Showing 1681 results

Archival description
Pasquini, Angelo
GB 0096 MS 267 · 1743-1756

Accounts from 1743-1756 of Pasquini's estate, possibly near Senigallia, on the Adriatic north of Ancona (an envelope addressed to Pasquini at Senigaglia was found loose in the book).

Pasquini , Angelo , fl 1743-1756 , land owner
Parry, Lawton
GB 0096 MS 650 · 1797-1806

Two volumes, 1797-1806, relating to the estates owned by Lawton Parry in Shropshire, Denbighshire and Montgomeryshire.

Parry , Lawton , fl 1797-1806 , land owner
GB 0096 MS 82 · 1688-1705

Manuscript volumes containing an account of all taxes granted by Parliament since the Revolution, 1688-1705, containing Acts of Parliament from the first year of the reign of King William III and Queen Mary II up to the fourth year of Queen Anne's reign.

GB 0096 MS308 · Fonds · 1607-1640

Parliamentary speeches and copies of letters by Francis Bacon, Sir Robert Cotton, Robert Earl of Salisbury, Oliver St. John, Sir John Eliott, Sir Francis Seymour, Sir Benjamin Rudiard and Sir Philip Sidney, 1607-1640, containing the following: ff 1-29. A Declaration how Kinges of England have from tyme to tyme supported and repared their estates. Collected out of the records remaining in the Tower of London by Sir Robert Cotton Knight and Baronett 9[superscript zero] Jacobi Regis [March 1611-March 1612] ff 30-52. Consideracions uppon his Majesties estate, by Roberte late Earle of Salisburye [1610], with the Proposicions made by his Majestie To the Lordes of his Councell, And the Councells humble Annswere and Advise Thereunto. ff 55-72. The Coppye of a Letter written to the Lower House of Parliamente Touchinge dyvers Inconveniencyes and grievaunces of State, etc. ff 73-76. A letter of Oliver St. Johns touching and against the Benevolence demaunded [by James I in 1615] after dissolving of Parliament. ff 77-87. Sir John Eliott his speech in the Commons house of Parliament Jaun [i.e. June] 3, 1628. ff 88-93. To the Kings most Excellent Majestie The Humble peticion of Sir John Eliott Knight, Prisoner in the Gatehouse London 1627. ff 95-180. Divers speeches in Parliament Anno 1640. ff 183-202. A Speeche Delivered by Sir Frauncis Bacon in the Lower House of Parliamente, Quinto Jacobi [March 1607-1608]. The speech was in fact delivered on Feb. 17, 1607] Concerninge the Article of generall Naturalizacion of the Scottishe Nation. ff 204-206. Sir Frauncis Seymors Speeche [in the House of Commons, November 1640]. ff 208-214. Sir Beniamin Rudiardes speech in the house of Commons the 21 January 1640. [And another in April 1640]. ff 216-227. The Polliticke Survey of A Kingdome. ff 230-243. The Coppye of a Letter written by Sir Phillipp Sidnye to Queene Elizabeth Touchinge hir Marryage with Mounsieur [i.e. Francois de France, duc d'Anjou]. ff 245-249. A submissive and Petitionary Letter subscribed To the Right honourable the Lordes of the Parliament in the upper house of Parlieament Assembled, and Intituled The humble submission and suplication of the Lord Chancellor of England. [Bacon's general admission of the charges made against him, and resignation from the Chancellor-ship. 22 April, 1621]. ff 251-254. The State of a Secretaryes Place and the Perill, wrytten by the Right honnorable Roberte late Earle of Salisburye. ff 254b-256. A Relation of the manner of the Proceedinge, with Sir Thomas Mouson, uppon the Pleadinge of his Pardon, in the Courte of the Kinges Bench, the xii[superscript zero] of Februarii 1616. ff 260-271. An Unhappie viewe of the whole behaviour of my Lord Duke of Buckingham att the French Island [Ile de Re, off La Rochelle. The expedition of 1627] Secretlie discovered by W.F. an unfortunate Comnader in that untoward service. ff 273-281. A Relation of The Proceedings against Ambassadors whoe have miscaried themselvs and exceeded their Commission ... written by Sir Robert Cotton 27 April 1624 by expresse Comaund from the Duke of Buckingham.

