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Archival description
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 338-339 · 1945, 1980

Potsdam Conference Documents, 1945: The Presidential Documents Series is a themed microfilm collection including the personal and official documents and correspondence of President Harry S Truman during proceedings of the Potsdam Conference, 29 Mar-2 Aug 1945. Papers are drawn from a variety of originating bodies including US President Harry S Truman; US Gen of the Army George Catlett Marshall; US Gen of the Army Douglas MacArthur; Gen Dwight David Eisenhower, Supreme Commander Allied Forces Europe; George Frost Kennan, US Chargé d'affaires in Moscow; Rt Hon Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, Prime Minister of Great Britain (until 26 Jul 1945); Rt Hon Clement Richard Attlee, Prime Minister of Great Britain (after 28 Jul 1945); Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek; Soviet Premier Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin; the US Joint Chiefs of Staff; and the Combined Chiefs of Staff. Papers relate to US foreign policy concerning the reconstruction of Western Europe; the partition, de-nazification, demilitarisation, and future reparations payments of Germany; the trial of major war criminals; the unconditional surrender of Japan; former Axis satellite states; Austria; Yugoslavia; the withdrawal of Allied forces from Iran; the retention of Allied forces in Italy; Lend-Lease liquidation; Bulgarian reparations payments to Greece; the reconstruction of Poland, Czechoslovakia; Yugoslavia and the Balkans; Anglo-Soviet rivalry in the Middle East; civil affairs in China.

President Harry S Truman, and political and military representatives at the Potsdam Conference, 1945
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 333-337 · 1949-1953, 1980

Official Conversations and Meetings of Dean Acheson, 1949-1953 are microfilmed copies of the minutes of conversations and meetings of Dean Acheson during his tenure as Secretary of State during the Truman administration, 1949-1953. Material includes minutes for meetings and conversations with Senator Arthur Hendrick Vandenberg concerning the Rhodes negotiations on the future of Palestine, 1949; Foreign Service employee George Frost Kennan relating to US-Soviet relations, 1949-1950; Rt Hon Sir Oliver Franks, British Ambassador to the US, concerning the former Italian colonies, the western mark for Berlin and the North Atlantic Pact, 1949; the US National Security Council relating to the re-training of the Austrian Army, Palestine, and the appointment of a military commander in Germany, 1949; President Harry S Truman concerning the Military Assistance Program, atomic energy, Palestine, British finances and the revolutionary situation in the Caribbean, 1949; Muhammad Riza Pahlevi, Shah-an-Shah of Iran, relating to financial assistance to Iran, 1949; Professor Hans Joachim Morgenthau concerning Cold War international relations; President Truman concerning the Korean crisis, 1950; US Department of Defense representatives concerning the Treaty of Peace with Japan, 1950, and the war in Korea, 1951-1953; US Gen George Catlett Marshall relating to the Economic Recovery Program (Marshall Plan).

Dean Gooderham Acheson, US Secretary of State, 1949-1953.
GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 11 · 1943-1980, 1990

Iran: The Making of US Policy, 1977- 1980, is a themed microfiche collection which presents an integrated record of US foreign policy relating to Iran, 20 Jan 1977-29 Jan 1980. Included are memoranda, cabled messages, US embassy and consulate messages, Department of State reports, Central Intelligence Agency reports, US National Security Council reports and studies, and academic historical and political studies of the Middle East generally and Iran specifically, 21 Jan 1943-30 Apr 1980. Although the focus of this document set is on the 1977-1980 period, nearly one-third of the documents listed in the catalogue relate to the period prior to 1977. These are materials that were used in the preparation of the major internal inter-agency review of US-Iranian relations, the US Department of State 'White Paper'. The collection covers the beginning of the popular protests and mass demonstrations that resulted in the Iranian revolution of Feb 1979, which overthrew the pro-American monarchy of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran, and established the Islamic Republic of Iran. The collection also covers efforts by the US and the Iranian Provisional Government under Prime Minister Mehdi Bazargan to normalise relations between Iran and the US, which were frustrated by challenges from Islamic organisations including the Revolutionary Council. The collection records in detail the US reaction to the Iranian Constitutional Assembly, which pitted secular against religious forces during the drafting of the new constitution and which led to the formal establishment of a theocracy and the loss of Iran as a US strategic ally, Feb-Jun 1979. Documents include US Department of State report detailing the stability of Iran under the Shah and the effectiveness of SAVAK, the Iranian domestic and foreign intelligence agency, as a law enforcement agency, 28 Jan 1977; US Embassy, Teheran, Annual Policy and Resource Assessment report identifying US interests in Iran as stable, 4 Apr 1977; briefing paper for Cyrus Roberts Vance, US Secretary of State, for his first visit with the Shah, 30 Apr 1977; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report affirming the stability of the Iranian political regime, Aug 1977; US Department of State cables relating to the police suppression of anti-Shah demonstrations at Qom, the religious centre of Iran's Shiite community, and the resulting series of mass demonstrations against the Shah, Jan-Dec 1978; US Department of State inspection memorandum describing US relations with Iran as excellent, 4 May 1978; US Department of State memoranda concerning meeting of 13 May 1978, at which chief Iranian military and security personnel devised plans to deal with the rise of anti- government demonstrations, 23 May 1978; cable from William H Sullivan, US Ambassador to Iran, relating to the increasing dissent in Iran and the Shah's fears of the religious opposition to his monarchy presented by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, 1 Jun 1978; US Department of State airgram relating to meeting held between the Shah and Nasser Moghaddam, Director of SAVAK, in which the Shah ordered that all future demonstrations be broken up by force, 22 Jul 1978; US Department of State cable concerning the Iranian armed forces being put on alert in all major towns in Iran following a series of anti-government bombings, 14 Aug 1978; reports from the US Embassy, Teheran, relating to the 'Black Friday' massacre of anti-government protesters in Jelah Square, Teheran, 8 Sep 1978; US Department of State cable relating to riots in Teheran resulting in the destruction of Western businesses and the occupation of the British Embassy, Teheran, 5 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) report relating to the wave of anti-government protests in Iran during the spring of 1978, 5 Nov 1978; US Department of State cable from Ambassador Sullivan to the White House urging the US government to consider that the Shah may have to abdicate in favour of a coalition government, 9 Nov 1978; Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) profile of Khomeini describing him as the central figure in the anti-Shah movement and his proposed regime as xenophobic and hostile towards Western interests in the region, 20 Nov 1978; US Embassy reports to Washington, DC, relating to the Shah's departure from Iran, Jan 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the return of Khomeini to Iran from Paris, France, and his subsequent demands for the resignation of the Iranian Provisional Government, Feb 1979; US Embassy reports relating to the establishment of the Islamic Revolutionary Council under the leadership of Khomeini, Feb 1979; US Department of State cables relating to the deteriorating civil situation in Iran and growing anti-US sentiments, culminating in the seizure of the US Embassy, Teheran, and 66 of its employees, Feb-Nov 1979.

The National Security Archive, from sources at US national security agencies, principal of which were
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 161-171 · 1945-1982, 1985

Documents on Disarmament, 1945- 1982, is a themed microfilm collection including documents on arms control and disarmament developments, 1945-1982. Subjects include relations with the US Atomic Energy Commission; proposed prohibition requirements for the production of biological and chemical weapons; bilateral talks between the Soviet Union and the United States, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (START); US negotiations with aligned and non-aligned states; Commission on Security and Co- operation in Europe (CSCE) arms control talks; negotiations with UN organisations including the Ad Hoc Group on Disarmament and Development, the Commission for Conventional Armaments, the Disarmament Commission, international Atomic Energy Agency, and the Security Council, 1945-1982.

US Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (ACDA), 1945-1982
GB 0099 KCLMA MFF 13-14 · 1945-1950, 1973-1986

Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series 1, Volume 4, and, Series 2 Volume 2, are microfilmed copies of documents relating to British foreign policy, 1945-1950. Part of a larger collection encompassing British foreign policy, 1945-1955, the microfiche in this collection relate specifically to Anglo-American relations, Dec 1945- Jun 1950. This collection is in two sections. The first includes documents relating to the establishment of an Anglo- American Cold War strategy; the exchange of atomic information and technology between the US and Britain; the use of British mainland and colonial bases by US armed forces; and the allocation of American funds to Britain as part of the European Recovery Program. The second section relates specifically to Anglo-American strategic and defence conferences which took place in London, Jan-Jun 1950. Documents concern the exchange of nuclear technology between the two powers; British and American political and military support to nations wishing to prevent communist insurrection; US involvement in the Middle East; the security of British and American sectors in the Federal Republic of Germany; British and American relations with Western European nations; and the strengthening of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Official and semi-official missions, branches, and committees of the British Government, Dec 1945-Jun 1950
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 441-451 · 1950-1957

A themed microfilm collection containing copies of messages, telegrams, and reports sent from US Department of State personnel to the United States Executive Branch relating to civil, military, and political events in Korea, 1950-1957.

US State Department
GB 0099 KCLMA MF 361-72; MF 412-421 · 1945-1959, 1985

A themed microfilm collection relating to US State Department interpretations of Soviet foreign affairs, 1945-1959. Included in the collection are US State Department files relating to the repatriation of German prisoners of war from the Soviet Union following World War Two; Soviet boundary disputes involving the People's Republic of China, Bulgaria, Hungary, Iran Romania, and Turkey; Soviet economic, non-aggression, and peace treaties with the People's Republic of China; Soviet funds raised from enemy property in Germany and Austria; Soviet political relations with the Republic of South Korea and the People's Republic of Korea; Soviet alliances or friendship treaties with Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Austria, Bulgaria, Burma, Denmark, Egypt, Ethiopia, Finland, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Greece, Pakistan, Syria, Thailand, and the United States, 1945-1959.

US Department of State, 1945-59
GB 0099 KCLMA Lund · Created [1939-1940], 1954, 1968

Notes and papers relating to his military career, 1939-1940, written in [1939-1940] and 1968, principally comprising 'A record of visits to France and Belgium in May and June 1940 as DDMO', dated [1940], written accounts of his work as Deputy Director of Military Operations, 1939, and his role in the British Military Mission to Turkey, May- Jun 1939, dated [1939-1940],and various drafts of these three texts, heavily annotated by Daisy Allenby, wife of 2nd Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe (then Mrs Daisy Neame), 1939-1940; notes of anecdotes concerning Hitler, written by Lady Allenby in [1939-1940]; correspondence and papers concerning Sir Winston Churchill's 80th Birthday Presentation Fund, 1954, notably an account [by Lady Allenby] of [her] meeting with Churchill and his family on 29 Nov 1954, dated 1954.

GB 378 LDGSL/69 · Series · [1849-1855]

Part one of manuscript of paper, 'On the geology of portions of the Turko-Persian frontier and of the districts adjoining' by William Kennett Loftus, [1854-1855], from research conducted during Loftus' tenure as part of the joint Turco-Persian frontier commission between 1849-1852. Also large volume containing the manuscript watercolour and ink drawings of landscapes and geological sections, which illustrated the paper, by Loftus and Henry Adrian Churchill who was the secretary of the British contingent of the joint commission, [1849-1855].

Loftus , William Kennett , c.1821-1858 , archaeologist and traveller Churchill , Henry Adrian , 1828-1886 , archaeologist
GB 0099 KCLMA Lister · Created 1918-1920

Two annotated narrative diaries, 1918-1920, entitled 'Diary of 1st French Army operations, Apr to Aug 1918' and 'British Military Mission to South Russia. Diary of my journey, from Dec 1919 to May 1920'.

