 1903-1904; one containing formulae connected with the Legendre and Bessel functions, with Trinity examination paper 1880 and printed testimonial by Rutherford.
Bateman , Harry , 1882-1946 , mathematicianCollected papers of William Fletcher Barrett including letters to Barrett with supporting documents by Barrett on scientific interests and some photographs.
Barrett , Sir , William Fletcher , 1844-1925 , Knight , physicistLetters from the Peruvian Andes, 1921-1922, by Sir Joseph Barcroft.
Barcroft , Sir , Joseph , 1872-1947 , Knight , physiologistAstronomical tracts with observations by Tycho Brahe and others including:
- Tychonis Brahe observationes cometae AD 1585 (folio 1)
Ejusdem observationes cometae AD 1590 (folio 10)
Ejusdem observationes cometae AD 1596 (folio 18)
Observations astronomiques faites a la ville de Cartagene des Indes par le Colonel Don Juan de Herrara et Sotomayor (accompanied with a letter to Dr Halley, dated Cartgena des Indes 12 July 1723) Several of these observations have since been published in the Memoirs de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris 1729 page 361, 362-363, 367 (Folio 23).
Observationes astronomiques pour la longitude de Cartagene des Indies faites avec le premier satellite de Jupiter l'annee 1723 (Folio 41);
Eclipses Solis et Lunae oppido S S Cosmae et DamIani 1719-1726, a P Bonaventura Suarez S J (Folio 44); 7. Immersiones et Emersiones Satellitum Iovis observatae in oppido S S Cosmae et Damiani 1720-1726, a P Bonaventure Suarez S J (Folio 46).
and others
Astronomical Observations at Lauenburg and Lyssabel, 1820.
UnknownShares records of the Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited comprising registers of members, share ledgers, registers of transfers, share transactions, share certificates, dividends record, register of directors' shareholdings, annual returns of shareholdings.
Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance AssociationFinancial and accounting records of Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited comprising journal.
Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance AssociationCorporate records of Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited, including incorporation certificates; memorandum, articles of association and guarantee agreements; board of directors' minute and agenda books; committee agenda book; annual general meetings: notice, proposed articles and special resolutions passed; annual reports; registers of directors and secretaries; and seal book.
Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance AssociationBusiness records of Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited comprising specimen policies and proposal forms.
Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance AssociationNotebooks on experiments on worms, frogs and snails (chemical and electrical) 29 December 1858 to 21 July 1859, with an undated fragment of a letter concerning the health of Mrs Petrie.
UnknownPapers concerning Jean Anisson and his improvements in printing including a memorandum by Anisson on his new press; an extract from the register of the Academie Royale des Sciences and another memorandum by Anisson, 1783.
Anisson , Jean , 1642-1740 , French printer and booksellerEffect of temperature on the strength of railway axles by Thomas Andrews.
Andrews , Thomas , 1847-1907 , industrialist and metallurgistAn account of the shipwreck of the 'Johanna', commanded by Captain Robert Brown near the Cape of Good Hope on 29 May 1682, and of the subsequent fate of the crew.
UnknownAlphabetical Index to the Printed Minutes of the Council of the Royal Society, 1845, in the hand of Dr Roget.
Roget , Peter Mark , 1779-1869 , physician and philologistShares records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company, comprising register of members.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance CoPremises records of Allied Traders Insurance Company, comprising deeds and correspondence relating to 1 Gordon Place and 43 Nicholas Street.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance CoFinancial and accounting records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company including journal, private ledger, and liquidator's report.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance CoCorporate records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company including memorandum and articles of association, board of directors' meeting minutes, annual general meeting shorthand notes and report, annual reports and accounts, amalgamation papers and agreement, liquidators' papers and report.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance CoBusiness records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company comprising fire policy proposal.
Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance CoCorporate records of the Albion Fire and Life Assurance Company comprising deeds and Act of Parliament.
Eagle Insurance Co Albion Fire and Life Assurance CoBusiness records of the Albion Fire and Life Assurance Company comprising fire and life policies, and receipts.
Eagle Insurance Co Albion Fire and Life Assurance CoA series of volumes containing additional papers read before, or collected by the Royal Society and others not entered into the Classified Papers series.