Letters and papers relating to Robert Shedden & Sons, merchants of London, 1794-1823, produced by E.M. Archibald in the case of Sheddon v Patrick, concerning the legitimacy of William Patrick Ralston Shedden. The papers comprise:
Letters, written by Robert Shedden and Sons, London, to William Shedden, New York, introducing merchants travelling to North America needing credit and assistance. The merchants were agents of Boyce Benfield & Co. (12 Mar 1793 and 15 Mar 1794); J.J. Breene (4 Aug 1795); Guerlain & Co (25 Jan and 25 Jun 1794; John MacKenzie (5 Aug 1798); Mr. Piercy (18 Jun 1795); Nathaniel Robbins (12 Mar 1795); Robert Shedden Junior (5 Jun 1798) and Bruce Wilson (2 Jan 1794). The letters introducing the agents of Boyce Benfield & Co. mention trading activities in the Mediterranean. These letters are fastened together and numbered, and also include a receipt for £1659 paid by William Shedden to Elizabeth Paltry Mallet on 22 Aug 1794.
Other documents comprise an authorised copy, made 21 Mar 1797, of an indenture of bargain and sale of 2 Mar 1796, by which David Wilson, a farmer of Harlem, New York, and Margaret his wife, sold to Mary Ker, wife of George Ker, for a consideration of £1800, a dwelling house and land in the seventh ward of Harlem, New York; a letter written from Robert Shedden in New York to James Farquhar, enclosing a printed bond of 26 Jun 1799; a letter written on 31 Dec 1823 by Robert Shedden (of 35 Gower St, London) to William Patrick Ralston Shedden 'at Dr Patrick's, 4th Street, Edinburgh'; and a synopsis of the Shedden papers in the hand of Mrs D. Goldsmith.
All the above, with the exception of the last item, feature annotations in the hand of E.M. Archibald which note that they were produced as exhibits and referred to in the deposition of William Patrick Ralston Shedden.
Steward's account, 1780-1787, of Sheffield Place park and farm.
Holroyd , John Baker , 1735-1821 , 1st Earl of Sheffield , statesmanA manuscript volume, 1708-1760, compiled by John Sheffield and his third wife Katherine, on various aspects of their lives.
Sheffield , John , 1648-1721 , 1st Duke of Buckingham and Normanby , courtierAn unpublished typescript of a work that had been accepted for presentation for a University of London PhD (external) in June 1961 entitled 'The diplomatic and economic history of the Somali Coast Protectorate from 1884 to 1897'. The author died in September 1960 and the typescript volume entitled 'The Frontiers of Somalia' has been compiled from his literary remains. The work is incomplete, as it only contains four sections of seven.
Silberman , Leo , d 1960 , economic historianLetter from Sir John Sinclair of Whitehall to Messrs Cadell and Davies, booksellers, Strand, 15 Jun 1795. Asking whether the octavo or quarto size would be the more convenient for reprinting the Agricultural reports of 1794.
Written in another hand with Sir John Sinclair's own signature. With a black seal bearing Sinclair's coat of arms.
A draft reply (dated [16] Jun 1795) is written on the second leaf.
Sinclair , Sir , John , 1754-1835 , 1st Baronet , politician and agriculturalistLetter from Sir John Sinclair of 133 George Street, Edinburgh to James [Thomson] Gibson-Craig of Riccardton, 23 Apr 1825. Covering note enclosing a copy of Sinclair's pamphlet Defence of the landed and farming interests (1825).
Autograph, with signature.
Sinclair , Sir , John , 1754-1835 , 1st Baronet , politician and agriculturalistLetter from Sir John Sinclair of Charlotte Square, [Edinburgh] to the [11th] Earl of Buchan, 7 Jul 1798. Asking his advice upon Sinclair's statistical work on Scotland. 'If the arrangement were finally settled I should consider the Works as having made considerable progress. It is like laying the foundation of a new house: or getting over the first stage of a Journey'.
Autograph, with signature.
Sinclair , Sir , John , 1754-1835 , 1st Baronet , politician and agriculturalistManuscript volume containing accounts of a sinking fund, 1718-1728, entitled 'Accounts shewing the surplus's on the several Fonds composing the sinking fond from the first establishment thereof to Michaelmas 1728'.
