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STONE, Sir (John) Leonard (1896-1978)
GB 0100 KCLCA Stone · 19th century

Bound manuscript classical dictionary, [19th century]. Compiler unknown.

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GB 0100 KCLCA UL/ER · 1920-1990

Pass lists for King's College London students covering all faculties, 1920-1968, 1970-1990 (Ref: UL/ER), created by the University of London Registry. Information contained typically includes name, subject and class of degree, although this is not a comprehensive series.

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WILLIAMS, William Samuel (fl 1895-1938)
GB 0100 KCLCA Williams WS · 1934

Papers of William Samuel Williams, 1934, comprising a copy of his book The Case for the Lay Ministry of the Church of England: readers, evangelists and parish clerks, etc (Parrett & Neves, Chatham, 1934); papers originally enclosed in the book, 1934, comprising reviews from the Church Times, copy memoranda from Williams and others relating to the office of Reader, papers and correspondence relating to the Church Assembly Lay Readers Group.

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WILLIAMS, Charles Walter Stansby (1886-1945)
GB 0100 KCLCA Williams, C W S · 1937-1946

Papers of and relating to Charles Walter Stansby Williams, 1937-1946 and undated, including corrected proof of The Region of Summer Stars; typescripts including 'Terror of Light', 'The Working of Porphyry', 'Taliessin in the Rose Garden', and 'Prologue' to a production of The Way of the Cross by Henry Gheon; memorabilia relating to Williams, including three photographs, and obituaries.

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WORDSWORTH, Rt Rev John (1843-1911)
GB 0100 KCLCA Wordsworth · 1881-1911

Papers of John Wordsworth, 1881-1911, comprising manuscript texts of 395 sermons delivered at King's College London and elsewhere, 1881-1904, each annotated with dates and places of delivery; letters to the Reverend Henry Julian White concerning Wordsworth, copies of Wordsworth's obituaries, 1911; manuscript notebook, possibly by Wordsworth, concerning doctrinal themes, largely relating to the training and work of the clergy.

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MANOEL II of Portugal
GB 0100 KCLMA PP114 · 1912-1913

File of letters and documents formerly belonging to ex-King Manoel II of Portugal on the proposed restoration of the Monarchy and the formation of a new government, 1912-1913. The file also contains letters on his proposed marriage to Princess Augusta Victoria of Sigmarigen-Hohenzollern. Correspondents include King George V of Great Britain, Queen Amelia of Portugal, Princess Antoinette Esterhazy, Prince Wilhelm of Sigmarigen-Hohenzollern, Princess Augusta and Princess Louisa of Sigmarigen-Hohenzollern, Lord Roseberry and Ignacy Jan Paderewski.

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DURHAM, Emma ([1848]-1936)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP10 · 1867-1994

Papers of Emma Durham comprising: diary containing description of her nursing experiences in Natal (KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa), 11 Jun 1879-Feb 1880, with notes on remedies for scorpion stings and tsetse fly; typescript transcript of the sting remedies; letter to Durham from [S Gorrel], Cairo, 18 Jun 1885; black and white photograph of Eliza Durham (sister of Emma) 1867; copy of Golden Gleanings from the thoughts of General Gordon, London, 1885, inscribed 'to Sister Emma from W H [Anderson] nee Gordon'; news cutting from Daily Sketch (undated) relating to Durham's experience nursing of Lord Tennyson during the time that he wrote the hymn 'Crossing the bar'; photocopied article by E Durham 'Nurse training in the Seventies' describing her nurse training; letters from E F J Chavasse to Miss Kenshole, relating to other papers and medals belonging to Durham, 1994; also draft letter to Chavasse [from Kenshole, 1994]; miscellaneous manuscript notes on life of Emma Durham (undated).

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HASLER, Irene Rose (fl 1929-1931)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP12 · 1929

Manuscript volume of Irene Rose Hasler titled `Sister tutor's lectures, 1929, Miss K Armstrong, Anatomy and Physiology' containing notes on lectures, with accompanying sketches, which have been annotated in red ink. Inserted are a number of duplicated notes and diagrams relating to physiology and treatment.

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MASON, Elsie (fl 1912-1922)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP19 · 1917-1919

Papers of Sister Elsie Mason comprising photograph album containing small black and white photographs depicting, nurses, wards, patients, students at King's College Hospital etc, 1917-1919. Most images are labelled and dated.

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MEAD, Ann Elizabeth Mary (fl 1954-1960)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP20 · 1954-1960

Papers of A E M Mead comprising:
The General Nursing Council for England and Wales record of Practical Instruction and experience for the Certificate of General Nursing, 1955-1959;

letter of acceptance for the King's College Hospital Preliminary Training School, High Elms, 8 Oct 1954;
typescript notice of King's College Hospital `Special requirements by Student Nurses on entry', with details of uniform and text books, Sep 1954; typescript notice concerning KCH Nurse uniforms, Feb 1956; signed copy of Mead's King's College Hospital Student Nurses Agreement, 14 May 1956; manuscript notes of the Sister Matrons' address [1956];

examination question papers for the King's College Hospital Preliminary Training School, High Elms, Farnborough, examination in nursing and first aid, nutrition and personal and communal health, elementary anatomy and physiology, Dec 1955;

printed notice of King's College Hospital Nurse-Training School of Rules for collection and examination of urine', [May 1957]; printed notice of King's College HospitalRegulations for the nursing staff with regard to the ordering, custody and administration of dangerous drugs and poisons', Jan 1959; papers relating to Diabetic patients including card for Diabetic Clinic, menu for Diabetic Kitchen, and Diabetic Reducing Diet, 1959; typescript `Directions for padding a splint';

examination question papers of the General Nursing Council for England and Wales for the Preliminary State Examination in elementary anatomy and physiology and hygiene, Oct 1954, and candidates notice and admission number, Oct 1956; Final Examination for the General part of the Register, in three parts, with candidates notice and admission number, Feb 1959; also letters notifying passing of these examinations, Nov 1954, Nov 1956;
examination question papers for King's College Hospital Final Hospital Examination in General Nursing and Gynaecology, Jan 1959;

printed programme and ticket for King's College Hospital Medical School Annual Ball, 6 Feb 1959;
portrait photograph in nurse uniform; receipt for purchase of uniform coat, 15 Jan 1960.