GB 0096 MS 67 · 1690-1702

Manuscript volume containing transcripts of parliamentary papers relating to grants in England and Ireland, 1690-1702, including an account of royal grants made in Ireland from Jan 1698 to Dec 1699, presented by William Lowndes, Secretary to the Treasury, 1699; a report by the Commissioners of Enquiry into the Forfeited Estates in Ireland, [Dec 1699]; an account of rents in the honour of Windsor presented by David Cobb, 13 Feb 1700; an abstract of the sale of fee-farm rents, presented by William Haward and Sir John Talbot, [13 Dec 1700]; an account of royal grants made in the Duchy of Lancaster Mar 1699 to Jan 1702, presented by John Bennett, Auditor of the Duchy, 1699-1702; extracts from parliamentary proceedings relating to policy towards forfeited estates in Ireland, 4 Apr 1690-26 Feb 1700; an alphabetical list of those holding land of the crown [in Ireland], their debts to the Crown, and notes of proceedings against them; an account of all royal grants made in England from Feb 1685 to Jan 1702, presented by William Lowndes, 1700-1702; an account of grants and gratuities paid by the Commissioners for Prizes since Jun 1692, Mar 1701.

GB 0096 MS 83 · 1702-1705

Manuscript volume containing an account of the respective grants in Parliament for public services in the years 1702-1705, and the money raised from those grants up to Nov 1704. The account was made due to orders by the House of Commons dated 7 Nov 1704 and 8 Nov 1705.

Parliamentary dissents
GB 0096 MS 540 · [1736]

Manuscript 'Collection of all the dissents or protestations with reasons and the names of the Lords who signed the same ent'red on the Journals of the House of Lords', from 9 Sep 1641 to 25 Feb 1736. Official stamp with the letters 'A.F.'

GB 0096 MS 55 · c1689-1743

Manuscript volumes containing abstracts of parliamentary bills relating to revenue, dating from the reign of King William III and Queen Mary II, c1689 -1743.

Parker family
GB 0096 MS 744 · 1765-1891

Collection of papers relating to the Parker family of London, 1765-1891, especially of Wilmot Parker the elder (born 1762) and of his son of the same name (born 1804), both solicitors, comprising:

  1. Printed diary The ladies new and polite pocket memorandum-book, for...1765, completed in manuscript and containing details of expenditure on clothes and social engagements. The diary was kept by an unnamed girl under the age of 21, who appears to have lived near Rugby, Warwickshire. The entries are fairly regular until August, occasional for the rest of the year. A typical entry reads: Monday 11 March 'I sent a letter to dear Mrs.Grimes. I made me [a?] black ribbon ruff & set a row of white beads upon it. 1 pair of fine cotton stockings' 4s. 6d. The names of those who called, or who are visited, are given. The period from 25 Jan to 10 Jun appears to have been spent on a visit to Hircott, near Kidderminster, Worcestershire. She also mentions reading Gil Blas de Santillane by Alain-Rene LeSage (1715-1735) and the Tatler, and playing the harpsichord. Some pages of printed matter, and the diary for 1-6 Jan, are wanting. The accounts for 1-6 Jan. survive.
  2. Notebook containing notes on legal subjects made by Wilmot Parker senior, 1786-1808, mostly paraphrases and extracts from legal authorities and cases. On the flyleaf are the signatures of W. Parker, 1786, and 'Mrs.Redman - Reading'. On the spine is written 'H[?]P Miscell[any]'. Inserted at the end of the volume is a draft of the 'Petition of Charles Rogier to the...Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, delivered 12 January 1808'.
  3. Annotated copy of An Analysis of the Practice of the Court of Chancery (London, 1794), by Wilmot Parker senior, with the additions and corrections probably made by the author and by his son. Additions were made up to 1821 at least. Pages 129-32 of the printed text are wanting.
Parker , family
Park, Thomas
GB 0096 MS 280 · 1792

Two documents from 1792 containing biographical and critical notes on the poet William Drummond. The first document is the work of Thomas Park, while the second is in a different hand with Park's notes in the margin.