Lisicky Collection
GB 0369 LIS · 1915-1948

Correspondence and papers of Karel Lisicky on Czechoslovak foreign relations, 1915-1948, comprising:
Papers on the work of the Czechoslovak Embassy in Paris, Czechoslovakia's economic situation, Czechoslovak/Polish relations, Czechoslovak/German relations and the League of Nations, 1918-1937;
papers on the Munich agreement and its aftermath, 1938-1939, including including correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and the British Government, the British and Czechoslovak Governments and Wickham Steed, documents on the aftermath of the Munich Crisis including correspondence between the Czechoslovak embassy in London and Prague about refugees and propaganda funds and between the London embassy and the British Government; correspondence and papers on Czechoslovak resistance in exile, 1939-1945, including papers on the work of the Czechoslovak embassy in London, the formation, activities and financial situation of the free Czechoslovak movement, organisation of Czechoslovak resistance outside of Britain and the United States, organisation of Czechoslovak military forces in Britain and relations between the Czechoslovak and Polish Governments in exile; documents on the position of Sudeten Germans after German occupation, the attitude of the Czechoslovak Government in exile to future relations with West Germany, peace negotiations with Germany and Austria and situation in Czechoslovakia in the immediate post war period, 1938-1947 (mainly 1940-1947); papers on Lisicky's role as member of the United Nations 4th Commmittee on Trusteeship and the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine, 1946-1948; press cuttings on the Munich Crisis and the occupation of Czechoslovakia and assorted periodicals, 1915-1948

Lisicky , Karel , fl 1918-1948 , diplomat
GB 0099 KCLMA Lingen · 1940-1947

Papers, photographs and maps, relating to operations in Greece and Italy, 1943-1945. Papers relating to the Allied Military Mission to Greek guerrillas (andartes) in German occupied Greece include: military instructions; financial papers; correspondence; Maj Ronald R Prentice's accounts book and account of Lingen's return to Grevena after the war. Papers relating to the political and military liaison mission to Italian partisans in Vittorio Veneto, including the Nino Nannetti Garibaldini Division, led by Col Francesco Pesce 'Milo', (Operation GELA BLUE), 1944-1945 and papers relating to establishing Allied Military Government in North East Italy following German withdrawal, 1945-1946, including correspondence, radio messages, notes, instructions, and papers relating to the Nino Nannetti Garibaldini Division. The collection also includes papers relating to Lingen's military training; Lingen's official and personal documents; photographs, chiefly from Allied Military Mission to Greece and Italy; maps of Palestine, Greece and Italy and testimonials and notes for Lingen's curriculum vitae.

Lingen , Albert Henry , 1915-1974 , Captain
GB 0102 MS 40320 · Created 1780s-1790s

Papers, 1780s-1790s, largely of Captain Francis Light, including several hundred Malay letters, primarily letters received by Light and his business partner, Captain James Scott, from rulers and dignitaries of the Malay Sultanates.

The letters cover the history of relations, negotiations and conflicts between Light, the rulers of Kedah and the Governor General in Bengal leading up to and including the settlement of Penang in 1786 and the armed conflict of 1791. There are also letters dealing with business affairs between Light and Malay nobles such as the purchase, shipment and sale of commodities, ammunition, slaves and opium, and the maintenance of good political and economic neighbourly relations; letters from the Sultanate of Selangor; letters from royal merchants at the Malay courts; and letters concerning trade from various rulers and nobles in the Peninsula and Sumatra, especially from Aceh, Asahan and other North-Sumatran states.

In addition, the collection contains several dozen letters and documents from the same period relating to Bencoolen (Benkulen) and the West Sumatran Presidency, which are unrelated to Light.

Light , Francis , 1740-1794 , Superintendent of Penang
GB 0096 MS 832 · [1813]

Copies of two letters from Charles John, later Charles XIV, King of Sweden and Norway, dated at Stralsund on 10 Jun 1813, to Alexander I, Tsar of Russia. The first letter was copied from an original in which only the signature was in Charles XIV's hand, and concerns negotiations for a concerted attack on Napoleon, giving details of Prussian and Russian troops ready to serve under Charles XIV. The second latter was copied from a letter written in Charles XIV's hand, and assures Alexander of the need to save Europe by a Russo-Swedish alliance. The copies are possibly in the hand of Alleyne Fitzherbert, Baron St Helens.

GB 0099 KCLMA Lethbridge · Created 1939-1961

Papers chiefly related to Lethbridge's service in the Second World War, 1943-1948 and the Control Commission, 1945-1948. Typescript report, photographs, glass photographic slides and correspondence relating to 220 Lethbridge Mission, to the USA, India, South West Pacific and Australia to study tactics and equipment required to defeat Japan in the Far East, 1943-1944. Photographs, including album of Australian troops in action with Japanese, Papua New Guinea, 1943, with related publications, notably War in New Guinea (Department of Information, Australia, 1943) and The Australasians [27 Nov 1943], with profile of Lethbridge. Papers relating to Lethbridge's service as Chief of Staff, 14 Army, Burma, 1944-1945, including printed chart of the planned phases of the Burma campaign, 1944; letters home, Aug 1944-Jun 1945; personal letter from Gen Sir William Joseph Slim, Commander in Chief, Allied Land Forces, South East Asia, to Lethbridge, 26 Sep 1945; typescript operational and administrative notes on the Burma campaign, 1945; portrait photographs, including Gen Slim [1945]; typescript administrative memoranda, 1945; edition of Campaign in Burma (Central Office of Information, London, 1946). Papers relating to Control Commission for Germany, 1945-1948, including photocopies of Hitler's last will and testament, with copies of translations, 1945; Lethbridge's notes on evidence for Hitler's death, 1945; Hitler's signed Christmas card [1944]; press cuttings relating to defeat of plot by former SS officers, 1947; two UK Government papers relating to Germany (HMSO, London, 1939); photograph album of pre-war Berlin, with notes on post war condition [1946]. Photographs and press cuttings relating to the opening of the Civil Defence College, Sunningdale, Berkshire, 1950; photographs relating to Civil Defence exercise, Bristol, 1956. Obituary for Lethbridge, reprinted from The Royal Engineers Journal [1961].

Lethbridge , John Sydney , 1897-1961 , Major General
Lamb, Sir Lionel Henry
GB 0102 MS 380730 · 1873-1988 (mainly 1911-1983)

Papers, 1873-1988 (mainly 1911-1983), of Sir Lionel Henry Lamb, comprising personal papers, 1911-1983 and undated, including miscellaneous letters, 1917-1958, certificates and decorations, 1925-1953, papers relating to internment in Shanghai, 1940-1942, papers relating to his service in China, 1947-1959, photographs, 1924-1949, including Peking and other scenes in China and Hong Kong, miscellaneous papers relating to his service in Switzerland, 1954-1956, and ephemera, 1911-1983, including press cuttings, tickets, invitations and menus; subject files, including news cuttings and other printed material, both Chinese and western, on anti-British propaganda in China, c1937, the Japanese administration and occupation of China, including Shanghai, 1937-1942, 1980-1982, China after the war and under the Communist regime, including anti-foreign propaganda, treatment of overseas nationals, Sino-Soviet relations, and Chinese foreign policy, 1946-1988; maps of China, 1873-1947.

Lamb , Sir , Lionel Henry , 1900-1992 , Knight , diplomat
L Series
GB 0377 L SERIES · Collection · c 1360-1800

Volumes created or collected by Officers of Arms, mostly armorials and heraldic treatises, but also including ceremonials, College of Arms office books, pedigrees, and extracts from records.

L. 1 - Armorial: Alphabet of Arms, early 16th century. 714 pages. Apparently in the hand of Thomas Wall (d 1536 as Garter). Surnames followed by blazon, with skilfully painted arms in the margins. With a few 16th- and 17th-century additions

L. 2 - Armorial: Alphabet of Arms, early 16th century. c 370 folios. On folios 1-289, painted alphabet of arms, early to mid-16th century, probably temp Hen 8, with a few arms assigned to kings' reigns, Ed 1 - Hen 8. Painted arms end on f 289 in letter M. Names written above blank spaces continue to end of alphabet. Some arms in trick as far as letter R - these are all or mostly later additions

L. 3 - Armorial, late 16th century. 375 folios. Each folio engraved with 4 outline shields with helmet and mantling, tricked arms and crests filled in. Many quarterly coats. Each coat named

L. 4 - Indexes, late 16th - early 17th-centuries. 54 folios. On 30 folios, interspersed with blanks, an index of names to L. 3, in hand of Richard Lee (d 1597 as Clarenceux). On 22 folios, interspersed with blanks, another index, probably early 17th century, identified on flyleaf and cover as being an index to L. 4, but that L. 4 is no longer extant. The first two leaves of this second index contains a list of bishoprics, abbeys, and colleges, followed by an index of names

L. 5 - Armorial, late 16th century. Spine marked 'L4 and 5'. 73 folios. On ff 2-53, coats of arms in trick, arranged according to charges, in woodblock printed outlines. On 15 folios, arms in blazon, arranged roughly in alphabetical order, in a probably late 16th-century hand, followed by 3 folios of arms of Gloucestershire families in blazon in the same hand, then 2 folios of arms in blazon for letters A and B, belonging with the 15 folios but bound out of sequence

L. 5bis - Precedents, Ceremonial and Historical Miscellany, 16th century. Bound with vols L. 6 and L. 8. 142 folios. Copies, in more than one hand, of materials relating to knighthood, heraldry, combats, tournaments, and other ceremonies, the officers of arms, the origins of heralds, etc:

ff 6-15 - treatise in French on heraldry and chivalry, especially the origins of the institution of knighthood and of heralds, beginning with a section on the first heroes, with 'herald' derived from 'hero'

ff 18-19v - letters patent of Edward 6, confirming to the officers of arms exemption from taxation

ff 21-22 - inspeximus by Richard 2 of judgement in the cause of arms between Sir Richard le Scrope and Sir Robert Grosvenor, 1390

ff 24-26 - translation into English of narrative in form of letter of Aeneas, Bishop of Sienna (Pope Pius 2 from 1458), containing account of the origins of heralds. Contains items in common with story on ff 6-15, including derivation of heralds from heroes, tale of their establishment by Dionysius and continuance under Alexander and Julius Caesar

ff 28-30 - description in French of the manner of making Knights of the Bath

ff 30v-34v - treatise in French, beginning 'Comment on fait lemperour', adapted from Larbre des batailles, by Honore Bonet or Bonnor, Paris, 1493

f 35 - 'Of the Significacion of tharmer of a knight'

ff 36-38 - 'Les noms des premiere fondeurs de la Jarretierre et assy de ceulx qui les ont suyuis en leurs estalles et lieux'

ff 42-62 - documents relating to English claim to sovereignty over Scotland, mostly temp. Edward 1, and beginning with an English translation of the letter of the barons of England in Parliament to the Pope, 1301

pp 65-67 [there are here a small number of leaves which are paginated rather than foliated] - names of 136 noblemen and knights who accompanied Edward 3 at the siege of Berwick, 1333. Probably a compilation of Robert Cooke (d 1593 as Clarenceux)

ff 66bis-72v [folio numbers 66-68 have been duplicated] - order of the Coronation of Richard 2

ff 73-80v - order of the Coronation of Henry 7

ff 81-84 - 'The Ordynance and forme of fitinges within Lystes', purporting to have been made by Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, Constable of England (d 1397). English version, assigning points and armour left on the ground to the heralds

ff 85-87 - examples of challenges to jousts

ff 87-102 - account of the tournament between Lord Scales and the Bastard of Burgundy, held in Smithfield, June 1467. Including copies of the challenges and a description of the present Lord Scales' challenge to the Bastard in Brussels by John Water, Chester Herald (dismissed 1471)

ff 102v-107 - ordinances of war made by Henry 5 at the Council of Mantes (1419)

ff 108v-109 - rules relating to domestic government of the royal household. Undated

ff 114-121 - appointment for the king and queen to Canterbury, Kent, on to Calais and Guisnes to meet the French king, 1520. Continuing with an account of the meeting with the Emperor at Canterbury and the King of France at Guisnes for the Field of the Cloth of Gold

ff 121v-122 - Unattributed copy of the ordinances of John Tiptoft, Earl of Worcester, Constable of England, for regulation of jousts of peace royal, 1466, with slight differences in the text

ff 122v-124 - ordinances relating to the high marshal in time of war, according to the custom of France, Spain, Portugal, Naples, Sicily and the Levant

ff 124-125 - the authorities and power of the provost marshal in the jurisdiction of the artillery

f 126 - mourning apparel for ladies according to their degree

f 127v - succession of the kingdom of Portugal (this probably an addition)

f 128 - memorandum of a chapter of the kings of arms and heralds in the chapter house at Westminster, 19 Nov 1487, at which it was resolved that all officers of arms should attend at court at every principal feast or great council or other great business, and that at other times one king of arms, one herald and one pursuivant should always be in attendance, with a system of rotation of attendance laid down which represents the basis of the modern system of waiting

ff 129-130 - precedence of the nobility

ff 131-137v - names of archbishops, bishops, dukes and other noblemen of Spain and Portugal, together with a note of their annual revenues; names of Spanish ambassadors and a note of their annual allowances; miscellaneous information on Spain and Portugal

ff 137v-139v - note of the musters in Spain, 1571

ff 140 and 142 - names of English ships which fought against the French, 1513, with names of their captains, number of crew, and tonnage