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MONK, Katherine Henrietta (1855-1915)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP21 · 1887

Katherine Monk's copy of A dictionary of terms used in medicine and the collateral sciences, Richard D Hoblyn, 11th edition, revised by John A P Price, Whittaker & Co, London, 1887; stamp for bookplate of `Sister Sibbald, King's College Hospital Nurses Medical Library'. Inscription states that this stamp was engraved by 'Alma-Tadema's best Engraver', and belonged to K H Monk.

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PHILLIPS, Dorothy (fl 1913-1922)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP24 · 1913-1922

Certificates of Dorothy Phillips comprising East London Hospital for Children, certificate of training, 20 April 1913; King's College Hospital Certificate of Invalid Cookery, 3 Feb 1915; King's College Hospital Certificate of training, 1917; Central Midwives Board certificate, 10 Feb 1919; The College of Nursing, certificate of Registration, 27 Mar 1919; General Nursing Council of England and Wales, admission to General Register as Registered Nurse, 3 Feb 1922.

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STAGG, Margaret Annie (fl 1924-1939)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP31 · 1924-1983

Papers of Margaret Stagg comprising:
King's College Hospital (KCH) certificates of Invalid Cookery, 26 Dec 1924; nursing training, 1924-1927; nursing service, Jan-Oct 1928;
Central Board of Midwives certificate, 25 May 1929; Battersea Polytechnic Certificate, Department of Hygiene and Public Health, course for Sister Tutors, Jul 1937; The College of Nursing Certificate of registration, 20 Apr 1939;
General Nursing Council (GNC) for England and Wales certificate of admission to the General Register, 20 Apr 1928; also letter from GNC relating to receipts for annual fees, Aug 1930; and receipt, Sep 1930;
Letter and receipt relating to application for certificate of registration as Sister Tutor, GNC, Sep 1947; also GNC certificate of registration as a Sister Tutor, 24 Oct 1947;
Small black and white photograph of Sister Ann, Miss Pugh and dog 'Joey' at Court House, Barnstead; greeting cards to Sister Ann; and to Miss Hobbs and Miss Stagg; KCH Nurses Home Christmas card; two greeting cards handmade by Sister Kathleen Parker, for the KCH annual reunion, 1974, 1983;
Copy of Southern harvest, written and engraved by Clare Leighton (Victor Gollancz Ltd, London, 1943), presented to Sister Ann from 'The Last Banstead Set', - with 18 signatures below, August 1943.

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BROWN, Isobel Christine Stewart (1924-1990)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP5 · 1947-1982

Papers of Isobel Christine Stewart Brown comprising University of London Diploma of Sister-Tutor, 10 Oct 1957; King's College Hospital (KCH) certificate of training, 1947-1949; KCH Nursing School certificate of first place in the Final Examinations, and Monk Memorial Prize, 26 Oct 1949; KCH Nursing School certificate awarding the Monk Memorial Prize, Sep 1949;
file containing copy of Brown's application for appointment as and District Nursing Officer, King's Teaching District of the Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham Area Health Authority (Teaching) ; copy of contract of employment as Chief Nursing Officer, Jan 1974; Brown's correspondence; papers relating to the staff structure Senior Nursing staff 1970; papers relating to the Professional Services Committee, International Council of Nurses; papers relating to elections to the Council of the Royal College of Nursing, 1973; carbon copy of Brown's curriculum vitae; papers re nomination to Regional Hospital Boards, 1971; minutes of meeting with Divisional Nursing Officers and Director of Nurse Education to discuss alterations in the Management Structures, 5 Nov 1976;
certificate of the United States Army School, Europe, Executive and Career Development Department for completion of Personnel Management for Executives Programme, 11-20 Mar 1970; brochure for the Army Regional Training Centre, US Army School, Europe, Oberammergau, on Personnel Management for Executives [1970s];
typescript paper `Communication within and among nursing organisations' presented to the International Council of Nurses Congress, Frankfurt, Jun 1965, by Christine Brown, representing the Royal College of Nursing and National Council of Nurses of the United Kingdom;
invitation to Miss Isobel Brown, KCH, to attend the Queen's Garden Party, Buckingham Palace, Jun 1979;
letter from the Prime Minister's Principal Private Secretary relating to the recommendation of Brown for appointment as an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE), 1 May 1981, with related correspondence, 1981-1982; OBE medal and ribbon and British Empire Brooch; certificate of The International Council of Nurses in recognition of services during term of office as a member of the Professional Services Committee, 1973-1981;
two cards signed by many staff on the occasion of Brown's retirement; menu for dinner of the Sisters of KCH to mark the retirement of Brown, 22 Apr 1982;
black and white photograph [Brown and HM Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother];
typescript biography of Brown.

