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Archival description
GB 0117 MS 366 · sub-fonds · 1661-1709

A series of volumes containing additional papers read before, or collected by the Royal Society and others not entered into the Classified Papers series.

CLC/B/005/AL04 · sub-fonds · 1808-1968

Business records of the Albion Fire and Life Assurance Company comprising fire and life policies, and receipts.

Eagle Insurance Co Albion Fire and Life Assurance Co
CLC/B/005/AL01 · sub-fonds · 1805-1843

Corporate records of the Albion Fire and Life Assurance Company comprising deeds and Act of Parliament.

Eagle Insurance Co Albion Fire and Life Assurance Co
Alchemical Tracts
GB 0117 MS/11 · sub-fonds · [1600-1650]
Part of Manuscripts General

'Libro varissimo del Conte Guido di materia fisiche e mathematiche' A volume of alchemical tracts. Items 7, 9, 18, part of 19 and 23 are all in one hand; items 11 to 15 are in another; the remainder are in various hands. Most of the items appear to date from the early or middle 17th century, to judge by the hands, though the matter is in most cases probably much older.

CLC/B/005/AT04 · sub-fonds · 1924

Business records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company comprising fire policy proposal.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance Co
CLC/B/005/AT01 · sub-fonds · 1920-1929

Corporate records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company including memorandum and articles of association, board of directors' meeting minutes, annual general meeting shorthand notes and report, annual reports and accounts, amalgamation papers and agreement, liquidators' papers and report.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance Co
CLC/B/005/AT03 · sub-fonds · 1920-1927

Financial and accounting records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company including journal, private ledger, and liquidator's report.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance Co
CLC/B/005/AT05 · sub-fonds · 1888-1932

Premises records of Allied Traders Insurance Company, comprising deeds and correspondence relating to 1 Gordon Place and 43 Nicholas Street.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance Co
CLC/B/005/AT02 · sub-fonds · 1920-1925

Shares records of the Allied Traders Insurance Company, comprising register of members.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions Allied Traders Insurance Co
GB 0117 MS 37 · sub-fonds · 1682

An account of the shipwreck of the 'Johanna', commanded by Captain Robert Brown near the Cape of Good Hope on 29 May 1682, and of the subsequent fate of the crew.

Andrews, Thomas (1813-1885)
GB 0117 MS/201 · sub-fonds · 1836-1877
Part of Manuscripts General

Papers of Thomas Andrews including papers relating to his research which fell into four main fields;

(1) studies of acids and metals in electrolytic experiments; (Papers 6 to 11 and 32)

(2) the calorimetry of chemical reactions, in particular those between acids and bases, and between metals and halogens; (Papers 13 to 16, 18 to 22, 40 and the manuscripts printed as 52 and 53)

(3) the properties and constitution of ozone; (Papers 31, 33 to 35, 37 and 45)

(4) the condensation of gases to liquids at high pressures (Papers 36, 38, 41, 47, 49 and 50)

The eight volumes of manuscripts described as 'Notes of Experiments' at the Royal Society contain the laboratory records on which most of his work is based.

The contents are described as far as possible in Thomas's own words from the title pages of each Book. Where the title page is uninformative then suitable headings have been chosen from the body of the notes. These title pages may have been written much later than the experiments since in 1862 there is the phrase 'critical point' which he probably invented only for his Bakerian Lecture of 1869. Some experiments or paragraph numbers are displayed on the title page of each Book. Those that are not, but are listed only on the pages themselves, are shown at the right-hand end of each line. The numbering of the experiments is again erratic; for example 376 may be followed by 277.

The reading of the notes on the experiments on the liquefaction of gases in Volumes 7 and 8 is helped by comparing them with the analysis by C.G. Knott 'Andrews' measurements of the compression of carbon dioxide and of mixtures of carbon dioxide and nitrogen' (Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 30, 1-22, 290 [1909-1910])

Andrews , Thomas , 1813-1885 , chemist
Andrews, Thomas (1847-1907)
GB 0117 MS 713 · sub-fonds · 1886-1888

Effect of temperature on the strength of railway axles by Thomas Andrews.