L. 6 - Heraldic Treatises, before 1527. Bound with vols L. 5bis and L. 8. Possibly in the hand of Sir Thomas Wriothesley (d 1534 as Garter), but owned by William Jenyns (d 1527 as Lancaster Herald):

ff 1-2 - notes on the three most elevated personages of the church and on the three orders given in the world for its regulation, i.e. marriage, priesthood, and chivalry

ff 4-9 - ordinances of Philip 4 of France, regulating trial by combat (Paris, 1306), including order for the ceremonial

ff 11-18v - romance giving account of legendary origins of France and Britain, probably c 1475-1500. Central figure is Brutus. Two episodes: one concerning Dardanus, a rival of Brutus, becoming reconciled to him through the influence of a miraculous banner of the Virgin Mary; the other concerning the 30 sisters of Brutus and the origins of Albion. These episodes followed by a chronicle of pseudo-historical events concerning the origins of kingdom of France. Ends with creation of kings of arms and heralds by Julius Caesar

ff 20-28 - treatise on the foundation of the office of herald, supposedly by Julius Caesar, 'Les dis des philosophes'. Stressing role of heralds as ambassadors and freedom to travel unhampered in times of war as well as peace

ff 32-73 - version of the 'Tractatus de armis' by John de Bado Aureo, late 12th-cent composition, completed c 1394-1395, this version apparently a free adaptation rather than strict translation, and possibly incomplete

ff 74-84 - translation into French of treatise 'De insigniis et armis' of Bartolo di Sasso Ferrato, written c 1354

ff 86-88 - short treatise in French on duties of heralds and certain military officers, containing summary of ideal qualities of a herald

ff 89-98v - treatise in French, beginning 'Comment on doit faire empereur', containing headings substantially as described for L.10 bis ff 8-15

ff 100-104v - manner of making a Knight of the Bath, with later marginal glosses in English

ff 106-129v - series of questions posed and debated on various points of chivalric and martial etiquette, beginning with question of whether a woman as regent can judge a trial by combat

f 130 - letters of Thomas of Lancaster, Duke of Clarence, confirming to the kings of arms and heralds certain fees due to them on the display of banners (Caen, 13 Sept 1417)

ff 131-135 - resolutions of the Chapter of the kings of arms and heralds of England, held at Rouen, 5 Jan 1420, the first recorded Chapter of the English heralds

ff 135v-150v - collection of formal petitions or requests to hold jousts, challenges to potential combatants, etc. Including challenge of Jean de Bourbon, Count of Clermont, to Thomas of Lancaster, Steward of England, to meet him in a tournament before a neutral judge (6 July 1406), and a series of challenges cast in terms of high chivalric romance

L. 6bis - Armorial, mid to late 16th cent. 132 folios. Assembled from various sources, containing arms mostly in trick, predominantly recording grants of arms, whether as contemporary memoranda or historical compilations

L. 7 - Armorial, 16th cent. 73 folios. 1224 shields of arms in trick, mostly of Norfolk and Suffolk families, the arms of the city of Norwich on f 6v, names over the arms added mostly in a late 17th- or early 18th-cent hand

L. 7bis - Lists of Barons, late 16th cent. c 235 folios. Barons in reigns of William 1 - Edward 4, arranged by reign. In the hand of Robert Cooke (d 1593 as Clarenceux)

L. 8a - heraldic and historical miscellany, late 15th - 16th cent. Bound with L. 5bis and L. 6. A collection of miscellaneous compilations, mostly heraldic in character, including precedents, material relating to the heralds, rolls of arms, and some burials and descents. Nearly all, with the exception of the rolls of arms, in the handwriting of John Wrythe (d 1504 as Garter) and of his son, Sir Thomas Wriothesley (d 1534 as Garter). Including:

f 5 - arrangement of seating at a tournament at Westminster (no date)

f 16v - indenture between William, Lord Berkeley, and Edward 4, in which Lord Berkeley relinquishes to the King's second son, Richard, Duke of York, his title to lands reverting to him on the death of John, late Duke of Norfolk. Possibly incomplete at the end

ff 17v-19 - order of proceeding for ceremonies over 3 days on creation of Prince Arthur as Prince of Wales (1489)

ff 33v-38 - memoranda on the office of constable and marshal, and ordinances to be kept in time of war

ff 38v-[39bis] - the first Calais Roll. Apparently a 16th-cent. compilation based on contemporary accounts of wages paid to soldiers present before Calais in 1346 and 1347. This a shorter version containing only the names, arms in trick, and retinues of bannerets.

ff 40-50v - account of the Battle of Harfleur, 1415, written by John Wrythe

ff 52v-54 - ordinances for the reformation of the College of Arms, stated to be issued by Richard, Duke of Gloucester, but the text, after the preamble, is in fact an English version of the text of the ordinances of Thomas, Duke of Clarence, for the government of the Office of Arms

ff 54v-57 - list of equipment to be provided for a lord and his retinue in war

f 57v - a Christmas prayer for the king, in hand of Sir Thomas Wriothesley

ff 58-70 - the Parliamentary Roll, c 1312, version II, incomplete 16th-cent copy in blazon. With Wriothesley's mark 'Ihc' in upper margin of f 62

ff 85v-87 - apparel for the field for a baron in his sovereign's company, or for a banneret

ff 87v-88v - apparel for the field for a knight or esquire with 'faire land' and a retinue

f 88v - description of the entry of the Count of Vallantinois, with his retinue, at Chinon, 19 Dec 1498, written by Wrythe

ff 89-95, 96 - memoranda relating to religious houses, with valuations added probably 17th cent; on f 96v a note on the Charterhouses of London, Sheen (co Surrey), and Kingston-upon-Hull (co Yorks), by Wriothesley

L. 8b - Arms of Bishops, 1675. Arms painted, but many unfinished. 39 folios. A few with biographical notes. Bound into front, notes of consecrations and translations of bishops, 1660-1675

L. 8c - 16th cent copy of roll of arms by Randle Holme, temp Henry 6. 69 folios. Possibly by Robert Cooke (d 1593 as Clarenceux). Also includes notes on functions of officers of arms, pedigree of King Philip and Queen Mary from Edward 3, rough pedigree showing descent of Norreys and Weyman families from Edward 3, 1571, and two staves of music with the words 'Lord healpe the poore that crye', in hand of Richard Lee

L. 9 - Armorial, early 16th cent. 126 folios. Letters I to P from the armory section of the great armory and ordinary of English arms compiled by Sir Thomas Wriothesley (d 1534 as Garter). Very finely painted arms on vellum, arranged on the page in three rows of four shields. Indexes and some part of the names written over the arms are in Wriothesley's hand. Also includes:

f 1bis - two shields of royal arms as Sovereign of the Garter and two shields showing arms of Sir Thomas Wriothesley impaling those of his first and second wives

ff 24-29 - arms and crests, temp Eliz 1, probably a collection of recent grants though not necessarily of Elizabeth's reign

f 81 - letters exemplifying an order in the court of chivalry concerning adoption of the arms of John Warbleton by a nephew, Tibaud [Theobald] Russell, with blazon of the arms, 1346

ff 110-118 - account in French of the coronation and entry into Paris of Claude, daughter of Louis 12 and wife of Francis 1, King of France

f 119 - account of siege of Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland, held by Sir Ralph Grey against the King (1464), and the judgement on Grey

L. 9bis - Baronage, temp Eliz 1. 100 folios. On 68 folios, narrative descents of peers, in alphabetical order from Albemarle to Shrewsbury, in a late 16th cent. hand, with a few continuations in a different hand. Also includes 21 ff of descents of other peers, including Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick; Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester; Ralph Nevill, 1st Earl of Westmoreland; Edward Grey, son of Lord Grey of Ruthin; Sir John Berkeley; Hugh, Lord Spencer; Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick; John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, and Thomas Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk

L. 10 - Armorial, early 16th cent. 112 folios. Very finely painted arms, including several sections from the armory and ordinary of English arms compiled under the direction of Sir Thomas Wriothesley. Includes:

f 1 - shields of arms of legendary and Anglo-Saxon kings

ff 1v-45v, 50v-57v, 60v-62, 72v-86 - section for letters A-D from Wriothesley's armory

f 67 - arms of Thomas Wolsey as a cardinal and with his personal arms impaled by those of his various ecclesiastical offices

f 68 - six painted shields of arms of bishops of Winchester as prelates of the Order of the Garter

ff 68v-72 and 96v-97 - arms of bishops, abbots, and priors, with some clerics and jurists and a small number of institutions, mostly temp. Hen 7 - Hen 8, with a few Elizabeth additions

ff 94v and 95v - arms of knights, temp Henry 7, finely painted

L. 10bis - Heraldic Treatises, mid 16th cent. Bound with L. 12a, L. 13 and M. 15. All but the first treatise in French. Includes:

ff 2-4v - fragment of treatise for instruction of pursuivants, translated from French into English by Martin Marroffe, York Herald (d 1564)

ff 5-7v - preliminaries of a combat between Hote de [Grantson], Seigneur d'Aubonne, and Raoul de Grive, 20 Sept 1391

ff 15-20v - ordinances for regulating combats within lists or trials by battle, purporting to have been made by Thomas of Woodstock, Duke of Gloucester, Constable of England (d 1397)

ff 22v-24 - instructions for officers of arms on the conduct of funerals

ff 24-26 - oath to be sworn by a new herald

ff 26-32 - treatise entitled 'Les ditz de[s] philosophes'

ff 32v-33 - specimen proclamation of a tournament, including summary of entry requirements, rules of combats, and prizes

ff 33-36 - the manner of holding a tournament

ff 45-46 - an opening paragraph, perhaps the beginning of an heraldic treatise, citing the authority of Hungary King of Arms, introducing a list of the heraldic tinctures with their equivalent stones and 'vertus' or human qualities.

Also includes, on f 51v, a copy of a royal warrant to Sir Edward Waldegrave, Master of the Great Wardrobe, to deliver 8 yds of blue damask and 2 yds of red velvet to Chester Herald (William Flower, d 1588 as Norroy) and 8 yds of blue chamblet and 2 yds of red velvet to Portcullis (John Cocke, d 1586 as Lancaster) for their livery attending on William, Earl of Pembroke, dated 13 July 1557, in English and in different handwriting from rest of manuscript

L. 11 - Armorial and Catalogue of Manuscripts, 16th cent and 1618. Comprises two distinct parts with separate numeration, originally separate manuscripts:

Part 1 - armorial, early to mid 16th cent, probably temp Hen 8

Part 2 - catalogue of the books in the College of Arms, 1 Feb 1618 (1619), thought to be in the hand of Samson Lennard (d 1633 as Bluemantle). The oldest extant catalogue of the College of Arms library

L. 12a - First Calais Roll, probably mid 16th cent. Bound with L. 10bis, L. 13 and M. 15:

ff 1-11 - a copy of the First Calais Roll, a 'spurious' 16th cent roll of arms based on accounts of Walter de Wetewang, Treasurer of the Household, of wages paid to soldiers present before Calais in 1346 and 1347. In the handwriting of Richard Lee (d 1597 as Clarenceux), this copy without the arms of the bannerets

ff 12-14 - a shortened version of the First Calais Roll, with some aberrant features, also without arms and in the hand of Richard Lee

ff 14-16 - copy of the charter of Richard 3 to the kings, heralds and pursuivants of arms, making them a corporation and giving them a house called Coldharbour in the parish of All Saints, 2 March 1 Ric 3 (1484). In the hand of Richard Lee

ff 16-17v - copy of the charter of Philip and Mary to the kings, heralds and pursuivants of arms, restoring them to corporate status and giving them Derby House, on the site of the present College of Arms, 18 July 1 and 3 Philip and Mary (1555). In the hand of Richard Lee