Park , Thomas , 1759-1834 , bibliographer and antiquary
Paris, Gaston: letter (1887)
GB 0096 AL309 · Fonds · 1887

Letter from Gaston Paris, 110 rue du Bac, Paris to [Rabbi Moses Gaster], 23 Jun 1887. Thanking Gaster for sending a copy of his Ilchester Lectures on Greeko-Slavonic literature and its relation to the folklore of Europe during the Middle Ages ... (1887). Autograph, with signature.

Paris , Bruno Paulin Gaston , 1839-1903 , literary scholar and philologist x Paris , Gaston
Pare, William
GB 0096 MS 578 · 1819-1855

Scrapbook of material, printed and manuscript, by and relating to Robert Owen, collected and in part copied by William Pare, and annotated by him throughout, 1819-1855. The manuscript items include:
Copy by Pare of a receipt, 4 Aug 1819, for £500 from Robert Owen to Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, annotated by Pare in 1872.
Copy of a letter from Pare to Owen, 1829.
Copy of letter from Owen to Sir Robert John Wilmot-Horton, 3rd Bt, 1831, with a covering letter from H. Belstead to Pare of 1839.
Notes made from the Leeds Mercury, [1833-1834], written in ink over pencilled jottings (in Pare's hand?) on single leaf of an account book.
Account by Pare of a visit by Owen on 21 Mar 1834 to female convicts at Newgate prison about to be transported, written on a manuscript copy of Owen's address to them.
Holograph draft of Owen's address 'to the government and population of the United States of North America', 6 June 1837.
Two architectural plans of Harmony Hall, East Tytherley, Hampshire, 1839.
Letter from Dr. John Borthwick Gilchrist to Owen, 21 Mar 1839.
Holograph draft by Owen of the address of the Congress of the Association of All Classes of All Nations, and of the National Community Friendly Society to the General Convention of the Industrious Classes 'now sitting at Birmingham', 16 May 1839.
Holograph draft by Owen beginning 'The influence which may be obtained by society over the young mind', 1839.
Holograph draft by Owen of his address 'to intending emigrants and those who are dissatisfied with the present condition of society', 1839.
Single sheet headed 'Social Congress' and endorsed 'Journal', being an account of proceedings of the Congress of the Association of All Classes, 1839.
Incomplete holograph draft of address made by Owen on 'home colonization', at the Birmingham Congress [of the Association of All Classes], 25 May 1839.
Draft of Pare's address to Owen on his 68th birthday, 1839, with Owen's holograph reply.
Extract from The Chronicle, 18 Nov 1841.
Draft inscriptions, partly in Owen's hand, for the towers at Harmony Hall, 1841.
Memorial to Owen from the unemployed tradesmen of Glasgow, 15 Dec 1842.
Copy by Pare of a description of Owen in the Aberdeen Banner, 31 Dec 1842.
'Twelve question to be answered, according to promise, by Mr Owen in Mr Robertson's Hall this present evening', 30 Dec 1842.
Incomplete holograph draft by Owen on 'Causes remote and proximate of the present evils of society', [1843].
Letter of John Finch to Owen, 9 Mar 1843.
'Address [to Queen Victoria] of the members of branch 63 of the Rational Society and the inhabitants of Tower Hamlets in a public meeting assembled at their institution, Whitechapel, 10 Apr 1843, with covering letter by the Secretary, Thomas Marshall, to Owen, 15 Apr 1843.
Copy of the petition to Queen Victoria by the inhabitants of Halifax, 1843.
Bill made out to Owen for his stay at the Royal Hotel, Dundee, from 3-9 Jan, with his own annotations.
'Address to her most gracious Majesty, from a meeting called by public advertisement, in Sydney's Building, Bradford, 16 Feb 1843, signed by Owen who acted as chairman.
Address to Queen Victoria by the Congress of the Rational Society, 25 May 1843, signed by Owen as President of the Society.
Address of the participants of the first Concordium, held at Allcott House, Ham Common, Surrey, 28 Apr 1843, with 17 signatures.
Copy of two letters to The Times from Samuel Wilderspin, concerning infant schools, 6 Aug 1846.
Copies of letters by Owen to George William Frederick Howard, Viscount Morpeth (later 7th Earl of Carlisle), on progress in the United States, and to Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey, on 'education and employment of the industrious classes', 1846.
Holograph draft of an address by Owen on 'The requisites for the permanent happiness of mankind', [1848].
Copy of a letter from Owen to [William] Cox, written from Paris and describing the revolution, June 1848.
Letter from William Offord to Owen, concerning members of Offord's family living with William Evans, 8 May 1855.
Incomplete holograph draft by Owen beginning 'The distress of the country has increased, is increasing, and ought to be diminished', [1848].
Draft [by Owen] entitled 'The convictions of Robert Owen, founder of the Rational System of Society, on the past, present and future state of the population of the world'.
Anecdote about the reaction of Thomas Say, Professor of Natural History, on reading Owen's works while in North America, [1851].
Silhouette sketch of Owen signed by Augustin Amant Constant Fidele Edouart, 1838.
Miscellaneous printed items include: sketches of Owen, prints of New Lanark, memorial card and order of Owen's funeral procession, printed programme of the 100th anniversary of his birth, 16 May 1871, and newspaper cuttings.

