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GB 1556 WL 520 · Colección · 1939-1941

This microfilm collection of correspondence documents the experiences of Julius Bloch and family and friends, some of whom managed to escape Nazi occupied Europe, and others, who did not. The papers include correspondence from his brother in Gurs concentration camp in the French Pyrénees, where he died.

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GB 1556 WL 522 · Colección · 1941-1955

Documents about the persecution of Jews in Poland by Bruno Streckenbach and on his postwar trial.

Marek Vajsblum: article about the fate of Polish archives entitled 'Mutability of the Past- nazi-made'.

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GB 1556 WL 526 · 1926-1962

Copies of the several versions of Richard Korherr's report on the numbers of Jews deported to camps in Poland, c1943, along with material generated by Korherr after the war concerning his role as statistician of the Reichsführer SS, in particular correspondence between him and Gerald Reitlinger, regarding the latter's portrayal of Korherr's role in his book The Final Solution; also affidavits and other material supporting Korherr's claim that he was not a Nazi. The latter includes a statement from Oswald Spengler's niece, whose uncle was a friend of Korherr - the earliest material in the collection consists of letters from Spengler to Korherr, c 1926.

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GB 1556 WL 529 · 1931-1932

Correspondence by Fritz Zietlow, Nazi party member and newspaper editor, mainly letters to the editor of the Nazi newspaper, Der Angriff, Fritz Zietlow, also internal correspondence and a number of publications.

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GB 1556 WL 530 · 1920

Reichstag election, June 1920: election leaflets and advertisements also containing some anti-Semitic material. The Deutsche Nationalpartei and the Deutsche Demokratischepartei are most often represented, although there is in addition material from the National Versammlung.

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GB 1556 WL 533 · Colección · 1945

Personal papers of Erich Arp mainly concerning his membership of political and student organisations; Military Government Court indictments of Geissler and Arp and notes relating to indictments, 31 May 1945; Enclosures including reports regarding the history of Nazi support and ant-Nazi activity in Elmshorn; pamphlets produced at the end of the war by the Antifaschistisches Deutsches Kampf Komitee, Hamburg.

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GB 1556 WL 534 · Colección · 1947

Verdict and judgement in an appeal in a Nazi war crimes euthanasia trial against Eugen Schmidt and Helen Schürg, OLG Frankfurt am Main, Ss 92/47, 1947. This copy trial document shows the verdict, sentence and trial judgement in a 'Euthanasia Case' appeal against Dr Walter Eugen Schmidt and Helen Schürg, OLG Frankfurt am Main 12.8.1947 Ss 92/47. They were originally found guilty of multiple murder and accessories to multiple murder respectively at the Eichberg nursing home, Hessen, between 1941 and 1945, along with several other defendants at a trial at the LG Frankfurt am Main, 21 Dec 1946-, No. 4 Kls 15/46. The appeal court upheld the verdicts and in the case of Schmidt raised the sentence from life imprisonment to death.

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GB 1556 WL 540 · 1930-1972

Part I comprises papers relating to the Bern trial of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' including a list of Weltdienst subscribers; correspondence and affidavits relating to the identity of defendants' witnesses, in particular Sergei Sergiejewitsch Nilus, son of Sergei Alexandrowitsch Nilus (1862-1929), responsible for the original publication of the 'Protocols'; verdict and judgement in the case. Part II comprises the correspondence of 'Weltdienst'.

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GB 1556 WL 543a · Colección · 1937

Correspondence and papers relates to the Bern trial of the distributors of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion', 1937; notably correspondence and papers relating to witnesses and testimony; account of the trial proceedings and the origins of the 'Protocols of the Elders of Zion' by one of the appellants' lawyers; draft summation of the case for the appellants at the appeal court, Bern, with detailed contents and bibliography.

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Möbelaktion: Correspondence and papers
GB 1556 WL 544 · 1940-1958

The copy correspondence and papers in this collection document the systematic theft of Jewish property following the ransacking of Jewish lodges, libraries and archives; the subsequent confiscation of all art works in Jewish hands throughout Europe and their dispatch to Germany in special trains; and the plunder of the homes of Jews deported to the East collectively known in Germany as 'Möbelaktion'.

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Jews in Poland
GB 1556 WL 557 · 1939-1940

Papers documenting the experiences of Jews in Poland, 1939-1940, comprising reports, 1939-1940; copies of articles and extracts from European newspapers, [1939-1940] and copies of letters and extracts from letters from Jews deported to Poland describing their suffering and hardships, mainly from Stettin, Krakau, Warschau, Piaski and Lublin.