L. 12b - Precedents and historical miscellany, 16th cent. Predominantly relating to ceremonial and military events in the reign of Henry 8, nearly all written by Sir Thomas Wriothesley. The core relates to the Siege of Thérouanne, 1513, on which Wriothesley accompanied King Henry. With some additional material on the later Tudors. Includes:

p 5, f 6 - letters patent creating Charles Brandon, Viscount Lisle (afterwards Duke of Suffolk), Marshal of the King's Army in France, followed by a Latin summary of the contents, 28 May 1513

f 8v - order of Thomas, Earl of Derby, Constable of England, regulating fees due to the officers of arms for the first displaying of banners, 8 Nov 1487

ff 10-11 - names of the Challengers and Answerers at jousts held at Greenwich, 23 May - 3 June 1510, the King being the leading Challenger

ff 14v-15 - publication of the peace between Henry 7 and the Emperor Maximilian [1502]

ff 36v-37v - account of the arrival of Henry 8 in Calais, June-July 1513

ff 39v-40v - certificate of Francis 1, King of France, that he had received the Order of the Garter, 10 Nov 1527

f 41v - list of French prisoners sent from the field to Aire, in the keeping of Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Garter King of Arms, no date [but 1513]

ff 42v-43 - presentation of the keys of the city of Tournai, Flanders, to Henry 8, after its surrender [Sept 1513]

ff 44-45 - patent of creation of Thomas Howard, Earl of Surrey, as Duke of Norfolk, 1 Feb 1514

ff 46v-47v - account of the delivery of the sword and cap of maintenance sent to Henry 8 by Pope Leo 10, received 19 May and presented at St Paul's Cathedral, 21 May 1514

ff 49v-70v, 79-83, 90-92v, 95v-96 - 'Le Romant de Prudence', a commentary on the virtues and vices, as described by various classical and biblical authorities, in French, with a verse prologue. In hand of Sir Thomas Wriothesley

ff 72-75 - treatise on battle array, etc

ff 83v-85 - order of receiving the Cardinal Legate, Aug 1518

ff 88v-89 - letters patent of Henry 4 granting the lordship of the Isle of Man to Henry de Percy, Earl of Northumberland, 19 Oct 1399

f 108v - fees payable to officers of arms and others by the Chamber of London at any solemn proclamation and at the entry of a king or queen into the City of London

f 110 - publication of peace between Henry 8 and Louis 12 of France, 1514

ff 114v-121v - reception of Catherine, daughter of Ferdinand, King of Aragon, and Isabella, Queen of Castile, on her marriage with Arthur, Prince of Wales, 1501

ff 126-135v - patents of creation of: Sir John Dudley as Viscount Lisle (12 Mar 1542), Anthony Browne as Viscount Montagu (2 Sept 1554), Thomas Percy as Baron Percy (30 Apr 1557), Thomas Percy as Earl of Northumberland (1 May 1557), Edward Hastings as Baron Hastings of Loughborough (19 Jan 1558), John Brydges as Baron Chandos of Sudeley (8 Apr 1554), Edward Courtenay as Earl of Devon (3 Sept 1553)

ff 136v-138 - orders relating to the duties of an admiral, undated, probably in the hand of Sir Thomas Wriothesley

f 141v - proclamation for a herald, in French, demanding the surrender within 10 days of 'sa ville de N', undated, but probably one of the declarations used by Sir Thomas Wriothesley, who attended Henry 8 on the campaign of 1513; following this, a poem or song in French, relating to the siege of Thérouanne, 1513

f 142 - order of the king and queen's riding from York Place in London to Greenwich, on the Friday before Christmas, 1536

L.12c - Medieval Roll of Arms and Treatise on animals, late 14th - 15th cent. Called 'Mowbray's Book' after the Mowbray inferred to have been an early owner of the ms from the painting of his arms on f 65v. Contains two elements: the late 14th century roll of arms of French provenance, and the 15th century treatise in French written on the blank and partially blank pages scattered throughout the roll. The two elements are known as 'Mowbray's Roll' and 'Mowbray's French Treatise':

'Mowbray's Roll' - a general roll of 2'098 painted arms, displayed on banners shown in continuous strips of six banners to a line. The arms boldly and rather crudely painted, many without names, those names there are having been added later. [Note - the banners on f 66, which are Scottish, are described in A R Wagner's A Catalogue of English Medieval Rolls of Arms (Oxford, 1950), and called by him the 'Bruce Roll']

'Mowbray's French Treatise' - treatise in French, in a mid to late 15th century hand, contents of the treatise falling into three major divisions: discussions of the properties of beasts; French translation of a moralising tract on the institution of knighthood known as the 'Book of the Order of Chivalry', written by the Spaniard Ramón Lull, c 1280; the rights, dues and largess belonging by ancient customs to the officers of arms, according to the English usage. Note - the published catalogue of 1988 describes the treatise and beasts discussed in it as 'heraldic', following its description as such in Rodney Dennys' The Heraldic Imagination, but Dr Lisa Barber notes (April 2015) that this is not the case

Also some short additions to the Treatise

L. 13 - Draft Baronage, late 16th cent. Bound with L. 10bis, L. 12, and M. 15. Rough notes for a baronage of England, including notes of holders of earldoms and dukedoms under kings from Harold to Edward 1, lists of noblemen extending to temp. Elizabeth 1, lists of witnesses to charters, etc. All in hand of Robert Cooke (d 1593 as Clarenceux)

L.14 - Armorial and Heraldic Miscellany, end 16th-17th cent. 2 vols, labelled on spines 'Miscellanea Curiosa' parts 1 and 2

Painted and tricked arms, including copies of several medieval rolls of arms, pedigrees and genealogical notes, a few precedents relating to the heralds, some historical notes, etc. Including a substantial portion written by Sir William Segar (d 1633 as Garter) and the MS as a whole perhaps collected together by him. Including:

Vol 1 ff 26-31 and 52v-61 - copies of 'Segar's Roll' (c 1282), painted and in trick

Vol 1 ff 38-42 - copy of 'Glover's Roll' (c 1255) in blazon

Vol 1 ff 62-70 - copy of the 'Camden Roll' (c 1280) in trick and blazon

Vol 1 ff 71-78v - incomplete copy in trick by Richard Scarlett of 'Cooke's Ordinary' (c 1340)

Vol 2 f 215 - resolution of chapter of the Order of the Garter, establishing an annuity for Garter King of Arms

Vol 2 f 226 - the gammon of bacon custom at Little Dunmow Priory, co Essex

Vol 2 ff 229-254v - copy in trick of 'Fenwick's Roll' (temp Henry 5 and 6)

Vol 2 ff 307-342 - funeral arms in trick, early 17th cent, some with date of death, place of burial, and names of officers of arms who attended

Vol 2 ff 362-384 - series of painted arms attributed to Brutus and other British and Welsh kings, to Saxon kings, and to William the Conqueror, Stephen and Henry 2, followed by arms and badges of sovereigns from Edw 3 to James 1 and on f 378, badges of Edward, the Black Prince

L. 14bis - List of barons, late 16th cent. c 230 folios. Almost all in hand of Robert Cooke. Mainly list of peers, temp. William 1 - Edward 4, with some more extensive notes interspersed, rough and possibly in part preliminary drafts for the similar lists in L. 7bis

L. 15 - Pedigrees and heraldic and historical miscellany, late 16th cent. 160 folios. A significant amount of material in hand of Robert Cooke, but with some 17th cent additions. Comprising pedigrees, historical and genealogical notes, some arms, precedents, a few lists of names of medieval knights and others. Including:

ff 1v-6v - narrative descent of Elizabeth 1 from Rollo, first Duke of Normandy, f 1v being an address of dedication to the Queen

ff 9-12 - names of noblemen, knights and other gentlemen who came to England with William the Conqueror in 1066, as mentioned in the chronicles of Normandy

f 18 - apparel to be worn on the heads of gentlewomen

ff 33bis-34 - account of the degradation of Sir Andrew de Harcla, Earl of Carlisle, 31 October 1322, in the handwriting of Robert Glover

ff 36-38v - rules for the quartering of arms

ff 40-41 - decree of the Earl Marshal for ending the controversy between Garter, Clarenceux and Norroy relating to the burials of noblemen and others, 12 June 1563. A draft with amendments

ff 42-43 - description of a hearse for an earl, the painter's work, fees due to the officers of arms, persons entitled to mourning

ff 44-51 - homage and oath of the kings of Scotland to those of England (f 51), with precedents for the same (ff 44-50). In hand of Robert Cooke

ff 55-57 - account of the coronation of Eleanor of Provence, wife of Henry 3, 1236, in the handwriting of Robert Glover (d 1588 as Somerset)

ff 61-62 - genealogical notes and pedigree of the descendants of Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick, d 1439

ff 66-79 - narrative pedigrees, with painted arms in the margins, late 16th or early 17th cent: Ambrose Dudley, Earl of Warwick; John Payne of Dudley (described as Earl of Somery); David, Baron Malpas; Sir Edward Grey, Viscount Lisle; John, Lord Hastings and Earl of Pembroke; David, King of Scotland and Earl of Huntingdon; descendants of Siward, Earl of Northumberland temp King Harold; Hugh Boham, Earl of Chester; Alanus, Duke of Brittany; Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester; William de Valence, Earl of Pembroke; Warin de Munchensy, Earl of Pembroke; William Marshal, Earl of Pembroke

ff 80-90 - tabular pedigrees with painted arms, mostly descents of Ambrose and Robert Dudley, but with collateral lines. Descents shown from: Reginald, Lord Grey of Ruthin, and Edward Grey, his second son; John, Lord Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury; Richard Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick; Lord Verdon; Robert Blanchemains, Earl of Leicester; Richard Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke; John Sutton, Baron of Dudley; Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester

ff 91-105 - painted arms, with genealogical notes compiled in 1571, relating to Candor, Earl of Cornwall, Elvicia his daughter and heir, and the sons of sovereigns from Henry 2 to Henry 6 who were created Dukes of Earls of Cornwall, Earls of Chester or Dukes or Earls of Lancaster; Dukes or Earls of Somerset from William de Mohun in 1067 to Edward Seymour, Lord Protector under Edward 6; Dukes or Earls of Chester from Hugh Lupus in 1066 to John Scott in 1232l Earls of Leicester from Symonde, a Norman, in 1066 to Robert Dudley in 1564

ff 109-128v - pedigrees in the hand of Robert Cooke: Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford (d 1314) and his grandchildren, from temp. King Ethelred; Anselm Marshal, Earl of Pembroke (d 1245) and his grandchildren, from John the King's Marshal; descendants of Robert, Lord de Quincy and Roger de Quincy, Earl of Winchester (d 1564), from Robert 1, Lord Quyncy of Groby, Leics., temp Henry 1 and Stephen; Aymer de Valence, Earl of Pembroke (d 1324) from Isabel, daughter and heir of the Earl of Angouleme (she d 1246); children of William Hastings of Hastings, temp Henry 2, from 1066; Aumarie de Montfort, Count of Evreux and Earl of Gloucester (d 1213), from Richard, Duke of Normandy; John Scott, Earl of Chester (d 1237); Margaret, daughter and heir of William Longashe; three generations pedigree of descendants of Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent (d 1243); descendants of William, Earl of Gloucester (d 1183); descendants of Waltheof, Earl of Northumberland (d 1076); descendants of Simon de Montfort, Earl of Montfort (d 1182), and Robert, Earl of Leicester (1190); descendants of William d'Aubigny, Earl of Arundel (d 1221); descendants of Gilbert de Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford (d 1295), and Ralph, Lord Monthermer (d 1325); descendants of William le Grosse, Earl of Aubemarle (d 1181); descendants of Waleran, Earl of Warwick (d 1203); descendants of William de Warenne, Earl of Surrey (d 1148); descendants of Miles, Earl of Herford (d 1143); descendants of Thomas Montagu, Earl of Salisbury (d 1428); descendants of Henry, Earl of Lancaster and Derby (d 1361); descendants of Humphrey de Bohun, Earl of Hereford and Essex (d 1322); descendants of Gilbert Strongbow, Earl of Pembroke (d 1448 or 9); descendants of Edmund of Woodstock, Earl of Kent (d 1330); descendants of Aubrey de Vere (d 1141); descendants of Geoffrey de Mandeville, Earl of Essex (d 1144); descendants of William, Lord Bourchier, Earl of Eu (d 1420)

f 130 - memoranda relating to some Parliaments held between 3 Nov 1529 and 1 Mar 1553, in hand of Robert Glover

ff 144-145r - names of nobles of household and retinue, in fees, wages and pensions under John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, c 1422. Copy in hand of Robert Glover

f 145v - names of knights and men at arms in the time of John, Duke of Bedford, Regent of France, in the Duchy of Guienne, 1-15 Hen 6 (1422-1436), in hand of Robert Glover

