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Archivistische beschrijving
Report on English finances
GB 0096 MS 138 · 1784

Manuscript volume containing a [transcript of a] report by Maximilien Lasowski on the state of English finances in 1784, addressed to his pupil François Alexandre Frédéric, Duc de La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt (1747-1827), a French educator and social reformer. The report is written in the form of four letters, dated at Bury St. Edmunds, 10 Jun, 25 Jun, 14 Jul and 2 Aug, and includes a letter addressed to the Duc de Liancourt concerning the laws and principles surrounding parliamentary elections in England, and various impressions of political customs there, [1784]. The manuscript is written on the left half only of each page, and there are additions in pencil and ink in the right hand margin.

Zonder titel
Mexico : Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 D 320 PAM · 1961-1985

Pamphlets, programs, reports, newsletters, bulletins and histories issued by Centro de Coordinación de Proyectos Ecuménicos (CECOPE), Centro de Investigaciones Históricas sobre Sindicalismo Universitario (CIHSU), Comité Nacional de Auscultación y Organización, Confederación Revolucionaria de Obreros y Campesinos, Delegación para América Latina de la Comisión de las Comunidades Europeas, Equipo de Redacción, Fédération Internationale des Droits de l'Homme, Frente Nacional Contra la Represión (Mexico), Frente Popular Pro-Derechos Humanos, Garantias Constitucionales y Libertades Democraticas, Organización Revolucionaria Punto Crítico (Mexico), Partido Mexicano de los Trabajadores(PMT), Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), and the U.S. Committee for Justice to Latin American Political Prisoners.

Zonder titel
GB 3032 E 320 PAM · 1976-1985

Pamphlets, reports, statements and bulletins, 1976-1985, issued by Agencia de Noticias del Istmo S.A. (ANI), Comisión para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Centroamérica, Congreso Centroamericano de Sociología, Socialist International, Taller Continental de Trabajo, and War on Want Parliamentary and Trade Union delegation to Central America.

Zonder titel
Haiti: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 EF 320 PAM · 1963-

Pamphlets, reports, statements, programs and other documents and papers, 1963 onwards issued by Americas Watch Committee (U.S.), Centro Editor de América Latina, Christian Aid, Church World Service, F.H.S.C, Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, International Student Conference, Komision pontifikal jistis é pè, Lawyers Committee for International Human Rights, Ligue haitienne des droits humains, National Coalition for Haitian Refugees, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America, Pax Christi, United States Agency for International Development, United States Dept. of State and USAID/Haiti.

Zonder titel
GB 3032 EN 320 PAM · 1976-

Reports, pamphlets, platforms, constitutions, conference proceedings, manifestos, newspaper advertisements, histories, testomonies and letters, 1976 onwards, issued by American Friends Service Committee, Amnesty International, Archbishop Oscar Romero Christian Legal Aid Service, Asociación de Trabajadores Agropecuarios y Campesinos de El Salvador (ATACES), Bloque Popular Revolucionario (El Salvador), Catholic Church, Catholic Institute for International Relations, Center for National Security Studies, Central America Human Rights Committee, Comisión de Derechos Humanos de El Salvador, Comité de Madres y Familiares de Presos y Desaparecidos políticos de El Salvador, Comité Mexicano de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Salvadoreño, Comisión de Refugiados Salvadoreños, Comité pro Libertad de los Presos Políticos de El Salvador, Conferencia Sindical Internacional de Solidaridad con los Trabajadores y el Pueblo de El Salvador (1981 : Bogotá, Colombia), Coordinadora Revolucionaria de Masas, Ejército Revolucionario del Pueblo (El Salvador), Faculty for Human Rights in El Salvador and Central America (U.S.), Frente de Acción Popular Unificada(FAPU), Foreign Policy Association, Frente de Acción Popular Unificada (El Salvador), Frente Democrático Revolucionario, Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, International Commission of Jurists, Law Union of Ontario, Movimiento de Liberación Popular (El Salvador), Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (El Salvador), Organization of American States, Parliamentary Human Rights Group, Partido Comunista de El Salvador, Partido de la Revolución Salvadoreña, Partido Demócrata Cristiano (El Salvador), Partido Union Democratica Nacionalista (El Salvador), Radio Farabundo Martí, Socorro Jurídico Cristiano, Unidad Nacional de Trabajadores Salvadoreños, United States Dept. of State, United States House Committee on Appropriations (Subcommittee on Foreign Operations), and World Council of Churches.

Zonder titel
GB 3032 EP 320 PAM · 1964-

Pamphlets, leaflets, reports, court reports and testimonies from 1964 onwards, issued by Americas Watch Committee (U.S.), Asociación Centroamericana de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos, Catholic Institute for International Relations, Centro de Documentación de Honduras, Centro de Estudios Pesquisa e Planejamento (CENPLA), Christian Aid Education Department, Comité de Familiares de Detenidos-Desaparecidos en Honduras, Comisión para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Centroamérica, Comité para la Defensa de los Derechos Humanos en Honduras, Confederación Universitaria Centroamericana, Coordinadora en Apoyo a la Lucha del Pueblo Hondureño, Empresa Nacional de Energía Eléctrica (Honduras), EPICA (Organization), Instituto de Investigaciones Socio-Económicas (Tegucigalpa, Honduras), Inter-American Court of Human Rights, Internationale Gesellschaft für Menschenrechte (IGFM), Lawyers Committee for Human Rights, Programa de Defensa de la Autonomía y Solidaridad con las Universidade, Partido Revolucionario de los Trabajadores Centroamericanistas de Honduras, Sindicato de Trabajadores de la Industria de la Bebida y Similares, Unión Nacional de Intelectuales Democráticos de Honduras, Washington Office on Latin America

Zonder titel
Peru: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 K 320 PAM · 1964-

