Papers of Bernard Taylor comrising case notes of deceased patients, c 1940s-1970s and files relating to administration of practice, 1962-1976.
Taylor , Bernard , b 1926 , general practitionerPrescription books of T Burden & Co.
T Burden and CoRecords of the Sydenham Medical Club includign treasurer's books, 1796-1923; list of members, 1791-1928 and photograph album, c 1900.
Sydenham Medical ClubNotes by Robert Storrs, 1823-1896, recording interesting cases and medical events from his practice, together with transcripts of two papers read at the Sheffield Medical Society. With additional notes on drugs by an unidentified contributor, possibly one of Storrs's apprentices, and later notes by Storrs's grandson, Reginald Storrs, a student at St Bartholomew's Hospital, London.
Storrs , Robert , 1801-1847 , surgeon-apothecary of Doncaster Storrs , Reginald , grandson of Robert Storrs Pounsard , P OStock's papers, 1899-1902, consist of his notes and sketches about army medical services, case notes with sketches, and negatives of photographs, taken in South Africa during the Boer War, 1899-1902; photographs, negatives, and lantern slides made from the photographs, some labelled and indexed, taken by Stock during the Boer War, 1899-1902.
Stock , Philip Graham , 1876-1975 , physicianMinutes of Management Committee, Establishment Committee, Works Committee, Nursing Committee; Secretary's files.
Stepney (No 7) Group Hospital Management CommitteeCorrespondence and financial papers of William Stearns (described variously as 'Dr Stearns', 'apothecary', and 'druggist'), and of Major Joseph Sprague and Seth Low (described as 'Dr Low', and 'druggist'), with whom Stearns appears to have been in partnership.
Stearns , William , fl 1781-1829 , druggistPapers of the Standing Joint Committee of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists and British Paediatric Association, later Royal College of Paediatric and Child Health, 1949-1993, mainly from the time of the reconstitution of the committee in 1965 and dealing particularly with staffing structure of maternity units for the care of the newborn. They include Committee agenda, minutes and papers, 1980-1988; Papers and correspondence of the Joint BPA/RCOG Standing Committee on Prematurity, 1949-1954; Correspondence and some minutes largely concerned with the establishment of the National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, Oxford, 1974-1979; Results of questionnaires circulated when compiling data for the BPA/RCOG discussion document: Midwife and nurse staffing and training for special care and intensive care of the new born, 1978-1980; RCOG/BPA reviews of Maternity Services Advisory Committee reports, 1985-1986; Correspondence and papers relating to Royal College of Physicians working party on neonatal services, 1986; records of multidisciplinary working party on resuscitation of the newborn, 1995-1997; report on fetal abnormalities - guidelines for screening, diagnosis and management, 1997.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsPapers of Margaret Stagg comprising:
King's College Hospital (KCH) certificates of Invalid Cookery, 26 Dec 1924; nursing training, 1924-1927; nursing service, Jan-Oct 1928;
Central Board of Midwives certificate, 25 May 1929; Battersea Polytechnic Certificate, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, course for Sister Tutors, Jul 1937; The College of Nursing Certificate of registration, 20 Apr 1939;
General Nursing Council (GNC) for England and Wales certificate of admission to the General Register, 20 Apr 1928; also letter from GNC relating to receipts for annual fees, Aug 1930; and receipt, Sep 1930;
Letter and receipt relating to application for certificate of registration as Sister Tutor, GNC, Sep 1947; also GNC certificate of registration as a Sister Tutor, 24 Oct 1947;
Small black and white photograph of Sister Ann, Miss Pugh and dog 'Joey' at Court House, Barnstead; greeting cards to Sister Ann; and to Miss Hobbs and Miss Stagg; KCH Nurses Home Christmas card; two greeting cards handmade by Sister Kathleen Parker, for the KCH annual reunion, 1974, 1983;
Copy of Southern harvest, written and engraved by Clare Leighton (Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, 1943), presented to Sister Ann from 'The Last Banstead Set', - with 18 signatures below, August 1943.
