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Archivistische beschrijving
Ballard, Francis (1896-1976)
GB 0068 BAL · 1841-1972

Papers of Francis Ballard comprising correspondence sent both to and from Ballard, as well as a small number of letters, which were sent between two completely different individuals (10 Oct 1929-18 Dec 1963). Additionally there are botanical notes relating to Ballard's work as a pteriodologist including plant lists from his expedition to Ceylon and proceedings from conferences (20th century); and material, which seems to have compiled during Ballard's time at RBG Kew. Within this compiled material there are a number 19th century letters, which Ballard appears to have arranged somewhat artificially from the papers of John G Baker.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 CGT · 1926-1970

Papers of Colin Graham Trapnell, 1926-1970, comprising four series. The first (CGT/1) consists of Trapnell’s collecting notebooks in Zambia; the second of one file of correspondence sent and received by Trapnell, mostly relating to his work CGT/2); the third series comprises notes, reports and surveys on a variety of topics, such as soil, grazing and South African vegetation (CGT3). The fourth and final series (CGT/4) contains photographs of Zambia, Kenya and Malawi recording the work carried out by Trapnell, and showing vegetation, agricultural practices and also native people and habitations.

Zonder titel
Bentham, George (1800-1884)
GB 0068 GEB · 1799- 1897

Papers of George Bentham, 1799- 1897, comprising four series. The first is a collection of correspondence addressed to George Bentham, primarily from other botanists and botanical in subject, in addition to letters from Bentham addressed to Sir Joseph Hooker and several others (GEB/1). The second series consist of diaries written by Bentham, the earliest beginning in 1807 and the latest finishing in 1883, near the end of his life (GEB/2). The third series contains various papers, manuscripts and documents relating to the life and death of Bentham, as well his autobiography covering the years of his life from 1800 to 1834 (GEB/3). The fourth and final series contains botanical works, papers and manuscripts written by Bentham, including his nine volume work on Leguminosae and the Bentham Herbarium plant list (GEB/4).

Zonder titel
GB 0068 KER · 1906-c.1940

Papers of Arthur Francis George Kerr, 1906-c 1940, comprising 28 diaries, some relating to his daily life and others are expedition diaries retracing various itnieraries, including field diaries from Siam and the Siam-Burman border; photographs of landscapes, people, vegetation and other subjects, chiefly on trips within Siam; plant records including 158 plant tag books mentioning their numbers and the areas covered; typescript and manuscript lists recording plants collected by others on behalf of Kerr; 16 files and volumes relating to the flora of Siam, some are for specific regions such as Bangkok or Kaw Tao and some for specific plants such as orchids; volumes containing Siamese local plant names; twenty three notebooks of notes taken from various Herbaria, namely Geneva, Kew, Paris and the British Museum (Natural History Museum); records of other collectors including some commissioned by Kerr; records of plants from Siam for the publication of Flora Siamensis Enumeratio; notes and correspondence relating to Siamese drugs and medicinal plants; slips for various plant groups; 11 files of correspondence, mainly related to botanical matters including the publishing of Florae Siamensis Enumeratio, one with Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and seven relating to ferns, including correspondence and fern lists from Eryl Smith; and publications including reprints from The Record and reports on Botanical Tours undertaken in Siam as well as crops such as cotton and various other plants, published by The Botanical Section, Ministry of Commerce, Bangkok and volume of sketches of Orchids from Chengmai.

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GB 0068 WGR · c.1830-1845

Papers of William Griffith, c.1830-1845, comprising botanical notes and drawings, journals of travels into the Indian peninsula and Afghanistan and lists of plants

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GB 0068 WJB · 1806-1871

Papers of William John Burchell, 1806-1871, comprising 4 series. The first series (WJB/1) contains notes which relate to Burchell's time on St. Helena. The second series (WJB/2) contains documents of the flora of Africa. The third series (WJB/3) contains notes from Burchell's expedition to Brazil via Portugal, Madeira and Tenerife. The fourth (WJB/4) contains manuscripts, correspondence and notes which date from 1800 to 1859 and relate to different plant collecting expeditions.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 BRO · 1810-1851

Papers of Dr. William Arnold Bromfield, 1810 - 1851, comprising three series (BRO/1) comprises two journals, with accounts of travel in America and the West Indies (in 1846-1847 and 1844 respectively) and two manuscripts (Mss); one annotated map (published 1810) (BRO/3) and eleven manuscript volumes of Bromfield's botanical work, Flora Vectensis (edited and published posthumously by Thomas Salter Bell and W.J. Hooker in 1856) (BRO/2).

