Showing 16246 results

Archivistische beschrijving
Newton family
GB 0096 MS 523 · 1680-1826

Collection of papers relating to the Newton and Seawells plantations in Barbados, 1706-1826, including accounts and financial documents, estate management reports, valuations, surveys, and correspondence.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 524 · [1810-1826]

Account and memoranda book relating to a farm in Lancashire, including details of servants' wages. An inscription at the end of the manuscript reads 'Elizabeth Coulston Book 1779'. Apart from this the manuscript is written in one hand throughout, probably that of Henry Faithwaite of Littledale, Caton, Lancashire.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 53 · 1688-1691

Manuscript volume containing a statement of the public revenue of England, 1688-1691, including accounts of the receipts, and the expenditure on the Navy, Army, Ordnance, Secret Service, Privy Purse, Wardrobe, Ambassadors, Judges, Pensions, the servants of King William III, and interest of loans. There are entries of many irregularities and unchecked issues. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by Francis Gwyn as Under-Secretary of State.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 530 · 1790

Papers relating to the part of Jacques Louis Chaumont de La Millière in the creation of legislation in the Assembleé Nationale Constituante relating to the Ponts et Chauseés (or bridges and highways) of France, 1790, including:

  1. Letter from Millière to [Pierre Louis] Roederer introducing a memorandum entitled 'Observations pour servir de réponse à un mémoire sur les travaux publics du Languedoc...une partie d'administration aussi importante', 30 Oct 1790. The mémoire referred to appears to be that entitled 'Extrait d'Observations faites il y a quelques mois sur un mémoir de l'Ingénieur en chef de la cydevant province de Bretagne par lequel il proposait de conserver à Rennes l'École particulière des Ponts et Chaussées...les observations...pourront servir de réponse à un mémoire d'un directeur des Travaux Publics du Languedoc'.
  2. Letter from Millière to [Pierre Louis] Roederer, 20 Oct 1790, enclosing the 'dernières observations...sur la nouvelle rédaction du decret proposé par M. [Charles François] Le Brun [Duc de Plaisance] relativement aux Ponts et Chausées', with brief note in Millière's hand on the principles of the organisation of the Ponts et Chausées, and an item headed 'Observations sur plusiers articles du dernier projet du decret concernant les Ponts et Chausées proposés par le Comité des Finances'.
Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 534 · 1669

Breviate, apparently unpublished, of books I and II of the Institutes of Justinian I, dictated to Bonaventura Mattino by Jerome Fasciono, Venice 1669.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 536 · 17th century

Translation of Meditaciones devotisimas del amor de Dios by Diego de Estella (1576), entitled 'A hundred moste devoute meditations of the love of God. Made by the learned and excellent preacher Diego di Stella of the order of holie St Francis. Now latelie translated into English out of the Italian tongue...[dedicated] to the vertuous and honorable gentlewoman Mris. Marie B:', by the translator, G.B. The translation is dated to the 17th century, and does not appear to have been published.

Zonder titel
Hornby, Charles
GB 0096 MS 537 · 1701

A copy from 1701 of The originall & progress of Mahometanism supposedly written, c1673, by Henry Stubbe (or Stubs). The manuscript also contains An epistle from Achmet Benabdalba a learned Moor concerning the Xtian religion.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 54 · 1688-1696

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, Nov 1688-Sep 1691, with an extension of the statement to 1696 in the same hand, entitled 'A brief state of the incomes and issues of their Majesties public revenue...'.

Zonder titel
Pontifical fragment
GB 0096 MS 543 · 15th century

Four leaves from a pontifical, probably Italian, containing part of the Ordo in Sabbato Sancto. The prayers of the first part correspond to the Roman Use of the 12th century; those of the second part to the 13th century Pontifical of William Durand.

Zonder titel
Decretals of Gregory IX
GB 0096 MS 544 · Mid 13th century

Single leaf of vellum, formerly used as a pastedown, containing Book 3, section 38 18 to 39 3, of the Decretales Gregorii IX, on the rights of patrons over churches and the financial liabilities of churches, dating from the mid-13th century. There are marginal annotations in a later, perhaps 14th century, hand.

