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Cortazzi, Sir Hugh (1924-)
GB 2247 CORTAZZI · 1983-1998

Papers of Sir Hugh Cortazzi comprising: photocopies of manuscripts including 'The Japanese journal of Sir Alfred East'; and 'My travels in India, China and Japan', Charles Wallis and related letters, 1996; 'Some memories of Elisabeth Christina Fernhill Alt, nee Earl (1847-)' and related letters, 1983; papers relating to the memoirs of John Bachelor including 'Steps by the Way'(1855-1945); photocopied extracts of Bachelor's published works on the Ainu, the Japanese minority people; bibliography of Bachelor's works, cuttings and articles relating to the Ainu people and Batchelor's manuscript, and related correspondence 1988-1996; photocopy of a Japanese publication relating to Bachelor [1954]; papers and correspondence relating to the AINU library, 1996; photocopies of articles and papers relating to Richard Henry Brunton (1841-1901) pioneer engineer in Japan 1868-1876, and the Brunton anniversary events, 1991; papers relating to the career of Sir Rutherford Alcock and the British Legation in Japan including photocopies of printed correspondence of Alcock from the Public Record Office, 1865-1870; copies of extract books and articles including one by Cortazzi, and related correspondence, 1980; articles and draft typescripts relating to Sir Vere Redman (1901-1965), English teacher and press correspondent in Japan, and related correspondence, 1995; photocopies of letters from Rolland (surname unknown), an American writing home from Kobe and Yokohama, 1897-1900; photocopies of letters of Algernon B Mitford to his father, 1867; typescript manuscript 'The best course available - a personal account of the secret US-Japan Okinawa Reversion negotiations, Wakaizumi Kei; photocopied typescript 'The writings on Japan and the Japanese of English and American Visitors, 1853-1910', Patricia Miriam Barr, University College London; copy of the thesis 'Unequal allies? US Security and Alliance policy towards Japan, 1945-1960' John Swenson-Wright, St Anthony's College Oxford, DPhil in International Relations, 1998; copy of thesis 'Sir Rutherford Alcock and Japan's entry into international society', Mayuko Sano, Emmanuel College, candidate for MPhil in International Relations, Centre for International Studies, University of Cambridge, Jul 1998; printed copies of Japanese publications including magazine of the First National Bank of Japan, 1963 containing article on Alexander Shand; literary journal containing articles on ceremonial procedures surrounding the Imperial family, 1990 (2 copies); Koken, current affairs journal containing conference papers relating to the past, present and future of Anglo-Japanese relations, 1986; printed copy book for study of Chinese characters; copies of Japan Review of International Affairs, Volume 11 No 1 1997-Volume 13 No 4 1999.

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The Japan Society
GB 2247 · 1860s - 2003

Archives of the Japan Society comprising:

minutes of the Council and Annual General Meetings, 1891-1999; draft minute books, 1892-1902 and related papers, 1902-1937; Council attendance book, 1914-1941;

administrative papers including general correspondence, 1901-1956; Secretary's correspondence, 1931-1938; Treasurer's letters out 1910-1920; letters relating to the Shakespeare Medal, 1929; letters relating to corporate members subscriptions, 1958-1960; Chairman's files, 1962-1967; Secretary's reports, correspondence, invitation cards and relate papers, 1925-1940; Constitution, agenda and notices, including Rules, 1941 and correspondence 1910-1930; annual dinner papers and programmes, 1894-1927; annual dinner correspondence 1930s; address books (of society members), 1903-1909; printed membership booklets, 1894-1920; Library loan book, 1964-1999; visitors book 1953-1974;

Financial Records including Ledgers, 1891-1894, 1906-1931, 1955-1961; accounts 1939-1955; index to bankers orders, 1902-1957; cash receipts, 1952-1957; petty cash book, 1896-1902;

Photographs, 1869s-1950s comprising:
images of individuals including Crown Prince of Japan, 1921; Sir John Dimsdale, Chairman [1903]; Marcus Huish, T B Clard-Thonhill, Douglas Sladen;

collection of portrait photographs of members of the Society, [1900-1910];

photographs of events, including Yokohama during the earthquake, 1909; the Battle of A-San and the sinking of the British-owned transport Kowshing off Korea, and Battle of Yellow Sea, [1894];

photograph album by Felice Beato, also containing watercolours by Charles Wirgman [1860s]; album of Frances Taylor Piggott - containing photocopies of Japanese meishi (visiting cards), invitations, and menu cards 1888-1891; albums with photographs by Tamamura Kozaburo [1890-1900], and Usui Shuzaburo, 1885; album of photographs of events such as the Japanese Crown Prince's visit to London, 1921; Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi's visit to Britain, 1959; the Japan Society's annual dinner, 1934; and garden party 1934;

glass lantern slides depicting Japanese script, festivals, costumes, wrestlers, craftsman, labourers, country life, religion, gardens, and houses;

manuscripts and personal papers including a notebook of Alexander Richard Newman, (fl 1964) containing manuscript notes on Japanese history and culture (undated); Reports on Japanese Currency by G Arbuthnot and others, 1862-1872; letters from Frank Stearns, Japan, to the Detroit Press 1890-1893; photocopies of letters of Algernon B Mitford to his father, 1866-1869; photocopies of letters to J C Marks from Chester Poole, Charlotsville, USA, 1956-1978; Certificate awarded by Prime Minister Kanin to Major E Calthrop, Military Attache, Tokyo Embassy; Autograph album containing signatures of prominent personalities associated with the Japan Society, 1894-1908; autograph book of Japanese visitors to London, 1919-1930;

press cuttings /scrap books including cuttings of articles on Japan by Raymond Koechlin, 1891 (in French); press cuttings and notices, 1895; press cuttings collection, 1889-1930; press cuttings and scrap book, 1893-1906; press cuttings relating to the Garden Party given in honour of their Imperial Highness Prince and Princess Arishgawa, May 1905; scrap book containing printed material including invitations, menus etc, 1912-1918;

Nichi-Ei Times, 1991-2003, Japanese newspaper published by Toshiko Marks, and edited Setsuo Kato, Japan Media Service Ltd, London; Society publications including Japan Society Transactions and Proceedings, 1892-1941; Japan Society Bulletin (in 1986 reverted to the title Proceedings) 1950-present; and Japan Society Annual Review, 1987-1989.

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