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Description archivistique
Loveland, Dr Forrest: journal
GB 0120 MS.7974 · 1931-1949

Journal by Dr Forrest Leon Loveland, general practitioner, Topeka, Kansas, documenting a trip he made to Europe with his wife Helen, 29 Jul 1931-23 Dec 1931. The journal describes the pair's travels through England, Holland, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland, Hungary and, in particular, Austria and Italy. The main focus of the trip was Vienna, Austria, where the Lovelands stayed from 29 Aug to 27 Nov 1931. Immediately on arrival Dr Loveland joined the American Medical Association of Vienna and began attending medical classes at Vienna University, including Dr Hermann Chiari's pathology class. Numerous photographs, postcards, tickets, newscuttings, maps, souvenirs etc. are pasted into the volume, and loose items were inserted between the pages up to 1949.

Sans titre
Berry, Sir Colin Leonard (b 1937)
GB 0120 MS.8410 · 1955-1959

Lecture notes, examination scripts and essays by Sir Colin Leonard Berry as a medical student, 1955-1959.

Sans titre
Anglerius, Peter Martyr (1455-1526)
GB 0120 MS.8462 · c1855

Manuscript translation into English, by an unknown hand, of Petrus Martyr Anglerius, Opus epistolarum ... Cui accesserunt epistolæ Ferdinandi de Pulgar, Latinæ pariter atque Hispanicæ (in Latinum idioma conuersæ a J. Magon), cum tractatu Hispanico de viris Castellæ illustribus, edited by C. Patin, (Elsevir, Amsterdam, 1670) 'The Work of the Letters of Peter Martyr of Angleria, a which are added the letters of Fernandez de Pulgar....'.

Sans titre
Flemyng, Malcolm: Course of Physiology
GB 0120 MS.MSL.115-117 · Mid 18th Century

Malcolm Flemyng's Course of Physiology. Neatly written in Latin by the same hand throughout, but there is no indication of the writer's identity. Vol. i fol. 1, has the title "Physiologia , auctore M. Fleming M.D. celeberrimo."

Sans titre
Chemistry and Pharmacy
GB 0120 MS.MSL.125 (a & b) · late 18th century

Title; "Receuil (sic) d'Oeuvres d'Observations très Curieuses et Utiles dans L'Art de la Chymie." The manuscript belongs to the second half of the eighteenth century, is written throughout in French, and has probably been compiled from the popular books and pamphlets based on the writings of Albertus Magnus and similar authors, of which many were published during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. There are elements influenced by astrology and alchemy.

Sans titre
Commentary on Boerhaave's Aphorisms
GB 0120 MS.MSL.90 (A-F) · 18th century

Commentary on Boerhaave's Aphorismi de Cognoscendis et Curandis Morbis, in Usum Doctrinæ Domestic Digesti ab Hermanno Boerhaave, Lugduni Batavorum, MDCCIX by unknown writer. The first edition contains 1479 Aphorisms, but in the later editions the number was increased to 1495 by the addition of two sections, Rachitis and Rheumatismus. This manuscript follows the later editions.

Sans titre
Cullen, William: Lectures on Chemistry
GB 0120 MS.MSL7 (a & b) · mid 18th century

Manuscript volume of notes by Edward Low taken from a course of lectures delivered by Willliam Cullen on on the 'Theory and Practice of Chymistry'.

Sans titre
Murie, James (1832-1925)
GB 0120 MSS. 3654-3655 · c.1850-1920

Commonplace book with numerous entries by other hands, 1850-1920. Contains some medical and household receipts, but most entries are on moral and literary subjects, extracts, quotations etc. File of loose miscellaneous holograph items: The Infusoria, 1882; 2 drafts of a medical certificate for a worker at Messrs. Kynoch of Stamford-le-Hope, Essex, 1916; diary fragment, 1916; 2 letters to Murie from William Cole, Secretary of the Essex Field Club, on proposed lectures on natural history, 1907

Sans titre
Roxburgh, William (1751-1815)
GB 0120 MSS. 4294-4295 · c1820

Abbreviated transcript of Roxburgh's 'Flora Indica', a dictionary of Indian plants and shrubs. Arranged in 23 classes: Monandria to Polygamia. With index by a later hand. Volume 1 of 'Flora Indica' as published at Serampore in 1820. It was edited by William Carey (1761-1834) and contained entries of additional plants by Nathaniel Wallich (1786-1854). There was a second edition of this Volume 1 in 1824 with more of Wallich's notes, but no further volumes were published until 1832. At that date Carey published the complete work in 3 volumes, but omitting the Wallich notes. This manuscript seems to be a shortened version of the work, with some of Wallich's notes, distinguished by the addition of the letter W. But the descriptions are here somewhat differently set out, and the native names of plants are omitted.

