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Holroyd, John Baker
GB 0096 AL346 · Fondo · 1802

Letter, May 1 1802 addressed to the Rt Hon William Wickham, Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whitehall. 'Lord Sheffield has caused the tracts sent herewith relative to Ireland to be bound together with the wish they may be usefull (sic) in respect to reference to Mr. Wickham. The first gives details of the state, manufactures & commerce of Ireland to the year 1785. The speech on union continues those details to the present times and the observations on the export of wool to Ireland shews the state of the woollen manufacture in both countries'. Autograph, unsigned.

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GB 0096 AL358 · Fondo · 1915

(1) Address: Ritz Hotel, Piccadilly. From Glyn to Lord Northcliffe. 'You were kind enough to say that I might let you know when I was again going to cast a fly over the Fleet river! Well on 14th I am publishing a little set of papers called 'Three Things' ... there is an argument in the first paper on marriage which I feel sure you, and all men, will agree with me about! Just as I know all women will be enraged at it!' (8 October 1915). Autograph, with signature.

(2) No address. Carbon copy of Northcliffe's reply. 'I will see that the book is dealt with in "The Times" and the "Daily Mail" ...' (12 October 1915). Typescript, unsigned.

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Cobden, Richard: letter, 19 Dec 1845
GB 0096 AL36 · Fondo · 1845

Letter from Richard Cobden of Manchester to F Buloz, Esq, Paris, 19 Dec 1845. Answering Buloz's request for a collection of the National Anti-Corn Law League's publications for an article in the Revue des Deux Mondes. Cobden explains that 'no complete collection of [tracts, articles, pamphlets and advertisements] has been preserved - Nor has there been any history of the League written in England.' He promises to give full information and 'copies of all our publications which are preserved' to a visitor 'if recommended by you'. He recommends Bastiat's Cobden et la Ligue [printed by Senlis, Paris, 1845]. 'I may also add the Monsr Fonteyrand ... paid us a visit here a few weeks ago to whom I explained the machinery of our organisation ... I am not sure that he would feel at liberty to assist in furnishing an article for your publication - But he is more competent than any other person in France to do it correctly - At all events, I wish you would see him ... and say that I shall be obliged if he will allow you to have access to the publications which I gave him and afford you all facilities in his power for preparing a description of the League ...'.

Autograph, with signature.

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GB 0096 AL362 · Fondo · 1937-1957

14 letters from Sean O'Casey to Peter Newmark, May 1937- Dec 1957. Topics covered include: literary critics and criticism; the Communist Party; the Roman Catholic Church; plays and playwrights; and the writing of O'Casey's works and their publication and performance in Britain, Ireland and the USA. Individuals mentioned include: James Evershed Agate, Samuel Beckett, Ugo Betti, T S Eliot, Jean Giraudoux, Eugène Ionesco, Eugene O'Neill, George Orwell, John Osborne, Terence Rattigan, Jean-Paul Sartre, and W B Yeats.

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Beach, Sir Michael Edward Hicks: letter
GB 0096 AL365 · Fondo · 1898

Letter from Sir Michael Edward Hicks Beach of 11 Downing Street, Whitehall, London to Dr Swayne [?Walter Carless Swayne], 18 Mar 1898. 'I cannot say that I have any special knowledge of the matters that are proposed to be dealt with by the London University Bill. But the Bill has been introduced by the Duke of Devonshire, as the head of the Department which is concerned with it, on behalf of the Government I cannot do anything in opposition to my colleague. I will, however, take steps to bring your views under his consideration ...'. Autograph, with signature.

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GB 0096 AL368 · Fondo · [1894-1967]

(i) 5 letters from Herbert George Wells to Stephen and Nell Hunter, [1894-1910]. Topics covered include illustrations and Isabel Wells, Wells's first wife. All items are autograph and 4 are signed; the signature from one has been cut away.

(ii) Letter from Jack Stephen to Professor George Philip Wells (son of H G Wells) of the Department of Zoology, University of London, 19 Mar 1967. Forwarding H G Wells's correspondence. Typescript, with signature.

(iii) Letter from H G Wells to [D T] Richnell of University of London Library, 4 Nov 1967. Forwarding the above letters as a gift to the library. Autograph, with signature.

