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Chelsea College of Art & Design
GB 0000 Chelsea College · 1928-2001

Records of Chelsea School of Art, 1928-2001, later Chelsea College of Art & Design, comprising minutes and agendas of Academic Board meetings, 1975-1991; minutes of the Board of Studies, and related papers, 1991-1993; minutes of the Academic Committee and related papers, 1992-1993; papers of the Advisory Committee of the New School of Art in Chelsea, notably minutes, agendas and papers, 1958-1964, including schedule of accommodation for proposed College, 1958; minutes of the Chelsea School of Art/Hammersmith College of Art and Building (Art Department) Formation Committee, 1974, relating to the merger of the colleges; minutes of the Fine Art Area Committee, 1990-1993; minutes of Library Committee, 1978-1980;

Principal's reports to the Governors, 1959-1965; instrument of Government and draft Articles of Government, 1970; list of former staff and students at the College, 1958 and minutes of H S Williamson presentation committee, 1958 (retiring head of College); summaries of part time teaching staff contracts, 1971-1976;

correspondence with Professor Gowing concerning the administration of the new college, 1958; inventory and papers relating to equipment and furniture for the new college, [1960-1963]; correspondence concerning the building of school, 1963-1964, including furniture catalogues; papers concerning the opening ceremony of the new College building, 1964-1965, including programme for the opening of new building, 1965; correspondence and papers relating to Henry Moore's sculpture Two Piece Reclining Figure no.1, purchased by the College in 1963; photographs of its erection at the College, 1964; survey of accommodation and equipment, 1975;

papers concerning the Academic Development Plan, 1976; report of the Council for National Academic Awards, 1975; papers relating to bursaries and awards, 1975; papers relating to Council for National Academic Awards visit, including review of MA in Fine Art, 1977; papers relating to Quinquennial reviews, 1977-1982; papers concerning the Council for National Academic Awards review visit to Chelsea, 1982; programme for opening of South Park Annexe, 1982; submissions for new course in 3D Design, 1982; proposed MA in History of Modern Art, 1986; papers and circulars relating to ILEA, 1970s-1986;

Chelsea School of Art programmes for end of term plays/entertainments, 1932-1962; copies of The Queel, 1928-1929, Chiaroscuro, 1949, Chelsea College of Art magazines; magazines and works produced by students, including Pump, Chelsea School of Art magazine, 1977-1978; MONTAGE 4, 1984; newsletter, 1977; Chelsea School of Art Graphics magazines, 1977-1982; Insight, 1991, Review, 2000, London Institute magazines; briefing, London Institute newspaper, 2001; Entitled, London Institute students union magazine, 2001;

prospectuses, 1959-2001; publicity leaflet for new courses, 1962; Chelsea College of Science and Technology annual report, 1958-1959; press cuttings, 1970-1991, relating to the College and Government policy; press release concerning the creation of London Institute, 1985; album of photographs of social events and work at the College, 1970s; correspondence, related papers and exhibition catalogues for the school gallery exhibitions, 1965-1973; papers relating to general studies open lectures, 1970-1972; photographs, articles and catalogues for degree shows, 1977-2001; portfolios of prints by students and staff of the Printmaking Department, [1965-1986]; papers relating to the London Institute, [1987]-1991, including course monitoring reports, 1990; annual reports, 1990-1992; student handbooks, 1991;

memoir of Anne Baer, nee Sedgwick, student at Chelsea Art School, 1933-1936; correspondence and papers relating to Frederick Brill's (Principal, Chelsea School of Art) book, Matisse (Paul Hamlyn, London, 1967), 1965-1967;

records of Hammersmith College of Art and Building, comprising Department of Art prospectus, 1973-1974; programme for the opening of the new Hammersmith School of Building and Arts and Crafts, 1930; 35mm slides and photographs of student work, 1960s; publicity leaflets, 1960s.

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MORI, Mariko (b 1967)
GB 0000 Mariko Mori Archive · 1992-2000

Papers compiled by Chelsea College of Art & Design relating to Mariko Mori, a former student, 1992-2000, comprising her BA thesis, exhibition guides, private view cards, press cuttings and photographs.

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GB 0074 LMA/4443 · Coleção · 1981-1989

Records of the Exploring Living Memory project, organised by the London History Workshop Centre. This collection contains files relating to the administration and organisation of the Exploring Living Memory workshops, conferences and exhibitions together with copies of images and sample sections of text used in the displays of participating groups and individuals. There are a variety of images depicting individuals, family groups and war time experiences together with images of London both past and present.

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GB 0074 LMA/4684/SP01 · Subarquivo · 1957-1998

Records of Showprops Limited including directors' reports and accounts, minute books and an attendance book.

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GB 2127 AAGBI · 1848-2002

Archive, 1932-2002, of the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI), also including some material relating to the history of anaesthesia dating back to 1848:

Council minutes, 1932-1995; Annual General Meeting minutes, 1932-1988, 1997, and various other papers, 1934-1995 (with gaps); Advisory Committee minutes, 1978-1984, and papers, 1987; papers of various other committees, including the Safety Committee, Education and Research Committee, Archives, Library and Museum Committee, International Relations Committee, and Finance Committee.

Records of the Group of Anaesthetists in Training (GAT), including yearbook, 1993, 1995, 1997; GAT committee election papers, 1998-1999; circulated papers concerning 'New Deal Working Patterns', 1997.

List of Linkmen, 1995-1997; Linkmen's newsletter, 1995-1997, 1999.

Papers on constitutional matters, including transcript of grant of arms, 1945; constitution, 1962; amendments to rules, 1971 and undated; report on the constitution of the Council, 1974; printed Memorandum of Association [after 1981] and Memorandum and Articles of Association, 1985; copy of coat of arms, 1991; papers on composition of Council, its sub-committees and working parties, 1992-1993; Standing Committee in the Republic of Ireland constitution, 1997.

