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Descripción archivística
SBHMS · Fondo · c1750-2003

Comprises: Administration, Governance, Policy and Planning; College Buildings and Services; Education, Teaching, Curriculum; Financial Records; Photographs and Illustrations; St Bartholomew's Hospital Publications; Student Records; Academic and Administrative Staff / Personnel; Students Union and and Student Leisure and Recreation; Student Lecture and Study Notes; Miscellaneous Medical College Items and Ephemera.

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St Bartholomew the Less parish
SBHSBL · Fondo · 1547-2006

Comprises: Bequests, Wills and Probate; Church Fabric; Constable and Scavenger; Certificates; Churchwardens; Finance; Images and Press Cuttings; Militia; Parish Appointments; Parish Boundaries; Poor Law; Printed Material; Plans of the Church; Parish Property; Parish Registers; Parish Maintenance; Loose Rate Assessment Papers; Registers of Services and Preachers; Tithes; Vicar and Hospitaller; Vestry.

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St Nicholas Shambles parish
SBHSNC · Fondo · 1253-1526

Records of St Nicholas Shambles parish, 1253-1526, comprising churchwardens' account book, 1452-1526; indulgence from Walter [Cantilupe], Bishop of Worcester, to the parishioners of St Nicholas Shambles, 22 Jan 1253; indulgence from Nicholas, Bishop of Kildare, to all who say the Lord's Prayer and Ave Maria for the soul of Simon de Finchinfield, buried in the church of St Nicholas, 8 Sep 1280.

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ALCOCK, Alfred William (1859-1933)
GB 0809 Alcock · Colección · 1906-1920s

Papers of Alfred Wiliam Alcock, 1906-1920s, comprise autobiographical notes on his life and correspondence on the status of zoology in India and the unsatisfactory condition of the Indian Museum, Calcutta.

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GB 0809 Carpenter · Colección · 1913-1930

Papers of Geoffrey Douglas Hale Carpenter, 1913-1930, comprise a travel diary which records Carpenter and his wife Amy Carpenter née Frances Thomas-Peter's experiences including trips to Uganda for his research on sleeping sickness between 1913 and 1930; diary entries documenting their day to day activities including photographs, pressed flowers, press cuttings, concert programmes and their wedding invitation.

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ELLIOT, Robert Henry (1864-1936)
GB 0809 Elliot · c1864-c1936

Papers of Robert Henry Elliot, [1864-1936], reflect his specialisation in the field of ophthalmology and comprise original drawings, slides and catalogues. The collection notably includes hand drawn and coloured illustrations of diseases of the cornea and each is labelled with a diagnosis; slides, comprising 300 black and white photographs of patients with eye disorders and catalogues, including Catalogue of stereoscopic pictures, Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Madras, Elliot School of Ophthalmology (Government Press, Madras, 1932). Papers also include photographs of the original layout of display cases within the Elliot collection museum.

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GARNHAM, Percy Cyril Claude (1901-1994)
GB 0809 Garnham · 1966-1995

Papers of Percy Cyril Claude Garnham, 1966-1995, relate to the last field research project, by Garnham, to Sabah, Malaysia, in 1972 and his death in 1994. Correspondence and notes regarding the expedition to Sabah include an introduction to the expedition and photographs and scanned images of Garnham at work, undated, (Garnham 01/01); typewritten notes with handwritten corrections concerning the film 'Expedition to Borneo', [1972], (Garnham 01/02); correspondence concerning blood films and a bibliography for protozoa, insects and acoredae, 1972-1973, (Garnham 01/03); correspondence, maps, diagrams, reports and notes related to the study of orang-utans including a draft copy of 'Malaria parasity of the orang-utan (pongo pygmaeus)' by Garnham and others, 1969-1975(Garnham 01/04); notes belonging to Peters including a workbook comprising diagrams of blood cells and notes and charts regarding parasites, 1972, (Garnham 01/05); Garnham's correspondence largely with Peters regarding the continuing work concerning malaria and chimpanzees, 1966-1991,(Garnham 01/06); photographs and diagrams including a photograph of G S de Silva outside the animal clinic in Sabah and a diagram indicating zoogeographic sub regions of the oriental region, c1970, (Garnham 01/07); correspondence largely to Wallace Peters including notes on the orang-utans in Sepilok, 1966-1974 (Garnham 01/08); correspondence notably regarding pongo paper, 1966-1975, (Garnham 01/09); photographs of chimp blood slides, c1970, (Garnham 01/10); correspondence mainly addressed to Peters, including notes and graphs of orang-utan study; correspondence regarding the setting up and funding of the project; and draft paper by Garnham, N Rajapaksa, W Peters, and R Killick-Kendrick 'Malaria parasites of the orang-utan (Pongo pygmaeus)', 1969-1973, (Garnham 01/11); photographs of Sepilok, application for Government grant for scientific investigations, correspondence regarding blood films, slides and orang-utans and new buildings in Sepilok, notes and contents of reels of film from Sabah and Borneo, 1969-1977 (Garnham 01/12) and a documentary film entitled 'Expedition to Borneo, 1972', comprising footage of orang-utans in their natural surroundings, transferred to DVD (Garnham 01/13).

