Showing 194 results

Archivistische beschrijving
GB 1556 WL 847 · Collectie · 1907-1977

Personal papers of Siegfried Rotholz, 1907-1977, including papers documenting his experiences as a refugee who travelled to Australia on the HMT DUNERA. Comprising exercise book entitled 'Memorandum re Dunera' addressed to the UK High Commission in Australia from the inmates of Hay Camp, Western Australia, written under the following sub-headings: 'Treatment during Voyage'; 'Searches and Confiscation'; 'Handling and Loss of Luggage' and 'Treatment of Internees by Military', 2 Dec 1940; detailed inventory of Rotholz's possessions prior to departure from Germany; travel permit describing Rotholz's place of birth and current address; two Australian shillings from Hay internment camp, Australia; a revocation of the detention order, 7 Dec 1943; correspondence on compensation for personal possessions lost en route and restitution claim from the German government; registration certificates; job references; visa applications; family correspondence; birth register extract and official documents regarding financial and residency status.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 862 · Collectie · [1941]

Papers relating to Hay Internment camp, New South Wales, Austrlia, [1941] comprising a copy of Boomerang magazine, including articles from inmates on topics such as the Pioneer Corps, a commentary on the internment of aliens, health in the camp, teaching languages and the camp debating society, 1941 and woodcut image of Camp Hay, New South Wales, 1940s.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 879 · 1935-1955

Correspondence of Werner and Anni Rüdenberg, 1935-1955, notably including correspondence between Werner and Anni Rüdenberg and family members, chiefly whilst the former were in Shanghai; letters from Werner Rüdenberg whilst an internee on the Isle of Man to his wife Anni in Harlech, Wales; general correspondence between Werner and Anni Rüdenberg, and to family members and friends whilst in London. Much of the correspondence covers Germany during the Nazi period.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 888 · Collectie · 1946-1988

Copies of correspondence, 26 Apr 1946-21 Nov 1988, mostly from Hermann Maas, a German protestant minister, to Paul and Martha Rosenzweig, two siblings, Jewish 'Mischlinge' emigrés, whom Maas helped to save from the Nazis.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 973 · Collectie · 1939-1944

Papers of Siegfried Kessler, a Czech Jewish exile in London, 1939-1944, chiefly correspondence between organisations and individuals, shedding light on the conditions for Czech Jews in Czechoslovakia in the early years of the Second World War and the processes involved in Jewish emigration from Czechoslovakia.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 995 · Collectie · 1940-1946

Papers concerning conditions in Europe for Jews, 1940-1946, comprise a typescript copy of a diary written by a Jewish refugee from Berlin, describing life in Belgium during the occupation, 1944; copies of extracts from Luxemburg newspapers regarding press freedom; postcard of the Luxemburg Synagogue, which was burned down in 1940, 1940-[1945] and many typescript reports concerning conditions for Jews, notably including a report on the effect of the ceasefire agreement between Germany and France on people in the French camps and also on Jews in the occupied and unoccupied zones of France.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 999 · Collectie · 1930s

Papers of refugee organisations, 1930s, comprise various reports and papers concerning refugees, notably including the Council for German Jewry's Report for 1937; papers regarding application for asylum in the USA and South Africa and a periodical entitled 'Information Service', issued by the International Bureau for the Right of Asylum and Aid to Political Refugees, concerning refugees from Nazi Germany in France.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1091 · Collectie · 1944

Papers of Youth Aliyah workers, comprise typescript reports on the experiences of children who managed to escape Nazi occupied Europe and arrived in Palestine, 1944. The names of the children are represented as initials.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1146 · 1938-1947

Correspondence of Elise Steiner and other family papers, 1938-1940. The collection documents the day to day activities, hopes and aspirations of a Jewish family in Vienna on subjects including gratitude that at least one child was able to escape and moreover to continue with her education; efforts to find a place on the Kindertransport for Leo Steiner; news of the fate of other family members who had managed to emigrate to various countries and the takeover of the family business. Despite the increasing difficulties of life in Vienna exemplified by the occasional suicide of friends and the growing fear of being out on the streets, there is a sense that life has to go on. Mention is made of the celebration of Jewish festivals and of training for new occupations. Whilst the prospect of emigration recedes, the family continues to make preparations for a future departure by selling off possessions and studying English.

