Papers of Shepherd Thomas Taylor including medical diary, general diaries, notebook with notes of lectures on internal cancers, accounts, 1859-1925.
Sem títuloTweedie's casebooks detailing cases of cholera in Abchurch Lane, East London, March-September 1832
Sem títuloWilfrid Bernard Vaillant's papers, 1926-1939, include his family tree of the physician Thomas Sydenham, showing Vaillant's descent from Thomas Sydenham, 1938; Biographical notes on the Sydenham family, 1926-39.
Sem títuloRecord of post-mortem examinations by James Wilson and James Arthur Wilson including the post mortem examinations of the bodies of Dr Samuel Johnson and Lt Gen Sir Charles Napier, 1784-1853.
Sem títuloThe College's official archives contain historical material relating to all aspects of its activities as a professional body of physicians, from the sixteenth century to the present. A summary list follows:
Legal documents
Charters 1518, 1565, 1656, 1657, 1663, 1673, 1674, 1683, 1688, 1721
Statutes and byelaws (printed and manuscript) 1607-1986
Grant of arms 1546
Trust deeds 1582, 1656
Legal papers and other records re constitution and privileges of the College 1607-1899
Proceedings of the College
Annals, i.e. record of proceedings of the College and minutes of Comitia, 1555-1572 (with retrospective entries from 1518), 1581-1995
Minutes of Elects 1809-1823
Council minutes 1836-1995
College business
Lists (mainly printed; some manuscript) of Fellows 1681-date, Licentiates 1681-1925 and Members 1858-1985
Examination papers (printed) 1838-1972
Papers re Conjoint Board scheme with Royal College of Surgeons 1859-1924
Papers re proceedings against unlicensed practice and improper use of medical titles 1608-1920
Records of Censors' visitations of apothecaries' shops 1724-1856
Papers re cases of professional misconduct 1859-1916
College land and property
Evidences of title 1510-1865
Lease book 17th century-1860
Papers re College buildings 1670-1986
Other estate records 1694-1915
Finance records
Finance Committee minutes 1855-1991
Accounts and financial papers 1664-1950
Minutes, reports and papers - general medicine
Minutes and papers of committees on anatomical nomenclature 1911, beriberi 1908-1909, London university 1889-1899, maternal mortality 1929-1930, medical reform and examinations 1844-1860, nomenclature of diseases 1867-1917, quarantine 1889 and tuberculosis 1933-7
Papers of committees on vaccination 1806-7 and 1871, including replies to vaccination enquiry 1806-7
Papers of committee on leprosy 1858-1898, including replies to leprosy questionnaire 1858-1864
Replies to questionnaire on health and climate of foreign countries 1829-1831
Reports and papers on hospitals and medical facilities overseas 1837-1920
Reports and papers on plague chiefly in Asia 1876-1910
Observations on influenza epidemic 1782-1783
Minutes, reports and papers - pharmacology
Minutes of pharmacopoeia revision committee 1806-1809 and Hospital physicians' committee on materia medica 1809-1813
Agreements and papers re College pharmacopoeia 1720-1830
Papers re Chelsea physic garden 1722, 1890-1899
Correspondence and papers re Oxford physic garden and Sherardian professorship of botany at Oxford 1733-1886
Other committee minutes and papers 1682-1698, 1830-20th century
Registrar's letter books 1814-1824, 1850, 1894-1898
Lectures and prizes
Correspondence and papers re College lectures 1694-1982
Texts of lectures (printed and manuscript) 1661-1992, incomplete
Texts of presidential addresses (printed and manuscript) 1882-1988, incomplete
Correspondence and papers re medals, prizes and scholarships 1866-1991
Papers re College dinners and receptions 1759-1971
Papers re anniversaries 1872-1978
Library, museum and art collection
Library Committee minutes 1846, 1860-1983
Library records 1664-1983
Museum Curators' minutes 1821-1938
Museum records 1818-1938
Papers re College's works of art, paintings, busts, silver etc. 1805-1963
Records of Fellows Club 1872-1939 and College Club 1929-1966
Sem títuloWilliam Hunter Baillie's transcript of the autobiographic memoranda of his father, Matthew Baillie (1761-1823), 1854, copied from the original, with a letter from William Hunter Baillie commenting on the text of the memoranda
Sem títuloCorrespondence and papers created by William Baly and his family; Francis Baly, his mother, William Baly, his father, Frances (Fanny) Shipp, nee Baly, and Elizabeth (Bessy) Baly, his sisters, 1807-1878. Includes correspondence between Baly and members of his family and friends, and between members of his family about Baly, spanning Baly's life and career. Also includes papers, notes and correspondence relating to Baly's professional career, his years as a student in London and then in France and Germany, 1831-36; his various appointments, from his early apprenticeship to a general practitioner in 1828 to his appointment as physician extraordinary to the Queen in 1859, such as indentures detailing appointments and a volume of testimonials supporting Baly's appointment as Assistant Physician at St Bartholomew's Hospital, 1854; his licence and diploma for the Royal College of Physicians; a portrait of Baly by one of his sisters; photographs; obituaries; material relating to the Baly Memorial Fund; and genealogical notes on the Baly family.