Papers also concern the death of Garnham and notably comprise correspondence from Claude Garnham, including a letter of thanks to Peters for writing Garnham's obituary; copies of many obituaries within various journals and newspapers including two in French; programme of service and thanksgiving for the life and work of Garnham and correspondence regarding the founding of an award in Garnham's memory, 1994-1995,(Garnham 02).

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GB 0809 Growth survey · 1977

Papers of survey of growth in the pre-school child in England and Wales, 1977, comprise original research data concerning the health and growth of children. The collection comprises data entry forms, dated 1977, used to collate data gathered from a sample of pre-school children in England and Wales. These questionnaires are all labelled 'part IV' and therefore possibly constitute a sample of the original research data collated.

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JAMESON, Sir William Wilson (1885-1962)
GB 0809 Jameson · 1927-1967

Papers of Sir William Wilson Jameson, 1927-1967, relate to Jameson's appointment as Professor of Public Health at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the composition of 'Life of Wilson Jameson' written by Dr N M Goodman. The collection comprises correspondence and papers relating to Jameson's appointment and work at the School, notably including a letter from H Kenwood advising Jameson and encouraging him to apply for the post of Professor of Public Health, offering his support, 1927, and Jameson's application form for the post, 1928. The collection also includes correspondence between Dr N M Goodman and Professor Delafield regarding Goodman's 'Life of Wilson Jameson', 1967 and a letter from M A Baatz, Academic Registrar, University of London to Dr Goodman regarding appointment of Jameson as Professor, 1967.

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LEWIS, Timothy Richards (1841-1886)
GB 0809 Lewis · 1869-1886

Twelve scientific notebooks, 1869-1886, relating to Lewis' research work while in India and as Assistant Professor in Pathology at the Army Medical School, Netley including information on patient observations, dissections of parasites and drawings.

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NEWSHOLME, Sir Arthur (1857-1943)
GB 0809 Newsholme · 1891-1935

Papers of Sir Arthur Newsholme, 1891-1935, comprising articles, reports and notes on the following areas: tuberculosis with particular reference to compulsory notification; infectious and epidemic diseases; preventive medicine; public health, all aspects including 'social' and 'moral'; rheumatic fever; child health and welfare including morbidity and mortality; maternity and midwifery; phthisis; proprietary and patent medicines, dangerous drugs; statistics; scarlet fever; small pox, and cancer; Annual Reports of Local Government Boards; private correspondence.

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GB 0809 Topley · 1913-1944

Papers of William Whiteman Carlton Topley, 1913-1944, comprise publications by Topley and others including Major Greenwood and Graham Wilson, and photographs.

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WILCOCKS, Charles (1896-1977)
GB 0809 Wilcocks · c 1927-1977

Reports, correspondence, publications and related papers, 1927-1977, notably including US War Department Technical Bulletins/TB Med and related correspondence; BBC radio scripts and related correspondence; Medical and sanitary data on various countries, compiled by the Medical Intelligence Branch, Preventive Medicine Division, Office of the Surgeon General, US Army; Information relating to his role as consultant, The Counties Public Health Laboratories; Publications on tuberculosis; Wilcocks' autobiography and watercolour of a typical medical officer's residence in East Africa.