L. 16 - Burial Fees and Waiting Book, 1565-1610:

ff 15-28v - list of funerals attended by officers of arms, 1565-post 1576

f 31 - original signed minutes of a chapter of the Office of Arms, 15 Jan 1581 (1582), confirming sums to be paid into the common chest by officers for their turns at funerals

ff 46v-76r and 77-80v - Waiting Book, Nov 1597 - June 1602, Feb-July 1610 and May 1612

f 76v - original signed minutes of a chapter of the Office of Arms, 14 Feb 1609 (1610), regulating monthly waiting by two officers together in rotation

ff 132v-133 - list of fines, forfeits and 'restes' or balances in the common chest, c 14 Eliz (1566-67)

ff 140v-143 - sums paid out of the burial money for repairs, dinners, and miscellaneous expenses, 1566-75

L. 17 - Genealogical, Heraldic and Historical Miscellany, 16th cent. A collection of materials, including schedules of fees due to heralds, genealogical notes, arms in trick, lists of names from the medieval period, etc, some material relating to religious houses. In several mostly late 16th cent hands but a substantial portion written by Robert Cooke (d 1593 as Clarenceux). Including:

ff 12-17v - armed men in the rape of Hastings, Sussex, 13 Edw 3 (1339), taken out of the 'Booke of the Abbey of Battell'

ff 18-21v - abstracts of charters relating to Battle Abbey

f 22 and continuation on ff 176-182v - list of documents relating to Scottish affairs temp Edw 1 - Edw 3

f 36 - charge given by Lorraine Herald to Prince Charles, Duke of Burgundy [Charles 1, Duke of Burgundy, ruled 1467-77], with the Duke's reply, undated

f 38 - renewal of peace between Henry 2 and his sons Richard [later Richard 2] and Geoffrey, undated but before 1186

ff 45v, 51-57, 68-73v, 113-114v, 138-39 - extracts from charters and / or notes relating to abbeys including: Evesham, Battle, Quarr, Dore, Waltham, Kenilworth, and Peterborough

ff 82-85 - evidences from a book of Lord Stafford, re his claim to be heir to Lord Grey of Powys, 1584

ff 86-90 - evidences from Sir James Harington for the compilation of his pedigree, 1582

ff 106-109v - rough extracts from Mr Harris' book, who had 'the kypyng of the Records of the tower', by Robert Cooke, 1580

ff 129-133v, 135 - transcript of charter, 1172, of William Humes of Stamford, co Lincs; grant relating to the parishes of Fiskerton, co Lincs, Fletton, co Hunts, and Burghley, co Northants, temp Edward the Confessor; notes about holders of lands: all taken from the records of Peterborough Abbey

ff 141-156v - benefactions to the Knights Templar in England

ff 159-161 - names of benefactors to the church of Clerkenwell

ff 170bis-175 - chronicle of precedents for English claims that Scottish kings owed homage to the King of England, extending from Brutus of Troy to 1424. [Dr Campbell, author of the Catalogue of which this is an abridged version, notes that they: 'are evidently drawn in part from a source similar to the returns made by monasteries to writs of Edw 1 ordering them to search their records for information bearing on his claim to receive homage of the King of Scotland']

ff 197-208 - arms in trick, including arms found in churches or houses at Lingfield, co Surrey; Nether Thorpe, county unknown; Martley, county unknown; Inkberrow, Kidderminster, and Dodderhill, co Worcs; Tewkesbury, Elmore and Berkeley, co Glos; Bristol and Gloucester cathedrals, and Shrewsbury, co Salop; also the arms of Thomas Becket's murderers

ff 213-214 - treatise on the origins of the office of herald, beginning with the institution of heralds by Dionysius and referring also to Hercules, Kings Saul, David and Solomon of Judah, Julius Caesar etc. Claims the origins of the tournament are in 'the play of Olympias' held at Mount Olympus

ff 215-216v - account of the droits belonging to officers of arms in tournaments, and their fees and privileges on various occasions including the making of a squire and of a knight, for the display of banners, at coronations, marriages, Christenings, funerals, etc.

ff 217-219 - fees, largesse, rights and dues belonging by custom to the officers of arms

ff 220-221 - account of the birth and baptism of Edmund, third son of Henry 7, 1499

L. 18 - Ceremonial, 17th cent. Bound with M. 4 and M. 17. Contains:

ff 1-10 - provisions to be made against the queen's delivery and for the Christening of the prince, gathered out of former precedents, 24 May - 27 June 1630

f 11 - copy of an order in council concerning the nobility of Scotland and Ireland above the degree of baron, having no possessions or livelihood in those kingdoms, not being nominated as commissioners without special directions from the king, 28 June 1629

ff 15-21v - brief notes concerning the usual form of the coronations of kings and queens of England, and of such necessaries as were to be provided for that solemnity

ff 22-24v - proceeding of King James 1 through London, 15 Mar 1603 (1604), with a note of those in the procession

ff 32-34v - account of his embassy given by Sir William Segar (d 1633 as Garter), joined in commission with Lord Carleton, Ambassador to Henry, Prince of Orange, for presenting that prince with the Order of the Garter, 1626

L. 19 - Coronations and Royal Marriages, end 17th-18th cent. Contains:

pp 1-48 - provisions for and proceeding to the Coronation of King James 2 and Queen Mary, 23 April 1685, in the hand of Gregory King (d 1712 as Lancaster)

pp 53-117 - Coronation of King William 3 and Queen Mary 2, 11 April 1689, with proclamation, etc, in hand of Gregory King

pp 119-138 - Coronation of Queen Anne, 23 April 1702

pp 141-145 - Coronation of King George 1, 20 Oct 1714

pp 167-188 - Coronation of King George 2 and Queen Caroline, 11 Oct 1727

pp 189-195 - marriage of William, Prince of Orange and Anne, daughter of George 2, 14 Mar 1734

pp 196-199 - the espousals between Prince Frederick of Hesse-Cassel and Mary, daughter of George 2, 8 May 1740

pp 200-205 - marriage of George 3 and Princess Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, 8 Sept 1761

pp 206-226 - Coronation of King George 3 and Queen Charlotte, 22 Sept 1761

pp 227-230 - marriage of George, Prince of Wales, and Princess Caroline of Brunswick, 8 Apr 1795

pp 231-235 - marriage of Frederick Charles William, Prince of Württemberg, and Charlotte Augusta Matilda, daughter of George 3, 18 May 1797.

GB 0099 KCLMA Keown-Boyd · 1919-1922

Papers of Sir Alexander Keown-Boyd comprising correspondence, 1920-1922, from FM Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe, then High Commissioner for Egypt, to Keown-Boyd, Oriental Secretary, discussing proposals to change staff at the Foreign Office, September 1921; the assassination of Henry Wilson by Irish Republicans, June 1922; and comparison of Anglo-Irish and Anglo-Egyptian relations. Also invitation, details of arrangements and dinner seating plan for the admission to the Freedom of the City of London of FM Edmund Allenby, 1st Viscount Allenby of Megiddo and of Felixstowe, 7 Oct 1919.

Keown-Boyd , Sir , Alexander , 1884-1954 , Knight
GB 0099 KCLMA Kennedy, J N · Created 1911-1972

Papers relating to Kennedy's career, 1911-1972, notably narrative diaries of his service on the Western Front during World War One, narrative diaries of his service with the British Military Mission to South Russia, 1919-1920; narrative diaries and papers relating to his senior planning role at the War Office during World War Two; typescript of, and papers relating to, an unpublished memoir of his period as Governor of Southern Rhodesia, 1969. A collection of official photographs relating largely to Kennedy's service at the War Office between 1939 and 1945, has been included at the end of the collection, as has a group of unpublished memoirs written by Col Roderick (Rory) Macleod, presented by the author to Kennedy in 1966.

GB 0099 KCLMA Johnston C H · Created 1924-1971

Papers relating to his life and career, 1924-1971, principally comprising papers relating to his work as British Ambassador to Jordan, 1956-1959, including newspaper cuttings concerning the termination of the Anglo-Jordan treaty of 1948, 1956-1959, and correspondence relating to the stationing of British troops in Jordan, 1958; papers relating to his work as Governor, Commander-in-Chief and High Commissioner, Aden, 1960-1963, dated 1960-1970, including his official reports to the Foreign Office on his visits to the Protectorate states, 1960-1962, his correspondence with King Hussein of Jordan, 1960-1962, newspaper cuttings relating to the merging of Aden with the South Arabian Federation of Arab Emirates, 1960-1963; correspondence concerning British policy towards the South Arabian Federation, particularly the withdrawal of British troops from Aden, 1964-1970; his official report to the Foreign Office concerning the trials in Madrid of opponents of the Franco regime, 1950; notes, cuttings and correspondence concerning Britain's policy towards Japan, 1931-1941, and the signing of the Japanese Peace Treaty, 1951, dated 1971-1975; notes on Australian personalities and contacts written for Sir Morrice James, Johnston's successor as High Commissioner of Australia, 1971; drafts,typescripts, correspondence and reviews of published memoirs The view from Steamer Point (Collins, London, 1964), Mo and other originals (Hamilton, London, 1971) and The brink of Jordan (Hamilton, London, 1972); notes and fragments of unpublished memoirs, dated 1936-1985, mainly relating to his service in the Foreign Office, 1936-1939, Japan, 1939-1942, and Australia, 1965-1971. Photographs,[1938]-1971, principally comprising official photographs relating to his service in Jordan, Aden and Australia. Papers relating to published and unpublished poetry and translations, principally comprising drafts of For Leagros and other poems (Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1940), Towards Mozambique and other poems (Cresset Press, London, 1947), Estuary in Scotland (privately published, 1974), Poems and Journeys (Bodley Head, London, 1979), Rivers and fireworks (Bodley Head, London, 1980), Talk about the last poet (Bodley Head, London, 1981), Choiseul and Talleyrand (Bodley Head, London, 1982), The Irish lights (Bodley Head, London, 1983) and translations of Turgenev, Pushkin and Lermontov.

