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Archival description
GB 0096 AL 504 · Collection · 1874-1877

Papers of 1874 election for Buckinghamshire county constituency, 1874 and 1877, comprise correspondence concerning the elections. The collection includes a letter from Disraeli, at 10 Downing Street, London to Colonel Caulfield Pratt, S Christie Miller and Richard Rose, agreeing to allow the subscribers to pay his election expenses: 'I can only look upon it as the act of a generous and high spirited constituency, which, though I may not merit, it would be presumption to decline' (6 May 1874); privately printed circular concerning the scheme for subscription, including a printed copy of three letters and a list of subscribers (undated [May 1874]); a letter from Corry, 10 Downing Street, to Christie-Miller, regarding the subscription scheme (4 Mar 1874); letter from Corry, 10 Downing Street, to Christie-Miller, enclosing a copy of item (1) (6 May 1874); letter from Leveson-Gower, Windsor Castle, to Mrs Christie-Miller, stating the train he would be catching (16 November 1877) and a printed circular bearing the same text as the first two pages of item (2) (undated), items (1-2) bound in a volume labelled: 'The Right Hon. B. Disraeli, Prime Minister[.] Election for the County of Bucks, 1874'; the remaining items enclosed in a pocket at the front of the volume.

Disraeli , Benjamin , 1804-1881 , 1st Earl of Beaconsfield , statesman x Beaconsfield , 1st Earl of Corry , Montagu William Lowry , 1838-1903 , 1st Baron Rowton , politician and philanthropist Gower , Granville George , Leveson- , 1815-1891 , 2nd Earl Granville , statesman x Leveson-Gower , Granville George x Granville , 2nd Earl
A collection of legal items
GB 0096 MS 303 · Fonds · c1615-1635

Contains the following legal items: ff 1-14. 'Ordinances made by the Lord Chancellor for the better and moore reguler administratyon of iustice in the Chancery to bee duly observed saving the prerogatives to the Court. Tempore Bacon cancellarii', 1619; ff 14b-16: 'Addiconall Rules for the better governinge of the Court of Chancery and the Greate Seale published in open Court 31 October', 1620; f 33: An ordinance of 26 June 18 James I [1620], concerning the incompetence of certain Commissioners; ff 34-38: William [Dr John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln] Lord Keeper's speech in Chancery the 1st daie of Michaelmas terme [6 Oct] 1621; ff 39-47: 'Ordinances made by the Right Honourable Thomas Lord Coventry lord keeper of the greate seale of England with the advice and assistance of the Right Honourable Sir Julius Ceser knight Master of the Rolls in the terme of St. Michaell ' ... in the xith yeare of the Raigne of ... kinge Charles [1635] for the Redresse of sundry Errors defaults and abuses in the high Court of Chancery'; ff 57-60: Baron Bromley his Charge att Wenlocke 9 September 1615.

GB 0096 MS307 · Fonds · c1650-1700

'A Coppy of a letter Conceived to bee writt to the late Duke of Buckingham when hee first became a favourite to K. James. By Sir Francis Bacon. Conteyning some advises to the Duke for his Better direction in that eminent place of the Favourite drawne from him at the entreaty of the Duke himselfe'. This is the second, fuller, version of the letter, not the text of the quarto edition of 1661.

Bacon , Francis , 1561-1626 , viscount St Alban , lawyer, statesman and philosopher
GB 0096 MS296 · Fonds · c1560-1570

A Mirrour of Virtues and vices in 2 decads by way of description and Characters manuscript by Thomas Bilson, successively Bishop of Worcester and of Winchester. In a prefatory note to his sister, Bilson characterizes the work as "the extract of the superfluous humour of youth's distemperature, which I hope maturity of judgment, and ripenesse of further experience will either purify or utterly extinguish." Perhaps written while he was at Oxford.

Bilson , Thomas , 1547-1616 , Bishop of Winchester
A sedative at daybreak
GB 0096 MS1180 · Fonds · undated

Typescript copy of poem, "A sedative at daybreak" by Laurie Whistler. With etchings by Joan Hassall. This copy was a gift to Walter de la Mare. Inscribed "And to dearest WJdlM with love, always, from LW".