Personnel file for one College Secretary only.
Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsSt Giles Hospital School of Nursing register of Student Nurses particulars, 1944-1949; Student Nurses Register, 1944-1957; Lectures and Examination Particulars, 1952-1966; and photographs of nursing staff, 1931.
St Giles Hospital Nursing SchoolSt Francis Hospital nursing records including St Francis' Hospital - A complete Training School for Assistant Nurses [1958]; Record of [Nurses]Service Book, 1949-1956; Photographs of the hospital, [1960-1965].
St Francis Hospital Nursing SchoolThese records consist of photographs of the staff of the Southern Hospital, Dartford; and plans of Gore Farm Convalescent Hospital, Gore Farm Lower Hospital, Southern Lower Hospital, Southern Hospital and Mabledon Park, Darenth.
Southern Hospital x Southern Convalescent Hospital x Gore Farm HospitalPapers of John Flint South, comprising surgical case notes of patients admitted to St Thomas's Hospital, 1859-1862, with index classified by disease, 1841-1861; also notice of meeting of the British Medical Association - South Eastern Branch, 17 Sep 1863.
South , John Flint , 1797-1882 , surgeonRecords of the South East Thames Regional Health Authority, 1947-1995. This collection includes minutes, agendas and papers of the meetings of various Committees, including the Regional Health Authority, the Regional Health Authority Chairman, the Regional Hospital Board Finance Committee; Area Nurse Training Committee; Regional Team of Officers; Clinical Consultative Committee; Nursing Sub-Committee; Regional Medical Advisory Committee; Treasurer's Group; Cancer Committee; Corporate Advisory Team; Regional Management Team; Regional and Chief Nursing Officers; Legal Action Working Party; Regional Planning Group; Regional Programming Group; Capital Investment Group; Building Committee; Capital Executive Group; and Sub-Committees for various specialities including cardiology, dermatology, general practice, dental surgery, radiology, ophthalmology and so on.
Also annual statistical returns; financial accounts; maps and plans; papers of the Kent County Council Public Assistance Department; papers relating to buildings and maintenance; papers of study groups; papers relating to public health and other administrative papers.
South East Metropolitan Regional Hospital Board , 1947-1974 South East Thames Regional Health Authority , 1974-1994Papers of Bethel Solomons, 1935-1942, including Bethel's survey of pathology treatments of the fallopian tube and comprising c.60 responses to a questionnaire compiled by him, and papers comprising an exchange of letters with Victor Bonney on ovarian cysts and myomectomy.
Solomons , Bethel , 1885-1965 , President of the Royal College of Physicians of IrelandPapers of Samuel Solly, [1826-1856] comprising surgical casebook containing notes on patients examined by him at St Thomas's Hospital, privately, and at Hanwell, including operative details and post mortem findings, [1828-1846], with some water colour sketches, mostly of the brain; letter to Solly from Sydney Jones, 1856; and two letters from John Sharpe (undated).
Solly , Samuel , 1805-1871 , surgeonMinute books of the Society of Apothecaries, 1629-1675.
Worshipful Society of Apothecaries of LondonSnow's casebooks, 1848-1858, three volumes written in the style of a diary, recording Snow's chloroform administration in his well-established anaesthetic practice in London.
Snow , John , 1813-1858 , anesthetist and epidemiologistPapers of Thomas Smart comprising lecture notes of 'Mr Cline's physiological, anatomical, and chirurgical lectures', [1790], delivered 1786-1787, taken by Smart when a student.
