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GB 0099 KCLMA MacGowan · Created 1901-1902

Typescript extracts from letters home, 1901-1902, describing MacGowan's voyage to South Africa, Apr 1901, his service with the South African Constabulary, May 1901-Jul 1902, and his work as a miner in the Transvaal, Sep-Nov 1902.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Martin L W · Created 1966-1967

Papers relating to [Parliamentary] Arms Control and Disarmament Advisory Panel, 1966-1967, mainlyconcerning the study group set up to consider the problems of a comprehensive nuclear test ban, notably including Martin's paper 'Considerations affecting an extension of the test ban', 1966; typescript texts on the test ban by other members of the study group, namely Professor Rudolf Ernst Peierls, and Sir John (Douglas) Cockcroft, 1966; typescript 'Comments on criticisms of the proposal (22 December 1965) for 'Regional arms limitation in Europe'', by R Adm Anthony Wass Buzzard, 1966; 'Safeguards on plutonium', typescript text by Leonard Beaton, 1966.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Maurice F B · [1806]-1812, 1888-1971

Papers of Major General Sir Frederick Barton Maurice, relating to his letter to the press concerning the government's statements about the strength of the British Army, May 1918, dated 1917-1971, principally comprising Maurice's diary, Jan-May 1918; printed and typescript texts by Maurice, 1918-1919, 1922, notably including 'The story of the crisis of May 1918', dated 1918; correspondence with family and colleagues, 1918-1922, 1925, 1934, 1936; newspaper cuttings, 1918, 1936, 1939; copies of Parliamentary and War Cabinet papers, 1918; correspondence relating to The Maurice Case (Leo Cooper, London, 1972) by Nancy Maurice (Nancy Spears, wife of Maj Gen Sir Edward (Louis) Spears, 1st Bt), 1967-1971. Papers collected by Maurice during the writing of The life of General Lord Rawlinson of Trent (Cassell and Co, London, 1928) and Haldane (Faber and Faber, London, 1937, 1939), comprising letters received by Rt Hon Richard Burdon Haldane, 1st Viscount Haldane, 1894, 1898, 1902, 1915-1916, 1919, 1928; letters received by Henry Seymour Rawlinson, 1st Baron Rawlinson of Trent, 1888, 1914-1916, 1918, 1921, notably including letters from Maj Gen Henry Hughes Wilson and Gen Sir Alexander John Godley concerning the Battle of the Aisne, Sep 1914 and operations at Gallipoli, 1915. Other papers relating to his life and career, 1888-1951, dated 1888-1971, principally comprising letters to his wife describing his service in South Africa, 1899-1900, and as General Staff Officer, 3 Div, France, 1914-1915, and Director of Military Operations, Imperial General Staff, 1915; correspondence, 1915-1919, relating to his service as Director of Military Operations, 1915-1918, notably including letters from Maj Gen Archibald Armar Montgomery-Massingberd, Maj Gen John Humphrey Davidson, Lt Gen Sir George (Norton) Cory, Lt Gen Sir William Raine Marshall, Maj Gen Sir Arthur Lynden Lynden-Bell concerning operations on the Western Front, 1916-1917, and in the Balkans, 1916-1917, Mesopotamia, 1917-1918, and Palestine, 1917; correspondence with Gen Sir Charles Harington Harington, [1923], 1925, 1932, 1934; printed and typescript articles, lectures and other writings, 1913-1943, notably including text of 'On the uses of the study of war', his inaugural lecture as Professor of Military Studies, London University, 1927, text of Maurice's Lee Knowles lecture 'Public opinion in war', and articles on arms limitation, 1921, 1926, the Graeco-Turkish War, 1922, the Corfu Incident, [1923], and the possibility of war between the USA and Japan, 1925; newspaper cuttings, 1912-1919, 1924-1927, 1938, 1945, 1951, principally comprising reviews of his books. Family papers, [1806-1812], principally comprising papers relating to Maurice's grandfather, Frederick Denison Maurice, [1833-1869], 1927; papers relating to his wife's family, [1806-1812], 1874-1879, 1896, 1909-[1915], 1921, notably including personal letters written by her great-grandfather, Spencer Perceval, [1806-1812], and an account of a day during the Paris Commune, written in [1871] by [Norman Spencer].

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GB 0099 KCLMA Mayhew · 1939-1997

Papers, 1939-1997, of the Rt Hon Christopher Paget Mayhew, Baron Mayhew of Wimbledon in Greater London, relating to his life and career. The collection includes wartime letters from Mayhew to his family and other letters to Mayhew, 1939-1945; appointment and desk diaries, 1949-1995; files giving details of individuals and organisations relating to his work as an MP; a file on his introduction to the House of Lords, 1981; address books; notebooks, papers and correspondence relating to his work as a politician and peer, 1945-1997. The papers reflect his interests in domestic issues and foreign affairs, with material on broadcasting, commercial and public service television, including the minute book, 1953-1954, of the National Television Council, a pro-public service broadcasting body; relations with the Soviet Union from the late 1940s to the 1960s; international affairs, defence issues and the armed forces up to the 1990s, including press cuttings on his resignation in 1966; Palestine and Israel, the Middle East, and Arab-British relations, especially in the 1980s and 1990s. Much of the collection comprises printed material, reports, typescripts and press cuttings, some - for instance, broadcasts and interviews - by Mayhew himself, but much by other authors.

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GB 0099 KCLMA McLeod · Created 1944-1962

Papers relating to operations of the Special Air Service (SAS) in France during World War Two and to its formation, 1944-1948; papers relating to the future role of the SAS following operations in Northern Europe, World War Two, 1945-1958; papers relating to lectures given by McLeod on the SAS, 1944-1962; maps and diagram relating to SAS operations in France, 1944.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 161-171 · 1945-1982, 1985

Documents on Disarmament, 1945- 1982, is a themed microfilm collection including documents on arms control and disarmament developments, 1945-1982. Subjects include relations with the US Atomic Energy Commission; proposed prohibition requirements for the production of biological and chemical weapons; bilateral talks between the Soviet Union and the United States, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (START); US negotiations with aligned and non-aligned states; Commission on Security and Co- operation in Europe (CSCE) arms control talks; negotiations with UN organisations including the Ad Hoc Group on Disarmament and Development, the Commission for Conventional Armaments, the Disarmament Commission, international Atomic Energy Agency, and the Security Council, 1945-1982.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 293-320 · 1953-1961, 1986