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GB 1556 WL 558a · Colección · 1930s-1958

Microfilm of correspondence and papers detailing the activities of the German Evangelical Church during the Third Reich, in particular the role of Eugen Gerstenmaier, [1933-1958]. Also included are a number of periodicals of German Evangelical organisations during the 1930s and other related reports and papers.

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GB 1556 WL 558b · Colección · 1936-1939

This microfilm collection contains a variety of pre-Second World War propaganda materials produced for consumption in Great Britain, 1936-1939, including reports, publications, leaflets and transcript of a radio broadcast: Hitler's speech to the Winter help, 10 Oct 1938; chiefly produced by the Anglo-German Fellowship, Deutsche Ausländer Dienst, Deutsche Fichte Bund and the Anglo-German Information Service.

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Lodz Ghetto: Various papers
GB 1556 WL 559 · Colección · 1940s

Microfilm of facsimile documentation from the Lodz ghetto, 1940s, including material on the controversial role of the chairman of the Judenrat, Mordechai Rumkowski, including printed public ghetto announcements in Yiddish and German dealing with such subjects as food rationing, forged ghetto money, saluting Germans, sanitary conditions, the use of electric cookers, and arrangement for the 're-settlement' of ghetto inmates, 1941-1944; fragment of a calendar covering part of the year 1942, the front bears an image of Rumkowski with the ghetto in the background and the month of January opens with the slogans 'work', 'bread', 'care of the sick', 'protection for the children', 'peace in the ghetto'; plan of Lodz ghetto entitled 'plan of Litzmannstadt showing Jewish populated areas' [1940] and school reports from former pupils of the Humanistischen Lyzeum, Lodz.

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GB 1556 WL 562 · Colección · 1933-1938

Papers created by the the Sicherheitsdienst on the membership and activities of Jewish organisations in Erfurt, Germany, 1930s, including correspondence, reports, membership lists of organisations and questionnaires.

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GB 1556 WL 567 · Colección · 1944

List of prisoners in Lehrstrasse Prison involved in the 20 July 1944 bomb plot against Adolf Hitler, including arrival and release date, the latter annotated with destination. Those who were transported to the Plötzensee Prison were probably executed.

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Auschwitz-Birkenau: eyewitness account
GB 1556 WL 570a · Colección · 1944

Report on conditions in Auschwitz- Birkenau including plans and statistics on inmates, 1944.

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GB 1556 WL 571 · Colección · 1942-1943

Microfilm of papers of the Nazi authorities in Yugoslavia, 1942-1943, comprising letters, proclamations and reports of German police units, including an order which explicitly mentions their intention to systematically murder the adult male population of Hrastnigg, Kanker and Zavoden, in former Yugoslavia, and to 're-settle' the remaining population.

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GB 1556 WL 572 · Colección · 1933-1938

Correspondence of Irmgard Litten, mother of the lawyer Hans Litten (1903-1938), regarding attempts to secure his release from prison, including a letter dated 11 February 1938 from Dachau, containing a list Hans Litten's personal effects.

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GB 1556 WL 575 · Colección · 1933-1939

Original correspondence between the Polizeipräsident of Berlin and the KBDJ concerning all the activities of the organisation, eg. theatrical performances, engagement of the actors, venues etc, 1933-1935; forbidden Jewish texts including essays, lectures, poems, play scripts, short stories, anecdotes etc; general file containing programs pamphlets, correspondence between KBDJ and Staatskommisar, also Jüdischer Kulturbund, Berlin, 1938-1939; Kulturbund correspondence with groups, members, lawyers, Nazi authorities (Blank and Hinkel), reports and 3 copies of the Monatsblätter, 1933-1935; JKB Orts and Landesgruppe (except Berlin): mainly correspondence, pamphlets, programmes and other documents of the organisation in the different cities viz: Hamburg, Breslau, Frankfurt, Leipzig, Dresden, Hildesheim, Kassel, Bayern, Erfurt, Königsberg, Mecklenburg-Lübeck, Oberschlesien, Ost-Westfalen, Rhein-Ruhr, Schwarzwald, Stettin, Wien.

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GB 1556 WL 589 · Colección · 1968

Papers relating to the invasion of Czechoslovakia by the Soviet Union, 1968 comprising leaflets, proclamations of solidarity, photographs, appeals to the public, warnings concerning 'traitors' issued by the Czech Communist Party, and a report of a confidential press conference given by Prime Minister Oldrich Cernik to the directors of the mass media.