Sans titre
GB 0120 MSS.1020-1021 · 1839-1840

Two draft copies of Recherches statistiques sur l'aliénation mentale faites à l'Hospice de Bicêtre by Honoré Aubanel and Ange Marie Thore. The first draft has a title as given above, the second is entitled 'Recherches statistiques sur la Division des Aliénés de Bicêtre pendant l'année 1839. Travail présenté au Concours ouvert par MM. les Rédacteurs des "Annales d'Hygiène" ', 31 Dec 1839.

Sans titre
Bacstrom, Sigismund
GB 0120 MSS.1030-1031 · [1835-1850]

Transcripts, extracts, and notes on alchemy, entitled 'MSS. on alchemy received from H[enry] C[owell] Boyes 1894.'

Sans titre
Bath: Casualty Hospital
GB 0120 MSS.1094-1097 · 1788-1840

Four volumes of administrative documentation relating to the Bath Casualty Hospital: two volumes relating to the Hospital's rules and orders, an account book and a register of wills in the Hospital's favour, 1788-1840.

Sans titre
Berhard, H (fl 1928-1930)
GB 0120 MSS.1131-1136 · 1928-1930

Catalogues of collections (of medical and other books) purchased for the Wellcome Library in 1928-1930 from H. Berhard, a bookseller of Rouen. Produced in Rouen.

Sans titre
GB 0120 MSS.1253-1266 · c 1910

Papers of Raphaël Anatole Émile Blanchard, c 1910, comprising catalogue of the collection of coins, medals, plaques, jétons, and tokens relating to medicine. With holograph descriptions and notes, additions by other hands, extracts and cuttings from printed catalogues, etc. Produced in Paris.

Sans titre
Bonnet, Hyacinthe (fl 1795)
GB 0120 MSS.1316-1317 · 1795-1804

Collection of 9 'cahiers' containing a student's notes of lectures on medicine and allied subjects: Volume 1: (1) Médecine clinique de la Charité de Paris du 7 Prairial inclus le 22 Messidor l'an 3me; [1795] (76 ll.). (2) Clinique externe de l'Hospice de l'Humanité [Hôtel-Dieu] le Paris. Maladies des os. L'an 3me de la République, [1795] (54 ll.). (3) Clinique externe de l'Hôtel-Dieu de Paris. an. xi [1803] (6 ll.). (4) Dartre [etc.]. an. xi [1804] (8 ll.). (5) Candolle (A. P. de) Physiologie végétale. an. xi [1803] (33 ll.). Volume II: (1) Vauquelin (L. N.) Chimie. Analyse des eaux minérales et chimie végétale. an. xi [1803] (54 ll.). (2) [Cuvier (G. L. C. F. D. de)] Anatomie comparée. an. xi et xii [1803, 1804] (48 ll.). (3) Dumas (C. L.) Extrait des Principes de physiologie. n.d. (30 ll.). (4) Mémoires lus à l'Académie des Sciences. n.d. (68 ll.). On Meteorology. The writer's name appears on the 5th and 6th leaves of the 'Physiologie végétale' (No. 5), in the form of a copy of a Certificate of Attendance given to Hyacinthe Bonnet by [Joseph Claude Anthelme] Récamier [1774-1752], 'Chirurgien en chef de l'Hospice de l'Humanité à Paris [Hôtel-Dieu], et professeur de l'École de Médecine à Paris, etc.' Produced in Paris.

Sans titre
Brücke, Ernst Wilhelm von (1819-1892)
GB 0120 MSS.1376-1377 · c 1870

'Physiologische Vorlesungen ... an der Universität Wien, geschrieben von Karl Langer', paged continuously: illustrated by small marginal pen and pencil diagrams and figures, some coloured. Produced in Vienna.

