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GB 0099 KCLMA Wort · Created 1942-1946, 1958

'1st Battalion, The Malay Regiment', particulars of British and Malay personnel, 1942-1945, compiled by Wort while in Changi POW camp, 1942-1945, with additional information added in 1946, and including an account of the role of 1 Bn in the Battle of Singapore, 9-15 Feb 1942, written by Lt Col J P G Andre, Officer Commanding, dated 1942. Copy photograph of Wort, 1958.

GB 0099 KCLMA Wretham · 1943-1945

Copies of official photographs of HMS RAJAH, 1944-1945, including details of anti-aircraft guns; aircraft on board (some crashed onto deck); aircraft being unloaded by crane; Suez Canal; wardroom and ratings messdeck, Christmas 1944; boxing and hockey on deck. Also copy of a certificate of service for 1943-1946; wireless history sheet, 1943-1945.

Wretham , Kenneth Edward , b 1925 , telegraph operator
GB 0099 KCLMA Wright L W · Created 1916, 1940-1971, [1975], 1986

Papers relating to the defence of Calais, May 1940, dated 1940-1971, notably including copy letter from Wright to Kathleen Howard (later Mrs L W Wright), 28 May 1940, detailing the events of his escape from Calais; typescript extracts of messages from the log kept by Control Wireless Station of No 12 Wireless Section at Vice Admiralty, Dover, 1940, copied in [1960-1970]; 'Personal experience in the defence of Calais', manuscript text compiled by Wright in 1946 from a report written for the War Office in 1940; press cuttings and copies of press cuttings, 1940-1962; correspondence relating to the rescue of a group of soldiers (including Wright) from Calais harbour by HMS GULZAR, May 1940, dated 1940 and 1968; 'Calais 1940 remembered', article by Lt J A Evitts reprinted from the Journal of the Royal Signals Institution vol 10 no 3, 1971. Other papers relating to Wright and his family, 1916, [1975], 1986, notably including newspaper cutting concerning the rescue from under enemy fire of Wright's father, 2nd Lt Leonard Wright, by Pte William Hall, 1916.

GB 0099 KCLMA Wright-Holmes · Created 1981-1983

Copies of extracts from 'One man's war', a memoir of his service with the Royal Armoured Corps and the Royal Army Ordnance Corps, 1942-1946, written in 1981-1983. The extracts relate mainly to the practice of religion in the UK, India and Burma, 1942-1946, particularly the role of Christianity in army life.

GB 0099 KCLMA Wynne · 1908-1974

Papers, 1908-1974, including Wynne's letters home to his father from Germany, 1908-1911, including detailed descriptions of illegal duelling by students in Hannover, Germany and calling card of General Otto von Emmich, Commander, 10 Army Corps, Hannover, Germany, 1909-1915. Bound typescript account by Wynne, 29 Jul-4 Sep 1914, on his experiences in the BEF's (British Expeditionary Force's) retreat from Mons, Belgium, the Battle of Le Cateau, France, and capture by German forces during the Battle of Le Cateau, France, 26 Aug 1914, written as a POW in Germany, Sep-Oct 1914. Correspondence, press cutting, menus and Christmas cards relating to time as POW, Germany and Netherlands, 1914-1918, including letters written to parents from Portobello Barracks, Dublin, immediately before embarkation for France, Aug 1914; cutting from The Morning Post, 3 Sept 1914, listing Wynne as killed; letter home from POW camp, Magdeburg, Germany, 30 Dec 1914, referring to incorrect report of his death; menus, playing cards and Christmas cards with watercolours by Wynne and signatures of fellow POW's. Correspondence and papers relating to Wynne's work for the Historical Section, Cabinet Office, and to his publications, 1928-1958, including two letters from Maj Gen Sir Ernest (Dunlop) Swinton relating to German defence systems, 30 Sep 1939, and to Wynne's book, If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940), 2 Feb 1940; manuscript diary and typescript report by Wynne on an official visit to North Africa, 12 Apr-23 May 1943; letters to Wynne from Lt Gen Sir Kenneth Arthur Noel Anderson, General Officer Commanding 1 Army, North Africa, rebutting allegations reported to Wynne by troops of 8 Army of Anderson's poor handling of 1 Army in operations in North Africa, May 1943; three letters from Capt Basil Henry Liddell Hart, dated Jan-Jul 1958, relating to Wynne's article on the Schlieffen plan and The Schlieffen plan. Critique of a myth by Professor Gerhard Ritter (Oswald Wolff, London, 1958). Correspondence, 1939-1974, relating to Wynne's publications, including his book If Germany attacks. The battle in depth in the west (Faber and Faber, London, 1940). Also photograph of Wynne's father, General Sir Arthur Singleton Wynne, c.1914.