Zonder titel
GB 0068 COT · 14 Nov 1907-11 Dec 1952

Papers of Arthur Cotton, 1907-1952, comprising four series. The first is a collection of correspondence, dating from 1907 to 1952, addressed to and from Arthur Cotton, primarily from other botanists and botanical in subject (COT/1). The second series consists of a bound notebook containing Cotton's findings of his trips to Clare Island from 1909 to 1911 (COT/2). The third series contains photographs relating to various species of Senecio from botanical trips to Africa between 1930 to 1948 (COT/3). The fourth and final series contains botanical works, papers and a monograph written by Cotton, referring to his work on Myrionema, c 1910 to 1935 (COT/4)

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GB 0068 EKB · 1932-1970s

Papers of Edward Kent Balls comprising expedition papers consisting of diaries, plant lists, photographs and negatives and field collecting notebooks. Contains papers relating to Northern America such as plant collecting notebooks, correspondence and press cuttings; also comprises correspondence with specific institutions and a condensed autobiography.

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GB 0068 ELW · 1865-1920

Papers of Henry John Elwes, 1865-1920, comprising notes and notebooks; photographs of trees and furniture and assorted press cuttings and additional papers.

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GB 0068 FKW · 1891-1985

Papers of Francis Kingdon-Ward, 1891-1985, comprising two series; the first consists of travel diaries written during his expeditions in South East Asia and contain observations on the fauna and flora of regions visited as well as other information. Some of the diaries relate to his activities during the Second World War. The second series contains correspondence and various papers, including photographs.

Zonder titel
Faulkner, Helen (1888-1979)
GB 0068 GRI · 1938-1979

Papers of Helen Faulkner, 1938-1979, 20 water colour sketchbooks, 3 folders of notes relating to the sketchbooks, 3 boxes of index cards and 1 folder of preparatory notes for index and lists of determinations.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 JBK · 1764-1975

The papers of Sir Joseph Banks comprises 3 series. The first series (JBK/1) contains Banks' correspondence with related catalogues and indexes. The second series (JBK/2) contains journals, both manuscript and published. The third series (JBK/3) contains other documents relating to Joseph Banks.

JBK/1 : Correspondence : 1764-1975: This series comprises the main collection of letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks, as well as correspondence and other papers concerning the production of flax and hemp. It also contains indexes to the main collection and to letters held at Kent Archives Office; JBK/1/1: Banks Correspondence and Banksiana - Index: 1906: This bound volume contains a manuscript index to the correspondence in JBK/1/2 - JBK/1/8 and was compiled by Benjamin Daydon Jackson in 1906; JBK/1/2: Banks' Letters Vol. 1 : 1760s-1790s; This bound volume contains Vol. 1, ff. 1-109 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/3: Banks' Letters Vol. 1 : 1780s; This bound volume contains Vol. 1, ff. 110-226 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/4: Banks' Letters Vol. 1 : 1780s; This bound volume contains Vol. 1, ff. 227-365 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/5: Banks' Letters Vol. 2 : 1790s: This bound volume contains Vol. 2, ff. 1-116 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/6: Banks' Letters Vol. 2 : 1790s-1800s: This bound volume contains Vol. 2, ff. 117-235 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/7: Banks' Letters Vol. 2 : 1800s-1820s: This bound volume contains Vol. 2, ff. 236-361 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1; JBK/1/8: Banks' Letters Vol. 3 : 1780s-1790s: This bound volume contains Vol. 3, ff. 1-46 of the main bound indexed collection of original letters, primarily addressed to Joseph Banks. For the index see JBK/1/1.