Zonder titel
Bible fragments
GB 0096 MS 546, 576 · [c1250]

Three leaves, foliated 289, 294 and 300, from a dismembered Latin Bible of Parisian workmanship, possibly from the Carthusian monastery of Val-de-Benediction in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France. The leaves contain the texts of Jeremiah 50.3 to 51.18, Baruch 2.11 to 4.25 and Ezekiel 12.7 to 14.21. The fragments are dated to c1250, and there are marginal and interlineal notes in 13th or 14th century hands. With this manuscript are photocopies of two leaves from the same manuscript, from the collection of Dr B. Barker Benfield, sold at Sotheby's on 14 Dec 1978.

Zonder titel
Rennie, George
GB 0096 MS 550 · 1829-1851

Household account books, 1829-1851, kept by George Rennie, for his houses in London and Surrey.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 551 · [1872]

Incomplete manuscript article on Thomas Lovell Beddoes containing '...a short review of of Beddoes [other than Death's Jest Book] together with a selection from some of their finest passages'. It was written, by an author unknown, as a supplement to Thomas Forbes Kelsall's article on Beddoes in the Fortnightly Review of 1872, Vol 18, pp.51-75. Although intended for the same journal it appears not to have been published either there or elsewhere.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 556 · 1820

Lithographed letter, 14 Jun 1820, addressed in manuscript to John Lloyd Salusbury, High Sheriff of Denbighshire, and signed by Henry Addington, 1st Viscount Sidmouth, Home Secretary, requesting 'a return of all charges made by sheriffs or undersheriffs at the last general election, as well as those paid or allowed by members and candidates to the sheriffs or undersheriffs, and specifying each item of also an account of all sums charged by or for the sheriffs bailiffs'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 566, 567 · 1691

Two counterparts of leases, 25 May 1691, made by Elizabeth Fortrey, widow of the parish of St Andrew, Holborn, to Leonard Cunditt, innholder of the parish of St Paul, Covent Garden, of a piece of ground in Hog Lane (later renamed Charing Cross Road) in the parish of St Giles in the Fields, the first for 'the second ground plott or new house built or intended to be built', and the second for 'the fourth house'. Both leases were for 99 years at a rent of £3 a year. Plan annexed. Signed and sealed by Leonard Cunditt.