GB 0099 KCLMA Joffé · Created, 1959-1993

Comprising copies of journals, maps, newspaper cuttings and supporting printed literature relating to politics, trade, international development and relations between nations in North Africa and the Middle East, 1959-1993; notably including personal papers and notes compiled by George Joffé for Menas (Middle East and North African Studies Press) Ltd, and in the course of his work as a journalist, principally correspondence with publishers, consultants and experts in the oil industry relating to legal action over disputed damages estimates, 1978-1986, papers on Project Profile Ltd, a consultancy company established in 1982; cuttings and typescript articles and lecture texts by Joffé mainly on Morocco and North Africa delivered to the African History seminar at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, and Institute of Commonwealth Studies, 1976-1977 (Ref: Joffé 1/1-3); research papers compiled for Menas, mainly correspondence with experts on the various arbitration and court proceedings between international oil companies and national governments with which Menas was involved, including on Iran, the Iranian oil industry, economy, borders and politics, 1966-1993, Libya and Malta and the 'Continental Shelf Case', 1983-1990, Saudi Arabia and Yemeni border issues, 1991, disputes concerning international water resources, 1982-1986, cost analysis, accounting standards and background articles on the Khemco and Phillips oil cases, 1985-1988, notes on Morocco including offprints, press cuttings, national economic statistics and statistics of neighbouring countries in North Africa, 1974-1988 (Ref: Joffé 2/1-8); typescript court reports, claimants' and respondents' submissions, evaluations, expert testimony and supporting evidence in a number of international disputes aired at the Iran-US Claims Tribunal, The Hague, Netherlands, and International Chamber of Commerce Arbitration, concerning several major international oil companies or local subsidiaries including Phillips Petroleum, Amoco, Mobil Oil, Arco, Gatoil, Lapco and Khemco in their claims against Iran, 1983-1989, the Saudi Arabia-Yemen boundary dispute, 1991-1992, Mobil Oil Libya v Libya, 1982-1986, Libya-Malta Continental Shelf Case with extracts from numerous Maltese parliamentary papers and Mediterranean geological studies, 1966-1983 (Ref: Joffé 3/1-14); Menas publications, notably on Iran, Libya, Morocco, international boundaries and water resources, 1979-1991 (Ref: Joffé 4); on the politics, economies and international relations of numerous North African or Middle Eastern countries and regions including Algeria, Chad, Egypt, Europe, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Middle East, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, and on various topics such as oil, Islam and the Salman Rushdie affair, 1980-1989 (Ref: Joffé 5/1-4); Economist Intelligence Unit publications, mainly Special Reports on countries, industries, trends and energy reviews, 1983-1993 (Ref: Joffé 6/1-3); copies of various journals and periodicals including International Affairs, 1980-1986, The Middle East Journal, 1980-1987, Third World Quarterly, 1981-1984, 1986-1987, Cedies informations, 1983-1987, Middle East Business Weekly, 1985-1990, Middle East Economic Survey, 1987-1989 (Ref: Joffé 7); statistical publications on various Middle East and African countries including Iran, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Morocco, company reports, OPEC reports, 1959-1990 (Ref: Joffé 8/1-5); copies of maps, mainly topographical and geological, of Iran, [1950-1985] (Ref: Joffé 9); diverse bibliographies including on Afghanistan, uranium, Africa and the International Court of Justice, 1979-1980 (Ref:Joffé 10); copies of archival documents used in research undertaken by Menas and in court and arbitration proceedings, employed to establish historical precedents and resolve boundary disputes, on Malta, including copies of documents in the Archives of the Knights of St John, Public Record Office (PRO), London, and the State Archives in Venice, in Italian, French and English, [1728-1950], Israel-Jordan water resources mainly from the US National Archives' Eric Johnson manuscripts, Public Record Office (PRO) Colonial Office and Foreign Office documents on the same subject, 1876-1959], Saudi Arabia-Yemen territorial dispute copies of diplomatic records from the Public Record Office, India Office and Ottoman Archives, Istanbul, [1890-1930], copies of treaties mainly on the Mediterranean and Morocco, in French, [1761-1985], Libya disputes with Chad and Malta, French plans for Libya and the former Italian colonies, including PRO Foreign Office 371 and 146, and the Rennell papers, Nuffield College, Oxford, [1883-1991], Iraq-Kuwait territorial claims including PRO Foreign Office 371 documents and India Office papers, [1909-1956] (Ref: Joffé 11/1-6).

Joffé , (Emile) George (Howard) , b 1940 , academic and strategic analyst
GB 0074 ACC/0405 · Collection · 1806-1934

Records of the Child and Jersey families, including property transactions relating to properties in Norwood, Southall, Hanwell, Heston, Isleworth, and Saint George Hanover Square; sales particulars; tithe records; public utility undertakings; legal papers; estate papers; plans and rentals.

GB 0099 KCLMA Jacobs-Larkcom · Created 1916-1945

Papers relating to service in World War One, 1917-1919, and in China, 1921-1945, including copies of personal letters from Army colleagues, 1918-1919; copy of manuscript account of service during third battle of Ypres, 1917; typescript narrative diary of 15 Field Company Royal Engineers, 8 Div, 2 Army, Somme, German March offensive, 1918, with copy of manuscript account ofthe German attack, 21 Mar 1918; correspondence relating to road surveys in China, 1921-1927, with copy of typescript account of journey by Jacobs-Larkcom from Yunnan to Sichuan, China, 1921; copies of two manuscript narrative diaries, British Military Mission to China, 1943-1945; three typescript articles relating to China entitled 'Disease', 'For those interested in the Chinese language' and 'River travel-and a question of cash' [1945].

GB 0099 KCLMA Ismay · Created 1893-1965

Papers relating to his life and career, 1917-1963, principally comprising official correspondence with Lt Gen M Brocas Burrows, British Military Mission, Moscow, 1944-1945, Gen Mark Wayne Clark, US Army, 1943-1944, 1951-1952, Maj Gen Richard Henry Dewing, UK Army and RAF Liaison Staff, Australia, 1943-1944, Maj Gen Gordon Edward Grimsdale, Military Attaché andhead of Military Mission to Chungking, China, 1942-1943, AF Sir Roger John Brownlow Keyes, Bt, Director of Combined Operations, War Office, 1940-1942, Lt Gen Sir Henry Pownall, South East Asia Command HQ, 1944-1945, Lt Gen Sir Harold Redman, British Joint Staff Mission, Washington DC, 1943-1944, AF Sir James Somerville, Commander-in-Chief Eastern Fleet, 1943-1947, and Maj Gen Sir Edward Spears, Minister to the Lebanon, 1940-1944, and Lt Gen Albert C Wedemeyer, US Army, Deputy Chief of Staff; South East Asia Command, 1944; personal correspondence with and about FM Lord Alanbrooke, 1946-1947, 1957-1963, FM Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, 1941-1961, and FM Archibald Percival Wavell, Viscount Wavell of Cyrenaica and of Winchester, 1943-1946; official andpersonal correspondence with Dwight David Eisenhower, 1942-1965, and AF Louis (Francis Albert Victor Nicholas) Mountbatten, 1st Earl Mountbatten of Burma, 1943-1954, 1960-1964; correspondence with publishers and colleagues, including Gen Sir Richard Nugent O'Connor; papers relating to India, 1947-1951, including his correspondence as Chief of Staff to Mountbatten, 1947, notes on interviews with Jawaharlal Nehru and Mahomed Ali Jinnah, 1947, letters describing the political situation in India, 1947-1948, and correspondence concerning compensation for Indian Government servants, 1948-1951; correspondence concerning the proposed defence reorganisation, 1955-1963; papers relating to his service as Secretary General, NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 1952-1957, including his official progress reports, 1952-1956; newspaper cuttings, statements to the press and texts of speeches and broadcasts, 1952-1957; papers relating to his memoirs, [1940-1960] including correspondence with publishers, 1960-1961, and colleagues, 1957-1960, notebooks, 1940-1960, and drafts and proofs, [1960]. newspaper cuttings, 1943, 1948, 1951-1952, 1957; texts of speeches, 1943-1958; correspondence relating to operations in Somaliland, 1917-1920; notes and papers relating to his studies at Staff College, Quetta and RAF Staff College, 1922-1924. Papers relating to Rt Hon Sir Winston (Leonard Spencer) Churchill, 1940-1965, including personal correspondence with Churchill, 1940, 1943-1945, 1947-1964; correspondence relating to Churchill's memoir The Second World War (Cassell, London, 1948-1954), 1946-1956, including correspondence relating to Dieppe Raid, Aug 1942, dated 1950, and galley proofs, [1948-1954]. Printed material, 1941-1945, 1947, 1951, notably including copies of telegrams sent by Winston Churchill as Prime Minister, 1941-1942; minutes of Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943-1944; minutes of Combined Chiefs of Staff meetings, 1943, 1945.

GB99 KCLMA Iran and the West · Collection · 1979-2009

The collection includes transcripts of interviews recorded with 62 individuals in the making of Iran and the West from the USA, Iran, the UK, France, Germany and other countries. The interviews examine relations between Iran and countries of the West, 1979-2009. The collection also contains footage on DVD of the recorded interviews, as well as documentaries, press cuttings, and published works gathered in the research and production of the documentary.

Subjects covered by the interviews include: the Iranian Revolution, 1979; the fall of Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, 1979; the holding of US Embassy staff as hostages, 1979-1981; the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-1988; the Lebanon hostage crisis, 1982-1992; the Gulf War, 1990-1991; the assassination of Afghan military leader Ahmad Shah Massoud, 9 Sep 2001; the terrorist attacks in the USA, 11 Sep 2001; Iranian involvement in Afghanistan; the labelling of Iran as part of an 'axis of evil', 29 Jan 2002 and the Iran nuclear programme.

Individuals interviewed include Javier Perez de Cuellar, Secretary-General of the United Nations, 1982-1991; Roland Dumas, Minister of Foreign Affairs, France 1984-1986 and 1988-1993; Joseph Martin 'Joschka' Fischer, German Vice-Chancellor and Foreign Minister, 1998-2005; Ambassador Amir Aslan Afshar, Chief of Protocol at the Imperial Court of Iran, 1979; Ali Afshari, member of the Office to Foster Unity, National Islamic Student Association in Iran, 1999-2004 (coordinator of Khatami's student political campaign, 1996-97, student leader of demonstrations, Jul 1999); Abolhassan Bani-Sadr, President of Iran, 1980-81; Queen Farah Pahlavi, Queen of Iran, 1959-1979; Adm Kamal Habibollahi, Commander of the Imperial Iranian Navy, 1975-1979; Abbas Jadidi, Iranian wrestler; Grand Ayatollah Hossein-Ali Montazeri, Iranian cleric and former adviser to Ayatollah Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, 1985-89; Gen Mohsen Rafiqdoust, Commander, Minister for Revolutionary Guard, 1982-89; Gen Mohsen Rezaee (also Mohsen Rezai), Commander in Chief of the Revolutionary Guard, 1981-1997; Mohsen Sazegara, Khomeini's press officer in Paris, October 1978-February 1979; Sadeq Tabatabai, negotiator with the USA for Khomeini 1978-1979, Government Spokesman 1979; Ebrahim Yazdi, Foreign Minister of Iran 1979; Ardeshir Zahedi, Iranian ambassador to the USA, 1959-1962 and 1973-1979, Iranian ambassador to Britain, 1962-1966, Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs, 1966-1973; Ambassador Mohammad Javad Zarif, Iranian Permanent Representative to the United Nations, 2003-2007; Sir Geoffrey Adams, British Ambassador to Iran, 2006-2009; Margaret Beckett, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2006-2007; John Sawers, British Ambassador to Egypt, 2001-2003, Special Representative for Iraq, 2003; Political director of British Foreign and Commonwealth office, 2003-2007; British Ambassador to the United Nations 2007-2009; Jack Straw, British Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, 2001-2006; Michael Williams, United Nations Assistant Secretary-General and Special Advisor on the Middle East, 2006-2007; Madeleine Albright, US Secretary of State 1997-2001; Ambassador John Bolton, US Under Secretary of State, Arms Control and International Security, 2001-2005, US Permanent Representative to UN, 2005-2006; Zbigniew (Kasimierz) Brzezinski, US National Security Advisor, 1977-1981; James Earl 'Jimmy' Carter, US President, 1977-1981; Warren Christopher, Deputy US Secretary of State 1977-81; US negotiator for the release of the US embassy hostages held in Iran, 1980-81; US Secretary of State, 1993-1997; Ambassador Richard Haass, Special Assistant to United States President and National Security Council Senior Director for Near East and South Asian Affairs, 1989-1993; Director of Policy Planning, US Department of State 2001-2003; Martin Indyk, US Ambassador to Israel 1995-1997 and 2000-2001; Assistant Secretary of State, Near East, State Department 1997-99; Walter Mondale, USA Vice-President, 1977-1981; Adm John Poindexter, US National Security Advisor 1983-1986; Brent Scowcroft, National Security Advisor to US Presidents 1974-1977 and 1989-1993; George Shultz, US Secretary of State 1982-1989; Commander Gary Sick, Principal Adviser on Middle East Affairs, US National Security Council, 1977-81; Yusuf Allawai Bin Abdullah, Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Oman; Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of Russia, 2000-2008, Prime Minister of Russia 1999 and 2008- ; Javier Solana, European Union Secretary-General and High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy, 1999-; Sheikh Subhi al-Tufayli, follower of Iranian Ruhollah Mousavi Khomeini, first Secretary-General of Hezbollah, 1989-1991.

Brian Lapping Associates
GB 0122 He · [1963-1975]

Papers of John Carmel Heenan as Archbishop of Westminster, [1963-1975], including material on the Holy See; Bishop's conferences; synods; religious orders; Vicars General and Chaplaincies; Papal Encyclicals; ecclesiastical and diocesan matters; moral, social and political issues; ecumenism; media, communications and publications; foreign countries; national and international institutions; government; embassies; hospitals; trusts, foundations and communities; lectures; homilies; patronages; personal correspondence; staff; invitations; education; visits and finance.

