Showing 1388 results

Archival description
GB 0096 MS 75 · 1688-1702

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, Nov 1688-Mar 1702, with an abstract for the whole period.

GB 0096 MS 54 · 1688-1696

Manuscript volume containing an account of the public revenue of England, Nov 1688-Sep 1691, with an extension of the statement to 1696 in the same hand, entitled 'A brief state of the incomes and issues of their Majesties public revenue...'.

GB 0096 MS 53 · 1688-1691

Manuscript volume containing a statement of the public revenue of England, 1688-1691, including accounts of the receipts, and the expenditure on the Navy, Army, Ordnance, Secret Service, Privy Purse, Wardrobe, Ambassadors, Judges, Pensions, the servants of King William III, and interest of loans. There are entries of many irregularities and unchecked issues. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by Francis Gwyn as Under-Secretary of State.

GB 0096 MS 746 · [1785]

Manuscript volume containing 'An abstract of the gross and net produce of the revenue of excise, malt, etc', with sections on 'rates on exciseable commodities' (including beer, wines, spirits, malt, candles, soap, paper, printed silks, wire, starch, hides, coffee, tea, chocolate, silver household plate and plate licences, victuallers licences, glass, coaches auctioneers' licences and auctions, male servants, bricks and tiles, linen, cotton, etc), the repeal of duties on paper in 1781 and additions of 1784, an 'Account of the Appropriations of the excise revenue', and 'Gross and Net produce of Excise, Malt etc' from 1709-1785.

GB 0096 MS 41 · 1662-1785

Manuscript volume containing tables giving a statement of the [English] excise revenue from Michaelmas 1662 to [Jul 1875]. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by Sir Grey Cooper, Secretary to the Treasury.

GB 0096 MS 203 · [1763]

Manuscript volume containing an 'Account of the gross produce of the several duties under the management of Excise, with their respective appropriations and rates, and the times of their commencement', written in [1763], and covering the period 1662 to 1763. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by James Bindley, Commissioner of Stamp Duties, 1765-1818.

GB 0096 MS 40 · 1662-1763

Manuscript volume containing tables giving a statement of [English] excise revenue from Michaelmas 1662 to [Jun 1763]. There is a possibility that this manuscript was created by John Bindley, a Commissioner of the Excise Office.

GB 0096 MS 39 · 1662-1730

Manuscript volume containing tables giving a statement of English excise revenue from Michaelmas 1662 to 1730. The earlier tables are in summary form, but from 1693 to 1730 a full account is given.

GB 0096 MS 90 · 1662-1713

Manuscript volume containing a statement of the revenue managed by the Commissioners of Excise, 1662-1713, including an account of the numbers of common brewers, victuallers and distillers in England, Wales and Berwick, and the quantities of exciseable liquors made and imported by them. Includes a statement of parliamentary appropriations from the excise revenue.

English excise duties, 1736
GB 0096 MS 759 · [1736]

Draft, with marginal notes, of A letter from a Member of Parliament...containing his reasons for being against the late Act for preventing the retail of spirituous liquors, published in 1736. The letter concerns the writer's reasons for not supporting this Act (9 Geo.II c.23 - 1736), although he had supported the 'Act for laying a duty upon compound waters' (2 Geo.II c.17-1729, repealed by 6 Geo. II c.17-1733). Many of the arguments in the letter, for and against the Act, are given in similar terminology in Cobbett's Parliamentary History of England, vol IX (1811), columns 1032-44, and more particularly columns 1059-1110.

English Exchequer warrant
GB 0096 MS 708 · 1747

Warrant of 10 Dec 1747 addressed to Robert Walpole, 2nd Earl of Orford and Auditor of the Exchequer, for the payment to Richard Tuck, Sheriff of Wiltshire, of £160 'to repay the like sum disbursed by him for the following rewards upon the conviction of the several offenders mentioned in the annexed certificates'. These certificates are wanting, but a list follows of the names of the offenders and of those securing their conviction, with details of the sums paid as rewards totalling £160.