Sans titre
Candy, Hugh Charles Herbert (1850-1935)
GB 0120 MSS.1452-1455 & 6890 · 1906-1931

Papers of Hugh Charles Herbert Candy, 1906-1931, including notes relating to chemical analyses, a report on the post-mortem examination on Doris Barwood, and notes and correspondence on two cases of poisoning, but largely concerning a suicide in Barking, Essex containing a police statement from the attending G.P., letters from the borough coroner, and records of post-mortem examinations conducted at Severalls Mental Hospital, Colchester and the London Hospital Medical College, Mile End.

Sans titre
Cantlie, Sir James (1851-1926)
GB 0120 MSS.1456-1499 and 6931-6941 · 1874-1923

MSS.1456-1499 comprise chiefly drafts of essays and papers by Cantlie, spanning his entire career but with the bulk (MSS.1461-1486) dating from his years in Hong Kong. The subject is generally tropical medicine; diseases discussed include leprosy, dropsy, kala-azar, beri-beri, cholera and malaria, with particular emphasis upon leprosy. Worth individual notice are MSS.1456, in which Cantlie describes a case of blood poisoning that he acquired in the dissecting room at Charing Cross Hospital; MS.1459, commemorating the military surgeon Paul Bennett Conolly (died at Khartoum on the Gordon Relief Expedition of 1885); 1461, 1466 and 1463, two diaries and a cashbook respectively to do with his Hong Kong medical practice; 1469, a fragment of a register of patients in the Hong Kong Hospital; 1480-1481, casebooks compiled in Hong Kong; 1489, a dummy copy of the first edition of the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, founded by Cantlie; and 1499, a collection of questionnaire responses relating to the life history of Eurasian "half-castes" in which Cantlie is one of many respondents drawn from the western fringes of the Pacific (China, Japan, Australia and New Zealand). MSS.6931-6941 contain correspondence, personal and travel papers, medical notes, printed material (including much material relating to papers published in the Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene), illustrative material and certificates, the last also including items relating to other members of Cantlie's family.

Sans titre
Cecchini, Mario
GB 0120 MSS.1536-1538 · 1732-1752

Students' notes of Mario Cecchini's lectures on tumours, at the Archiospedale del Santo Spirito, Rome.

Sans titre
Chaussegros, Vital (1769- )
GB 0120 MSS.1556-1582 · 1814-[1845]

Papers of Vital Chaussegros on magic and occultism, 1814-[1845].

Sans titre
GB 0120 MSS.1616-1622 · 1828-1830

Volume in 7 parts, originally formed part of one large volume, which has been broken up, and of which parts are wanting, entitled 'Libro cabalistico'. The first four parts are paginated. Part I 'Libro cabalistico. Ho sia una quantita di cabale per trovare, le dene simpatici, per operare, e finali, con il modo di restringere i 90 numeri a 45, a 36, e ancho a meno. Epoi trovare ancora numeri precisi: contenente ruote ho siano sfere, tavole di Simpatici, tavole di Rutiglio, alfabeti, gradi Polari ... Colla tavola delle Feste Mobili ... Raccolte da altri libri, e molte di mia invenzione, fatte scrivere dal Caporale Giovanni Chiti dei Reali Veterani, e da me Bartolomeo Bartolomei, negli anni 1829 e 1830. In questa Citta di Pistoja'. (Paginated 1-66). Part II 'Ruota o sia sfera mattematica con l'insegniamento per operare e per trovare il primo, terzo, o quinto estratto detto la ruota solare e lunare di Rutilio Benincasa ... Dicano copiata in Roma ... nel' anno 1796 da F.F.F. ... Scritto in Pistoja l'anno 1830'. (Paginated 79-106: irregular). Part III 'Ruota con sette cerchi, con i nomi e caratteri dei sette pianeti, e con i dodici segni del Zodiaco, con il loro nome mese, e stelle fisee con il insegnamento per operare, etc. Ed inseguito una quantita di Cabale ... Per il Giuoco del Lotto. Scritto in Pistoja l'anno 1830 (Paginated 107-109). Part IV Tavole di Varalla cappucino. Spiegazione di arcani secreti ho sia insegnamento della squente ruota. Scritta in Pistoja ... 1830' (Paginated 213-220). Part V 'Lunazioni o sia il prospetto comodo per vedere ... quanti giorni sono di luna in qualunque giorno di ogni mese ... Con la lettera del Martyrologio Romano ... Copiata in Pistoja ... 1828' (40 ll.). Part VI 'Dettaglio dei dodici quadri perpetui appartenenti al punto nove annuale delle parte Europea, Polo 48 al Nord', n.d. (27 pp.). Part VII 'Regole cabalistiche variate', n.d. (18 ll. + 4 bl. ll.). Produced in Pistoia.