Heenan , John Carmel , 1905-1975 , Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
Hawker Collection
GB 0064 HAW · Collection · [1779-1830]

Papers of Sir Charles Boyles comprising an out-letterbook, 1810 to 1811, and copies of letters to the Sicilian court, 1811.

Papers of Adml Edward Hawker. They consist of logs covering Hawker's service afloat, two order books for the BELLEROPHON and BRITANNIA and a notebook of vessels captured 1805 to 1806. There is also a letterbook of his father, Captain James Hawker, kept during his command of the IRIS, 1779 to 1781, on the North America and West Indies Station.

Boyles , Sir , Charles , 1756-1816 , Knight , Vice-Admiral Hawker , Edward , 1782-1860 , Admiral
GB 0102 PP MS 67 · Created 1866-1954

Papers of and relating to Sir Robert Hart, 1866-1954, comprising two series of private letters from Sir Robert Hart to his personal representative in England, J D Campbell, one dating from 1868-1879 and one from 1879-1906; a run of semi-official letters to Campbell, 1874-1906; a file on the Chinese Fleet, 1876-1894; correspondence and papers, 1866-1954, concerning the letters, including their ownership. A run of Campbell's letters to Hart, 1874-1877, is also included in the collection.

Hart , Sir , Robert , 1835-1911 , 1st Baronet , Inspector-General of Customs in China Campbell , James Duncan , 1833-1907 , Commissioner of Chinese Maritime Customs
GB 0064 HAM · Collection · [1819-1838]

Papers of Sir Graham Eden Hamond, including three diaries, 1834 to 1838, and about one hundred letters, most of which are letters received by Hamond and copies or drafts of his replies during his period on the South American Station. There are a few earlier and later letters but all are from the year 1819 onwards, except for copies of two letters written by his father. His correspondents included Sir John Barrow (1764-1848) and Robert Dundas, 2nd Viscount Melville (q.v.).

Hamond , Sir , Graham Eden , 1779-1862 , Knight , Admiral Of The Fleet
GB 0064 HML · Collection · [1791-1800]

Papers of Sir William Hamilton, including a series of one hundred and fifty-five letters received by Hamilton between 1791 and 1800 and a series of sixty letters from Hamilton to Sir John Acton (1736-1811), Prime Minister of Naples, written between 1795 and 1800, was Hamilton's correspondents include Earl St Vincent (q.v.), Viscount Hood (q.v.), John Hampden-Trevor (1749-1824), British Minister at Turin, Lord Macartney (1737-1806) and the Marquis di Gallo, Secretary of State at Naples. There are also drafts of some of Hamilton's replies.

Hamilton , Sir , William , 1730-1803 , Knight , diplomat
Hall, Daniel George Edward
GB 0102 PP MS 18 · Created 1889-1979

Correspondence and research papers, 1889-1979, of Daniel George Edward Hall. Correspondence includes that between Hall and his publishers; friends and colleagues in Burma and Britain (1926-1970); the School of Oriental and African Studies and University of London (1934-1968); the British Broadcasting Corporation, including notes for broadcasts on the subject of Burma (1960-1961); and Professor Gordon Luce (1924-1978). Hall's research work includes material relating to Major Henry Burney, for his work Henry Burney: A Political Biography (1974), and material relating to Burma's relations with Britain. Also included are a number of photographs.

Hall , Daniel George Edward , 1891-1979 , historian
GB 0122 Gr and G/G · [1943-1956]

Papers of Bernard William Griffin as Archbishop of Westminster, [1943-1956], including material on the Holy See; Bishop's conferences; synods; religious orders; Vicars General and Chaplaincies; Papal Encyclicals; ecclesiastical and diocesan matters; moral, social and political issues; ecumenism; media, communications and publications; foreign countries; national and international institutions; government; embassies; hospitals; trusts, foundations and communities; lectures; homilies; patronages; photographs; personal correspondence; staff; invitations; education; visits and finance.

Griffin , Bernard William , 1899-1956 , Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
GB 0099 KCLMA Grant · Created 1805-1946

Various military papers, mainly dating from the nineteenth century, including standing orders, despatches and a paper by Gen Sir Frederick Roberts on Russia, all probably collected by Archibald Philip Primrose, 5th Earl of Rosebery, 1805-1811, 1871-1885, 1918-1921. Correspondence and papers relating to Lt Gen Sir Robert Grant (see above), including material concerning his career, and correspondence from Gen Sir Henry Redvers Buller, 1900. Letters and papers of Charles John Cecil Grant, notably correspondence with Rosebery, mainly letters written whilst on active service on the Western Front, World War One, 1914-1927, French Gen Maxime Weygand, including comments on the Versailles Treaty and the death of French Marshal Ferdinand Foch, 1919-1948, andLt Gen Sir Oliver William Hargreaves Leese, 3rd Bt, on military operations in Italy during World War Two, 1943-1944. Copies of diary entries and notes written by Charles John Cecil Grant whilst serving as a liaison officer to French Headquarters on the Western Front, World War One, Mar-Nov 1918.

GB 0122 G and G/G · [1956-1962]

Papers of William Godfrey as Archbishop of Westminster, [1956-1962], including material on the Holy See; Bishop's conferences; synods; religious orders; Vicars General and Chaplaincies; Papal Encyclicals; ecclesiastical and diocesan matters; moral, social and political issues; ecumenism; media, communications and publications; foreign countries; national and international institutions; government; embassies; hospitals; trusts, foundations and communities; lectures; homilies; patronages; personal correspondence; staff; invitations; education; visits and finance.

Godfrey , William , 1889-1963 , Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
GB 0099 KCLMA Furse · Created 1940, [1945]

Copies of two typescript texts of lectures by Furse both entitled 'Assistant Naval Attaché, Europe and the Americas' [1945]; copy of typescript narrative by Furse entitled 'British Naval agent in Scandinavia, Mar-Apr 1940'. Manuscript note by Furse on a reported rumour of a German invasion of the UK, 16-17 Sep 1940.

GB 0097 SR 1065 · 1918

Part one of a mimeographed collection of documents entitled 'Friedensmoeglichkeiten, Sommer und Herbst: verhandlungen ueber die kriegsziele' ('Peace possibilities, Summer and Autumn 1917: negotiations over the war targets'), produced in 1918. The documents deal with Germany's possibilities for a negotiated end to World War One in 1917, with this particular section concerning discussions regarding war aims. This copy was number 7 and is marked 'Geheim', though the name of the recipient has been removed.

GB 0096 MS 87 · -69182

Manuscript volume, Aug 1710, containing memoirs of the latest peace negotiations held at Gertruidenberg, Brabant, between Mar and Jul that year [to attempt a peaceful settlement to the War Of the Spanish Succession], and notes regarding the means of damaging the commerce and fishing of the Dutch and English. A note in pencil on the title-page attributes this work to 'M de Torcy', though no reasoning is given for this attribution.

GB0099 KCLMA Fowke · Created 1876-1940

Papers, 1894-1927, of Villiers Loftus Philip Fowke relating chiefly to his career as diplomatic consul in the Far East, including: identity papers; his letter of appointment as Vice-Consul to Seoul, South Korea on 14 January 1926; photographs of Fowke in diplomatic uniform; album of photographs of countries Fowke visited as part of his diplomatic career in the Far East, including Ceylon [Sri Lanka], Japan, Seoul and China, 1913-1919, chronicling the indigenous populations and sights of each country, events Fowke attended and families he stayed with as part of his role as diplomatic consul; a panoramic photograph of Seoul, Korea, 1927; a bound album containing prints of various aspects of Japanese culture and traditions; a printed booklet of captioned photographs showing a Japanese-run institute for Korean deaf blind children (in Japanese, with manuscript English annotations), with explanatory note, 'Views of Corea [sic] under Japanese management, Seoul, 1921'. Also personal family papers, including school reports for VLP Fowke 1894-96; papers and letters relating to the Loftus family, Fowke's mother's family; family photos and a manuscript draft of the Fowke family history. Correspondence and diary entries, 1876-1886, of Hilda Loftus, Fowke's mother; letters from VLP Fowke to his father, Villiers de Saussure Fowke, 1897-1917; letters to VLP Fowke from his father Villiers de Saussure Fowke 1899-1920; letters from Edith Mary Gladys Fowke (wife of VLP Fowke) to VLP Fowke 1919-1927.

Fowke , Villiers Loftus Philip , 1887-1940 , diplomat
GB 0099 KCLMA Evans · Created 1943-1944, 1991-1993

Manuscript diaries, detailing his SOE training in Haifa, Palestine, Cairo, Egypt, his service as an instructor at the Allied Military Mission Commando School at Pendalophos, British relations with allied Greek partisan units, and SOE harassment and demolition activity prior to and during the German withdrawal from the Greek peninsula, 1943-1944; reports, mainly compiled byEvans as commander of the Vitsi sub-area, relating to intelligence, reconnaissance and demolition missions alongside Greek Ethnikos Laikos Apeleftherotikos Stratos (ELAS) units, the pro-German infiltration of West Macedonia, and the conduct of Operation NOAH'S ARK; papers relating to SOE commando missions, including notes detailing weapons, ammunition and supplies used; lists of alliedPolish, Czech and French participants in the Allied Military Mission, autumn 1943; papers relating to the construction of the SOE airfield at Grevena, 1944; list compiled by Evans concerning hostile Armenian, Italian, German and Greek forces, 1944; notes detailing the nominal roll of partisan forces in the Vitsi sub-area, 1944; papers relating to SOE and ELAS border assaults into Yugoslavia and Albania, 1944; papers detailing the splintering of relations between British and Greek forces in Greece, 1944; booklets of deciphered signals messages received and issued by the Vitsi sub-area station, relating to the movement of German forces and Yugoslavian partisans, under the command of Marshal Josip Broz (Tito), and the execution of Operation NOAH'S ARK, 1944; correspondence with Lt ColArthur Edmonds, Officer Commanding Area 1, West Macedonia, Lt Col Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, Officer Commanding Allied Military Mission, West Macedonia, and allied British, American and Greek soldiers, 1944; policy and procedure papers, including his official secrecy declaration, 1944; papers relating to SOE technical training, finances and supplies; papers, in Greek, relating to combined operations between the Allied Military Mission and ELAS 9 Div, including command and control agreements and messages from Gen Karayannis, commander ELAS 9 Div, relating to German movements in the Vitsi sub-area; official report, in Greek, from theGreek government, detailing the history of Greek partisan forces in Greece, 1940-1944; Greek propaganda leaflets and newspapers relating to Greek partisan activity in West Macedonia, and Ellinikos Dimokratikos Ethnikos Stratos (EDES) and ELAS power struggles, 1944; German divisional daily order concerning the psychological state of German occupation troops; personal correspondence from German 1 Mountain Div soldiers; papers relating to the proposed publication of an account of Evans's career in the SOE; papers relating to the publication of Hammond's article, 'The Allied Military Mission in Northwest Macedonia', Balkan Studies (Volume 32), 1993.

GB 0099 KCLMA Elliot · Created [1914]-1971

Papers relating to his life and career, [1914]-1971, principally comprising flying log book, 1928-1940; papers relating to his work as Assistant Secretary to Committee of Imperial Defence and War Cabinet, 1939-1941, notably including memoranda to Maj Gen Hastings Lionel Ismay, 1939-1940; papers relating to his service as Air Officer Commanding Balkan Air Force, 1944-1945,dated 1946, 1963, 1966, 1970-1971, notably including an account of the work of the British Military Mission to Yugoslav partisans by Sir Fitzroy Hew Maclean of Dunconnel, 1st Bt, 1971; correspondence and other papers relating to NATO, 1950, 1955, 1967, Army League,1955-1957, Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1957, 1958, 1960-1970, English Speaking Union, 1961, 1963, Atlantic Round Table Conference, 1957, and the Brighton Conference Association, 1957. Printed and typescript book reviews and texts of lectures and speeches given by Elliot, mainly concerning international relations, 1924, 1939, 1946, 1950-1966; correspondence and related papers,1937-1940, 1950-1953, 1957-1971, notably including correspondence with Dean Acheson, 1961-1970, Gen (Walter) Bedell Smith, 1959-1961, Lady (Helen) Violet Bonham-Carter, 1962-1968, Ismay, 1959-1970, Gen Sir Henry Cholmondeley Jackson, 1961-1971, Gen Karel Janousek, 1968, and Capt Stephen Wentworth Roskill, 1966-1970; photographs, [1914-1960], notably relating to service in South Russia,1919, as Air Officer Commanding RAF Gibraltar, 1944, with Balkan Air Force, 1944-1945 and as Commander-in-Chief, Fighter Command, 1948-1949, including aerial photographs of RAF actions over Yugoslavia, 1944-1945.