Smart , Thomas , d.1845 , medical studentThe bulk of the collection consists of correspondence: the Singers were clearly vigorous letter writers and both Charles and Dorothea had an enormous number of family, friends and acquaintances. Unfortunately many of their letters were hand written and very few carbon copies survive. Very occasionally an attempt at methodical selection and arrangement is evident: on the whole correspondence had been kept in alphabetical order, and this has been retained in the arrangement of the collection. Dorothea and Charles' correspondence was fairly mixed (reflecting their working life together) with the exception of two distinct groups: correspondence about Dorothea's research on alchemical manuscripts, and later correspondence about her hearing aids.
The main part of the collection centres on the correspondence; this has been grouped together in a self-evident sequence: writings and biographical personal papers follow. Certain of Dorothea's papers remained clearly distinct and these have been kept together. Section E contains a variety of material relating to Jewish refugees, which had been placed on one side by Dorothea after the war for permanent preservation. It has not been listed in detail but sorted into three broad categories. The last section, comprising additional correspondence of the Singers with Sir Zachary Cope, Sir Arthur Salusbury MacNalty and Dr F N L Poynter, is not strictly part of the collection, but these groups of correspondence were given to the Institute to be placed alongside the Singer papers.
Singer , Charles Joseph , 1876-1960 , historian of science and medicine Singer , Dorothea Waley , 1882-1964 , historian of science and medicineThe item comprises a wooden block on which is mounted Sir James Young Simpson's signature, apparently torn from a document. Only the first part of the date, "31st Dec", survives.
Simpson , Sir , James Young , 1811-1870 , 1st Baronet , physicianCorrespondence, prints and papers of Alexander Russell Simpson, 1816-1893, comprising letter from Matthews Duncan, 22 Oct 1881; letters from Professor Eriole F Fabri of Modena, Italy, 1882-1883; letter from Professor G Brown, 5 Feb 1883; letter from Professor Dr Litzmann of Kiel, Germany, with translation by Dr George Selby, 8 Feb 1883; letter from Professor Michel Fari of Padua, Italy, 10 Feb 1883; letter from Professor T Habbertfma of Utrecht, Holland, 12 Mar 1883; letter from Professor D Eugene Hubert of Louvain, Belgium, 15 Mar 1883; letter from Professor Zweifel of Erlangen, Germany with translation by Dr George Selby, 15 Mar 1883; copy of part of a petition to the Members of the Senatus Academicus of the University of Edinburgh by James Hamilton, 15 Jan 1816; print of a drawing of Abbotsford, the seat of Sir Walter Scott, by Thomas H Shepherd, undated; paper given by Ian Cope to the Australian Society for the History of Medicine, entitled "The Other Professor Simpson of Edinburgh, Professor Sir Alexander Russell Simpson, 1835-1916", undated; "Address to the Medical Graduates In The University of Edinburgh" by Simpson, 1 Aug 1878; papers by Simpson (unless stated otherwise) comprising "Head-Flexion In Labour", 26 Feb 1879; "Axis-Traction Forceps", 21 Jul 1880; "The Uterine Sound", 9 Nov 1881; "Hydramnios: and the Source of The Liquor Amni", 31 May 1882; "Again on Axis-Traction Forceps: and On the Basilyst", 11 Jul 1883; "Extra-Uterine Gestation" by William Alexander Freund , 27 Jun 1883; "Case of Caesarean Hystero-Oophorectomy or Porro's Operation", 12 Mar 1884;"Keller and Crede, Presidential Address Delivered Before the Edinburgh Obstetrical Society", 9 Nov 1892;"Prolapse of the Female Urethra", 10 May 1893.
Simpson , Sir , Alexander Russell , 1835-1916 , Knight , physicianScrap books of press-cuttings and other papers compiled by James Bearton Simonds, 1838-1896, including scrapbooks of press cuttings on the cattle plague, 1844-1869; scrapbook of press cuttings on cattle diseases and legislation, 1854-1865; scrapbook of press cuttings on veterinary and other matters, 1875-1879; scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on Variola Ovina, 1847-1863; scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on the veterinary profession, 1838-1896 and scrapbook of press cuttings, letters and offprints on pleuro-pneumonia, 1843-1869.