Album containing photographs and obituaries of Presidents, 1932-2002; Presidents' newsletters, 1970-1971, 1978; miscellaneous Presidential correspondence, including letters from HRH Princess Margaret (Patron of AAGBI), 1990-1998; list of Presidents (1932-1992), 1993; undated album containing photographs and biographies of officers; papers relating to elections, 1984-1998.

Annual reports, 1933-1999 (with gaps), including lists of members to 1969.

Papers relating to membership, including material on Fellowships, 1946-1949, 1953, honorary membership, 1987-1996, and subscription rates, [1991]-1995; lists of members, 1976-1995 (with gaps).

Accounts, 1983; directors' report and accounts, 1987-1995 (with gaps); financial papers, including charitable donations, 1991, 1995-1996.

Printed or typescript reports of the AAGBI, its Working Parties, or Irish Standing Committee, 1963-1997, on subjects including staffing and manpower, anaesthetists' workload, stress, the Lewin Report (1970) on the organisation and staffing of operating departments, provision of anaesthetic services and accommodation, private fees, dental anaesthetics and anaesthesia in general practice, day case anaesthesia, paediatric anaesthetic practice, management of trauma, intensive care, management of pain, use of drugs, anaphylactic shock, HIV and other viruses, anaesthetic equipment, recovery facilities, standards of monitoring, and other professional techniques and practices.

Publications of AAGBI, comprising guidelines, booklets and leaflets (largely aimed at Anaesthetists), 1975-1998, on subjects including anaesthetists' workloads, career appointments, professional references, fees for and conduct of private anaesthetic practice, anaphylaxis under general anaesthesia, prescription of Noscapine, consent forms, checklist for anaesthetic machines, standards of monitoring, obstetrics, intensive care, AIDS and Hepatitis B, and other professional matters; also including some information leaflets on anaesthesia aimed at the general public.

Programme of the first Scientific Meeting, 1957; papers on the Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM), 1991-1997; papers on the Winter Scientific Meeting (WSM), 1992-1997; papers, including programmes and minutes, relating to various other AAGBI meetings, seminars, training events, lectures, dinners and other events, 1958-1998, including some joint events with other bodies, and some events relating to the history of anaesthesia rather than its current practice. Papers of the GAT ASM and annual Linkman Conference, 1995-1998, including some sound and video recordings, 1997. Ephemera and other material relating to events, including congratulatory address on the silver jubilee from the Finnish Society of Anaesthetists, 1957; historical note on AAGBI for the golden jubilee, 1982; diamond jubilee flag, 1992; ephemera relating to various social events, 1967-1998; menus for AAGBI Ancient Brethren Luncheon, 1995-1997; visitors' books, 1951-1972, 1984.

Various papers relating to honours and prizes awarded by the AAGBI, 1946-1998, including the Sir Ivan Magill Gold Medal and John Snow Silver Medal, John Snow lecture, and Pask Certificate of Honour; undergraduate prize essays, 1987-1997 (with gaps); entries for the AAGBI Safety Prize, 1995, 1997; reports and papers of recipients of travel grants and scholarships, 1997-1998.

Papers, 1984-1987, including correspondence, plans, press cuttings and other printed material, relating to the appeal for funds, acquisition and opening of the new AAGBI headquarters at no 9 Bedford Square, London, including material relating to the earlier history of the premises.

Papers, 1953-1995, relating to the King collection of historic apparatus, including its acquisition, and to the administration of the AAGBI museum, archives and library, including advertisements for museum exhibitions on the history of anaesthesia, 1991-1997 (with gaps), and offprint of K Bryn Thomas's 'The A Charles King collection of early anaesthetic apparatus', Anaesthesia, vol 25 no 4, October 1970.

Papers, 1947-1999, on professional issues accumulated by the AAGBI, relating to anaesthetics but also touching on wider medical issues, including papers of AAGBI working parties on professional topics, and also papers and publications, for instance reports and discussion documents, produced by government bodies (e.g. NHS Executive and Audit Commission) and by other medical organisations, including other professional bodies representing anaesthetists in the UK and overseas, among them papers relating to the implications of the creation of a College of Anaesthetists and the structure of anaesthetic organisation, 1974-1979.

Various papers relating to international conferences, 1978-1999, including joint meetings of the AAGBI.

Papers, 1857-1998, relating to the history of anaesthetics, including material on eminent anaesthetists, such as Sir Ivan Magill, John Snow and Sir Robert Macintosh, and the restoration of graves of some eminent anaesthetists; anniversaries in the history of anaesthesia including the 150th anniversary of the first public administration of ether at Massachusetts General Hospital (1846); the history of anaesthetic apparatus; a letter written at Lucknow, India, concerning an amputation, 1857; memoirs including Vernon Hall's Reminiscences and Anaesthesia in India 1939-1946 (privately published, 1997); published items including copies of articles on chloroform and vinic ether, 1875, and vapour of aether, 1933, and a facsimile edition, 1996, of Allen & Hanburys Ltd catalogue of anaesthetic and oxygen apparatus (1938); material relating to the history of the AAGBI, including its coat of arms.

Miscellaneous printed items relating to other organisations, 1987-1997, including the Pain Society.