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GB 1556 WL 599c · 1935-1936

Correspondence documenting the concerns of the distinguished academic, Charles Singer and colleagues, in relation to the restrictions on academic freedom in Nazi Germany and in particular the discrimination against non-Aryan professors during the Heidelberg University Jubilee celebrations, 1935. Correspondents include: J.D. Bernal, P.J. Noel Baker, E.M. Forster, Leonard Woolf, C.M. MacInnes, J.R. Marrack, Bishop of Durham, F.M. Powicke, Sir Josiah Stamp, Leonard G. Montefiore, Alfred Wiener, Ephraim Little, Cyril Bailey, Aldous Huxley.

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GB 1556 WL 602 · 1933-1938

Records of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland (Reich Agency for Jews in Germany), 1933-1938. The papers include committee minutes, reports, memoranda, circulars and correspondence detailing all aspects of the organisation's activities. Also included within 602/8 is a file of transcribed correspondence regarding Gross-Breesen, a non-zionist training camp set up by the Reichsvertretung to prepare young people for life abroad.

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German Jewish Organisations
GB 1556 WL 603 · Colección · 1930s

Original and mimeographed documents relating to Jewish organisations in Germany in the 1930s, including correspondence of the lawyer, Willy Katzenstein, leader of the Bielefeld Jewish community, including correspondence referring to the formation of the Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland in 1933, and to the dispute between the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin and the Reichsvertretung, Jun 1937; reports, minutes and curriculum details of the Israelitische Gartenbauschule, Ahlem; minutes, memoranda and circulars of the Jüdische Gemeinde Berlin; papers on other Jewish communal organisations including the community of Görlitz, the Preussicher Landesverband and the Verband Bayerischer Israelitischer Gemeinden; letter from the Weltverband Für Sabbathschutz to Alfred Wiener, 27 Feb 1933, enclosing a 10 day report of the organisation's activities, 8 Jan 1933; papers on Jewish schooling, 1933-1938 and circulars distributed by Nationaler Verlag (Joseph Garibaldi Huch), Berlin concerning the pamphlet 'Gerechtigkeit', 1932-1933.

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GB 1556 WL 605 · Colección · 1937-1950s

Papers of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland and Reichsvertretung der Juden in Deutschland, 1937-1950s, comprising correspondence; press cuttings and reports and papers providing statistical data on the Jewish population in Germany, with particular reference to the expropriation of Jewish property.

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Jacobs, Maj: Civil Defence Forces
GB 1556 WL 633 · Colección · 1933-1970s

Papers of Maj Jacobs, Civil Defence Forces, 1933-1970s, possibly once used for an exhibition. Includes correspondence and papers on the war-time and post-war activities of Maj Jacobs; photographs; facsimile of the Ex-Serviceman, Issue No. 64, Dec 1949; Wacht im Westen: Frontzeitung für Heer und Marine, 2 May 1945, in which Admiral Donitz, Commander-in-Chief of the German forces, announces the death of Hitler and Frankfurter Zeitung, 23 Mar 1933.

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GB 1556 WL 636 · Colección · [1761]-1913

Papers gathered through an appeal for memorabilia and documents of Germany Jewry by the Council for Jews from Germany, including papers of Joseph Feig including Bürgerbrief, 1842 and letter of acceptance into the Berlin Kaufmannschaft, 1842. Drawing of the synagogue in Zerbst, Saxon-Anhalt, by W Kariel, 1913; copy of a letter confirming the right of Herr Veit Weil to wear the medal of his majesty the King of Württemberg and copy brochure 'Zum andenken an Herrn Veit Weil, Fabrikant zu Oberdorf', 1889; typescript translation of a newspaper article about JS Bernhardt's financial involvement in the extension of the town hall, Lissa (Posen), 1818; copies of Bürgerbriefe of Franz Josef Fränckel of Hamburg, 1898, and Philipp Schmann, 1876; photograph of synagogue at Pömbsen. Copies of papers relating to Salmon Müller of Paderborn and his wife (née Schüler), including Preussischer Orden; Commemoration of service to Kultusgemeinde in Paderborn; honorary membership of Red Cross; obituaries and documents relating to the activities of Max and Frau Schüler in war of 1870-1871. Edict issued on behalf of Maria Theresia, 17 Dec 1761, concerning work by Jewish women and documents pertaining to Abraham Levin Broch, Berlin 1872. Correspondence between the depositors and the Council for Jews from Germany, often containing biographical and historical information.