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WILSON, Sir Graham Selby (1895-1987)
GB 0809 Wilson · 1922-1931

Papers of Sir Graham Selby Wilson, 1922-1931, comprise a collection of reprints used to aid Wilson's research. These reprints are mostly from the Journal of Experimental Medicine and include 'Epidemiological studies on respiratory infections of the rabbit VIII Carriers of bacterium lepiseoticum' by Leslie T Webster, reprinted from the Journal of Experimental Medicine, April 1, 1926, Vol.xliii, No.4 and 'Contribution to the manner of spread of mouse typhoid infection' by Leslie T Webster, reprinted from the Journal of Experimental Medicine, February 1, 1923, Vol.xxxvii, No 2.

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GB 0813 POST 101 Series · Serie · 1853-1880

This series consists of bound volumes of Tilley's private letters and correspondence to the Postmaster General, the Treasury and various Post Office officials and members of the public during the time in which he was first Assistant Secretary and then later Secretary. In 1854 the Post Office underwent a general revision and the Treasury appointed a Commission of Enquiry upon which Sir Charles Trevelyan, Sir Stafford Northcote and Mr Hoffey sat. Tilley was greatly interested in the work of the Commission and, as a result, much of his private correspondence is from, and to, members of the Commission. A further area in which Tilley had influence of interest was the revision and improvement of the Rural Post System and, as a consequence, the extension of the rural delivery. Again this is reflected in the nature of the correspondence within the volumes.

Furthermore, the correspondence covers a variety of subjects including inland and overseas mail arrangements, Sunday labour disputes, wage disputes, opening of the Post Office Savings Bank, and telegraph business. There is also correspondence relating to his knighthood.

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Battersea Labour Party
GB 0347 D80 · Colección · 1926-2008

The collection includes minutes of meetings, annual reports, and letters, as well as papers relating to the General Strike of 1926.

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Morgan Crucible Ltd, Battersea
GB 0347 D90 · Colección · 1819-1958

Company records, including plans of works, deeds, leases and related documents, annual reports, magazines, and publications including sales brochures.

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Building Plans
GB 0347 PLANS · Colección · 1835-1985

Building plans from the Metropolitan Boroughs of Battersea or Wandsworth or from their predecessor bodies, 1835-1985. Many of these plans were generated by the London Borough of Wandsworth or its predecessors, others by private architects or engineers.

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GB 0347 S12 · Colección · 1872-1939

Records of Upper Tooting, Holy Trinity Church Schools, including managers' minutes, school log books and some correspondence, including correspondence relating to evacuation.

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Wandle School
GB 0347 S16 · Colección · 1908-2004

Wandle School records: The first series contains several admissions registers and one volume containing school records. These volumes are closed. The second series is comprised of miscellaneous papers such as letters from old pupils, a copy of the Inspectors report on the school in 1959, and papers relating to the history of the school used to organise an exhibition in 2004.

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Sir Walter St John's School
GB 0347 S17 · Colección · 1910-2004

This collection is made up of school magazines and other ephemera relating to the school. This includes a publicity poster, a speech day programme, and various pamphlets outlining the history of the school. There are no original records relating to the school or students in the collection.

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Battersea Men's Institute
GB 0347 S20 · Colección · 1923-1949

This collection consists of ephemera relating to the Battersea Men's Institute such as brochures, syllabuses and programmes for annual shows of work by the members. There are also runs of the Weekly Bulletin and several copies of the Institute's journal Scope. Additionally there is also a copy of a 1930 inspection of the Institute carried out by the London County Council.

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Spencer Park School
GB 0347 S5 · Colección · 1857-1985

The collection is contains material relating to Spencer Park school including copies of the school magazine, papers outlining the history of the school and the Royal Victoria Patriotic Asylum site, prospectuses, photographs, newspaper cuttings, programmes and various other items. There are no administrative records for the school in the collection. Additionally there is a series of deeds, leases, and other papers relating to the Royal Victoria Patriotic Asylum site, the building of the school, and the sale of the site in the 1980s for redevelopment.