Sans titre
Cline, Henry (1750-1827)
GB 0120 MSS.1673-1674 · c 1790

Henry Cline's anatomical lectures read at St. Thomas's Hospital, notes by an anonymous student. Produced in London, 1790.

Sans titre
Common-Place Books, 17th century
GB 0120 MSS.1740-1744 · c 1660

Commonplace books containing extracts on many subjects. The compiler may possibly have been a Quaker or Nonconformist, as there are many quotations from such authorities. By a comparison of the dates of the many works quoted-which are mainly by Dissenters, Baptists, etc., these volumes seem to have been compiled not long after 1660.

Sans titre
Common-Place Books, 19th cent.
GB 0120 MSS.1746-1747 · c 1805

Collection of extracts and notes on Agriculture, Botany, Geography and Travel, History, Zoology, etc. Though on p. 146 of the smaller volume there is an extract from a work published in 1808, the majority of the entries are from books published in the period 1770-1780.

Sans titre
Common-Place Books, 18th cent.
GB 0120 MSS.1751-1752 · c 1725

Collection of extracts, receipts, and notes mostly from medical authors of the early part of the 18th cent.

Sans titre
Comrie, John Dixon (1875-1939)
GB 0120 MSS.1776-1778 · 1899-1914

The collection comprises material on medical history: an address to the Royal Medical Society on ancient medicine (MS.1776), his inaugural lecture in the history of medicine (MS.1777) and an address on ancient Hindu medicine (MS.1778).

Sans titre
Celestinus, Terentius
GB 0120 MSS.185-186 · 1648

Alchemical works of Terentius Celestinus, 1648.

Sans titre
Cope, Sir (Vincent) Zachary (1881-1974 )
GB 0120 MSS.1863-1870 & 8875 · 1957-1966

Notes, 1957-1966, made by Sir Zachary Cope in preparation for a History of Dispensaries in Great Britain, plus a piece on his own writings. Produced in London.

Sans titre
Coroller, Jacques Robert Corentin
GB 0120 MSS.1878-1882 · 1756-1758

5 volumes of Jacques Robert Corentin Coroller: 'Institutiones philosophiae ... Audiente Joanne Francisco Gillet', titles within decorated pen-drawn borders, illustrated with pen-drawn diagrams, figures, etc., and small vignettes and tail-pieces. Vol. I. 'Prolegomena philosophiae. Logica', 1757; Vol. ll. 'Metaphysica', 1757; III. 'Philosophia moralis', 1757; IV. 'Physica generalis', 1758; V. 'Physica specialis', 1758. At the end of the text of Vol. V. (p. 577) is an inscription by Gillet. 'Finis totius philosophiae die 29a jullii [sic] anno Domini 1758, sub illustrissimo Domino proffessore [sic] regio jacobo roberto correntino Corroller sacrae facultatis parisiensis bacalaurio theologo, ex urbe episcopali Quimper Correntin, in brittannia [sic] minori. Has lectiones philosophicas audivit joannes franciscus Gillet Lugdunensis in scholis academicis seminarii sancti iraenei [sic]. Lugdunensis a lu[per] calibus anni millesimi septingentesimi quinquagesimi sexti ad inducias usque academicas anni millesimi septingentesimi quinquagesimi octavi'. After 7 ll. of diagrams, etc., he adds: 'Il manqueroit quelque chose à ce cours de philosophie si je n'y adjoutois la chanson que j'ai faite sur ma sortie du Séminaire'. This is followed by 70 lines of verse. Produced in Lyons.

Sans titre
Coyney, William (fl 1746-1780)
GB 0120 MSS.1899-1901 · 1746-1773

Account books. Vol. I. 2/2/1746-17/10/1756. With odd entries at the end to 1765; II. 9/7/1756-22/10/1765. Some leaves torn out at the end; III. 1/1/1766-22/12/1773.