JBK/1/9: Six letters from Banks : c 1 Sep 1783 - 9 Jul 1813: contains six items altogether: two original letters, two manuscript extracts and two typed copies of letters from Banks; JBK/1/9/1: This letter, dated 1 Sep 1783 is addressed to Sir Joseph Manby and concerns Banks' recommendation to him of two visitors from Denmark; JBK/1/9/2: This letter, dated 9 Jul 1806, is addressed to John Symmons. It concerns a property transaction and voting procedures at a club to which they belonged; JBK/1/9/3: This is an extract from a letter dated 7 Oct 1811 and is addressed to Sir Everard Home. It concerns the destruction of mussels by whelks. The writer of the extract is unknown; JBK/1/9/4: This is an extract from a letter dated 22 Aug 1813 and is addressed to Sir Everard Home. It concerns Banks's observations on an abnormal spider. The writer of the extract is unknown; JBK/1/9/5: This is a typed copy of a letter dated 26 May 1787 to an unknown addressee. It concerns an acknowledgement by Banks of a reference to him that the addressee has made in a literary work; JBK/1/9/6: This is a typed copy of a letter c.18th century and is addressed to Mr. King. It is a covering note to accompany a manuscript relating to Lincoln Castle; BK/1/9/7: This letter sent by Christopher Smith to [Banks] was written on board 'His M Hired Transport' on the China Sea and is dated 26th July 1796. It concerns specimens sent from the Straits of Singapore, Bhao and Malacca; JBK/1/10: Hemp Correspondence: 1764-1810: This box contains mounted documents, both printed and manuscript, concerning the manufacture of flax and hemp. It contains published articles, manuscript notes and correspondence between various individuals including letters to and from Joseph Banks on the subject; JBK/1/11: The Banks Letters - A calendar of the manuscript correspondence : 1958-1975: This bound volume, edited by Warren R. Dawson, was published by the British Museum and provides item level descriptions of the Banks correspondence (c.late 18th - early 19th century) known to be in Great Britain at the time. It also contains three supplementary parts, published in 1962, 1965 and 1975 as well as an article describing Banks papers held in Kent Archives Office; JBK/1/12: Catalogue of the Banks manuscripts in the Knatchbull manuscripts : c 1970: This document details the Banks papers (c 16th - 19th century) held in Kent Archives Office which form part of the larger Knatchbull collection.

JBK/2 : Journals : 1766-1897: This series contains both manuscript and published copies of journals made by Joseph Banks during his expeditions. JBK/2/1 : Banks's Journal : c 19th century: This is the first of three bound volumes containing a manuscript copy of Banks's original journal of 1768-1771 detailing stages of his voyage with Captain Cook aboard the ENDEAVOUR. It is a draft copy by Miss Turner (Joseph Hooker's aunt) and there are many manual corrections. This volume covers the 1768-1769 voyage from England to the South Sea Islands; JBK/2/2 : Banks's Journal : c 19th century: This is the second of three bound volumes containing a manuscript copy of Banks's original journal of 1768-1771 detailing stages of his voyage with Captain Cook aboard the ENDEAVOUR. It is a draft copy by Miss Turner (Joseph Hooker's aunt) and there are many manual corrections. This volume covers the 1769-1770 voyage from the South Sea Islands to New Zealand; JBK/2/3 : Banks's Journal : c 19th century: This is the third of three bound volumes containing a manuscript copy of Banks's original journal of 1768-1771 detailing stages of his voyage with Captain Cook aboard the ENDEAVOUR. It is a draft copy by Miss Turner (Joseph Hooker's aunt) and there are many manual corrections. This volume covers the 1770-1771 voyage from New Zealand to England; JBK/2/4 : Publication of the Endeavour Journal : 1884-1897: This bound indexed volume contains correspondence and other papers concerned with the publication of Banks' journal of his 1768-1771 voyage aboard Captain Cook's ship the ENDEAVOUR. It also contains references to Cook's journal and some other miscellaneous papers relating to Banks; JBK/2/5 : The Journal of Joseph Banks in the ENDEAVOUR: 1980; This is the first of two bound volumes containing a facsimile version of Banks' original journal (covering 1768-1769), published by Genesis Publications Ltd; JBK/2/6 : The Journal of Joseph Banks in the Endeavour : 1980: This is the second of two bound volumes containing a facsimile version of Banks' original journal (covering 1769-1771), published by Genesis Publications Ltd; JBK/2/7 : Banks - Journal of a voyage to Newfoundland : 1895:
This bound volume contains a manuscript copy of Banks' Journal of his voyage to Newfoundland 7 Apr - 17 Nov 1766. It was made for Sir Joseph Hooker by W.J. Anderson of the British Museum (Natural History).

JBK/3 : Other Papers : 1805-1820: This series contains a facsimile copy of Banks' will and a volume concerning Banks' work on diseases in corn; JBK/3/1 : Joseph Banks' Last Will and Testament : 7 Jan 1820: This folder contains a facsimile copy of Banks' Will dated 7 Jan 1820 and proved in London on 22 Sep 1820. The original is held at the National Archives, ref. PROB 11/1634 3892; JBK/3/2 : Banks - Disease in Corn : 1805: This bound volume contains Banks' published work on disease in corn together with a manuscript article on corn written by Francis Bauer.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 ROS · 1923-2009

Papers of Reginald Rose-Innes comprising correspondence and diary relating to his studies in America, there is also other correspondence relating to projects and work carried out later in his life. There are a large number of notebooks relating to research carried out throughout various countries in Africa. There are reports and essays by Rose-Innes while he was a student and later article off prints and reports (some of which are co-authored), and published works by other authors. A large number of photographs also compliment the collection many of which were taken during Rose-Innes' studies in America and his research in various African countries.