Pamphlets, reports, government publications, programs, bulletins, conference proceedings, dossiers, leaflets, communiqués, histories, declarations and manifestos from 1964 onwards issued by Amnesty International, Asamblea Permanente de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos Perú, Central Latinoamericana de Trabajadores, Centro de Estudios y Promoción Comunal del Oriente, Centro de Información y Documentación de Bolivia, Centro de Intercambio de la Educación Popular, Centro de la Mujer Peruana Flora Tristán, Centro IDEAS, Centro Latinoamericano de Trabajo Social, Centro Nacional de Capacitación e Investigación para la Reforma Agraria, Comisión Episcopal de Acción Social, Comisión Evangélica Latinoamericana de Educación Cristiana, Comisión Nacional de Derechos Humanos (Peru), Comité de Asesoramiento de la Presidencia de la República (COAP), Comité de Defensa de los Derechos Humanos, Comité de defensa de los trabajadores petroleros del sur este del Perú Madre de Dios, Comité de la Unidad Democrático Popular del Perú en México, Confederación Campesina del Perú, Congreso de Comunidades Industriales de la Rama Automotriz y Anexos (1st : 1973 : Lima, Perú), Consulta de Iglesias Latinoamericanas sobre Cómo Enfrentar el Racismo en la Década del '80 (1980 : Panama, Panama), Consulta sobre Clase y Raza en los Textos Escolares de América Latina (1980 : San José, Costa Rica), Cooperativa agraria de producción, Desco, Dirección de Difusión de la Reforma Agraria, Dirección de Promoción de la Reforma Agraria, Ediciones Labor, Federación de Trabajadores de Luz y Fuerza del Perú, Federación de Trabajadores Molineros, Fideeros y Afines del Perú, Inter-Church Committee on Human Rights in Latin America, Ministerio de Agricultura (Peru), Ministerio de Energía y Minas (Peru), Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionaria (Peru), Oficina Central de Información (Peru), Parroquia Virgen de Nazareth (El Agustino, Lima, Peru), Partido Aprista Peruano, Partido Comunista del Perú, Partido Comunista Peruano, Partido Socialista Revolucionario, Partido Vanguardia Revolucionaria, Pomalca Ltda. No.38, President of Peru, Red Regional de Promoción de la Mujer de San Martín, Seminario sobre la Problemática Agraria Peruana (1977 : Ayacucho), SINAMOS, Sub-Comisión de Derechos Humanos del Parlamento de la República, ULAJE, Unidad Democrático Popular (Peru), United Nations General Assembly, Universidad del Pacífico, Vanguardia Revolucionaria (Peru), World Council of Churches, World Council of Indigenous Peoples.

Zonder titel
Bolivia: Political Pamphlets
GB 3032 L 320 PAM · 1965-

Bolivian political pamphlets sollection comprising pamphlets, reports, government publications, programs, bulletins, conference proceedings, dossiers, leaflets, communiqués, histories, declarations and manifestos, 1965-[2005], issued by ACLO (Organization), ANPROCA, Anti-Slavery Society for the Protection of Human Rights, Asamblea Permanente de Derechos Humanos de Bolivia, Asociación de Educación Radiofónica de Bolivia ERBOL, Association for Education in Journalism, Bolivian Government Ministries, Carrefour International, Catholic Church, Central Obrera Boliviana (COB), Centre d'Information Bolivie, Centro de Información y Documentación de Bolivia, Centro de Investigación y Promoción del Campesinado, Centro de Producción Minera (Bolivia), Centro Dermatológico de Monteagudo, Centro Internacional de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Agrícola, Comisión de Estudios y Acción Social de la Conferencia Episcopal Boliviana, Comité de Solidaridad para la Defensa de la Democracia en Bolivia, Confederación Independiente de Campesinos de Bolivia, Confederación Nacional de Trabajadores Campesinos de Bolivia Tupaj Katari, Congreso de Pueblos y Organizaciones Indias de Sud América (2nd : 1983 : Tiahuanacu, Bolivia), Consejo Indio de Sudamérica, Congreso Nacional Minero (XVI : 1976 : [La Paz]), Corte Nacional Electoral (Bolivia), DIAL, Federación Departamental de Trabajadores Campesinos de Cochabamba, Frente de Unidad Democratica y Popular (Bolivia), Instituto Promotor de Inversiones en Bolivia, MIR (Revolutionary movement : Bolivia), Movimiento Indio Tupaj Katari, Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (Bolivia), Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario Auténtico (Bolivia), Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario de Izquierda (Bolivia), Partido Comunista de Bolivia, Partido Demócrata Cristiano (Bolivia), Partido Socialista-1 (Bolivia), Plenaria Nacional Sindical, Programa Khana Educación - Promoción - Radio, Radio San Gabriel (La Paz, Bolivia), Segundo Encuentro de Pequeños Productores (1979 : La Paz), Sindicato Minero de Siglo XX, Studie-Aksie Groep Oosterveld v.z.w.(SAGO), Unesco, Unión Nacional de Instituciones para el Trabajo de Acción Social, Unión Nacionalista del Pueblo (Bolivia), United Nations, Universidad Boliviana Tomas Frias' de Potosi, Universidad Mayor de San Andrés, Vanguardia Obrera Comunista, Washington Office on Latin America.

Zonder titel
GB 3032 P 320 PAM · 1964-

Press cuttings, reports, project reports, pamphlets, manuals, presidential pronouncements, and pamphlets issued by Anglican Council of South America, Asociacion Indigenista del Paraguay, Centro de Investigación y Planes, Comité de Iglesias (Asunción, Paraguay), Conferencia Episcopal Paraguaya, Equipo de Pastoral de los Paraguayos en la Argentina, Instituto de Bienestar Rural, International League for Human Rights, Ligia Bolivar O, Misión de Amistad, Movimiento Argentino Contra el Sistema de Represión del Gobierno Paraguayo, Movimiento Argentino por la Liberación de los Presos Políticos del Paraguay, Patria (Asunción), President (Paraguay), Pro Mundi Vita (Society), PROMURI, Proyecto Educación Sanitaria, Proyecto Guarani, Proyecto Paí-Tavyterã, Proyecto Urbano, Servicio Ecuménico para Migraciones, United Nations Development Programme.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 CHEVINS · 1912-1974

This collection is divided into two sections, correspondence and press cuttings. The first consists of Chevins' personal correspondence including confidential memoranda concerning World War Two, correspondence concerning the Industrial Correspondents Group, material relating to Chevins' BBC broadcasts, correspondence with various American individuals and societies, correspondence with Hutchinson about Lord Citrine's memoirs, correspondence with Tribune, and circulars, press cuttings, propaganda leaflets, and texts of broadcasts about occupied France and the Gaullist movement. The press cuttings are stories, or transcripts of stories, written by Chevins.

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GB 0097 COLL MISC 0375 · Collectie · 1890-1912

Handbills and newspaper cuttings on the activities of local Fabian Societies, pasted into exercise books covering each local Fabian Society.

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Fabian Society: speakers
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0376 · Collectie · 1890-1893

Handbills advertising socialist, radical, trade union and co-operative meetings, mainly addressed by Fabian Society speakers.

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GB 0097 COLL MISC 0474 · Collectie · 1939-1959

Brixton Conservative Association Finance Committee minutes and press cuttings.

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GB 0097 COLL MISC 0698 · Collectie · 1791-1827

Correspondence to Hammond from George Canning, John Pitt 2nd Earl of Chatham, Henry Goulburn, Charles Manners-Sutton, William Pitt the younger, William Wilberforce and William Windham.

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Independent Labour Party
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0702 · Collectie · c1908-1945

Papers of the Independent Labour Party comprising Files 1-13 - National Administrative Council minutes 1932-1937; Files 14 - Policy of the ILP, memos by John Paton and A Fenner Brockway. Report of the Sub-Committee on policy. Undated. Files 15-17 - Bradford (?) branch minutes, including executive, group and annual general meeting, meetings committee, propaganda committee, and social committee 1922-1945. File 18 - ILP conference photograph, Bradford, c 1908. File 19 - ILP Scottish Divisional conference agenda and resolutions, annotated by a member of the conference, 1918. File 20 - ILP Membership card with rules and constitution, belonging to Arthur Duncan of London and Edinburgh Central branches, 1926-1932.