The Diaries of Dwight D Eisenhower, 1953-1961, consists of a varied body of microfilmed manuscripts that contain several categories of material, arranged chronologically by month and year. Diary entries and dictated correspondence are filed in folders entitled 'DDE Diary'; 'DDE Personal Diary'; or 'DDE Dictation'. The bulk of actual diary entries falls into the years 1953-1956. Another prominent category is memoranda of telephone conversations with the more detailed conversations dating prior to 1959. The largest body of material is the official White House staff memoranda, reports, correspondence, and summaries of congressional correspondence. These types of documents are found in folders labelled 'Miscellaneous', 'Goodpaster', 'Staff Memos', and after 1957, 'Staff Notes'. Herein are the memoranda of conversations, or 'memcons', prepared by Gen Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, Defense Liaison Officer and Staff Secretary to the President of the United States. From 1956 to the end of the administration, 'Toner Notes' were produced, so named for White House staff member Albert Toner, who with fellow White House Research Group member Christopher Russell, prepared daily intelligence briefings for the President. Material in the collection includes entries relating to Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy and the trial of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg; correspondence with Vice President Richard Milhous Nixon; Prisoners of War exchanges in Korea; rapprochement between Argentina and the US; military aid to Yugoslavia; Eisenhower's 'Atoms for Peace' speech 1953; the situation in Indochina, 1954; the use of psychological warfare in the Third World; relations between the US and the People's Republic of China; France and the European Defence Community; waning British and French colonial ties; the Baghdad Pact, 1955; the Suez Crisis, 1956; US Joint Chiefs of Staff strategic planning in Europe; the Soviet invasion of Hungary, 1956; plans for mutual security arrangements with favoured nations; the Military Assistance Program; the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; the African- American civil rights movement; military officer exchanges between Israel and the US; the American, British and Canadian Army Standardization Program; US Department of Defense budgetary matters; the 'Vanguard' satellite program, 1957; nuclear weapons, nuclear strategy and the US-Soviet 'missile gap'. Correspondents include HM King George V; Gen Juan Domingo Peron, president of Argentina; Senator Joseph Raymond McCarthy; Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill; Shri Jawaharlal Nehru, Prime Minister of India; Dr Konrad Adenauer, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany; Gen Douglas MacArthur; Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr; Special Assistant to the President Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller; Gen Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle, President of France; Rt Hon (Maurice) Harold Macmillan, Prime Minister of Great Britain; Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev, First Secretary of the Soviet Communist Party and Chairman of the Soviet Council of Ministers; (David) Dean Rusk, President of the Rockefeller Foundation; John Foster Dulles, Secretary of State, 1953-1959; Herbert Hoover, Jr, Under Secretary of State, 1954-1957; Christian Archibald Herter, Under Secretary of State, 1957-1959.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 333-337 · 1949-1953, 1980

Official Conversations and Meetings of Dean Acheson, 1949-1953 are microfilmed copies of the minutes of conversations and meetings of Dean Acheson during his tenure as Secretary of State during the Truman administration, 1949-1953. Material includes minutes for meetings and conversations with Senator Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg concerning the Rhodes negotiations on the future of Palestine, 1949; Foreign Service employee George Frost Kennan relating to US-Soviet relations, 1949-1950; Rt Hon Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador to the US, concerning the former Italian colonies, the western mark for Berlin and the North Atlantic Pact, 1949; the US National Security Council relating to the re-training of the Austrian Army, Palestine, and the appointment of a military commander in Germany, 1949; President Harry S Truman concerning the Military Assistance Program, atomic energy, Palestine, British finances and the revolutionary situation in the Caribbean, 1949; Muhammad Riza Pahlevi, Shah-an-Shah of Iran, relating to financial assistance to Iran, 1949; Professor Hans Joachim Morgenthau concerning Cold War international relations; President Truman concerning the Korean crisis, 1950; US Department of Defense representatives concerning the Treaty of Peace with Japan, 1950, and the war in Korea, 1951-1953; US Gen George Catlett Marshall relating to the Economic Recovery Program (Marshall Plan).

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 338-339 · 1945, 1980

Potsdam Conference Documents, 1945: The Presidential Documents Series is a themed microfilm collection including the personal and official documents and correspondence of President Harry S Truman during proceedings of the Potsdam Conference, 29 Mar-2 Aug 1945. Papers are drawn from a variety of originating bodies including US President Harry S Truman; US Gen of the Army George Catlett Marshall; US Gen of the Army Douglas MacArthur; Gen Dwight David Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe; George Frost Kennan, US Chargé d'affaires in Moscow; Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain (until 26 Jul 1945); Rt Hon Clement Richard Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain (after 28 Jul 1945); Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek; Soviet Premier Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin; the US Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Papers relate to US foreign policy concerning the reconstruction of Western Europe; the partition, de-nazification, demilitarisation, and future reparations payments of Germany; the trial of major war criminals; the unconditional surrender of Japan; former Axis satellite states; Austria; Yugoslavia; the withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran; the retention of Allied forces in Italy; Lend-Lease liquidation; Bulgarian reparations payments to Greece; the reconstruction of Poland, Czechoslovakia; Yugoslavia and the Balkans; Anglo-Soviet rivalry in the Middle East; civil affairs in China.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 388-401 · 1938-1945, 1982

The MAGIC Documents: Summaries and Transcripts of the Top-Secret Diplomatic Communications of Japan, 1938-1945, is a themed microfilm collection relating to US deciphers of Japanese diplomatic codes through the use of MAGIC decryption, 1938- 1945. The collection contains copies of deciphered official and unofficial Japanese diplomatic communiqués sent from Japanese personnel stationed at embassies and consulates in the Far East, Europe and the Middle East, to Tokyo, Japan, 1938-1945, and includes material relating to Japanese civil, political and economic conditions and policies, military expenditures, strategy, tactics, and campaigns, and eventual peace initiatives and surrender, 1938-1945. Included in the collection are deciphered messages concerning Japanese perceptions of Allied strategy against Japan; the effect of Allied air raids on Japan; Japanese relations with the German Foreign Office; Japanese relations with the governments of Burma, Indo-China; Korea, Netherland East Indies, Siam, China, the Philippines; perceptions of Allied chemical warfare capabilities; perceptions of Allied Lend-Lease naval forces and strategy; British and French relations with colonies in the Far East; control of industry in Manchuria (Manchukuo); perceptions of Axis strategy and Japan's role within it; Japanese interest in Indian nationalism and the Indian Independence League; the Burma-Siam railway; Japanese attacks on the Burma Road, the supply route which connected Burma to Generalissimo Chiang Kai- Shek's nationalist forces in China; administration of the government of Japanese occupied Nanking, China; the Chinese Communist Party; the rationing of clothing and food in Japan; perceptions of the Soviet Comintern Pact; Japanese relations with German, European, and Chinese banks; Japanese relations with Spanish Gen Francisco Franco Bahamonde, the German High Command and Italian Prime Minister Benito Mussolini; interpretation of the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere; concern for Japanese nationals abroad, 1937-1945; Japanese naval strategy and tactics; function of the Japanese Consular Police, China; territorial claims on the Kurile Islands; material relating to Japanese military campaigns during World War Two; Japan's search for strategic resources in the Far East; military strengths and dispositions of the German Armed Forces; the origins of the Russo-Japanese Neutrality Pact; Allied and Axis propaganda methods; the treatment of Allied prisoners of war; the surrender of Japanese armed forces in the Far East.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 422-426; MF 548-552; MF 438-440 · 1947-1956, 1988

