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GB 0096 AL529 · Fonds · [1941-1967]

Letter from John Edward Masefield to the 'Bookmen of the United States of America', [1941-1967]. Introducing Mr Edmond Segrave, editor of The Bookseller, representing the National Book League.

Sans titre
Dalyell, Tam: letter
GB 0096 AL530 · Fonds · 1994

Letter from Sit Thomas (Tam) Dalyell of the House of Commons to Bill Simpson, University of London Librarian, 16 Jan 1994. Presenting a copy of Dalyell's book Dick Crossman: a portrait (1989) to the University of London Library.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL533 · Fonds · [1936]

Letter from David Edward Alexander Lindsay (Earl of Crawford and Earl of Balcarres) of 7 Audley Square, London to Lord Macmillan [Hugh Pattison Macmillan], [1936]. Discussing Jean-Jacques Brousson's Itinérarire de Paris à Buenos Ayres (1936).

Sans titre
Greenwood, Joseph Gouge: letter
GB 0096 AL54 · Fonds · 1860

Letter from Joseph Gouge Greenwood of Owens College, Manchester to Augustus De Morgan, 1 Aug 1860. Thanking him for recommending Robert Bellamy Clifton for the professorship of Natural Philosophy at Owens College. '... I look forward to the gain of a very agreable [sic], as well as a very efficient Colleague in him.'

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Harney, Julian: letters (1888-1895)
GB 0096 AL56 · Fonds · 1888-1895

5 letters from George Julian Harney to John Salkeld, bookseller, 1888-1895. Requesting books. Including an envelope for the letter dated 11 Oct 1893.

Autographs, with signatures.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL56a · Fonds · 1838

Letter from William Hazlitt of 8 Alfred Place, [London] to Basil Montagu, Esq, 1 Sep 1838. 'I enclose the prospectus [missing] ... I did not ask you for the MSS. on Criminal Law, and on the Emancipation of the Jews ...'. Postscript: 'Mrs. Shelley's letter is dated from 4 Lower Belgrave St. They know her address always at Hookham's Library, 15 Bond St.' The third page contains a list of his father's (William Hazlitt the elder's) works.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Heathcote, Samuel: letter
GB 0096 AL58 · Fonds · 1697

Letter from Samuel Heathcote to an unknown recipeint, 19 Oct 1697. 'Sr I have considered those objections you thought would be made against Establishing by Act of Parliamt. Such Companys of Merchants as I propos'd And have set them Downe here below in their full strength as neare as I could remember, with my Answeres to each'. Heathcote refers to a long previous letter giving his proposals in full.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL6 · Fonds · 1855-1863

A collection of letters from Jean-Baptiste Biot and his grandson-in-law F Lefort, to Augustus De Morgan,1855-1863. Including related papers. Many of the letters refer to an article by Biot on Sir Isaac Newton in the Biographie Universelle.

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Huskisson, William: letter (1825)
GB 0096 AL62 · Fonds · 1825

Letter from William Huskisson of Eastham, [Worcestershire] to [? Charles] Grant [? afterwards Baron Glenelg], 9 Dec 1825. Referring to 'our commerical Convention with the Hans Towns'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Joplin, Thomas: letter, 28 May 1824
GB 0096 AL64 · Fonds · 1824

Letter from Thomas Joplin of 16 Wilmot Street, Brunswick Square, London to Joseph Hume, Esq, MP, 28 May 1824. Presenting him with a copy of Outlines of a System of Political Economy.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Joplin, Thomas: letters, Apr 1832
GB 0096 AL66 · Fonds · 1832

3 letters from Thomas Joplin of Levant House, St Helens Place, [London] to Joseph Hume, Esq, MP, Apr 1832.

(i) Presenting him with a copy of Analysis and History of the Currency Question, 6 Apr 1832.

(ii) Asking for an appointment to discuss certain propositions he intends to make to the 'committee which will be chosen on Bank affairs', Apr 1832.

(iii) Enclosing a copy of Joplin's petition, Apr 1832.

Autographs, with signatures.