Zonder titel
Constitutional Reform Centre
GB 0097 CRC · 1970-1992

Working files of the Constitutional Reform Centre, 1970-1992, comprising general files, 1970-1991, organised by project, on the Bill of Human Rights, the Civil Service, the David Harlech Democracy Prize (a video-making competition for 16-23 year olds), the Europe and European Convention on Human Rights, the 'Good Government, Better Business' campaign, legal system reform, proportional representation in local government, local government relations with central government, and opinion polls; material relating to conferences and seminars, 1984-1992, on subjects including the European Convention on Human Rights, the conduct of elections, constitutional change, the abolition of the metropolitan authorities, major planning inquiries, and a written constitution; papers relating to work with the National Committee for Electoral Reform, 1976-1988, notably on the Campaign for Fair Votes in 1987, including correspondence with the Labour Party and the Conservative Party, press releases, questionnaires and leaflets; material relating to the CRC's Working Party on Company Donations, 1985-1987, including reports, minutes and working papers; printed material, 1978-1991, mainly on the British electoral system and proposals for its reform.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 DOUGLAS OF BARLOCH · [1925]-1980

Papers of Francis Campbell Ross Douglas, Baron Douglas of Barloch, [1925]-1980, notably correspondence with politicians, public servants and others, 1937-1977, including (Edward) Hugh (John Neale) Dalton, Frederick James Marquis, 1st Earl of Woolton, and Quintin McGarel Hogg, Baron Hailsham of St Marylebone, on subjects including the pasteurisation of milk, adulteration of food, fluoridation, the Solicitors' Bill of 1941, and his deputy speakership of the House of Lords; correspondence and papers concerning the case of JJ Scorey, newspaper editor, Malta, 1949; correspondence with Sir Emmanuel Kaye, 1963-1979, relating to fluoridation; miscellaneous personal papers, 1888-1980, including marriage certificates, Christmas cards, account books and press cuttings relating to the North Battersea election in 1940; letters of condolence to Adela Elizabeth Douglas, Lady Douglas, on the death of her husband, 1980; a typescript history of Maxfield Manor, the Douglas' home in Sussex, with related papers; printed volumes containing economic and social surveys of Germany, made by the Foreign Office and Ministry of Economic Warfare, 1944-1945; printed pamphlets and speeches by Douglas, 1929-[1977]; photographs and press cuttings relating to Malta, [1946-1949]; photographs of the Douglas family, [1925-1970].

Zonder titel
GB 0097 FLETCHER · 1934-1979

Political papers of Baron Fletcher, including correspondence, subject files and constituency files. Includes papers regarding the Home Office Advisory Committee on House to House Collections, 1938-1943; London County Council, 1945-50; the General Elections of 1945 and 1966; the 1952 budget; and correspondence regarding Fletcher's role as Deputy Speaker and Chairman of Ways and Means (House of Commons).

Zonder titel
GB 0097 HAYTER · Collectie · 1977-1998

Papers relating to Dianne Hayter's involvement with the Fabian Society, 1977-1998, including agendas and minutes of the Executive Committee, Research and Publications Committee, Conferences and Political Activities Committee and the Annual General Meeting, 1987-1993; correspondence concerning the Fabian financial crisis and SDP split, 1981-1982; agenda and minutes of the Executive Committee and related correspondence, 1986-1987; agendas and minutes of the Finances and General Purposes Committee, Research and Publications Committee, 1992-1998; correspondence concerning the "Fabian Appeal", 1992-1996; correspondence concerning appointment of the General Secretary, 1993; correspondence concerning the Fabian Archer Committee, 1992-1993; Dulwich discussion documents (papers provided as a basis for debate by members of the Dulwich Fabian Society), 1980s.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 JEGER · Collectie · 1943-2004

Papers of Lena May Jeger, 1943-2004, mainly correspondence, reports, briefings, speeches, photographs and other papers relating to her work as a local councillor, MP and member of the House of Lords. Also includes draft articles, correspondence and other papers relating to her time as a journalist.

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GB 0097 LCCJ · Collectie · 1985-1999

Papers of Labour Campaign for Criminal Justice, 1985-1999, include minutes, financial papers, newsletters and publications.

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GB 0097 LIPSEY · Collectie · 1999-2006

Correspondence and papers of Lord David Lawrence Lipsey, 1999-2006, mainly relating to his work as special adviser to Anthony Crosland; the Jenkins Committee on Electoral Reform; the Royal Commission on the Long Term Care of the Elderly; Labour Initiative on Cooperation (LINC) International Monetary Fund and the proposed abolition of the Horserace Totalisator Board and the sale of its assets. A cd contains: articles for a number of journals, 2004-2006; communications, 2004-2006; House of Lords papers, 2000-2006; BBC papers, 1999; Lifepoints project, 1999-2000; Make Votes Count campaign, 2000-2006; Social Market Foundation, 2001-2006, Totel, 2002-2006.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 MCKENZIE · 1992

Video tapes of news and current affairs programmes aired on BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and Sky during the 1992 General Election, 10 March-8 April 1992. A daily log provides access to the material and details of programmes taped, which include news reports, special election broadcasts and political press conferences.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 MILL-TAYLOR · Collectie · 1817-1918

Correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Helen Taylor concerning the publication and translation of John Stuart Mill's works and correspondence, the Moral Reform Union, women's suffrage, the social position and education of women, the London School Board and education, literary work, the land question, political questions, Irish affairs, miscellaneous public interests, and private correspondence; letters of appreciation and criticism of John Stuart Mill's work and character, and of sympathy on his death; other miscellaneous letters concerning John Stuart Mill; additional correspondence of John Stuart Mill; correspondence of Harriet Taylor and other members of the Taylor family; material relating to honorary degrees, society memberships, etc. conferred on John Stuart Mill; note books, etc. of John Stuart Mill, including botanical notebooks; writings by Helen Taylor, including "Limits of Local Government", "Municipal Vote etc", and her diaries; letters, speeches and articles by and concerning John Stuart Mill, extracted from newspapers and periodicals; miscellaneous papers of John Stuart Mill, Helen Taylor, Harriet Taylor, and others; and photographs and press cuttings.

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North Lambeth Labour Party
GB 0097 NORTH LAMBETH LABOUR PARTY · Collectie · 1920-1955

Minute Books, constituency papers, leaflets and other election ephemera from London County Council and Parliamentary elections, papers of Ray Roberts, the Party agent, 1920-1955.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 PRENTICE · Collectie · c1946-2000

Political papers and correspondence regarding Reginald Prentice's de-selection by his Newham North East constituency, the 1976 Labour Party conference on Blackpool, his defection to the Conservative Party and general political activities.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 SEROTA · Collectie · 1953-2002

Papers of Beatrice Serota, 1953-2002, relate to her work in London local government, as a Minister of State, member of the House of Lords and of a number of advisory bodies and committees, including the Advisory Council on the Penal System and the Commission on Local Administration. Includes correspondence, reports, publications, notes, speeches and other papers.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 THATCHER FACTOR · Collectie · 1979-1990

This collection contains Betacam cassettes of interviews and transcripts of interviews with leading political figures and members of the public from Margaret Thatcher's Premiership, 1979-1990. The subject matter ranges from issues of social history during the 1980s to ideological commentary on the nature of Thatcherism. The interviews also cover the impact of Thatcherism after Mrs Thatcher's departure from office.