Minutes of the Meetings of the National Security Council: First Supplement are microfilmed copies of minutes of meetings, official meeting files and supporting documentation, and detailed records relating to meeting of the National Security Council, 1947-1956. Document material relates to policies and procedures governing the National Security Council, 1947; initial directives to the Central Intelligence Agency, 1947; the US political position concerning Italy, Greece, China, and Palestine, 1947; US policy with respect to the Republic of Korea, 1948-53; conversations with the British in regard to the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, 1948; US position with respect to perceptions of Soviet-directed world communism, 1948-55; the dispatch of US B-29 bombers to Great Britain, 1948; US policy on atomic and nuclear warfare, 1948-55; possible Soviet interruptions to the Berlin air-lift, 1948; organisation under the Atlantic Pact and the formation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), 1949; the re- armament of the Federal Republic of West Germany, 1950; the position of the US with respect to Indochina, 1951-55; the death of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, President of the Soviet Council of Ministers and General Secretary, Communist Party of the Soviet Union, 1953; the Mutual Security Program, 1953; US objectives with respect to Indonesia, 1953; US objectives in the event of a general war with the Soviet bloc, 1954; overseas reaction to the Atomic Energy Commission, 1955; US policy towards the People's Republic of China, Formosa and the government of the Republic of China, 1955

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 463-493 · 1918-1941, 1986

US Military Intelligence Reports: Japan, 1918-1941 is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Military Intelligence Division (MID) in Japan, 1918- 1941. Included in the collection are microfilmed copies of US MID reports from the military attaché and his staff, and correspondence and telegrams between the military attaché, his staff, US Army Headquarters and the Japanese Imperial Army Headquarters, and US and foreign diplomats throughout the Far East. These documents have been arranged into eight sections: general conditions, political conditions, economic conditions, general conditions in Korea, army, field artillery, navy, and aviation. These sections are not mutually exclusive and all include a range of routine and special reports. Reports on domestic policy cover the rise of right wing, socialist, and communist organisations in Japan; the effects of the 1923 earthquake; Japanese industrial expansion, notably the securing of raw materials from neighbouring countries; the South Manchurian Railway Company; oil prospecting; and the iron and steel industries. Military and foreign policy reports concern the occupation of Korea, Siberia, Manchuria (Manchukuo), and the 1919 independence demonstrations in Korea. Specific military reports cover Japanese military tactics; military regulations; combat principles; training; organisation, the social attitude of officers; civil-military relations; aviation technology and statistics; the annual budgets of the Japanese War Ministry; naval building programmes; the scrapping of warships in accordance with the Washington Naval Treaty of 1922; naval operations in World War One; the use of air power against China; and the construction of offensive airfields in Indo-China.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 494-509 · 1942-1947, 1977

OSS/State Department: Intelligence and Research Reports, part 1: Japan and its Occupied Territories during World War II is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Office of Strategic Services and US State Department intelligence analyses concerning Japan, and the occupied territories of Formosa, the Philippines, the Netherlands East Indies, Borneo, Java, New Guinea, Sumatra, French Indo-China, Malaya, Singapore, Hong Kong, Thailand, Burma, Korea, and China, 1942-1947. Reports include information relating to the social structure of Japan, 1942-1947; morale in the Japanese military services, 1942-1945; Japanese psychological warfare programmes, 1944-1945; the iron and steel industry in Japan, 1944-1945; geography of Japan; the Hikari Kikan, the Japanese espionage and sabotage organisation, 1944-1945; air raid precaution in Tokyo, 1944-1945; biographical information on Japanese generals and admirals killed in the Far East from 7 Dec 1941-1 Mar 1945; Japanese attempts at indoctrination in the occupied territories, 1944-1945; the services of the Kempei, the Japanese police, in occupied territories, 1945; selection of US and Allied special operations targets on the South- East Asia theatre, 1945; the social conditions in Malaya, 1942-1945; psychological warfare in Burma, 1943-1945; political and economic changes affected by the Japanese in Malaya, 1943-1945; Singapore under the Japanese administration, 1944; the Japanese use of industrial installations in Hong Kong, 1944; Philippine agriculture under Japanese control, 1942-1945; the organisation of the Japanese-controlled Government of the Philippines, 1944; guerrilla resistance movements in the Philippines, 1944; biographical information on members of the Japanese-controlled Government of the Philippines, 1944; Japanese civil programmes in Java and Bali 1945; the government of French Indo-China, 1945; social conditions in Thailand, 1942-1945; territorial conflicts between Thailand and French Indo-China, 1945; Japanese administration of Burma, 1942-1945; vulnerability of the Japanese fortification systems in China, 1942-1945; structure and personnel of the Nanking Government, China, 1945; Japanese civil and military programmes in Manchukuo (Manchuria), 1945; the Korean independence movement, 1945.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 510-515 · 1945-1949, 1977

OSS/State Department Intelligence and Research Reports: Postwar Japan, Korea, and Southeast Asia is a themed microfilm collection relating to US Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and US State Department evaluations of the Far East, 1945-1949. Regions studied include Burma, Hong Kong, French Indo-China, Netherlands East Indies, Japan, Korea, Malaya, the Philippines, and Thailand. OSS and State Department intelligence and research reports include the economic reconstruction of the Far East; business rehabilitation in Burma; the factors influencing the postwar status of Hong Kong and Macao; the communist influence in Indo-China; biographies of prominent nationalist leaders in Burma and French Indo-China; brief on issues in dispute between France and nationalist leaders in French Indo-China; report on political parties and movements in the Netherlands East Indies; British policy towards Indonesian leader Achmed Sukarno; summary of the conditions in the Netherlands East Indies during the first clashes between Indonesian nationalists and Allied occupation troops, 1945; the Japanese reaction to the surrender of Japan to Allied forces, Aug 1945; Allied proposals for political reform in Japan; the reformation of the Japanese electoral system; situation reports on the Japanese economy and the political leadership, 1945-1949; the 1946 Japanese General Election; Japanese raw materials and industrial requirements, 1946-1949; revisions of the Japanese Civil Code, House of Peers, House of Representatives and Constitution, 1946-1949; Japanese reaction to the final verdicts of the Far East War Crimes Trials, Dec 1948; analysis of political groupings in Korea; structure of the North Korean government, 1948; speculation on the survivability of the South Korean government, 1948; the role of communists during the onset of the Malaya 'Emergency', 1947; reports relating to American-Philippine relations; economic and political developments in Thailand, 1945-1949; a survey of Thai relations with the United States, 1945-1949; report on the extent of economic recovery in Thailand, 1948.