Sans titre
GB 0096 AL75 · Fonds · 1853

Letter from Thomas Babington Macaulay of Albany to Augustus De Morgan, 14 Oct 1853. Thanking him for some papers. 'I am afraid I shall not live to write the history of the American war. Indeed heaven knows when I shall have done with King William'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Blanc, Louis: letter, 15 Dec 1850
GB 0096 AL8 · Fonds · 1850

Letter from Jean Joseph Louis Blanc of London, 15 Dec 1850. Expressing his wish to meet Mr Mayhew, 'un home d'un grande merite et donâit l'esprit palne au dessus des prejuges de son pays.' Complaining that certain people in England are afraid of compromising themselves. 'Il m'etait penible de pesne que, parmi, les promoteurs deu progress en Angleterre, il y a des homes qui manquent du courage de leurs sympathies et de leur estime.' Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Nelson, Horatio: letter
GB 0096 AL91 · Fonds · [1804]-1885

Letter from Horatio Nelson onboard HMS Victory to Lady Hamilton of Merton, Surrey, 12 Sep [1804]. 'My own dearest Emma your last letter was July 25th, and having received that in 5 Weeks I expected one by this days post which brought us English News to August 19th: but I know my Dear Emma the uncertainty of the arrival of letters and I am too well assured that you omit no opportunity. By this time I expect the Kent is in England and my letter got to the admiralty, We have not seen or spoke a Vessel since my letter via Paris of Sept 9th: this goes by Barcelona. Adl Campbell is on board and desires his kind compliments. God Bless you My own Emma and be assured that I long to see you and that I am Ever Ever your all your most faithfully [signature scribbled over]'. Postscript added in the same hand: 'Dr. Scott is come to look at Naples and Palermo before we go home.' Autograph, unsigned.The following papers are filed with the letter: a memorandum from W P Bennett, bookseller, of Birmingham, to H S Foxwell, Esq, explaining the circumstances of its purchase, 30 Oct 1885; a printed notice describing the letter and giving its price as £2 10s 6d.

Sans titre
Pitt, William (the younger): letter
GB 0096 AL98 · Fonds · 1796

Letter from William Pitt (Pitt the younger) of Downing Street, [London] to Lord [Auckland], 30 Nov 1796. Relating to the Loyalty Loan and to the promise of its success. A postscript states: 'The Companies are I think nearly secure as far as towards four Millions, and may yield more. Many of the Leading Bankers and monied men are very eager, and one single House (not a Banker) has sent me a list of 350,000£'.

Autograph, with signature.

Sans titre
Hadley, Benjamin
GB 0096 MS 642 · 1732-1843

Includes letters and papers relating to Thomas Attwood MP (from the period 1812-1843) and Benjamin Hadley, sometime chairman and honorary secretary respectively of the Birmingham Political Union. Also includes "rules to be observed at this club" from a meeting at the Rose and Crown, Coventry, 1732.

Sans titre
Norwich poor relief papers
GB 0096 MS 646 · 1783-1784

Manuscripts relating to poor relief in Morwich, bound at the end of John Fransham's printed An exact account of the charge for supporting the poor of the City of Norwich (1720). The fourteen used leaves, composed in 1783-1784, contain:

  1. Table apparently showing the amount spent annually on poor relief from 1757-1784 in Norwich, the price of corn, and 'Observations for particular years.
    1. An 'Account of 1 year's expense of the New (or Duke's Palace) Workhouse, 1782', with a concluding memorandum on the cost for each pauper dated Jan 1783.
    2. Accounts for the workhouse in Norwich, giving a table of salaries, details of the diet and earnings of the inmates, 'of the spinning schools', and the 'earnings clear to the corporation'.
Sans titre
Parry, Lawton
GB 0096 MS 650 · 1797-1806

Two volumes, 1797-1806, relating to the estates owned by Lawton Parry in Shropshire, Denbighshire and Montgomeryshire.

Sans titre
Webb, Nell
GB 0096 MS 653 · 1908-1914

An autograph album with leaves of various colours containing sketches, verses, etc., 1908-1914.

Sans titre
Scriven, Mary Ann
GB 0096 MS 654 · 1826-1841

An autograph album, 1826-1841, containing verses, sketches, and portraits by Mary Ann Scriven. The album also contains signed tributes by friends of Scriven.