Pare , William , 1805-1873 , co-operator
Papal letters
GB 0096 MS 854 · 1562

Letters of Pope Pius IV, dated 9 Jul 1562, to the Archbishop of Florence, or his vicar the Archdeacon of Florence, concerning the rights of Peter Tuccio, priest, Frederick and Francis 'de Tucciis' in property owned by the Church of St Verdian 'in castro Florentini' (possibly Castelfiorentino?).

Pius IV , 1499-1565 , Pope x Medici , Giovanni Angelo
Palmer, Henry
GB 0096 MS 631 · 1852

A copy of An Enquiry into the Nature of Value. Although originally written in 1830, a copy, with additions was made in 1852

Palmer , Henry , fl 1830-1852 , minister
GB 0096 AL458 · Fonds · 1929

Letter from Harry Evers Palfrey of The Beeches, Penn, Staffordshire to [Gervase Disney Alexander] Lord Cobham, 23 Mar 1929. Mainly discussing topographical and genealogical books.

Autograph, with signature.

Palfrey , Harry Evers , d 1963 , antiquary
Pain, Barry (1864-1928)
GB 0096 AL 221 · Collection · 1907

Papers of Barry Eric Odell Pain, 1907, comprise a letter to Mr Marshall, reluctantly accepting a dinner engagement in Walsall. 'To be perfectly candid, I hate public dinners and am dead sick of being guest-of-the-eveninged'.

Pain , Barry Eric Odell , 1864-1928 , writer
Paget, T E: letter (1904)
GB 0096 AL455 · Fonds · 1904

Letter from T E Paget of Charterhouse, Godalming, [Surrey] to Mrs Waller [wife of Augustus Désiré Waller], 7 Mar 1904. Discussing payment of her son's school fees and Paget's reading of one of her husband's books (title not mentioned).

Autograph, with signature.

Paget , T E , fl 1904 , of Charterhouse School
GB 0096 MS701 · Fonds · 1947

Copies of diaries relating to John Henry Pyle Pafford's tour of American and Canadian libraries in 1947, comprising two copy diaries dating from 18 May to 7 August, containing 65 and 73 leaves respectively; and a typescript of the second diary (49 leaves) enclosing two notes from Miss S. Quinn, Deputy Librarian, to the Principal, from Harold Claughton, Principal of the University of London, the latter thanking Pafford for 'interesting and delightful reading'.

Pafford , John Henry Pyle , 1900-1996 , librarian
GB 0096 MS920 · Fonds · 1957-1958

Correspondence of John Henry Pyle Pafford with Dr. Hunt re MS Ashmore 208 and related matters, with facsimiles, transcripts and newscuttings.

Pafford , John Henry Pyle , 1900-1996 , librarian
GB 0096 MS700 · Fonds · 1930

Two carbon copies of diaries written by John Henry Pyle Pafford during his tour of European libraries undertaken in 1930, dating from 13 Feb to 29 Mar. This tour formed the basis for Pafford's book Library Co-operation in Europe (Library Association, London, 1935). Both diaries contain 100 leaves each.