Zonder titel
Forsyth, William (1737-1804)
GB 0068 FOR · 1765-1804

Papers of William Forsyth, 1765-1804, comprising a large amount of correspondence (1765-1804), most of which was sent to Forsyth from correspondents living both in England and abroad, including a volume of letters from Alexander Anderson. Also included are four volumes of horticultural notes and annotated drafts (1789-1804) made by Forsyth together with some correspondence; which were presumably created when he was creating his two volumes, OBSERVATIONS ON DISEASES, DEFECTS AND INJURIES IN ALL KINDS OF FRUIT AND FOREST TREES (1791) and TREATISE ON CULTURE AND MANAGEMENT OF FRUIT-TREES (1802).

Zonder titel
GB 0068 HNR · 19 century-1956

Papers of Henry Nicholas Ridley, 19th century-1956, comprising five series. The first series consists of photographs and illustrations; the second series contains correspondence; the third series is comprised of notebooks; the fourth series consists of botanical and zoological papers; the fifth series consists of expedition papers and notes; and the sixth series consists of non-botanical and zoological papers.

Zonder titel
Ball, John (1818-1889)
GB 0068 JBA · [1840]-[1889]

Papers of John Ball comprising botanical manuscripts relating to the Southern Alps, Morocco and other parts of Europe including a catalogue of plants on the South side of the Alps, Moroccan plants and more generally notes on plants in other European countries. Also correspondence with Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker (1859-1896).

JBA/1/1: "Distribution of Plants on the South Side of the Alps". Large volume recording plants in their scientific names and the frequency of their distribution in various European mountainous areas in table format; the geographical areas covered are as follows: S. Alpine distribution, French Alps, Swiss Alps, German Alps, Illyrian Alps (Bosnia, and Herzegovina), Ligurian Apennines (Italy), central Apennines, Neap. Apennines, Pynrenees, Scandinavia and Carpathian mountains. There are also additonal manuscript notes, some with numbers contained within 1 to 50. The very last page of the volume gives a list of Italian geographical locations numbered 1 to 50 entitled 'Districts South Side of the Alps'.

JBA/1/2: "Distribution of Plants on the South Side of the Alps". Small volume of manuscript notes recording latin plant names and locations; some are accompanied by numbers.

JBA/1/3-5: Three manuscript volumes listing Moroccan plants with locations and plant descriptions; the altitude is also sometimes mentioned as well as some observation notes.

JBA/1/6: General bontanical notes with lists of plants from Europe and Morocco. This volume comprises general botanical notes which have been bound together, and an index (Not comprehensive) was produced at a later stage (after binding), situated at the front of the volume. The content ranges from general botanical notes, sketches and memoranda such as description of a new species of Veronica, notes on melaphyre observed near Verona (Italy), notes on other group of plants such as Saxifraga and Sagiona, the genus Polynogon and others. Includes also list of plants: from Olympus and Brussa - an island off the coast of Italy, in the Veneto region; list of plants from Uina, Switzerland, list of plants from Tangier with a tabular view of the mountain flora of the Great Atlas mountains (Morocco), showing th distribution of species and the altitude. Comprises other botanical notes such as an account of an excursion through Portugal and Spain (1850s); folios 125-127 are ink sketches of Hieracium species observed in Italy; folios 128-188 consist of notes entitled 'Genera plantarum Vol I'; folios 188-208 are notes on Alpine and Moroccan flora in table format; folios 209-218consist of notes on the distribution and genera of the Alps and analysis of the 'genera plantarum'; folios 219-228 consist of a 'table showing the georgraphical distribution of the genera in each natural ? distinguishing the monotpypic genera'. Folios 233-234 consist of a list in table fromat of 'Natural orders in European Alps and other mountain regions, warm temperate and tropics.

JBA/2: file of correspondence with J D Hooker.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 LRP · 1847-1966

Papers of the Lovell Reeve Publishing Company, 1847-1966, comprising 10 series. The first series (LRP/1) contains correspondence with authors as well as relating to publications; the second series consists of stock records including valuations (LRP/2); the third series( LRP/3) relates to financial records such as Cash Books, Day Books and various ledgers; the fourth series (LRP/4) comprises illustrations and patterns, some coloured and some plain accompanying various publications, including the Curtis Botanical Magazine. The fifth series (LRP/5) deals with subscription records; the sixth series (LRP/6) contains a volume of press cuttings; the seventh (LRP/7) series relates to production records; the eight series (LRP/8) comprises catalogues, prospectuses and circulars advertising Lovell Reeve publications; the ninth series (LRP/9) relates to legal and business papers and the tenth (LRP/10) series to binding records.