Sans titre
Sharp, John
GB 0096 MS 66 · 1697

Manuscript volume containing a treatise by John Sharp, Archbishop of York, on English coins and their history, 1697, containing chapters on silver and gold coins, Scots and Irish money, and a commentary on the treatment of coinage in William Nicolson's The English historical library (London, 1696-1699). Marginal notes state that Nicolson had requested Sharp's opinion on his book before its publication, and the whole of this manuscript appears to have been known to Nicolson before he began writing The English historical library. The references to pages in Nicholson's book given in Sharp's notes refer apparently to Nicholson's manuscript copy.

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GB 0096 MS 664 · [1774]

Volume containing engraved pages completed in manuscript listing fortnightly prices of corn in the markets of the principal towns of each Généralité of France; headings and wheat prices have been added in manuscript for the years 1771-1773.

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Elliott, Ebenezer
GB 0096 MS 665 · 1835

Holograph poem writeen by Ebenezer Elliott entitled 'William Cobbett. By the author of Corn Law Rhymes', and dated 23 Jun 1835. In addition there is a letter written from Sheffield by Elliott to Samuel Carter Hall at 4 Piccadilly, London, offering him the poem for publication: 'The poem I now send you is very unworthy of the Amulet, and infinitely so of the subject. But I have done my very best, as I always do...'.
This poem, inspired by the burial of Cobbett (he had died on 18 June 1835), was first published in The New Monthly Magazine, Vol 44 (1835), and reprinted (with the addition of a final verse) as 'Elegy on William Cobbett' in The Poetical Works of Ebenezer Elliott, the Corn-Law Rhymer (1840). A portrait of the poet is enclosed.

Sans titre
Talbot, Bishop James Robert
GB 0096 MS 670 · 1765-1777

Manuscript volume of sermons of James Robert Talbot, Vicar Apostolic, London District, and instruction on the sacraments of confirmation and confession. The vellum cover is dated 1765, but parts of the text were being delivered at least until 1777. A loose slip of paper bears, in another hand, the names of several parishes north-east of Newbury, Berkshire.

Sans titre
Hill, John
GB 0096 MS 673 · c1703

A volume entitled Customs of ye Stanarys & Journall of ye Convocators 1703. It relates chiefly to the stannary of Blackmore, but also other Cornish stannaries. Concludes with a note that information used 'were copied out of a manuscript I had of Mr Thomas Hawkins. Signed John Hill.'

Sans titre
Walker, Richard
GB 0096 MS 674 · 1802-1819

An account book, 1802-1819 of mixed farming and general nature, probably kept by Richard Walker of Bradmore, Notts, whose name appears inside the covers of the volume, and who is probably the addressee 'dear brother' in a letter enclosed signed 'J. Walker.'

Sans titre
List of grain prices in Lanarkshire
GB 0096 MS 678 · 1821, 1823

Certified copy of grain prices in Lanarkshire for 1799-1820. The first three leaves contain the prices for the upper ward of the country, 1799-1811, and for the whole county, 1812-1820. These are certified as 'a true copy of the fair prices...of grain before mentioned' in a declaration signed by John Marr, 1 Nov 1821. Each page also bears his signature at the foot. Another hand continues the list up to 1823, adding prices of beans, pease and malt. The document is twice endorsed as being a certified copy for 1799-1820.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 68 · c1699-1700

Manuscript volume containing a paper entitled 'Proposal of a new bank', possibly by James Armour, c1699-1700, probably concerning the Scottish banking. James T Bell assigned this manuscript to 'J.A.', though there is now nothing on the document to justify this - part of the title seems to have been lost during binding repairs. 'J.A.' is probably James Armour (fl 1699-1721), who made proposals about the Bank of Scotland in 1722. He also published A proposal to supply the defect of money and relief to the poor (1696). This manuscript seems to be another version of the same proposal.

Sans titre
Commonplace book (poetry)
GB 0096 MS 704 · Early 19th century

Commonplace book, written in the early 19th century, containing copies of poems by various authors, including Mrs. R. Wilmot, the Reverend John Chetwood, and Eward Wilmot. The poems include 'To Miss Wilmot, now Mrs. Bradford, on her arrival from Russia' by F.S.I. (p.135), and 'Prologue written for the opening of the Lyceum at Madras 1782, spoken by Major Maule, by Eyles Irwin, Esq.' (p.245). A few poems are dated, 1782, 1788, 1802-1816.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 705 · c1850

Anonymous English prose translation of De Rerum Natura by Titus Lucretius Carus, entitled 'The Natural Philosophy of Epicurus as delivered by T.Lucretius Carus in his poem "Of the Nature of Things"'. The manuscript was written c1850.