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Microform: The Times, Jan 1954-Dec 1967
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 609-769 · 1954-1967

The Times, Jan 1954-Dec 1967, is a microfilm collection of copies of The Times newspaper.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 71-81; 172-174; 286-292; 434-437; 782-791 · 1947-1985, 1980-1993

Documents of the National Security Council, 1947-1985 are microfilmed copies of memoranda, policy papers, directives and records of actions undertaken by the US National Security Council, 1947-1985. Document material relates to US policy with respect to Japan, the Soviet Union, China, 1948-49; military assistance to non-communist nations, 1948-49; US policy on atomic warfare, 1948; the Berlin Blockade; the United Nations decision to introduce military forces to Palestine, 1948; US policy towards Soviet satellite states in Eastern Europe, 1949; US courses of action with respect to the Republic of Korea, 1950-53; responsibilities of the Central Intelligence Agency with respect to guerrilla warfare, 1952; US policy and courses of action to counter possible Soviet or satellite action against Berlin, 1952; US objectives and actions to exploit the unrest in the Soviet satellite states, 1953; US courses of action with respect to Latin America, Iran and South Asia, 1953-85; covert operations, 1954-75; nuclear attack warning channel and procedures for civilians, 1955-65; the political implications of Afro-Asian military take-overs, 1959; US policy towards Cuba, 1959-60; US strategic nuclear forces capabilities, 1960-85; US military, political and psychological operations in South East Asia, 1961-74; US training objectives for counterinsurgency, 1962-85; the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT); US policy on arms transfers, 1975-85; the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty; US policy towards Cuba and Central America, 1982; the US approach to the Strategic Arms Reduction Talks (START), 1982-85. Policy papers and progress reports relate to all European nations, the Soviet Union and its satellites, Canada, Latin America, Japan, The Middle East, the People's Republic of China, South East Asia, Angola, North Africa, 1947-1985.

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GB 0099 KCLMA MF 825-830 · 1967-1975, 1991

The Vietnam Documents and Research Notes Series reproduces in microfilm captured and translated Viet Cong and North Vietnamese political and military reports, treatises, resolutions, directives and programme descriptions compiled by JUSPAO, Oct 1967-Feb 1975. The 'notes' in the collection also contain US and South Vietnamese commentary on the enemy materiel, as well as analyses of political methodology, strategy, infrastructure, and history. While the majority of notes relate to political topics, military topics include analyses of soldiers' diaries and comments on military conditions and operations. Papers include composite diary highlighting the plight of North Vietnamese Army (NVA) soldiers serving in South Vietnam, Dec 1966; diary of a North Vietnamese Army soldier en route to South Vietnam, including mention of his political indoctrination and military training, Oct 1967; North Vietnamese directive defining the political tasks for North Vietnamese An Thai Regt, Oct 1967; directive from Headquarters of Viet Cong Military Region 5, relating to repression of counter-revolutionaries, Oct 1967; Viet Cong training document, Mar 1968; Viet Cong post-operation report relating to military operations during the Tet Offensive, Apr 1968; Sixth Resolution, Central Office, South Vietnam, assessing the results of the Tet Offensive, Jul 1968; Liberation Radio broadcast texts outlining the political programme of the Alliance of National, Democratic, and Peace Forces, Sep 1968; broadcast reports relating to the death of Ho Chi Minh, Sep 1969; speeches by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Nov 1969; report, issued by the commander of Unit 591, detailing the shortcomings of his unit, including low morale, poor leadership, self-inflicted wounds and surrender, Feb 1970; conference notes relating to the Indochinese Peoples' Summit Conference, Apr 1970; report detailing the establishment and organisation of the Public Security Sector and the People's Police Force in North Vietnam, Jan 1971; captured documents highlighting the effects of an unsuccessful military campaign, loss of key cadre on the village levels, and the slow recruitment of personnel, Apr 1971; full text of Liberation Radio broadcast of Maj Gen Tran Do highlighting the problem and result of poor political indoctrination and ideological education, May 1971; lists of members, denoting office or responsibility of Communist Vietnamese organisations including the Provisional Revolutionary Government of South Vietnam, the National Liberation Front and the People's Revolutionary Party, Jun 1972; articles by Gen Vo Nguyen Giap, Jun-Oct 1972; papers relating to the abandonment of the military and political seizure of Danang, Dec 1972; Central Office for South Vietnam (COSVN) directives relating to the economic situation in South Vietnam following the Paris Peace Talks, 1974-1975

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ANWYL, Rev Reginald A (1911-1983)
GB 0099 KCLMA Anwyl · Created [1975]-1983

Memoir covering the period 1940-1945, including details of his experiences in the Battle of Leros, Greece, 1943, as a POW, 1943 and in operations in North West Europe in 1944-1945, [1975-1983]; copy of obituary from school magazine, 1983.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Armstrong · Created [1925-1945]

Papers principally comprising text of lecture on the outbreak of hostilities between Japan and China in 1937, including a detailed account of the Battle of Shanghai as witnessed from HMS DANAE, 1937; draft of lecture recounting his experiences on board HMS DIDO during the evacuation of Crete, Apr-Jun 1941, [1945].

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GB 0099 KCLMA Bad trip to Edgewood · Colección · 1950 - 1993

Bad trip to Edgewood consists of, interview transcripts, research files and videos for a television documentary on US Army testing of chemical and biological warfare agents on human 'guinea pigs' between 1955 - 1975, and includes files of mainly photocopied documents, reports, scientific articles, letters and newspapers articles, with some printed brochures, as well as videotapes. There is also a video copy of Bad trip to Edgewood which was produced by Michael Bilton, Yorkshire Television, and broadcast as a First Tuesday film in March 1993.

The files focus on secret projects carried out by the US Army Chemical Corps at the Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood, Maryland USA, between 1955-1975, in which US Army volunteers were used to test the effects of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD), benzilates such as BZ (3-quinuclidinyl benzilate, also known a QNB) and glycolates.

The testing programs were suspended in 1975 when information about them became public. A number of volunteers claimed to have suffered long term mental health effects from the tests. They also claim they were not informed at the time of immediate or long term effects of the agents tested. In 1977 US Army notified 686 volunteers who has been tested with LSD and conducted a follow up study of their health. The LSD follow-up study report released in 1980 found 'the majority of subjects evaluated did not appear to have sustained any significant damage from their participation in the LSD experiments'.

There are notes and transcripts of interviews conducted with former US Army personnel who were volunteers in the research programmes, individuals involved in the running testing programs, medical experts and lawyers.

Several files relate to particular law suits including that of Sgt James B Stanley, US Army, volunteer at Edgewood during 1958. In 1977 he was informed by the army that he had been given LSD as part of the testing program. In 1987 a controversial judgement by the US Supreme Court found against Stanley, effectually granting immunity from liability for money damages for all federal officials who intentionally violate the constitutional rights of those serving in the military.