Pafford , John Henry Pyle , 1900-1996 , librarian
GB 0096 MS780 · Fonds · 1948-1960

Copies of correspondence, with a few loose sheet notes, written by John Henry Pyle Pafford in his capacity as editor of the Arden Shakespeare text of The Winter's Tale (1963), 1948-1962, mainly concerning problems of the text. Correspondents include Neville Henry Kendal Coghill, Una Mary Ellis-Fermor, Sir John Gielgud, Sir Walter Wilson Greg, Reverend E.O. James, Mary Madge Lascelles, J.M. Nosworthy, Alice Walker, and John Dover Wilson.

Pafford , John Henry Pyle , 1900-1996 , librarian
GB 0096 AL146 · Fonds · 1858

Letter from Robert Owen of Sevenoaks Park, Sevenoaks, [Kent] to an unknown recipient, 30 Apr 1858. Covering note accompanying number 15 of Robert Owen's Millennial Gazette.

Written in another hand and signed by Owen.

Owen , Robert , 1771-1858 , socialist and philanthropist
GB 0096 AL506 · Fonds · 1814

Letter from Robert Owen of Braxfield, [Lanarkshire] to 'the London Partners in the firm of Robert Owen and Co', 24 Oct 1814. Sending monthly accounts [missing]. Attributing poor trading in cotton to political instability in Europe; explains that unprofitable sales in Russia must continue until the market improves so that the mills [at New Lanark] can be kept working.

Owen , Robert , 1771-1858 , socialist and philanthropist
GB 0096 AL266 · Fonds · [1830]-1849

(i) Fragment of a letter from Robert Owen to an unknown recipient, [1830].

(ii) Stamped envelope addressed to Charles Pearson MP and signed by Robert Owen, Mar 1849.

Owen , Robert , 1771-1858 , socialist and philanthropist
Owen, Robert
GB 0096 MS 692 · c1818-c1820

Manuscript draft of parts II and III of Robert Owen's Report to the county of Lanark, of a plan for relieving public distress (Glasgow, Edinburgh, 1821), entitled 'Outlines of the plan' and 'Details of the plan', (the title to part II does not appear in the manuscript), pages 10-60 of the printed work. Part II is in Owen's hand; part III is in another hand with some corrections in Owen's hand. There are some slight differences between the manuscript and printed texts - for example 'occur' in the printed text (1821 ed., p.15, line 25) for 'take place' in the manuscript (f.11, line 9). The manuscript ends '...a plan derived from thirty years study and practical experience to give speedy, effectual and permanent relief to the poor and working classes', (f.103), wheras part III of the printed text ends '...a "Plan (derived from thirty years' study and practical experience) for relieving public distress, and removing discontent, by giving...employment to the Poor and Working Classes; - under arrangements which will essentially improve their character, and ameliorate their condition...and create markets co-extensive with production".'(p.60).

Owen , Robert , 1771-1858 , socialist and philanthropist
Orton, James
GB 0096 MS 428 · 1843

Manuscript copy of 'Reuben Manasseh. A tragedy', in five acts (and in verse), by 'Alastor', dated December 1843. A letter concerning the identity of the author has been inserted in the volume, which asserts that he may have been James Orton, who published books under that pseudonym.

Orton , James , fl 1843-1859 , poet , pseudonym 'Alastor'
Orme, James: letter
GB 0096 AL391 · Fonds · 1804

Letter from James Orme of London to Fenton, Esq of Newcastle[-under-Lyme], Staffordshire, 21 Aug 1804. Writing on behalf of Robert Shirley, 7th Earl Ferrers, discussing a proposed road to a colliery, to be built by the town corporation across land belonging to the Earl. Suggesting alternative methods of construction and stating that the corporation had not replied to the Earl's suggestion that the corporation should award him an equal quantity of land and destroy some buildings for him, in return for using his land. Asks for the reply to be send to Earl Ferrers, Park Lane, London.

Written in another hand and signed by Orme.

Orme , James , fl 1804 , representative of the 7th Earl Ferrers
GB 0096 MS 402 · 1668

Manuscript orders made by the Hamburg Company, 26 Jan 1668, to prevent 'employing unfreemen to buy and shipp off woolen' .