Zonder titel
Pare, William
GB 0096 MS 578 · 1819-1855

Scrapbook of material, printed and manuscript, by and relating to Robert Owen, collected and in part copied by William Pare, and annotated by him throughout, 1819-1855. The manuscript items include:
Copy by Pare of a receipt, 4 Aug 1819, for £500 from Robert Owen to Edward Augustus, Duke of Kent, annotated by Pare in 1872.
Copy of a letter from Pare to Owen, 1829.
Copy of letter from Owen to Sir Robert John Wilmot-Horton, 3rd Bt, 1831, with a covering letter from H. Belstead to Pare of 1839.
Notes made from the Leeds Mercury, [1833-1834], written in ink over pencilled jottings (in Pare's hand?) on single leaf of an account book.
Account by Pare of a visit by Owen on 21 Mar 1834 to female convicts at Newgate prison about to be transported, written on a manuscript copy of Owen's address to them.
Holograph draft of Owen's address 'to the government and population of the United States of North America', 6 June 1837.
Two architectural plans of Harmony Hall, East Tytherley, Hampshire, 1839.
Letter from Dr. John Borthwick Gilchrist to Owen, 21 Mar 1839.
Holograph draft by Owen of the address of the Congress of the Association of All Classes of All Nations, and of the National Community Friendly Society to the General Convention of the Industrious Classes 'now sitting at Birmingham', 16 May 1839.
Holograph draft by Owen beginning 'The influence which may be obtained by society over the young mind', 1839.
Holograph draft by Owen of his address 'to intending emigrants and those who are dissatisfied with the present condition of society', 1839.
Single sheet headed 'Social Congress' and endorsed 'Journal', being an account of proceedings of the Congress of the Association of All Classes, 1839.
Incomplete holograph draft of address made by Owen on 'home colonization', at the Birmingham Congress [of the Association of All Classes], 25 May 1839.
Draft of Pare's address to Owen on his 68th birthday, 1839, with Owen's holograph reply.
Extract from The Chronicle, 18 Nov 1841.
Draft inscriptions, partly in Owen's hand, for the towers at Harmony Hall, 1841.
Memorial to Owen from the unemployed tradesmen of Glasgow, 15 Dec 1842.
Copy by Pare of a description of Owen in the Aberdeen Banner, 31 Dec 1842.
'Twelve question to be answered, according to promise, by Mr Owen in Mr Robertson's Hall this present evening', 30 Dec 1842.
Incomplete holograph draft by Owen on 'Causes remote and proximate of the present evils of society', [1843].
Letter of John Finch to Owen, 9 Mar 1843.
'Address [to Queen Victoria] of the members of branch 63 of the Rational Society and the inhabitants of Tower Hamlets in a public meeting assembled at their institution, Whitechapel, 10 Apr 1843, with covering letter by the Secretary, Thomas Marshall, to Owen, 15 Apr 1843.
Copy of the petition to Queen Victoria by the inhabitants of Halifax, 1843.
Bill made out to Owen for his stay at the Royal Hotel, Dundee, from 3-9 Jan, with his own annotations.
'Address to her most gracious Majesty, from a meeting called by public advertisement, in Sydney's Building, Bradford, 16 Feb 1843, signed by Owen who acted as chairman.
Address to Queen Victoria by the Congress of the Rational Society, 25 May 1843, signed by Owen as President of the Society.
Address of the participants of the first Concordium, held at Allcott House, Ham Common, Surrey, 28 Apr 1843, with 17 signatures.
Copy of two letters to The Times from Samuel Wilderspin, concerning infant schools, 6 Aug 1846.
Copies of letters by Owen to George William Frederick Howard, Viscount Morpeth (later 7th Earl of Carlisle), on progress in the United States, and to Henry George Grey, 3rd Earl Grey, on 'education and employment of the industrious classes', 1846.
Holograph draft of an address by Owen on 'The requisites for the permanent happiness of mankind', [1848].
Copy of a letter from Owen to [William] Cox, written from Paris and describing the revolution, June 1848.
Letter from William Offord to Owen, concerning members of Offord's family living with William Evans, 8 May 1855.
Incomplete holograph draft by Owen beginning 'The distress of the country has increased, is increasing, and ought to be diminished', [1848].
Draft [by Owen] entitled 'The convictions of Robert Owen, founder of the Rational System of Society, on the past, present and future state of the population of the world'.
Anecdote about the reaction of Thomas Say, Professor of Natural History, on reading Owen's works while in North America, [1851].
Silhouette sketch of Owen signed by Augustin Amant Constant Fidele Edouart, 1838.
Miscellaneous printed items include: sketches of Owen, prints of New Lanark, memorial card and order of Owen's funeral procession, printed programme of the 100th anniversary of his birth, 16 May 1871, and newspaper cuttings.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 582, 779 · 1769-1850

A collection of miscellaneous documents, 1769-1850, relating to members of the Society of Friends, as follows:

  1. Marriage certificate of John Williams, grocer, of the parish of St Mary le Strand in London, and Rachel Hill, on 16 Nov 1769, at the Meeting House in Tottenham, London. Signed by 44 witnesses.
  2. Birth certificate of Ann, born 29 Oct 1776 at Stone Dean, Buckinghamshire, daughter of Joseph Green and Mary his wife.
  3. Birth certificate of Sarah, born 28 Sep 1792 at Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, daughter of John Harker, cotton spinner, and Elizabeth his wife.
  4. Birth certificate of Ann, born 11 Nov 1793 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Elizabeth Harker.
  5. Birth certificate of Aston, born 9 Jan 1795 at Mansfield, son of John and Elizabeth Harker.
  6. Birth certificate of Elizabeth Ann, born 15 Apr 1799 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Elizabeth Harker.
  7. Two copies of the birth certificate of Grizell Maria, born 13 Dec 1799 at Chepping Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, daughter of Samuel Edmonds, mealman, and Grizell his wife.
  8. Birth certificate of Henry, born 20 Oct 1801 at Mansfield, son of John Harker and Mary his wife.
  9. Birth certificate of Jane, born 14 Mar 1803 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
  10. Birth certificate of Catherine, born 6 Mar 1804 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
  11. Birth certificate of Helen, born 29 Mar 1805 at Mansfield, daughter of the John and Mary Harker.
  12. Birth certificate of John, born 5 Aug 1806 at Mansfield, son of John and Mary Harker.
  13. Birth certificate of Susanna, born 20 Mar 1808, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
  14. Birth certificate of Anna, born 15 Jun 1809 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
  15. Marriage certificate of William Green, grocer, of Chepping Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, and Susannah Lamley, on 26 Aug 1818, at the Meeting House, Shipston-on-Stour, Worcester.
  16. Grant of administration of the effects of Susanna Green, late of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, (d 5 Feb 1838), to her husband William Green, 17 Dec 1839.
  17. Probate of the will of Ann Green, spinster (d 26 Jul 1844), of High Wycombe, granted to Henry Lyne and Edwin Harford, her cousins, and Grizzell Edmonds, her sister, 2 Nov 1844.
  18. Probate of will of Mary Rock, widow, (d 22 Jan 1850), of Crendon Lane, High Wycombe, granted to Mary Rock, her daughter, 9 May 1850.
Zonder titel
Clark, John
GB 0096 MS 583 · 1832-1852