Elliot Family
GB 0064 ELL · Collection · [1745-1841]

Papers of the Elliot family including:

Papers of Lord Gilbert Elliot, 1st Earl of Minto, comprising sixty-two volumes and covering the official correspondence of Lord Minto when he was Commissioner at Toulon and Viceroy of Corsica. In addition, there is an account of the attack and defence of Toulon, 1793, a journal for March 1794, a few loose papers and some correspondence between Elliot, Nelson and Lady Hamilton.

Papers of Lord Gilbert Elliot, 2nd Earl of Minto consisting of correspondence and papers covering the period when he was First Lord of the Admiralty. There are forty volumes of in-letters and some draft replies in his own hand including the letters from commanders connected with the events of the Carlist war, 1836 to 1841. There are also loose papers which consist of reports and memoranda and correspondence on a wide variety of naval topics. Further naval papers of the 2nd Earl form part of the Minto collection in the National Library of Scotland.

Papers of Sir Gilbert Elliot, 3rd Baronet, content is mainly official and consists of account rolls of the Treasurer of the Chambers, 1762 to 1770, and an account made as Treasurer of the Navy, 1776 to 1777. There are some miscellaneous papers and a few letters, some personal and some official, relating to the settlement of Elliot's naval accounts. There are other papers relating to Elliot as Treasurer of the Navy and as Lord of the Admiralty in the National Library of Scotland.

Papers of George Eliott, consisting of three cases of orders and letters relating mainly to the siege of Gibraltar.

Papers of of Hugh Elliot consisting of diplomatic correspondence, 1803 to 1806, and contain sixty-two letters from Nelson (q.v.), together with drafts and copies of Elliot's replies and correspondence with Admiral Collingwood (q.v.). There are also intelligence reports and other material which throw light on the diplomacy of the Neapolitan Court.

Papers of Adm John Elliot, consisting only of one volume, containing a biographical note and seventy-two letters sent mostly by Elliot to his father or brother, 1745 to 1805. There are also letters received, including some from Lords Sandwich (q. v.) and Barham (q.v.). Also included is a description by Captain Erasmus Gower (q.v.) of Lord Macartney's Embassy to China in 1793 and another of the First of June, 1794.

Three logs kept by Willaim Elliot between 1803 and 1810.

Kynynmound , Gilbert Elliot Murray , 1751-1814 , 1st Earl of Minto , Governor General of India x Elliot , Gilbert , 1751-1814 Kynynmound , Gilbert Elliot Murray , 1782-1859 , 2nd Earl of Minto , statesman x Elliot , Gilbert , 1782-1859 Elliot , Sir , Gilbert , 1722-1777 , 3rd Baronet , statesman, philosopher and poet Eliott , George Augustus , 1770-1790 , 1st Baron Heathfield , General Elliot , Hugh , 1752-1830 , diplomat and colonial governor Elliot , John , 1732-1808 , Admiral Elliot , William , d 1811 , Lieutenant
GB 0099 KCLMA Ebbutt · Created 1944-1946

Papers and photographs relating to Ebbutt's career, 1944-1946, including Senior Bombardment Liaison Officer's notebook containing manuscript accounts and technical notes on shore bombardment and targets engaged by ships lying off southernFrance, 1944-1945; Senior Bombardment Liaison Officer's diary, 1944-1945; notebook with manuscript notes by British Naval LiaisonOfficer [1944], with three photographs of a RN destroyer (Pennant number, G86). Printed booklet in French entitled 'La Première DivisionFrançaise Libre' [1945]. Citation of the award of the French Croix de Guerre with Silver Star to Ebbutt, and related papers, 1945. Photograph of Ebbutt receiving the US Legion of Merit from US Col Claude M Thiele, Commanding Officer, US Army London Area Office, 1946, with related papers 1945. Copy of published booklet Soldier, sailor, compiled by Geoffrey Sanders (The Bombardment Units Association, Gloucester, 1946).

GB 0102 PP MS 55 · Created c1830-1925

Papers, c1830-1925, of Major-General Sir Henry Marion Durand and Sir Henry Mortimer Durand, giving a good picture of their work, particularly Henry Mortimer Durand. These include a set of Henry Mortimer Durand's diaries (1870-1907); a large selection of correspondence (1872-1922) (correspondents include Lord Lansdowne, Grey, Curzon and Roberts); and a collection of press cuttings (1902-1908) relating to the period when he was Ambassador in America. Henry Mortimer Durand also wrote a number of literary works, some of which are present in this collection. Also of interest are a number of family photograph albums, depicting scenes of India, Europe and America.

Durand , Sir , Henry Marion , 1812-1871 , Knight , Major-General , colonial administrator Durand , Sir , Henry Mortimer , 1850-1924 , Knight , Indian civil servant and diplomat
GB 0099 KCLMA Dodson · Fonds · 1935-1986

Papers of Sir Derek Dodson, 1935-1986, relating to his service in Special Operations Executive (SOE) in Greece and Italy, comprising papers including message books, notes, reports and correspondence related to service in the Allied Military Mission to Greece, Sep 1943-Mar 1945; messages, notes, and diary relating to service with partisans in Italy, Apr-May 1945; photographs of Dodson; maps of Greece, Italy and France; report by the Salonika Bureau, 'The Macedonian Autonomy Movement in North West Greece: its setting and recent histor', Oct 1945.

Dodson , Sir , Derek Sherborne Lindsell , 1920-2003 , Knight , diplomat , Major
GB 0096 MS 696 · [1779]

Copy of a memorandum presented to the States General of the United Provinces by Joseph Yorke, British ambassador, at The Hague on 26 Nov 1779, expressing the King's surprise at the silence that has followed the memorandum delivered more than four months ago, asking for 'les secours stipulés par les traités', and asking again for their co-operation.

GB 0096 MS 2 · 1413

Agreement, made at Calais on 7 Oct 1413, between Henry Chichele, Bishop of St David's, William, Lord Zouche of Haringworth, and Richard Holme, all envoys of King Henry V, and William, Castellan of Furnes, and Thierry Gherbode, envoys of John, Duke of Burgundy, redressing infringements of the truce with Flanders. The agreement bears portions of the seals of Chichele and Lord Zouche, and the complete seal of Holme, all in red wax.

GB 0099 KCLMA Dewing · Created 1939-1945

Manuscript narrative diary relating to Dewing's service as Director of Military Operations, War Office, and as Chief of Staff to ACM Sir (Henry) Robert (Moore) Brooke-Popham, Commander-in-Chief Far East, 1939-1941; two typescript narrative diaries relating to Dewing's service as Head of Army and Air Liaison Staff, Australia, 1943-1944, and as Head of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF) Mission to Denmark, 1944-1945, with typescript 'Notes on my relations with Swedish Services and Government' [1945]; typescript biographical account of Dewing's career by his son, William Dewing [1979].

GB 0099 KCLMA Davidson F H N · Created 1935-1972

The collection consists of pamphlets written by Davidson, papers relating to his part in the Allied Military Mission to Moscow, USSR, 1939 and papers relating to his career in World War Two as Commander in the Royal Artillery and as Director of Military Intelligence. The World War Two material includes maps used in the retreat of the BEF (British Expeditionary Force) to Dunkirk, France, maps used as Director of Military Intelligence to illustrate the progress of the war to Queen Mary, mother of George VI and a personal diary kept while Director of Military Intelligence. There is also a file containing correspondence with E E Thomas of the Cabinet Office Historical Section relating to aspects of Military Intelligence during World War Two.

GB 0099 KCLMA Crick · 1938-1984

Papers relating to Crick's service in the Western Desert, 1941-1943, as Instructor, War Intelligence Course, School of Military Intelligence, Matlock, Derbyshire, 1943-1944, and with Operational Intelligence, G2 Division, Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Forces (SHAEF), 1944-1945, including copy of War Diary, General Staff Intelligence Branch, Headquarters 8 Army, 25 Sep-31 Oct 1941; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The possible effect of CROSSBOW on OVERLORD', on how Operation CROSSBOW, (Allied countermeasures against German V-weapons), could influence Operation OVERLORD, (the Allied invasion of occupied Europe), Mar 1944; typescript memorandum by Crick 'The heart of Germany', on the importance of the Ruhr industrial region to Allied strategy, Mar 1944; typescript report by Crick on visit to OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht, the German Armed Forces High Command), Flensburg, Germany, 11 May 1945. Papers relating to Crick's service with the British Joint Services Mission, Washington DC, USA, 1953-1956, including typescript text of lecture by Maj Gen Sir Kenneth William Dobson Strong, Director of Joint Intelligence Bureau, on UK and US Intelligence collaboration and spheres of influence [1953]; typescript memorandum 'Probable Bloc preoccupations in Asia, including Middle East, until mid 1955' [1953]; papers relating to the reorganisation of the Economic and General Division of the Joint Intelligence Bureau, 1956. Papers relating to the Imperial Defence College tour of Pakistan, India, East Pakistan, Ceylon and Aden, Aug-Sep 1960, including itineraries, travel arrangements, three photographs, invitations and a printed map of the Middle East showing oil wells, refineries and pipelines, 1960. Manuscript and typescript notes for a lecture by Crick entitled 'A career in Intelligence', given at Intelligence Corps course, with one audio tape of 20 minute lecture by Crick on interrogation techniques, Ashford College, Kent, Oct 1984. Edition of In the caves of the mind. Poems by Alan Crick (Privately published, Rye, Sussex, 1992). Newspaper cuttings, photographs and publications, 1938-1959, including German newspaper cuttings relating to the visit to Danzig by Rt Hon Alfred Duff Cooper, First Lord of the Admiralty, Aug 1938; three editions of Battledress. The Cadet magazine, Feb-Jun 1940; nine editions of The Crusader Eighth Army Weekly, Oct 1942-Apr 1943; sixteen editions of 'Interim. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', Jun 1945-Apr 1946; three editions of 'Occupation. British Army of the Rhine Intelligence Review', May-Jul 1946. Edition of '21st (British) Army Group in the campaign in North West Europe 1944-1945. Lecture by Field Marshal Sir Bernard L Montgomery to the Royal United Service Institution, London, October 1945'; six photographs and five copies of photographs of Crick, Western Desert and Germany, 1941-1945, and two group photographs, Staff and Students, Joint Services Staff College, 1948, and Military Attachés Conference, Episkopi, Cyprus, 1959.

Crick , Alan John Pitts , 1913-1995 , civil servant and historian
GB 0099 KCLMA Courtney · 1922-1985, 1991

Typescript intelligence report by Courtney entitled 'Remarks on a visit to Soviet Russia-August 1935', with notes, publications and related correspondence, 1922-1936; group photograph of Courtney and officers of the Naval Mission to the USSR [1942]; two notebooks with manuscript notes by Courtney on German and Allied ship movements, USSR [1942]; papers relating to the USSR, 1943-1978, including typescript notes by Courtney entitled 'Soviet Russia and the war', Feb 1943, article by William Laurence Burn entitled 'Anglo-Russian relations: an historical retrospect', from The nineteenth century, Jan 1946; edition of US restricted publication 'The Soviet Union', US Government Printing Office, 1947; manuscript notes on Soviet governmental personnel, 1953; typescript note on internal security in the USSR, 1978; correspondence with the Admiralty, 1949-1958, relating to pay and allowances, Courtney's civilian business matters, 1954-1958, and the Admiralty's refusal to grant permission for Courtney to travel in the USSR as a private businessman, 1953-1955; personal and business correspondence relating to the development of Windermere Island, Bahamas, 1963; correspondence, publications and texts of speeches relating to the Monday Club, 1978-1985, including typescript text of speech by Courtney entitled 'The Soviet fifth column', Jun 1978; correspondence between Cdr Geoffrey Briscoe Penn and the Ministry of Defence relating to the vetting and declassification of the Courtney papers, 1991.

Courtney , Anthony Tosswill , 1908-1988 , RN Commander