Zonder titel
Spruce, Richard (1817-1893)
GB 0068 RSP · c 1841-1934

Papers of Richard Spruce, c 1841-1934, comprising 3 series. The first series (RSP/1) contains volumes relating to expeditions that Richard Spruce was involved in and the plants that he collected. The second (RSP/2) is a series of volumes of correspondence to and from Spruce including a number of other botanical papers. The third series (RSP/3) contains published notes and articles relating to the production of cinchona and cotton.

Zonder titel
Henry, Augustine (1857-1930)
GB 0068 AUH · 1873-1943

Papers of Augustine Henry, 1873-1943, comprising four series. The first contains two manuscript Chinese-English dictionaries written by Augustine Henry. The second is a volume of correspondence from Augustine Henry to H. B. Morse, beginning in 1893 and ending in 1909. The third series is three volumes of plant lists, detailing specimens that Henry collected in China and those which he sent to Kew for identification. The fourth series consists of a letter written by Mrs Henry to Mr Cotton and also 6 black and white photographs and a postcard inserted into a printed pamphlet.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 AWH · c.1895-1941

Papers of Sir Arthur William Hill, c.1895-1941 comprising six series. The first consists of travel diaries and notebooks that contain observations on the flora and fauna of the places Hill visited in the Americas, Africa, India, Europe, the West Indies and Australia; the second series is made up of various correspondence and papers; the third series is comprised of scientific notebooks and sketchbooks that include notes from Hill's time working at Cambridge University; the fourth series consists of photographs and slides; the fifth series consists of lecture and speech notes and the sixth series consists of plant lists from Hill's travels.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 BUR · 1892-1966

Papers of Isaac Henry Burkil (1892-1966) comprising the preparatory notes and typescripts for Burkill's studies and publications (11 boxes), also one volume and one folder of correspondence, one folder of personnal papers, botanical journals and journals of Burkill's tours in Asia (18 volumes) and 23 boxes of index cards.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 JEH · 1836-1951

Papers of John Eliot Howard, 1836-1951, comprising three series. The first series (JEH/1/1-JEH/1/48) contains handwritten correspondence and papers between 1836 and 1884. The second series (JEH/2/1-JEH/2/21) contains Press cuttings, Reports and other Publications from between 1856-1951. The third series (JEH/3/1-JEH/3/5) contains Illustrations, Photographs, Botanical bookplates and glass negatives from the 19th Century.

The bulk of material is correspondence to JE Howard regarding Cinchona, mainly in the form of scientific discussion and research, collection and donation of specimens, and scientific and commercial exploration. It dates from the early to late 19th century. The correspondence is international. It includes some documents relating to the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain and it's museum collections (For example, correspondence from Joseph Ince and Daniel Hanbury, and formal acknowledgements for specimens donated by Howard to the Society's Museum. - see list for details.) There is also printed material, ranging from newspaper cuttings, journal and periodical articles to East India Company reports and printed records.

This archive includes correspondence with Charles Ledger, Clements Markham, G M McIvor, John Broughton and others, letters to John Elliot Howard from the Directors of Kew Gardens: Thistleton Dyer and Joseph Hooker.

This archive contains important information about the international network of botanists and commercial explorers in the field. It contains particularly strong information on the growing of Cinchona in India.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 ROB · 1924-1965

Papers of George W. Robinson, 1924-1965, comprising photographs, slides, correspondence, press cuttings and other papers. The photographic album and photographs relate to Robinson's time at Kew, whilst the correspondence and papers date from the early 1960s. The glass slides on the whole date from Robinson's employment in Chile; although some appear to have been used for lectures given at Oxford.

Zonder titel
GB 0068 SIM · 1910-1974

Papers of Norman Douglas Simpson, 1910-1974, comprising correspondence and papers regarding various topics including botany and plants, the Index ‘A Bibliographical Index of the British Flora’, expeditions and field trips, Simpson’s library and his dealings with publishers, book sellers, The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, The British Museum (Natural History), societies such as the Botanical Society of the British Isles (B.S.B.I.). There are also invoices and orders for the Bibliographical Index, eleven notebooks which mostly relate to his time at Kew working on identifying specimens from the North-Western Mongolia and Chinese Dzungaria expedition, Astragalus and his time in Egypt and Sudan 1912-1929 and seven boxes of index cards which relate to his plant collecting trips abroad. There are also plant lists, book lists, drawings and some maps. These papers document many of N D Simpson’s activities throughout his life.

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