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CLAPPEN, Catherine May [1896-1991]
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP8 · 1924-1925

Papers on Catherine Mary Clappen comprising two volumes of manuscript notes, with tutor's corrections, on lectures attended as part of her nursing training at King's College Hospital, including volume titled Special Lectures' containing manuscript notes, and some diagrams on lectures titled Nursing and public health - infant feeding; public health; drugs and their administration; drugs, drugs effecting the respiratory system; treatment of poisoning; feeding the sick; micro-organisms; Dental lectures; lectures on the ear (Mr A Cheatle); lectures on the eye (Mr Cargil), Feb-Jul 1924; and volume titledMidwifery Lectures'(undated);
certificate of service at King's College Hospital as staff nurse, Jan - Aug 1925;
State Registered Nurse badge of The General Nursing Council for England and Wales [19 Jun 1925].
Also includes note with biographical information on Clappen, and the deposit information, May 1992.

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GB 0100 TH/ · 1723-2001

Records of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, comprising administrative records, 1842-1939, including minutes of Committees 1832-1982;

administrative files,1870-1975; museum catalogue, 1829; library administrative minutes and files, 1925-2001; Departmental Records 1945-1955; School timetables and notices 1932-1940; Examinations question papers 1909-1976;

correspondence relating to cholera outbreak 1831-1835; Cholera casebook 1853-1854;

records of the Medical and Physical Society of St Thomas's Hospital, 1841-1991;

records of student clubs and societies 1873-1975;

student records, 1723-1986;

prize essays, [1834]-1928;

personal papers collections of students and staff;

financial records, 1867-1982;

photographs of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School - students, staff and buildings, [1859-2002];

illustrations and works of art including medical and anatomical illustrations, and depications of staff, students, school and hosptial buildings,[1720s-1980];

publications, 1836-1992, including St Thomas's Hospital Gazette, 1891-1996; St Thomas's Hospital Reports, 1836, 1870-1952; Calendars and Prospectus of St Thomas's Hospital Medical School, 1888-1982; and related material;

ephemera [1800-2000], including admission cards, orders of service, programmes, flyers, press cuttings, menus, audio recordings; and medical and surgical artifacts.

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GB 0100 TH/ILL · [1720s-1980]

Miscellaneous non-medical illustrations and works of art [1720s-1960s]including illustrations of St Thomas's Hospital and Medical School buildings at Southwark and Lambeth; botanical subjects [1800-1900]; buildings in the Southwark district, London Bridge, [1805-1860s]; printed portaits of Mr Ludlow, John Leake, Thomas Sydenham, William Withering (1744-1799), R D Grainger (1801-1865), William Chesleden (1688-1752), Abraham Coltes, John Hunt, Arthur Beeny Appleton (1888-1950), Sir Thomas Watson (1792-1882); humorous prints concerning medical practice, 1800, 1825; prints of St Thomas's and other hospital buildings {1720]-1825;
Medical illustrations [1730s-1960s], including carcinoma of the prostate [1905-1914]; Murphy's approach to the hip-joint [1900-1930]; giantism of feet and gangrene of fingers, 1936;
Postcards depicting St Thomas's Hospital including exteriors, George ward, operating theatre, and groups of military patients, [1900-1970];

paintings 1825-1970s, including watercolours depicting the Anatomy and Operating theatres, and wards at St Thomas's, Southwark, [1825]; painted portraits of Anthony Gordon Gregory (1917-1942), Sir Max Page, John Roland Wallace;
and a series of large anatomical illustration [1900-1980]. Anatomical prints [1850-1950]

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ORD family [1843-1902]
GB 0100 TH/PP ORD · 1855, 1887

St Thomas's Hospital Medical School Cheselden Medal (founded 1850), presented to W M Ord, 1855 for Surgery and Surgical Anatomy;
and Richard Mead Medal (damaged) awarded to William Wallis Ord for proficiency in practical medicine, 1887.

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CLARK, Frederick Le Gros (1811-1892)
GB 0100 TH/PP15 · 1828-1830

Papers of Frederick Le Gros Clark, comprising volume of surgical cases at St Thomas's and Guy's Hospitals, 1828-1830, compiled by Clark for a prize, containing cases under Joseph Henry Green, Benjamin Travers, Frederick Tyrell, Charles Aston Key, Bransby Blake Cooper and John Morgan.

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CRIBB, William D (fl 1778-1779)
GB 0100 TH/PP17 · [1779]

Papers of William Cribb comprising his notes on lectures by Joseph Else on diseases of the bones, [1779].

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DENMAN, Thomas (1733-1815)
GB 0100 TH/PP21 · 1782

Papers relating to Thomas Denman, comprising notes on his lectures on midwifery, 1782, taken by an unidentified student.

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GRUGGEN, William (fl 1809-1811)
GB 0100 TH/PP27 · 1809-1811

Papers of William Gruggen comprising his notes on lectures on surgery, delivered by Sir Astley Cooper, 1809-1811;
also his notes on John Haighton's lectures on physiology 1810-[1811], delivered at Guy's Hospital [1809-1811], and on the gravid uterus, delivered at St Thomas's Hospital, 1810.

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HARRIES, Clifford Vivian (fl 1933-1960)
GB 0100 TH/PP29 · [1950s]

Typescript copy article by Surgeon Commander C V Harries comprising `Typhus fever, a historical review with special reference to the Epidemics in Algeria and Naples during the Second World War' [1950s].

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LEESON, John Rudd (b 1854)
GB 0100 TH/PP37 · 1874-1884, 1951

Papers of John Rudd Leeson comprising letters and testimonials from Joseph Lister (1827-1912), 1877-1878, 1884; two large medals awarded to Leeson by Edinburgh University for Chemistry, 1874, and Clinical Surgery 1874-1875.
Also contains note from Spencer Leeson providing biographical information about his father, and explanation of the medals and letter, 1951.

