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GB 1574 LCP Archive · 1893-1996

Records of the London College of Printing, 1893-1996, comprising:

Papers relating to the Bolt Court Technical School and London County Council School of Photoengraving and Lithography, 1893-1985.

Papers relating to St Bride's Foundation School, 1894-1921.

Papers relating to North Western Polytechnic, 1930-1969.

Papers relating to the College for the Distributive Trades (CDT), 1933-1988. Papers relating to the London School of Printing and London College of Printing, 1922-1996.

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Printing Education Collection
GB 1574 Printing Education · 1914-1991

Printed material, pamphlets, leaflets, and booklets, relating to printing education, printing apprenticeship, and technical and vocational training, 1913-1991, including London County Council report, Training and employment in the printing trades, 1914; War Office correspondence course on letterpress machine work, 1943; Vocational training of disabled persons in the printing industry, Ministry of Labour memorandum, 1944; draft syllabus for City and Guilds Printing Course, 1983; report 'Equalising the opportunities for women in printing and publishing', the Printing and Publishing Industry Training Board, 1982; booklets relating to training in printing and graphic arts in Austria, France, West Germany, Italy and the USA, 1950s-1960s; papers of Walter Rankin for a correspondence course in lettering, office management, stonework, job composition, machine work, comprising course work and correspondence with tutors of the Typographical Correspondence School of Lancaster, Lancashire, 1913-1916.

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