Pencil sketches of views in Rome.
Sans titreStudent notebooks giving diagrams and notes for lectures on anatomy and physiology delivered by William Sharpey and Richard Quain.
Sans titreLetters to Arthur Smith Woodward and related papers.
Sans titreCollection of autograph letters, 1756-1849, brought together by Lord Odo Russell. The correspondents are mainly European scientists, including Nikolaus Joseph and his son Joseph Franz Freiherr von Jacquin, both Professor of Chemistry and Botany at Vienna University; the zoologist Leopold Joseph Franz Johann Fitzinger; and the botanist István Laszló Endlicher. The letters concern the natural sciences, the medical sciences, the physical sciences, the arts, theology, dealers, diplomats and statesmen, and others. There is also a note from Beethoven (post 1824) and a letter from Goethe (1807).
Sans titreTwenty-three manuscript notebooks on mathematical statistics which include 'The theory of deviation from an average', the introduction to 'An algebra of evolution', and 'Problems relating to the mathematical treatment of statistics: periodicity and deviation'.
Sans titreThe bulk of the collection consists of letters from Ker to Olivia (1899-1923). There are also a number of poems and sketches by Ker, photographs by and of Ker, and miscellaneous material relating to him. In addition there are some personal papers of Olivia and her family.
Sans titreLecture notes written by Pafford when a student at University College London, on lectures delivered by W.P. Ker, Professor of English Language and Literature. The notes are on form and style in poetry and the 17th century.
Sans titreThe letters are mostly between Gosset (known as 'Student') and Sir Ronald Aylmer Fisher (1890-1962) who became Professor of Eugenics at University College London. Letters from other scientists are interleaved where they bear on the correspondence.
Sans titrePapers, 1927-1940, of Rudolf Olden, comprising correspondence, typescripts, notes and newspaper cuttings.
Sans titrePapers and correspondence, 1860-1944 and undated, of and relating to Sir George Dancer Thane, largely concerning his career, comprising papers on lectures, 1879-1918, including drafts and newspaper reports of his introductory address at the opening of the Medical School at University College London, 1879, and various lectures on anatomy, 1899-1918; notes, 1872-[1911], 1923-1929, on various subjects including dissection, racial characteristics, and other aspects of anatomy, and a list of books to the Anatomical Library of University College London; ten scrapbooks of anatomical drawings, 1867-1913, and undated loose anatomical drawings and medical photographs; other medical papers, 1878-[1926] and undated, including scrapbooks of medical press cuttings, 1878-1914, dates and subjects of dissection classes, 1885-1900, printed papers of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 1887-1897, announcements of lectures, including some by Francis Galton, 1873-1912, papers on University reform in London, 1919, and miscellaneous others; correspondence, 1880-1930 and undated, from over 110 correspondents; personalia and ephemera, 1860-1930 and undated, including certificates, invitations and programmes, papers concerning honours including Thane's knighthood, papers relating to his death, and genealogical notes relating to the Thanes and others, and also papers concerning Lady Thane, 1884-1944; photographs, 1883-1920 and undated, including eleven photographs of Thane, 1883-1920, an undated photograph of Lady Thane, an album of photographs of their honeymoon, 1884, and a photograph of the dissecting room of University College London [1918]; box of bones and fossils.
Sans titreLetters, notes and photographs of eminent members of University College staff and others, mostly addressed to Sir John Reynolds. There are two letters to William Sharpey and notes by Augustus De Morgan.
Sans titreNotebooks containing lecture notes, notes on medieval French architecture, and lists of architecture students and lecture titles for various sessions.
Sans titrePapers and correspondence relating to Davidge's inventions and to patents of them.
Sans titreNotebook containing students' notes of lectures by Professor Robert Edmond Grant on comparative anatomy delivered at University College London, for the session 1832-1833, volume 2.
Sans titrePapers of Cedric Austen Bardell Smith, [1934]-2003, comprising biographical material including obituaries and tributes; copy of Smith's inaugural lecture as Weldon Professor, Life, Form and Number and papers relating to peace studies including articles published in The Friend.
Near complete run of Smith's publications, 1934-2003; book reviews; unpublished draft of a book on genetics and papers relating to Smith's co-editorship of Colson News including editorial board meetings, correspondence and master copies of all the issues.