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Antisemitism in Denmark
GB 1556 WL 642 · 1937

Papers relating to a trial of six Danish Nazis for anti-semitic libel, in Copenhagen, 1937, including transcript of a declaration by the Chief Rabbi of Denmark, which takes the form of written answers to questions about the content of the anti-semitic publications produced by the defendants; copies of court documents, including indictment and notes about the Dänischer Verband gegen Rassenhass, including aims and objectives, dates, names of committee members.

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GB 1556 WL 643 · Colección · 1935-1949

Correspondence of Heinz Werner Löwenstein, documenting his experiences as a German Jew who emigrated to South Africa in 1935, and the experiences of his parents who remained in Berlin, and who disappeared after having been transported to Riga, Jan 1942. 643/1-4 consists of correspondence between Heinz Werner Löwenstein and his parents, 1935-1940. The letters provide an interesting account of the difficulties encountered by a young immigrant trying to make his way in South Africa as well as of the life led by Jewish people in pre-war Berlin. The letters make hardly any reference to the political situation and the real hardships and dangers of the parents' lives are hidden. 643/5 comprises correspondence from Heinz Werner Löwenstein while he was a sergeant in the South African Army to his friends, Hans and Milly Hirsch, 1941-1943. There is an uninterrupted flow of letters describing life in the army in North Africa until June 1942. In October, the correspondence resumes with a post card from an Italian POW camp. This is followed by more frequent letters after his repatriation in April 1943. The letters not only give a very vivid picture of life in the army and in the POW camp, they are also testimony to the close friendship between Löwenstein and Hans Hirsch, who had known each other in Germany since before their emigration.

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List of Gestapo and SS war criminals
GB 1556 WL 649 · 20th Century

Typescript list of Gestapo and SS war criminals, with brief details of the nature of their crimes.

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Fate of Jews, Vienna
GB 1556 WL 655 · 1942

Confidential notice from the Gestapo, Darmstadt, to various officials in the state of Hesse, regarding measures taken against the Jewish population of Vienna, by the police authorities there, 19 Feb 1942.

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Antisemitism in the Third Reich
GB 1556 WL 663 · Colección · 1936-1940

Papers giving evidence of anti-Semitic measures taken by the Nazis, comprising a letter from Preussische Gestapo to the Reichsnährstand regarding the appropriation of a Jewish convalescent home in Belzig, Brandenburg, 29 Jul 1936; letter from Gestapo Hamburg, 23 Sep 1939, to all Jews in the greater Hamburg region detailing procedures for the seizure of all radios in accordance with an order made on 1 Sep 1939 and notice from the Gestapo Bielefeld regarding a curfew for Jews, 9 May 1940.

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GB 1556 WL 674 · Colección · [1930s]

Papers relating to an international anti-Jewish congress in Belgium, [1930s], comprise details of the congress, entitled Union Antijudaique Universelle, papers concern the secrecy of the event, Muslims amongst the participants, earlier conferences of this sort and a permanent office for the Union Antijudaique Universelle in case of a new Jewish war.

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Jews in Brazil
GB 1556 WL 688 · Colección · 1935-c 1938

Papers concerning Jews in Brazil, 1935-1937, comprise correspondence and reports regarding the situation for Jews in Brazil including a review of the political situation in Brazil, November 1937 and a report on growing antisemitism in Brazil prior to elections c 1938.

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Jewish shop owners in Salonika
GB 1556 WL 692 · Colección · 1943

Copy of a list of Jewish shop owners in Salonika, based on information provided by the Jewish community in Salonika in March 1943 to the Axis authorities, comprising the names of shop keepers, their addresses and the nature of their businesses.

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Judaism and communism in Russia
GB 1556 WL 699 · 1936-1937

Papers concerning Judaism and communism in Russia, 1936-1937, relate to the Jewish Central Information Office's work to refute the Nazis' commonly held assertion that Jews played a significant role in the leadership of the Soviet Union. The collection notably includes a request from Alfred Wiener for a list of names of Jews supposed to be working in high positions in Russia; correspondence from Jewish Central Information Office, Amsterdam, enclosing list of government officials in Soviet Union, concerning racial origin; pamphlet entitled Materialien zu 'Judentum und Bolschewismus' and a report entitled 'The Jews in leading positions in the Soviet Republic', refuting the Nazi assertion that Jews dominated positions of power in Russia.

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Gerechtigkeit (Justice), newspaper
GB 1556 WL 735 · Colección · 1934-1941

Correspondence relating to Gerechtigkeit, 1934-1941, including correspondence from staff at Gerechtigkeit regarding raising funds for the distribution of the paper and comments regarding an article in Der Stürmer ('The Stormtrooper') about Gerechtigkeit and Irene Harand. Note from Professor E J Cohn concerning the Austrian Office, a body supported by the bulk of Austrian liberals, the Austrian legitimists and some Austrian socialists.