Whistler , Laurence , 1912-2000 , engraver on glass and writer
GB 0096 MS1147 · Fonds · 1821

A Slap at Slop and the Bridge Street Gang, newspaper [fifteenth edition].

Hone , William , 1780-1842 , author, publisher and bookseller
Abel, Niels Henrik
GB 0096 MS 768 · 1826-1829

Draft of a paper entitled 'Sur une propriété générale d'une certaine classe de fonctions transcendantes (par Mr.N.H.Abel de Christiana)', apparently in the hand of Niels Henrik Abels hand, later printed as 'Remarques sur quelques propriétés generales d'une certaine sorte de fonctions transcendantes' in Oeuvres complètes de N.H.Abel...redigées...par B.Holmboe (1859), vol.I (section XV), pp.288-98.

Abel , Niels Henrik , 1802-1829 , Norwegian mathematician
Account book of debtors
GB 0096 MS 689 · 1830-1834, 1856, 1873-1883

Manuscript volume of accounts containing half-yearly lists of debtors, chiefly in Penrith, but also in Whitehaven, Cumberland, with amounts due and when paid, 1830-1834. Also includes accounts for groceries and other personal expenditure, 1856 and 1873-1883, and a loose bill rendered to Lady Morshead for malt, dated 1830-1831, and made out in the name of John Robinson, who may also have kept the account book.

GB 0096 MS 526 · 1779-1794

Butcher's account book, 1779-1794, recording the buying of sheep, cows, etc, and the sale of skins, within the Market Harborough area of Leicestershire. Three recipes, for 'green ointment', 'eye water' and gooseberry vinegar, are included at the end of the manuscript. On the inside front cover are inscribed in a modern hand the names of John and Mrs Coleman of Lubenham Lodge, Market Harborough, Leicestershire.

GB 0096 MS 580 · 1792-1799

Account book of a private bank, probably that of Messrs James Montagu of Chippenham, Wiltshire, May 1792-Nov 1799. Many of the entries record subscriptions to the Berkshire and Wiltshire Canal and the 'Western Canal'. People and families frequently mentioned include the Fludyers of Chippenham, Robert Ashe, the Gabys of Chippenham, Matthew Humphreys, Messrs Whitehead and Howard [of Shipston-on-Stow, Warwickshire], and William Knight.

Possibly: Messrs James Montagu , bankers of Chippenham, Wiltshire
Account book, domestic
GB 0096 MS 492 · 1766-1848

Manuscript volume containing a record of housekeeping expenses, 1766-1848. The account book contains annual expenses from 1766-1768, weekly expenses from Jan 1769-Aug 1787, mostly for food and washing clothes, and weekly household expenses from Aug 1837 to Nov 1847 with details of servants' wages from Nov 1837 to Nov 1848. The expenses for Aug 1837 are headed '10 Avenue Road, Regent's Park'. Includes a list headed 'Books in Library in Margaret's Room', dated 7 Sep 1837; the works are mainly religious. Some pages have been used for notes and jottings.

Account book, farm labourers
GB 0096 MS 250 · 1766-1770

Manuscript volume entitled 'Laborers Book', containing accounts of the wages paid to agricultural and building workers on an unidentified estate (possibly in Wales or on the Welsh border) between December 1766 and December 1770. The account states the days worked by each man and his total weekly wage, and the amount paid each week to the bailiff or similar official in settlement of wages. Between December 1766 and September 1767, the men are divided into 'Laborers in Husbandry' and 'Laborers in Building'. After this date, the lists are combined, and a footnote is added each week giving the cost of husbandry, medicines and repairs.

Account book, farm work
GB 0096 MS 659 · 1816

Manuscript volume of accounts lettered 'Farm Work 1816' giving daily rates paid to labourers, boys and women from 5 Jan to 27 Dec 1816 on a farm probably near Stockbridge, Hampshire, and followed by a weekly 'abstract of farm work for the year 1816'. The volume is signed by Thomas Beazly and inscribed 'This account balanced in the book of 'Stock bought & sold', on page 62.

Beazly , Thomas , fl 1816 , farmer
GB 0096 MS 524 · [1810-1826]

Account and memoranda book relating to a farm in Lancashire, including details of servants' wages. An inscription at the end of the manuscript reads 'Elizabeth Coulston Book 1779'. Apart from this the manuscript is written in one hand throughout, probably that of Henry Faithwaite of Littledale, Caton, Lancashire.