Sans titre
Crosse, John Green (1790-1850)
GB 0120 MSS.1916-1917 · 1819-1843

Midwifery. Obstetrical case books for 1819-1825 and 1833-1843. Compiler's holograph MSS.

Sans titre
Cullen, William (1710-1790)
GB 0120 MSS.1918-1971, 5487, 6036, 6155 and 8536 · [1760-1925]

Primarily notes from William Cullen's lectures taken by students at Edinburgh University; also some annotated copies of texts by Cullen, [1760-1925].

Sans titre
Curet, Louis
GB 0120 MSS.1976-1977 · c 1875

Papers of Louis Curet including notes and extracts on various medical disciplines including Surgical Pathology, Forensic Medicine, Pharmacology, Surgery and Materia Medica.

Sans titre
Cuthbert, Charles Firmin (1858-1939)
GB 0120 MSS.1982-1997 · 1885-1926

Short papers given by Charles Firmin Cuthbert mainly on surgical subjects, author's holograph MSS and corrected typescripts, comprising (1) 'How and why we breathe', a paper read to the [Gloucester] Philosophical Society, 19 May 1885; (2) Miscellaneous notes on surgical operations, cases, etc, 1889-1923; (3) Evidence given in a Compensation case for alleged injuries to a finger from carbolic acid, 1898; (4) 'Haemorrhage from a chronic gastric ulcer: operation, recovery': with a second draft, the first leaf of which is wanting, 1904; (5) Presidential Address, Gloucestershire Branch of the British Medical Association, 17 Nov 1904, with a corrected typescript copy; (6) 'Malignant disease of the rectum removed by operation: with a discussion on the symptoms and diagnosis of cancer of the rectum', read to the Gloucester Branch of the B.M.A. 18 Oct 1906, with a holograph critical letter on the subject from Louis Bathe Rawling [1870-1940]; (7) The surgical side of the Discussion on Dr. Kirkland's paper 'Where Physician and Surgeon meet' with three holograph corrected typescript copies of Cuthbert's 'Surgical criticism of Dr. Kirkland's paper'. 1907; (8) 'A plea for early operation in Appendix cases', a paper read to the Meeting of the Gloucestershire Branch of the B.M.A., 15 Oct 1908 and holograph-corrected typescripts, letters, notes, etc. collected for the preparation of, or connected with this paper; (9) 'Diagnosis and treatment of cancer of the tongue', with a few holograph corrections and additions, 1910, read at the Gloucestershire Branch of the B.M.A. Meeting on 20 Jan 1910; (10) 'Some surgical considerations relating to the Workman's Compensation Act' with a case-history and medical evidence in an Action under the Act. 1912; (11) 'Permanent care of feeble-minded persons', an address to the [Gloucestershire] Charity Organisation Society, 28 Mar 1912; (12) 'Pitfalls in practice' read at a Meeting of the Gloucestershire Branch of the B.M.A. 26 Apr 1916; (13) 'Demonstrations on the equipment and technique of bone graft surgery by the method of Albee', read at the B.M.A. Association Meeting at Wotton Lodge Nursing Home 20 Dec 1917; illustrated with 38 tracings in ink, mounted on boards from Albee's 'Bonegraft surgery', 1915; (14) 'The surgical aspects of tuberculosis', an address given at the Guildhall, Gloucester, 6 May 1920; (15) 'Paralysis in children: deformities resulting from paralysis', [c. 1920] (16) Addresses by or connected with Dr. Cuthbert, etc., 1923-1926.

Sans titre
Cyriax, Edgar Ferdinand (1874-1955)
GB 0120 MSS.2001-2025 and 6054-6060 · 1887-1948 and undated

The material focuses chiefly upon bibliography, comprising notes on writings about gymnastics and manipulative treatment, and Cyriax's collations of authors cited in various works on the subject. In addition to this there are some writings upon manipulative treatment itself and related issues (MSS.2001, 2006-2007), a syllabus of lectures to be delivered by Cyriax at the Central Institute for Swedish Gymnastics (MS.6054), writings on massage by authors other than Cyriax (MSS.6056-6059) and an acknowledgement by the Museum of Practical Geology for specimens presented by another member of the Cyriax family (MS.6060).