Simonds , James Beart , 1810-1904 , veterinary surgeonLetters to John Simon, from Joseph Henry Green, [1850]; and letter from E Headlam Greenhow (1814-1888), Apr 1866 relating to a 1849 report on cholera.
Simon , Sir , John , 1816-1904 , surgeonPersonal papers of the Silvester family, 1844-1905 including (auto)biographical details of the three, copy correspondence, and diary entries. Specifically: T H Silvester's notebook includes personal and professional details, there is also a draft medical paper on venous bruit; Paul de Hookham's papers are an autobiography; whilst Henry Robert Silvester's papers mainly relate to his work on the resuscitation of the apparently drowned or asphyxiated.
Silvester , Thomas Hookham , 1799-1877 , physician Silvester , Paul de Hookham , b 1827 , Rector of St LevanSilvester , Henry Robert , 1829-1908 , surgeon
Papers of John Silk including minute book of the anaesthetists of Guy's Hospital Dental School, of which Silk was Secretary, Sep 1889-May 1895 and correspondence of J F W Silk with Frederic William Hewitt [afterwards Sir Frederic], anaesthetist, and related papers, concerning an allegation of plagiarism.
Silk , John Frederick William , 1858-1943 , anaesthetistSir Edward Henry Sieveking's papers, 1846-1960, include his medical notebooks, with case notes, 1846-1873; Notebooks recording visits to patients, 1854-1879; Author's copy of On Epilepsy and Epileptiform Seizures, interleaved with his annotations, 1858; Diaries detailing his attendance of the Prince and Princess of Wales, 1863-1873, with related correspondence, 1886 and 1935; Chapters on 'physical organisation of the human race' by Sieveking, printed, undated; Correspondence with colleagues and family, and correspondence relating to Sieveking, 1863-1904; Papers relating to his professional appointments, such as material relating to his honorary degree from the University of Edinburgh, 1884, copies of the laws of the British Balneological and Climatological Society, undated, and St Mary's Hospital annual report, 1902; Addresses and lectures given by Sieveking, 1876-1890; Obituaries and memorials to Sieveking, including an introduction by his son, Albert Forbes Sieveking, 1904; Correspondence relating to Sieveking's papers, 1959-1960; Summary of, and commentary on, his diaries by Neville M. Goodman, c.1960; List of Sieveking's papers donated to the College, 1960; There is also a medical notebook thought to be in the hand of Alfred Robert Sieveking, which was found amongst Sieveking's papers.
Sieveking , Sir , Edward Henry , 1816-1904 , Knight , physicianGeorge Edward Shuttleworth's note-books, etc. on mental diseases, especially in children. Author's holograph MSS. Produced in Lancaster and London, 1861-1923.
Shuttleworth , George Edward , 1842-1928 , psychiatrist Beach , Fletcher , 1846-1929 , medical manPapers of Dr Wallace Beresford Shute, 1959-1997, comprising correspondence relating to presentation of the video cassette copies of his 1991 film "The Shute Parallel Forceps: its techniques and clinical use", 1997; biography and curriculum vitae of Dr Shute and instructions for use of the Shute Parallel Obstetrical Forceps, 1997; copies of papers published by Dr Shute and others, mainly on the use of the forceps, with some related correspondence , 1959-1994.
Shute , Wallace Beresford , b1911 , gynaecologistPapers of Evelyn Margaret Shaxson comprising manuscript volume of lecture notes, with diagrams on Anatomy and Physiology, Mar-Apr 1925, also including loose copies of examination question papers, 1925; notebook containing water colour paintings of flowers, each named with a note where seen [1920s].
