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Archivistische beschrijving
GB 0113 MS-GLOUM · Archief · 1788 -1793

Minute book of the Gloucestershire Medical Society, including papers submitted by Edward Jenner and others, 1788-1793.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-HACKC · 1930-1978

Hackett's papers, 1930-78, include his notes of lectures, attended for the College's membership examinations, 1930-31; List of his published and unpublished works, 1935-78, 1978; Drafts and reprints of articles by Hackett, with annotations and comments by others, such as Satya Swaroop and Calvin Wells, on the subject of syphilis, treponarid, and yaws, especially in Africa, 1957-75; Translations of foreign articles on bone syphilis, 1858-1970, made for and edited by Hackett, [1972]; Paper on the use of food yeast as a nutritional supplement in Indonesia, by Yap Kie Tiong (d.1968/9), sent to Hackett with letter from Yap, 1955-56

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-HAMILTONW · [1787]

This collection comprises one notebook containing the first of a series of lectures given at the London Hospital Medical School.

Zonder titel
LAWRENCE, Thomas (1711-1783)
GB 0113 MS-LAWRT · c.1750-1766

Papers of Thomas Lawrence, c.1750-1766, consisting of his comment on lectures in the physician Frank Nicholls's Compendium Anatomicum, c.1750; Lawrence's compendium of pathology and therapeutics, in his own hand, c.1750; Lectures on digestion, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, c.1750; Course of lectures on pathology and therapeutics, dictated by Lawrence, 1751; Lectures on inflammation, the liver, and the kidneys, given at the Royal College of Physicians, in his own hand, 1766 and c.1766; Unpublished manuscript on human physiology, 'De Natura Animali', in his own hand, with corrections by Samuel Johnson, the lexicographer, mid-18th century.

Zonder titel
MARWOOD, Thomas (d 1667)
GB 0113 MS-MARWT · Archief · c 1625-1635

Case book, with account of last illness and post mortem of King James I, attributed to Thomas Marwood, c 1625.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-MORIA · 1824-1846

Sir Alexander Morison's papers, 1824-1846, consist of reports and notes of cases of insanity, in Morison's hand, 1824-1829, and an essay by Morison on 'the morbid appearances in insanity', in the hand of one of his daughters, 1846.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-OGLEJ · Archief · 1782-1975

Letters and papers of John William Ogle including correspondence with Florence Nightingale; other correspondence; articles and booklets by Ogle including on preventative medicine and medical reform; remarks read before a Sub-Committee, appointed to consider the question of Provident Dispensaries, 1857 and plan setting out Ogle's method of record keeping during Cholera epidemic in London, 1854.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-PALMR · Archief · 17th century-18th century

Collection of papers by and about Baldwin Hamey (1600-1676); and a biographical memoir of Hamey, 1733.

Zonder titel
PLOWDEN, Andrew (fl 1601)
GB 0113 MS-PLOWA · Archief · 1601

'A book of Surgerie and Phisick of Mistress Honorie Henslow', by Andrewe Plowden, Servant to Mistress Honore Henslow, 1601.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-RUMSH · Archief · 1785-1787

Notes from the lectures of George Fordyce at his house in Essex Street, Strand, for a period extending over 30 years on subjects including clinical lectures, acute diseases, chemistry, chronic diseases, diseases of women and children, materia medica and the natural history of the human body. Transcribed, mainly from short-hand notes, by Henry Rumsey, one of his pupils, 1785-1787.

Zonder titel
SNOW, John (1813-1858)
GB 0113 MS-SNOWJ · 1848-1858

Snow's casebooks, 1848-1858, three volumes written in the style of a diary, recording Snow's chloroform administration in his well-established anaesthetic practice in London.

Zonder titel
STROTHER, Edward (1675-1737)
GB 0113 MS-STROE · Archief · [1724]

Epitome Praxis medicinae by Edward Strother, possibly lecture notes for Praelectiones Pharmaco-logicarum et Medico-practicarum of which he published a syllabus in 1724.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-WALSF · Archief · 1904-1926

Papers of Francis Martin Rouse Walshe including correspondence, 1915-1926 and notebook of anatomical notes and drawings, made by Walshe whilst he was a student at University College, 1904.

Zonder titel
WARBURTON, John (d 1843)
GB 0113 MS-WARBJ · Archief · 1815

Dissertation 'on insanity being the subject of an act read in the University of Cambridge; in order to obtain the degree of Bachelor of Medicine', May 1815, by John Worburton.

Zonder titel
WATERHOUSE, John (fl 1688)
GB 0113 MS-WATEJ · Archief · 1688

'De Sexu Foeminino ejusque accidentibus degr. partu and partus regimine caeterisquae morbis eidem sexui natura and contra natura contingentibus' by John Waterhouse, [1688].