Sans titre
English Exchequer warrant
GB 0096 MS 708 · 1747

Warrant of 10 Dec 1747 addressed to Robert Walpole, 2nd Earl of Orford and Auditor of the Exchequer, for the payment to Richard Tuck, Sheriff of Wiltshire, of £160 'to repay the like sum disbursed by him for the following rewards upon the conviction of the several offenders mentioned in the annexed certificates'. These certificates are wanting, but a list follows of the names of the offenders and of those securing their conviction, with details of the sums paid as rewards totalling £160.

Sans titre
Inventory of the estate of Thomas Church
GB 0096 MS 71 · 1700

Manuscript inventory of the goods of Thomas Church, of All Hallows, Broad Street, London, skinner, 14 May 1700, valued by Charles Wickes and Joseph Devenish, citizens of London.

Sans titre
Anderson, New and Co
GB 0096 MS 725 · 1798-1799

Draft minutes of the weekly meetings of the proprietors of Anderson, New and Co., held at the Compting House, Redcross St., Bristol, from 2 Jul 1798 to 11 Mar 1799. The proprietors were James New junior, Samuel New junior, Francis Bull, S. James, William Walker and Charles Anderson. The drafts record their decisions in some detail, concerning the purchase of land at Netham Mill and Blacksworth, the building of warehouses, and the purchase of raw material and machinery. At the foot of each sheet is written 'Ent[ere]d', followed usually by the initials 'J.N.'

Sans titre
English Exchequer order, 1715
GB 0096 MS 729 · 1715

Exchequer order, dated 7 May 1715, addressed to George Montagu, Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, by virtue of letters under the Privy Seal of 31 Dec 1714, to pay to Henry Scott, 1st Earl of Deloraine, £200 (a quarter of his annuity) from money applicable to the uses of the civil government. The order is signed by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, First Lord of the Treasury, and endorsed 'Intr. in Officio Cler. pelliu[m]'.

Sans titre
GB 0096 MS 731 · 1780

Papers relating to property of John Michie, Director of the East India Company, at 'Muffets' or North Mimms, Hertfordshire, comprising a list of the fields, woods, etc. with their acreages, dated May 1780. There is also a list of those paying land tax, with the amounts, headed 'Present rate of North Myms Common' 7 Jul 1780.
On the reverse of one list is a brief memorandum headed 'By the Joint Committee of private Trade and Shipping', concerning an enquiry into the conduct of captain Peter Douglas of the Queen and Captain John Coggan of the Shrewsbury for 'parting company outward bound contrary to the orders of the Secret Committee' in 1777, dated 5 May 1780, initialled by four of the Company directors, and with a note that it was read in court. The documents are accompanied by a wrapper endorsed 'Muffets. (Account of Grounds by Messrs. Michie'.

Sans titre
Legal expenses
GB 0096 MS 735 · [1800]

List of the expenses incurred over a number of weeks by J Brown whilst taking affidavits and oaths, presented as an account to Messrs Watson & Delavel, totalling £57 10s. 9d. The list is undated, and pasted to a backing sheet (now separated from the document) watermarked 1800. The list begins 'To my expenses with George Simpson, John Adams... and drinking [with] them warmly before I could get them prevailed on all night and next day to make affidavits...'.

Sans titre
Apprenticeship indenture of James Rudge
GB 0096 MS 739 · 1798

Printed indenture of apprenticeship, completed in manuscript, 5 Oct 1798, between James Rudge, son of James Rudge of Gloucester, upholsterer, and George Holder of Mitcheldean, Gloucestershire, apothecary, for a term of 7 years, with Holder to provide meat, drink and bedding. The consideration is £10 paid by the Mayor and burgesses of Gloucester out of public charity money given by Mrs Jane Hunter, deceased. Signed and sealed by Holder and James Rudge, witnessed by William Birt. On the dorse is a note of the enrolment at the Tolsey in Gloucester, signed by Charles Howard, 11th Duke of Norfolk, mayor, and two others.