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PARSONS, Frederick Gymer (1863-1943)
GB 0100 TH/PP45 · 1892

Papers of F G Parsons comprising a catalogue of Comparative Anatomy Specimens in the Museum at St Thomas's Hospital, Oct 15th 1892, containing annotated descriptions of specimens. In the back of the volume are notes and illustrations on human anatomy; file containing Parsons' notes on the ward names and their location within the hospital, 1934.
Artefacts comprise a three legged stool and two book ends made and decoratively carved by Parsons.

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POTT, Percivall (1714-1788)
GB 0100 TH/PP47 · [1770-1792]

Papers relating to Percivall Pott, [1770-1792], comprising notes on his surgical lectures, taken by an unidentified pupil, [1770].

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ROBINSON, Henry Betham (1860-1918)
GB 0100 TH/PP52 · 1892-1895

Notebooks of Henry Betham Robinson, 1892-1895, on anatomy, with sketches, relating to the abdomen and pelvis, 1892; lower extremity, 1893; thorax, 1894; head and neck, 1895; brain, undated; anatomy notes, 1882;

also Robinson's certificates from the University of London for degrees of Bachelor of Surgery and Medicine, 1885 and gold medal award.

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BARTLEY, C W (fl 1969-1987)
GB 0100 TH/PP6 · [1960-1980s]

Papers of C W Bartley comprising typescript copies of 'Lambeth Poor Law and Workhouse Infirmary, 1552-1878 - a study in the evolution of the National Health Service'; and a different version of the same work 'Lambeth Hospital - from Poor Law Workhouse to Teaching District Health Authority - a study in the evolution of the National Health Service'.

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TAYLOR, Stephen James Lake (1910-1988)
GB 0100 TH/PP64 · [1925-1935]

Papers of Stephen James Lake Taylor, Baron Taylor of Harlow, [1925-1935]comprising an anatomy notebook containing printed text pasted into the volume, annotated and accompanied by hand drawn illustrations (undated).

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TOMKINS, John Newton (fl 1831-1834)
GB 0100 TH/PP68 · 1831-[1834]

Papers of John Newton Tomkins, 1831-[1834], comprising his essay on the mechanism of the circulation and the diseases of the heart and large arteries, illustrated by cases and with references to preparations in St Thomas's Hospital's Museum, [1834] (medical prize essay); surgical case notes of 110 patients admitted to St Thomas's Hospital, 1831-1832.

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TUBBS, Frederick A (1910-1978)
GB 0100 TH/PP72 · 1939-1943

Papers of Frederick A Tubbs, comprising his City of Westminster Air Raid Warden's notebook, 1939-1943, containing press cuttings and notes concerning the duties of wardens and relating to Westminster.

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WEEKES, Hampton (1780-1855)
GB 0100 TH/PP78 · 1796-1806, 1890

Letters of the Weekes family, comprising mainly correspondence between Hampton Weekes and his family, 1801-1803, whilst a medical student at St Thomas's Hospital, 1801-1803, detailing his expenses, his training and operations he saw by hospital surgeons, including those by John Chandler, Astley Cooper and Henry Cline; also includes letters from Owen Evans to Mr Weekes, 1796; letter from Mr Brown to Mr Weekes Jnr, 1806; letter from Charles Betham to Miss Weekes from, 1890. Also letter relating to the deposit of the material, 1942.

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WHYTT, Robert (1714-1766)
GB 0100 TH/PP82 · [1760]

Manuscript volume containing notes on Robert Whytt's clinical lectures, delivered at Edinburgh University, [1760], taken by an unidentified student. Also includes some 'Directions given by the Physician General at the Havannah to the surgeons of the Army relating to the management of the sick'.

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Royal British Nurses' Association
GB 0099 KCLCA RBNA · 1887-1996

Archives of the Royal British Nurses Association (RBNA) and the British College of Nurses (BCN), comprising:
RBNA administrative records including: General Council minutes 1887-1961; Annual General Meeting minutes 1889-1946; Executive Committee minutes, 1887-1982; Registration Board minutes, 1890-1904; Registration Committee minutes, 1904-1923; Membership Registers, 1888-1966; Register of Midwives, 1890-1908; Nursing Journal Editorial Committee minutes, 1891-1906; Finance Sub-committee minutes, 1895-1909; Auxiliary Nurses Society minutes, 1903-1904; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund minutes 1912-1931, salary book, 1957-1965; Princess Christian Memorial Committee minutes and accounts, 1919-1927; House Committee minutes, 1921-1926; League of Private Nurses minutes, 1929-1949; Visitors Books, 1917-1961; Annual Reports (printed) 1902, 1913, 1915-1916, 1918, 1926, 1936, 1953-1954- 1959-1971, 1975, 1978, 1982, 1983, 1986; Accounts (printed) 1912, 1914, 1916, 1919-1920, 1923, 1927, 1929, 1932-1938, 1944-1946, 1950-1953, 1955, 1959-1963, 1965-1969, 1971-1973, 1976-1978, 1981-1983, 1985, 1988, 1990-1996; Edith Mary Fletcher Fund accounts (printed) 1963-1969, 1971-1973, 1975-1976, 1978, 1986, 1990-1996; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund Annual Reports (printed) 1887-1888, 1890-1895, 1897, 1899, 1906-1909, 1922-1924, 1929-1949, 1951, 1953, 1980; Trained Nurses Annuity Fund accounts (printed) 1919, 1926-1928, 1935, 1937, 1950, 1952-1955, 1959-1966, 1968-1970, 1972, 1974, 1978-1979, 1984, 1987, 1989, 1991-1996

Letters from HRH Princess Christian to officers of the Association (mainly Isabel Macdonald), 1893, 1900, 1917-1921 (22 items)