Andrews , Thomas , 1847-1907 , industrialist and metallurgist
Anisson, Jean (1642-1740)
GB 0117 MS 80 · sub-fonds · 1783

Papers concerning Jean Anisson and his improvements in printing including a memorandum by Anisson on his new press; an extract from the register of the Academie Royale des Sciences and another memorandum by Anisson, 1783.

Anisson , Jean , 1642-1740 , French printer and bookseller
GB 0117 MS 757 · sub-fonds · 1858-1859

Notebooks on experiments on worms, frogs and snails (chemical and electrical) 29 December 1858 to 21 July 1859, with an undated fragment of a letter concerning the health of Mrs Petrie.

GB 0117 MS/15 · sub-fonds · 13th century
Part of Manuscripts General

Incip. 'Igitur ex quatuor elementis'
Desin 'Et hoc est qod ostendimus. Explicit'
Folios 1-9 [Mundus] igitur ex quatuor elementis isdemque totis in spere modum globatis.... retrogradari facit.
Part of book 8, 'De astronomia' of Martinus Capella, 'De nuptiis.'

Folios 9 verso - 49 verso (Text) Vnitas est esse rei per se discrecio...omnis numerus minor maioris aut est pars aut partes....medios assignare sit possibile.
(Commentary) Aut enim minor numerat hoc est qod ostenimus. Explicit.

Jordanus Nemorariius, 'De Arithmetica' printed several times but with a different commentary. Printed marginalia eg in folio 24, in a hand which occurs also in MS/28.

Nemorarius , Jordanus , fl 13th century , author of a work on arithmetic
CLC/B/005/ANG04 · sub-fonds · circa 1950-1961

Business records of Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited comprising specimen policies and proposal forms.

Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance Association
CLC/B/005/ANG01 · sub-fonds · 1901-1970

Corporate records of Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited, including incorporation certificates; memorandum, articles of association and guarantee agreements; board of directors' minute and agenda books; committee agenda book; annual general meetings: notice, proposed articles and special resolutions passed; annual reports; registers of directors and secretaries; and seal book.

Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance Association
CLC/B/005/ANG02 · sub-fonds · 1901-1970

Shares records of the Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Limited comprising registers of members, share ledgers, registers of transfers, share transactions, share certificates, dividends record, register of directors' shareholdings, annual returns of shareholdings.

Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd Army, Navy and General Assurance Association Ltd x Army and General Assurance Association
Ash, John (1723-1798)
GB 0117 MS/169 · sub-fonds · 1788
Part of Manuscripts General

Paper read at the Royal Society from 14 Feb to 6 Mar 1788 by John Ash entitled 'Observation and Experiments to investigate by Chemical Analysis the Medicinal Properties of the Mineral Waters of Spa and Aix la Chapelle in Germany and of the Waters and Boue at St Amand in French Flanders'.

Ash , John , 1723-1798 , physician
GB 0117 MS 57 · sub-fonds · 1585-1596

Astronomical tracts with observations by Tycho Brahe and others including:

  1. Tychonis Brahe observationes cometae AD 1585 (folio 1)
  1. Ejusdem observationes cometae AD 1590 (folio 10)

  2. Ejusdem observationes cometae AD 1596 (folio 18)

  3. Observations astronomiques faites a la ville de Cartagene des Indes par le Colonel Don Juan de Herrara et Sotomayor (accompanied with a letter to Dr Halley, dated Cartgena des Indes 12 July 1723) Several of these observations have since been published in the Memoirs de l'Academie des Sciences de Paris 1729 page 361, 362-363, 367 (Folio 23).