Faithwaite , Henry , fl 1810-1826 , farmer
GB 0096 MS 742 · 1806-1817

Account book, Jan 1806-Feb 1817, containing details of the sale of wheat, wool and the raw materials needed for tanning leather and leatherworking, as well as wages to servants and workmen, loans and rents. Among nine loose items enclosed in the volume are a letter stamped at Roanne on 1 Jul 1831 to Claude Marie Chartre, 'Proprietaire a Cremeaux', and a fragment of another letter to the same person, who may have been the compiler of the accounts.

Account book, Norfolk farm
GB 0096 MS 621 · 1820-1829, 1842-1845

Incomplete farm account book relating to a farm at Calthorpe, Norfolk, kept by an unidentified tenant famer, who also had a farmhouse at Aylsham. The account book gives details of crops and acreage planted between 1820 and 1827, and accounts of receipts and expenses from 1 Nov 1820 to 15 Aug 1829, which show that the farmer sold mostly cereals, eggs and butter, mainly at Erpingham market. There are also notes relating chiefly to the harvest of cereals in 1843 with 'Pegg's Pig Account' for 1834, a list of fields totalling 25 acres headed 'Glebe', and a note of the assessment of Calthorpe for the poor rate in 1842.

Account book, Sussex farm
GB 0096 MS 688 · 1811-1821

Manuscipt volume, consisting of an account book for a farm near Funtington, Sussex, giving expenses for building, 1811-1813, farming expenses, including poor rates, land tax and tithes, 1814-1821, and 'Profits of Farm', 1814-1821.

GB 0096 MS 385 · [1625-1675]

Manuscript volume containing the accounts of a farm in Warwickshire, apparently near Bedworth, [1625-1675], including a note from [Sir] B[artholomew] Hales (of Snitterfield, d 1668) mentioning Sir Cornelius Fairmeadowe (of Fulham, Middlesex).

Account book, wine
GB 0096 MS 747 · [1781-1812]

Manuscript account book kept by a wine merchant at Saumur (Maine-et-Loire), recording purchases of wine from farmers and proprietors in the Loire Valley, mostly for the period 1781-1793, but continuing up to 1812. The accounts are written in French, by several scribes (one of whom identifies himself as Tessie Boilesve, [1800]). Certain purchases, after 1800, are made 'pour la Flandre', 'pour la mer' and 'pour l'etranger'.

GB 0096 MS 181 · 1858-1859

Manuscript volume containing an account of the discovery, trial and conviction of Antonio Calvocorressi and Thomas Moss for causing Turkish coin to be illegally made in Birmingham, 1858. Includes a prefaratory letter from the Turkish Consulate in Birmingham to the 'Monsieur Mussurus, Ambassador to the Sublime Porte, London', dated 15 Jun 1859.

Account of public debts
GB 0096 MS 94 · 1716

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public debts at the Exchequer, exclusive of the deficiencies of parliamentary grants, 14 Mar 1716, prepared for [Spencer Compton, Viscount Pevensey] Speaker of the House of Commons, from material in various Finance Acts.

Account of royal revenue
GB 0096 MS 34 · 1642

Manuscript containing an account of the revenue of King Charles I, entitled 'A briefe view of the State of his Majesties ordinary Receipte for the yeare ensueing 1642 together with the ordinary paymente unprovided for, for the said yeare', 1642.

GB 0096 MS 777 · 1660

Manuscript entitled 'Account of the Burial of Sir John Drummond of Innerpafray [Innerpeffray Perthshire] in the Lady Kirk of Innerpafray - Jan 19 1660'. The document also gives a short account of Sir John's family, including the names of his five daughters (one a natural child), of their husbands, and of his three step-sons (sons of Margaret, Lady Gordon by her previous husband). The youngest step-son was 'James Gordon persone of Creiff who relates this in a short declaration he gives of Queen Marie her authoritie and what fell out betwixt her and the Lords of the Congregation'.