Other Royal correspondence, 1917-1998 including letters from Princess Arthur of Connaught: (25 items)

RBNA general letters and papers, 1886-1994, including letters to Ethel Fenwick (Mrs Bedford Fenwick) on the establishment of the RBNA, 1887-1888; correspondence and papers on the Association's application for a Royal Charter, 1891-1893; correspondence and papers on introduction of Nurse Registration Bills, 1908-1910; correspondence and papers on the foundation of the College of Nursing, and possible merger with the RBNA, 1916-1917; correspondence and papers on the College of Nursing's petition for a Royal Charter, and the RBNA's opposition, 1927; correspondence on the RBNA's opposition to the new Nurses' Registration Act, 1940; correspondence with the Standing Conference of Essex Matrons and the Ministry of Health on the position of assistant Nurses, 1942-1944; correspondence with the Ministry of Health on the Society of Chartered Nurses, 1953-1955;

British College of Nurses (BCN) general letters and papers, 1926-1955; including Council minutes, 1926-1927; correspondence and papers on constitution and bye-laws, 1926-1927; press cuttings, 1926-1930; visitors book, 1929-1955; Book of Remembrance, 1926-1953; name and subject card indexes

BCN: papers on the history of nursing, 1870-1955; including letters on the employment of lady nurses at the Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, and the East London Hospital for Children, 1870; press cuttings about seven nurses involved in criminal proceedings, 1905-1910; copy of the British Journal of Nursing, containing account of the execution of Nurse Edith Cavell, 1915; correspondence and papers on nurses' registration, 1917-1918; notes on the nursing career of Mildred Heather-Bigg, (1857-1928) and Catherine Wood (1841-1930)

BCN: material relating to Florence Nightingale, 1852-1939; including correspondence between Nightingale and William Clark, on sanitary reform in India, 1871-1875; obituaries, 1910; letters to Miss Bushby about Nightingale letters sold, given and loaned to her for the BCN's History of Nursing Section, 1930-1934;

Papers relating to Ethel Fenwick (Mrs Bedford Fenwick), 1896-1937, including: press cuttings on exhibition on nursing held at St Martin's Town Hall, Charing Cross, London, 1896; business papers for the Nursing Journal and the British Journal of Nursing, 1899-1909; annotated copy of the Nurses' Registration Bill, 1914; annual reports of the Matrons' Council, 1926-1927; correspondence and papers on the Isla Stewart memorial committee, 1929; file of papers preserved by Fenwick relating to her being voted off the Florence Nightingale Foundation Standing Committee, 1937-1938

Papers relating to the International Council of Nurses (ICN), 1900-1937, including minutes of meeting of Provisional Committee, 1900; letter from Sister Agnes Karll, Berlin, on nurses in Germany, 1911; letter from Margot Larsson, Norwegian Council of Trained Nurses on nurses in Norway, 1915; papers on the 1929 ICN Congress in Montreal, Canada, 1929; papers on the 1933 ICN Congress, in Paris and Brussels, 1933; papers on the 1937 ICN Congress in London

Printed material: RBNA Publications including Annual Reports, 1889-1890; Register of Trained Nurses, 1892; Roll of Members, 1909; Books on the history of nursing, Florence Nightingale and the Royal Family; Pamphlets on the history of nursing; Periodicals including British Journal of Nursing, 1888-1955; Nurses' Journal, 1891-1918 [merged with British Journal of Nursing, 1918]; International Nursing Review, 1926-1939; Journal of the Royal British Nurses' Association, 1947-1963

Photographs and illustrations, 1863-1950, including photographs of the Royal Family, Florence Nightingale, Mrs Bedford Fenwick and her family, and other officers of the RBNA including Isobel Macdonald, Margaret Breay and Miss H M Campbell; photographs and illustrations relating to the history of nursing, including photographs, training certificates and papers relating to the nursing career of Agnes Wotherspoon-Baird, 1911-1950; Embroidered silks commemorating the Coronation of King George IV, 1821, the International Exhibition, London, 1862, and Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, 1897

Artefacts including RBNA badges, other badges and medals and RBNA banner

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BACKES, Alice (fl 1930-1934)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP3 · Coleção · 1930-1934

Papers of Alice Backes comprising St Giles Hospital certificate in Sick and Convalescent Cookery, 31 Mar 1930; London County Council St Giles Hospital certificate of training 1928-1931, 12 May 1931; General Nursing Council for England and Wales, certificate of registration, Oct 1931; Central Board of Midwives certificate 27 Feb 1932.
Also includes two lidded small silver trophy cups, of St Giles Hospital Nurses Tennis, engraved Consolation cup, 1932, A Backes', and1934, Consolation, won by A Backes'.

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SHAXSON, Evelyn Margaret (fl 1924-1925)
GB 0100 KH/NL/PP30 · 1925

Papers of Evelyn Margaret Shaxson comprising manuscript volume of lecture notes, with diagrams on Anatomy and Physiology, Mar-Apr 1925, also including loose copies of examination question papers, 1925; notebook containing water colour paintings of flowers, each named with a note where seen [1920s].