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GB 2127 AAGBI PHOTOGRAPHS · 20th century

Photographic material accumulated by the Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland (AAGBI), relating both to the history of the AAGBI and to the wider history of anaesthesia and associated subjects from 1774 to 1997, largely comprising prints and slides, both colour and black and white, some undated, including some copies. The photographs include a series of portraits of the AAGBI Council, members of staff, and the AAGBI Group of Anaesthetists in Training (GAT) Council, and a large series of photographs used in the AAGBI publication Anaesthesia News. The collection also covers a wide range of subjects in the history of anaesthetics, and includes numerous portraits (including some photographic copies of oil paintings) of individual anaesthetists, including many eminent figures such as John Snow, Joseph Clover and Sir Ivan Magill, and various Presidents of the Association; photographs of anaesthetists at work; photographs of places associated with eminent anaesthetists and the history of anaesthetics, including various hospitals; photographs of anaesthetic apparatus of the 19th and 20th centuries, sometimes in use, and of various related medical procedures, including dentistry, obstetrics, and intensive care; photographs relating to A Charles King and his instrument-making business A Charles King Ltd, including its premises at Devonshire Street, London; photographs of the practice of anaesthesia in wartime, including World War One, World War Two and the Gulf War; photographs of documents relating to the history of anaesthesia, including some relating to Queen Victoria; photographs of events including conferences, award ceremonies and social events; photographs of the Association premises at no 9 Bedford Square, London, including its museum; photographs of exhibitions on the history of anaesthetics at no 9 Bedford Square held annually from 1987.

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Barrett Street Technical College
GB 2159 Barrett Street · [1904]-1966

Records of Barrett Street Technical College, formerly Barrett Street Trade School, [1904]-1966, comprising minutes of the Consultative Committees for Hairdressing, Dressmaking and Ladies' Tailoring, 1915-1950; minutes of the School Consultative Committees on Technical Education for Distributors, 1931-1939; student fees registers, giving names of students, addresses and dates of entry and leaving, 1915-1953, covering the Junior and Senior Technical Schools students; staff register, 1904-1921, giving name, details of previous appointments and starting and leaving dates; prospectuses, [1915-1963];

scrapbooks of press cuttings concerning Barrett Street Technical College, 1915-1966;

note books of a student, Dorothy C M Ludicke, on massage, health and beauty, treatments, [1948].

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London College of Fashion
GB 2159 London College of Fashion · 1967-2002

Records relating to the London College of Fashion, 1967-2002, comprising papers relating to course submissions to the Technical Education Council, 1977-1980; course handbooks, papers relating to courses and course validations, 1985; course leaflets for Cosmetic science, Fashion design & technology, Fashion promotion, Fashion futures, Costume & make-up for the performing arts, Media, BA Hons fashion management and Access to fashion business, [1986]; bulletins and newsletters, 1967-1979; prospectuses, 1980-2002; London Institute annual review, 1997;

photographs of students, students' work, interior scenes of the college, 1967-2002; photographs of the HND FDT students' show, 1995;

videocassettes of students' shows, 1980-[2002]; scrapbooks of press cuttings concerning the London College of Fashion and former students, 1975-1993;

audio tapes and transcripts of interviews, [1996], with Mary Wildman on her time as a student at Barrett Street Trade School, 1936-1938, and Eddie Thornton, student, 1963-1965; paper entitled 'Needle trades to the needs of fashion', 1996.

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Shoreditch College for the Garment Trades
GB 2159 Shoreditch · [1904]-1967

Records of Shoreditch College for the Garment Trades, formerly Shoreditch Technical Institute Girls Trade School, [1904]-1967, comprising staff register, [1904]-1922, giving name, details of previous appointments and starting and leaving dates; school rolls, giving names of students, 1948-1961; syllabuses, 1967; examination papers, 1967; examination results, 1961-1965; summary detail of classes, 1949-1965; minutes and papers of the Publicity sub-committee, 1958; papers concerning a ministry inspection of Shoreditch College, undated; annual report, 1964-1965; prospectuses, 1929-1967; photographs of students and press cuttings, 1949-1955; papers and press cuttings relating to Shoreditch Technical Institute, 1949-1955; photographs of prizegivings, 1954-1963; programmes for shows and plays, 1950s; Shoreditch Girls Junior Technical School visitors' book, containing visiting cards left by visitors, 1910.

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HAYES, John Trevor (1929-2005)
GB 3010 PMC/John Hayes · [1960]-2005

Research papers of John Hayes, [1960]-2005, containing material relating to many of Hayes’ publications or proposed publications principally on Thomas Gainsborough, Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Rowlandson, Graham Sutherland and his unpublished catalogue for the Cincinnati Art Museum. The archive consists of notes, images (photographs, colour transparencies, slides, photocopies), copies and transcripts of original source material, correspondence, press cuttings and publications. There are off-prints of many of his journal articles. The collection includes an earlier gift of a large set of photographic files of Gainsborough’s landscapes, portraits and prints and a smaller set on Gainsborough Dupont.

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Bankside Gallery
GB 1744 BANKSIDE · 1980-present

Records of the Bankside Gallery comprising: committee minutes, financial records, administrative records, files on exhibitions held at the Gallery, 1980-present; and press cutting collection 1980-2002.

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Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers
GB 1744 RE · 1877-2003

Records of the Royal Society of Painter-Printmakers comprising:

Council minutes 1880-1954, 1855-1986; rules and regulations 1888-1927; reports from Council to the Annual General Meeting 1883-1925; reports of Annual General Meeting proceedings 1888-1978; financial records 1881-1954; newspaper cuttings book 1889-1910, 1933-1946; exhibitions registers 1889-1962, 1968-1983; sales books 1890-1942, 1955-1968; sales file 1969-1983; register of names and address 1900-1920; roll of candidates 1920-1933; council signatures 1890-1910, 1920-1960; correspondence between Seymour Haden and the Print Sellers Association 1877-1884; papers for society elections 1963-1978; general correspondence 1880-1989; lists of Diploma Etchings 1882-1891; scrapbooks, 1898, 1894; lists of contributors to exhibitions 1881-1887; prospectus 1881 (also in French and German); photographs of Haden [1902]; photos of exhibition galleries 1909; printed monographs of Haden 1880-1902; papers and correspondence relating to the dispute over the RE charter 1905-1906; files relating to Haden's will 1908;