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Tory Reform Group
GB 0097 TRG · Collectie · 1970-2006

Papers of the Tory Reform Group, 1970-2006, including correspondence, minutes of meetings, financial papers, membership records and files regarding events and seminars. Subjects covered include economics, the environment, social policy and Europe (including papers regarding the Single Currency/Euro). The collection also contains papers of PEST - Pressure for Economic and Social Toryism (TRG/1), Parliamentary Mainstream and Conservative Mainstream (TRG/3), and the Macleod Group of Conservative MPs (TRG/4).

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GB 0097 WALLAS · c1880-1932

Personal and professional correspondence, articles, manuscripts of books, research material, reviews of books, biographical material, Ada Wallas' diaries, and Graham Wallas' engagement diaries.

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Young Liberals
GB 0097 YOUNG LIBERALS · Collectie · 1930s-1994

Papers of the youth and student groups of the Liberal and Liberal Democrat parties, 1930s-1990s, including: Union of Liberal Students papers, 1980s, including: mailings; conference papers; financial records; papers on local groups; and, press releases. Young Liberals papers, 1958-1980s (mainly 1970s-1980s), including: constitution, 1975; minutes; conference papers; newsletters; leaflets and other publications. Student Liberal Democrats office files, 1930s-1980s (but only a few items before the 1980s). Papers of Ruth Coleman mainly relating to the Young Liberals and Liberal Students, 1970s-1994.

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GB 1518 CI/AHL · [1878-1954]

Papers of Lord Lee of Fareham, [1878-1954], notably papers relating to Lee's book Letters that Remain, including proofs for letters intended for the book, including from Lloyd-George, 1917, 1920; photographs of individuals for the book;

invitations to events and programmes, [1920s-1930s]; papers relating to speeches, [1915-1930s], comprising notes and texts, including speeches as Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, [1919-1921]; for exhibition opening at Christie's, 1932; press cuttings and Parliamentary reports relating to speeches, printed copies of speeches, [1909-1936], including 'The Need for National Service', 1915, 'The War and After', 1918, 'Lessons of the War', 1936;

original and copy letters, [1894-1946] includingfrom Neville and Mrs Chamberlain, Stanley Baldwin, Ramsay MacDonald, [1920s-1930s]; Winston and Clementine Churchill, 1945; Micheal Balcon, Kenneth Clark, Osbert Sitwell, [1939-1946], Nancy Astor, A J Balfour, Joseph Duveen, relating to the National Gallery and Courtauld Institute, David and Frances Lloyd-George, Field-Marshall Lord Haig, Rudyard Kipling, Ramsay MacDonald; Graham Sutherland, relating to a painting, 1940;
papers relating to Lee's military career, including reference from Lieutenant Colonel Gerald Kitson, 1897; letter concerning Lee, 1898; letter of introduction to Commanding Officers, 1899; letters of authority as Colonel, 1914; army pass, 1914; requisition for petrol and tyres, 1914; permit, 1915; agenda for artillery conference, 1916;
letters relating to Lee's appointment as Chairman of the Radium Commission, 1929, and copy Charter of Incorporation for the Commission; Declaration of Trust between Lord and Lady Lee and the Massey Foundation, 1940;
personal papers, [1878-1945], including passport, 1889; birth certificate, [1868], anecdotes, jokes, press cuttings, printed books and articles, journal, 1889; correspondence and leases of White Lodge, Richmond Park, 1928-1932; letter from Lloyd-George informing Lee of his viscountcy, 1922; letters of condolence to various people and obituaries, [1940s]; correspondence regarding Lee's will, 1945; obituary of Lord Lee, [1947];
papers relating to Chequers, 1917-1953, including abstract of Chequers Estate Act, 1917; articles, guide, 1921, press cuttings, 1920s; correspondence relating to Chequers, including the library, Chequers Trust, silver dessert service presented by Lee, 1938; cartoons by Sir Mark Sykes [of Chequers], [1917];
correspondence concerning pictures and silver, including sale, purchase, restoration work, and some photographs, [1922-1940], including with the Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1927-1928, British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, private dealers;
correspondence with Theodore Roosevelt, 1897-1918, and Edith Roosevelt, 1912-1945, including an album of selected letters, 1898-1906, including one labelled by Lee 'possibly Roosevelt's first letter as President', 1901; correspondence with Ethel Derby, [daughter of Roosevelt], [1917-1951];
photographs, [1890-1946], including of the Roosevelt family, the Lees, film stars taken during the Lees' visit to Hollywood, [1930s];

correspondence regarding the establishment of the Conway Hall, London, 1930-1931; correspondence with Thomas Sherrer Ross Boase; papers of Professor W G Constable; papers relating to the Lee Bequest; Harding Collection; Home House Trust; Wilkinson Bequest; MacColl, Panofsky, Ostrer and Samuel Courtauld correspondence; Pilgrim Trust grant for Corpus of English Medieval Paintings; Scientific Department; Summer course; Lee gift to Hart House; draft scheme for the establishment of art history teaching in UK; insurance papers; press cuttings, 1930-1934; speeches relating to the opening of the Courtauld gallery.

Zonder titel
GB 0102 MS 186361-MS 186387 · Created c1927-1962

Collection of miscellaneous papers, including embassy handouts, conference papers, correspondence, reports and speeches, accumulated by the Far East Department of the Royal Institute of International Affairs, c1926-1962. They address political and economic issues in the Far East and South East Asia including China, Japan, Korea and Formosa.

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Polytechnic Parliament
GB 1753 PPA · Collectie · 1883-1970

Records of the Polytechnic Parliament, 1883-1970, comprising minutes recording the business of the Council which administered the society's affairs, 1883-1916, 1920-1965, 1970; minutes for sittings of the parliament, 1892-1915, 1920-1964; constituency books, 1883, 1930s; motion books, 1884-1915, 1923-1926; members' address book, 1890s; file of typescript orders and rules, 1933; file re amendments, 1930s; Conservative party records, 1930s; attendance books, 1934-1960s; printed constitution, 1948; report to Development Committee and related papers, 1954; subscription book, 1950s-1960s; undated standing orders and rules; two undated photographs, including Polytechnic Parliament in session in Fyvie Hall (in no 309 Regent Street).

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GB 0097 ALBU · 1954-1974

The collection comprises confidential constituency files of Austen Harry Albu, Labour MP for Edmonton, 1954-1974.