UnknownPrinted receipt form, completed in manuscript, 14 Jul 1747, for annuities paid from the Sinking Fund to Sir John Barnard, 'executor of Mr. Robert Pain Barnard and Samuel Troughton assignees of...[the 16 persons named in the] margin'. The payment from the Receipt of the Exchequer totalled £181 10s. The document is signed by the two assignees and Thomas Hankey as witness.
UnknownLetter from Stephen Harry Skillington of 20 Victoria Park Road, Leicester to [Alexander Hamilton] Thompson, 21 Nov 1923. Covering letter enclosing a copy of Skillington's book [A History of Leicester (1923)]; also discussing Skillington's health, etc.
Autograph, with signature.
Skillington , Stephen Harry , b 1875 , writer on the history of LeicesterManuscript copy of the "The Polish-German War seen from Brazil (1939-1940)".
Skowronski , Thaddeus de , fl 1939-1940 , Polish diplomatSlave pass, 'Pass Jane about town for one month 'till 10 oclock at night'. Signed by W. Woodbridge on 23 Mar 1845.
UnknownLetter from Lewis Slight of the Town Hall, Brighton to the Clerk to the Commissioners for Lighting, [King's] Lynn, Norfolk, 6 Jul 1839. Printed circular explaining that the Commissioners under the Brighton Improvement Act [6 Geo.4. c.clxxix (22 Jun 1825)] are about to enter into a new contract for lighting the town with gas; asks the recipients to supply the information specified on the accompanying half sheet [missing], and any other useful particulars.
Signed by Lewis Slight.
Slight , Lewis , fl 1839 , clerk to the commissioners under the Brighton Improvement ActLetter from Samuel Smiles of West Bank, Blackheath, London to Charles Manby FRS, 14 Dec 1868. Covering letter to a copy of Smiles's Life of George Stephenson etc (1868 edition).
Autograph, with signature.
Smiles , Samuel , 1812-1904 , biographer and didactLetter from Samuel Smiles of 6 Granvill Park Terrace, Blackheath, London to R Harrison, Esq, 22 Jun 1860. Answering enquiries on 'the actual condition of the working classes'. 'The bulk of the writers who write for the working classes are, though very decent penny a liners, for the most part people who know nothing about them, and merely get up what will sell for the day.'
Autograph, with signature.
Smiles , Samuel , 1812-1904 , biographer and didactLetter from Adam Smith, 4 Apr 1760. Address: Glasgow. To his publisher, [William] Strahan. Refers to the 2nd edition of Smith's 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments' (1759), to the Act of Union (1707), and to [Nathaniel] Hooke's 'Secret History of Colonel Hooke's Negotiations in Scotland, in favour of the Pretender, in 1707, etc' (1760).
Autograph, with signature. A facsimile, printed for James Bonar's 'Catalogue of Adam Smith's Library' is filed with the original letter.
Smith , Adam , 1723-1790 , economist and moral philosopherLetter from Adam Smith to William Strahan, Esq, MP, 20 Dec 1777, address: Edinburgh, New Street, Shoe Lane, London. Asks for information on the delay in his appointment as a Commissioner of Customs for Scotland. A postscript states: 'Neither you nor Mr [Thomas] Cadell have wrote me anything concerning the new Edition of My Book, is it Published? does it sell well? does it sell ill? does it sell at all?'
Autograph, with signature.
Smith , Adam , 1723-1790 , economist and moral philosopherLetter from Adam Smith, 5 Feb 1778. Address: Edinburgh. Acknowledging the receipt of his commission as Commissioner of Customs for Scotland. 'I received the Commission on Monday the 2d ist: four days after my name had appeared in the Gazette: I am assured there is scarce an example of any such commissions coming to Edinburgh in less than four weeks after that publication'.
Autograph, with signature.
Smith , Adam , 1723-1790 , economist and moral philosopherA forgery of a sixteen-line song composed in March 1791 by Robert Burns. It is written and signed in imitation of Burn's hand, c1888-1892.