Catalogues of exhibitions 1881-1990, including annual exhibitions, open exhibitions and various visiting exhibitions;

Joseph Webb Memorial Fund minute book 1922-1981; correspondence 1964-1972; competition papers 1972-1979; and ledger 1965-1976;

Print Collector's Club records including minutes 1921-1991; sale book for Print Collectors Club publications 1939-1955; financial records 1928-1942, 1972-1983; correspondence 1921-1938, 1962-1974; Annual General Meeting reports and drafts 1922-1939; pamphlets for demonstrations of etching, mezzotint, wood-cutting and wood-engraving, acquatint, lithography, line engraving and dry point, 1922-1957; publicity materials 1933-1988; and rule book 1921;

Personal papers collections of Sir Frank Short, c1905-1924 (see separate description); Nathaniel Sparks 1916-1923 (see separate description); Thomas Lupton 1827-1854; and John Landseer [1804].

miscellaneous drawing of Frederick Goulding by James Tissot;

and collection of tools used by Seymour Haden presented to the society by his family.

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Exhibition Catalogue Collection
GB 2000 EX · 1851-1862

Catalogues of two exhibitions, 1851-1862: the Great Exhibition of 1851 and the London International Exhibition on Industry and Art, May-November 1862.

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Kingston School of Art Records
GB 2108 KUAS2 · [1930s-1979]

Documents relating to Kingston School of Art (later Kingston College of Art, which merged with Kingston Technical College to form Kingston Polytechnic in 1970). The Collection includes minute books; scrap books containing press cuttings, exhibition invitations and leaflets; prospectuses; and items relating to exhibitions and fashion shows.

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GB 2108 KUAS215 · Arquivo · 1969-2017

Handwritten document by Iris Murdoch giving her thoughts on the definition of Love, written on request for artist George Pappas. With an accompanying letter written by Iris Murdoch dated 15 Jul 1969 agreeing to write a piece for him, plus a postcard, brief biography of and review of an exhibition by George Pappas.

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Photographs (Wellcome-related, 1913-1985)
GB 0120 WA/PHO · 1913-1985

Photographs and slides generated by the various Wellcome bodies. Including:

Photographs relating to Balfour's South American Expedition, 1914 and to the Mobile Bacteriological Laboratory 1918.

Photographs depicting the interior arrangement of the Wellcome Historical Medical Museum, and specific exhibition cases or objects.

Glass lantern slides used for lectures on the history and current work of the various departments of the Wellcome Research Institution.

Photographs mainly depicting the Museum displays and their use by visitors.

Photographs of the Floating Laboratory and its model, and an extensive series of photographs taken for the annual reports.

Two large format albums of prints of interior and exterior views; plus loose photographs including of the cornerstone laying ceremony.

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William Halle Diaries
GB 0347 D121 · Coleção · 1949-1998

Diaries recording William Halle's daily life, working as an artist and at the Telephone Exchange. He writes about trying to sell paintings to galleries, organising exhibitions and records his worries over money, his health and his sister, who lived in South Africa. The diaries also record his thoughts on various friendships and sexual relationships.

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Wheeler Archive
GB 0103 WHEELER · 1812-1978

Papers of Mortimer Wheeler, [1944-1974], including:

Lecture notes of Wheeler's first wife Tessa while a UCL History student during the 1910s (Section A).

Correspondence with Glyn Daniel; Sir Cyril Fox; Christina Foyle; Jacquetta Hawkes; David Kendall; Kathleen Mary Kenyon; Sir Douglas William Logan; Stuart Piggott; Sir Ian Richmond and John Bryan Ward-Perkins (Section B).

Notes, reports, correspondence and administrative papers relating to Wheeler's excavations of Iron Age hill forts in north-western France in the 1930s (Section D).

Correspondence and other papers relating to archaeology in India and Pakistan, 1930s-1970s, in particular the UNESCO Mohenjo-Daro mission, late 1960 (Sections E and F).

Correspondence and other papers relating to archaeology in East Africa (Section H).

Itineraries, correspondence and other papers relating to Swan Hellenic cruises during the late 1950s to 1970s in the following places: Mediterranean; Iran; Nile; East Africa; India; Pakistan; Russia; Far East; Iraq, etc. (Section J).

Correspondence and other papers relating to institutions including the British Academy; British Museum; University of London (Sections K, L and N).

Correspondence and other papers relating to Wheeler's advisory role in connection with archaeological excavations beneath York Minster were carried out between 1966 and 1973 (Section M).

Scripts and other papers relating to broadcasting including BBC 'Roman Britain' and ''The Grandeur that was Rome' programmes (Section P).

Typescript and MS. articles, addresses, lectures and reviews by Wheeler including thesis on Rhenish pottery and a biography of Sir Cyril Fox (Section Q).

Papers and correspondence relating Wheeler's military postings in the First and Second World Wars (Sections R and S).

Wheeler's engagement diaries, 1952-1976 (Section T).

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Curator of the Royal Holloway College Picture Gallery
GB 0505 RHC AR500-504 · 1881-1977

Correspondence and papers, 1882-1939, relating to the pictures in the Royal Holloway College Picture Collection, notably copyright and reproduction, conservation, loans to exhibitions, provenance, and valuations. Picture Gallery Visitors Books, 1936-1977. Sale and Exhibition catalogues, 1881-1968, namely those including pictures from the Royal Holloway College collection. Articles relating to pictures in the Royal Holloway College Collection, 1864-1971.