The Company at Hamburg'
GB 0096 MS 200 · 1656

Manuscript volume containing an Order in Council, 10 Feb 1656, signed by William Jessop, Clerk of the Council, concerning the appointment of a British consul at Tetuán, now in Morocco. The Order agrees to the recommendation made in a report by the Commissioners of the Admiralty and Navy that there should not be an official Consul at Tetuán, but that Nathaniel Luke should reside there in the nature of a Providore, and that General Blake should be empowered to commission captains of the Fleet sent there to treat with the Governor or magistrates upon such articles as shall be thought necessary to maintain free commerce with England.

Council of State
Ord, Craven
GB 0096 MS 152 · c1810

Manuscript volume containing a collection of notes and papers compiled by Craven Ord, [1810], relating to the coinage and offices of the Mint and Mint Assays, from the twelfth century onwards. Includes transcripts of material extracted from Thomas Madox The history and antiquities of the Exchequer of the Kings of England (London, 1711); medieval chancery rolls and early Exchequer records; an [eighteenth] century engraving of Mint officials at work, headed 'A part of the standard of weights and measures in the Exchequer, Anno 12 Henrici Septimi'; printed material including 'Copy of an Indenture made in 1469 between King Edward IV and William Lord Hastings, Master of the Mint...respecting the coinage in the Tower of London', Archaeologia, XV (1806).

Ord , Craven , 1756-1832 , antiquary
GB 0096 MS 518 · 18th century

Manuscript volume entitled 'Messis Accademica, a Liborio Nicomede Comite Cini collecta', containing a collection of orations in Latin and Italian, including those made at the funeral of Joseph I in 1711 and the coronation of Charles VI in 1712 delivered by Clorindo Erimantico ('peregrino arcadie pastore'), orations made on the birthday of Charles VI and, headed 'Mysterium Magnum', for Leopold, Archduke of Austria, on 13 Apr 1716, and funeral orations for members of the imperial family. A number of the orations begin with an 'Expositio' followed by a 'Iudicium', and take as their text propositions of [Gottfried Wilhelm von] Leibnitz, [Rudolf] Count of Rabatta, and Count [Johann] Cobenzl. All the orations except those for Joseph I, the coronation of Charles VI and Archduke Leopold, include 'Epigrammata Extemporanea'.

GB 0096 MS 767 · [1831-1832?]

Manuscript operetta in several hands, perhaps including that of the author, Patrick Robertson, entitled 'La festa d'overgroghi, operetta seria comica, in due atti...parole inglesi-italiane dal Signor Coccalicchi. Rappresentata nella Casa Skenea, Edinburgo, Marzio 1832', and containing instructions to the printer. The manuscript is bound with a printed copy of Nugae Legales (according to the half-title only), containing the printed operetta and some other items. The printed version is fuller than the manuscript, and the leaves are laid down to the size of the manuscript leaves.

Oldham, James
GB 0096 MS 174 · 1842-1863

Book contains full notes on the administration and officers of the Port of London, customs and excise, freights, smuggling, etc., arranged in alphabetical order, preceded by an index, 1842-1863.

Oldham , James , fl 1842 , employee of the Port of London
GB 0096 MS 421 · 1859-1860

Two holograph manuscripts, 1859-1860, of addresses made by David Graham Drummond Ogilvy, 5th Earl of Airlie. Also contains two letters from Professor J D A Ogilvy.

Ogilvy , David Graham Drummond , 1826-1881 , 5th Earl of Airlie
Ogden, Charles Kay: letter
GB 0096 AL448 · Fonds · [1924]

2 Letters from Charles Kay Ogden of the Royal Societies Club, St James's Street, London SW1, to Montague Summers, 14 Oct and 27 [Oct] [1924]. Discussing books being prepared by Summers: Witchcraft, Restoration Drama and Physical Phenomena of Mysticism.

Autograph, with signature.

Ogden , Charles Kay , 1889-1957 , linguistic psychologist
O'Flaherty, Liam
GB 0096 SL V 72, SL V 73, SL V 74, SL V 75 · c1930-1931

Holograph manuscripts of O'Flaherty's novels. SL V 72 is The Wild Swan, 1930. SL V 73 is The Ecstasy of Angus, 1931. SL V 74 is Skerrett, 1932 and SL V 75 is The Martyr 1933.