Other notable cases frequently mentioned in the files include that of Frank Olson and Harold Blauer. Dr Frank R Olson, US Army scientist at Fort Detrick, apparently suicided, on 28 November 1953. In 1975 the Commission on CIA Activities within the United States (the Rockefeller Commission) revealed Olson had been given LSD without his knowledge while attending a meeting of Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) personnel eight days before his death. A civilian, Harold R Blauer died on 8 Jan 1953 after being given a lethal injection of Experimental Agent 1298 supplied by the US Army Chemical Corps to the New York State Psychiatric Institute where he was a patient. A 1975 Senate investigation revealed the facts of his death. Files also contain material on bacteriological testing by the Army and the CIA carried out in Washington DC, Florida, San Francisco, and New York. Particular reference is made to the case of Edward Nevin, a civilian, who died on 1 Nov 1950 in San Francisco as a result of a rare bacterial infection Serratia Marcescens, which coincided with a significant and unexplained outbreak of this infection between Oct 1950 and Feb 1951. In 1976 it was revealed that the US Army had conducted bacteriological warfare experiments with Serratia Marcescens over San Francisco Bay during September 1950.

There is a small amount of material relating to the role of American Citizens for Honesty in Government, a Church of Scientology sponsored organisation who campaigned during 1979 for a full investigation of the testing and storage of BZ and compensation for volunteers suffering long term effects from testing of the substance, and to chemical testing carried out in the UK at Porton Down, Wiltshire, UK and production of chemical agents at Nancekuke Base, Cornwall, and Anglo American cooperation in this area.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Balfour · Created 1944

Photocopies of reports relating to the role of HMS SCOURGE in Operations NEPTUNE and OVERLORD, Jun 1944, France.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Ballard · Created [1874], 1900-1901, 1914-1916

Correspondence, [1874], 1900-1901, 1914-1916, principally comprising letters to his family describing his service with 6 Corps, Mounted Infantry, South Africa, 1900-1901, and with 1 Norfolk Regt and 7, 95 and 14 Infantry Bdes, France and Belgium, 1914-1916, notably at the Battle of Mons, Aug 1914.

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BALSTON, Maj Thomas (1883-1967)
GB 0099 KCLMA Balston · Created 1914-1919, 1938

Papers relating to his service with 12 Gloucestershire Regt, 95 Infantry Div, 3 Div and 3 Corps, France, 1914-1918, dated 1915-1918 and 1938, principally comprising his official report of a visit to trenches near 3 Infantry Bde HQ at Novelles, 9-12 Aug 1915, written for 32 Div HQ, Aug 28 1915; 12th Service Battalion Gloucestershire Regt (Colston Publishing Co, Bristol, 1915) an illustrated souvenir pamphlet compiled and edited by Howard Rankin and Albert G Wain; 3 Div order of battle, Jan 16 1917; 3 Corps order of battle, Oct 1918; group and individual photographs of 12 Gloucestershire Regt, 1914-1919.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Barnett B G · Created 1944-1945

Papers relating to his military service, 1944-1945, principally comprising war diary including maps and photographs, Sep 1944-Jul 1945; copy of report on the liberation of Belsen written for the Director of Military Government by Lt Col R I G Taylor, Officer Commanding, 63 Anti Tank Regt, [1945]; orders relating to the occupation and administration of Belsen, from Brig General Staff of 8 Corps, British Liberation Army, April 1945; report on Belsen by Capt Barker, Royal Army Medical Corps, 63 Anti Tank Regt, Jun 1945; letter to British officers from a group of Czech women prisoners describing their treatment in Belsen, 1945; Barnett's notes for a talk on Belsen, ND; photographs showing inmates and conditions in Belsen, 1945; newspaper cuttings relating to Victory in Europe Day, the liberation of Belsen and the Belsen trial, May-Oct 1945; 'Report by the Supreme Commander to the Combined Chiefs of Staff on the operations in Europe of the Allied Expeditionary Force, June 1944-May 1945', issued by HMSO, 1946.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Bartholomew · Created 1917-1950

Papers relating to operations of 20 Corps in Palestine, 1917-1918, including third Battle of Gaza; correspondence including with Gen Sir Kenneth Wigram, 1935, and FM Sir Philip Chetwode, 1926-1936, with related papers, 1911-1950; Bartholomew Committee, Jun 1940 including operations in Flanders, organisation and training of troops; Northern Command and civil defence, 1940-1945.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Baynham · Colección · 1939-1942

Memoir of Brig Derrick Baynham, 1939-1942, including descriptions of assisting in the evacuation of Dunkirk, 1940; work in the Local Defence Volunteers, 1941; Special Operations Executive (SOE) training, including resisting interrogation and handling explosives; preparation for mission to support agents in occupied France and identify targets for sabotage; account of the mission including encounter with Milice (Vichy police), liasion with sympathetic French locals in Limoges, recovery of radio transmission equipment from the Milice, establishment of permanent base station in Perigueux and return to England, 1942. Also accounts of the attempted rescue of the surviving crew member of a crashed British bomber off the coast of Anglesey, 1941, for which Baynham was awarded the George Medal, and account of his capture by German troops and subsequent escape, Germany, April 1945.

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BEARNE, AVM Guy (1908-2005)
GB 0099 KCLMA Bearne · Created [1980]-1985

Copy of detailed memoir, 'From air to chair', covering his RAF career, 1929-1961, including sections on his RAF training, bomber squadron service, 1930-1933, armament training and duties, 1933-1944 and service in Iraq, 1937-1939, Bomber Command, 1939-1940, the Air Ministry, 1940, 1947-1949 and 1954-1956, Malaya, 1946, Joint Services Staff College, 1947, Central Gunnery School, 1949-1951, Rhodesian Air Training Group, 1951-1953 and Technical Training Command, 1956-1961, written in 1985. Copy of chapter of personal family history giving an account of his father, Lt Col Lewis Collinwood Bearne, during the period 1878-1918, including his service in the Boer War and World War One, [1980-1985].

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BELL, Frank (1916-1989)
GB 0099 KCLMA Bell · Created 1945-1946

Undercover University, an illustrated account of the language lessons he organised and ran as a POW at Kuching, Borneo during the period 1943-1945, written in 1945-1946, privately published in 1990.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Berlin Airlift · 1997 - 1998