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Coefficients, The
GB 0097 ASSOC 17 · 1902-1908

Printed minutes of the Coefficients dining club, 1902-1908, comprising discussions on a set theme introduced by one of the group, including typescript minutes for the dinner of 23 May 1903, introductions to each year, and some programme cards. Members of the club were Leopold Stenett Amery, Lt Carlyon Bellairs, Henry Birchenough, Sir Clinton Edward Dawkins, James Louis Garvin, Sir Edward Grey, 3rd Bt, Richard Burden Haldane, William Albert Samuel Hewins, Halford John Mackinder, Leopold James Maxse, Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner, Henry John Newbolt, William Pember Reeves, Bertrand Arthur William Russell, Michael Ernest Sadler, Arnold John Hugh Smith, Herbert George Wells, and Sidney Webb.

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GB 0097 BEVERIDGE · 1869-1963

Personal papers of William Henry Beveridge, 1st Baron Beveridge of Tuggal, and his family, [1880]-1963, comprising the following.
Family and personal papers, 1869-1963, including genealogical material; correspondence, books and royalty statements relating to the work of Beveridge's parents, Annette Susannah and Henry Beveridge, 1901-1959; papers concerning Beveridge's education, 1891-1903; personal ephemera including birthday cards, programmes, academic notes, and invitations, [1884]-1961; personal diaries, 1903-1905, 1929-1934, 1949-1952, 1959 and 1961; engagement diaries, 1933-1961; material relating to grants and degrees, 1916-1961, notably honorary degrees, the KCB and his barony; papers concerning household affairs, 1906-1963; personal financial papers, such as personal account ledger, 1907-1920, income tax papers, 1907-1961, correspondence, bills, receipts and insurance papers, 1903-1962; photographs of family and friends, 1884-1958.
Correspondence, 1883-1963, including Beveridge family letters and letters to and from friends and colleagues.
Papers relating to unemployment and Labour Exchanges, 1902-1960, notably material of the Mansion House Unemployed Fund, 1904-1905, the London Unemployed Fund, 1904-1905, and the Central (Unemployed) Body for London, 1905-1908; correspondence, notes and statistics concerning unemployment insurance and labour exchanges in Germany, 1907, and Britain, 1908; notice and syllabus of lectures by Beveridge on 'The economics of unemployment', 1908; material relating to the publication of Unemployment: a problem of industry (Longmans and Co, London 1909), 1907-1934, notably correspondence with Longmans, royalty payments, reviews, and notes and drafts relating to later editions; papers relating to his work at the Board of Trade, 1908-1960, including correspondence and memoranda concerning juvenile employment, 1910-1911, reports and speeches concerning labour exchanges in Ireland, 1910-1919, and Ghant, Belgium, 1913-1914, and various memoranda on the working of labour exchanges, 1915-1916; material concerning the unemployment insurance scheme, 1907-1944, including memoranda and drafts, reports, statistics, committee minutes, press cuttings and Beveridge's notes about unemployment insurance by industries and casual labour; working notes and correspondence for Insurance for all and everything (Daily News, London, 1924); Ministry of Labour reports, notes and memoranda on unemployment insurance, 1910-1929; Government Acts, reports and publications on unemployment, 1902-1930.
Papers relating to Beveridge's work during World War One, 1914-1921, including material relating to the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-1916, such as correspondence, memoranda and reports on manpower problems, and memoranda concerning the history and activities of the Ministry; papers of the Manpower Distribution Board, 1916; material relating to post-war reconstruction, including schemes for demobilisation, and papers relating to the post-war prospects of trades and industries; correspondence, minutes, memoranda and reports created by the Ministry of Food, 1916-1921, on subjects including food rationing, family budgets, and the staffing of the Ministry.
Material collated during Beveridge's time as Director of the London School of Economics, 1895-1958, notably correspondence with Sir Arthur Herbert Drummond Ramsay Steel-Maitland, Chairman of Governors, 1924-1925; memoranda and correspondence mainly relating to LSE prizes and scholarships, 1924-1952; Director's reports, 1924-1937; lecture notes and texts of speeches, 1920-1937; programmes, 1920-1937; correspondence relating to his resignation from LSE, 1936-1937; correspondence and papers concerning his role as a member of the Senate of the University of London, 1923-1958, notably papers relating to the purchase of the Bloomsbury site, 1923-1933.
Papers relating to Beveridge's post as Master of University College, Oxford University, 1937-1962, including correspondence and reports concerning the National Institute of Economic and Social research, the Institute of Statistics, and Nuffield College.
Material relating to politics, 1943-1963, including correspondence, speeches, press cuttings, and reports created whilst MP for Berwick on Tweed, 1944-1945; papers concerning the General Election of 1945, mainly comprising pamphlets, election addresses, press cuttings and correspondence from candidates, constituents, and the Berwick Division Liberal Association; Beveridge's speech notes and Hansard extracts from parliamentary debates in the House of Lords, 1946-1963, on subjects mainly related to welfare, unemployment, and economics; papers concerning the Liberal Party Organisation, 1945-1962, including correspondence with the LPO and other Liberal organisations. Material concerning other interests and activities of Beveridge, 1920-1962, notably papers relating to the health services, pensions, and old age; New Towns, including material on the Peterlee Development Corporation and the Newton Aycliffe Development Corporation; traffic and preservation problems in Oxford; population and fertility, including articles, pamphlets and correspondence; weather periodicity; World Government and peace aims, 1944-1962, including minutes and correspondence of the Crusade for World Government, Britain in Europe Ltd, the European-Atlantic Group, the Federal Educational and Research Trust, the Federal Union, One World Trust, the Parliamentary Group for World Government, the World Parliament Association, and the United Nations; correspondence and other papers relating to broadcasting and television.
Papers created during the writing of reports, 1925-1950, including the report of the Royal Commission on the Coal Industry, 1925-1930; the report of the Unemployment Insurance Statutory Committee, 1934-1944; the report of the Sub-Committee of Committee of Imperial Defence on Food Rationing, 1936-1937; report of the Manpower Survey, 1940, and Committee on Skilled Men in the Services, 1941; report of the Fuel Rationing Enquiry, 1942; report of the Interdepartmental Committee on Social Insurance and Allied Services (Beveridge Report), 1941-1945; report on Social Insurance, 1924, 1941-1951; report of the Broadcasting Committee, 1951.
Material relating to publications, 1901-1963, including manuscripts of books, pamphlets and articles, correspondence with publishers, royalty statements, working notes, research papers and memoranda; reviews, letters to the press and obituaries, 1909-1962; texts of lectures, speeches and broadcasts, 1901-1963.
Papers concerning working visits abroad, 1918-1961, to Austria (the Inter-Allied Commission on Relief of German Austria), Canada, the USA, Germany, France, India, Spain, Scandinavia, the Netherlands, Australia, New Zealand, Belgium, Switzerland, and Italy, mainly comprising correspondence, diaries, lecture notes, press cuttings and photographs.
Press cuttings, 1870-1963, including Morning Post leaders written by Beveridge, 1905-1908, and cuttings concerning his death.
Miscellaneous material, including inventories of papers in the Beveridge collection.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 BOAPAH · 1980