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Roehampton Church School
GB 0347 S9 · Colección · 1850-1990

Includes Managers and Governors minutes, clerks agenda papers, records relating to staffing, records relating to the school buildings, general school correspondence, school log books and admission registers and records of the Head Teacher, including papers relating to evacuation.

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Miscellaneous school collection
GB 0347 SCH · Colección · 1870-2005

Miscelllaneous school material, including school magazines, prosepectuses, reports and other documents.

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Streatham Parish
GB 0347 SP · Colección · 1722-1910

Records of the administration of the parish of Streatham. Includes: minutes of the parish vestry; survey of the parish of Streatham, 1803-1804; Church rate books; Highways rate books; minutes of the Guardians of the Poor; minutes of the Burial Board; minutes of the Volunteer Association.

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Wandsworth Parish
GB 0347 WP · Colección · 1663-1900

Records of the civil parish of Wandsworth. Includes: vestry minutes; vestry clerks letterbooks; minutes of Vestry Hall and Town Hall management committees; minutes of the Churchwardens and Overseers; accounts of the Surveyor of Highways; minutes of the Local Committee; tithe plan reference book and tithe map.

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Waterhouse, Gilbert (1888-1977)
GB 0367 GWA · 1911-1968

Papers of Professor Gilbert Waterhouse, 1911-1968, comprising:
Personal correspondence and papers including personal and academic correspondence, 1911-1939; papers on GW's time as Assistant Lecturer in English, University of Lepzig, 1911-1914, including copies of letters from Karl Breul to GW, 1910-1913, and GW's letters from Leipzig, 1911-1914; papers on holidays in France and Germany, 1920-1930; papers on vist to Munich, 1930; papers on move from Dublin to Belfast, 1933; papers on exchange visit to the USA, 1950-1951.
Research notes and papers, including miscellaneous articles, 1912-1937; correspondence and papers on The Literary Relations of England and Germany in the Seventeenth Century, 1913-1950; correspondence and papers on translation of Franz Grillparzer: Weh' dem der lügt, 1917-1964; notes and papers for articles on St Patrick's Purgatory, 1923-1926; correspondence and papers on GW's translation of Clara Viebig: The Sleeping Army, 1927-1929; correspondence and papers on publication of A Short History of German Literature, 1928-1968; correspondence and papers on GW's translation of General von Seeckt Thoughts of a Soldier, 1930; correspondence and papers on GW's articles and lectures on Goethe, 1927-1935; notes and papers on Anglo-German relations, particularly National Socialism, 1933-1943; notes on the mineralogist, Sir Charles Giesecke (1761-1833), 1936-c 1970; Newspaper cuttings from British, German and French newspapers, mainly on Germany and National Socialism, 1929-1937.

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Garten, Hugo Frederick (1904-1975)
GB 0367 HFG · 1903-1975

Papers of Hugo Frederick Garten (formerly Hugo Friedrich Königsgarten) (HFG), including correspondence with the expressionist playwright Georg Kaiser (GK) and his wife Margareta from the 1920s to 1940s; typescripts of work by GK; periodicals, programmes and photographs relating to productions of GK's plays; correspondence from the German playwright Gerhart Hauptmann (GH) and members of his family to HFG; newspaper cuttings on GH and his plays written on centenary of his birth in 1962; photographs of GH and letters from GH to the German Studies scholar Hermann Georg Fiedler; and letters from Stefan Zweig, Fritz von Unruh, Jakob Wassermann and his wife, Martha Wassermann-Karlweis, Robert Neumann, Friedrich Gundolf, and Alfred Weber to HFG. Also includes five metal plate prints of letters by and portraits of Gerhart Hauptmann.