Transcripts of 45 interviews recorded for The Berlin Airlift, a television documentary produced by 3BM Television for Channel 4's Secret History series and broadcast on 29 June 1998. Those interviewed include individuals and or relatives of individuals connected with the airlift operation which took place in response to the Berlin blockade, 24 June 1948 - October 1949, notably members of the armed forces of UK and USA including the RAF, RN and WAAF, a representative of the Foreign Office, journalists and authors, German interpreters, German civilians and children, members of Soviet administration and relatives of servicemen.
Attention is given to direct roles and experience of the airlift but also seeks views of its historical significance to them personally and to the wider world. Topics covered in the interviews relate to causes of the blockade, Stalin's aims for Germany after 1945, the potential threat of war in 1948, British and US responses to the blockade, Soviet intelligence gathering and espionage in the UK Foreign Office, attitudes of British servicemen to American servicemen in Germany and vice versa, German experience of the Soviet conquest of Berlin in 1945 and ensuing occupation, living conditions at the air bases in West Germany and in Berlin, food and fuel shortages, rationing, operation of the black market, prostitution, relations between conquered and occupying forces, 'no fraternisation' rule, the logistics of the airlift operation - aircraft maintenance, loading and unloading of supplies, Soviet harassment, experience of pilots and crew, incidents such as air crashes, evacuation of Berliners including children, and Operation Little Vittles. The role of significant individuals such as Ernest Bevin (1884-1951), British Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs at the time, and Gen. Lucius D. Clay (1897-1978), Military Governor of Germany 1947 - 1949, are also discussed.
Notable participants include Sir Frank Kenyon Roberts (1907-1998) diplomat and Principal Private Secretary to the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs during 1948 - 1949, Mrs Jessamy Waite, widow of Air Cdre Reginald Newnham Waite (1901-1975), who devised and organised the airlift operation, and Col Gail S Halverson who became known as the 'Candy Bomber' for his drops of packages of candy attached to miniature parachutes to the children of Berlin.
Transcripts include questions and answers, and the tape counter numbering has been logged. The interviewer is not identified. Where interviews were translated this has been noted. Some names, places or phrases have been guessed at, or spelled phonetically by the transcriber. No information is given about the date or identity of the transcriber.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Bishop · 1971

'Look back with pleasure', typescript memoirs covering his life and career, 1897-1965, notably his service in Mesopotamia and Palestine, 1915-1918, India, 1919-1925 and 1957-1962, Africa, 1939-1944, Germany, 1945-1950, and Cyprus, 1964-1965, written in 1971.

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BLAGROVE, Capt Peter (1889-1969)
GB 0099 KCLMA Blagrove P · 1915-1917, 1969-1970

Copies of papers relating to his service in France, 1917, principally comprising orders and summaries of operations for Royal Field Artillery, 12 Div, 1917, orders, maps and timetables relating to trench mortar batteries on the Somme front, Jul-Sep 1917, and General Staff publications on wiring, signalling, the employment of guns and trench mortars captured from the enemy, and 2 Army operations, 1917; copies of correspondence, 1915-1917, 1969-1970, mainly letters written by Blagrove from the Somme front to his father, Col Henry John Blagrove, 1916-1917.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Bolt · Created 1909-1979

Copies of papers, 1909-1974, comprising typescript copy of the 'Interim Report of the Advisory Committee for Aeronautics', 1909; night order book, HMS THESEUS, Korea, 1950-1951; newspaper cuttings on HMS THESEUS' departure from UK to Korea and subsequent return, 1950-1951; typescript transcript of Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies lecture by Bolt, Oct 1951, entitled 'HMS THESEUS in the Korean War and some special problems of naval aviation in that theatre' (subsequently published in the Journal of the Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies; standard circular letters to all retired admirals, containing Royal Navy news and information, from Chief of Naval Staff and First Sea Lord Adm Sir Varyl (Cargill) Begg, 1966-1968, Adm Sir Peter (John) Hill-Norton, 1971, and Adm Sir Michael (Patrick) Pollock, 1972-1974; article by Bolt on minesweeping in 1940-1941 by Vickers DWI (Directional Wireless Installation) Wellington aircraft entitled 'Minesweeping Wellingtons: Part 1: equipment and technique: early operations in the Thames Estuary', published in Air Pictorial (Apr-May 1979), with nine uncaptioned photographs of Wellington aircraft and a captured German magnetic mine.

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BOMFORD, Col Guy (1899-1996)
GB 0099 KCLMA Bomford · Created 1945

Copy of account of the Survey Service of the Eastern and 14 Army in India and Burma during the period 1942-1945, written in 1945.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Bosanquet · 1956, revised and edited by author in 1990s and in 2006 by the family

'Fusilier, memoir of life and service, 1930-1960', typescript memoir by Lieutenant Colonel Neville Bosanquet, including detailed description of living and working in the army in the interwar period, stationed in the United Kingdom, Gibraltar and Hong Kong, with analysis of the attitudes of soldiers in peace time; detailed descriptions of travelling in Communist Russia, 1935; living in Riga, Latvia, to learn Russian, 1938; travelling through Europe, Turkey and Egypt, 1938; life and work in England at the beginning of World War Two; training at Staff College, Quetta, India, 1942-1943; account of service under General Sir Hugh Charles Stockwell in the Arakan region, Burma, 1943-1945; including comparison of British and Japanese tactics, description of attack on Brigade headquarters, conditions experienced by soldiers and psychological effects of jungle warfare; account of service as General Staff Officer Grade Two under General Sir Francis Wogan "Frankie" Festing, 36 Division, including description of securing Shan region for Allies and liaising with American forces; account of service as instructor, British Military Mission in Greece, 1948, working with Greek National Army in Florina, Grammos, Vitsi and Salonika, including descriptions of the tactics of both the Greek National Army and the Democratic Army of Greece, and the difficulty of guerrilla warfare.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Boyle, RV · Colección · 1897-1943

Papers of Lt Col Robert Verelst Boyle, 1897-1943, including: Battalion standing orders of the 1st Battalion The Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire) (Gale & Polden, Aldershot, 1930); notes and correspondence regarding the Combined Operations Training Centre, Comox, Vancouver Island, Canada, 1942-1943; papers relating to lectures given while GSO1, HQ Combined Chiefs of Staff, USA, including: text of lecture on commandos, Economic Society, Detroit, 4 May 1942; article on commandos in Military Review, Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, Jul 1942; text of lecture considering how to attack a strongly defended coast, Junior Staff College, RMC Kingston, Ontario, Canada, Aug 1942; text of lecture on commandos given to the Annual Convention of American Newspaper Editors, New York, 1942; text of lecture on ship-to-shore operations, given at the US Army Amphibious Training Centre, 1942; text of lecture on preparations for the resumption of the land offensive, given to US Army Armoured Training Centre, 1942.
Formal photographs of Combined Chiefs of Staff events at Fort Benning and Fort Jackson, USA, including photographs of FM Sir John Dill, General George Marshall, Chief of Staff, US Army, Admiral Louis Mountbatten, Chief of Combined Operations, Lt Gen Mark Clark and Lt Col Dennis Price, meeting troops, watching parades, demonstrations and exercises, and inspecting weaponry. Also photograph labelled 'My official yacht whilst I started and commanded the Canadian Combined Operations Training Centre at Comox, Vancouver Island, 1942-43'.Photograph album, invitation and programme of events for the Presentation of New Colours to the Loyal Regiment (North Lancashire), in Famagusta, Cyprus, 7 Oct 1949.
Also items belonging to Boyle's father in law Lt Col Adrian Grant Duff: The Pathan Revolt in North-West India by H Woosnam-Mills (Civil and Military Gazette Press, Lahore, India, 1897) and Razmak station standing orders (Commercial Steam Press, Dera Ismail Khan, India, 1931).