English Exchequer petition
GB 0096 MS 877 · 1572/1598

Petition of John Carpenter, royal messenger, for payment 'by one of the Tellers of the Queenes Majesties receipt at Westeminster', for a journey made on behalf of William Cecil, Baron Burghley, Lord High Treasurer, to Mr. Gaige, near Lewes, Mr. Boswell of Sevenoaks, and Mr. Robert Petre of Westminster, and his return to the court at Rye. With Cecil's signature, probably dating to either 1572 or 1598.

GB 0096 MS 74 · 1660-1702

Manuscript volume, 1660-1702, containing transcripts of briefs, patents and commissions relating to the Exchequer, from the reign of King Charles II to the beginning of the reign of Queen Anne, with descriptions of offices within the Exchequer. There is a possibility that this manuscript was compiled by William Bromley.

GB 0096 MS 465 · 1670-1846
  1. A miscellaneous collection of orders, receipts and warrants for payment issued by various departments of the Exchequer, with letters of assignment and attorney relating to those who had financial dealings with the Exchequer, 1670-1774. From the mutilated state of some items, the documents appear to have been collected for their autograph interest. Signatories mainly comprise senior politicians and statesmen connected with the Exchequer, notably Prime Ministers, Chancellors and Lord Treasurers.
  2. Miscellaneous correspondence, 1728-1846, also collected for its autograph interest. They comprise:
    a) An Ordnance Office Order of 21 May, 1728, to issue from the Tower powder and shot for six months' exercise to the first Regiment of Foot Guards, signed by John Armstrong, George Gregory, Leonard Smelt, T. White and Charles Wills. It is accompanied by a note of delivery, 24 May, 1728, signed by Leonard Welsted. (2 leaves. 12½" x 8").
    b) Letter from Commodore Thomas Collingwood, written from Grafton Gros, Islet Bay in St Lucia on 27 January, 1780, to Thomas Shirley announcing the delivery by James Gordon of 34 puncheons of rum to be supplied to the ships. (Single sheet, 13" x 8").
    c) Late 18th century notes on the church of Bowers Gifford and Bowers Hall Manor, Essex, with particular reference to the Boughton family. The final leaf bears a postmark and is addressed to 'Mr. Thorne, senr., at Mistress Spenloves, Silk Mercer, Cornhill, London'. (4 leaves. 14½" x 9").
    d) Letter of 19 Oct 1800, written at Mount Juliet, Thomastown, from Somerset Lowry-Corry, Viscount Corry, later 2nd Earl Belmore, to William Leader of Liquor Pond Street, London, concerning the acquisition of a carriage. The letter requires him to 'put in hands for me immediately a chaise with a box to take on and off so that it may be either used as a street carriage or for travelling. I should wish it to be very complete and finished in the highest manner - The Butler arms must be quartered with mine'. This letter was written on the eve of Lord Corry's marriage, by special licence, at Mount Juliet, to Juliana, daughter of Henry Thomas Butler, 2nd Earl of Carrick. (2 leaves. 9¼" x 7¼").
    e) Letter from Samuel Whitbread, dated 18 Jan 1801, to Mr. Lucas, coachmaker, Liquor Pond Street, [perhaps concerning the coach mentioned above]. (Single sheet. 4½ x 7½").
    f) Letter from Peniston Lamb, 1st Viscount Melbourne, 26 Apr 1802, ordering 'One pair of riding breeches [from] Joseph Porter'. (Single sheet. 4½ x 6").
    g) Letter from Edmund Boyle, 8th Earl of Cork, written in St. Albans on 18 Jul 1803, to Mr. Lucas, coachmaker, Liquor Pond Street, arranging for him to call. There are some pencilled notes below. (2 leaves. 9" x 7¼").
    h) Agreement, made 16 Feb 1811, between Ron[ald] Campbell, Major in the 72nd regiment, Charles Decoetlogon, H. Irwin, John Moody, Joseph Reed and Thomas Stones, prize agents, to share equally in the 'emoluments and advantages arising from the prize agency for the capture of the Isle of France. (2 leaves. 13" x 7¾").
    i) Letter from Joseph Coppock, written at Sandfords Library, Plymouth Dock, on 17 Sep 1817, to Messrs. Clarksons, solicitors, Essex Street, Strand, London, mentioning the affairs of Mr. A.N. Earl(e), and arranging for a call to be made on 'Mr. Holt, the accountant for stores at the Victualling sign your name to a letter of application I made to the Board in your name for duplicate certificates some time ago...'. (2 leaves. 9" x 7½").
    j) Weekly return of coals, candles and brooms issued to the 71st Regiment from 12-18 February, 1821, at the New Infantry Barracks, Canterbury. Lists names of officers supplied. Signed Joseph William Dutie, 'D.M.' and A. Jones, Major commanding the 71st Regiment. (Single sheet. 12½" x 8").
    k) Printed broker's receipt of 28 May, 1846, for Consolidated 3% Annuities sold on behalf of Miss Eliza Wardell and John Froggatt, esq., executors of J.A. Wardell, esq. Signed by John Bull, broker. (Single sheet. 3" x 8").
GB 0096 MS 729 · 1715