Smith , Alexander Howland , fl 1888-1892 , forgerManuscript and printed items, 1891-1963, of a personal and business nature relating to George Smith.
Smith , George , 1871-1962 , librarian and publisherLetter from Richard Smith of 'Bordeaux River', [France] to Seth Barton, merchant, Baltimore, [USA], 1794. Giving the terms of a charter party between James Swan and Co and Thomas Harris, on the London Packet (c 260 tons), which was to take on a cargo of wines and brandy at Bordeaux, to carry to Baltimore; discussing expenses and asks Barton to take out £400 insurance for him.
Autograph, with signature.
Smith , Richard , fl 1794 , of BordeauxLetter from Sarah Smith of 17 The Grove, Clapham Common to Mr Pattison, 16 Apr [1886]. Thanking him for his offer of help. 'We like our new house very much, especially the quiet of its surroundings, as we have gardens and fields before us, and the Common within three minutes' walk ... These are very stirring times. I cannot see how Home Rule can be refused to Ireland by any real Liberal; the people have spoken so plainly. I never was a Gladstonite, but you know I am thoroughly a Radical, even a Republican; and I am often sorry that Cromwell's scheme of United States of Europe had not been founded by him ... We have drafted a bill for the Protection of Children ... The last time I was at the Shelter we had ten children in it ... I have no doubt the Society [for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children] is doing good; and I hope it will do more. We now have a night officer, who patrols the streets; but what is one man in London!'
Autograph, with signature.
Smith , Sarah , 1832-1911 , novelist and short story writer, and co-founder of the NSPCC x Stretton , HesbaManuscript volume entitled 'Polices to reduce this Realme of Englande unto a prosperus wealthe and Estate', with a dedicatory epistle to Edward Seymour, 1st Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector, possibly written by Sir Thomas Smith in 1549 (as suggested by John Strype in his Life of Sir Thomas Smith, 1698). Catalogued by Reginald Rye, Goldsmith's Librarian of the University of London, as the original manuscript.
[Smith , Sir , Thomas , 1513-1577 , Knight , statesman, scholar and author]Letter from William Collingwood Smith of Wyndam Lodge, Brixton Hill, London [the printed address of the Society of Painters in Water Colours, Pall Mall East, London SW, has been struck through] to Augustus De Morgan, 8 Dec 1870. Asking him to assess the depreciation in the Society's assets.
, Smith, William Collingwood (1815-1887) artistPhotographs and photostats, many annotated, and manuscript material relating to early church drama, covering 8th-16th century manuscripts collected from throughout Europe. The collection includes a manuscript of the song Doochary with music by Smoldon. The Music of the Medieval Church Dramas by W. L. Smoldon, edited by Cynthia Bourgeault was published by Oxford University Press in 1980.
Smoldon , William L. , d 1974 , writer and composerA bill, late 17th century, for services rendered and items supplied by a saddler.
UnknownA collection of miscellaneous documents, 1769-1850, relating to members of the Society of Friends, as follows:
- Marriage certificate of John Williams, grocer, of the parish of St Mary le Strand in London, and Rachel Hill, on 16 Nov 1769, at the Meeting House in Tottenham, London. Signed by 44 witnesses.
- Birth certificate of Ann, born 29 Oct 1776 at Stone Dean, Buckinghamshire, daughter of Joseph Green and Mary his wife.
- Birth certificate of Sarah, born 28 Sep 1792 at Mansfield, Nottinghamshire, daughter of John Harker, cotton spinner, and Elizabeth his wife.
- Birth certificate of Ann, born 11 Nov 1793 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Elizabeth Harker.
- Birth certificate of Aston, born 9 Jan 1795 at Mansfield, son of John and Elizabeth Harker.
- Birth certificate of Elizabeth Ann, born 15 Apr 1799 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Elizabeth Harker.
- Two copies of the birth certificate of Grizell Maria, born 13 Dec 1799 at Chepping Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, daughter of Samuel Edmonds, mealman, and Grizell his wife.
- Birth certificate of Henry, born 20 Oct 1801 at Mansfield, son of John Harker and Mary his wife.