Shaxson , Evelyn Margaret , fl 1924-1925 , nursePapers of Sir William Fletcher Shaw, 1906-1962, mainly relating to the history of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, including draft history of the foundation of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, drafted 1943-1946 and subsequently amended, 1943-1960; various drafts of chapters for the history; correspondence with Sir Boyd Merriman, Solicitor General, mainly concerned with the College's registration by the Board of Trade, 1929-1934; correspondence with William Blair-Bell, 1924-, with H Russell Andrews, 1926-1929, with Hempsons, Solicitors, 1926-1929, with Comyns Berkeley, 1925-1931, with Eardley Holland, 1928-1949, with J S Fairbairn, 1928-1929, with Victor Bonney, 1928-1929, with Ewen MacLean, 1926-1929, with Sir Francis Champneys, 1926-1929, with J M Munro Kerr, 1926-1945, with T W Eden, 1926-1929, with Lord Riddell, 1931-1933, with Carlton Oldfield, 1926-1929, with C G Lowry, 1927-1929, with F J McCann, 1927-1929, with AA Gemmell, 1927-1929;
papers preserved by Fletcher Shaw for their importance in the foundation of the College, including his earliest note on the subject, copies of GVS (Gynaecological Visiting Society) minutes, 1925-1927, counsel's opinion on the draft memorandum and articles of association with a copy of the draft, copies of the minutes of the Executive Committee, 1927, copies of correspondence and circular letters, 1927-1929, minutes of signatories and first full Council meeting, and other papers relating to the earliest activities of the College, 1924-1929;
typescript extracts from Fletcher Shaw's diaries including a letter to his son David (1940) explaining nature of their compilation and his wish to rival Blair-Bell's history, 1930-1943; typescript extracts from Fletcher Shaw's diary, 1930-1943,1947-1949,1953; correspondence with Sir Ewen Maclean on the presidency of Sir Eardley Holland and the early history of College, 1943-1946; minutes of Council with a few agenda and other papers, 1929-1935; draft memoirs of L C Rivett, J S Fairbairn, Russell Andrews, Sir Ewen Maclean, Sir Comyns Berkeley, Sir Eardley Holland, and Sir Francis Champneys, undated; file relating to the Standing Joint Committee of the three Royal Colleges, with later papers relating to Fletcher Shaw's account of the role of the RCS in the foundation of the College, 1942-1944; description and notes with related correspondence on the formation of a committee representing the medical profession in relation to the Beveridge Report, 1943; College's report on 'The health of women war workers from the gynaecological aspect' with associated papers and correspondence, 1942; papers relating to D W Roy and the Inter-Departmental Committee on abortion and Fletcher Shaw's later dispute with him, 1937-1938, 1940; correspondence relating to proposal to build RCOG, Royal College of Physicians and Royal College of Surgeons on one common site, 1942-1943; correspondence with Sir Alfred Webb-Johnson, President, RCS, 1943-1946; personal correspondence of Shaw, 1951-1955; diary, 1938-1943;
papers relating to the College in wartime, and medical and maternity services in wartime, including the evacuation of pregnant women, 1938-1943, the College's relations with the BMA, 1938-1943, the College's relations with the RCP and RCS, 1939-1943, the appointment of gynaecologists to the armed services, Fulmer Chase Officers' Wives Maternity Hospitality, and women war workers, 1939-1943; correspondence with the Central Medical War Committee of the BMA, 1939-1941; papers and correspondence on infertility, 1944-1945;
various papers including an appeal for funds, 1932, standing orders for Council meetings, a paper on the drafting of the contentious clauses in the College's memorandum of association, Council papers relating to inter alia the Australian Regional Council, the Central Consultants and Specialists' Committee, Standing Joint Committee of the Three Royal Colleges memorandum on gynaecological cancer, and the National Birthday Trust Fund, programmes for Manchester Royal Infirmary Old Residents Club Dinners, 1910-1958; newspaper cuttings - one dated Feb 1907 re Manchester University students rowdy 'gown' debate mentioning Fletcher Shaw, the other confirming appointments at Manchester Royal Infirmary - Fletcher Shaw one of two house surgeons, c1907; copies of speeches, lectures and addresses made by Fletcher Shaw, 1938-1959; Fletcher Shaw's Memorial Service programme and transcription of address given at the service by Professor W I C Morris, 1961; obituary of Fletcher Shaw by E A Gerrard: 'The One Hundred and Second Record', 1962; copies of published gynaecological articles by Fletcher Shaw, 1906-1954.