Manuscript volume, originally used as a stock book for haberdashery, belonging to John Clark [of Bridgewater, Somerset], containing lists of hosiery, thread, pins, ribbons, laces, tapes, bobbins, blankets, flannel and other cloths, furs, tippets, muffs, capes, silk cloaks, cambric handkerchiefs, pasteboard, paper and umbrellas, 1832-1837. Many pages have had pasted on to them newspaper cuttings and illustrations from popular magazines, [1838-1852], including plans for the new parish church of Paddington, 1840. From folio 18, the volume has interspersed on previously blank pages a draft continuation by Clark of Byron's Don Juan (i.e. cantos xvii-xxiv), described by the author as 'rough copy - incorrect' (each leaf being cancelled presumably as the fair copy was made) and signed by himself as 'completed 1842 September 1, at X a.m. clk. struck, & flute playing in the street'.. There are also some notes on Byron's original poem, his life and literary style accompanying the continuation, which date from later in the 1840s. The vellum cover is inscribed 'John Clark's first copy of his poem'.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 585 · 1761

Indenture quadripartite of 11 Feb 1761 by which George Lane, of Bramham Park, Yorkshire (West Riding), with the consent of Ralph Bourchier, 'doctor in physick', of Great Ormond Street in the parish of St.George the Martyr, London, and his daughter and heir Margaret Bourchier, assigned to the Hon William Chetwynd, of Dover Street, London, the manors or lordships of Benningborough [Beningbrough], Overton [Ovington], Barforth and Newton-upon-Ouse, all in the North Riding of Yorkshire, formerly the estate of John Bourchier, deceased, for the remainder of a term of 500 years. Signed and sealed by the four parties. Ralph Bourchier inherited the estates on the death of his great-niece Mildred, wife of the Hon Robert Lane, in 1760.

Zonder titel
French commerce legislation
GB 0096 MS 587 · 1700-1708

A printed volume containing decisions of the French Conseil d'Estat relating to commerce, 1700-1708, but including three manuscript items as follows:

  1. 'Essai des marchandises qu'il est permis de tirer des pays estrangers...suivant l' arrêt du Conseil du 18 Aoust 1705', a table listing items of merchandise permitted to be taken from Sweden, Denmark, Holland, Scotland, Germany, Ireland and Portugal, [1708]. (2 leaves. 11" x 8½").
  2. 'Règlement que le roy veut estre observé dans l'ordre de distribution et raport qui sera fait par les sieurs intendans du commerce des affaires qui auront esté renvoyées au Conseil de Commerce', dated at Marly on 9 Oct 1708', followed by lists of areas of jurisdiction with their departmental officers. (14 leaves. 11" x 8½").
  3. Incomplete manuscript index to the volume, which is paginated throughout in manuscript. (6 leaves. 11" x 8½").
Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 588 · c1611-1639

Manuscript volume lettered 'Memoire de Finance' containing two works written in the same hand, probably mid 17th century, and attributed by an inscription on the fly-leaf to Charles de Marillac, Archbishop of Vienne (c 1510-1560) and his nephew, Michel de Marillac (1563-1632). The first section of the volume comprises three Gallican tracts, namely 'De patrimonio ecclesie', in Latin and French (latest date mentioned is 1646), arguing that secular patronage was the source of ecclesiastical wealth; 'Cura et authoritas in his quae pertinent ad fidem', defending control of the church by the Chritian prince, with much reference to the early church; and 'La Jurisdiction en generale est un pouvoir et autorite publique', arguing that independent ecclesiastical jurisdiction was confined to spiritual matters, citing papal and royal legislation up to 1639.
The second part of the manuscript contains a treatise entitled 'Du Conseil du Roy', in French and dated to [1611], being a discussion of the personnel, functions and rules of the King's Council (begins on folio 110 + 2, latest date 1629).
The attribution to the Marillacs is made in a later hand than that of the main text.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 591 · [1528]