There are descriptive summaries of all the letters (in German). Other papers comprise a typescript copy of the family tree, a copy of typescript notes on Steiner family history and a copy of a photograph.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1149 · Collectie · 1922-1962

Letters from friends and family to Siegfried Grossbard, 1922-1962, on topics including the Richborough Internment Camp and the German Jewish Aid Committee; reference to Lingfield Internment camp and of experiences as an internee in Australia; brother-in-law, Erwin's account of survival of the occupation in France; conditions in Germany during the immediate postwar era, from ex-internee, Roger Freeman; claims for restitution relating to the Aryanisation of the Grossbard family business; and letters from Otto Morawetz to Grossbard regarding family and friends and life in the USA.

Zonder titel
Fate of Hungarian Jewry
GB 1556 WL 1151 · 1943-1994

Fate of Hungarian Jewry collection, 1943-1994, notably comprises a copy memorandum to Secretary Morgenthau, (copy of original which dates from 1943) (1151/1), concerning his request to review developments regarding the World Jewish Congress' programme for the evacuation of Jews from Romania and France; copy of a letter from JW Pehle, Executive Director of the War Refugees Board, to J. Mcloy, Assistant Secretary of War, (copy of original which dates from 1944) (1151/4), enclosing copies of eye-witness accounts of Auschwitz and Birkenau received from the Board's special representative in Bern recommending the bombing of the camps; memorandum to the Assistant Secretary of War regarding suggestion of bombing camps, setting out 5 reasons why this is not recommended (copy of original which dates from 1944) (1151/5) and a copy of a transcript of a secret memorandum from the American Legation in Stockholm to the Secretary of State, Washington, regarding gassing and deportation of Hungarian Jews (copy of original which dates from 1944) (1151/6).

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1160 · 1939-1950

Correspondence between Werner Loewy in Bombay and Cawnpore, India, and later California to Wolfgang Loewy and other family members in Shanghai, 1939-1950.

Zonder titel
Fink, Alice: Family papers
GB 1556 WL 1164 · 1942-1949

Papers of Alice Fink, 1942-1949, comprise Red Cross telegram messages between Alice Redlich and her family in Berlin; copy documentation including certificate from the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad in recognition of Alice's service and copy photographs of pre-war Berlin.

Zonder titel
Gross family documents
GB 1556 WL 1183 · Collectie · 1938-1945

Papers of the Gross family, 1938-1945, documenting the experiences of an assimilated German Jewish family, some of whom managed to escape to safety and others who perished in the Holocaust. Comprising original correspondence between members of the family and friends before, during and after World War Two; personal papers such as certificates and photographs.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1193 · Collectie · 1916-1930s

Papers of Julian Lehmann, chiefly comprising press cuttings from German language newspapers 1916-1930s on topics including the life and work of contemporary Jewish personalities such as Freud, Einstein and Stefan Zweig and articles of a general Jewish interest. In addition there are a number of draft typescript articles and notes, either clearly authored by Julian Lehmann or written on headed note paper with his name, on subjects ranging from obituary notices to the experiences of German Jewish immigrants to Great Britain during the Nazi era.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1205 · 1936-1993

Papers documenting the activities of Lt Col Julian Layton in assisting German Jewish refugees before the Second World War and internees during the war, 1936-1993, including official papers regarding the internment of refugees including HM Government printed orders mostly on aliens, internment and refugees, notably a report of a Parliamentary Delegation into conditions at Buchenwald concentration camp immediately after liberation, 1939-1945. Correspondence, memoranda and reports, 4 Oct 1939-9 Jul 1945, on matters relating to Jewish internees, chiefly those transported to Australia including: report of a visit to Hay Camp, November 1940; report on segregation at camp No. 10 at Loveday, February 1942; report on the call up of aliens, Jun 1943; summary of Layton's duties whilst in Australia; report on the transportation of released UK internees to the UK and report on internees of Italian origin. Typescript report by Noel W Lamidey, Secretary of the Aliens Classification and Advisory Committee (Australia) to Arthur A Calwell MP, minister for immigration, entitled 'Some aspects of alien control in Australia during time of war' with covering letter from the author addressed to Julian Layton, 16 Oct 1947.