Shaw , Sir , William Fletcher , 1878-1961 , Knight , gynaecologist , joint founder of the Royal College of Obstetricians and GynaecologistsOff-print of 'The birth of a College' by Sir William Fletcher Shaw, in Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology of the British Empire, Vol 57 No 6 (1950) pp 876-890.
Shaw , Sir , William Fletcher , 1878-1961 , Knight , gynaecologistThe collection consists of letters, most of which are addressed to William Sharpey as Secretary of the Royal Society. The main correspondents are Sir Benjamin Collins Brodie (President of the Royal Society, 1858-1861); Sir Edward Sabine (President of the Royal Society, 1861-1871); George Gabriel Stokes (one of the Secretaries, 1854-1884). The numerous other correspondents include many people active in the scientific world.
Sharpey , William , 1802-1880 , Professor of Anatomy and PhysiologyJournals of holiday tours in the years 1868-1892. In general the destination was Switzerland, the journey there and back from England taking in, at various times, parts of Belgium, Germany, Austria-Hungary (specifically Bohemia and the Tyrol), Italy and France. Exceptions are MS.4507, documenting a tour taking Sewell to South-West France; MS.4508, taking him to the United States and Canada; MS.4512, taking him to Norway; MS.4513, taking him to Northern England, Scotland and Ireland; and MS.4515, taking him to Southern England and the Isle of Wight. The journals are illustrated with inset material such as advertisments, photographs and folding maps.
Sewell , Charles Brodie , 1817-1900 , physicianVolume of practice accounts and a day-book of visits to patients of Marcus Maurice Scott. The practice accounts include some relating to a practice in Wandsworth, 1923-1924 (probably not Scott's, as he did not qualify until 1927), which moved to no 9 Newington Causeway in November 1924.
Scott , Marcus Maurice , 1900-1978 , physicianHolograph manuscripts of publications by Joseph von Schneller, notes, and some material by other persons collected by von Schneller, 1837-1885.
Schneller , Joseph , von , 1811-1885 , physicianLetters to Mary Scharlieb, and testimonials about her, 1890-1912, [n.d.], and 3 letters from her, 1909-1923, on medical, philanthropic, political (women's suffrage) and personal matters. The testimonials are from Sir Frederick Treves, Sir James Paget, and Henry Acland, and correspondents include Millicent Garrett Fawcett, Dorothea Beale, Mary Kingsley, Sarah Grand, Michael Foster, Lord Roberts, and Philip Gibbs. The Herbert Scharlieb items consist mainly of testimonials when applying for the post of Assistant Anaesthetist at the Dental Hospital, 1901, including from J Rose Bradford, H Charlton Bastian, Rickman J Godlee, and Victor Horsley, but there is also a letter to him from his mother while in Madras, 1884, and one from Marcus Beck about the University College Athletic Fund, 1892.
Scharlieb , Dame , Mary Anne Dacomb , 1845-1930 , surgeon Scharlieb , Herbert J , 1868-1943 ,Papers of William Savory comprising notes on Henry Cline's lectures on anatomy and surgery, 1789 (missing the lectures on surgery), and including a few notes from the clinical lectures of John Rutherford;
also notes on William Saunders' lectures on the theory and practice of physic, 1788,
Savory and Moore prescription registers, 1912-1944.
Savory and MoorePhotocopies of papers relating to the dispute between Professor Wendy Diane Savage with the London Hospital and the Tower Hamlets Health Authority, 1985-1986, in regard to the enquiry into Professor Savage's competence.