Sem títuloCheadle's papers, 1877-1934, include his notes on the use of anti-scorbutic treatment for scurvy in young children, includes notes of six cases, with temperature charts, 1877-88. Also includes explanatory notes from J.F. Poynton, 1910; Original paintings and photograph of infantile scurvy by Cheadle, from the cases of Sir Thomas Barlow, to accompany Cheadle's original records of the cases, [1877-79], with letter presenting paintings to the College from Poynton, 1934.
Sem títuloClark's papers, c.1870, consist of his notes of lectures on anatomy and physiology, in his hand. It is thought the lectures were delivered at the London Hospital.
Sem títuloThe diary and visiting list of Edward Hayling Coleman, 1850.
Sem títuloPapers and war medals of Sir John Josias Conybeare, 1915-1972. Includes his First World War diary, 1915; Military medals and orders awarded to him during the First and the Second World Wars, including the Military Cross and KBE insignia, 1915-1945; Medical notebook, 1916-24; Lecture notes on the subject of Aviation Medicine, n.d., c.1939-45; and letters from William Neville Mann (1911-2001) to the College offering the medical notebook and lecture notes for the College's archives, 1970-72.
Sem títuloPapers of Sir Edward Dodds, relating in part to his professional life and in part to his historical and other outside interests. They include notes and correspondence about the illnesses of King George V and his daughter Princess Mary as well as biographical material about Dodds himself.
Sem títuloPapers of Robert Ferguson, 1821-1864, include his notes on gynaecology and obstetrics, particularly referring to cases, with some diagrams, sketches and watercolour drawings, and including notes for lectures; Notes on various medical subjects relevant to general medical practice, such as childhood diseases and physiology, particularly referring to cases, with some watercolour drawings, including notes and correspondence on the health of Napoleon III, 1856, and including notes for lectures; Notes on philosophy and literature; Addresses given by Ferguson to students; Copies of articles by others on subjects of interest to Ferguson, found amongst his papers.
Sem títuloPapers of Sir David Ferrier, 1873-1913, include his notebooks of experiments, particularly in relation to the cerebral cortex, with sketches and photographs, 1873-83; Drafts of addresses given by Ferrier, on the nature and physiology of tabes, 1906, and on the cerebro-spinal fluid, 1913.
Sem títuloLetters relating to illness and death of Charles James Fox and other members of the Fox Family, 1806-1819.
Sem títuloGee's papers, 1860-1904, including eight medical notebooks with an index, 1860-90; Lists of clinical clerks at St Bartholomew's Hospital in two notebooks, 1879-1887, 1887-1904; and a Manuscript of 'Caelius Aurelianus, Swift Passion Books I-III', translated by Gee, n.d., c.1872.
Sem títuloWiddows Golding collection comprising a commonplace book containing records of cases at the London Hospital about the year 1786, including notes on operations performed by Richard Grindall, Henry Thompson, George Neale, and other surgeons; notes on surgery, midwifery and anatomy. (The anatomical notes are illustrated by fine water-colour drawings). 'A concise account of an epidemic fever which was in the united parishes of Newnam, Mongwell, Nufhill and Gray's in the year 1788' and notes on medicine. At the end is a large collection of receipts.
Sem títuloJoannes Groenevelt's copy of his book, 'Dissertatio lithologica variis observationibus et Figuris illustrata', 1687, interleaved with manuscript notes.
Sem títuloLeonard George Guthrie's MD thesis on chloroform narcosis in children, unpublished typescript, 1893.