Sans titre
Davey, John Bernard (1875-1967)
GB 0120 MSS.2046 and 5677 · 1944-c.1950

The collection comprises lectures and papers by Davey on administration and health issues as they relate to East Africa

Sans titre
Déveille, Claude François (1770- )
GB 0120 MSS.2112-2113 · 1807-1836

Two notebooks of Claude François Déveille, 1807-1836, one recording pharmacy in use in military hospitals (plus some erotic poems) and the other a commonplace book.

Sans titre
Ebers Papyrus
GB 0120 MSS.2272-2279 · c.1903

Translation into English of ancient Egyptian text on the healing art.

Sans titre
Felici, Antonio (1709-1784) (and others)
GB 0120 MSS.2344-2345 · 1742-1759

'Consulti medici con varie annotazioni al Boeraavio [sic] estratte d'all' Aller [sic] e Wanswieten [sic]', the two volumes contain 300 'Consulti', many of which are apparently written by Felici or signed by him, usually dated from Terni, and giving his title 'Primo medico'. Other entries are probably copies, and are written by different hands, and assigned to various contemporary Italian physicians. The first volume has a title as given above, the second is lettered 'Consulti medici, Volume secondo'. Produced in Terni [etc.].

Sans titre
GB 0120 MSS.2352-2357, 5149 · 1826-1858

Personal correspondence and papers of Baron Ernst von Feuchtersleben, mainly relating to medical topics and to the Faculty of Medicine in Vienna, 1826-1858. The papers are mainly copies of medical texts with mansuscript annotations and copies of medical essays by him - some unpublished. Also, his case book 1836-1842. The records often relate to the Viennese Medical Faculty, his interest in medical education, and addresses given by him. The correspondence is primarily from medical colleagues in Austria and Germany.

Sans titre
Gardiner, Frederick (1874-1933)
GB 0120 MSS.2469-2470 · 1908-1932

Papers of Frederick Gardiner comprising short papers on dermatological subjects, and material for the third edition of Gardiner's Handbook of Skin Diseases.

Sans titre
Grillot de Givry, Émile Angelo
GB 0120 MSS.2634-2637 · 1921-1928

Occult material including 'Anthologie de l'Occultisme. Choix des meilleures pages des auteurs qui se sont illustrés dans les sciences hermétiques depuis les Temps anciens jusqu'à nos jours. Traductions, notices et préface', 1921, author's holograph MS., except for the 'Préface' which is in typescript with holograph corrections, etc., and a few pages written by the Author's wife, produced in Paris and 'Le Musée des sorciers, mages et alchimistes', author's holograph MS. in 3 folders, the illustrations are not included, signed by the author at the end of the preface, and at the end of the text: 'Paris, 29 Novembre 1928'.

Sans titre
GB 0120 MSS.2672-2719 · 1874-1902

Note-books of William Dobinson Halliburton chiefly of lecture notes taken while a student at University College, London. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in London, 1874-1902.

Sans titre
Hamilton, David James (1849-1909)
GB 0120 MSS.2762-2763 · 1880-1881

Notes of lectures on Hamilton's Pathology, taken by George Washington Isaac. Produced in Edinburgh, 1880-1881.

Sans titre
Hansler, Sir John Jacob (1788-1867)
GB 0120 MSS.2769-2776 · 1837

Book by Sir John Jacob Hansler entitled Dyspepsia. Or the Autobiography of an Invalid. Containing many singular Adventures and Providential Escapes during an eventful life, interspersed with a Variety of Original Anecdotes, useful Information, Medical Recipes from some of the first Galens of the late and the most celebrated Esculapians of the present Day-the whole compiled with an earnest Desire to promote Health and Longevity. As well as Truth and Amusement ... In two Volumes. Mainly holograph, but with passages written by another hand, probably that of a lady. The latest date found in the text is 1837, and the diary proper seems to end in 1835, having been begun in about 1808. The book is dedicated to H.R.H. Prince Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex [1773-1843], and was apparently prepared for the press, but no record of its publication has been traced.

Sans titre
Harley, George (1829-1896)
GB 0120 MSS.2780-2781 · [1860-1885]

Notebooks of George Harley on coloured test-glasses and invalid cookery, [1860-1885].

Sans titre