Tapes and transcripts of interviews with leading British civil servants and administrators collected for the purposes of the British Oral Archive of Political and Administrative History (BOAPAH) project, 1980. The subject matter of the interviews covers the period from 1920 to 1980, and includes details of the lives and work of the interviewees, namely Philip Allen, Baron Allen of Abbeydale; Derick Heathcote Amory, Viscount Amory; Edward Charles Gurney Boyle, Baron Boyle of Handsworth; Henry Brooke, Baron Brooke of Cumnor; Richard Austen Butler, Baron Butler of Saffron Walden; Leonard Robert Carr, Baron Carr of Hadley; Douglas Albert Vivian Allen, Baron Croham; Sir Charles Cunningham; Sir Goronwy Hopkin Daniel; Thomas Dunlop Galbraith, 1st Baron Strathclyde of Barskimming; Dr Sir George Edward Godber; William David Ormsby-Gore, 5th Baron Harlech; Alexander Frederick Douglas-Home, Baron Home of The Hirsel; Frederick Robert Hoyer Millar, 1st Baron Inchyra; Lt Gen Sir Edward Ian Claud Jacob; John Scott Maclay, 1st Viscount Muirshiel; Sir Frank Cyril Musgrave; Sir Anthony Alexander Part; Sir Arthur William Peterson; Sir Edward Wilder Playfair; John Enoch Powell; Sir Richard Royle Powell; Sir Arthur Hilton Poynton; Robert Lowe Roberthall, Baron Roberthall; Sir Robert Heatlie Scott; Edward Arthur Alexander Shackleton, Baron Shackleton; Roger Mellor Makins, 1st Baron Sherfield; Sir John Walley; and Sir Richard George Kitchener Way.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 CARLTON · Collectie · 1965-2004

Papers and correspondence concerning the work of the Labour Party, Fabian Society and the role of women in politics, 1965-2004, including papers relating to a study of Deptford Labour Party, 1984-1985; Special Advisers pay and meetings, Royal Institute of Public Administration 1974-1992; leadership and deputy leadership elections, 1983-1988; Broadcasting bill 1989; Labour common market safeguards and Euro safeguards campaign, 1986-1995; John Silkin's reselection and Deptford CLP membership 1983-1986; evidence to Fabian Society 1992; NHS Support Federation 1990-1991; devolution, c 1976; Labour Solidarity Campaign 1982; Defence Spokesmen resignations 1983-2004; defence, 1983; Parliamentarians for World Order, peace initiative 1982-1984. Also unpublished articles, c 2003-c2004; Carlton's correspondence as Labour Party Local Government Officer 1967-1973, and copies of PARTNERSHIP: Newsletters for Labour Councillors, Volumes 1965-1972

Zonder titel
GB 0097 CCA · 1889-1949

Minute books of the Clapham Conservative Association, 1889-1893, 1902-1909, 1918-1925, 1934-1949; minute books of the Metropolitan Conservative Agents' Association, 1891-1893, 1896, 1899, 1902, 1905-1924; minute book of the Metropolitan Association of Conservative and Unionist Agents, 1938-1947; minute book of the Clapham Park South Branch Conservative Association, 1907-1936; minute book, 1893-1905, and register of meetings, 1905-1914, of the Conservative Agents Benevolent Association; loose papers and agendas removed from the volumes, 1892-1924.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 LMA/4427 · Collectie · 1930-1977

Personal papers of Millie Miller, Member of Parliament. The collection consists mostly of official parliamentary incoming and outgoing correspondence when Miller held office as MP for Ilford North. There are also maps, plans, brochures, and newspaper cuttings relating to housing in Stoke Newington from the 1930s, and during the late 1950s when Miller chaired the Housing Committee. The correspondence files are varied. Letters include those from; interest groups, including the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Socialist Medical Association, the Married Women's Association, the Association of Jewish Women's Organisations in the UK, and National Council of Women of Great Britain; local authorities, including Camden and Redbridge Borough Councils and Waltham Forest Area Health Authority; businesses local to the Ilford North constituency, including Thorn Electrical Industries Limited; Ilford North constituents; and letters from other MPs and Ministers.

The material reflects Millie Miller's keen interest in the promotion of women's rights, her membership on various committees and councils, delivery of speeches to women's associations, and her campaigns against girl slavery in the sex industry, battered wives, and sex discrimination. The material also details Miller's involvement in the World Conference of International Women's Year 1975. The correspondence touches on the Government's relations with Israel and the difficulties facing ethnic minorities, particularly Jewish communities. A large proportion of letters relate to Miller's constituency in Ilford North, Redbridge LB, with particular reference to housing, immigrants, and the views of constituents on local and national issues.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 CLC/253 · Collectie · 1768-1780

A supplement, in manuscript, to English Liberty: A Collection of Interesting Tracts ... of John Wilkes, Esq (1769), compiled by Isaac Hitchcock of Stafford; comprising the printed text of English Liberty... annotated by Hitchcock, and copies of further speeches, letters, verses, newspaper cuttings, etc relating to Wilkes and his political career, with some illustrations and engravings tipped in.

Zonder titel
SCOTT, Amelia (1860-1952)
GB 106 7ASC · Archief · [1870]-1954

The archive consists of manuscripts and typescripts of books and articles written by Amelia Scott including:

  • Periodicals relating to the women's suffrage campaign and other women's issues - inc. Family Welfare Association (Passing of a Great Dread was serialised in three volumes of this periodical), 4 volumes Liberal Woman's Review.

Pamphlets and Ephemera - inc. National Union of Women Workers, inc Soldiers' Central Laundry and photographs thereof, National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, National Council of Women, Woman's Leader and Common Cause

  • Minute books - Committee meetings of Working Girls Club (including reports of the Leisure Hour Club), Christian Social Union, and Christian Social Crusade.

  • Speeches - for election campaigns, on women's suffrage

  • Papers relating to her work in Tunbridge Wells including material relating standing for election in Tunbridge Wells and election as a guardian for Tonbridge Union, and papers concerning a number of welfare projects she was involved in including the establishment of a Maternity Home and various housing projects.

  • Personal and family papers including publications belonging to Amelia Scott, inc. her father's will, general papers and family photographs.

  • Correspondence - approximately 150 letters to Amelia Scott; including photocopies of some originals from well-known individuals which were auctioned for charity, correspondents include Eleanor Rathbone and Beatrice Webb. Also letters to Amelia's sister Louise.

  • Objects consist of a decoration and presentation book concerning her work during the First World War and the assisting of Belgian refugees and a bag with Kentish Pilgrims Way and red, white and green ribbons sewn on.