- Birth certificate of Jane, born 14 Mar 1803 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
- Birth certificate of Catherine, born 6 Mar 1804 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
- Birth certificate of Helen, born 29 Mar 1805 at Mansfield, daughter of the John and Mary Harker.
- Birth certificate of John, born 5 Aug 1806 at Mansfield, son of John and Mary Harker.
- Birth certificate of Susanna, born 20 Mar 1808, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
- Birth certificate of Anna, born 15 Jun 1809 at Mansfield, daughter of John and Mary Harker.
- Marriage certificate of William Green, grocer, of Chepping Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, and Susannah Lamley, on 26 Aug 1818, at the Meeting House, Shipston-on-Stour, Worcester.
- Grant of administration of the effects of Susanna Green, late of High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, (d 5 Feb 1838), to her husband William Green, 17 Dec 1839.
- Probate of the will of Ann Green, spinster (d 26 Jul 1844), of High Wycombe, granted to Henry Lyne and Edwin Harford, her cousins, and Grizzell Edmonds, her sister, 2 Nov 1844.
- Probate of will of Mary Rock, widow, (d 22 Jan 1850), of Crendon Lane, High Wycombe, granted to Mary Rock, her daughter, 9 May 1850.
'Some reflections on the life of William Shakespeare' by James Corton Cowell, 1805, consisting of two essays, the first of 36 p. and incomplete; the second essay occupies p. 55-87. Cowell is the first critic known to have attributed Shakespeare's plays to Bacon.
UnknownCopy of a violin Sonata composed by Francesco Geminiani in 1739, dated 20 Mar 1829.
UnknownOrders for payment of dividends or transfer of stocks, 1712-1783, mostly addressed to John Grigsby, accountant of the Company, and his successor, Charles Lockyear.
South Sea CompanyPapers relating to investments in the South Sea Company, 1712-1783, mainly receipts, printed forms completed in manuscript, bonds, legal documents and other papers, some printed. The collection includes correspondence and papers relating to the investments of the Manners family in South Sea stock, 1713-1724, notably Katherine Manners, Dowager Duchess of Rutland, John Manners, 10th Earl and 2nd Duke of Rutland, Lucy Manners, Duchess of Rutland, Lord William Manners, Lady Frances Manners and Lady Katherine Manners; a text, in the hand of Robert Walpole, 1st Earl of Orford, of the agreement between the Bank of England and the South Sea Company for the latter to take over the National Debt, 23 Sep 1720; three letters from Charles Cotes to Thomas Snow, Goldsmith, relating to Cote's speculations in South Sea stock, 28 Sep-15 Oct, 1720; a copy of the minutes of the Directors of the South Sea Company on 15 Sep 1720, relating to the Company's dealings with the Bank of England, made in order to gain the legal opinion of Sir John Chesshyre on the enforceability of the contract, 13 Jan 1721; minutes of evidence taken at the examination of the Directors of the Company, Jan-Apr 1721, including the evidence of Edmund Waller regarding his transactions in South Sea stock on behalf of his family and his father-in-law John Aislabie, Chancellor of the Exchequer; an Order to Edmund Waller to attend the Committee appointed to enquire into the parliamentary act allowing the South Sea Company to increase its capital stock and fund, 6 Feb 1721; a copy of the evidence given by Directors of the Company in the House of Lords, 1 Jun 1733, mainly to determine what money had been received from the sale of the estates of the late directors, and the use made of it, including an account of the cross-examination of the Company Director, Sir Richard Hopkins.
South Sea CompanyLetters of attorney given by holders of South Sea stock in Amsterdam, The Hague and Geneva to London merchants respecting their stock, 1731-1739.
South Sea CompanyA printed receipt completed in manuscript received by Conrad de Gols on behalf of the Company from [Arthur] Onslow, Teller of the Receipt of the Exchequer, 6 Apr 1737.