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GB 0099 KCLMA Boys-Smith · 1983 (1904-1983)

Autobiography of Capt Humphrey Gilbert Boys-Smith From the Cradle to Within Sight of the Grave (1983). Including childhood and education; service in Merchant Navy, 1922-1934; account of Invergordon Mutiny, 1931; appointment to command of anti submarine corvette, HMS ANEMONE, 1940; evacuation from Dunkirk, making 6 crossings in requisitioned boats; service in HMS ANEMONE, Atlantic convoys, Jun 1940- Feb1942, including HMS ANEMONE'S sinking of Italian submarine NANI, 1941; comment on shortcomings of Asdic, 1940-1941; patrol against possible approach of the German battleship TIRPITZ, Arctic Circle, 1941; promotion to Cdr, Dec 1941; appointment to command of frigate HMS SPEY, Atlantic convoys, Mar 1942; service in Support Groups, Atlantic, autumn 1942- summer 1943 (hunting U boats, not protecting convoys); invasion of North Africa, late 1942; Capt, 1943-1945, in Officer Appointments, Second Sea Lord's Office, Admiralty; Marine Superintendent, Colonial Office service, South Seas islands, 1946-1950; Senior Officers' War Course, RN College Greenwich, 1950-1951; Staff Recruiting Officer, Courtaulds Ltd, 1951-1968; retirement, 1968-1982 Also file of copies of correspondence and press cuttings on honours and awards and report by Boys-Smith on marine policy in the Western Pacific, Sep 1946

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GB 0099 KCLMA Broad · 1968-1974

Correspondence, dated 1968, 1970, 1974, principally comprising letters relating to his career, 1914-1942, the destruction of his military papers in 1942; a letter concerning the relationship between the retention of horsed cavalry and the quality and rate of development of armoured forces in the UK during the period 1914-1940, written in 1970.

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BROOKE, Lt Col Kenneth Read (1907-1998)
GB 0099 KCLMA Brooke K R · Created 1988

One promotional videotape relating to The Scinde Horse (14th Prince of Wales's Own Cavalry), Indian Army, with items entitled 'The Scinde Horse sesquintennial', dated 16 Oct 1988, and 'Defenders of the dawn', dated 17 Nov 1988.

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BROOKS, Capt James Stewart (1921-1991)
GB 0099 KCLMA Brooks · 1960, 1964-1965, 1973, 1975, 1981

Papers relating to his service in the RN, 1960-1976, dated 1960, 1964-1965, 1973 and 1981, principally comprising 'Management improvement in the Royal Navy', a report of the Fleet Management Technique Panel headed by Nigel C Willmott, Head of Fleet Work Study, Oct 1960, with related correspondence, 1964-1965; The Naval Electrical Review vol 17 no 1, Jul 1963, including 'A report on defective material or design', an article by Brooks based on his work in the naval section of the Post-Design Division, Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment, 1959-1962. Letter from A K Hall to Capt J W M Pertwee, Naval Assistant to the Naval Secretary, Ministry of Defence, regarding Hall's nomination to succeed Brooks as Capt, HMS DEFIANCE, dated 26 Aug 1975.

Sin título
GB 0099 KCLMA Bryant · 1877-1985

Papers, 1877-1985, of Sir Arthur Wynne Morgan Bryant and his family. Family papers include correspondence, private and official, and diaries of his parents, (Sir) Francis Morgan and Lady Bryant, 1877-1938, and other papers, 1899-1979, including Bryant's correspondence with his parents and brother Philip. Bryant's own papers include his extensive correspondence, 1919-1985, with over 170 correspondents, among them politicians including the Rt Hon Leo Amery, Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl Baldwin of Bewdley, Sir John Buchan, R A Butler, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden, Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton, and Margaret Thatcher, Baroness Thatcher of Kesteven; literary figures including Sir John Betjeman; other public figures including William Maxwell Aitken, 1st Baron Beaverbrook of Beaverbrook, New Brunswick and Cherkley, Surrey, and John Charles Walsham Reith, 1st Baron Reith; historians including Asa Briggs, Baron Briggs of Lewes, Godfrey Elton, 1st Baron Elton of Headington, Sir Lewis Bernstein Namier, Sir John Neale, A L Rowse, G M Trevelyan and Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, Baron Dacre of Glanton. The correspondence reflects the diversity of Bryant's interests and touches upon the development of Conservative thought and British right wing politics in the mid twentieth century, attitudes towards the Spanish Civil War in Britain, the appeasement movement of the 1930s, and, in the 1960s, the merits of Britain's entry to the Common Market and her role in the postwar world. Other papers relate to literary, political and teaching matters, including Bonar Law College, Ashridge, 1929-1946; Bryant's literary output, including fan mail, 1931-1984; diaries, notebooks, account books and letters to the press, 1916-1982; notes; proofs, pamphlets, reviews and articles by Bryant, 1929-1984; book manuscripts, 1929-1984; reviews of Bryant's works, mid 1920s-1970s; pageants, invitations and honours, 1924-1984; clubs, societies and committees, 1939-1984; film scripts, certificates, and miscellanea, 1930-1954; other papers relating to personal business and financial affairs, 1920-1985.

Sin título
GB 0099 KCLMA Bryce · Created 1944, 1978

Photocopy of caricature of staff of HQ, second Chindit operation, Burma, 1944; photocopy of article by Brig Peter W Mead and Sir Robert Thompson on Maj Gen Orde Charles Wingate with related papers, 1978.

Sin título
GB 0099 KCLMA Buckle · Created [1988, 1991]

Various papers relating to his family, life and career, dated [1988 and 1991], notably including a brief draft memoir covering his life and career, 1902-1991, written in 1991 and a brief account of the life of his grandfather, Louis Anthony Vintcent, 1865-1891, a member of the Pioneer Corps who accompanied the British South Africa Company Police on their trek to occupy Mashonaland in 1890, sent to Buckle by J P A Sutton in 1988.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Burrows · Created [1914-1920], [1939-1945]

Papers relating to his service in the RN, [1914-1920], [1939-1945], principally comprising carbon copies of letters to his family describing his service at Gallipoli, 1915-1916, and in Salonika, Greece, 1916-1918; typescript texts, written in [1918-1975], principally comprising descriptive sketches of life in Salonika, 1916-1918, in Belgrade after the retreat of German and Austrian forces, 1918-1919, and in Budapest following Communist uprising led by Bela Hung Kun, 1919, written in [1918-1975]; typescript text by Harry W Frantz on Troubridge's work in Serbia and Hungary, 1915-1918, and as President of the Interallied Commission of the Danube, 1919-1920, written in 1920. Photographs relating to his service in Gallipoli, 1915, Salonika, 1915-1918, Belgrade, 1918-1919, and press photographs of the Communist revolution in Budapest, 1919-1920. Glass slides relating to his service in Salonika, 1915-1918. Papers relating to Burrows' work in the Shipping Casualties Section, Trade Division, Admiralty, 1939-1945, principally comprising descriptions of the work of the section, official reports concerning sunk or damaged ships and texts of interview with survivors.