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BLUNT, Anthony Frederick (1907-1983)
GB 1518 CI/AFB · [1930]-1972

Papers of Anthony Blunt, 1700-1983, comprising papers relating to Nicolas Poussin, notably files relating to his paintings, drawings and engravings, arranged by subject categories and containing notes, correspondence, articles, sales catalogues and illustrations (photographs, colour transparencies, slides, photocopies, prints, lithographs, engravings) of the named picture, details of the picture, variant versions (usually copies after), and in many cases, plates printed for the Poussin catalogue raisonné, 1824-[1983]; notes and illustrations relating to comparative material relevant to Poussin, including sculpture, 1700-1972; works by the circle of Poussin, [1938-1983]; drawings by the Poussin 'school', [1966-1977]; copies of letters by Poussin, and related notes, including photographs of letters from the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, [1964-1967]; notes, transcripts and letters relating to sales of works; correspondence with colleagues relating to Poussin's paintings and drawings, [1940-1982], notably Denis Mahon, 1960-1962, Walter Friedlander, 1944-1966, Erwin Panofsky, 1960-1961; notebooks, [1962-1965] and loose notes relating to Poussin; correspondence with Elizabeth Mackenzie (Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford), 1962-1982; offprints of various authors relating to Poussin; miscellaneous material relating to Poussin, [1940-1982], including a photocopy of his will;
papers relating to French art, notably notes, photographs and articles relating to French paintings, sculpture and architecture of the 16th-19th centuries, [1938-1977]; typescripts, note and correspondence relating to Chantelou's diary, [1980-1983]; papers, articles and illustrations relating to a publication by Ronald Cohen concerning the Le Nain Brothers, [1982]; articles relating to the Louvre, [1978];
papers relating to Italian art, notably notes, illustrations and articles relating to Italian Baroque architecture and sculpture, [1953-1982]; Borromini, [1956-1980]; Pietro da Cortona, [1966-1982]; notes, plans, photographs and papers relating to buildings and sculpture in Naples [1954-1981]; notes relating to Palermo, [1967]; typescripts, photographs, notes, correspondence and reviews relating to Blunt's A Guide to Baroque Rome;
articles by Blunt concerning the Royal Collection, 1972, and colonial architecture; plans, photographs, notes and review relating to a catalogue of Waddesdon Manor, [1974-1982]; correspondence, 1970-1983, largely concerning paintings and publications; articles by various authors, 1975-1982; offprints by Blunt, [1932-1982]; newspaper cuttings, 1929-1983; correspondence with publishers, 1972-1983; photographs, correspondence and articles relating to Blunt's personal collection, [1960-1982]; personal papers, [1932-1978], including appointment diaries, 1972-1978; papers from Blunt's school and university days, 1919-1930, including notes, articles, school and university magazines; papers relating to a trip to Russia, comprising notes on paintings, drawings and architecture,1935, two guidebooks, 1931, 1934.

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Whitechapel Art Gallery
GB 2859 · 1882-2002

Records of the Whitechapel Art Gallery (WG) and its predecessor, comprising:

minutes of the Gallery Trustees 1898-1976; Gallery Trustees, Finance and Fundraising committees, 1976-1981; Gallery Trustees, Finance and Building committees, 1981-1986; Gallery Trustees and Finance committees 1987-1988; Trustees, Finance and Joint Trustees committees, 1988-1996; Finance Subcommittee 1950-1951, 1966-1971; Development Trust Planning Group, 1981-1983; and Foundation Trustees, 1984-1995; as well as Development Trust Scheme files, 1978-1982; Gallery Trustees correspondence 1949-1981; Foundation Trustees correspondence, 1981-1989;

annual reports and accounts 1901-present;

early records of the Gallery including files relating to the establishment of the Gallery 1893-1901; correspondence of Gallery Directors and Secretary's 1901-1947; financial records and treasurer's correspondence, 1902-1947; and exhibition files 1901-1947;

Gallery Directors' papers including administrative and correspondence files of Hugh Scrutton, 1947-1953; Bryan Robertson, 1952-1969; Mark Glazebrook, 1964-1973; Jennie Stein (acting Director), 1971-1974; Jasia Reichardt, 1974-1976; Nicholas Serota, 1978-1987;

exhibition files 1947-1990 files, arranged chronologically by year date of exhibition, including correspondence and papers relating to exhibition arrangements such as loan of artworks, sales, valuations, catalogues, private views, and installation;

printed publicity materials including catalogues of Whitechapel Fine Art Exhibitions, 1882-1886; catalogues of Whitechapel Art Gallery exhibitions, 1901-1965-present;

printed posters relating to individual exhibitions, 1956-2002;

press cuttings relating to reviews and listings of WG exhibitions, and some general cuttings about the gallery and the London art scene, 1897-1922, 1952-2002;

guard books containing ephemera - relating to each exhibition, 1949-2002;

records of the Whitechapel Art Gallery Society including correspondence and papers concerning subscriptions 1947-1988; and cash books 1948-1978;

photographs of exhibitions and artists works 1948-1998; photographs and illustrations of the Gallery and its exhibitions, 1901-1939; photographs of the Gallery building, staff and the local area, 1890-1915, 1951, [1972]-1998; contact sheets and negatives of exhibitions and the gallery, 1966-1995;

Gallery visitors books 1949-1965;

Financial records including cashbooks, wages books and exhibition accounts, 1899-1971;

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GB 0074 ACC/1297/ECGL · Coleção · 1914-1934

Records of Earls Court Grounds Limited, comprising minutes of Board and General Meetings.

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SHUNN, Winifred K (fl 1928-1992)
GB 2159 Shunn · [1928]-1992

Papers of Miss W K Shunn, [1928]-1992, teacher at Barrett Street Trade School, comprising prospectuses and photographs of students, including opening of the new school building in 1928, student groups and shows, [1928-1964]; letter containing reminiscences of her time at the school, 1992.