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GB 1556 WL 760 · 1933

Appeal to the council of the Jewish community, Berlin, concerning the leadership of the Jewish organisation, Jüdische Volkspartei signed by Kozower, lawyer, 23 Sep 1933.

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GB 1556 WL 784 · 1935

Copy of a circular letter from the Bavarian Political Police to all heads of Police and local legal civil authorities, 13 Apr 1935, instructing them to watch out for propaganda by Jewish organisations and the Jewish press declaring the desire of Jews to remain in Germany. It states that the presence of Jews is not only undesirable on technical grounds but it is also against all Nazi principles.

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GB 1556 WL 789 · Colección · 1937

Copy of an order from the Gestapo Headquarters, Berlin, to the chair of the B'nai Brith, Berlin, stating that B'nai Brith (the Jewish welfare organisation) will be dissolved forthwith and that all the organisation's property will be confiscated, 19 Apr 1937.

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GB 1556 WL 796 · 1932-1955

Reports of interviews conducted by Alfred Wiener with individuals concerned with trying to influence antisemitic agitation by Hitler, 14 Jul 1932-27 Jul 1932, including on interviews with Dr Planck, Staatssekretär der Reichskanzlei; von Steinau-Steinrück, personal representative of the interior minister and Alfred Leonhard Tietz. Also letter from Wiener to Aronsfeld concerning the provenance of the material, 28 Apr 1955.

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GB 1556 WL 814 · Colección · 1937-1962

Family and business papers of Marie Rosenberg, 1937-1962, collected in support of a restitution claim from the German government, including a doctor's certificate, Nov 1939, which attributes her heart trouble in part to recent psychological troubles; a complete inventory of the possessions which she was to take abroad, 15 Dec 1939 and the decision of the Entschädigungsamt, Berlin regarding her restitution claim, 3 Apr 1962.

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Beck, Hedwig: restitution claim
GB 1556 WL 823 · 1936-1959

Papers, 1936-1959, relating to an application made by two Czech sisters, Hedwig and Pauline Beck, for compensation for possessions stolen by the Nazis from their sister, Sabina Bauml (née Beck), including translations of residency permits; inventories of possessions confiscated by the Nazis; affidavits from friends and acquaintances in support of the application for compensation and post war correspondence between the French authorities and the Beck sisters relating to compensation.

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GB 1556 WL 824 · Colección · 1938

Correspondence and papers documenting the experiences of Frank Henley (formerly Otto Lichtenstein) when he came to England on the Kindertransport, 1938, chiefly comprising instructions sent by the Provinzialverband für jüdische Wohlfahrtspflege in der Rheinprovinz, the organisation responsible for the well-being of Jews from Cologne; also including his train and boat ticket and his identity card with photograph.

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GB 1556 WL 834 · Colección · 1934-1949

Copies of correspondence and papers regarding the persecution of Karl and Katharina Schreiner, Trier, Rheinland Pfalz, 22 Mar 1934-11 Apr 1949, including statements of denunciation by various individuals, and the views of the Nazi party, Trier, the mayor of Trier and the state prosecutor at the Sondergericht, Koblenz. The Schreiners' offences consisted of refusal to give the Nazi salute; refusal to contribute to Nazi organisations and causes; opposition to their children joining the Hitler Youth; and refusal to hang Nazi flag on harvest festival, 1934.

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Rotholz, Siegfried (fl 1907-1977)
GB 1556 WL 847 · Colección · 1907-1977

Personal papers of Siegfried Rotholz, 1907-1977, including papers documenting his experiences as a refugee who travelled to Australia on the HMT DUNERA. Comprising exercise book entitled 'Memorandum re Dunera' addressed to the UK High Commission in Australia from the inmates of Hay Camp, Western Australia, written under the following sub-headings: 'Treatment during Voyage'; 'Searches and Confiscation'; 'Handling and Loss of Luggage' and 'Treatment of Internees by Military', 2 Dec 1940; detailed inventory of Rotholz's possessions prior to departure from Germany; travel permit describing Rotholz's place of birth and current address; two Australian shillings from Hay internment camp, Australia; a revocation of the detention order, 7 Dec 1943; correspondence on compensation for personal possessions lost en route and restitution claim from the German government; registration certificates; job references; visa applications; family correspondence; birth register extract and official documents regarding financial and residency status.

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