O'Flaherty , Liam , 1896-1984 , novelist
Offley, A: letter ([1790])
GB 0096 AL432 · Fonds · [1790]

Letter from A Offley, c 1790. No address. To Mrs Walker. Supplies a character reference for a servant, Mrs Stent, who had among her recommendations that she 'stayd with ye dificall lady Manchester [Elizabeth Montagu, Duchess of Manchester] longer than most of her sarvents do but as to her [Mrs Stent's] temper it is warm and pashonat and she cant allways commande it ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

Offley , A , fl 1790
GB 0096 AL362 · Fonds · 1937-1957

14 letters from Sean O'Casey to Peter Newmark, May 1937- Dec 1957. Topics covered include: literary critics and criticism; the Communist Party; the Roman Catholic Church; plays and playwrights; and the writing of O'Casey's works and their publication and performance in Britain, Ireland and the USA. Individuals mentioned include: James Evershed Agate, Samuel Beckett, Ugo Betti, T S Eliot, Jean Giraudoux, Eugène Ionesco, Eugene O'Neill, George Orwell, John Osborne, Terence Rattigan, Jean-Paul Sartre, and W B Yeats.

O'Casey , Sean , 1880-1964 , playwright and writer x Casey , John x O'Cathasaigh , Seán
GB 0096 AL166 · Fonds · 1962

Letter from Sean O'Casey of Flat 3, 40 Trumlands Road, St Marychurch, Torquay, Devon to [Dr] J H P Pafford, [University of London Library], 21 Mar 1962. Saying that he would 'be pleased to put my name in any book of mine you like to send me'.

Autograph, with signature.

O'Casey , Sean , 1880-1964 , playwright and writer x Casey , John x O'Cathasaigh , Seán
O'Brien, Eoin
GB 0096 MS 931 · c1992

Photocopies and papers, c1992, relating to the publishing difficulties involving Samuel Beckett's Dream of Fair to Middling Women (Black Cat, Dublin, 1992) ed. Edith Fournier and Eoin O'Brien.

O'Brien , Eoin , b 1939 , writer
Oates, C.F.
GB 0096 MS 1096 · Fonds · 1986-1993

Research materials compiled by Caroline Frances Oates for her PhD thesis, 'The Trials of Werewolves in Franche-Comte in the Early Modern Period', including photocopies, microfilms and photographs of original documents, with letter regarding the deposit of the material at Senate House Library, University of London (1986-1993). The thesis was published in 1993.

Oates , Caroline Frances , fl 1986-1993 , historian
GB 0096 AL94 · Fonds · 1848

Letter from Richard Oastler of 10 Edith Villa, Fulham to Colonel [W L] Moberley, 9 Feb 1848. Requesting that his letters or papers be redirected.

Autograph, with signature.

Oastler , Richard , 1789-1861 , factory reformer
GB 0096 AL93 · Fonds · 1833

Letter from Richard Oastler of Fixby Hall, Huddersfield, [West Riding of Yorkshire] to John Foster, Esq of 1 Vincent Square, Westminster, 23 Jun 1833. Chiefly relating to the Ten Hours Bill. Lord Althorp had advocated 2 sets of 8 hours as the maximum for children under 14 to work. 'The news came just in time for your Hudd meeting - one hour before we began - & thus before 15,000 to 20,000 people I had the opportunity of blowing the whole scheme to rags' [referring to a speech Oastler made at a meeting on 18 Jun 1833. Urging the London section not to yield a single point: 'If they yield they disgrace themselves and give us another year's excitement and in my opinion hurry on a bloody revolution'.

Autograph, with signature. With Oastler's black seal, bearing the motto: 'The Altar, the Throne and the Cottage'.

Oastler , Richard , 1789-1861 , factory reformer
GB 0096 AL92 · Fonds · [1807-1861]

Fragment of a letter from Richard Oastler to an unknown recipient, [1807-1861]. Bearing Oastler's signature.

Oastler , Richard , 1789-1861 , factory reformer
Nowottny, Winifred M.T.
GB 0096 MS 1081 · c1941-1969

Research and lecture notes, drafts, library request slips and three unidentified tins of film used and compiled by Nowottny in her work on Shakespeare's sonnets and other poetry, including a typescript copy of her MA thesis (1947-1959).