South Sea CompanyPapers relating to shipping at Southampton, 1844-1847, comprising:
- Printed form, completed in manuscript, headed 'The Grand Turk. Captain V. Wrightson from Southampton to Havre'. The form provides for entries of the number and names of hands (not entered), log of the voyage (Southampton and Portsmouth), nature and value of merchandise carried, and cabins occupied, 28-30 Sep 1844. It is endorsed '1 Havre Station. G.Turk. Sep 28 - Oct 1 [18]44. £85 12s.O. C.B. 56.'
- Valuations of the following vessels: Monarch, Atalanta, Ariadne, Camilla, and Sarah (coal hulk), all th £8,800; Calpe, Transit, South Western, Grand Turk, Lady de Saumarez, Robert Burns, City of Edinbro', and Queen Mab (coal hulk), all worth £14, 718; and also of 12 horse boxes on wheels (£84), and one office on wheels (£15) belonging to the South Western Steam Packet Company; and of mooring chains, anchors, etc., of the hulks Queen Mab and Sarah (£70). Each valuation is signed by Joseph White, ship builder, East Cowes, for Ritherdon & Carr, Oct 1844.
- Three bills of sale, completed in manuscript, for the Ariadne, Camilla and Monarch, all dated 8 Jun 1847, sold to George Henderson of Southampton, and Matthew Uzielli, merchant, of 62 King William Street, London, by the trustees of the South of England Steam Navigation Company. Each bill is endorsed 'Custom House Southampton' 21 June 1847, with signatures of customs officials. The bills include details of the construction (and subsequent alterations) of the ships, date of building, and date of registrations. On the dorse of each bill is a printed form, completed in manuscript, for the receipt of money.
(a) Bill of sale for Ariadne of Southampton, master John Fuszard, sold for £3,000.
(b) Bill of sale for the Camilla of Southampton, master John Priaulx, sold for £2,000.
(c) Bill of sale for the Monarch of Southampton, master Richard White, sold for £10,000.
SL V 28 is a holograph letter written by Robert Southey to John May and SL V 29 is a holograph manuscript of Southey's The Book of The Church Vindicated, 1797-1826.
Southey , Robert , 1774-1843 , poet, journalist, biographerLetter from Robert Southey of Keswick, [Cumberland] to the Chairman of the Committee on the Record Commission, 14 Jul 1836. Replying to a series of questions put forward by the Committee. Including a list of the publications of the Record Commission in Southey's possession. Autograph, with signature.
Southey , Robert , 1774-1843 , poet, journalist and biographerSpaccio della Bestia Trionfante. Proposto da Giove, Effetuato dal Consiglio, Revelato da Mercurio, Recitato da Sophia, Udito da Saulino, Registrato dal Nolano, Diviso in tre dialoghi, Subdiviso in tre parti e Consecrato al Molto Illustre ed Eccellente Cavaliero Signore Philippo Sidneo. Stampato in Parigi. MDLXXXIII.
UnknownLetter from Robert William Speaight of 6 Maze Road, Kew, Richmond, Surrey to Miss [Joan] Gibbs, 20 Dec 1943. Accepting an invitation [to speak at Queen Mary College, University of London].
Autograph, with signature.
Speaight , Robert William , 1904-1976 , actor and authorSpecification for Leeds and Selby Railway, contracts numbered 1 and 2, Sep 1830. This specification was owned by Rastrick but may not have been created by him.
Rastrick , John Urpeth , 1780-1856 , civil engineerContains the following items: ff 3-8. Certaine replies and obiections Answered by William Lord Burleigh at the Councell Table vizt. whether it may stand with good polecy for her Majestie to ioyne with [ciphers] in their enterprize of [cipher]. ff 9-24. A collection of speeches by Sir Nicholas Bacon while Lord Keeper of the Great Seal (1558-1579) ff 27-31. An extract of House of Commons proceedings for Nov 1601. ff 32. A Speech made by the Lord Chauncellor of Fraunce [King?] at such time as he was by the kinges [Louis XIII] commaund willed to [resign] his office. ff 34-35. Wise and grave precepts. ff 36-47. Another collection of speeches by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper. ff 48-60. To Mr. Anthonye Bacon. An apologye of the Earle of Essex agaynst those that falslye and Maliciouslye taxe him to be the onlye hinderer of the peace and quiet of his Cuntrye. ff 64-77. Severall speeches made by Sir Francis Bacon Lord Keeper of the greate Seele of England. ff 80-118. A collection of certen letters written by Sir Frauncis Bacon Knight and others. [f 112 is blank].