Zonder titel
GB 106 7EWD · Archief · 1905-1989

Papers of Emily Wilding Davison comprising personal papers (1909-1913), including employment papers (1913), personal correspondence (1909-1913), writings (1911-1913), papers related to membership of Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) (1912-1913) and to her death (1913-15); papers of Rose and Tom Lamartine Yates related to the Davison inquest; WSPU papers (1905-1914), and papers of other suffrage organisations (1910-1914); papers of the Suffragette Fellowship and the Women's Record Room (1936-1940); photographs (1908-1914), miscellaneous items including 'Justice Tea' teabags, revolving picture of 'elusive Christabel', newspapers and cuttings (1910-1988); posters and illustrations (1908-1914); papers related to the Cat and Mouse Act (1913); artefacts; additional papers (1980s).

Zonder titel
Jews in Brazil
GB 1556 WL 688 · Collectie · 1935-c 1938

Papers concerning Jews in Brazil, 1935-1937, comprise correspondence and reports regarding the situation for Jews in Brazil including a review of the political situation in Brazil, November 1937 and a report on growing antisemitism in Brazil prior to elections c 1938.

Zonder titel
GB 2108 KUAS49 · Collectie · [1977-1984]

Papers of Scott Dunbar, [1977-1984], largely comprise letters from Iris Murdoch to Dr Scott Dunbar and copies of his work. Letters from Iris Murdoch to Dunbar raise issues including religion, politics, structuralism, philosophy and also more personal matters including her mother's illness. The collection also includes an itinerary listing a series of ten lectures to be given by Iris Murdoch in October 1982 at the University of Edinburgh, the Gifford Lectureship in Natural Theology entitled 'Metaphysics as a guide to morals', possibly attended by Dunbar and a photocopy of a letter from Scott Dunbar to Murdoch answering a question at length: 'why are gay bars so sad?'.

The collection also contains letters from other individuals to Dunbar including Duncan Averbach, 1989, discussing Dunbar's thesis and the difference between the human being and person; letter from Theodore Brotsis, enclosing a photograph of Theodore, 1986; published works by Dunbar including 'On art, morals, and religion: some reflections on the work of Iris Murdoch', Scott Dunbar, Religious Studies, Vol 14, No 4, 1978; typescript copies of works including 'Alcoholics Anonymous and Alcohol Dependency' Part One and Part Two and handwritten notes, presumably by Dunbar, including notes titled 'IVF and all that' and lecture notes including 'The Iliad Lectures'.

Zonder titel
Chartism & Reform
GB 0372 LABOUR HISTORY MANUSCRIPTS/14 · Archief · 1816-1860

Scrapbook containing:

  • poster, William Burt declaring Captain Studholme Hogson as a "scoundrel and a coward", by William Burt, published by William Burt (1p) (n.d)

  • pamphlet, 'Copies of several ancient acts of Parliament, in reference to county and borough elections, are here re-published, for the information and guidance of the public', by Samual Cook, published by Eagle Press (4p) 15 March 1859)

  • portrait, [Daniel O'Connell], (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'The [...] of radical reform is this, that every man reform himself; and then, and not till then, shall we have universal reformation...', printed by B. Shillgford, engraved by S. Allen (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'J. Mitchel: sanctioned by the Confederation Committee. The profit of this publication to go towards the defence fund for the political victims. All others are spurious' (n.d.)

  • portrait, [Richard Oastler], (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'George Dawson, M.A.', drawn by H. Anelay, from The People's Journal (n.d.)

  • press cutting, 'Dudley Representation', describing the political persuasion of the working class and impact of the Reform on the town of Dudley, from the Daily News (1p) ([1845])

  • portrait, 'Feargus O'Connor', engraved by W. Read (n.d.)

  • portrait, [James Bronterre O'Brien?], (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'W. Frost', engraved by W. Read from an original painting (n.d)

  • portrait, 'Joseph Raynor Stephens' (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'John Collins', (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Daniel ', engraved by G. J. Stodart (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Your faithful servant Daniel O'Conell', engraved by W. Holl., printed by T. Carrick (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Daniel O'Conell, the great catholic emancipator' (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Daniel O'Connell', from the painting by T. Carrick (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Joseph Hume' (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Jospeh Hume', from a painting by G.P.A. Healy, engraved by W. Holl. (n.d)

  • portrait, '[..] William Scholefield', presented to the subscribers of the Birmingham Mercury, Oct. 6th 1849, produced by R.B. Moody 7 Co. (6 October 1849)

  • portrait, 'William Scholefield, ESQ. M.P. Birmingham', engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph by Whitlock of Birmingham (n.d.)

  • presscutting, 'Parliamentary portraits : Mr. Scholefield, M.P' (1p) (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'The late Joseph Sturge', engraved by D.J. Pound from a photograph by Whitlock of Birmingham (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Richard Oastler, Esq.', published in the British Churchman (May 1844)

  • portrait, press cutting, 'Mr Muntz, MP for Birmingham' (n.d.)

  • illustration, press cutting, 'Presentation of the Chartist petition by Mr Fergus O'Connor' (n.d.)

  • portrait, press cutting, 'Mr. Feargus O'Connor' (n.d)

  • illustration, 'The National Convention. As it met on Monday the 4th of February 1839 at the British coffee house' (n.d.)

  • illustration, 'Great meeting of the political unions, on New Hall Hill, Birmingham, May 1832' (n.d.)

  • illustration, 'Bristol during the riots 1831', engraved by R. Dawson from an old print, published by William Mackenzie, London (n.d.)

  • illustration, press cutting, 'Charist riots at Newport' (n.d.)

  • illustration, 'Living made easy. Charity tubes to convey the smell from the tables of the rich for the benefit of the poor operatives' (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Henry Hunt, ESQ. M.P. for Preston' (n.d.)

  • portrait, 'Thomas Attwood, ESQ. M.P. for Birmingham' (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'Address to the middle and working classes of Birmingham and surrounding districts, from the committee appointed at a public meeting of the Friends of the People's Charter, held in the large room, back of the Ship Inn, Steelhouse Lane, December 23rd, 1885' (1p) (30 December 1855)

  • poster, 'Cobbett's address to the men of Staffordshire!' (1p) (25 May 1833)

  • handbill, 'To the people, ought all laws made by national authority to be obeyed? This subjected will be discussed in the Dudley Chartists' room, at six o'clock on Sunday evening, July 26th, 1848', by Samuel Cook (1p) (26 June 1848)

  • handbill advertising a public meeting on 10 September 1857 discussing the People's Charter, by D. Wallwork (1p) (1857)

  • handbill, 'Reform! Reform! Reform! The manifesto of the National Reform Association', re-published by the order of the committee of the Dudley Mutual Improvement Society (1p) (26 January 1852)

  • handbill, 'Preservation of the peace. At a special meeting of the Dudley Political Union, held at the Swan Inn, on Friday evening, November 18th 1831', by Jospeh Pitchfork and Samuel Cook (1p) (1831)

  • illustration, 'The Political Drama no. 57', 'Interior of an English workhouse under the new poor law act' (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'The result of the glorious struggle of the radicals of Dudley, with the Tories of Dudley', by Samuel Cook (1p) (7 January 1835)

  • handbill, 'Peel and his ministry have resigned!', by S. Cook, (1p) (12 December 1845)

  • handbiil, 'Political unions', by a political unionist (1p) (n.d)

  • handbill, 'The Bury Parliamentary reform proclamation', by Saml. Cook, re-published by order of the Dudley Religious Political Union (1p) (7 December 1851)

  • handbill celebrating the dissolution of the Austrian and Prussia empires in to democratic states, 'Amen! Says Samuel Cook', taken 'from the Standard of Jan 16, 1849' (1p) (1849)

  • handbill, 'At a special meeting of the Dudley Political Union, held on tuesday evening, Dec. 2. , 1834', by Samuel Cook (1p) (2 December 1834)

  • handbill, 'The six points of the People's Charter' (1p) (1837)

  • satirical poster about the 'Weakly Times' (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'Copy of S. Cook's letter to General Garibaldi, and translation of the general's reply; with Mr. Jaffrays commentary' (1p) (n.d.)