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-WEBBM · 1903-1924 [lacking 1910-1923]

Webb's letter books compiled whilst a medical student, 1903-1909, containing letters from Webb to her friends, Mrs Annie Lancaster, Mrs Eliza Romiley, and Miss Christabel Cadbury, describing her life as one of the first women students at Birmingham Medical School, including newspaper cuttings regarding Edinburgh University's graduation ceremony, 1907. Webb prefaced each volume with an explanatory note dated 1924.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-WESTD · 1833-1952

The records of the Western Dispensary comprise chiefly minute books, annual reports and patient registers.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-WHISD · Archief · 17th century

Papers of Daniel Whistler, including commonplace books of prescriptions, diagnoses, exercises in metaphysics and logic, philology, definitions of terms, notes on heraldry and extracts from Aristotle and Hippocrates (in Greek) and from Mercurialis, Fernelius, Sennentus, and others (in Latin); extracts from Tacitus, Caesar, Suetonius, Plutarch, Strabo, Pliny, Quintilian, Aeschylus and Valerius Maximus, in the hand of Whistler; In Aristotelis lib.3 Physicorum Commentarius Analyticus in the hand of Whistler; cash book, pharmacopoeia and medical aphorisms.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-WIGGS · Archief · 1616

Sarah Wigges' recipe book of medical receipts, 1616, including a receipt for "A swift medicine for an ague, by Dr. Gulston," and "Annotations and practicall receipts and processes taken out of Basil Valentin his Triumph wagon of Antimony." Also "Receipts out of ye breviary of health compiled by Andrew Boord, Do in Phisick, on Englishman, imprinted at London 1587" and remedies from Dr. Pratt and Nich. Culpeper. Pages 340-484 and 574-619 are in a later hand than the rest of the MS.

Towards the end of the volume there are 53 pages (with separate pagination) devoted to cookery receipts. These appear to be in the handwriting of "Mo. Wigges" who is, apparently, the daughter of the first owner of the book. There are indexes both at the beginning and at the end of the volume.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-WILLC · 1896, 1911-1915, 1923-1924, 1932-1941

Papers of Sir William Henry Willcox, relating to a variety of topics: murder trials, criminal abortion, the use of insulin and the production of table salt.

Zonder titel
WOODY, Robert (1770-1823)
GB 0113 MS-WOODR · Archief · [1800]-1823

Manuscript prescription book of Robert Woody, Surgeon, of Tamworth, Staffs, [1800]-1823.

Zonder titel
YELLOWLY, John (1774-1842)
GB 0113 MS-YELLJ · 1975 (Photocopy of 1827 and 1944 documents)

Yellowly's journal of his Dutch tour, 1827, and later correspondence regarding the original manuscript, 1944 (photocopy)

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-ALLCW · 1844-1903

Allchin's papers for his biography of Sir Andrew Clark (1826-1893), including draft typescript with annotations, n.d., mid-late 19th century, and materials for the biography, including rough draft of the biography in Allchin's handwriting, Clark's own papers such as lecture notes, printed copies of addresses, and his letter book, correspondence between Clark and Allchin, and between Allchin and others about Clark, newspaper cuttings, photographs, and obituaries, 1844-1903; Allchin's lecture notes, 1880s-1890s.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-ALST · [1979]

Unpublished paper entitled 'John Hawkins MD (?1721-1799) and his medical and clerical descendants'.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-BAGSA · 1908-1909

Bagshawe's correspondence, in his role as Director of the Sleeping Sickness Bureau, 1908-9, with Professor Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915), in English and German, and with Sir Patrick Manson (1844-1922). Mostly on the subject of the work of the Bureau, and particularly the prevalence of sleeping sickness in Africa.

Zonder titel
BAILLIE, Matthew (1761-1823)
GB 0113 MS-BAILM · 1790-c. mid 20th century

Papers of Matthew Baillie relating to his professional work and his publication on morbid anatomy, 1790-19th century. Collection includes bound volume of Baillie's case notes for St George's Hospital, 1790; Printed copy of Baillie's The Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts of the Human Body (1793), 2 volumes, signed with additions and alterations to the text by Baillie, 1793-c.1797; William Clift's original drawings to accompany Baillie's text, The Morbid Anatomy..., pencil and watercolour drawings, 24 leaves, n.d. c.1790s; 10 sets of 65 copper plates of A Series of Engravings Tending to Illustrate the Morbid Anatomy of Some of the Most Important Parts of the Human Body, n.d. c.1799; 70 black and white photographs of Clift's drawings, n.d., C20th.

Zonder titel
BATE, George (1608-1669)
GB 0113 MS-BATEG · 1654-1660

Bate's medical casebook, 1654-1660. Containing record of prescriptions given to his patients, also includes notes and sketches.

Zonder titel
BRIGHT, Richard (1789-1858)
GB 0113 MS-BRIGR · [1822]-[1839]

Original watercolour anatomical drawings, c.300, used for plates published in Bright's Reports on Medical Cases, Selected with a View to Illustrate the Symptoms and Cure of Diseases by Reference to Morbid Anatomy (1827), also includes some unpublished pathological drawings, [1822]-[1839]. Many of the drawings are by Frederick Richard Say and C.L. Canton, those unsigned probably by Bright; Case notes, in Bright's handwriting, 1827-32

Zonder titel
COGAN, Thomas
GB 0113 MS-COGAT · Archief · 1563 -1574

Medical student's notebook, [1563-1574].