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Central School of Art and Design
GB 2753 Central School of Art and Design · [1896]-1987

Records of the Central School of Art and Design, [1896]-1987, comprising minutes of the Advisory Council, 1915-1952; minutes and agendas of the Board of Studies, 1919-1937, 1962-1963; minutes of staff meetings, 1930-1932; annual reports of the Principal and Advisory Committee, 1911-1926; report by the Principal on the aims and organisation of the school, 1913; reports of the Advisory Council, 1926-1933; Advisory Council attendance book, 1915-1951; report of inspection of the Central School, 1920; Board of Education inspection reports of the Central School, 1920-1921; papers concerning aims and organisation of the school, including reports and correspondence, 1913-1956; papers concerning school inspections, including reports, 1929-1953; papers and correspondence relating to diplomas and fellowships, 1921-1953; papers concerning industrial art bursaries, 1947-1955; papers and correspondence relating to the Governing Body, including appointment of governors, 1955-1961;

correspondence concerning the book William Richard Lethaby, 1857-1931 by A R N Roberts (published 1957), [1956]; notes concerning a television programme on the School, 1954; notes on W R Lethaby, with some correspondence of Lethaby, [1909-1930]; visitors book, 1914-1984; timetables, 1973-1977;

photographs of Southampton Row building, [1908]-1970s; photographs of bomb damage to the school, [1942]; photographs of students, [1920s-1990s]; photograph album of students' work, [1950s]; photographs of Khartoum Technical College Department of Fine Arts depicting student life and work, 1963; photographs of life models, [1930s]; floor plans of the Central School building, [1950s];

copies of prospectuses, 1896-1987; prospectuses for departments, 1970s; exhibition catalogues for Central School Book Production and lithography, 1912-1913; degree show catalogues, 1950s-1990s; invitation and publicity concerning students' exhibition of work, 1952;

Students Union members' signature book, 1930-1932; rough lists of members of the Students' Society, 1959-1964; Central School of Arts and Crafts student magazines, 1919, 1920, 1923 (hand drawn and written); Book Production Class magazine (journals for the boys of the Day Technical School of Book Production and Silversmithing), 1912-1913; Printing Class Boys Magazine, 1916, 1926; student newspapers, 1970-1980; student handbook, 1974;

sketch books of R B Neal, of interiors of Hatfield House, sketches and photographs of furniture and notes and sketches on historical furniture styles, [1912-1914]; student essays on interior design and etching, 1954; printed examples of typographical work at a summer school for teachers, 1933;

articles and press cuttings relating to the history of Central School, including magazines and articles on the work of students, 1950s-1990s; press cuttings concerning the opening of the Jeanetta Cochrane theatre, [1962]; articles, obituaries, press cuttings, biographical information and papers relating to W R Lethaby, including his house designs, 1932-1980s; articles, press cuttings, exhibition catalogues, relating to Central School artists and designers, photographs and private view cards, compiled from the 1980s; press cuttings, publicity material concerning Central School exhibitions and fashion shows, 1987-1997;

printed London County Council Education Department records, including reports on technical education, 1912, training and employment in the printing trades, 1914, trade and technical education in France and Germany, 1914; handbook on education visits, 1910; annual report of the Council on higher education, 1911; reports on teachers' conferences, 1909-1914; reports on the Education Act, 1918; Staff Gazette, 1900-1903; Technical Education Board minutes, 1908.

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Papers of Cecil and Elisabeth Collins
GB-70-tga-200015 · Arquivo · [1930]-2001

This collection consists of correspondence, notes and writings, artwork, photographs, press cuttings, exhibition material, printed material, personal documentation, financial documentiation, and ephemeral items relating to Cecil and Elisabeth Collins.

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CLARK, Kenneth (1903-1983)
GB-70-tga-8812 · Arquivo · [1876-1984]

Kenneth Clark was Keeper of the Ashmolean and Director of the National Gallery, a writer, lecturer and broadcaster, and a collector and patron. This collection consists mainly of the professional papers relating to his work as an art historian and writer, but includes material relating to his work as a public servant, an administrator and in other roles during the Second World War. It contains correspondence, subject files, writings, source material, photographs, press cuttings and printed ephemera.

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BAWDEN, Edward (1903-1989)
GB 1744 BAWDEN · 1920s-1980s

Papers of Edward Bawden comprising correspondence, and scrapbooks, 1920s-1980s.

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Murdoch, Iris: Letters from Iris Murdoch to Rachel Fenner
GB 2108 KUAS118 · 1964-1993

Letters and cards written by Iris Murdoch to artist Rachel Fenner from 1964 onwards. Murdoch taught Fenner at the Royal College of Art and they remained friends afterwards. Topics covered in their correspondence includes Fenner's studies and later work, Murdoch's work, their travels, arranging meetings, and general family news. There are over 300 letters in total.

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Kingston College of Art records
GB 2108 KUAS44 · [1930-1989]

Ephemera, correspondence and other material relating to Kingston School of Art (later Kingston College of Art). Subjects covered include exhibition invitations, the Reginald Brill Exhibition (1998-9); and minutes of Kingston School of Art Governor's Meetings [1950]-1966.

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HINCHLIFFE, Ian (1942-2010)
GB 0370 IH · 1942-2010

Papers concerning the career of performance artist Ian Hinchliffe (1942-2010), primarily comprising of promotional material and photographs capturing performances by Hinchliffe and his collaborators. Includes promotional material relating to Hinchliffe's performance group, the Matchbox Purveyors, founded in 1971.

he material covers both Hinchliffe's early to mid career in the 1970s and 1980s, with the focus predominantly on work undertaken under the Matchbox Purveyors, to his later work, concentrating on durational performances with regular collaborators such as Tony Green, Hugh Metcalfe and David Crawforth.