  4. Observationes astronomiques pour la longitude de Cartagene des Indies faites avec le premier satellite de Jupiter l'annee 1723 (Folio 41);

  5. Eclipses Solis et Lunae oppido S S Cosmae et DamIani 1719-1726, a P Bonaventura Suarez S J (Folio 44); 7. Immersiones et Emersiones Satellitum Iovis observatae in oppido S S Cosmae et Damiani 1720-1726, a P Bonaventure Suarez S J (Folio 46).

Brahe , Tycho , 1546–1601 , Danish nobleman
and others
Aubrey, John (1626-1697)
GB 0117 MS/92 · sub-fonds · 1685
Part of Manuscripts General

Copy of 'Memoires of Naturall Remarques in the county of Wilts, to which are annexed observabes of the same kind in the county of Surrey and Flynt-shire', by John Aubrey, FRS. This manuscript is a transcript of Aubrey's original manuscript. It was transcribed by BG Cramer, Clerk to the Royal Society, at the behest of the Society in 1690-1691. At page 67 is inserted a map of a navigable passage from Bristol to London, engraved by Thomas Jenner in 1668, with the arms of the borough. Six leaves of additional matter are inserted at page 276, and four more at page 304.

Cramer , B G , fl 1690-1691 , Clerk to the Royal Society
Banks Papers Volume III
GB 0117 MS/121 · sub-fonds · 1681-1795
Part of Manuscripts General

A collection of eighteenth century letters and papers of Sir Joseph Banks, his family and other contemporary Fellows.

Banks , Sir , Joseph , 1743-1820 , 1st Baronet , naturalist and patron of science
GB 0117 MS 807 · sub-fonds · 1921-1922

Letters from the Peruvian Andes, 1921-1922, by Sir Joseph Barcroft.

Barcroft , Sir , Joseph , 1872-1947 , Knight , physiologist
GB 0117 MS 377 · sub-fonds · 1863-1924

Collected papers of William Fletcher Barrett including letters to Barrett with supporting documents by Barrett on scientific interests and some photographs.

Barrett , Sir , William Fletcher , 1844-1925 , Knight , physicist
Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677)
GB 0117 MS/18 · sub-fonds · 1675
Part of Manuscripts General

Apollonii Conica methodo nova illustrata et succincte demonstrata per Isaacum Barrow, continet hoc volumen archetypon integrum editionis Londini 1675, in forma quarta, impressa.

Barrow , Isaac , 1630-1677 , classical and mathematical scholar
Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677)
GB 0117 MS/20 · sub-fonds · [1650-1677]
Part of Manuscripts General

Manuscript of Isaac Barrow containing Archimedes' works on spheres and cylinders, on the dimensions of the circle, on spirals or helices and other topics.

Barrow , Isaac , 1630-1677 , classical and mathematical scholar
Barrow, Isaac (1630-1677)
GB 0117 MS/19 · sub-fonds · 17th century
Part of Manuscripts General

Two treatises and some loose papers of Isaac Barrow including:

  1. Appollonii Pergaei Conicorum libri quatuor, juxta viam et methodum Petri Herigonii, per notas reales ac universales demonstrati
  1. Archimedis de Sphaera et Cylindro. Per eundem

  2. Between these two treatises are a few odd sheets.

Barrow , Isaac , 1630-1677 , classical and mathematical scholar
Bateman, Harry (1882-1946)
GB 0117 MS 746 · sub-fonds · 1880-1904

Papers of Harry Bateman including three notebooks, two (numbered six and seven) containing notes from the lectures of E T Whittaker at Trinity College Cambridge 1903-1904; one containing formulae connected with the Legendre and Bessel functions, with Trinity examination paper 1880 and printed testimonial by Rutherford.

Bateman , Harry , 1882-1946 , mathematician
GB 0117 MS 819 · sub-fonds · 1790

Letter from Sir Charles Blagden to Sir Joseph Banks concerning papers published needing correction, 31 August 1790.

Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician
GB 0117 MS 821 · sub-fonds · [1768-1820]

Papers relating to Charles Blagden and the Blagden family, comprising assorted letters, including letters from Louis Odier, a series of more than a dozen letters from Daniel de la Roche (a fellow student of medicine at Edinburgh and subsequently editor of the Chirurgie section of the 'Encyclopedie Methodique') letters from Thomas Curtis, including descriptions of visits to the surgeon and antiquary William Barrett, and a note from Joseph Banks.
One section of Blagden's diary is also present here comprising of 45 leaves (90 pages) of loose sheets for 1792-1794. There are brief daily notes on visits paid and people he has seen including Joseph Banks, Mr Boswell, Mr Gibbon, Dr Herschel, the Duchess of Devonshire, Mrs Garrick, and many others.
The letters and papers of John Blagden Hale include notes on Matthew Hale; books and manuscripts in his possession as well as correspondence.

Blagden , Sir , Charles , 1748-1820 , Knight , physician
Boon, W R and Hawes, W B
GB 0117 MS 724 · sub-fonds · 1944

Reports to the Medical Research Council by W R Boon and W B Hawes on two processes:

  1. Methods of separation of blood fractions as developed at Harvard Medical School by Dr Cohn

  2. High-vacuum - infra-red drying methods as developed at Samuel Deutsch Serum Center, Chicago, by Dr Sidney O Levinson.

Boon , W R
Hawes , W B
GB 0117 MS 742 · sub-fonds · [1879-1940]

Papers of Alfred Gibbs Bourne including research notes, drawings and water-colour sketches of earthworms.

Bourne , Sir , Alfred Gibbs , 1859-1940 , biologist
GB 0117 MS 762 · sub-fonds · [1944-1968]

Two articles by Frank Philip Bowden entitled: 'A study of the physical and chemical phenomena associated with the rubbing and with the impact of solids' and 'A plan for the study of solids'. Both with various manuscript notes and appendicies, and both documents marked 'confidential' . Undated, but post 1944.

Bowden , Frank Philip , 1903-1968 , physicist and physical chemist
GB 0117 MS/23 · sub-fonds · [1691]
Part of Manuscripts General

A catalogue of books of the library of Robert Boyle, in the hand of John Warr junior, executor of Robert Boyle and some theological notes.

Warr , John , junior , fl 1691 , executor of Robert Boyle
CLC/B/005/BC04 · sub-fonds · 1907 - 1916

Business records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited comprising policies and branch standing orders.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation Ltd
CLC/B/005/BC01 · sub-fonds · 1907-1918

Corporate records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited, including board of directors' meeting minutes and agendas, shareholders' meeting and annual general meeting minutes, copy minutes and agreements relating to the sale to Eagle, Star and British Dominions.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation Ltd
CLC/B/005/BCN04 · sub-fonds · 1913-1967

Business records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited specimen policy and proposal form; contingency policy with premium receipts; board of trade exemption order; agency application; Agency in Belgium and France: government deposit certificate, accounts, cheque books, agreements and papers; Agency in Australia: agreements and papers.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation Ltd
CLC/B/005/BCN01 · sub-fonds · 1919-1971

Corporate records of the reconstituted British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited including certificates of incorporation, memorandum and articles of association, insurance agreements, board of directors' and shareholders' meeting agendas and minutes including annual general meetings, directors' attendance book, annual reports and accounts and related correspondence, registers of directors and secretaries, and seal books.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation Ltd
CLC/B/005/BCN02 · sub-fonds · 1919-1970

Shares records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited (reconstituted) comprising registers of members and transfers, transfer ledger, share certificate books and dividend mandates, and registers of directors' shareholdings.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation Ltd
CLC/B/005/BC02 · sub-fonds · 1907-1918

Share records of British Crown Assurance Corporation Limited comprising register of members and share ledger.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions British Crown Assurance Corporation Ltd