Exchequer order, dated 7 May 1715, addressed to George Montagu, Auditor of the Receipt of the Exchequer, by virtue of letters under the Privy Seal of 31 Dec 1714, to pay to Henry Scott, 1st Earl of Deloraine, £200 (a quarter of his annuity) from money applicable to the uses of the civil government. The order is signed by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, First Lord of the Treasury, and endorsed 'Intr. in Officio Cler. pelliu[m]'.

GB 0096 MS 737 · 1675

Exchequer order, 6 Aug 1675, signed by Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby and Lord Treasurer, and Sir John Duncombe, Chancellor of the Exchequer, to Sir Robert Howard, the Auditor of the Exchequer, authorising payment of £2392 8s. 4d. to Henry Savile 'in consideration of his fidelity in his Majesty's service'. On the dorse is a receipt for the money, dated 7 Sep 1675, and signed by Savile.

English Exchequer Bills
GB 0096 MS 65 · 1696-1697

Manuscript volume containing papers relating to the issue of Exchequer Bills during the reign of King William III in order to carry on the war with France (the War of the Grand Alliance), 1696-1697, notably a holograph memorandum by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax, advocating steps to encourage subscriptions to Exchequer bills and steps to make the bills assignable, [1696]; a draft of letters patent of King William III concerning the payment of Dutch troops, written in Dutch, [1696]; a list of subscribers to the contract for exchanging bills, 4 May 1697; a copy of the sign manual warrant to the Treasury ordering payment to the trustees of the second contract for Exchequer bills of the interest on the subscription contracted, [1697]; a Statement of Exchequer bills from 27 Apr to 9 Jun, 11 Jun 1697; a tract [by William Paterson] headed 'A proposall for setling a transferrable fund of perpetual interest', which is possibly the first proposal for a funded debt.

GB 0096 MS 100 · 1722-1774

Manuscript volume containing papers relating to coinage and the Royal Mint, 1722-1774, including a table of the gold and silver minted in the reigns of kings and queens of England from Queen Elizabeth I up to 1772, with a value in sterling for the total in each reign; a table of gold and silver minted from 20 Jul 1660-31 Dec 1751, with a value in sterling for the amount minted in each reign within this period; table of the weight of gold brought to the Mint for 20 years [1751-1770], with columns showing by whom it was brought and in what species it was coined; a table of 'gold at the Mint before the diminished guineas were sent', with a monthly account of gold coined from Aug 1773 to May 1774 and a statement of all gold coined from 1760-1774; an account of cut guineas imported into the Mint between 25 Aug 1773 and 9 Aug 1774, and delivered out between 13 Oct 1773 and 5 Oct 1774; tables giving the costs of coining various metals; a calculation table [for measuring fineness]; details of rises in salaries for officers of the Mint; details of salary scales for officers of the Mint, [Aug 1772].