Manuscript extracts from 'le plus ancien registre qui se trouve au grand Conseil du Roy [lequel] commence [au] dernier jour du mois d'octobre 1483 & finissant le 7e jour de fevrier 1527', possibly written in 1528.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 592 · 13th century-14th century

Five fragments of Latin mediaeval manuscripts, formerly pastedowns, details as follows:

  1. Fragment of a leaf containing part of a legal tract entitled Judicium Essoniorum relating to the procedure at assizes, dating from the 13th century. The text has variants and is in places abbreviated from that printed in G.E. Woodbine Four thirteenth century law tracts (New Haven, 1910). The text corresponds to the pp 119-20 of Woodbine's edition, where the composition of the work is attributed to Ralf de Hengham and the date of the composition put at 1267-1275.
  2. and 3. Two consecutive leaves containing extracts from Part II of Gratian's Decretum, comprising Causa XXVI, quest. VII 16, to Causa XXVII, quest. I 19, on penance and the marriage of those who had sworn chastity. There is a glossary in a different hand and ink, with each section preceded by a symbol corresponding to one in the text. The leaves are possibly Italian and 14th century.
  3. Leaf, foliated 109, in a late 14th century hand, containing part of Lib. XLII, 8, 1-10, of the Digestum Novum, relating to restitution to deceived creditors. With a glossary and marginal and interlineal annotations in several 13th-14th century hands. The fragment is probably English.
  4. Fragment from the head of a bifolium, containing part of a commentary on Aristotle's De Anima Book III, heavily glossed and annotated in several 13th century hands. The fragment is probably English and early 13th century.
Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 594 · c1500

Manuscript volume containing mathematical calculations tables, accounts and sketches, with notes in Italian, c1500.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 610 · [1609] or [1625-1638]

Two paper leaves, formerly pastedowns and much mutilated, relating to Scottish religion. The date of the fragments is uncertain, and Professor Gordon Donaldson of the University of Edinburgh, who examined these two fragments in Jan 1965, inclined to a date in the 1630s for both items - his opinion is contained in a letter now accompanying MS 610.
The first fragment is part of a letter from 'your disciples & se[rvants?] to suffer with you: EL, AD [Andrew Duncan?], IC [Isaac Casaubon?], et cet.', which may have been written to Andrew Melville while he was imprisoned in England, which would date the documents to c 1609. Donaldson states that the text makes reference to what seems to be the Act of Revocation of 1625 and could relate to the opposition of Scottish Presbyterians to Charles I in that year.
The second fragment is part of a draft of a petition from Scotland against the attempt to re-establish episcopacy in Scotland, c 1609. Donaldson's view is that the terminology used associates it with the National Covenant of 1638.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 611 · 1800-1801, 1831

Two papers, each in a different hand, containing observations on the price of wheat and flour and its effect upon the price of bread, with reasons given for the fluctuations and suggestions for dealing with them, with particular reference to London, [1800-1801]. The items are enclosed in a wrapper, possibly sent by J. Williams (maybe the MP for Winchelsea), addressed to Admiral Sir Michael Seymour, Bt, Commissioner of H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth, dated and franked 14 Dec 1831.

Zonder titel
Ferguson, John
GB 0096 MS 616 · 1807-1827

Account books, 1807-1827, of John Ferguson's textile manufacturing company, Robert Ferguson & Son.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 MS 618 · [1860-1865]

Manuscript volume concerning the fraudulent activities of maltsters and distillers, [1860], including tables of inspections made by postmasters in Kingston and Surbiton Common, London, from 1838 to 1844, investigating frauds by distillers, with reports on hypothetical cases of fraud, one dated 1861, and what appear to be copies of answers to examination questions. This section includes printed Regulations respecting the entry of premises subject to the survey of the excise (Excise Office, London, 1835). Inserted are a number of loose sheets, 1859-1865, including a lists of examination questions on the control of disilleries which were set in an examination at Somerset House, notes on duties and law relating to the Excise, as well as a letter from J Williams dated 31 Jan 1863 and giving 'the particulars of the late examination'.