Correspondence relating to Julian Layton's activities with internees, Dec 1936-Mar 1993, including reference to the Kitchener Camp, Richborough, Kent; correspondence with the Rothschild family, Great Britain, including a copy agreement between Layton and James Rothschild on the provision of financial assistance to help refugee children and correspondence and papers relating to the experiences of those aboard the 'Dunera'. Julian Layton's personal diaries including reference to his activities with regard to the welfare of internees, 25 Mar 1941-22 Dec 1944.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1210 · Collectie · 1880-1973

Herta Ningo and Ningo family papers, 1880-1973 including school certificates, including from Rosa Smilowski; Jewish Reichspass; Red Cross letter from her mother, Meta Ningo; personal papers of the Rewald and Salzmann families including birth and marriage certificates; identity card with photo attached of Arthur Rewald; certificate of withdrawal from the Jewish community; correspondence to the Heilmann family in Berlin from the lawyer, Max Auerbach and Rewald (?) regarding restitution for the loss of income from the business, 18 Oct 1955-21 Sep 1956; original documents relating to Arthur Rewald's tax expenditure and photograph of the Heilmanns, 1934-1939.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1229 · 1938-1985

Personal papers of Helga Lewin (née Krebs), 1938-1985, relating to her compensation claims and awards from the German government including decisions of the courts and the Entschädigungsamt (Resititution Office), expert witness statements and reports; testimonials and correspondence with her solicitor. Includes originals and copies.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1232 · Collectie · 1942-1948

Papers of the Jewish Committee for Relief Abroad (JCRA) and the Jewish Relief Unit (JRU) including volume of original signed minutes of the JCRA; reports from individual JRU members covering a wide variety of JRU activities in various countries and 6 bundles of apparently original lists of Mauthausen Concentration Camp inmates.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1242 · Collectie · 1948-1949

Papers of the Bad Kissingen field office of the International Refugee Organisation (IRO) in the American zone of occupation of Germany, 1948-1949, comprising information sheets, administrative and provisional orders and printed IRO statistics on the occupational skills of refugees.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1277 · Collectie · 1939-1943

Diaries of Wilhelm Hollitscher, a Jewish refugee in England, 13 Jun 1939-16 Oct 1943. Hollitscher begins his diaries by remembering his last days in Vienna, but soon turns to a discussion of the political news of the day. In this case a secret meeting between Hitler and Mussolini. Hollitscher is furious about Hitler's treachery, abandoning South Tyrol as a gift to Mussolini. From this time on Hollitscher chronicles the political, and later, military developments and the diaries become a history of the period seen through the eyes of a Jewish emigrant living in England. The tense months leading up to the war, the declaration of war and the war itself are described. Likewise is the landing of Rudolf Hess; the bombing of English towns and later of German ones; Stalingrad; and even events in the Pacific and China.

Comments on the political situation are regularly interspersed with notes on family and friends, most of whom, seem to have escaped Austria. Letters written and received and the more mundane events of daily life at Petts Wood are recorded faithfully.

Hollitzer is very conscious of the fate of the Jews in Germany, Austria and Poland and he notes any news he receives. On the fourth anniversary of his arrival in England he is grateful for four years of a 'blessed old age' and for the fact that his children and grandchildren are safe and healthy. In 1943 he mentions heart troubles, difficulties in sleeping and cramps. The diaries close rather abruptly on 6 October 1943.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1370 · Collectie · 1992

Copy and transcript correspondence of a German Jewish family, 1941, chiefly comprising letters from Messrs Isaak David and Martha Teich-Birken, resident in Berlin prior to their deportation to the East, to their children, most of whom had managed to emigrate to the United States except for Martin, the depositor, who came to Great Britain. The correspondence affords an insight into the frustrating and increasingly desperate plight of a Jewish family unable to flee Nazi Germany.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1407 · 1940s-1950s

Personnel files of former Jewish Relief Unit volunteers including reports of their activities.

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GB 1556 WL 1413 · 1939-1941

The collection consists of paperwork generated by the British and American immigration authorities and documentation brought from Germany by the Marx family members, 1939-1941.