CLC/B/005/ESL06 · sub-fonds · 1899-1908

Staff records of English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Limited including salaries and staffing expenses, and general manager's observations on memorandum; analysis of salaries payable; photographs and prints of staff.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Ltd x English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance and Loan Association
CLC/B/005/ESL02 · sub-fonds · 1909-1918

Shares records of English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Limited comprising register of transfers.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Ltd x English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance and Loan Association
CLC/B/005/ESL03 · sub-fonds · 1839-1901

Financial and accounting records of English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Limited including ledger, schedule of assets, actuary's and directors' committee's reports.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Ltd x English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance and Loan Association
CLC/B/005/ESL01 · sub-fonds · 1839-1959

Corporate records of English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Limited including deeds of settlement and resolutions; Board of Directors: minutes and agendas; notice and report of annual general meetings; annual reports, quinquennial reports, fund statements and valuations; death and burial certificates of directors; papers relating to amalgamation and liquidation.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Ltd x English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance and Loan Association
CLC/B/005/ESL04 · sub-fonds · 1837-1987

Business records of English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Limited including policy registers, individual policies and related papers, prospectuses and related papers, rate book and tables, fund accounts, letter book and reports, fire policy, report on the desirability of undertaking employers' liability business, calendars and diary, agents' commission rates, overseas reports, Life Offices Association annual reports, papers relating to position of life offices and income tax, papers relating to London United Tramways Limited, general manager's cutting and documents for information.

Eagle, Star and British Dominions English and Scottish Law Life Assurance Association Ltd x English and Scottish Law Fire and Life Assurance and Loan Association
GB 0096 MS 160 · c1825

The original Deed of Association of the English and Bristol Channels Ship Canal. Contains about 600 signatures, opposite each of which are shown the number of deposits paid and amount subscribed, c1825.

English and Bristol Channels Ship Canal Company
GB 0074 CLC/B/017-10 · Collection · 1920-1965

Minute books of the Engineering Offices Association, an association of engineering insurers.

Engineering Offices Association , association of engineering insurers
GB 0074 ACC/2776 · Collection · 1944-1987

Records of Enfield Wel-Care, 1944-1987, including minute books; annual reports; papers relating to fundraising; newsletters; financial accounts; correspondence; papers of the Chairman; pamphlets; and papers relating to the winding up of Enfield Wel-Care.

Enfield Wel-care
GB 0074 CLC/B/038-05 · Collection · 1960-1973

Records of Empire of India Holdings Limited, comprising Board of Directors' minutes, annual general meeting minutes and a ledger. The records are held off-site and therefore require 24 hours notice for access.

Empire of India Holdings Ltd
GB 0074 E/DCE · Collection · 1884-1932

Records relating to the Balham Estate of the Dean and Chapter of Ely comprising ground rents and financial accounts, 1884-1932.

Dean and Chapter of Ely , Church of England
GB 0097 SR 0331 · 1765-1785

Account book of Robin Elliot, a farmer from Braidlie, Liddesdale, Scotland, 1765-1785.

Elliot , Robin , fl 1765-1785 , farmer
Elliot Family
GB 0064 ELL · Collection · [1745-1841]

Papers of the Elliot family including:

Papers of Lord Gilbert Elliot, 1st Earl of Minto, comprising sixty-two volumes and covering the official correspondence of Lord Minto when he was Commissioner at Toulon and Viceroy of Corsica. In addition, there is an account of the attack and defence of Toulon, 1793, a journal for March 1794, a few loose papers and some correspondence between Elliot, Nelson and Lady Hamilton.

Papers of Lord Gilbert Elliot, 2nd Earl of Minto consisting of correspondence and papers covering the period when he was First Lord of the Admiralty. There are forty volumes of in-letters and some draft replies in his own hand including the letters from commanders connected with the events of the Carlist war, 1836 to 1841. There are also loose papers which consist of reports and memoranda and correspondence on a wide variety of naval topics. Further naval papers of the 2nd Earl form part of the Minto collection in the National Library of Scotland.