Papers relating to talks and lectures chiefly comprising transparencies to illustrate lectures, on topics including genetics, statistical analysis, astrology, linguistics and place names.
Papers relating to 'Blanche Descartes' or 'F de Carteblanche' (an imaginary mathematician under which name a number of mathematicians, including Smith, published their work) including copies of the output of 'Blanche Descartes', 1947-1986 and an article 'The story of Blanche Descartes' in the Mathematical Gazette, 2003.
Fragments of Smith's research papers including computer print outs, punched cards and analysis of figures relating to the work of Michel Gauquelin; papers relating to the analysis of language and manuscript notes on Linkage.
Correspondence, 1966-1993.
Sans titreManuscript notes, taken by G Hamilton, on a course of lectures on geology delivered by Thomas Webster in 1827, with two letters from Webster to University College London relating to his Professorship, 1841.
Sans titreStudent's notes on lectures on Algebraic Geometry and the Calculus, given by Augustus De Morgan at University College London from 11 March to 13 May 1847.
Sans titreThe text of twelve lectures on Equity, delivered by Graves during his professorship at University College London.
Sans titreAugustus De Morgan's mathematical tracts, copied by John Power Hicks from the original manuscripts in the Library of University College London.
Sans titreOrdo Diei et Semita Vitae: Christian devotional manuscript. Written in one hand, a small neat italic with initials in red. Some annotations. There is a calendar at the end with dates from 1673 to 1722.
Sans titreManuscript material concerning Lycian inscriptions, consisting of letters to Yates and his manuscript notes, including some notes in Greek and on the Greek alphabet.
Sans titreUniversity College London typescript medical biographies.
Sans titreNotebooks of lecture notes on history.
Sans titreOne hundred and sixteen letters to Sir Oliver Lodge from various correspondents.
Sans titreAnonymous student's notes on chemistry lectures by Joseph Black (1728-1799) when Professor of Medicine and Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, on subjects including chemicals and heat.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 17th century: the Manner of Holdinge a Parliament in England in 24 Articles, comprising eight texts on parliamentary history, back to the Anglo-Saxon period, and on procedure, concerning both the House of Lords and the House of Commons and their powers.
Sans titreManuscript volume, dating from the late 15th century or early 16th century, containing astrological texts: the Wise Book of Philosophy and of Astronomy; the Teaching and the Information of the Golden Table of Master Pythagoras; the Book of Palmistry, in the English tongue. Drawings of hands and table of signs of the zodiac in the third text, folios 36r-37v, 48r. Also includes lists of names of men and women in Latin.
Sans titreManuscript, c1760, entitled 'Directions for sailing from the harbour of Halifax to Quebec, by James Cook, Master of His Majesty's Ship Northumberland'. The text is written in Cook's hand throughout. Pasted into the manuscript are a table showing latitude and longitude of capes etc (f 17r) and a list of names, mostly of native chiefs encountered in the Pacific on Cook's first and second voyages (f 18r).
Sans titreManuscript volume, 17th century, containing: Mohammed Ibn Al-Hussain Karkhi, Kitab al-kafi fi 'ilm al-hisab wa-'ilm al-misahah wa-al-khawafi (Treatise on arithmetic, geometry, land surveying etc)
Sans titreManuscript volume transcribed by Louis Bellec, 1823-1826, including 'Tragedie Sant Loeis', a play.
Sans titreCharter giving James De Douglas command of a company, formerly under the command of Lt Col Maccay, for the defence of the Netherlands, comprising one folio bearing text in a 17th-century hand, and a second folio, dated 1674, bearing text in another hand.
Sans titreManuscript volume, dated 1456, comprising miscellaneous texts:
Von Den Vier Letzen Dingen, or Quatuor Novissima (on the Four Last Things);
poem on death, in Latin and German;
Lehre Aristoteles An Konig Alexander (lesson by Aristotle to King Alexander);
untitled, beginning: Up eynre anderre stat van/ der gewaire oitmodichgeit ... ;
Klage Des Crucifixus (lament of the Crucifix), verse in German and Latin;
Tafel Des Christlichen Glaubens (table of Christian beliefs);
Gedicht Auf Die Ritterschaft Jesu (poem on the knighthood of Jesus);
three short rhymes in German and Latin;
Messiasbuch (Messiah book).