GB 0096 MS 608 · 1827-1840

Accounts and rental kept by John Humphries for the estates of Thomas Lodington Fairfax in Steeton, Bilbrough, Newton, Kyme, Aughton, 'Ruddings' and Ellerton, all in Yorkshire, and in Bracebridge, Cantley, Washingborough and Heighington, Lincolnshire, 1827-1840.

Humphries , John , fl 1827-1840 , estate manager
GB 0096 MS 671 · [1775]

Manuscript volume containing accounts for the Généralité of Caen, France, for 1772-1773, headed 'Recette Généralle des Finances. Exercice 1772' and beginning 'Etat au vrai des recettes et depenses faites par Pierre Oursin, Ecuyer, Seigneur de Digoville, Conseiller du Roy, Receveur Général des Finances de la Généralité de Caen'. The accounts include financial details for the 'élections' of Caen, Bayeux, Saint Lo, Vire et Condé, Coutances, Carentan, Valognes, Avranches and Mertain. Each section of the accounts is signed by [Charles Gabriel] des Hommets [de Martainville] who was appointed 'commissaire pour verifier le present etat' on 19 Oct 1775, with the words 'Vu par nous', sometimes with further comment. The sums are listed under various headings, the individual items being entered against a place, a person, or the personnel of an office. The total expenses are given as 2,912,200 livres, 16 sols, 6 deniers; receipts as 2,948,734 livres, 9 sols, 6 deniers. The whole account was signed by Louis XVI and seven members of the Conseil Royale des Finances at Versailles on 28 Nov 1775. Each page is stamped 'Gen[eralité] de Paris Extraordinaire' in a decorative frame.

Oursin , Pierre , fl 1773-1775 , French financial official
GB 0096 MS 18 · 1597-1601

Manuscript volume containing accounts of butlerage and prisage from 26 July 1597 to 29 September 1600, and for half a year ending at Easter 1601.

GB 0096 MS 184 · (1344-1350), [1550]

Manuscript volume concerning the expenditure of the royal household of King Edward III, [1550], namely an abstract from the accounts of Walter Wentwage of 'the rates of wages of peace and warre, expenses necessarie of officers and other charges concerning the household', dating from 21 Apr 1344-23 Nov 1374 and mainly relating to armed forces. Includes a statement of the costs of diplomatic, military and naval activity taken from the accounts of William Norwell, Keeper of the King's Wardrobe, for the period 15 Jul 1348-25 May 1350.

GB 0096 MS 225 · c1785

Manuscript volume containing the rules of the Agreeable United Fair (Friendly Society), a women's society intended to provide relief in the event of sickness or old age. The Society was held near Fetter Lane, Holborn, London. The rules are signed by fifteen members, six of whom give a mark in place of a signature, c 1785.

Agreeable United Fair Friendly Society
Agricultural returns
GB 0096 MS 727 · 1894

Printed 'Abstract of the Agricultural Returns' for 1892 and 1893 'for the information of occupiers of land' sent from the Board of Agriculture in London to Henry C. Butler of Bramshott, Liphook, Hampshire, and postmarked Haslemere (Surrey) and Liphook (Hampshire), 26 Jan 1894.

Board of Agriculture
Aire and Calder Navigation
GB 0096 MS 489 · [1714-1772]

Manuscript copies of papers relating to the Aire and Calder Navigation Company's proposed Leeds and Selby Canal, [1714-1772], as follows.