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King, John: letter (1799)
GB 0096 AL372 · Fondo · 1799

Letter from John King of Whitehall to William Fawkener, Esq, 9 Nov 1799. Covering letter stating that the Duke of Portland [Home Secretary] had referred a petition on Irish oat and bean exports to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland [Charles Cornwallis]. Enclosing a copy [missing] of Cornwallis's letter on the subject, sent 'for the information of the Lords of His Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council'.

[Written in another hand and] signed by John King. Endorsed: 'Letter from Mr. King transmitting Copy Letter from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, upon the subject of the petition of the proprietors of mail coaches, praying that the exportation of oats and beans from Ireland may be allowed in favour of Great Britain only'; endorsement dated 20 Nov 1799.

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Frankland, Richard: letter
GB 0096 AL373 · Fondo · 1810

Letter from Richard Frankland, Overseer of the Poor, of Hawes, [North Riding of Yorkshire] to the Overseer of the Poor in Darlington. Stating the cost of maintaining Isabella Scafe for 20 weeks at 3s per week and Elizabeth Harrison for 23 weeks as 1s 6d per week; asking for an extra shilling per weeks for Isabella, who 'still continues very poorly and is confined too [sic] her bed ... she has a very bad cough and is not likely for getting better ... please send the money as soon as possible'.

Autograph, with signature. A note written in another hand beside the figure of £4 14s 6d reads 'Amt sent p[er] T. Craddock' (18 October 1810).

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Geary, N: letter (1815)
GB 0096 AL375 · Fondo · 1815

Letter from N Geary of Fareham, [Hampshire] to Mr Gunner, Waltham, Hampshire, 14 Jan 1815. Asking Gunner to remind the magistrates of the Droxford Bench that they were to inspect the public roads over the Forest of Bere, which Geary had made 'remarkably good'; but since 'the whole of the public money is expended, and the roads are getting bad', he asks the magistrates either to discharge him, or give 'assistance and support without which it will be impossible for me to proceed without much injury to the parishes, and disgrace to myself ...'.

Autograph, with signature. Some pencilled queries in another hand appear on the dorse, e.g. 'Does it lega[ll]y come before us?'

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Bentham, Mrs: letters
GB 0096 AL376 · Fondo · 1816-1818

3 letters from Mrs Bentham of Ryde, [Isle of Wight], 3 letters to Richard Wilson, Esq, of 47 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, 1816-1818. Enquiring about payments of money to her as she has very little, and her rheumatism is the cause of heavy expenditure on doctors' bills; the doctor had charged 10s 6d a visit and had advised her to move to Bath rather than risk another winter on the Isle of Wight. She had received a quarterly payment of £25 from a Charles Bacon, withdrawn for the year 1817-1818. Enquiring about payment from Mr Bentham [?her husband], to be arranged through Sir James Graham, and about money owing to her from 3 shilling stock, for which she has apparently waited 10 years. Autograph, with signature.

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Ross, William: letters (1840)
GB 0096 AL379 · Fondo · 1840

(1) Letter from William Ross of Charing Cross, [London] to David Thomson, Esq, of Edinburgh, 28 Apr 1840. (2) Letter from William Ross of Dibden, [Hampshire] to David Thomson, Esq, of Edinburgh, 27 May 1840.Both letters concern the claim of a brother and sister, Mr and Miss Wilkinshaw, to an estate occupied by a Mr Dow, whose own claim on the estate had not been satisfied. Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL381 · Fondo · 1840

Letter from James Mann of Linton Park, [Kent] to an unknown recipient, 23 Nov 1840. Discussing soup and coal subscriptions for the poor of Cranbrook, Kent, who were suffering from the failure of the hops; promising to continue the subscription given by his recently deceased [second] wife [died 3 Aug 1840].

Autograph, with signature. On mourning paper.

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GB 0096 AL385 · Fondo · [1661-1678]

Letter from Hugh Hamilton to an unknown recipient, [c1661-1678]. 'Richt Honorabill, your lords[hip] was pleased to remembir his mgisty of his promeissing me on prays [prize] schip and to deseyr me to seick out the naim of on ...'. Hamilton had found the officers unwilling to give him information, sent an express to Plymouth, and so discovered that the 'Toun of [?]Dantzicke', a 260-ton ship carrying French salt, was to be sold on 8 May. Asking his correspondent to speak to the King [Charles II], so that he 'may gett his warren [warrant] for the forsaid schip with all furniter and tackling', and the correpsondent is to say that 'hir ladning of frensch salt is of no considerebill walleu [value]'. He should consider it a great favour and obligation from his correspondent if the king would 'bestou ye schip and ladning upon me ...'.