Sem títuloPapers of Reginald Hale-White chiefly relating to the Fellowship for Freedom in Medicine, including correspondence; address at the Tunbridge Wells meeting of the Fellowship for Freedom in Medicine, Apr 1953; typescript drafts of reports; press-releases and printed Bulletins of the Fellowship for Freedom in Medicine, 1948-1972 (some were added to the collection by Hale-White's widow after his death). Also comprises material about his other medical interests including correspondence and other papers about the Government proposal to ban the manufacture and import of heroin in the United Kingdom, and about Hale-White's participation in opposing the ban, 1955-1956; copies of letters from Hale-White to the Daily Telegraph and the British Medical Journal, 1958-1967 and typescripts of speeches and lectures given by Hale-White, some annotated by him in manuscript.
Sem títuloPapers of Sir Jonathan Hutchinson, 1889-1906, consisting of his author's copy of Archives of Surgery (1889-1900), printed with annotations in his hand and interleaved with letters to him from practitioners whose patients' cases he describes.
Sem títuloWestern Manuscripts, c 1250-19th century, including receipt books (domestic medical remedies and culinary recipes), illuminated psalters and prayer books, case notes and prescription books. highlights include: the Wilton Psalter, c 1250; a 15th century copy of Geoffrey Chaucer's Canterbury Tales; medical receipt and prescription books from the 17th century.
Sem títuloMead's papers and seal, 1695-mid 18th century, include his diploma of DM from the University of Padua, 1695; Notes on materia medica, ealy-mid 18th century (date on edge of volume reads 'Michis [Michaelmas] 1690', but thought to have been written later); Mead's prescriptions, with those of other physicians, which follow 'Observations from Mr Boyle's Usefulness of Experimental Philosophy and the Abridgement of the First Volume', thought to be in Mead's hand, early-mid 18th century; Gold seal believed to be Mead's, n.d. (early-mid 18th century) (located amongst museum objects).
Sem títuloUnpublished memorandum by Sir Frederick Norton Kay Menzies on the London County Council hospital service, 1941.
Sem títuloJohn Ayrton Paris' annotated copy of 'A memoir on the physiology of the egg', read before the Linnean Society of London, 21 Mar 1809' (London 1810), with two unpublished watercolour drawings by M C Noble interleaved.
Sem títuloAssociation of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland records comprising: attendance records 1907-1960, cash book 1907-1967, correspondence 1925- 1970, minutes 1907-1970, and photographs 1907-1949, of the Association of Physicians of Great Britain and Ireland.
Sem títuloPapers of Frederic John Poynton, [1902]-1940, including scrapbook, with letters and newspaper cuttings relating to Poynton and addresses including on the occasion of the unveiling of a memorial to Dr William Oliver, on the history of early aeronautics and the history of the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street.
Sem títuloOriginal manuscript of Manual of Morbid Anatomy by Humphry Davy Rolleston and Alfredo Antunes Kanthack, 1894.
Sem títuloChronological notes on the medical history of Sir Anthony Eden, Prime Minister.
Sem títuloSir Edward Henry Sieveking's papers, 1846-1960, include his medical notebooks, with case notes, 1846-1873; Notebooks recording visits to patients, 1854-1879; Author's copy of On Epilepsy and Epileptiform Seizures, interleaved with his annotations, 1858; Diaries detailing his attendance of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1863-1873, with related correspondence, 1886 and 1935; Chapters on 'physical organisation of the human race' by Sieveking, printed, undated; Correspondence with colleagues and family, and correspondence relating to Sieveking, 1863-1904; Papers relating to his professional appointments, such as material relating to his honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh, 1884, copies of the laws of the British Balneological and Climatological Society, undated, and St Mary's Hospital annual report, 1902; Addresses and lectures given by Sieveking, 1876-1890; Obituaries and memorials to Sieveking, including an introduction by his son, Albert Forbes Sieveking, 1904; Correspondence relating to Sieveking's papers, 1959-1960; Summary of, and commentary on, his diaries by Neville M. Goodman, c.1960; List of Sieveking's papers donated to the College, 1960; There is also a medical notebook thought to be in the hand of Alfred Robert Sieveking, which was found amongst Sieveking's papers.
Sem títuloCase notes compiled at Westminster Infirmary, containing the records of 169 patients at the Westminster Hospital. 94 patients were seen by Dr Wasey and 75 by Dr Stuart. There is an index of patients at the front, and an index of diseases at the back.
Sem títuloPapers of Thomas Sydenham, 1669-c1683, including observations on fevers and acute diseases, in collaboration with John Locke and translation into English of his treatise on gout.
Sem títuloOriginal drawings of natural history and comparative anatomy for Edward Tyson's works on comparative anatomy.
Sem títuloA Greek and Latin etymology of medical terms, 1722-1724.