  1. Memorandum, [1771], upon the monopoly enjoyed and the exorbitant charges imposed by the farmer of the Aire and Calder Navigation, and the danger of the proprietors' wish to reroute the navigation away from Knottingley, Yorkshire, '...[which] proceeding would depopulate the... town reduce the property of individuals therein below it's present value and... totally deprive the same of all the natural advantages of it's situation...'. (Single sheet. 13" x 7¾").
  2. Memorandum of a meeting held on Monday, 30 December, 1771, at Bluits Inn, York, under the chairmanship of Charles Ingram, 9th Viscount Irwin, held to oppose the plans of the Aire and Calder Navigation to alter the route of the navigation by Act of Parliament. A list is given of the more notable attenders at the meeting. A plan of intended alterations was produced by Messrs. Wilson, Birt and Smeaton, but not considered, grievances of objectors to the plan were heard, and a subscription entered into to prevent 'the course of the rivers Aire and Calder from being altered by the present undertakers...and... [to concert] the proper means for reducing and ascertaining the tolls and duties on the said rivers...'. Adjournment to 28 January, [1772]. (Single sheet. 19½" x 14").
  3. Subscription list dated 30 December 1771 [referred to above] composed of thirteen names, headed by that of Lord Irvine. (Single sheet. 7" x 8").
  4. Articles of agreement of 9 July, 1714, made between (1) William Milner, of Leeds, and John Smith, of Heath, Yorkshire, on behalf of themselves and the other undertakers of the navigation on the rivers Aire and Calder, (2) Robert, Marquis of Lindsey, Lord Great Chamberlain and Privy Councillor, and (3) Arthur Ingram and Thomas Atkinson, both of Knottingley, on behalf of themselves and other inhabitants of that town. To settle disputes touching the erection of a lock and dam at Chapel Haddlesey (1) will, on or before 29 September, 1715, make one or more new large cuts or sluices with a turnpike in the middle of the dam at Chapel Haddlesey in the river Aire at least 15 yards wide...and maintain them at their own costs. They will also deepen by one foot the drain running out of Haddlesey Ings into the river Aire, and will erect a good and substantial bridge with two leaves over the Aire near the ferry by Chapel Haddlesey Marsh as good and substantial as Beal Bridge lately built on the said river, and make a good and sufficient causeway to Chapel Haddlesey. There are other clauses relating to tolls, flooding, etc. Bond in £2000 by (1) to (2) to observe and perform all covenants conditions, etc. (2 leaves. 15½" x 10").
GB 0096 MS 929 · 1835-1850

The collection, 1835-1850, contains letters and printed papers, notices and unpublished printed material, which Airy received during his time as a member of the Senate of the University of London. The Airy correspondence has a special importance because much of the early archival material of the University of London was destroyed and so often the only record of its activities is in the Senate and Committee Minutes. Airy was particularly interested in the constitution of the University, the developments of the mathematics syllabus, the syllabuses for certificates in hydrography and civil engineering and the introduction of the religious examination.

Airy , Sir , George Biddell , 1801-1892 , Knight , astronomer and mathematician
Akers family business papers
GB 0096 MS 999 · 1766-1893

The majority of this material consists of papers relating to the Akers family business interests in the West Indies, although there is a small amount of more personal material listed under MS999/8. Much of the material was created during the lifetime of the first Aretas Akers, but the annotations found on the majority of the documents demonstrate that the material has been subsequently used and re-used to bring order to the family's financial affairs and to fulfill the demands of Aretas Akers' will.

Akers , Aretas , 1734-1785 Akers , Aretas , 1759-1816 Akers , Edmund Fleming , 1757-1821 Akers family
Album, 1899-1915
GB 0096 MS 702 · 1899-1915

Album inscribed 'To Blanche in loving memory of Nettie', 30 Sep 1900. The front cover is stamped with the initials J.C.B. and B.M.B. in the upper left and lower right corners respectively. Blue, pink or white pages with poems, watercolours and sketches; one oil painting on cardboard inserted (f.56). The dates range from 1899 to 1915, the majority of entries being of 1900-1905.

Alexander, J F: letter
GB 0096 AL454 · Fonds · 1888

Letter from J F Alexander of 4 St James' Square, Manchester to [Richard Marsden] Pankhurst LLD, 14 Nov 1888. Explaining that Pankhurst's 'name was ... placed on the list of delegates to the Education Conference on November 20th and 21st to represent the Subscribers in the district...'.

Written in another hand and signed by Alexander.

Alexander , J F , fl 1888 , Secretary of the Society for the Liberation of Religion from State Patronage and Control, Manchester and District Branch
Alford, Margaret
GB 0096 MS 908 · 1897-1927

The collection contains Margaret Alford's personal account books that cover the period 1897 to 1927.

Alford , Margaret , fl 1890-1927 , lecturer in Latin
GB 0096 MS Allchin · c1900

Correspondence and papers, c1900, relating to the University of London.