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ACLAND, Thomas Dyke (1851-1931)
GB 0100 TH/PP2 · 1895-1910

Papers of Thomas Dyke Acland comprising: letters relating to cases of actinomycosis, and the publication of research by Peverell S Hichins, 1905, including manuscript of thesis 'Actiniomycosis and allied disorders', Peverell Hichens, MA MD Oxon, MRCP London; reprint of 'Some remarks on a case of actinomycosis of the lungs' by P S Hichens, published in the British Medical Journal, Nov 4 1905; photograph of case of actinomycosis involving skin; letters from W K Treves, 1905; S G Shattock (1852-1924), 1895, 1906; W Stanley Melsome, 1895; H D Rolleston, 1906; J J Pringle (died 1922); Sir Alfred Pearce Gould (1852-1922), 1893; C J Cullingworth (1841-1908), 1902; and a number of anatomical illustrations; survey of published reports of actinomycosis; and table of English cases of actinomycosis, 1886-1906; letter from Dr Graham F Harford, Church Missionary Society, concerning one of Acland's patients, Feb 1910; bound volume containing offprint of 'Mitral Stenosis: a clinical lecture, delivered at the Hospital for consumption and diseases of the chest, 1889' by Thomas Dyke Acland, reprinted from The Lancet, Jul 1889; also contains extract of The Lancet, 26 Oct 1889, Acland's reply to criticism of his article; two manuscript letters to Acland from [N Bandner] relating to corrections in the article 7 Jul 1889, 17 Aug 1889. Also contains correspondence between St Thomas's Hospital Librarian F A Tubbs with Professor Philip Rhodes, concerning his research on Charles Cullingworth, Dec 1968-Jul 1970; also typescript transcript of letter from C J Cullingworth to Acland, 10 Jul 1902; and extract related to Cullingworth from the St Thomas's Hospital Gazette, No 49, 3 Feb 1951.

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GB 0100 CA/G/M, CA/C/M, CA/S/M, CA/S/MP, CA/CS/M, CA/M, CA/CS/MP · 1888-1985

South-Western Polytechnic, Chelsea Polytechnic, Chelsea College of Science and Technology, Chelsea College Governing Body, Council and Academic Board Minute Books, 1888-1985. This series of minute books comprises one of the most important sources of evidence of the strategic and academic development within the Polytechnic and College from the earliest subscription campaign for the new Institute to the closure of Chelsea when it merged with King's in 1985. It comprises the main class of College governance minutes with a duplicate set covering the years 1906-1966, and in particular the manuscript minutes of the Executive or Governing Body of the South Western Polytechnic (with index), 1881-1906; printed and bound minutes of the Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1906-1918; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body and Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1919-1922; printed and bound copies of the minutes of the Governing Body, 1923-1966; folders of typescript minutes of the Governing Body, 1966-1972 (Ref: CA/G/M); folders containing typescript Chelsea Council minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/C/M). Governing Body/Council minutes typically contain information on appointments and salaries, strategic and academic planning, academic services, scholarships and student numbers, the relationship with other Higher Education institutions and merger details. Incomplete manuscript and typescript Board of Studies and complete typescript Academic Board and Senate minutes, 1917-1931, 1962-1985 (Ref: CA/S/M), covering topics including departmental organisation, examinations, grants and student discipline; meeting papers relating to the Senate minutes, 1972-1985 (Ref: CA/S/MP). Minutes of Special Committees of the Governing Body/Council such as Non-Academic Staff Committee, 1966-1981, Sites and Buildings, 1966-1985; Finance and General Purposes Committee, 1967-1985; Residence and Refectories Committee/Amenities Committee, 1967-1985; Development Committee, 1971-1976; Staff Association, 1956-1976; Sports Ground Committee, 1972-1985; Joint Athletic Ground Committee, 1922-1939; Joint Policy Committee, 1973-1978 (Ref: CA/CS/M, CA/M); Special Committee meeting papers for the Academic Planning Committee and a working party on the College Library, 1965-1983 (Ref: CA/CS/MP).

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GB 0100 G · 1755-1992

Records of Guy's Hospital Medical School, 1755-1992, comprising records of Committees, 1852-1985, notably minutes of the School Governors, later Council of Governors, 1925-1982; minutes and papers of the Finance Committee, 1903-1982; minutes of the School Council, later Academic Board, 1925-1982; minutes of Guy's Hospital Medical (Examining) Council, 1852-1989; minutes and papers of the Dental Committee, later Dental Council, 1889-1982; minutes of Dental School committees, 1912-1982;

adminstrative records, [1880-1986], including an 'Act for Incorporating the Executors of the Last Will and Testament of Thomas Guy and Guy's Hospital Act, 1898'; scheme of management for the Medical and Dental Schools, [1930]; University Grants Committee returns, 1930/31-1950/51; papers and correspondence files relating to finance, committees, trust funds, school buildings and student accommodation, 1880s-1980s; papers concerning prize funds, 1850-1935;

financial records, notably Medical School and College balance sheets and statements of receipts and payments, 1893-1938; auditors' accounts, 1881-1930; general ledgers, 1883-1976; departmental ledgers, 1953-1976; fee ledgers, 1873-1935; Dental School fee ledgers, 1896-1925; journals, 1890-1939, 1971-1976; salaries and wages records, 1835-1975;

clinical and surgical records, 1823-1982, including patient registers for Guy's Hospital, 1809-1847; indexes of surgical cases, 1865-1899; individual patient records, 1929, 1959-1960, 1982; diaries of House surgeons and physicians of Guy's Hospital, 1869-1904;

student records, 1725-1992, notably pupil entry registers and books, 1725, 1755-1879 (including students at Guy's Hospital, 1755-1833); student entry lists, 1870-1934; student registers, 1876-1992;

records of Lectureships, Scholarships, prizes and examinations, 1891-1985, comprising minutes of Board of Electors to lectureships, scholarships and fellowships, 1891-1954; lists of entrants and winners of Medical and Dental School Prizes, 1900-1974; Dental School voluntary examination prizes, 1892-1985;

essays written by Guy's Hospital Medical School students for prizes, 1844-1915;