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GB 0120 GC/33 · 1930-1966

Papers of Carl Prausnitz-Giles including memorandum on the teaching of hygiene in the German Empire, 1930; lecture 'In Quest of Allergy', 1959; notes; obituary.

Zonder titel

Records, 1935-1992, of the League for Democracy in Greece and associated bodies. Pre-1945 material includes a set of the Balkan Herald, 1935-1940, and surviving papers, 1943-1945, of the League's predecessor, the Greek United Committee, and one of its supporters, E Athanassoglou. Notably there are proofs of Sir Compton Mackenzie's The Wind of Freedom (published in London, 1944) and a photocopy of a telegram from Winston Churchill prohibiting favourable mention of EAM-ELAS by the BBC, 1944. The papers of the League itself date from 1945 to 1975 and include a large collection of press cuttings covering all British and some foreign press references to Greece during the period of the League's activity, with some later cuttings concerning Greece to 1992; material produced by the Greek News Agency including the Weekly Survey of Greek News and later monthly surveys, covering Greek and foreign press output and the Free Greek Radio Broadcasts, complete from November 1946 to September 1953 and January 1969 to January 1974 but otherwise incomplete, the contents of particular value for the period of the Civil War, 1947-1949, as they form a rare source for the broadcasts of Radio Free Greece; and eight volumes of the League's own duplicated information and organizational circulars. There are copies of all official British reports on Greece: TUC (Citrine), Legal Mission, March 1946 Election Observers, All-Party Parliamentary Delegation (1946); a fairly complete collection of Hansard for parliamentary references to Greece; reports of the UN Commission for observing the Balkans (1947-1950); daily broadcasts of the Greek refugee radio at Bucharest, 1970-1974; a large collection of pamphlets, leaflets and news bulletins, British and foreign; a large collection of material from similar organisations in other countries and from Greek refugee committees; and specialist journals. Over 280 files of the League's correspondence and information material cover its various campaigns. Over 23 files represent other organisations which donated material to the League's archives: British Branch of the Patriotic Anti-Dictatorial Front (PAM), Campaign for the Release of All Political Prisoners in Greece, European-Atlantic Action Committee on Greece, Greek Committee against Dictatorship. The papers include an important collection of archive material, arising from the League's work to stimulate British parliamentary action, particularly regarding persecution, on Greek government repression, Law 375/1936, the Emergency Measures Act of June 1946, Law 509/1947 on 'subversion', the operation of the special courts-material and the security committee, and the conditions in prisons and concentration camps, including dossiers on the cases of individual prisoners, supplemented by thesis material on Greek political legislation since 1921. There is a card index of junta detainees; material from the prisons and concentration camps, including two volumes of smuggled appeals (some in microscopic writing); and personal files on individual political prisoners and concentration camps detainees, 1945-1964, 1967-1974. A small library contains unusual publications of the Greek left. Other material comprises a photographic collection, in 18 albums, on occupation, resistance, liberation, civil war, prisons, prisoners, concentration camps, Greek refugee children, and activities abroad; loose photographic items; four reels of film including a Czech film of evacuated Greek children, c1949; and a collection of organisational stamps. Post-1975 material relates to the League's successor, the Friends of Democracy in Greece. Subjects covered by the Archive include the day-to-day evolution of the Civil War, 1947-1949; Greek political legislative and administrative measures; conditions in the prisons and concentration camps; the Greek trade unions; the 'kidnapped' or 'evacuated' children; the Greek political refugees in Eastern Europe; the operations of Greek anti-junta groups in Western Europe and the United States, 1967-1974; attitudes and action of the British Labour movement (Labour Party and trade unions) in regard to Greece, 1945-1974; individual political prisoners and concentration camp detainees; action regarding Greece in Western European countries, Australia, Canada, and the United States; and the operation of pressure groups (from the League's organisational material and correspondence with Members of Parliament and trade unionists).

Zonder titel
JACOBS, B L (fl 1957-1965)
GB 0101 ICS 38 · 1957-1962

Draft case studies used by B L Jacobs in his book East African administration, published in Entebbe, Uganda, by the Government Printer [1965]. The book was impounded and burnt by the Ugandan police. Subjects include copies of official correspondence on Banyaruanda refugees, 1961-1962; copies of official correspondence on strike of students at the Nakaura Engineering School, 1957-1958; documents on scheme for 300 scholarships, 1961-1962 and documents on the integration of the Department and Ministry of Education, Uganda, 1960-1962.