Papers of Sir Gilbert Elliot, 3rd Baronet, content is mainly official and consists of account rolls of the Treasurer of the Chambers, 1762 to 1770, and an account made as Treasurer of the Navy, 1776 to 1777. There are some miscellaneous papers and a few letters, some personal and some official, relating to the settlement of Elliot's naval accounts. There are other papers relating to Elliot as Treasurer of the Navy and as Lord of the Admiralty in the National Library of Scotland.

Papers of George Eliott, consisting of three cases of orders and letters relating mainly to the siege of Gibraltar.

Papers of of Hugh Elliot consisting of diplomatic correspondence, 1803 to 1806, and contain sixty-two letters from Nelson (q.v.), together with drafts and copies of Elliot's replies and correspondence with Admiral Collingwood (q.v.). There are also intelligence reports and other material which throw light on the diplomacy of the Neapolitan Court.

Papers of Adm John Elliot, consisting only of one volume, containing a biographical note and seventy-two letters sent mostly by Elliot to his father or brother, 1745 to 1805. There are also letters received, including some from Lords Sandwich (q. v.) and Barham (q.v.). Also included is a description by Captain Erasmus Gower (q.v.) of Lord Macartney's Embassy to China in 1793 and another of the First of June, 1794.

Three logs kept by Willaim Elliot between 1803 and 1810.

Kynynmound , Gilbert Elliot Murray , 1751-1814 , 1st Earl of Minto , Governor General of India x Elliot , Gilbert , 1751-1814 Kynynmound , Gilbert Elliot Murray , 1782-1859 , 2nd Earl of Minto , statesman x Elliot , Gilbert , 1782-1859 Elliot , Sir , Gilbert , 1722-1777 , 3rd Baronet , statesman, philosopher and poet Eliott , George Augustus , 1770-1790 , 1st Baron Heathfield , General Elliot , Hugh , 1752-1830 , diplomat and colonial governor Elliot , John , 1732-1808 , Admiral Elliot , William , d 1811 , Lieutenant
Elemens de Finances
GB 0096 MS1156 · Fonds · [1690-1710]

Elemens de Finances collection, [1690-1710], comprises an anonymous handwritten treatise dealing with the earnings and expenses of the kingdom - inferred to be France - ("cinq grosses fermes") and its administration. It also deals with financial administration in general.

GB 0074 ACC/0581 · Collection · 1769

Copy of certificate issued by Richard Hassell to William Spencer of South Mimms relating to the privileges of tenants of the Duchy of Lancaster (including exemption from tolls).

Richard Hassell, Justice of the Peace for Edmonton Hundred
Edinburgh poor relief papers
GB 0096 MS 629 · [1750-1754]

Collection of transcripts, all written in the same hand in [1750], of papers relating chiefly to the administration of poor relief and vagrancy in Edinburgh from 1594-1750, including an Act to impose stent of £500 p.a. for 3 years for cleansing the town, 1687; a 'Report from the committee of the lords appointed to consider the proper method for providing the poor', 1731; an Act of Sederunt imposing stent for 2% on members of the College of Justice for the maintenance of the poor, 1732; a contract between the Council of Edinburgh and the Kirk Sessions for the upkeep of 'a large hospitall or work house... for the more regular maintenance and employment of the whole poor of', 1740; a confirmation of the erection of 'the burgh of the Canongate', 1594; an Act in favour of 'the burgh of Edinburgh anent the annuity' 1661; a report of the 'annexation of the lands and annualls mortifyed to the ministers and hospital of Edinburgh', undated; and a report of the Lords of Council and Session on method for support and maintenance of the begging poor in the charity work house, 1749. There are also additions of 1752 and 1754, the latter being the estimate of the expense of the City Guard for 1745-1746.