Also contains a smaller volume of material relating to the planning and execution of Hinchliffe's work, including pages from a notebook of illustrated performance plans, annotated scripts, correspondence, and contracts. There is also a small amount of personal material, such as photographs of Hinchliffe as a baby, and illustrated diaries of his fishing trips.

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PALMER, Samuel (1805-1881)
GB 0370 SP · 1829-1944

Collection of papers of and relating to Samuel Palmer, 1829-1944, comprising note to George Richmond concerning works seen in London, 1872; typescript copies of letters to various correspondents, 1870-1880, relating to the printing of his plates, advice on choosing prints; letters from John Linnell (Palmer's father-in-law), concerning retouching a picture, 1829, invitation to visit, 1858; letter relating to Samuel Palmer's financial affairs, 1845; correspondence between Alfred Herbert Palmer and Martin Hardie (some copies), [1922-1930], concerning selling A H Palmer's collection of his father's works and Linnell's papers; correspondence and notes of Geoffrey Grigson, including with Martin Hardie, 1922-1923, concerning A H Palmer's collection of his father's drawings; with the owner of a Palmer work, 1944; memoirs of Isabelle Linnell, relating to her grandfather John Linnell and Samuel Palmer compiled by Geoffrey Grigson, undated; correspondence between Isabelle Linnell and A H Palmer; copy of painting notes by Samuel Palmer, [1844]; catalogues of exhibitions of Samuel Palmer's work, 1927, 1928; article by Grigson on Samuel Palmer, 1941; sale catalogues of works by George Richmond, 1897.

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Lectures and Associated Studies of Imperial College
GB 0098 GL · Created 1923-1998 (ongoing)

Records relating to lectures and associated studies organised by Imperial College, 1923-1998, comprising Huxley Memorial Lecture papers, including Committee minutes, 1926-1938; texts of lectures, 1925-1939; correspondence, also relating to the Hofmann and Warington Smyth lectures, 1923-1940; texts of Inaugural lectures, 1955-1997, and correspondence with various professors, 1955-1966; correspondence, 1949-1950, and lecture texts, [1952], for a lecture series 'Ends and Means in Science'; industrial lectures, 1932-1934, 1974; correspondence relating to a lecture on the centenary of H G Wells, 1966; Jubilee lectures, 1977; texts of O'Sullivan lectures, 1984-1989; posters for Memorial Lectures, GEC Lectures, and Science, Technology and Medicine Lectures;
records relating to associated studies, comprising Associated Studies annual reports, 1950-1973; minutes, 1970-1974; correspondence, 1966-1981, including Human Sciences, 1966-1967; Non Technical Studies, 1969-1980; papers relating to Interdisciplinary Studies, 1972; invitations and guides relating to Consort Gallery exhibitions, 1971-1993; correspondence relating to Russian Language classes, 1956-1958; correspondence and minutes of the Art Club, 1953-1970; papers relating to 'Touchstone', 1946-1998, including correspondence and reports, 1946-1956; Centenary Appeal Fund and Touchstone Committee, 1948-1971; Musical Society recitals and concerts, 1950-1998.

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History of London area
GB 0096 MS 186 · 1597-1774

Miscellaneous collection of deeds, bonds, indentures, correspondence and legal papers relating to London and the surrounding area, 1597-1774. Includes accounts for the building of 'Icknam Bridge' and for royal gardens, possibly St James's Park, [1650]; a fragmentary list of pictures in the house of Sir Godfrey Copley (d 1709), giving names of painters and dimensions of each work; valuations for work in Enfield Chase, Middlesex, 1728-1729; a rental for Southampton Row, 1731; various manorial documents for Enfield, 1718-1760, Hendon, 1623, Isleworth and Syon, 1662-1716, South Mimms, 1731, and Stanwell, 1670-1774.

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Hare Collection
GB 0369 HAR · c 1961

Photographs of Russian silver, porcelain, glass, ikons, paintings and other objets d'art; also offprint of Russian silver by R G Hare (in Ramsay, L G G "The Connoisseur Complete Encyclopedia of antiques" (New York, 1962, pp 60-65).

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WHEATSTONE, Sir Charles (1802-1875)
GB 0100 KCLCA Wheatstone · 1757-1992

Experimental notes, working papers, correspondence and lecture summaries compiled by Charles Wheatstone, 1836-1875, and photographs collected by him in that period. Notably including papers relating to the development and testing of the telegraph, [1836-1960]; descriptions of experiments and test results concerning the measurement of electromotive forces and electrical potential, [1840-1875]; experimental observations on the nature of magnetism, electricity and thermodynamics, including electromagnet design, batteries and dynamos, [1834-1855]; working papers relating to optics including experiments into refraction, colouration of compounds and polarisation, [1850-1875]; drafts of lectures on sound and musical instruments prepared by Wheatstone, [1832-1837]; material relating to the management of the Wheatstone collection of scientific instruments and library, 1890-1992; biographical material relating to the life of Wheatstone, the invention of the telegraph and Wheatstone's musical instrument manufacturing business, with unrelated newspapers, 1757-1975; stereoscopic photographs and glass negatives taken by Roger Fenton, Samuel Buckle, Jules Duboscq and others, featuring landscapes, still lifes, panoramic scenes of cities including Paris and Moscow and the interior and exterior of the Crystal Palace, Hyde Park, Sydenham, 1851, and especially the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1855, [1850-1901]; artefacts on loan from Department of Physics, King's College London, including telegraph apparatus, a nail fiddle and other prototype musical instruments, [1834-1875]; exhibition of scientific and musical instruments, [1834-1875].