Sans titre
English Exchequer papers, 1660-1702
GB 0096 MS 74 · 1660-1702

Manuscript volume, 1660-1702, containing transcripts of briefs, patents and commissions relating to the Exchequer, from the reign of King Charles II to the beginning of the reign of Queen Anne, with descriptions of offices within the Exchequer. There is a possibility that this manuscript was compiled by William Bromley, and it is of considerable interest for the history of the Exchequer.

Sans titre
Inventory of the goods of Robert Gibbs
GB 0096 MS 740 · 1808

'An inventory of all the household furniture and other effects of Mr. Robert Gibbs, deceased, that was on the premises of no.7 Theobald's Row', London, 23 Nov 1808'. The goods are listed under the names of persons (Edward Gibbs, Thomas Gibbs, Louisa Gibbs, Mr. Dalton, and Mrs. Smith), and under rooms, e.g. kitchen, parlour, shop, granary. The endorsement gives the total value as £230 4s.6d, valued by Mr. Davis. A few items are individually valued.

Sans titre
English excise revenue, 1709-1785
GB 0096 MS 746 · [1785]

Manuscript volume containing 'An abstract of the gross and net produce of the revenue of excise, malt, etc', with sections on 'rates on exciseable commodities' (including beer, wines, spirits, malt, candles, soap, paper, printed silks, wire, starch, hides, coffee, tea, chocolate, silver household plate and plate licences, victuallers licences, glass, coaches auctioneers' licences and auctions, male servants, bricks and tiles, linen, cotton, etc), the repeal of duties on paper in 1781 and additions of 1784, an 'Account of the Appropriations of the excise revenue', and 'Gross and Net produce of Excise, Malt etc' from 1709-1785.

Sans titre
North American trade accounts
GB 0096 MS 749 · c1762

Manuscripts relating to North American trade, namely:

  1. 'An account of the value of the imports into England from the North American Colonies from Christmas 1739 to Christmas 1761.' The account shows the value of imports from each of the 12 colonies, with an abstract of the total amount for each year.
  2. An account similar to the above, showing the value of exports from England to the North American Colonies, 1739-1761.
    There is no evidence to show by whom or for whom the accounts were drawn up. They appear to have been for official use.
Sans titre
Letter relating to the Privy Chamber
GB 0096 MS 752 · 1840-1841

Copy of a letter from Sir Frederick Madden, 10 Dec 1840, to Sir Frederick Fowke concerning 'our grievances as Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber', with a memorandum in Madden's hand dated 23 Jan 1841 and headed 'Copy of a paper sent to H.R.H. [Augustus Frederick] the Duke of Sussex drawn up by me at his own request', with notes on the history of the Gentlemen of the Privy Chamber since the time of Henry VIII.
The letter, marked 'private', recounts how the subject of the loss of the privileges and precedence of the Gentlemen had arisen in a conversation between a Mr. Savory and the Duke of Sussex, who had desired 'to be made acquainted with the whole of our case'. Madden asks Fowke to accompany him and Savory to wait on the Duke 'and present a paper embodying our claims...I should like much also to have your assistance in drawing up a paper to be placed in the Duke's hands'.

Sans titre
Gordon family
GB 0096 MS 754 · 1735-1800

Papers of the Gordon family of Letterfourie, Banffshire, Scotland, relating to their merchant interests and financial matters, 1735-[1800], comprising, including a bond in £250 of 1735 discharged in 1751 by James Gordon and his son Patrick to John Gordon; two letters from Strauss & Schmidt, Lisbon, to James Gordon, 1763; an invoice and bill of lading, dated Oct 1770, for goods shipped on the Hambro Packet from Hamburg by order of Alexander Gordon & Co., Madeira; a letter from C. Grant, Edinburgh, to James Gordon, 7 Dec 1785; two receipts of 1799 for money paid by a Mrs. Gordon; and a letter from James and Alexander Gordon at school to their parents in Letterfourie, [1800].
The collection also contains material not apparently relating to the Gordon family: accounts of John Scott, vintner in Portsoy, 'for Letterfouries servants and horses when sundry times in Banff', 22 Dec 1798-3 Jun 1799; a 'Certificate of the term of payment of Lady Fraiser [of Durris]'s annuities, 19 Nov 1776, signed by the town clerk of Aberdeen; and a receipt of 1780 for payment for goods bought from E. Fielder, stationer, London, by a Mr. Ruddick. The connection between the Gordon items and the last two items is unknown.

