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Description archivistique
GB 2133 THQ · 1880-2013

The records of the Salvation Army's UK Territorial Headquarters include the following collections:

• Administrative Papers, twentieth century

• Candidates department, 1880-2003

• Corps Records, 1880s-2010s

• Divisional Records, 1880s-2000s

• Employment Plus UK, 2009

• Emergency Services and Red Shield Defence Services, 1901-1999

• Goodwill Department (formerly the Slum and Goodwill Department), 1890-1994

• Men's Social Services, 1880s-1978

• Photographic and Exhibition Unit, 1967-2009

• Social Services Department, 1892-2012

• Staff Department, twentieth century

• Women's Social Work Department, 1887-1982

• Youth Department, 1890-2005

The records of some departments have been fully catalogued; others are awaiting formal arrangement. See online catalogue or enquire for details.

Sans titre
William Booth College
GB 2133 WBC · 1883-2012

These are the papers of William Booth College, 1883-2012.

The training of Salvation Army Officers began in 1879, but was based in various locations and training homes, and known under varying names. It became established in Denmark Hill in 1929, and (as of 2013) is still at this location. It was known as the William Booth Memorial Training College, but as of 2000, is known as William Booth College.

This collection is the complete records of all Salvation Army training from 1879, with the first records here dated from 1883 until the present day. As training before 1929 was not centralised and under different names, it has been regarded for the purposes of this catalogue that these are still 'William Booth College' records under a different name.

Due to the original order and context of the collection not surviving, the records have been arranged in a logical structure and not one which relays the original functions/departments of the college.

The arrangement of the records is as follows:

WBC/1: Records of the administration of the college.

WBC/2: Records relating to cadets (individuals training at the college to become officers).

WBC/3: Records relating to the staff of William Booth College.

WBC/4: Records relating to College premises.

WBC/5: Records relating to the financial administration of the College.

WBC/6: Photographs of Cadets, Officers and College buildings.

WBC/7: Records of the School for In-Service Training and Development (SISTAD)

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Campfield Press
GB 2133 CP · Collection · 1899-1993

Papers of Campfield Press, 1899-1993, made up of all existing Salvation Army printing works records from 1899 until 1991, although the works up until 1915 did not operate under the name Campfield Press. For the purposes of this catalogue, all material is regarded as Campfield Press.In later years, Campfield Press was also regarded as part of the bigger company Salvationist Publishing and Supplies Ltd (SPS). Material here is not regarded as SPS material despite its wider management, as it specifically relates to Campfield Press. SPS material is catalogued separately under that collection name.

As no original order has survived, the records have been arranged in a logical structure and not one which relays the original functions of the business.

The arrangement of the records are as follows:

CP 1 Correspondence

CP 2 Administrative and legal papers

CP 3 General Strike papers

CP 4 Finance Council

CP 5 Reports (Inventory and Valuation)

CP 6 Employees, divided into 2 sub-series: Pension Fund and Employee's handbooks

CP 7 Premises

CP 8 Printing, divided into 2 sub-series: Examples of work and Type Faces

CP 9 'The Campfield Courier'

CP 10 Photographs

CP 11 Newspaper cuttings

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Musical Instrument Factory
GB 2133 MIF · 1893-1972

These papers are the surviving records of the Musical Instrument Factory (MIF) 1893-1972.

The factory began making and repairing instruments for Salvation Army bands in 1889, and continued until the lease was transferred to Boosey and Hawkes Ltd in 1972.

No original order is evident, so the arrangement represents a logical grouping of the factory registers, catalogues and other administrative papers.

The arrangement of the records is as follows:

MIF 1: Administrative papers, 1893-1972

MIF 2: Registers, 1925-1972

MIF 3: Catalogues

MIF 4: Photographs

Sans titre
Salvation Army Assurance Society Ltd
GB 2133 SAAS · 1891-1989

Records of The Salvation Army Assurance Society Ltd, 1891-1989.

The collection comprises the records of the Salvation Army Assurance Society, Rosehill Conference Centre and Band, and The Assurance Songsters. Where original order was in evidence within series, it has been maintained but an overall logical structure has been imposed.

The records are arranged as follows:

SAAS/1 Administrative records

SAAS/2 Financial records

SAAS/3 Property records

SAAS/4 Staff records

SAAS/5 Product records

SAAS/6 Publications and communications

SAAS/7 Ephemera

SAAS/8 Rosehill

SAAS/9 Assurance Songsters

SAAS/10 Photographs

Sans titre
GB 2133 Thorndale · 1905-1999

These are the records of Thorndale Parent Assessment / Family Centre and its predecessor body, Wellington Park House Industrial Home, 1905-1999.

The collection comprises books and minutes maintained by staff at Thorndale House, as well as administrative papers and correspondence relating to individual residents.

The records are arranged in six series:

THO/1 Industrial Home

THO/2 Maternity services

THO/3 Hostel

THO/4 Hostel for Mothers with Children

THO/5 Centre for Families

THO/6 Administrative papers and correspondence

Sans titre