Sem títuloMinutes of general meetings of governors of the Westminster General Dispensary, instituted 6 June 1774.
Sem títuloCasebook of Isaac Burney Yeo, 1871-1880.
Sem títuloTypescript of Sir Thomas Allbutt's book Arteriosclerosis: a summary view, with numerous alterations and additions in the author's hand.
Sem títuloTwo volumes of medical case notes, 1884-90, apparently of the private practice of Robert Sydenham Fancourt Barnes or possibly of the practice of his father, Robert Barnes.
Sem títuloMedical formulary, [1640s]-[1680s]. Includes collection of medical receipts in Bathurst's handwriting, and notes on Homer, Xenophon, and the Bible, mid-late C17th
Sem títuloBrooke's scrapbook and letters relating to her work as a Health Visitor, 1919- c.1952. Scrapbook includes photographs, notes and annual reports of the Child Welfare Department of University College Hospital; Letters sent to Brooke, 1947 and n.d., and a typescript history of the Department, c.1952, which were originally interleaved with the scrapbook.
Sem títuloPapers of Charles Edouard Brown-Sequard and his family, 1787-1963. Includes family correspondence and papers, 1787-71, and correspondence and papers of Brown-Sequard's mother, Henrietta Perrine Charlotte Brown, 1838-41, including her marriage certificate, 1813; Correspondence and papers of Brown-Sequard, both personal and professional, spanning his life and career in Mauritius, France, America, and England, 1838-94, including correspondence with well known figures such as Thomas Huxley, Charles Darwin and Louis Pasteur, [1862]-1876, letters to his first wife Ellen, 1852-64, to his second wife Maria, and their marriage certificate, 1872-73, and correspondence with his third wife Elizabeth Emma, 1876-80, poems and literary notes of Brown-Sequard and Elizabeth Emma, 1837, 1883, correspondence regarding his French nationality, 1856-97, his will [1886]-94 and diary entries in his final days, 1894
Correspondence about his experimental work, 1868-1935, and his appointments and awards, 1849-89, with testimonials and letters of introduction, 1852-57; Notes of Brown-Sequard's lectures, mostly in his hand, 1855-93; DM Thesis, 1846; Articles by Brown-Sequard, including published versions of his lectures, 1856-90, articles and newspaper cuttings about his work, 1851-1945, and articles on medical subjects written by his contemporaries, 1844-1935; Case notes and prescriptions, c.1860-91; Photographs of, and relating to, Brown-Sequard, including the unveiling of his bust in Mauritius in 1928, mostly n.d., and cartoon of Brown-Sequard, 1889; Published material relating to Brown-Sequard, including obituaries, 1894 , biographic articles, 1894-1931, and newspaper cuttings, 1894-193
Correspondence and papers of his daughter, Charlotte Maria McCausland (nee Brown-Sequard), his son-in-law, Richard Bolton McCausland, and his grandson, Charles E. McCausland, 1894-1963, including correspondence about Brown-Sequard, 1894-1963, particularly on the subject of biographies and his bibliography, 1909-46, and a notebook and letterbook about Brown-Sequard, in his daughter's hand, c.1846-1926.
Sem títuloBurges' papers, 1767-c.1790s, include records of his medical cases, 1769-75; Printed copy of the St George's Hospital Pharmacopoeia, with annotations by Burges, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-80s); his lecture notes on various subjects, such as materia medica, Boerhaave's institutes, and the hydraulic and chemical systems, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-90s); Notes on diseases, and on chemistry and materia medica, mid-late 18th century (c.1770s-90s).
Sem títuloThree volumes, 1830, of translated 'Elements of practical medicine elucidated by cases' by Ignaz Rudolph Bischoff.
Sem títuloVolume of pharmacopocia by Thomas Crane entitled 'Pharmacopocia Dr. Caroli Scarborough Esq. Aurat. Med. Reg. primarii, a reverendo Authoris Filio Carolo Rectore de Upway Comunicata', [1739].
Sem títuloCase books 1877, and post-mortem reports, Deptford Hospital, 1890-1892.
Sem títuloDering's autobiographical memoranda, covering the years 1550-1739, 1739; copy of his will, 1745; and letter regarding the transfer of the manuscript to the College, 1930
Sem títuloMinutes and accounts of the Drury Lane Dispensary, 1782-1952.
Sem título'Some requirements for modern clinical teaching', 1913.
Sem títuloRecipe book, with account of monies recieved, [1720].
Sem títuloGarrod's notes on Salicylate of Soda, c.1877 (photocopy).
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