Savage , Wendy Diane , b1935 , lecturer and gynaecologistPapers of Emily Virginia Saunders-Jacobs including correspondence, reports, circulars and other papers as Medical Officer in South London, 1920-1960s.
Jacobs , Emily Virginia , Saunders- , 1900-1992 , physicianSargant was an outspoken supporter and practitioner of what he termed the 'practical rather than philosophical approaches' to the treatment of mental illness, pioneering and publicising various physical treatments and vociferously opposing the use of psychoanalytic techniques. The majority of the collection consists of his writings, both published and unpublished, supplemented by a small quantity of correspondence and other material. In addition, the collection contains clinical records for about 500 cases from Sutton Emergency Hospital in the 1940s. As well as covering clinical subjects (in Sections D, E, and F) and Sargant's views on the practice of psychiatry in general (Section B), the collection also contains material relating to his interest in the related issues of religious conversion and brainwashing (Section G).
Sargant , William Walters , 1907-1988 , psychiatristThe item consists of a typed memoir describing Major McLaren's arrival at Sandbostel concentration camp with other medical staff, his impressions of the medical work carried out and of the further work needed, and physical descriptions of the camp and the condition of the inmates. It is dated May 1945.
McLaren , Hugh Cameron McLaren , 1913-1986 , obstetricianPapers of the Royal Maternity Charity, 1761-1949, including minute books, 1761-1949; 'Rough minute books', 1772-1826 and case-book of Robert Barnes at the Royal Maternity Charity, Oct 1857-Oct 1858.
Royal Maternity Charity x Charity for Attending and Delivering poor Married Women in their Lying in at their Respective Habitations x Lying-in Charity for Delivering Poor Married Women at their Own Habitations Barnes , Robert , 1817-1907 , physicianAdministrative records; records of the Cardiac Department; records of Chaplain's Department; records of the Neurophysiology Department [a.k.a. E.E.G. Department]; title deeds, leases, trusts etc; records of the Dermatology Department; financial records; records of the Department of General Medicine; records of the London Linden Hall Association; patient records; records of the Department of Medical Photography; Medical Unit records; nursing records; records of the Nutrition and Dietetics department; nursing education records; records of the Department of Neurology and Psychiatry; records of the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Department; records of Orthopaedics Department; Occupational Therapy Department; photographs; records of the Pharmacy Department; records of the Public Relations Department; records of the London Hospital Photographic Society; records of the Radiotherapy Department; records of the Radiology Department; surveyors and estate records; records of the Social Society; records of the Works Department; records from unofficial sources, and persons and subject files.
Royal London Hospital London HospitalTranscribed minute books of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, 1682-1861.
Royal College of Physicians , EdinburghPapers of Doctor Norah Schuster, [1930]-1983, comprising copies of her published articles on the Royal Chest Hospital, its founder Doctor Isaac Buxton and the Western General Dispensary at Saint Marylebone; drafts and notes for her publications, including notes for an unpublished history of the Royal Chest Hospital; research papers relating to Doctor Isaac Buxton, and illustrations for the life of Doctor Isaac Buxton and the history of the Western General Dispensary.
Schuster , Norah Henriette , 1892-1991 , pathologist x Norah Henriette NichollsAdministrative records, Frimley Sanatorium Almoner's Department records, Chaplain's Department records, title deeds and related records, financial records, patient records, records of nursing education, photographs and illustrations, pharmacy records, surveyors' records, Works Office records and miscellaneous records.
Royal Brompton Hospital Brompton HospitalReports, diaries, memoirs, photographs and memorabilia given to the Royal Army Medical Corps Museum and Library by former officers and men of the Corps. Some date back to Marlborough's campaigns of the late 17th century; there is also material relating to the continuing European and Imperial conflicts of the 18th and early 19th centuries, the Crimean War (1854-1856), the Boer War and the Balkan conflicts of the early 20th century, the two World Wars, the Korean War and other smaller conflicts thereafter.
Royal Army Medical Corps