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COLLYNS, William
GB 0113 MS-COLLW · Archief · 1787-1838

Letter book of William Collyns, physician, 1787-1838.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-COPEV · 1953-1966

Cope's papers, 1953-66, include the text of a talk discussing his publications, 1966; and details of the Fellows and Membership of the Royal College of Physicians of London and the Royal College of Surgeons of England, compiled by Cope, with related correspondence, 1953-60

Zonder titel
DAVIES, David (1760-1844)
GB 0113 MS-DAVID · Archief · 1834

'A Case of Tubular Extra-Uterine Pregnancy', 1834.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-DREWF · 1876-1881

Drewitt's pathological drawings, 1876-1881, both water-colour drawings and pencil sketches, of cases admitted to St George's Hospital, 1876-1878 and undated, and of cases of pharyngoeal diphtheria, made at Great Ormond Street Hospital, 1880, and scurvy, rickets and variola, 1881. Many are labelled and annotated.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-ENGLS · 1703-1733

Two notebooks with clinical details and descriptions of numerous cases, 1730-33

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-FARRF · [1883]

Papers of Frederic John Farre's, [1883], consist of his unpublished history of the Royal College of Physicians, 1518-1824, in his hand, [1883]; Notes for his history of the College, [1883]; Scrapbook of drawings, maps, plans and photographs to illustrate his history of the College, [1883].

Zonder titel
FENWICK, Samuel (1821-1902)
GB 0113 MS-FENWICKS · 1876

1 notebook containing a revision of Fenwick's book Student's guide to medical diagnosis.

Zonder titel
FLEMING, William (fl 1900)
GB 0113 MS-FLEMW · Archief · 1893-[1923]

Notebooks, 1893-[1923], relating to the work of the College Bedell, Royal College of Physicians.

Zonder titel
HARVEY, William (1578-1657)
GB 0113 MS-HARVW · 1602-1640

Harvey's papers, 1602-40, consist of offical and legal documents, include his diploma of DM from the University of Padua, 1602; Lease to Harvey of lands called Buckholte, in Kent, 1611; Letters patent of Charles I under the Great Seal, granting to Harvey a general pardon, 1625/26, and annuities of £50 per annum, 1631, £300 per annum, 1637, £100 per annum, 1639, and £200 and £100 per annum, 1640.

Zonder titel
JENNER, Edward (1749-1823)
GB 0113 MS-JENNE · 1787-1806

Jenner's diary, 1787-1806, containing his observations on the natural history of the cuckoo, and notes on his dissections of other birds and various domestic animals.

Zonder titel
LATHAM, John (1761-1843)
GB 0113 MS-LATHJ · [1797]-1811

Latham's papers, c.1797-1811, include his notebooks on food and digestion, materia medica and therapeutics, c.1797-1811, and his unpublished dissertation on asthma, in his hand, c. 1810.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-LATHP · 1838-1871 (1838-1839; 1871)

Latham's papers, 1838-1871, include his casebook, 1838-39, and his lectures on fever and the pulse, in his hand, 1871.

Zonder titel
MILROY, Gavin (1805-1886)
GB 0113 MS-MILRG · 1870-1881

Gavin Milroy's papers, 1870-1881, consist of reports and correspondence, between Milroy and the Colonial Office, on the subject of leprosy, particularly the contagiousness of the disease, and more specifically Milroy's inquiry into Louis Daniel Beauperthuy's treatment of leprosy in the West Indies, 1870-1881.

Zonder titel
PAGET, Sir James (1814-1899)
GB 0113 MS-PAGEJ · c.1844

Sir James Paget's index to references for medical biographies, intended for the Biographical Dictionary of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (1842-44), c.1844.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-REYNH · Archief · 1772

Copy of St Thomas' Hospital Pharmacopoeia, 1772, (printed), with manuscript prescriptions in hand of Henry Revell Reynolds.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-ROXBW · Archief · [1793]

A botanical description... of a new species of Swietenia or Mahogany by William Roxburgh, [1793].

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-SEDLC · 1686

Lady Catherine Sedley's recipe book, 1686, containing mostly medical recipes with a few culinary recipes. The handwriting appears to change towards the end of the book, however it may also be that it is the same hand only deteriorated.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-SMITI · c1900-c1935

The papers of R.W. Innes Smith chiefly relate to his research into various aspects of medical history and biography during the 1920s and early 1930s; and in particular to his interest in British medical students at European universities in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, which led to the publication of his book English-speaking students of medicine at the University of Leyden (Oliver & Boyd: Edinburgh, London, 1932). His papers also include three notebooks dating from his time as a medical student, c1900, but apart from these all the papers appear to date from after 1920. A small number of related items, c1933-c1935, were added to the collection by Innes Smith's daughter after his death.

Zonder titel
GB 0113 MS-SPENH · Archief · 1896-1939

Papers of Herbert Ritchie Spencer including medical notebook with notes of lectures by Sydney Ringer, University College, London 1882; Scrapbook 1896-1936 and abstract of 658 ovariotomies performed by Spencer.

Zonder titel