Autograph, with signature: 'Heugh Glenauly'.

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Colbert, Jean-Baptiste: letter (1683)
GB 0096 AL39 · Fondo · 1683

Letter from Jean-Baptiste Colbert of Versailles, [France] to M Daguesseau, 1 Jan 1683. Promoting the manufacturers of Saptes and Clermont in France, and their exports to the Levant.

With autograph signature.

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GB 0096 AL390 · Fondo · 1803

Letter from Peter Dolland of London to an unknown recipient, 20 Aug 1803. Discussing an order given for instruments, including compasses, ivory scales, and 'the case of drawing instruments which you desire in every particular to be very good and yet you seem to expect the price to be very low'. Mentioning alternative types and prices of some instruments.

Autograph, signed 'P. & J. Dollond'.

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Haley, Charles: letter (1818)
GB 0096 AL394 · Fondo · 1818

Letter from Charles Haley of London to Mr Whitaker [possibly John William Whittaker, scholar and Anglican clergyman, then a fellow of the College], St John's College, Cambridge, 8 Dec 1818. Discussing a watch ordered by Whitaker, asking whether he would prefer it in silver or in gold; gold would cost 12 or 13 guineas more. Haley intends to put on the crest, 'but rather delicate that it may not injure the case by taking it out, yet it shall look well'.

Autograph, with signature.

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Galloway, Alexander: letter (1824)
GB 0096 AL396 · Fondo · 1824

Letter from Alexander Galloway of West Street, [London] to Mr Applegarth, Stamford Street [recipient's name and address added in a different hand], 9 Jul 1824. He has received the letter about a press to mark Bath paper. Stating that he will engrave the seal to any design. The japanned press would cost £8 10s, the bright one £9, independent of the die.

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL397 · Fondo · 1824

Letter from John Thornton Leslie-Melville of Old Broad Street, [London] to J D Powles, 10 Dec 1824. Stating that he does not wish to injure the market, but at the same time wishes Powles to sell 100 more of his (Melville's) Colombian mine shares at the first favorable opportunity, as his broker says that 50 shares had been sold that morning at £19 10s.

Autograph, with signature.

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Taylor, John: letter, 5 Jul 1837
GB 0096 AL404 · Fondo · 1837

Letter from John Taylor of London to Richard Taylor, Esq [probably the writer's son or brother], 5 Jul 1837. 'The bearers Messrs. [Gabriel] Daubrée and Sentis have studied at the Ecole des Mines at Paris and are strongly recommended by Messrs. [François] Arago and Combes. I have furnished them with introductions to some of our agents, but if you will give them further advice and assistance in Cornwall I shall be obliged to you.'

Autograph, with signature.

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Walker, John: letter
GB 0096 AL407 · Fondo · 1841

Letter from John Walker to James Simpson, Esq, engineer at the Chelsea Water Works, 10 Mar 1841. Apologising for being unable to get away until 1 o'clock; he has a bridge meeting to attend at 12 o'clock.

Autograph, with signature. [The year 1841 and the recipient's name and address have been added in another hand.]

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Lakeman, S C: letter (1847)
GB 0096 AL412 · Fondo · 1847

Letter from S C Lakeman of 25 Place Vendôme, Paris to Monsieur Legrand, Sous Secretaire d'État aux Travaux Publics à Paris, 12 Jan 1847. Wishing to submit observations on the floating breakwater to La Ciotat, [Bouches-du-Rhône] and requests an audience for this purpose.

Autograph, with signature. An additional note gives the time and date of the audience as 11 am, Saturday 16 Jan [1847].

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Shaw, E: letter (1888)
GB 0096 AL421 · Fondo · 1888

Letter from E Shaw of the Derwentwater Hotel, Portincasle, Keswick, [Cumberland] to 'Tom', 25 Sep 1888. Shaw's party had dined at the hotel and were obliged to stay there for a week as they could find no suitable lodgings. They had taken up the Hampsons on the way.

Autograph, with signature. On headed paper, bearing an engraved view of the hotel.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL424 · Fondo · [1883-1884]

Letter from Thoomas Algernon Dorien-Smith of Tresco Abbey, Isles of Scilly, Cornwall to James Hooper, 28 Dec [1883-1884]. Intending to send flowers by the next mail. Discussing the demerits of the parcel post for the flower trade's deliveries. The islands are suitable for growing flowers, espcially narcissi, but strong winds prevent fruit-growing.