UnknownCorrespondence, papers, drawings and newspaper cuttings relating to Herbert Spencer. Also contains photographs, portraits and drawings of Spencer, his family and other subjects, 1830-1936, as well as minutes of meetings of Herbert Spencer's trustees (1905-1936). Correspondents include Sir Robert Peel, Richard Cobden, John Bright, Sir Edward Bulwer-Lytton, Sir John Herschel, Charles Darwin, George Grote, Edward Henry Stanley, Benjamin Jowett, John Stuart Mill, Charles Kingsley, Edward Stanley [fourteenth earl of Derby], Thomas Henry Huxley, William Gladstone, Leslie Stephen, Beatrice Webb, Sir Hubert Parry, James Anthony Froude, Lord Queensberry
Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopherLetter from Herbert Spencer of the Bristol Hotel, Brighton to Mr Williams, 25 Jan 1878. 'I did not ask for the Second Edition of [Henry] Sidgwick's Ethics. I asked for the additions and alterations ... printed separately ... As for the book itself I do not want it. I do not regard it worth the paper it is printed upon.'
Autograph, with signature. Annotated in a different hand [?by an assistant of Williams] on the dorse of the first leaf.
Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopherLetter from Herbert Spencer of 38 Queen's Gardens, Bayswater, London to an unknown recipient, 28 Apr 1874. Written on the blank page of a lithographed letter giving reasons why Spencer 'must take measures for diminishing the amount of his correspondence', etc.
Written in another hand and signed by Spencer.
Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopherLetter from Herbert Spencer of 340 Strand, [London] to Robert Chambers, 31 May 1852. Covering note enclosing a copy of Spencer's pamphlet A theory of population (1852).
Autograph, with signature. The front wrapper of the pamphlet is inscribed to Chambers.
Spencer , Herbert , 1820-1903 , philosopherLetter from Sir Stanley Spencer of 3 Vale Hotel Studios, Hampstead, London to Thomas Sturge Moore, 26 Apr 1926. 'Here at last is the monograph of my works ... The much wanted or unwanted explanation of my pictures will be found in the book of words, so there will be no more trouble now, all is clear at last ... I am doing a big picture of the resurrection ... (18ft x 9ft) and it is going to take years to paint and I love painting it so I am enjoying myself ...'.
Autograph, with signature.
Spencer , Sir , Stanley , 1891-1959 , Knight , artistPapers of Brenda Elizabeth Spender, 1925-1947, fourteen letters written to Spender from Constance Holme (1 letter), Walter de la Mare (1 letter), Wilson Midgley (1 letter), George E B Saintsbury (6 letters and 4 cards) and Siegfried Sassoon (1 letter). Most items concern business carried out by Spender in her role at the literary editor of Country Life.
Spender , Brenda Elizabeth , 1884-1967 , author and journalistLetter from Sir Stephen Spender of Panton House, 25 Haymarket, London to [? J H P Pafford, Goldsmiths' Librarian, University of London Library], 30 Sep 1953. Covering note enclosing 'a copy of our new venture, Encounter', a magazine of which Spender was one of the editors.
Typescript, signed by Spender.
Spender , Sir , Stephen Harold , 1909-1995 , Knight , poet and criticLetter from Sir Bernard Henry Spilsbury of 1 Verulam Buildings, Gray's Inn, London to Sir William Job Collins, 20 Jun 1925. Writing as Secretary of the Medico-Legal Society to express the hope that he would attend the next meeting of the Society and take part in the discussion. Autograph, with signature.
Spilsbury , Sir , Bernard Henry , 1877-1947 , Knight , pathologistBook, c1835, entitled Longinus on the Sublime in Writing. Translated, with notes original and selected, and three dissertations.
Spurdens , William Tylney , fl 1835 , writerManuscript volume containing 'The Public and private life of Squallina, enriched with various anecdotes of distinguished persons, compiled by an intimate acquaintance of all', dated to the 19th century.