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GB 0367 HGS · 1909-1995

Correspondence and papers on the history and development of German Studies in the United Kingdom and Ireland, 1909-1995, including:
Modern Language Association: Papers on Oxford Meeting, 1909;
University of London: Minutes and marks books of UL Internal Board of Examiners in German, 1932-1970; Agendas, minutes and correspondence of UL Board of Studies in Germanic Languages and Literatures, 1963-1979; Examination papers for finals in German, 1943-1952;
Conference of University Teachers of German: Correspondence and papers on the administration of CUTG, 1963-1979; Bulletins 1981-1991, 1994; Minutes of meetings 1981-1986; Lists of teachers of German in British and Irish Universities, 1980-87; Correspondence and papers of sub-committee convened by Hugh D Sacher on History of German Studies in the UK and Ireland, 1965-1967, including replies from the Universities of Aberdeen, UCNW, Bangor, Birmingham, Cambridge, Trinity College Dublin, Durham, Edinburgh, Leeds, Manchester, Reading, St Andrews, Sheffield, Glasgow, King's College London, University College London, Liverpool, Birkbeck College London, Royal Holloway College London, Queen Mary College London, Keele; transcripts of tape recordings of personal accounts on history of German Studies, subjects include Professor Frederick Norman, Oliver Edwards, F H Sandbach (on his father F E Sandbach, Professor of German, University of Birmingham) and L W Forster;
Correspondence of Professor L A Willoughby on the history of German Studies, 1946-1961;
Correspondence of Professor John Flood on the history of German Studies, 1957-1994.

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Thoma, Herbert Hans Karl (1899-1975)
GB 0367 HTH · 1913-1975

Professional papers of Herbert Hans Karl Thoma, 1913-1975, comprising:
Teaching papers including Thoma's lecture notes on on Old High and Middle German Language, Literature, and Palaeography [1950s], Thoma's notes on lectures by Prof Carl von Krauss, University of Münich, 1913-1915; King's College London, Department of German, examination questions on Germanic language and literature, with annotations by Thoma on marking schemes, candidates names and marks [1950s]; correspondence and papers on supervision of postgraduate student W F Tullasiewicz, with copy of his thesis on the Kaiserchronik
Unpublished research papers, 1961-1965 and undated, including the cataloguing project commissioned by the Bavarian State Library on the manuscripts in the monastic library at Ottobeuren; glosses to Hartmann von Aue's Eric and Iwein; biblical glosses and studies on German word endings,
Published research papers, 1951-1975, including: the work on early German manuscripts in London (principally the British Museum) which was the supplement to Robert Priebsch's great work; entries for Merker-Stammler's Reallexikon der deutschen Literaturgeschichte; medieval manuscripts of the Carmina Burana and the Nibelungenlied in the British Museum; early German manuscripts in the Vatican Library and the libraries of Munich. with an article on John of Neumarkt and Heinrich Frauenlob in Festschrift for Professor Frederick Norman (retired 1965) .
Correspondence, 1950-1975; correspondents include letters and postcards from Professors Bernhard Bischoff, Arthur Hatto, Carl von Kraus and Paul Salmon
Personal notes and press cuttings on A E Housman, 1937-1943

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Bithell, Jethro (1878-1962)
GB 0367 JBI · 1919-1962

Correspondence and papers of Jethro and Alice Bithell, 1919-1962, comprising:
Correspondence and papers of Jethro Bithell:
Three note books [in Dutch];
Correspondence, 1935-1962: correspondents include August and Hannah Closs, Rudolf Majut, William Rose, L W Forster, Walter Cohen, Alexander Gillies, L A Willoughby and R Pick;
Papers on the poems of Max Hermann-Neisse (1886-1941), 1919-1942;
Papers on the works of Ernst Bertram, 1928-1952;

Correspondence and papers of Alice Emily Bithell (née Eastlake):
Personal papers including school and university certificates, 1908-1937 and correspondence with Rudolf and Käthe Majut, 1949-1962.