Wynne , Graeme Chamley , 1889-1954 , Captain
GB 0099 KCLMA Young G D P · 1900-1967

Publications collected by Lt Col Geoffrey Young, including: Regulations for Conducting the Duties of the Treasury Chests Abroad, 1st April 1900 (HMSO, 1900); text of `Proclamation by the GOC in Chief (Lt Gen Sir William Raine Marshall) in Mesopotamia to the people of Iraq on the occasion of the successful conclusion of hostilities against the Turkish Armies', 2 Nov 1918; Joan, A War Horse: In Memoriam, November 1918, by Maj F N Lund, RE; The Royal Army Pay Corps, an abridged history, 1953; The Prince Consort's Library: Aldershot, 1860-1960, selection of essays celebrating the centenary of the Army Library Service military specialist library, Aldershot, 1960; History of 1(BR) Corps, 1909-1967, 1967; extract from Chronicle of the Jagerkaserne Eichstatt, 1933-1952, by Helmut Reis, translated by C Byass, relating to prisoner of war camp Oflag V11B, 1939-1945, nd.

Young , Geoffrey Douglas Pulford , 1920-1997 , Lieutenant Colonel
GB 0099 KCLMA Young B K · Created 1932-1969

Typescript lecture notes on the training of officers, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, Kent [1940]; typescript memorandum by Young entitled 'Notes on Engineer intelligence', 1943; typescript notes by Young on the effects of bombing on port facilities in North Africa, 1943; typescript article by Young entitled 'The development of land mine warfare', 1944; typescript notes by Young entitled 'In Macedonia, 1916-1917', written in 1946, with a manuscript letter from Lt Col Anthony Heritage Farrar-Hockley, Commanding Officer 3 Bn, The Parachute Regt, thanking Young for the use of the notes, 1962; typescript volume entitled 'The Brigade Headquarter's Story. The story of the 130th Brigade HQ (43rd Wessex Division) 1939-1946', edited by S G M Liddle, with four photographs and typescript list of former 130 Bde officers, 1951; correspondence relating to Young's appointment as Hon Col, 121 Army Engineer Regt, Royal Engineers, Territorial Army, 1952-1959; edition of Salonika memories 1915-1919 by G E Willis (Salonika Reunion Association, Newbury Weekly News, Newbury, 1969); edition of Ten Chapters 1942 to 1945 by FM Sir Bernard Law Montgomery (Hutchinson, London, 1946); articles from The Royal Engineers Journal, 1932-1934, including article by Young entitled 'The diary of an RE subaltern with the BEF in 1914'.

GB 0099 KCLMA Young H W · Created 1917-1918

Copies of papers relating to operations in the Hedjaz (Hejaz), Arabia, especially the provision of camels and equipment to Sherif Faisal ibn Hussein's Northern Arab Army, 1917-1918, including typescript note by Lt Col Pierce Charles Joyce, Officer Commanding Northern Hejaz Troops, entitled 'Proposed employment of camels put at the disposal of Sherif Faisal by General Allenby', 22 Jul 1918; typescript memorandum by Young to Sherif Faisal ibn Hussein on the deterioration in condition of British supplied camels, in use by the Arab Army, Aug 1918; typescript memorandum by Young detailing equipment to be supplied to the Arab Army, Aug 1918; typescript narrative by Young entitled '1000 miles on a camel. How I got two guns out of the Sherifian Army' [1918].

ZADIK, Manfred (1887-1967)
GB 0099 KCLMA Zadik · Collection · 1916-1918

Eight albums in overlapping chronological order, containing photographs taken on the Eastern Front in Russia, Hungary and Romania, 1916-1918, many captioned in German; including of soldiers in the trenches, relaxing, training and during battle; details of trench structures and interiors; encampments and fortifications; graves; rural villages and towns; landscapes; local people; factories; soldiers being transported; also Zadik's Jewish identification card from 1938 and typescript copy of unpublished account `A Century of Zadiks' by Frank Zadik (son).

Zadic , Michael , 1887-1967 , lawyer
GB 1556 WL 962 · Collection · 1939

Papers of Zentralvereinigung österreichische Emigranten, 1939, comprise two newsletters. The first, newsletter 3, describes the position of Austrian emigrants in war time; the internment of men aged 17-65; the reporting of women to the police to be finger-printed and the situation regarding re-joining the French forces. The second, newsletter 4, appeals for help to Austrians from neutral countries; reports on the Intergovernmental Committee on Refugees on internees; reports on the position of emigrants in other countries and appeals to all Austrians to register with the Zentralvereinigung.

Zentralvereinigung österreichische Emigranten