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FOSTER, Joshua James (1847-1923)
GB 1518 CI/JJF · 1880-1935

Research material, manuscripts, and publications of Joshua James Foster, 1880-1935, notably exhibition catalogues, 1880-1881, 1908, 1912; catalogues of miniatures owned by Sir H Stafford Northcote, [1902], and the Duke of Buccleugh (John Charles Montagu-Douglas-Scott) at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 1916-1917; proofs of articles for The Antiquary, [1884]-1889, and other publications, 1899, 1909-1918, with related letters to Foster from Viscount Cobham (Charles George Lyttelton), Earl of Gosford, (Archibald Brabazon Sparrow Acheson), Sir William Hesketh Lever, M H (Marion Harry) Spielmann, Lord Weardale (Philip James Stanhope); transcripts of published articles relating to Richard Crosse, artist, post 1910; published works annotated by Foster, 1916-1917; notes and an article on miniatures in private collections, 1912-[1916]; newspaper cuttings relating to Wessex Worthies, 1921; printed articles written by Foster, relating to miniatures and Giles Hussey, artist, 1923;
correspondence, notably relating to research projects, 1895-1917, including letter relating to the publication of British Miniature Painters, 1898, correspondence concerning the Buccleuch Miniatures, 1916, and a letter from Sir Robert Witt, 1917;
miscellaneous material collected by Foster's children, 1925-1932, notably sales catalogues featuring miniatures, 1925-1932; newspaper cuttings, 1925-1929; sales catalogue including books sold from Foster's library, 1935.

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WILDE, Johannes (1891-1970)
GB 1518 CI/JW · 1916-1995

Papers of Johannes Wilde, 1916-1995, comprising files of working papers including notes, (manuscript and typescript), sketches, correspondence, photographs, lectures and slidelists, 1916-1965. Wilde meticulously wrote out the text of his lectures each time he gave them, making it possible to trace the evolution of ideas from the earlier to the later versions of the same piece.

Working papers relating to Michelangelo, 1922-1965, (the largest section of material in the collection) including general life and work, specific works including the Sistine Chapel, the Pieta, Cartonetti, 'Christ before Pilate'; his relationship with other artists, including Leonardo, Vasari, Raphael, Sebastiano; his drawings, including notes for a short survey of drawings, lectures, and a summary catalogue; his work in Florence, notably the façade of the Church of San Lorenzo, including correspondence with James S Ackerman concerning his book, The Architecture of Michelangelo (A Zwemmer, London, 1961), the Medici chapel and tombs, including lecture of Michelangelo's designs for the tombs, the Sagrestia Nuova, including draft chapter of its history, various works in the Palazzo Vecchio, the Hall of the Great Council, the Sala del Consiglio Grande, 'the Battle of Cascina', 'Victory', 'Leda', including correspondence concerning the publication of an essay, 1957; the Papal Tombs in Rome, the Marcus Aurelius statue in the Piazza del Campidoglio, Rome, the Sistine Chapel, Rome, the 'Battle of Angiare'; note and transcripts of Michelangelo's letters [now at the British Museum and Oxford]; notes on Michelangelo's drawing methods and early drawings;
list and notes of Wilde's new students [1948], catalogue entries for the catalogue of drawings at Windsor Castle, 1953;

notes relating to other artists, 1949-1962, notably Giotto, Leonardo da Vinci, Vasari, Masaccio, Pierino da Vinci, Raphael, Giovanni Bellini, Mantegna, Corregio, Parmagianino, Daniele da Volterra, Sebastiano del Piombo, Marcello Venusti, Giorgione, Antonello, Jacopo de' Barbari, Giovanni de Busi Cariani, Domenico Fetti, Jacometto, Domenico Mancini, Jacopo Palma Vecchio, Tiepolo, Tintoretto, Titian, Dutch/ Flemish painting, including Wilde's MA thesis on Rembrandt, 1916; notes on the collection of Archduke Leopold Wilhelm known as the Theatrum Pictorium, teaching notes, miscellaneous articles and notes including Henry VIII monument, landscape painting, Vasari, Fontanellato;

travel journals, 1921-1957, including notes relating to Modena, Uffizi, Rome, and exhibitions;
correspondence, 1937-1970, including letters to Wilde thanking him for the gift of his British Museum catalogue; correspondence with Paola Barocchi, 1962-1963; Kenneth Clark, 1959-1964; James A Crabtree, 1964, relating to a Michelangelo drawing; Brigadier Roy Frank Johnson, 1954, relating to portraits owned by him and Count Antoine Seilern; Arthur Ewart Popham, 1941-1949, covering production of of the catalogue of Italian Drawings at Windsor castle; private matters, and including some of the travel permits Wilde required during the war; Count Seilern, 1964, 1970; Hugh Squire, 1960, relating to a drawing in his collection;
miscellaneous items including photographs of Wilde and colleagues, [1920s-1930s]; Johannes and Julia Wilde, [1960s]; one of Wilde's parties, undated; copies of speeches given by Wilde on his 60th, 65th and 70th birthdays and by Anthony Blunt at a party, 1961; copy of Peter Kidson's lecture 'The Recent Transformation of Art History', 1995; copies of the editorial and obituary of Wilde, from The Burlington Magazine.

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GB 0097 BRITTAIN · 1900-1974

This collection consists mainly of correspondence received by Harry Brittain. There are also autobiographical notes; speeches, press cuttings and photographs from such events and societies as the Imperial Press Conference (later Commonwealth Press Union), the Pilgrim Society, and various Exhibitions; and correspondence, notes, speeches and diaries relating to Sir Harry's travels to the United States of America, Canada, the Baltic, and South Africa.

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