GB 0096 MS 643 · [1760]

Transcripts relating to local taxation in Edinburgh from 1745 to 1760, including:

  1. 'Memorandum offered by the members of the College of Justice appointed by the Faculty of Advocates and Society of Writers to the Signet to the preses and other remanent stent-masters of the city of Edinburgh in relation to the imposing the stent on the inhabitants of the town for the year 1749'. The memorandum, dated 18 July 1749, contains eight questions put to the stent-masters, and these are answered in the following eight pages of the manuscript, written for the most part in another hand, and dated 19 July 1749.
  2. A 'Report to the Faculty of Advocates of the stent-masters appointed by them to meet with the stent-masters of the town of Edinburgh for imposing the stent or cess for the year 1749', written in the second hand. A note in the original hand says that the reports were 'drop'd'.
  3. Comments on the collusion between the Faculty of Advocates and the Town Council regarding the stent-masters, with a copy of a letter to George Chalmers, writer to the Signet, from Robert Thomson of Aberdeen, dated 13 Feb 1745, concerning stents at Aberdeen.
    1. The final leaf, dated 14 Jul 1760, contains in a third hand an 'Estimate of the land cess and trade stent to be imposed by the...Magistrats & Town Council of Edinburgh for the service of the year, viz. from 25 March 1759 to 25 March 1760'.
GB 0074 CLC/B/055-05 · Collection · 1925-1961

Records from the Marine Department of the Edinburgh Assurance Company Limited, comprising registers of vessels, casualty books, loss report books, and salvage books.

Edinburgh Assurance Co Ltd
ACC/0864 · Collection · 1888-1931

Records of Edgware and Little Stanmore Lighting Committee, 1895-1928, including account book, letter books and maps.

Records of Edgware Parish Council, 1888-1928, including valuation list, letter book, account book and councillor's declarations.

Records of Little Stanmore Parish Council, 1894-1931, including minute books, valuation lists and member's declarations on taking office.

Edgware and Little Stanmore Lighting Committee Edgware Parish Council Little Stanmore Parish Council
GB 0097 EDEY · [1953]-1983

Papers of Professor Harold Cecil Edey, [1953]-1983, including papers of the Management Studies Research Division, 1963-1980, comprising Chairman's papers, general files and financial papers; master copies of Edey's accountancy lectures for the London School of Economics, 1957-1981; material relating to the Accounting Standards Steering Committee, 1972-1983, notably exposure drafts with correspondence and comments received, and Statements of Standard Accountancy Practice on 'Accounting for the results of Associated Companies' and 'Accounting for Depreciation'.

Edey , Harold Cecil , b 1913 , Professor of Accounting
GB 0074 CLC/B/192-15 · Collection · 1823-1939

Economic Life Assurance Society records comprise constitutional documents, minutes and other financial and administrative material.

Economic Life Assurance Society
GB 0074 CLC/140 · Collection · 1974-1988

Papers relating to an Economic and Social Research Council funded project to index fire insurance policies of the Sun and the Royal Exchange, including copies of the indexes.

ESRC , Economic and Social Research Council x Economic and Social Research Council
GB 0074 CLC/063 · Collection · 1813-1831

Eastern Society of Master Pawnbrokers records comprise: minutes 1813-21, 1824-31 (Ms 22327) and correspondence and other papers, 1821-30 (Ms 22328). They were catalogued by a member of Guildhall Library staff in 1987.

Eastern Society of Master Pawnbrokers
GB 0074 CLC/B/207-6 · Collection · 1953-1971

Papers of the Eastern Bank Limited relating to the Mundhra Loan, including correspondence; Board memoranda, news cuttings and correspondence relating to the Mundhra Group; memoranda, progress reports, statistics and legal papers regarding Brahmapootra Tea Company (India) Limited and the Osler Electric Lamp Manufacturing Company Limited; and correspondence with Chartered Bank regarding the Mundhra Group.

Access to the archives is subject to a 45 year rule, with a 70 year rule for records containing personally sensitive information. In addition, all records are held off-site, and require at least 24 hours notice for access.