Zonder titel
Northern Refugee Centre
GB 2381 C201014 · Collectie · 1983-

Papers of the Northern Refugee Centre, from 1983 to the time of writing, chiefly comprising files arranged by country containing material on refugees including: pamphlets and leaflets, published and unpublished reports, offprints of articles, press cuttings, newsletters and press releases. The collection also comprises annual reports from other refugee organisations and published material on refugees.

Zonder titel
GB 0097 ADAMS W · Collectie · [1906]-1973

Papers of Sir Walter Adams, [1906]-1974, comprising personal correspondence with family and friends and material relating to early historical and academic work, 1930-[1975]; papers relating to the Commission on African Higher Education, 1949-1952; material relating to Adams' time as Principal of the University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, 1953-1966, including correspondence concerning his appointment, papers regarding overseas visits and conferences, and administrative and financial papers relating to the UCRN; texts and notes for speeches made by Adams, 1945-1966, including some on education in Africa; correspondence by Adams as Principal of UCRN, 1955-1974, including personal letters and testimonials; later papers relating to educational issues in Rhodesia, 1967-1974; material relating to Adam's time as Director of the London School of Economics, 1966-1973, notably correspondence relating to his appointment, minutes and associated papers of LSE committees, official correspondence with administrative and academic staff, papers relating to the Students' Union, selection committees, the Library Appeal, the LSE Magazine, press and publicity, and student unrest; semi-official correspondence of Adams as Director of the LSE, 1967-1974; papers concerning the Society for the Protection of Science and Learning, 1968-1972; papers relating to the placement of foreign refugee scholars (notably from Czechoslovakia), 1968-1971; speeches and writings for audiences outside the LSE, 1967-1972; engagement books, 1968-1973; photographs, [1900s-1973], including early family photographs, and group photos at UCRN and the LSE.

Zonder titel
HANS, Nicholas (1888-1969)
GB 0366 NH · Collectie · 1906-1969

Papers of Nicholas Hans, including drafts of published works and manuscripts of unpublished essays and other writings; notebooks, including from his time at the University of Odessa, 1907-1912; correspondence, 1925-1969; personalia, including certificates and letters of reference and appointment, 1906-1969; papers relating to his position during the Russian Revolution of 1917; papers relating to teaching, 1948-1966; conference papers, 1936-1966; some collected papers by colleagues.

Zonder titel
GB 0074 P72/TRI · Collectie · 1867-1939

Records of the parish of Holy Trinity, Bethnal Green, including register of marriages, register of baptisms, and minutes of the Committee for the Holy Trinity Hostel for Austrian Refugees.

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GB 0074 ACC/2695 · Collectie · 1914

Minute book of the War Refugees Committee, a charity aiding First World War refugees.

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Kodicek, Egon (1908-1982)
GB 0120 GC/65 · Collectie · 1934-1982

Papers of Egon Kodicek, 1934-1984; comprising biographical and bibliographical items; laboratory notebooks of work at the Dunn Nutritional Laboratory, Cambridge, 1950s-1960s, and writings on nutrition research; some correspondence and photographs.

Zonder titel
GB 0120 GP/58 · 2000-2004

Transcripts of oral history interviews conducted by Dr Stefan Cembrowicz with elderly general practitioners in the Bristol area, Dr Freddie Morgan, formerly Morgenbesser, Oct 2000, and Dr Ivor Ernest Doney, 2004.

Zonder titel
LMA/4288 · Collectie · 1852-1998

The collection consists of records relating to the Dietrich Bonhoeffer Church and other German Churches in London, 1852-1998: Saint Georg (Alie Street, London E1), Saint Paul (Goulston Street, London E1), Camberwell Church (Denmark Hill SE5), Saint Marien (Sandwich Street, WC1) and Brighton Church. The greater part of the collection originated from Pastor Dr Julius Rieger (reponsible for the parish 1945-1953) and Pastor Wallman who assisted Rieger from 1951. The records also include the archives of the Camberwell Church which closed in 1914.