-handbill advetising a lecture entitled 'No church rates!' to be given by J. Kingsley (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill with quote from the Quarterly Review, September 1845, 'presented to them by a poliltical dissenter' (1p)
    (3 October 1845) (2 copies)

  • handbill, stating a request by Samuel Cook for the working men and women of Dudley attend several town meetings (1 p) (5 February 1848)

  • handbill, 'To all people, especially religious. Was it a serpent, or was it a chimpanzee, or orang outang, or some other similar creature that beguiled Eve to take the forbidden fruit?, by Samuel Cook (1p) (15 July 1848)

  • handbill, 'What saith the scriptures about neutrals?' (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'Another horrible! Horrible! Horrible mine explosion', by Samuel Cook (1p) (8 March 1847)

  • handbill, 'Mine accidents, their causes and remedies', by Samuel Cook (1p) (5 Novmeber 1845)

  • poster, 'As the public meeting of the inhabitants of Dudley, held in pursuance of a requistion signed by more than one hundred electors..' (1p) (17 December 1834)

  • handbill, 'Another horrible! A most horrible mine disaster!, by Samuel Cook (1p) (18 November 1846)

  • handbill, 'The miners of the Walsall district are respectfully informed that a public meeting will be held on business of importance to their welfare...', meeting will be addressed by W.M. Daniells (1p) (n.d)

  • handbill, 'Mine accidents, their causes and remedies!' , by Dr. Murray, (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'The Liverpool meeting' (1p) (15 October 1845)

  • poster, 'Religion! Loyalty! and Himley!', by T. Hawkes (1p) (2 December 1819)

  • handbill, 'Who are the most valuable members of society, labouring men, or gentlemen and soldiers?' (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'Copy of a notice on the door of Saint Thomas's Church', by Samuel Cook (1p) (8 May 1858)

  • handbill, 'Five of the first principles of Dudley radical political philosophy', by Samuel Cook (1p) (18 December 1835)

  • handbill, 'The bible is the best political book in the world!', by Samuel Cook (1p) (1 September 1836)

  • handbill, 'Another Easter parish blunder', by Samuel Cook (1p) (24 March 1856)

  • handbill, 'The word "Easter" in the 4th verse of the 12th chapter of acts, is a notorious lie', by Samuel Cook (1p) (20 April 1848)

  • handbill, 'Politics', by Samuel Cook (1p) (22 September 1817)

  • handbill, 'Public charities and the annual presentation of their accounts to the churchwardens', by Samuel Cook (1 p) (1 December 1860)

  • handbill, 'To the rate payers of Dudley' (1p) (12 September 1845)

  • handbill, 'Christ-mass', a poem by Mr. Wright (1p) (2 January 1827)

  • handbill, 'Extracts from the will of the late Rev, Henry Antrobus' (1p) (9 December 1766?)

  • handbill, 'Women of Dudley, and women of the United Empire of Great Britain, prepare for the approaching election!', by Samuel Cook (1p) (4 July 1947)

  • handbill, 'To the inhabitants of the world', concerning the Poor Law Guardians, by Samuel Cook (1p) (21 August 1854)

  • handbill, 'Church rates! Seizures in Dudley during the year 1837' (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'Bible politics', by Samuel Cook (1p) (10 May 1836)

  • handbill, 'To rate payers of Dudley' (1p) (12 December 1845)

  • handbill, 'Bibile politics' (1p) (1 July 1845)

  • handbill, 'To the people. No government in its corporate capacity as a government, has legitimate right to interfere with the Christian religion of a people', by Samuel Cook (1p) (20 March 1847)

  • poster, 'Statement of the churchwarden's accounts, for the parish of Dudley, form October 10th, 1830 to Easter 1831' (1p) (2 March 1832)

  • large handbill, 'Why are you a dissenter?' (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'A second edition of S. Cook's letter, with an additional extract from a late Act of Parliament, in reference to the mode of serving summons to the magistrates of Dudley', by Samuel Cook (1p) (14 August 1837)

  • handbill, 'Dudley toryism verus Dudley radicalism, 6 or 8 tories aganist 1 radical' (1p) (1 February 1836)

  • handbill, 'Some of the princples of Dudley radicalism', by Samuel Cook (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'S. Cook's broken window' (1p) (2 December 1834)

  • handbill, 'Grand fracas between Rough Joe and Nimble Dick' (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'Bravo!!! Three cheers and one cheer more for the Establishment in France, of a republican form of government', by Samuel Cook (1p) (26 February 1848)

  • handbill, '40s to £20' (1p) (n.d.)

  • handbill, 'Westry meeting, Thursday, March 1st, 1860. The new assessment of property!' (1p) (25 February 1860)

  • illustration, 'Bristol - charge of the 3rd Dragoon Guards at the Bristol riots, October 29-31, 1831' (n.d.)

  • illustration, 'Manchester - the Manchester adn Cheshire yeoman charging the mob, August 16, 1819' (n.d.)

Zonder titel
Keane Collection
GB 0369 KNE · 1941-2002

The papers chiefly consist of background research and notes to publications especially to Professor Keane's work 'Václav Havel: a Political Tragedy in Six Acts' (1999), and include background research and draft chapters.

Additionally, the archive includes notes and offprint articles relating to nationalism and citizenship; fear and politics; democracy; as well as the general background to political change in Czechoslovakia, including Charter 77, the Velvet Revolution, and the Velvet Divorce leading to the foundation of the Czech and Slovak republics.

Zonder titel
Olden Papers
GB 0103 MS ADD 276 · 1927-1940

Papers, 1927-1940, of Rudolf Olden, comprising correspondence, typescripts, notes and newspaper cuttings.

Zonder titel
GB 0101 PG.BG · 1956-1992

Letters, press cuttings, manifestos, constitutions, resolutions and pamphlets issued by the Bangladesh Scheduled Castes' Federation and the Commission for Justice and Peace, reflecting the interests of Bangladesh political pressure groups.

Zonder titel