Eastern Bank Ltd
GB 0074 CLC/B/207-5 · Collection · 1909-1972

Records of Eastern Bank Limited. The archives are those of the London Head Office, and most of the correspondence is in the name of the General Manager. The collection includes corporate records; minutes; General Manager's papers; accounts; correspondence with branches; inspection of branches; lending (except the Mundhra loan); staff records; and premises records.

Access to the archives is subject to a 45 year rule, with a 70 year rule for records containing personally sensitive information. In addition, all records are held off-site, and require at least 24 hours notice for access.

Eastern Bank Ltd
GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/F · Collection · 1820-1905

Property records of the East London Waterworks Company, including rental ledgers; particulars of land purchases; notices and plans of intended purchase and schedule of deeds.

East London Waterworks Company
GB 0074 ACC/2558/EL/A · Collection · 1705-1910

Corporate records of the East London Waterworks Company, including Court of Director's minute books; legal papers; Committee papers; title deeds; correspondence and letter books; papers relating to stocks, shares and debentures; Parliamentary papers; papers relating to royal commissions on water supply; Secretary's files; press cuttings; and plans.

East London Waterworks Company
GB 0370 ELP · [1958-1973]

Administrative papers relating to the publication of East London Papers, c 1958-1973 including correspondence and papers relating to subscribers, c 1960-1970; correspondence and papers concerning potential contributors, printers and going to press, c 1959-1973; papers of the Editorial Board, c 1969-1973; notes for contributors and reviewers, c 1960-1970; correspondence with contributors, c 1958-1973; correspondence and papers concerning distribution, c 1960-1973; correspondence and papers concerning photographs, illustrations, advertisements and subscription sales, c 1958-1971.

East London Papers
East India Company, 1784
GB 0096 MS 712 · [1784]

Financial abstract of the East India Company, entitled 'Abstract of the finances and disbursements for 1783-4, the estimate from the end of 1783'. The abstract is 'extracted from materials received from Bengal', and signed by John Annis 'Auditor of Indian Accounts' and endorsed by John Michie, Director of the Company. Other endorsements include the following: 'Deficiency 156 Lack 17 m[ohurs?]. Bond Debts 193 [Lack] 43 [mohurs?] or about £2,200,000'.

ACC/0491 · Collection · 1950

Diagrammatic plan of Ealing, then part of the County of Middlesex, showing locations of existing and proposed schools, 1950.

Ealing Metropolitan Borough Council x Ealing London Borough Council
CLC/B/005/ES06 · sub-fonds · 1913-1998

Staff records of Eagle Star Insurance Company, including staff standing orders; photographs of staff and related papers and correspondence; instructions, guides and notes for staff; circulars; reminiscences of staff pensioners; papers relating to staff salaries and pension schemes; Eagle Pension Funds Limited: ledgers; papers, correspondence and photographs relating to staff social activities; and magazines.

Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd British Dominions Marine Insurance Co British Dominions General Eagle and British Dominions Eagle Insurance Co Eagle, Star and British Dominions
CLC/B/005/ES02 · sub-fonds · 1904-1974

Shares records of Eagle Star Insurance Company, including registers of members and share ledgers, registers of transfers, notices and correspondence relating to North Western Insurance, allotment book, registers of directors' shareholdings, correspondence relating to reference shares issue, papers relating to share capitalization scheme, executive share incentive scheme memoranda and register.

Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd British Dominions Marine Insurance Co British Dominions General Eagle and British Dominions Eagle Insurance Co Eagle, Star and British Dominions
CLC/B/005/ES05 · sub-fonds · 1624-2005

Premises records of Eagle Star Insurance Company, including papers, correspondence, plans and photographs relating to office premises, branches in England and Scotland, and property investments.

Eagle Star Insurance Co Ltd British Dominions Marine Insurance Co British Dominions General Eagle and British Dominions Eagle Insurance Co Eagle, Star and British Dominions