The collection includes papers relating to Church Constitution and meetings; Council correspondence; relations with the church in Germany; pastoral correspondence; Parish history and statistics; papers relating to staff including Pastors and Curates; registers of baptisms, confirmations, weddings and burials, 1876-1977; records of services held; hymn books, prayer books and sermons; records of different Church organisations and societies; newsletters; correspondence with German prisoners-of-war, correspondence regarding the organisation of aid for prisoners of war and prisoner of war camp newspapers and newsletters, Second World War; correspondence regarding the organisation of aid for refugees, Second World War; correspondence regarding aid for post-Second World War Germany; papers regarding the welfare of German immigrants in Great Britain; financial and legal papers relating to property; papers relating to Church buildings and Vicarage buildings.

Papers relating to other German congregations including registers of baptisms, confirmations, marriages and deaths for the Camberwell Church, 1854-1914; administrative papers of the Camberwell Church; papers relating to other German churches both in London and Great Britain; papers relating to work with other Lutheran churches and the Union of Lutheran churches; reports, conference papers and correspondence from the German-speaking Evangelical Synod in Great Britain; correspondence and other papers from the Geistlicher Rat (Lutheran Council); papers regarding relations with other churches and copies of the Inter-congregational newsletter.

Publications including pamphlets, newsletters, booklets and press cuttings; photographs of Pastors, church members and church buildings.

Zonder titel
Sekulich, Milosh (1900-1986)
GB 0120 GC/94 · Collectie · 1932-1962

Papers of Milosh Sekulich, 1932-1962; notably correspondence, notes, case records, and draft writings pertaining to his study of tuberculosis and its classification, mainly 1953-1962.

Zonder titel
Russian Refugees Aid Society
GB 2395 · [1917]- 2000

Archives of the Russian Refugees Aid Society (RRAS) and its predecessors comprising:

minutes of the Russian Red Cross 1938-1952; Executive Committee (and Bazaar Committee) of the Russian Benevolent Society, 1952-1958; Executive Committee, AGMs 1964-1988 ; Council, 1992-2000 ; Finance and General Purposes Committee 1977-2000; Bazaar Committee, 1972-1981; and Grants Committee 1990-1996;

committee files including: RRAS minutes and papers (copies); 1952-1972; Council Correspondence, 1998-2000; Council agendas and minutes', (copies) 1988-2000; AGM minutes and papers (and Finance and General Purposed Committee, 1977), 1984-1987; Finance and General Purposes Committee, minutes and papers (copies) 1988-1995; Finance and General Purposes Committee minutes and papers (copies), 1993-2000; Grants Committee papers, 1990-1996;

printed Annual Reports of the Russian Red Cross Society in Great Britain, and lists of members, appeal letters etc, 1923-1965;

card index of Russian people who have contacted the Society, [1917-1998] (7 drawers);

membership records including: Members book [1960s-1990s]; membership forms, 1964-1993;

Visitors Book, [1961-1963];

Secretary's papers including general correspondence 1984-2000;

Chairman's correspondence, 1947-2000, relating to the D Ezekiel, Russian Refugees Relief Association 1966-1970; case of Alexis Frank, 1945-1969; Convent and church, 1988-1999, donations to Russian Orthodox Church and the Convent of Annunciation, Brondesbury Park; donations, legacies received, 1971-2000;

General Secretary's file relating to charitable grants, 1990-1993;

Treasurer's (D Ezekiel ) papers and correspondence, 1960-2000;

Mrs Illingworth, correspondence, 1991-1994;

administrative files relating to Legal matters and charitable society registration, 1942-1969; Old Russian Red Cross, 1923-1959; Russian Refugee Association 60s-80s; Russian World War Invalids Union, 1934-1955; Russian Ex-Services Organisation, Paris, 1920-1970; Russian Church Affairs, 1926-1968; and miscellaneous correspondence and papers, 1926-1968;

files relating to well known Russians who had contact with the society including Nicholas Poliakoff, personal documents including passport and registration papers, 1948-1961; news cuttings relating to Madam Cambon (Nadia Bajenoff, Nadia Sabline, married Roger Cambon, 1953) 1930s-1970s; cuttings and photos of the RRAS, 1980s-1990s; file of obituaries, mainly cuttings relating to Grand Duchess Xenia, 1964-1998; Employment candidates / next of kin volume containing names and addresses (in Russian), also news cuttings relating to Russians in the UK1950s -1960s;