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL426 · Fondo · 1912

Letter from William Henry Grenfell of 30 Bruton Street, London [the printed letter-head 'Carlton Club' has been struck through] to [Edward] Marston, 26 Jun 1912. Relating to Marston's query about the origin of the Port of London Authority regulations for fishing.

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL427 · Fondo · 1918-1919

(1) Letter from William Hesketh Lever, Lord Leverhulme, of The Hill, Hampstead Heath, North End, London to A B Cooper, 34b Earlsfield Road, Wandsworth Common, London, 23 Apr 1918. In reply to a letter of 19 Apr. 'In my opinion the greatest discovery of the twentieth century has been that making war on peaceful neighbours does not pay ... We are greatly indebted to Mr. Norman Angell for being the first to call attention to this great fact ...'.

(2) Letter from William Hesketh Lever, Lord Leverhulme, of Port Sunlight, Cheshire to C D Melville, Meole Hall, Shrewsbury, 10 Jul 1919. Declining a request to study fish curing and canning in Stornaway [Isle of Lewis], as the developments are proceeding slowly, and the proposed works far from completion.

Both letters signed by Lord Leverhulme.

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Cooper, Thomas: letter (1855)
GB 0096 AL43 · Fondo · 1855

Letter from Thomas Cooper of 10 Devonshire Place, Stoke Newington Green, Middlesex to Edward Smith, 30 Jan 1855. 'I can do no more than sympathise with you - for I am sometimes at my wits end to know how the week's bread is to [be] purchased.'

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL430 · Fondo · 1762

Letter from John Proby of Hill Street to [George Montagu Dunk, Earl of Halifax, then First Lord of the Admiralty], 19 Nov 1762. Seeking an appointment to the board of the Admiralty.

Autograph, with signature. Endorsed in another hand: 'Ans. 20 [Nov] 1762'.

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Hunter & Co: letter (1822)
GB 0096 AL433 · Fondo · 1822

Letter from Hunter and Co, Bank Office of Ayr, [Ayrshire, Scotland] to Ebenezer Gilchrist, Esq of British Linen Company Bank, Edinburgh, 13 May 1822. Relating to business topics.

With signature.

Notes in the hand of Professor H S Foxwell are filed with the letter.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL438 · Fondo · [1763]-1925

Bound volume containing approximately 100 letters and other miscellaneous writings, c 1763-1925, comprising copies of poems; newspaper cuttings; cuttings from booksellers' catalogues and biographical dictionaries; handwritten notes; and engraved and photographic portraits. The following items have been inserted at the front of the volume: 4 newspaper cuttings; catalogue number 46 of P J and A E Dobell, booksellers (Jul 1925); and the address portions of 2 envelopes, 1837-1838.

The majority of the correspondents are poets, authors, academics or clergymen, mainly from the 19th century. Letter-writers include the following: Charles Hamilton Aidé; Archibald Alison (later Sir Archibald); Edwin Atherstone; James Atlay, Bishop of Hereford; Shute Barrington, Bishop of Durham; Peter Bayne (Ellis Brandt); Arthur Christopher Benson; Rev Edward Bickersteth (?Dean of Lichfield); Robert Bickersteth, Bishop of Ripon; Professor John Stuart Blackie; Professor John James Blunt; Thomas George Bonney; Oscar Browning; Edward Capern; Edward Daniel Clarke; George Edward Lynch Cotton, Bishop of Calcutta; Charles Henry Olive Daniel; John Disney; John Douglas, Bishop of Carlisle; Reverend Henry Drury; Robert John Eden, Lord Auckland, Bishop of Bath and Wells; Rev John Wogan Festing, Bishop of St Albans; Rev James Fleming; Francis Fulford, Bishop of Montreal; William Nugent Glascock; Rev Sabine Baring-Gould; Eugene Jacob Lee-Hamilton; William Hayley; Charles Harold Herford; John Hoole; William Howitt; William Jerdan; Augustus Jessopp; Edmund Keene, Bishop of Chester; Charles Mackay; Halford John Mackinder (later Sir Halford); John Richard Magrath; Herbert Marsh, Bishop of Peterborough; Thomas Gerald Massey; Hugh Boyd McNeile, Dean of Ripon; John Miller Dow Meiklejohn; Rev Charles Merivale, Dean of Ely; Rev Frederick Brotherton Meyer; Richard Monckton Milnes (later Lord Houghton); Rev John Murray Mitchell; William Mitford; James Montgomery; Robert Montgomery; Thomas Moore; Rev John Morison; John Henry Muirhead; Professor Friedrich Max Müller; the Hon Roden Berkeley Wriothesley Noel; Charles Evelyn Pierrepont, Viscount Newark; Professor James Pillans; Sir Lyon Playfair (later Lord Playfair); Professor Richard Potter; John Critchley Prince; John Edmund Reade; William Stewart Rose; John Towill Rutt; Anna Seward (the 'Swan of Lichfield'); Mary Montgomerie Singleton (Violet Fane, afterwards Lady Currie); William Skinner, Bishop of Aberdeen; George Barnett Smith (Guy Roslyn); Robert Payne Smith, Dean of Canterbury; Robert Southey; Charles Swain; Sir Henry Taylor; John Timbs; Sir George Pretyman Tomline, Bishop of Winchester; Rev Henry Baker Tristram; John Matthias Turner, Bishop of Calcutta; Patrick Fraser Tytler; Aubrey Thomas de Vere; Paul Gavrilovitch Vinogradoff (later Sir Paul); Edwin Waugh; Gerald Valerian Wellesley, Dean of Windsor; Stanley John Weyman; Joseph Blanco White; Jeremiah Holmes Wiffen; Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta; Rev Christopher Wordsworth (later Bishop of Lincoln); and William Aldis Wright. Many of the letters are autograph and bear signatures.

