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Archival description
Wormald, Thomas (1802-1873)
GB 0114 MS0248 · 1818-c1867

Papers of Thomas Wormald, 1818-c 1867, comprising a certificate for apprenticeship to John Abernethy, and autobiographical notes, 1818-c 1867; and letters from Sir Richard Owen, 1856-1859.

Wormald , Thomas , 1802-1873 , surgeon
GB 0370 HW · [1928-1945]

Papers of H C Wyld, relating to his work on poetic diction, [1928-1945], including draft chapters, 1930, entitled 'Diction and Style in English Poetry'; papers entitled 'On Translating Beowolf', 'Notes on some common English Christian names', 'Spenser's Poetic Diction in relation to that of Pope' and 'Philology: English Language', 1928 (Wyld had intended to produce a definitive volume on poetic diction, but the material left was not complete enough for publication).

Wyld , Henry Cecil Kennedy , 1870-1945 , Professor of English Language and Literature
GB 0097 COLL MISC 0740 · 1673

Photocopy of book containing medicinal and culinary recipes, compiled by Margaret Wynne (? of Wales).

Wynne, Margaret, fl 1673
GB 1370 WIA, Frances A Yates · Collection · 1899-1981

Personal and working papers of Dame Frances Amelia Yates, historian, 1899-1981, including diaries, family documents, notes, working papers, lectures, articles, books, reviews, correspondence and photographs. Topics covered include: Influence of Italy and Italian on English Life, Humanism; Academies; Hermetic Tradition; Occult Philosophy; Neoplatonism; Enlightenment; Shakespeare, Ramon Llull; Giordano Bruno and Art of Memory.

Yates , Dame , Frances Amelia , 1899-1981 , historian of ideas
YELLOWLY, John (1774-1842)
GB 0113 MS-YELLJ · 1975 (Photocopy of 1827 and 1944 documents)

Yellowly's journal of his Dutch tour, 1827, and later correspondence regarding the original manuscript, 1944 (photocopy)

Yellowly , John , 1774-1842 , physician
GB 0402 GFY · Collection · 1884-1981

Papers of Sir Francis Younghusband and Sir George Younghusband, 1884-1981, including papers relating to the travels of Sir Francis Younghusband including his copy of 'Hints to Travellers'; two volumes of his travel journal, 'Kashmir to Sinkiang'; 'Leh to Yarkand and Khain to Akzai'; illustrated notebook kept by Sir George of his journey in Burma, 1887; correspondence and press cuttings.

Younghusband , Sir , Francis Edward , 1863-1942 , Knight , soldier Younghusband , Sir , George John , 1859-1944 , Knight , Major General
Zangwill, Israel
GB 0096 SL V 83 · c1900

A holograph manuscript, c1900, of The Gods of Germany written by Israel Zangwill.

Zangwill , Israel , 1864-1926 , author and philanthropist