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BURTON, Capt John George (1921-1978)
GB 0099 KCLMA Burton · Created 1943

Papers, photographs and maps relating to the invasions of Sicily and Italy, including the war diary of 41 Royal Marines Commando, 1943.

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GB 0099 KCLMA Cadoux-Hudson · Created 1915-1926

Microfilm copies of letters from Cadoux-Hudson to his family, 1915-1926, covering his service with the Hampshire Regt in Gallipoli, 1915, on the Western Front, 1916-1919, in Russia, 1919, and Ireland, 1920-1925; letters from John (Jack) C Hudson to his family, 1915-1918, covering his service on the Western Front with the Signal Company, 1 Canadian Div, 1915-1916, and the Canadian Army Service Corps, 1917-1918; letters from Cadoux-Hudson's brother Heron Hudson to his family covering his service on the Western Front with the Signal Company, 1 Canadian Div, 1915-1916, and with the Canadian Army Service Corps, 1916-1918; letters from Cadoux-Hudson's brother William Hudson to his mother, 1915, describing his work in the motor industry in the USA. Copy photographs of John and Heron Hudson.

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CAMPBELL, Gen Sir Frederick (1860-1943)
GB 0099 KCLMA Campbell F · 1878-1932

Papers of Gen Sir Frederick Campbell, 1878-1932, chiefly relating to Tibet and the North West Frontier, including plan of route taken by the Younghusband Expedition from Siliguri, Bengal, India to Lhasa, Tibet, showing altitudes and sites of skirmishes, 1904; transcript of a lecture entitled 'Reminiscences of Tibet'; photographs including from the Tibet expedition, 1904; monasteries; bridge; British officers; Tibetan houses; a wall painting; 3 Rolls Royce armoured cars, Sep 1915; defeated Afghan troops; moveable column, 1914; aerial photograph of a Fort, 18 Feb 1916; Dargai Mountain, showing area held by Afridis, Tirah campaign, North West Frontier, 1898; 'route along which assault [British on Afridis] was made' and British officer with [Indian] troops; photograph album labelled 'Tibet 1904, Siliguri to Gyantse and Lhasa, 24 May - 8 July snapshots taken by J H Moody 40th Pathans' including photographs of camps with pitched tents, British officers, views of mountain peaks, troops in mountain passes, camp furniture, Mount Chomolhari, camp at Tuna, Tibet, game of hockey at Tuna, (40 Pathans versus 23 Pioneers), camp at [Khangma], Tibet, views of Niani, Tibet, Gyantse, street scene and British officer and Indian troops with objects taken from a monastery; correspondence including personal letters, 1912-1919, chiefly congratulations on operations, North West Frontier, Sep 1915, and on Campbell's promotion to General, 1919; correspondence relating to morale among troops of 1 (Peshawar) Div, 1918-1919; on defence of North West Frontier Province, India, World War One, 1928 and 1931-1932 and on 1 Div, 1919-1936; reports including on action at Hafiz Kor, North West Frontier [now Pakistan], 5 Sep 1915, by Campbell as General Officer Commanding 1 (Peshawar) Div; on operations on Swat, Buner and Mohmand borders, 19 Jun - 27 Oct 1915; by Campbell as General Officer Commanding 1 Div on 'Charsadda Raid and roundup, 7-8 Dec 1915'; report on operations in Swat, 28-29 Aug and 27 Oct 1915; report on operations in Buner, 17, 26 and 31 Aug 1915 and report on casualties, 1913-1915; certificates, 1878-1898 including Campbell's certificate of DSO, 1898; press cuttings; Campbell's accounts of his military service, 1926; notes on Campbell's medals and record of active service.

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CAPPER, Cdr Douglas (1898-1979)
GB 0099 KCLMA Capper D · Created 1945

Official 'War Cabinet Chiefs of Staff Committee weekly résumé (No 297) of the naval, military and air situation from 0700 3rd May to 0700 10 May, COS (45) 101, 10 May 1945'.

Sin título
GB 0099 KCLMA Cary-Elwes · Created 1944, [1965], 1987

Copies of papers relating to his service with the French Special Air Service, France, 1944, some dated 1944, [1965] and 1987, principally comprising 'Looking back to the French SAS in Brittany, 1944', article by Cary-Elwes from the [Military Intelligence Review], 1947; pamphlet on Operation BONAPARTE, an operation to help Allied airmen to escape from occupied Europe, 1944-1945, published in the USA in [1965]; typescript text on the French Special Air Service, 1940-1946, written by [Cary-Elwes] in 1987; manuscript account of his service with Cary-Elwes and the French Special Air Service, Brittany, 1944, by Cpl Eric Mills, Cary-Elwes' batman, ND .

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GB 0099 KCLMA Charrington · Created 1914-1965

Papers relating to service with the 12 (Prince of Wales's Royal) Lancers during World War One, notably relating the advance into Flanders, the first Battle of Ypres, and the advance to, and fighting around, Amiens, 1914-1935; the writing and publication of Charrington's book Where Cavalry Stands Today (Hugh Rees, London, 1927), 1927-1928; papers from a report by Charrington on the operations of the British Army in Eritrea and Abyssinia during 1941; correspondence, narratives, photographs and maps relating to Charrington's command of 1 Armoured Bde during operations in Greece and Crete, 1941, 1941-1962.

Sin título
GB 0099 KCLMA Chichester · 1960-1992

Publications, mostly official, relating to UK defence policy, notably, defence expenditure, and equipment procurement, 1960-1990, including ninety-seven editions of House of Commons Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1964-1990) and thirteen editions of House of Lords Official Report. Parliamentary debates (Hansard) (HMSO, London, 1975-1990); fifty, mainly UK and USA official printed reports, 1960-1989, including Navy estimates, 1960-1963, Statement on the Defence Estimates (HMSO, London, 1966-1973, 1975-1981, 1988-1989); reports from the House of Commons Defence Committee, 1981-1989; reports relating to specific issues, notably strategic nuclear deterrence, 1973-1982, and the Falklands conflict, 1982-1987. Newspaper cuttings, 1968-1992, mostly relating to Malta, 1968-1972; Soviet seapower in the Mediterranean, 1969-1972; International naval affairs, 1970-1971; South Africa, 1970-1971; the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988; the Falklands conflict, 1982; US intervention in Grenada, 1983; Soviet defence policy, 1984-1988; NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organisation), 1984-1990; UK, US and European defence policy, 1984-1992; the US bombing raid on Libya, 1986; the Gulf War, 1991.

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