Nowottny , Winifred M T , fl 1946-1959 , poetry scholar
GB 0096 MS 472 · c1842-1867

Papers and drawings relating to the Nottingham and Lincoln Railway, c1842-1867, namely:

  1. Lithograph of Nottingham contract specification for execution of the works, to be completed before 1st June, 1846, with a list of 12 drawings to which the specification refers. (These do not, in most cases, correspond with the 12 numbered drawings that now accompany this document). (47 leaves. 12½" x 8").
  2. Three lists of equipment and materials, compiled for comparison of the total weights various types of lifting gear will bear, c 1845. (2 leaves. 13" x 8").
  3. Printed testimonials of Charles Kinder, railway engineer, 1851-1867, who was trained in the Newcastle works of Robert Stephenson, under whom he prepared the contract plans for and superintended the works on the Nottingham and Lincoln railway. (2 leaves. 9¼" x 7½").
  4. 12 engineering drawings, c 1842-1845, comprising a section and plan of the railway through Belper, 1842 (27½" x 51"); sections of cuttings and embankments, numbered 5a and 6a, incomplete (19½" x 23¼"); sections of cuttings and embankments, numbered 7a and 8a (19½" x 27½"); drawings and sections of a mile and ½-and ¼-mile posts (13" x 14¼"); elevations, plans and sections for a bridge for the Flood Road, numbered 10 (this corresponds with drawing No.10 listed in the contract, p.2.); tracing on linen (24" x 72"); elevations, plans and sections for a bridge over the branch of the River Trent near the 18th mile, numbered 8; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); elevations and sections of a bridge over the River Witham at Lincoln, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); plan, drawings and section for a lifting gear to the bridge for crossing the canal at 14.50 chains, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); plan and sections for a bridge for crossing the canal at 14.50 chains, numbered 9; tracing on linen (24" x 36"); elevation, plan and section of a bridge for the footway of Queens Road, numbered 8 (this corresponds with drawing No.8 listed in the contract, pp.1-2); tracing on linen (24" x 36"); printed plan and section, with manuscript additions, of the proposed railway line from Nottingham to Lincoln (this sheet, numbered 1, shows the town of Nottingham and 1 mile East - i.e. to the parish boundary), surveyed by J.G.Binns in 1844 (19½" x 27"); printed plan and section, with manuscript additions, of the proposed railway line from Nottingham to Lincoln (this sheet is unnumbered but is the final one of a set; it shows the city of Lincoln and 1 mile West), endorsed 'Nottingham and Lincoln Railway. The ends of the working plans and sections' (19½" x 26½").
Nottingham and Lincoln Railway
GB 0096 MS 236 · 1807

Manuscript volume, written on 1 Dec 1807, containing notes on trade with Goa, India, and the Far East, with extensive extracts from letters patent of 1 Jun 1637 granted to William Courten. This manuscript was originally bound with a copy of George Carew's Fraud and oppression detected and arraigned. Or An appeal to the Parliament of England in a short narative [sic] and deduction of severall actions at law, depending in the ordinary courts of justice in Holland & Zealand, between diverse subjects of the King of England, and the subjects of the States Generall of the seven United Provinces (London, 1676), in which the letters patent to Courten were printed.

GB 0096 MS 607 · 1541, 1721

An incomplete printed edition (Lyons, 1542) of the Annals of Tacitus in Latin, dismembered and laid down on blank sheets of paper, interleaved with many blank pages. Some pages contain manuscript annotations in Latin, and there are a few leaves completely in manuscript, written in the same hand, in French, at the present beginning of the volume (which lacks at least four folios) on political ideas, with particular reference to the works of Nicolo Machiavelli. The printed titlepage is inscribed 'Naples, 1 July, 1721', and the otherwise blank page on which it is mounted is dated 'Sep 1, 1721, Naples'. The suggestion of English ownership (and authorship) is strengthened by the further inscription on the titlepage 'Pret. 5 Carl. (?) Eng. 2s'.

Notes on Japanese exchanges
GB 0096 MS 412 · 1885-1886

Manuscript notes on the Japanese exchanges and markets made for Professor Herbert Somerton Foxwell by Juichi Soyeda, a Japanese banker, in 1885-1886.

Soyeda , Juichi , 1864-1929 , Japanese banker