Some of the letters were purchased or solicited from their writers or owners by one Thomas Hutchinson, who may also have compiled the whole volume.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL452 · Fondo · 1923

Letter from Stephen Harry Skillington of 20 Victoria Park Road, Leicester to [Alexander Hamilton] Thompson, 21 Nov 1923. Covering letter enclosing a copy of Skillington's book [A History of Leicester (1923)]; also discussing Skillington's health, etc.

Autograph, with signature.

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Bethge, Eberhard: letter
GB 0096 AL457 · Fondo · 1955

Letter from Eberhard Bethge to [G K A Bell, Bishop of Chichester], 2 Feb 1955. Covering note enclosing a copy of T Heuss et al Bekenntnis und Verpflichtung (1955) and 'the small bible study of Dietrich just appeared'.
Autograph, with signature.

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Palfrey, Harry E: letter (1929)
GB 0096 AL458 · Fondo · 1929

Letter from Harry Evers Palfrey of The Beeches, Penn, Staffordshire to [Gervase Disney Alexander] Lord Cobham, 23 Mar 1929. Mainly discussing topographical and genealogical books.

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL466 · Fondo · 1867

(1) Letter from David Mather Masson of the Garrick Club to Augustus De Morgan, 13 Jun 1867. Discussing Thomas Carlyle's mathematical work.

(2) Letter from Thomas Carlyle of Chelsea to [De Morgan], 19 Jun 1867. Discussing Carlyle's translation of A M Legendre's Eléments de géométrie and the 'the Galbraith legend' [that a Mr Galbraith was the translator of Legendre's work].

Both letters are autograph, with signatures.

Sin título
Thompson, William: letter, 1841
GB 0096 AL471 · Fondo · 1841

Letter from William Thompson of Bay View Cottage, near Swansea to his cousin William Thompson, Seymour Place, Bristol Road, Birmingham, 28 Sep 1841. Concerning 'what situation I could place Richard in' and news of 'our Friend Vansittart'. Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
Wood, John: letter (1830)
GB 0096 AL473 · Fondo · 1830

Letter from John Wood to Richard Oastler via the Post Office, Leeds, Yorkshire [redirected from Foxley Hall, Huddersfield], Nov 1830. 'I send you this as proof of the general disposition to meet the question. The signatures annexed include almost every Bradford Spinner ...'.

Autograph, with signature. Written on the dorse of a poster advertising a meeting of Bradford worsted spinners on 22 Nov 1830, with the aim of improving working conditions; the poster is folded in half, with the direction and postmarks on one leaf and the content of the letter on the other.

Sin título
Fetch, Joseph Deacon: letter (1870)
GB 0096 AL477 · Fondo · 1870

Letter from Joseph Deacon Fetch of Cambridge [District Poor Law] Union, Cambridge to [Edward Brent] Prest, [auditor for the Union], 6 Jul 1870. Asking for an opinion on the legality, if they appeared in the accounts of the [Board] of Guardians, of pecuniary awards made for the apprehension of men that had abandoned their families. 'At the present time there are not less than seven men in the Borough Gaol convicted as Rogues & Vagabonds for deserting their families'.