Zonder titel
Antiphoner (French)
GB 0096 MS 619 · 13th Century-14th century

Fragment of a leaf from an antiphoner, formerly a fly-leaf in a binding, containing part of the common of a martyr. The fragment was written in north-east France in the 13th or 14th century.

Zonder titel
Account book, Norfolk farm
GB 0096 MS 621 · 1820-1829, 1842-1845

Incomplete farm account book relating to a farm at Calthorpe, Norfolk, kept by an unidentified tenant famer, who also had a farmhouse at Aylsham. The account book gives details of crops and acreage planted between 1820 and 1827, and accounts of receipts and expenses from 1 Nov 1820 to 15 Aug 1829, which show that the farmer sold mostly cereals, eggs and butter, mainly at Erpingham market. There are also notes relating chiefly to the harvest of cereals in 1843 with 'Pegg's Pig Account' for 1834, a list of fields totalling 25 acres headed 'Glebe', and a note of the assessment of Calthorpe for the poor rate in 1842.

Zonder titel
Edinburgh poor relief papers
GB 0096 MS 629 · [1750-1754]

Collection of transcripts, all written in the same hand in [1750], of papers relating chiefly to the administration of poor relief and vagrancy in Edinburgh from 1594-1750, including an Act to impose stent of £500 p.a. for 3 years for cleansing the town, 1687; a 'Report from the committee of the lords appointed to consider the proper method for providing the poor', 1731; an Act of Sederunt imposing stent for 2% on members of the College of Justice for the maintenance of the poor, 1732; a contract between the Council of Edinburgh and the Kirk Sessions for the upkeep of 'a large hospitall or work house... for the more regular maintenance and employment of the whole poor of', 1740; a confirmation of the erection of 'the burgh of the Canongate', 1594; an Act in favour of 'the burgh of Edinburgh anent the annuity' 1661; a report of the 'annexation of the lands and annualls mortifyed to the ministers and hospital of Edinburgh', undated; and a report of the Lords of Council and Session on method for support and maintenance of the begging poor in the charity work house, 1749. There are also additions of 1752 and 1754, the latter being the estimate of the expense of the City Guard for 1745-1746.

Zonder titel
Moorcroft, William
GB 0096 MS 630 · 1822-1823

A volume entitled Notes on subjects connected with agriculture, from W. Moorcroft, Kashmeer, 1823, addressed to the Secretary of the Board of Agriculture.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL116 · Archief · 1791

Letter from Sir Benjamin Thompson of Munich to Lord Sheffield [John Baker Holroyd, 1st Earl of Sheffield], 18 Nov 1791. Describing the condition and people of Bavaria. Speaking of the Elector's troops: '... I know of no Troops that are so well and so comfortably clothed as ours, both for Summer and Winter ...'. Giving details of the crops, minerals and commerce of Bavaria. 'It would be difficult,'he writes, 'to convey to your Lordship an adequate idea of the Ignorance, Superstition and corruption which pervade and darken every part of this neglected Country.' Says that the clergy and nobility hold a monopoly of the beer in Bavaria: '... which is the great source of their riches, and on that account Drunkenness must be encouraged.'

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL117 · Archief · 1848

Letter from Thomas Perronet Thompson of Blackheath, [Kent] to George Pryme, Esq of Wiston, near Huntingdon, 19 Mar 1848. 'For the first time I appear to have got under the fallacy about a paper circulation based on all the land in the country. I just now perceive this included in the latest manifesto of Robert Owen.'

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
Wakefield, Gilbert: letter
GB 0096 AL118 · Archief · 1799

Letter from Gilbert Wakefield of Dorchester Gaol to George Dyer of Clifford's Inn, Fleet Street, 2 Jul 1799. Thanking him for his 'fraternal solicitude'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
Henley, William Ernest: card
GB 0096 AL122 · Archief · 1899

Letter from William Ernest Henley of St George's Lodge, Worthing, [Sussex] to Matthew Cripps, Esq, 17 Dec 1899. 'I fear I cannot help you, as I remember nothing about either of the matters with which you are concerned.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL128 · Archief · [1830-1844]

Fragments of 5 letters from Thomas Campbell, of which 3 were written to Cyrus Redding, [1830-1844]. Including one wrapper with a seal.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL130 · Archief · 1843

Letter from Sir Robert Peel of Whitehall to Andrew Rankin, Esq of Glasgow, 10 May 1843. Acknowledging receipt of a letter regarding the removal of import duties on cotton wool.