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Mynatt/Kapp Papers
GB 0367 MYK · 1952-1987

Papers of Margaret Mynatt and Yvonne Kapp, 1952-1987, comprising:
Articles, mainly by or about Bertolt Brecht, 1952-1982, with associated correspondence; Margaret Mynatt's correspondence with Walter Benjamin [photocopies]; Yvonne Kapp's correspondence with Helene Brecht-Weigel and the Bertolt Brecht Archiv, Berlin; correspondence of Mynatt and Kapp with Phyllis Rosner, Elisabeth Hauptmann and Ilse Warnber [sister of Elisabeth Hauptmann]
Papers of Yvonne Kapp, including minutes and papers of the Czech Refugee Trust Fund, [1938-1940]; correspondence, 1939-141, including letters written under the pseudonym Yvonne Cloud; hand-written copies of poems on the Communist Party; refugee papers selected by Dr Charmian Brinson, 1997; 3 volumes of press cuttings on the 'Internment Crisis', July-Sep 1940; obituaries of Kapp from The Independent, The Times and The Guardian, 1999
Papers of Margaret Mynatt including correspondence with Emmy Koenen; obituary of Wilhelm Koenen, 1963; correspondence and papers on the death of Elisabeth Hauptmann, 1973; photographs of Elisabeth Hauptmann; typescript Betrieffe eine irrefuhrende Darstellung, by Elisabeth Hauptmann [undated]; papers relating to Mynatt's father, John Charles Mynatt (Giovanni Minotti), 1903-1966; photographs of Bertolt Brecht and Helene Weigel; theatre and concert programmes from the Berliner Ensemble, 1955-1967, and for productions of Brecht's works in London, 1963-1989.

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Harris, Sylvia Clare (b 1931)
GB 0367 SHA · 1953-1980

Correspondence and papers of Sylvia Clare Harris, 1953-1980, comprising:
Correspondence with academics and academic libaries on texts of the Historia trium regum, with microfilms and photocopies, 1953-1980; correspondence on Max Behland and his work, 1962-1963; correspondence with Marion Lee Miller on consultation of his thesis, 1977; correspondence on article on Johannes von Hildesheim for Verfasserlexicon, 1978-1979; handwritten transcripts of manuscripts of the Historia trium regum; notes and papers on the Historia trium regum, including copy of Harris's thesis, 1954-1974; photocopies and other reproductions of Historia trium regum manuscripts; miscellaneous papers including copy of A study of the language of medieval German homiletics London PhD thesis by Lawrence M Rice, 1973; notes on German literature 1400-1700.

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Ivanyi-Grunwald Collection
GB 0369 IVA · 1936-1965

Correspondence and papers of Bela Ivanyi-Grunwald, comprising:
notes and typescripts on Lajos Kossuth, an exile from the 1848-1849 Hungarian War of Independence, c 1939-1965; notes and typescripts of biography of Count Istvan Szechenyi, notes on Szechenyi's Anglo-Hungarian literary connections, c 1936-1965; writings, correspondence and papers on nineteenth and twentieth century Hungarian history and politics, c 1939-1965; writings, correspondence and papers on eighteenth and nineteenth century British history, particularly eighteenth century dissenters, c 1939-1965; draft typescripts and manuscripts on nineteenth century European history

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Anglo-Russian Society Collection
GB 0369 ANG · 1892-1936

Records of the Anglo-Russian Society (formerly the Anglo-Russian Literary Society), 1892-1936, comprising
regulation pamphlet 1893, containing constitution, lists of officers and members of the Society, and paper by Dr John Pollen on The Russian Language and Literature; membership lists, 1904-1921; subscription records, 1910-1934; account book, 1930-1934; receipt books, 1931-1934; bank book, 1932-1935; bank statements 1935-1936; correspondence 1895-1935 (mainly 1922-1935), mainly on payment of subscriptions and arrangement of speakers for the Society's meetings; library catalogue, 1906; volume of press cuttings relating to the Society, 1892-1897; manuscript translation of William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, text by Professor Delius - translator Anatolia Kremleva

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d'Argenteau Collection
GB 0369 ARG · 1751

Volume of papers of the 1751 Hungarian Diet which were copied for Count Karl August Mercy d'Argenteau and include complaints and royal replies.

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Auty Collection
GB 0369 AUT · 1940-1971 (mainly 1966-1971)

Papers of Phyllis Auty relating Yugoslavia, 1940-1971, comprising:
papers on general Yugoslav political developments, 1940-1971, (mainly 1952-1971); papers on the 9th Congress of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia, 1968-1971, (mainly 1968-1969); papers on elections, 1968-1969; papers on the League of Communists in the republics of Yugoslavia, 1966-1971, particularly the League Congresses of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia and Vojvodina and also the issue of nationalities in Yugoslavia; papers on Yugoslav trade unions, 1964-1969 (mainly 1968-1969); papers on Yugoslav youth and students, 1968-1970.