Written in another hand and signed by Fetch.

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Clavering, E: letter (1752)
GB 0096 AL484 · Fondo · 1752

Letter from E Clavering of Newcastle upon Tyne to Mrs Dorothy Fenwick, [Nether] Burows, Kirkby Lonsdale, Westmorland, 23 Feb 1752. Containing news about friends and relations.

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
Hardy, Peter: letter (1851)
GB 0096 AL492 · Fondo · 1851

Letter from Peter Hardy of London Assurance to Augustus De Morgan, 25 Jul 1851. Apologising for the delay in replying to a question about 'Jamieson's papers'; sends a 'trifling paper' On the values of annuities read before the Institute of Actuaries on 25 Nov 1850.

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
Woolf, Virginia: letter
GB 0096 AL493 · Fondo · [1924]

Fragment of a letter from Virginia Woolf to an unknown recipient, [1924]. 'We [?Virginia and Leonard Woolf] are here [?in London] till October ... I'm so sorry about Lady Colvin' [?a reference to the death of Frances Colvin, the wife of Sir Sidney Colvin on 1 Aug 1924].

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL494 · Fondo · 1869

Letter from William Benjamin Carpenter of the University of London, Burlington House, London to Edward Walford, 29 Mar 1869. Concerning Walford's application for the Examinership in Classics.

Autograph, with signature.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL5 · Fondo · 1730-1732

6 letters from the Billingsleys to the [6th] Earl of Westmorland, mainly concerning coinage and the debts of Case Billingsley.

Sin título
Owen, Robert: letter, 24 Oct 1814
GB 0096 AL506 · Fondo · 1814

Letter from Robert Owen of Braxfield, [Lanarkshire] to 'the London Partners in the firm of Robert Owen and Co', 24 Oct 1814. Sending monthly accounts [missing]. Attributing poor trading in cotton to political instability in Europe; explains that unprofitable sales in Russia must continue until the market improves so that the mills [at New Lanark] can be kept working.

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Brougham, Henry Peter: letter, [1846]
GB 0096 AL507 · Fondo · [1846]

Letter from Henry Peter Brougham to [Augustus] De Morgan, [1846]. Asking to be sent 'the best solution you got yesterday of your 8th question, line 1, page 2'.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL509 · Fondo · 1859

Letter from William Humphries Budden of Newcastle upon Tyne to Charles Manby, 28 Oct 1859. 'I am glad you are going to write a memoir of our dear Chief'.

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Mackenzie, Peter: letter
GB 0096 AL511 · Fondo · 1834

Letter from Peter Mackenzie of Glasgow to Joseph Hume, 8 Jan 1834. Returning the 'Major's portrait'. Sends Hume volumes [2 and 3] of the Reformers' Gazette.

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Warburton, Henry: letter (1821)
GB 0096 AL512 · Fondo · 1821

Letter from Henry Warburton to Francis Place, 27 Apr 1821. Discussing the bill on usury laws and asks Place to find 'small tradesmen' who support the bill to give evidence before the House of Lords Committee which the government has undertaken to consider their reform.

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Stephenson, Robert: letter
GB 0096 AL515 · Fondo · 1845

Letter from Robert Stephenson of 24 Great George Street, [London] to Edward Ackroyd, 28 Jun 1845. Concerning the importance of good gradients and the 'engineering of the West Yorkshire [railways]'.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL519 · Fondo · 1870

Letter from William Collingwood Smith of Wyndam Lodge, Brixton Hill, London [the printed address of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, Pall Mall East, London SW, has been struck through] to Augustus De Morgan, 8 Dec 1870. Asking him to assess the depreciation in the Society's assets.

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Le Roy, V: letter (1945)
GB 0096 AL526 · Fondo · 1945

Letter from V Le Roy of 8g, Boulevard Halesherbes VIII to an unknown recipient, 23 Jun 1945. Concerning documents relating to Georges Bizet's father's family.

Sin título
GB 0096 AL528 · Fondo · 1968

Letter from Hermione Knox of Ranfurly Library Service Ltd, 18 Carlton House Terrace, London to Dr J H P Pafford, 22 Feb 1968. Concerning Dr Pafford's help to the Ranfurly Library Service.

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