files relating to fundraising and publicity including a BBC appeal broadcast by Lady Aylwen, 1965-66; appeal letters, 1961-1962; Appeal correspondence and feasibility study, 1969-1977; RRAS Newsletter 1977, appeal letters, 1970s; flyers, events, invitations, menus, programmes,1939-1993; cuttings, balance sheets for receipts from fundraising events, papers re arrangement of concerts, bazaars and other events 1950s-1970s;

records relating to the Society's hostels including: Hostel Residents Register 1965-1995; Hostel register 1925-1952; lodgers registration forms for Russian Red Cross - the Avenue - departed lodgers, 1942-1959; Rules and Regulations of the Hostel of the Russian Red Cross Soc in Great Britain, 16 The Avenue;

and files relating to deceased residents up to 1991; deeds relating to the 16 The Avenue, 1931-1956; correspondence relating to the properties, 1942-1956; papers re proposed purchase of 56 Woodstock Rd, 1960-61; papers re properties, 1961-1990; papers re extension to 27 Blenheim Rd, including plans, agreements, 1966-1985; Valuation report - 6 Abinger Rd, 1948; correspondence relating to the warden at 56 Woodstock Rd, 1974-1987; papers and letters re employment of warden/deputy wardens, and other personnel, 1980-1990; paper relating to safety alarm equipment for Hostel residents, 1991-2000; correspondence relating to residents that moved, 1962-1963; Nicholas House correspondence and papers, 1969-2000;

financial records including account books 1995-2001; audited accounts 1976-1992; annual accounts and auditors reports 1922-1956; Balance sheet, 1964 ; Visitors post book, 1980-2000 ; Russian Red Cross parcel book 1920;

Photographs including framed portraits of Grand Duchess Xenia, Victoria Millford Haven, Countess de Torby, group of hostel residents, and one unidentified man; box of photographs of hostels and residents, mainly black and white, mostly unidentified;

two printing blocks for portraits of Grand Duchess Xenia, and Miss Vallender;

collection of postcards depicting scenes of Russia and Italy;

and a published volume of the History of the Russian Red Cross (in Russian).

Zonder titel
GB 106 7MGE · Archief · 1916-1925

The archive consists of Lady Mary Gertrude Emmott papers in connection with various committees on which she sat. These are mainly letters of appointment to official committees.

The folder comprises: press cuttings, 1916; Ministry of Reconstruction Advisory Council, Nov 1917-May 1918; Housing Advisory Council, Apr 1919; Committee for War Refugees from Belgium, May 1919; Local Employment Committee, Great Marlborough Street Employment Exchange, Feb 1920-May 1923; Commission of the Peace, County of London, Jun 1920; Association of London (Royal Free Hospital) School of Medicine for Women, Dec 1920; Committee of Trustees of fund for assistance of elderly educated women who have suffered as a result of the war, Mar 1921; Justices of Juvenile Court, Brixton Court, Apr-Jun 1921; Visiting Committee of Borstal Institution portion of Holloway Prison, Apr 1921-Jan 1924; Committee on Co-operative and Communal Arrangements in Housing Schemes, Jun 1921; Council of the League of Nations Union (appointment as member), Jul 1921; Departmental committee on the export of horses (Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries), Feb-Mar 1925.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 1541 · 1938-1947

Papers of Henni Lesley, 1938-1947, comprise copies of personal papers including health certificate issued by the SS doctor at Lichtenburg, 1938; Red Cross telegram from Henni to her parents in Berlin, 1942 and letter from the American Joint Distribution Committee to Henni Lesley regarding the fate of her parents, 1947.

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Anti-Nazi jokes
GB 1556 WL 1553 · c 1939

Notebook containing hand-written, mostly anti-Nazi jokes in Suetterlin script, c1939, and a modern transcript of the same.