records of the Guy's Hospital Medical School Clubs' Union and Students' Union, 1881-1984, notably Council minutes 1891-1973, with related papers; minutes of constituent societies, 1881-1984, including the Football Club, Cricket Club, Pavy Gymnasium, Students' Club and Dental Society; financial records, 1891-1977; Guy's Hospital Clubs' Union Year Books, 1892-1928; handbooks, 1931, 1961-1970; recordings of songs from Guy's Residents' plays, 1933-1961;

records of societies of Guy's Hospital and Medical School, 1775-1963, comprising records of the Physical Society of Guy's Hospital, 1775-1851; records of the Physical Society of the Students of the United Hospitals of St Thomas and Guy, 1812-1815; records of the Pupil's Physical Society of Guy's Hospital, 1830-1948; general reports of Guy's Society for Clinical Reports, 1836-1845; records of the Physiological Society of Guy's Hospital, 1955-1963; minutes of Guy's '89 Club, 1896-1938; records of the Guyites Club and Junior Guyites Club of Guy's Hospital, 1845-1959; records of Guy's Hospital Medical Research Club, 1913-1923; records of the Dental Society of Guy's Hospital, 1894-[1955]; records of 'The Most Distinguished Order of Clinicals' of Guy's Hospital, 1889-1939;

photographs, [1850s-1981], of the hospital and medical school interior and exterior scenes; group and individual photographs of students, residents, physicians, surgeons, nurses, and patients; prints and illustrations of Guy's Hospital Medical School, [1647-1970];

records relating to Guy's Hospital Medical School College, 1888-1982, including minutes and papers of Guy's Hospital College Committee, 1888-1982; financial records, 1888-1976; vinyl disc recordings and printed programmes of Guy's Hospital Residents' Theatricals, 1905-1965;

records of Guy's Hospital Catering Company Limited, 1926-1981, including memorandum and articles of association, 1926; minutes of Directors' meetings, 1926-1980; reports and accounts, 1927-1980;

prospectuses, handbooks, reports and directories, 1846-1996, notably Medical School prospectuses, 1846-1985; Dental School prospectuses, 1899-1981; United Medical and Dental Schools prospectuses, 1983-1995; Guy's Hospital Medical School calendars, 1900-1914; Guy's Hospital Directory, later Guy's Medical Directory, 1922-1961, 1986; Guy's Hospital annual reports, 1922, 1957, 1967, 1984-1985; regulations and handbooks, 1874-1996;

records relating to Guy's Hospital Reports, 1856-1985, including records of the Advisory Committee, 1907-1921; records of the Editorial Committee, 1922-1974; correspondence of the editor, 1856-1922; financial records, 1932-1977; copies of Guy's Hospital Reports, 1893, 1913-1972 (incomplete series);

copies of Guy's Hospital Gazette, 1872-1996 (incomplete); copy of the Guyscope, Guy's Hospital satirical magazine, 1920; copies of the Tablet, Guy's Hospital Medical School students' magazine, 1977-1980.

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Havard-Windus indenture
GB 0100 KAL/A21 · Coleção · 1783

Indenture for deed of an estate in Cublington and Chilston, in the Parish of Madley, Herefordshire, between Neast Havard and John Windus, 20 Mar 1783.

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ARNOLD, Sir Edwin (1832-1904)
GB 0100 KAL/A4 · 1850

Manuscript volume of notes, 1850, containing notes made by Sir Edwin Arnold whilst studying at King's College London including comprising a summary and analysis compiled from notes of Drakenborch, Gronovius, Lipsius, Hermannus and some others of Titus Livy's History of Rome from its foundation, Books XXII and XXIII; word list of the derivation and meaning of words in Homer's Iliad, , books XII, XII and XIV and word list of the derivation and meaning of words in Aeschylus' Eumenides.

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King's College London Computing Centre
GB 0100 KCLCA KA/COM · 1967-2005

Papers of King's College London Computing Centre, 1967-2005 comprise administrative records of the Computing Centre, committee papers and related internal and external publications.

The collection most notably reflects the purchase of new workstations in various campuses, 1994-1997; new computer rooms, furniture and computers at the Kensington campus, 1993-1998; the introduction of IMAP emailing, 1993-1995; upgrades to the King's College London emailing service, 1995-1999 and index cards, 1967-1985, detailing the purchase and lease of equipment.

Committee papers including the agendas and minutes for Assistant Director's Committee, 1988-1991; User Services Committee, 1989-1997 and New User Services Committee, 1998; Computing Services Advisory Committee, 1994-2000; Computing Policy Committee, 1993-1996 and the proceedings of JANET User Support Workshop, 1991-2000.

Internal publications include a TRAINIT leaflet, 2004-2005, PAWS handbooks, 2000-2005 and newsletters of the KCL Computing Centre, Issues 1-51, (1967-1985).

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King's College London Primary School Meals Research
GB 0100 KCLCA PRI · 2004-2006

King's College London Primary School Meals Research Project, 2004-2005 comprises research data used within the School Meals in Primary Schools in England report, 2006. The collection contains data entry forms used within the 151 primary schools to compile research; information concerning pilot schools and training materials used; school specification analysis tools, recipes and artefacts used in schools.

The research data section (6 boxes), comprises the majority of the collection, notably including school meal check lists and portion weight booklets for each school involved, 2004-2005.

The collection includes information concerning pilot schools and training (1 box); these files relate to individual schools and can include fixed price choice menus, 2004-2005; school caterer telephone interview forms, 2004-2005; semi structured interview with bursar/head/LEA forms, 2004-2005; pilot school reply forms, 2004-2005; letters to teachers providing information about the research project, 2004-2005; tray check forms, 2004-2005; free school meal checklists, 2004-2005 and portion weight booklets, 2004-2005.