Allchin , Sir , William Henry , 1846-1911 , Knight , physician
Alvarez de Toledo, Manuel
GB 0096 MS338 · Fonds · c 1699

Tumulto del dia 28 de Abril, del Ano 1699: representacion del Conde de Oropesa (al Rey); y la Respuesta, o Glossa, sobre la representacion del Conde.

Alvey Programme
GB 0096 MS965 · Fonds · c1975-1993

Annual reports, circulars, memoranda, and government publications concerning the activities of the Alvey Programme, [1975]-1993.

Alvey Programme
GB 0096 MS 1088 · Collection · 1875-1892

Papers concerning American theatre and opera scrapbooks, 1875-1892, comprise to scrapbooks containing programmes of plays, concerts and operas performed in the USA, with particular reference to New York and the Metropolitan Opera House, from 1875 to 1892. MS1088/2 includes postcards of members of singers performing in the Metropolitan Opera 1890 to 1891 season, posing in some of their operatic roles. The volumes contained two loose inserts, which have now become MS1088/3 and MS1088/4.

GB 0096 MS1162 · Fonds · 1863

Certificate of Ancient Order of Foresters membership for Edward Papsworth of the Widows and Orphans branch (court number 1840), Jun 1863.

Ancient Order of Foresters
Anderson, New and Co
GB 0096 MS 725 · 1798-1799

Draft minutes of the weekly meetings of the proprietors of Anderson, New and Co., held at the Compting House, Redcross St., Bristol, from 2 Jul 1798 to 11 Mar 1799. The proprietors were James New junior, Samuel New junior, Francis Bull, S. James, William Walker and Charles Anderson. The drafts record their decisions in some detail, concerning the purchase of land at Netham Mill and Blacksworth, the building of warehouses, and the purchase of raw material and machinery. At the foot of each sheet is written 'Ent[ere]d', followed usually by the initials 'J.N.'

Anderson, New and Co , brass manufacturers
Anglo-Dutch exchange rates
GB 0096 MS 101 · [1729]

Manuscript volume, [1729], containing an monthly account of the differences in exchange between London and Amsterdam from Mar 1697 to Dec 1728.

GB 0096 MS 484 · [1778]

Manuscript copy of a response by Henry Howard, 12th Earl of Suffolk and 5th Earl of Berkshire, to the representations of the Dutch envoy, the Comte de Welderen, and entitled 'Réponse de Mylord Suffolk, par ordre du Roi, aux représentations du Comte de Welderen, Envoyé Extraordinaire de Leurs Hautes Puis[san]ces, les Etats-Généraux des Provinces-Unies'. Dated at St. James, 19 Oct 1778'.

GB 0096 MS 896 · 1974-1977

Papers of Noel Gilroy Annan, Baron Annan relating to his work as Chairman of the Committee on the Future of Broadcasting, 1974-1977.

Annan , Noel Gilroy , 1916-2000 , Baron Annan , academic and historian
GB 0096 MS 639 · 12th century-13th century

Three vellum leaves, formerly paste-downs in the binding of of Omnia Opera by Angelo Ambrogini, called Poliziano (Venice, 1498), which was rebound in the twentieth century (Ref: Incunabula 1498 Strongroom), details as follows:

  1. Leaf from a noted Missal, of Hereford Use, with part of the epistle, gradual, gospel, offertory, secret, communion and post-communion of the 3rd Sunday after Epiphany, and the introit, epistle, gospel and secret of the 4th Sunday. The antiphons 'Timebunt gentes', 'Dextem domini' and 'Mirabantur omnes' have their musical notation. The fragment was written in Hereford, England, in the late 12th century. It is inscibed and extensively annotated by Maurice Birchinshaw (d 1564), and inscibed by Nathaniel Evans in the 17th century. It was later used as a cover for a manorial extent, and inscibed in a 16th-17th century hand 'A court of [surve]igh for the mannour of Much Markl (i.e. Much Marcle, Herefordshire], 35 of Eliz [1592/3]', and 'Extent of survey de Man. de Mark[le]'.
  2. Bi-folium from an Antiphoner, with responds and versicles for the following feasts: St Mary Magdalene (22 Jul), St Peter ad vincula (1 Aug), St Laurence (10 Aug), Assumption of the Virgin (15 Aug) and Octave of the Assumption (22 Aug>). The fragment was written in the late 13th century.