Written in another hand and signed by Peel. With the original sealed envelope bearing Peel's coat of arms.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL144 · Archief · 1813

Letter from John Russell of Hamilton Place to [the Earl of Sheffield], 21 May 1813. Accompanying a copy of [George Sinclair's] Account of experiments on the produce and nutritive qualities of different grasses and other plants, instituted by the Duke and conducted with the assistance of Humphrey Davy.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL148 · Archief · [1850]

Forged letter pertaining to be from William Makepeace Thackery to an unknown recipient, [1850]. 'When I said that I could do no more for you for the present I meant it literally: I never once said it as a simple excuse... When I find that your views on hard work are different I may perhaps have something to say to you. Believe me a lazy life is a curse to any man.

Written and signed in an unknown hand, as if by Thackeray.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL149 · Archief · 1562

Letter from Emperor Ferdinand I of Prague to the Judge and Councillor of Enns, 10 May 1562. Refusing a petition, sent by his son Maximilian, for the closing down of a church.

Written in another hand and signed by the Emperor.

Zonder titel
Burnett, John: letter, 1889
GB 0096 AL15 · Archief · 1889

Letter from John Burnett of the Board of Trade to Professor H S Foxwell, 11 Nov 1889. 'There can be little doubt that there were trade combinations in existing [sic] very early in the eighteenth century'.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL156 · Archief · [1809]-1863

10 letters from Henry Peter Brougham to various correspondents, [1809]-1863. Including an admission slip to the House of Lords, 1854. Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL16 · Archief · 1859

Letter from William Benjamin Carpenter of University of London, Burlington House, London to Augustus De Morgan, 24 Oct 1859. Referring to the possibility of examination papers being seen surreptitiously before the examination. On the question of 'cramming' he doubts 'the possibility of destroying it by any method of Examination. I believe, however, that a viva voce Examn. would furnish the best antidote to it.'

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL160 · Archief · c1870-1884

Letters sent and received by Mrs Sophia De Morgan, c 1870-1884. Correspondents include Charles Tomlinson and Professor Alexander Bain.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL161 · Archief · 1912

Letter from Francis Albert Rollo Russell of Steep, Petersfield, Hampshire to [William Frend De Morgan], 12 Nov 1912. Enclosing a printed copy of a letter from Garibaldi to De Morgan which praises Lord John Russell [Rollo Russell's father], and asking for confirmation of its correctness.

Autograph, with signature.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL165 · Archief · 1931

Letter from Herbert George Wells of 47 Chiltern Court, Clarence Gate, London to D Wylie King [Mining Editor of the Financial Times] of The Close, Draycott Avenue, Kenton, Middlesex. Relating to Wells's use of King's phrase 'world audit' in The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind (1931).

Autograph, with signature.

With a typescript envelope (stamp torn away) and an undated cutting [probably contemporary with the letter] about The Work, Wealth and Happiness of Mankind.

Zonder titel
GB 0096 AL168 · Archief · 1854

Letter from Henry Crabb Robinson of 30 Russell Square, [London] to T G Osler, 28 Jun 1854. Regarding a Cambridge meeting of the Archaeological Institute; indicating his trust in the judgement of Osler and others over a decision to be made in his absence.

Autograph, with signature.

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GB 0096 AL170 · Archief · 1807-1820

4 letters from Henry Peter Brougham to Richard Sharp MP, 1807-1820. Relating to political topics. All letters are autograph, with signatures.

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Ruskin, John: letter
GB 0096 AL171 · Archief · [c1864]

Letter from John Ruskin of Denmark Hill to an unnamed correspondent, 29 Mar [1864]. Recalling the gracious reception he had once been accorded at Bradford [Mar 1859], thanking him for his compliments and for an invitation to lecture there again [Apr 1864]: 'I can't say pretty things any more...If you will let me say a few simple things in a quiet way I'll come, if my health permits me ...' Autograph, with signature. Written on black-edged paper [Ruskin's father died on 3 Mar 1864].

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