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GB 1556 WL 1571 · Collectie · 1872-1990s

Papers of Eleanor Hess, 1872-1990s, document the life of a German Jewish refugee to Great Britain, and, in part, the lives of family members. The papers include emigration and citizenship papers of her grandfather Emil, c1870s; certificates and First World War army records of Julius, her father and correspondence from Eleanor and her brother, Herbert, in Brazil, to their mother, c1950s. The collection includes 2 boxes of family photographs. In addition there is an unpublished memoir of Eleanor, which describes the life of a Jewish girl in Nazi Germany and the experience of emigration to a foreign land.

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GB 1556 WL 1574 · Collectie · 1893-1945

Papers of Hannele Kuhn, 1893-1945, comprise family correspondence and papers. The letters give a very moving account of the experience of a very close-knit, family split by the Nazis and ultimately condemned to death. The correspondence includes Red Cross telegrams between Hannele and her parents and an aunt (Meta) in Treibnitz, who was last heard of towards the end of the war and is thought to have been killed during the Russian advance. The bulk of the correspondence consists of letters from the parents to Hannele and her guardians. The first few deal with a failed attempt to get Hannele out by the Salvation Army. Most of them are dated up to end of 1940, by which time they were smuggled out by a mutual friend.

Amongst the last letters are a couple from the intermediary after the deportation of Hertha and Franz. Perhaps the most poignant is the parents' last letter, dated 22 June 1942, which, having been re-read some 50 years later by Hannele, is thought to be a farewell letter, containing words of advice on how to lead her life. In addition to the above are a few copy birth, marriage and death certificates pertaining to the Kirk family (Hannele's husband, also a Jewish refugee from Nazi Germany).

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 548 · Collectie · 1936-1943

Copies of original essays, memoranda and private papers, 1936-1943, covering such subjects as the Weimar Republic, the rise of National Socialism, German Communist and Socialist parties and trade unions, and the Jewish refugee problem. Also a fairly comprehensive collection of the 'Political Group Papers' (1941-1943) from the Royal Institute of International Affairs, Committee on Reconstruction.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 555 · 1945-1947

Correspondence and papers relating to relief work for Jews in post war Czechoslovakia, 1939-1947, including a memo from the Council of Jewish Communities in Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia regarding the status of Jews in Czechoslovakia [1947]; a report on the situation of Jews in Czechoslovakia by the Jewish chaplain for the Czech forces, England, 24 May 1945 and official guarantee forms for entry into Great Britain, [1939]. Papers from the following organisations: American Joint Distribution Committee; Association of Rabbis and Scholars in Eastern Europe; British Committee for Refugees from Czechoslovakia; Central Board of Jews in Bohemia and Moravia and Silesia; Central British Fund for Jewish Relief and Rehabilitation; Chizuk Hadass Committee; Council of Jewish Committees in Bohemia and Moravia and Silesia; Emergency Council for Help for the Children of Czechoslovakia; Jewish Agency for Palestine; Jewish Telegraph Agency; Relief Committee of Jews from Czechoslovakia; Union of Jewish Communities in Slovakia in Bratislava and World Union of Jewish Students.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 578 · Collectie · 1939-1944

Microfilms of papers relating to Jews in Nazi-occupied Czechoslovakia, 1939-1944, comprising papers of Gerda Mayer papers, notably correspondence and Red Cross telegrammes with her parents in Prague, 1939-1940 and an extract from her father's diary. Papers of Dr Erich Springer comprising note books containing the medical case notes of Terezin inmates treated by Dr Springer and others whilst an inmate and surgeon in Terezin (Theresienstadt). Correspondence and papers of the Chief Medical Officer of the Jewish Kultusgemeinde (Jewish community), Prague, Dr Walter Feuereisen including official paperwork reflecting Feuereisen's role, personal correspondence from family and friends in Terezin and Lodz and an undated curriculum vitae.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 599 · Collectie · 1938-1939

Correspondence and papers of the Leeds office of the Jewish Refugee Committee, 1938-1939, comprising letters from local businesses regarding the recruitment of trainees/ refugees and letters from family members and guardians.

Zonder titel
GB 1556 WL 599a · Collectie · 1873-1939

Correspondence and family documents of Hermann Perl, 1873-1939, including correspondence from friends in Breslau and Berlin regarding arrangements for emigration and a copy of a marriage certificate, Danzig, 1873.

Zonder titel