School specification analysis tools and three year service level agreements for catering at schools involved, 2004-2005 (1 box) and recipes used in participating schools, listing ingredients, methodology and number of portions, 2004-2005 and plastic food, perhaps toys used within schools, 2004-2005; sample dinner trays, 2004-2005; laminated daily menus, 2004-2005; food related flash cards, 2004-2005; further research data, 2004-2005, copies of the research brief and final report, 2006 (1 box).

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GB 0100 KCLCA 1994/KDF, 1995/KFD, 1998 KDF, KFD/D, KFD/RG, KFD/M, KFD/EQ, KFD/PH, KFD/PM, KFD/L, KFD/TH, KFD/RS · 1890-1994

The records of the Education Department of King's College London consists of minutes, correspondence, pass lists, exam papers, printed pamphlets and photographs, 1890-1994; notably including King's Scholars' Common room minute book, 1911-1912; minutes of the Education Society, 1921-1927, 1957-1971; correspondence concerning academic planning at King's, 1982-1983; correspondence relating to the All India Science Education Project, 1983-1986; correspondence relating to the Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education, 1983-1994; minutes and correspondence of the University of London Board of Educational Studies, Higher Degrees Committee, 1989; correspondence relating to the MEd in Science Education, 1974-1979; material relating to the 150th anniversary celebrations of the College, 1979; typescript of annual report of the Department of Education, with statistics and summary of departmental performance, 1927-1968; registers of attendance of students in the Day Training Department, 1890-1911; logbook of the Day Training Department with correspondence, 1890-1910; notes on Day Training College practical work experience, 1895-1927; examination question papers, 1925-1979; photographs of students and staff, 1930-1958; examination results, 1934-1970; programmes of plays performed by members of the Department, [1947-1969]; copies of journals including Minerva, the Education Society magazine, 1957.

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King's College London Department of English Records
GB 0100 KCLCA 1996 KDEN/F, 1997 KDEN/F, 1999 KDEN/F · 1952-1993

King's College London English records comprise minutes, correspondence, mark sheets and results tables, and printed readers for students, 1952-1993; notably including departmental minutes, 1990-1996; correspondence relating mainly to visiting academics, 1985-1992; mark sheets, results' tables and Examiners' Board memoranda and minutes, 1952-1993; printed course readers for American Studies core courses, 1984-1987.

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King's College London Department of Geography Records
GB 0100 KCLCA 1997 KDGG; 1998 KDGG; 1999 KDGG · 1930-1996

The records of King's College London Department of Geography include staff committee minutes, correspondence, working papers and publications, 1930-1996; most notably departmental staff committee minutes, 1980-1993; papers relating to the organisation and reorganisation of the department and the implications for geography of the merger of King's with Queen Elizabeth and Chelsea Colleges, 1967-1988; papers relating to the Faculty of Arts, King's College London, 1987-1989; papers relating to research income in the department, 1983-1996; correspondence on appointments to the staff and concerning personnel in general, 1990-1994; staff-student committee minutes, 1969-1990; correspondence with the London School of Economics, 1981-1989; correspondence and statistics relating to the Board of Examiners and examination results, 1980-1987; correspondence concerning proposals for new Domesday survey, 1982; papers including correspondence, typescript reports and printed pamphlets on overseas field expeditions, 1982-1984; minutes, correspondence and safety guidelines relating to the Management Committee of the Rogate Field Centre, the biological, geographical and geological study centre opened in West Sussex in 1968, 1968-1993; working papers and enrolment forms concerning the European Community ERASMUS programme to facilitate co- operation between European universities, 1991-1996; teaching schedules, course information and syllabuses, 1967-1990; minutes, correspondence and printed reports of the King's College and London School of Economics Joint School Society, 1980-1992; MSc thesis by David Linton, lecturer in Geography at King's College, on drainage in Wessex, 1930; typescript copy of a draft of book by Professor John Thornes and Professor Denys Brunsden entitled Geomorphology and time (London, 1977); offprints of articles by David Linton and other members of staff including in the Scottish geographical magazine and Geographical journal on topics ranging from glaciation and drainage to human populations, 1932-1971; printed reports and bibliographies concerning Geography departmental expeditions and the published work of Sidney William Wooldridge, Professor of Geography, King's College, 1964-1966.

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AITKEN, William Francis (fl 1900-1936)
GB 0100 KCLCA Aitken · 1919-1936

Notebook entitled 'Literature' with alphabetical bibliography and shorthand notes on Hatfield House, Hatfield, Hertfordshire; letter from Helen Waddell to Aitken, 11 Apr 1933, about a poem of Peter Abelard; manuscript and typescript notes on William Shakespeare; fragments of an article on an edition of Michel de Montaigne; file of printed material, mostly comprising undated lectures on Shakespeare by Cumberland Clark, article on Shakespeare's London by Wilson Benington, Pall Mall Magazine, Aug 1912, and related ephemera; file of press cuttings, mainly relating to book reviews on the works of Shakespeare and Shakespeare's London, 1919-1936.

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ALMEIDA, João de, 2nd Marquess of Alorna (1726-1802)
GB 0100 KCLCA Almeida · [1777-1802]

Manuscript relating to Alorna's imprisonment in the Fortress of Junqueira, Portugal, 1758-1777, on charges of attempted regicide, entitled 'Relação do que contremo Forte da Junqueira, e do que nelle passaram os presos, sieita pelo Marquês da Alorna'. Subsequently published posthumously as Relação dos presos do forte da Junqueira by Almeida (published for José de Sousa Amado, Lisbon, 1857).

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