Late 14th century manuscript volume: Benediktinerregel (Rule of St Benedict), divided into 73 chapters (numbered in error as 72), each chapter consisting of a passage in Latin followed by the German translation. There are some ink sketches of monks (ff 6r, 37v, 38r, 82v) and one sketch of an abbot standing before a table (f 71r). The front cover bears a strip of parchment with the inscription: 'Regula Benedictj / Jn Theutunice'. The volume also contains a list of monastic orders with descriptions of the characteristic dress of each order (ff 94r-94v); the text of regulations, in Latin, containing many quotations from the Latin Rule (f 95r-97ra); and the later inscription 'Jste liber p[er]tinet ad mo[na]ste[r]iu[m] ot[e]nbure[n] (this book belongs to the monastery of Ottobeuren) (f 104r).
Sans titreManuscript volume, early 15th century, 'Das Büchlein vom schauenden und vom wirkenden Leben', bearing on the inside front cover 'Homiliensammlung, 14 Jh', but the contents comprise not merely a collection of homilies, but a complete text discussing the active and contemplative life, as exemplified by Martha and Mary, and include quotations from the New Testament and other religious texts. The original manuscript of the treatise, of which this is apparently a later and hastily written copy, was apparently written in Paris (f 2v), possibly by a disciple of Meister Eckhart, since it includes a number of quotations from him. A parchment book-guard in the centre of quires 1 and 2 bears Latin text in a 13th-century hand.
Sans titrePrayer Book, 1592.
Sans titreManuscript volume, dated 1488: Mystische Traktate (mystical treatises). Possibly two originally independent manuscripts bound together. Book-guards consist of strips of parchment bearing text in a 14th century script.
Sans titreGebetbuch (Book of Prayers), early 15th century.
Sans titreGebetbuch (Book of Prayers), c1521, including prayers to the Virgin (one in verse) and to St Catherine. Preceded by a calendar, including tables for the Golden Number and a table of signs of the zodiac.
Sans titreGebetbuch (Book of Prayers), 1466, including visitation of the sick, administration of the Last Sacrament, and burial of the dead.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 17th century, 'Das Crocodil. Ein Schauspiel' (the Comedy of the Crocodile).
Sans titreManuscript volume, 15th century, containing a German translation of Guido Delle Colonne, 'Historia Troiana and Alexander Der Grosse' (history of Troy and Alexander the Great, ff 1r-97v and 98r-154v respectively). The binding bears on the back: Romances. M.S.
The binding includes strips of parchment from manuscripts of the 13th century and 1320.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 18th century, containing Grágás (Laws of the Icelandic Commonwealth).
Sans titreManuscript volume, 1826, labelled on the spine 'Edda Snorra Sturlusonar', containing selections: Skrifud á Stavafelli í Loniinnann Aústur Skaptafells Sýsin, af Petri Sveinssyni ...
Sans titreUndated holograph poem by Einar Benediktsson, 'Ódáinsaevi'.
Sans titreManuscript volume, late 15th or early 16th century, containing Juvenal's Satirae 1-16 (satires).
Sans titreManuscript volume, 15th century, containing astronomical and religious treatises, preceded by calendar. Includes astrological treatises, prayers and Latin rhymes. At least some portions of the manuscript were written by a scribe, A D (perhaps Antonius de Meer), at Hertogenbosch in Brabant. Tables and diagrams throughout, some coloured, some with adjustable portions. Coloured ink drawing on folio 11v. Other inserts pasted in, possibly woodcut illustrations, have been removed. One entry on folio 183v is dated 1489.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 19th century [before 1876]: Richard Troward's 'Latinum inverso ordine vocabularium' (Latin vocabulary in reverse order), possibly in his own hand.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 14th century: Novum Testamentum Latinum (Latin New Testament).
Sans titreManuscript volume, 1532, containing St Bonaventure's 'Legenda Beatissimi patris nostri Francisci' (Life of St Francis). The pastedowns are two leaves of a 12th-century homiliary.
Sans titreManuscript volume, 15th century, containing Bartholomew of Pisa's 'De Conformitate Vitae Sancti Francisci Ad Vitam Domini Jesu Christi' (On the conformity of the life of Saint Francis to the life of our Lord Jesus Christ) and lists of privileges etc granted to the Friars Minor (Franciscans), extracted from papal registers by Marcus Trevisanus, minister of the Roman province. The list is dated 1418 in the rubric on folio 313v.
Sans titre