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Beck Collection
GB 0369 BEC · c. 1910

Photograph album depicting a visit taken to Russia by a Miss E J Beck before the First World War; postcard album containing postcards of Russia, presumably collected by Miss Beck on the same visit.

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J Bloch and Co. Collection
GB 0369 BLJ · c 1900

Photographs taken by N Medius depicting the showrooms and office interiors of J Bloch and Co. Moscow, and also an exterior view of a building, c 1900.

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Block Collection
GB 0369 BLK · c 1944-1945

Essay by Alexander Block on the consequences of the Russian revolution entitled Russia's contribution to the New Social Order, [1944-1945]

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Bromhead Collection
GB 0369 BRO · 1915-1918

Papers of Lt Col Alfred Claude Bromhead, 1915-1918, comprising:
typescript copies of Bromhead's diaries of his work with the British Military Cinematographic Mission to show British propaganda films to Russian troops, 1916-1918, Bromhead and his mission made visits to the Finnish, Baltic, Ukrainian, Caucasian, Turkish and Romanian Fronts. There is also a diary for Bromhead's Italian mission from May-December 1918; correspondence between Bromhead and the Government Committee for Propaganda, supervising his activities, correspondence received by Bromhead from British and Russian contacts in Russia, memo on Russian affairs by Sir Bernard Pares, Russian printed material; photographs (probably) taken by Bromhead while on his mission to Russia, the main subjects of the photographs are Russian troops and the work of the Mission, 1916-1917

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Brasova Collection
GB 0369 BRS · 1897-1922, mainly 1909-1913

Photograph albums of Natalia Sergeevna Cheremtevskaia (later Countess Brasova), depicting her life with Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovich during the early years of their life together 1909-1913. Most of the albums date from before their marriage in 1912 and contain informal photographs of the Grand Duke and Brasova and their family and friends. Some of the photographs were taken during the couple's European travels.

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Czechoslovakia Collection
GB 0369 CZE · 1930-1944

Photographs, mostly of an official nature, depicting the Czechoslovakian war effort (troops, airmen and politicians), pre war buildings, handicrafts and folk costumes; 2 (1944) letters from Hana and Jirina Benesova

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Danubian Lands Collection
GB 0369 DAN · 1939-1945

Thirty two slides of Danubian lands, including views of Vienna, Austria, Budapest, Hungary and Belgrade, Yugoslavia and some maps. Also contained are 15 slides on the Second World War including Greek troops, the Cretan Campaign and Egyptian troops in training, c. 1939-1945

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Deacon Collection
GB 0369 DEA · 1919-1920

Papers and photographs relating to Olive Deacon's child welfare work in Pec, Montenegro 1919-1920. Contents:
DEA/1 Correspondence and other papers relating to the Scottish Women's Hospital and orphanages in Pec (Nov 1919-Feb 1921)
DEA/2 Olive Deacon's typescript memoir 'Some Montenegrin experiences' and two diaries kept during her time at Pec (between 1919 and 1920)
DEA/3 Photographs and postcards (1919)

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Deane Collection
GB 0369 DEN · c 1724

Manuscript entitled History of the Russian Fleet during the reign of Peter the Great, long considered anonymous but now thought to have been written by John Deane who served in the navy of Peter the Great (1672-1725).

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Duff Cooper Collection
GB 0369 DUF · 1938

Album presented to Alfred Duff Cooper by Prof. Drtina Kralov, Girls' Seondary School entitled "With love from the Czecho-Slovakian Children", containing postcards and photographs of Czechoslovakia, emblems, postage stamps, pictures of national costumes and samples of embroidery, 1938.

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Frank Collection
GB 0369 FRA · 1936

Viktor Frank's Ph.D thesis Russische Fern-Ost-Politik im XVIII. und XVIII. Jahrh. [Russian Far East Politics in the 17th and 18th centuries] presentedto Frederick Wilhelm University, Berlin, 1936.

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