Sans titre
Judicial proceedings Act
GB 0096 MS 760 · [1661]

Manuscript copy of 13 Charles II c.2, or 'An act for confirmation of judicial proceedings', enacted in Dublin' on 12 Jun 1661, and printed by William Bladen in 1661. The English act is 12 Charles II c.12. The manuscript may have been bound with the printed copy of the act, now item 6 in a Goldsmiths' Library volume (Ref: G.L. F) lettered 'Acts Charles II-1660-82'. The manuscript is accompanied by 8 leaves containing legal notes in a contemporary hand.

Sans titre
Banking papers
GB 0096 MS 761 · 1833-1876

Papers relating to banking, comprising:

  1. A legal opinion concerning the Bank of England monopoly and the exclusion of Scottish banks, with particular reference to the act of 1833 (3 & 4 Will.IV c.98), [1874]. A partially erased endorsement in pencil appears to read 'Mr.Backhouse - Please table this corrected copy... J.S.'
  2. Printed circular with manuscript additions from John Dun of Warrington to Edmund Backhouse, 25 Nov 1875. The circular contains tables of the assets and liabilities of the banks of the United Kingdom, with an explanation of the methods used in obtaining the results. The writer hopes for information from Backhouse.
  3. Manuscript lists of failed private banks, with names of their owners; Joint Stock Banks that had closed; and private banks, with names of their owners, that had 'ceased to issue through amalgamation or otherwise'. Each entry has a figure beside it, possibly showing assets at time of closure. Each leaf is initialled 'E.B.' (Edmund Backhouse).
  4. 'Speeches made in the debate on the renewal of the Bank of England Charter, 1833', reprinted from Hansard, 3rd series, vol.20, pp.469, 496-7, 499.
Sans titre
Poem, 'Bacchus Verses'
GB 0096 MS 762 · Early 19th century

A copy of a poem entitled 'Bacchus verses' headed 'Moses in Sina North', written in Latin, probably at Eton College during the 19th century.

Sans titre
Letter concerning Merino sheep
GB 0096 MS 765 · [1810-1812]

Copy of 'A letter to the most noble the Marquis of Titchfield [William Henry Cavendish-Scott-Bentinck, later 4th Duke of Portland], President of the Newark Agricultural Society, on the practability [sic] and importance of introducing the merino breed of sheep extensively, upon the forrest farms of Nottinghamshire, by Benjamin Thompson' [the dramatist, [1776] - 1816]. This letter, dated from Redhill Lodge near Northampton on 20 Jun 1808, was read at a meeting of the Society held at Newark, Nottinghamshire, on 5 Jul 1808. It is followed by an extract in the same hand from The Boston Gazzette and Lincoln Shire Advertiser of 21 Jan 1812, about Thompson and his breeding of Merino sheep.

Sans titre
Harvey, Margaret
GB 0096 MS 766 · 1895-1900

An exercise book of Margaret Harvey containing a list of 'books read', 1895-1900, with a note of when and where some of those books were read.

Sans titre
Chamberlain's warrant
GB 0096 MS 769 · 1437

Chamberlain's warrant to the Clerk of the Rolls to make out letters of discharge to John Brompton, abbot of Jervaulx, who had made homage to the King at Sheen (Shene) on 8 Nov 1437 for all the lands and lordships which he claimed to hold of the king by knight service. Signed 'WP le Bardolff Chaummberlein' (possibly Sir William Phelip, later Lord Bardolf, Lord Chamberlain to Henry VI). Endorsed 'To the Clerk of the Rolls'.

Sans titre
Greville memoirs
GB 0096 MS 771 · [1887]

Index of passages in the diaries of Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville which were suppressed in the published memoirs. The compiler of this index is unknown, but it was probably undertaken soon after the publication of the last volumes of the incomplete edition of the Memoirs in 1887.

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